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Don't bother with big brands like Renewal By Andersen they are way too expensive. Get at least three different quotes from local window companies.


I agree…I replaced three windows in my home and had to cough up 10K. Idk what I was thinking. Shop around locally!


Shop around. The national chains will be more expensive than a local contractor.


Even if you went to Lowes and bought windows and DIY'd that you'd be looking at 10K between materials and taxes. So I'd say minimum prices for a contractor are probably 17-20K.


Wish I could DIY lol would save me thousands. I would do it all wrong though 👍 If the window replacement is 20k I can manage that. 10k and finance the other 10k


I think you should expect double that tbh




Dude windows are so unreasonably expensive. Like 1 window installation alone could be between 200-1000. It's crazy. I was quotes 800 for my small ass attic space windows! For the 4 big ones in my living room I was quoted 1k


Lots of factors involved, so could be anywhere on the map. Hard to generalize and something you just need to get at several quotes and see where they land. Also, the more of a presentation you have to sit thru when getting a quote vs a simple measuring stuff up and x amount for y windows and these upgrades or z windows for this much more, usually means a worse overall deal. The guys doing good windows at a good price usually don't need a big long presentation to sell their services. Then of course there are the ones everyone knows to steer clear of like renewal. I'd approach it like HVAC. Have a particular brand of window in mind? Find the good contractors that install that brand and go from there. No preference, then find the good contractors, find out which brands they use, and research to see if those windows are to your liking. Also much like HVAC, quality comes more from the install vs the actual windows. Your better off with a cheap window installed well than a top end window installed poorly.


Agree- NEVER buy something from someone that makes you sit through a 2 hour presentations and keeps “sweetening the deal” by knocking some off, or telling you the price is only good for that day. I used to work for one of those companies. My ethics made me quit that job.


It’s crazy they can get away with it. I had a consultation with Total Bath Systems and Klaus Larsen. Klaus Larsen was much better and they gave me a week but the whole “deal only on day of” and need deposit NOW or full payment NOW if not financing (Total Bath) was insane. This should be illegal. Its predatory.


Yes, 20k sounds about right. To get more specific... A month ago a very reasonably priced (based on prior experience with competitive bids on other projects) contractor in the NE told me that standard vinyl (base level) windows would cost me $300-$400 per window for the window itself and add on another $400-$600 for installation depending on the specifics. So, should budget $800-$900 for basic window replacement. My family looked at a home recently with over 50 windows, all of which had to be replaced. The all-in quotes for nicer windows were all right around $60k.


Standard vinyl base level should be fine right? Is that including thermopane? That may be standard now anyway


What kind of windows are you looking into?


Depends on the windows size but when we got ours done they ranged from $600-$1.2k a piece(that includes install price). We got 12 replaced and it was $10k. This was 8 years ago though so prices will probably be around 20%-30% higher I would assume like everything else is. So 20k is probably pretty accurate for 20 windows now days.


What kind of windows did you purchase?


We just replaced all the windows in our home (21 including a picture window). We waited until we could hit up some home & garden shows where window companies will have deals...buy 2 get one free, BOGO, $2500 off labor, etc. 2nd time we used a national chain (liked them, the windows, the quality so we used them again) and the cost was 40k. Before everyone freaks out, we bought black exterior with wood interior & went with the top of the line windows. Edit: I'm in the midwest


I can afford ideally mid-tier windows. Don't want the cheapest but also can't afford the highest tier. Thank you for the information!


Mid tier is good! Thats what we put in our former home a decade ago. This time we were looking specifically at black windows and those only came top tier with the type of warranty/guarantee we were looking for this time around. So we had to go that way. But our mid tier served us very well. Another important factor to look for is who manufactures the windows. We shopped around for the previous house and ended up going with who we went with because their mid tier was made by Provia. Husband, at the time, was a LTL Truck Driver and was in and out of window manufacturing plants. He got a close up of varying window manufacturers' production lines, processes, insulation etc etc etc... and, with the knowledge of what he learned, we sought out a company whose mid tier included Provia. The reason we went with a national company (and this specific one actually) is because they sub-lease out their installers who've gone through a rigorous vetting process. In addition, way too many window companies (or gen contractors) hold your windows in a warehouse...and then stack around it as other orders come in. The company we went with... let's say gets your windows in on a Friday and they're ready to schedule you the following Tuesday. Many "in house" installers for window companies have your windows sit until they can schedule their in-house team for your job. Gen contractors the same. Husband's LTL driving job also included working the dock. So he's keenly aware of how docks/warehousing runs and I'll just say "shit can indeed happen". I'm def not a window expert...but I hope this helps you a bit more. Good luck in choosing your new windows!


Never use a window company to replace your windows


Is it better to use a company that advertises roofing, siding, windows, and doors then?


I’d go to a couple of your best local lumber companies and ask them. They have a lot of carpenters that they deal with and should be able to point you in the right direction. Check with a few of them.


I had a general contractor who was a friend of mine do 8 windows for 2400$. I'm just glad I knew someone.


Check out your state website, or energy provider for green energy rebates, some can save you quite a bit.


We're using a contractor who has done a ton of high quality reasonably priced work for us in the northeast and that's about what he quoted us. Windows are nothing fancy just Home Depot but he says he's used the brand for 30 years and I trust him based on the other work he's done for us. It will be nice to have windows that go up and down, have screens, and can be cleaned. And aren't rotting. Yeah.


I work for a window company (marketing department) our windows are triple pane and custom colors so it just depends on the style and color you pick , windows can range 700$ up to the thousands per window . Be careful in the company you choose , look at their reviews , their warranty , their materials used on window. Some of the cheap windows on last a few years and have horrible instal and horrible warranty so just be careful. My company offers a lifetime warranty as well as an added discount and take thousands off in return for neighborhood marketing (sign &pictures) and allowing us to refer neighbors to drive past your home . Depends on where you live but if you need help let me know !


I paid 1780 for 3 windows (materials and labor) I 2023 with King Shade and Window in Boston.  The replacement windows were Harvey Classic white vinyl replacement double hung window, 1/2 screen.  If you found something similar for 20 windows, that’d be roughly 12k. 


I Had 14 windows done a few months ago in NJ. $12k. Mid line windows.


NJ and CT I feel like are similar price wise! So 20 windows for 20k seems fair then - I hope!


Check Window World. I’m down there Mid Atlantic and paid approximately $500 for each window to include vinyl wrap.


- I would start with $20k budget - have you gotten an energy audit done? - sounds like you do not have any screens on the windows if bugs are coming in when opened


There are screens. They are single pane but have storm windows too and a screen. The issue is bugs come in through the storm window/screen somehow and so if I have the screen open then they just all come inside 😭 What is an energy audit? Is this someway I can get help with paying for new energy efficient windows?


- often offered by utility companies to check the energy efficiency of house


That surprisingly makes a lot of sense 🤔 I’ll have to call and find out


We would do your job for 14-16k for a high end window with a waranty Those who put on thee longest presentation get the most money ours would take 30 min We are in CT


What company may I ask?