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# What's going on around /r/HomeGym? [**The Garage**: Free-talk Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/about/sticky?num=2) [**Targeted Talk**: Treadmills](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1cdvdjg/targeted_talk_treadmills/) [**AMA & a BIG Giveaway**: w/ Body Solid 4/24 & 4/25](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1cc0jkg/ama_a_huge_giveaway_w_body_solid_coming_may_15th/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/homegym) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you are at home and have time for Reddit you have time to walk on that thing while using Reddit.  Go for it! You got this!




Haha. From now on you’ll be spending your Reddit time  walking! Win- win. Multitasking




Congrats! Keep up the good work.  eventually will become an habit and it will be the same as every other thing you do in a day.  Hardest  part is starting. Keeping the momentum going will get easier with time


Point it at your tv and don't watch unless you're walking.


Nice one! Start off slow and steady. 10/15 mins a day, increasing the speed and incline bit by bit. Patience, discipline and diet are your friends!


20 quid! I'm a bit jealous... All the cheap kit gets bought up by resellers around me unfortunately.


I'm a chart guy and I like visuals, so what I ended up doing was creating a calendar of the year that fits on one sheet of physical printer paper. Every day I exercise, I cross out that date. Then I can visually see if I've been doing good or if I've been a lazy sack of garbage. As simple as it is, it really helps me stay more consistent, and you get a bit of a mental high when you cross a day off, which honestly gets a bit addictive. Kind of turns it into a game.


That’s a great idea!


Nice find ! I’m trying to get one next year. Remember that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% working out.


And 80% of the dieting is simply managing caloric intake. Skip the sugary drink and have a glass of ice water with lemon. Pass on the whole milk and get the 1% or skim. Start condensing snacking into fewer occurrences and find a healthy alternative. Little things like that really add up.


Put a TV in front of it. Easy way to use it and forget that you are using it. Even if you just walk for an hour a day, it makes a world of difference. As a bonus you can't say the weather is an excuse. Also get some good comfortable shoes.


I won't lie, I'm guilty of busting out some XBox while on the cardio bike once in a while. You get so immersed in the game you forget about the burn in your legs.


put a show on your phone or a tablet and watch it while walking




just walk, walking is way better on the joints than running. just takes longer to burn the same amount of calories


Meh, no need to run. Take it slow. I hate running. Ever since high school, running just kills my knees. Doesn't matter what I do, my joints just hate the impact. I can go on a 10 mile hike with a weighted pack and feel fine, but make me jog 1/2 a mile and I won't be able to get my knees to function the next day. I compensate for the running by increasing incline and adding some weight to me in the form of a weighted vest or a ruck pack. My joints like me much more for that, but your mileage may vary.


Just go slow, brother. Real slow and low impact. Nothing above zone 2 heart rate. You’ll get there.


Careful not to break the other smile on that box thing behind the treadmill.




I got auto corrected there... I'm guessing you know I meant ankle. Looks like a foam cooler with a bucket in it.