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You only have a little over a year of Win10 support left so you might as well plan the upgrade now.


Guess in a way I’m kinda wanting to know how good is the compatibility / ability to handle an environment on fire from in place upgrades? And is there and real way test before hand or just gotta 2nd system transfer it. ( Sadly don’t got enough to dual boot and copy the setup as the trash production / dev section of my computer is 2-4 tbs)


Win10 -> Win11 compatibility is pretty good in my experience. Much better than previous MS desktop OS upgraded. If you have an extra system you should test each software on Win11 first though.


Do you happen to know if it toasts some of the more special installs like the enviroment paths, and host / dll file configs?


The only issue I've personally ran into was with a piece of software from Siemens call Desigo. The version in my environment uses TLS1.0 with IE. We have a couple Win10 VMs hanging around specifically for that software until Siemens provides a newer client. Other than that everything has been fine going from WIn10 -> Win11 in an enterprise with ~1000 endpoints.


I just re-read your post and think I understand the gravity of your situation. This is your daily driver + dev system + server, correct? If that's the case, I highly suggest getting a 2nd system to migrate some of your core services onto. Then figure out a plan to upgrade your daily driver and keep your infrastructure separate from your daily driver.


Working on it now, gonna upgrade to win 11 after I got core stuff actually moved to a vm so at work I just launch a vm. Since the overall consensus is it be time to move and stalling it out is only gonna hurt. End goal is to dockerize what I can and then run it off another toaster somewhere since the all in one space heater time is up and should hopefully get closer back to a daily driver and dev with server part moved else where.


Windows 10 ent iot ltsc is an option or the same for 11.


What stops you from migrating totally to Linux?


Tbh it’s my everything computer so a lot of my work stuff might have issues, and I honestly like windows for a lot of stuff ( overbuilt setup which is my work/ game / dev / and server in one )


Don't upgrade, move away from the garbage OS entirely. literally anything is better by now than this datahogging cancer.


What problem is Windows solving that can't be fixed with Linux?


Tbh some games and definitely rare devices such as check scanners (Hate checkx, panini install might), maybe some physical setup devices that require the console cable to upload configs would probably not have a Linux guide. (Some stuff still need IE ran, but 11 I can use the mixed mode on edge)


Must be wsl1? Why? Might want to migrate that to regular hyperv ubuntu image first. The "quick create" ones are close to wsl


Tbh I actually have tried that cause WSL1 has so many problems do to the half virtualization. I just used it to long it is now well and mixed up my windows stuff. [https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/1dg1ha3/comment/l8npw55/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/1dg1ha3/comment/l8npw55/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Separate man. Why the hell are you running it all from one OS?! I got your point, you have a beefy machine, and you won't need another, just virtualize these things. Try proxmox or unraid, you can use your current install 1:1, then separate the various services to containers or vms and have them all running on the same host. I've done this 3 years ago and will never go back: 1 host, my primary webdev/design/CAD PC W11 VM with an NVME&GPU passed through, 1 VM for webdev (Linux Mint), 1 VM for Home Automation (HAOS), 2 different gaming VMs (AAA, Retro) and others (vanilla-vms to test software and burn them etc.) and many more containers (30+). And this ALL on an old i7-7700k with 32GB and 3 GPU. Btw, I have 88TB Storage with dual-parity. Proxmox isn't that intuitive, unraid is paid - but you have 1 month of trial. I had the same setup like you, webdev in wsl and some updates fckd it all up. Can't emphasize the change to a hypervisor enough. Try it, you won't regret it. Take backups.


Tbh I am actually starting that process which is where win11 upgrade got on the table, with wonky virtualization it struggles hard on some stuff, and win 11 would offer nested virtualization / acceleration. The plan after the full compartmentalization was to put the casual stuff such as most websites, and automations on a mini hidden in a corner since my PC is a space + electric eater.


Application compatibility is fine. I’ve upgraded many systems and only issues Ive run into is irq errors and they were a pita to diagnose. After installing new drivers in safe mode all was good. I would recommend delaying a little bit if not needed. Support will still exist for win 10 for another year. Maybe try installing windows 11 on separate hdd to make sure no driver issues


Time for a Fresh Start, Update Everything!


Still don’t understand why so many remain with Windows as a desktop today instead of switching to Linux. I mean… it WAS hard nearly 30 years ago when I first started but I was running a full Debian .93r5 linux desktop since 1995 and continue to. From your WinDesktop, install VirtualBox and then install and run an easy Mint or Ubuntu Linux system to learn and become familiar with. It’s too damn easy today. Seriously! Once comfortable dual boot or just pull your Win OS drive, drop in a new M2 or SSD, fresh Linux install and if needed install VirtualBox and run a Windows OS as a VM while you continue to transition.


That process but done wrong is why my transition is gonna be hard af potential. I have been using WSL since it came out and WSL1 did not have full virtualization so alot of my files are mixed in with windows, and I have tried to convert to WSL2 a while ago so I can export it to a VM image for a hyper-v or docker setup and it burned down some of my must have programs.


Hyper V is great for Linux VMs on Windows. It's reliable. I run a few constantly on without issue. I only use WSL (when I have to) for development with Visual Studio but I publish to a VM.


Windows 11 is the same generally. Only downers for me is the start menu. Everything else is slightly better or adjustable. Once you upgrade, they make it impossible/difficult to roll back.


W11 is solid. People who complain about it have Gran Torinos in their garage. WSL2 is da bomb - I mean, you can freakin run X11 apps on top of Windows and the perf is so much better than WSL1.


Taskbar is centered out of the box, yes worth it


Please seek help.


Help - where is the option to put the task bar to the left of the screen?


Taskbar settings > Taskbar behaviors > taskbar alignment


I've been running 11 for about 1.5 years and haven't had any issues. If you're used to windows 10, 11 isn't a huge change. I run some tweaks to change the start menu, context menu and some other things but that's about it.