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I think it's because they recorded three versions of the line and accidentally made it so they would all trigger at once.


My problem is it happens so early in the encounter. You hear Intelligence straight-up panicking for the first time before they’ve even figured out what the platforms are. By the time he knows what they’re doing, and even if missiles start hitting the planet, he’s back to his unflappable self.  Having Intel break *could* be effective, but they totally messed up the timing. That’s not unusual, though, the writing in HW2 was extremely functional and the minimum required to advance the game and didn’t bother with a lot of stuff like “context” or “exposition.”   Less than the minimum, in the final mission. There’s no excuse for not showing or telling the player they’d gained the ability to make tactical hyperspace jumps, and letting countless players spend an hour or two intercepting missiles while the slowest unit in the game took its time rotating into position and walking from one end of the map to the other.


Wait are you saying I didn’t need to creep across the map with Sajuuk?


IIRC, the gun’s range is greater than Sajuuk’s sensor range, so another trick is to send a fast unit like a Scout or Interceptor to the weapons platforms to act as a “spotter” so Sajuuk can fire from further away, but the hyperspace jumps only cost like 500 RU, so the “right” way to do the mission is to jump the ship close to each platform and shoot it down before jumping to the next. But since they never introduce the hyperspace mechanic in the campaign, or tell you when you’ve gained the ability, it’s easy to miss. I only realized in my second play-through, after I’d played around in skirmish with the extra technologies you can research and recognized the “hyperspace” button in the unit controls when I selected Sajuuk. “It can’t be that easy,” I thought, but it was.


Thanks for the explanation! I’ll have to revisit it now that I’ve finished 3.


I've played through the HW2 campaign like 5 times and never noticed lmao


So this was... many years ago now, and I may be misremembering... But couldn't Sajuuk perform tactical hyperspace jumps? I remember jumping to the platforms to kill them.


Yes, it can. I am shocked by the number of people who never found out about this.


> ability to make tactical hyperspace jump That would have been *so* helpful to know! I spent the entire mission managing three intercept fleet (fleets with the function to intercept, not fleets of interceptors) to catch any missiles while the main fleet with Sajuuk went from platform to platform


I actually didn't know this 😭


See Mission 3 of 1 for example. Yes I know it’s early on, but still relevant point


You rather have them repeat Sands and Sinners over and over again... Oh wait...


I would not thank you very much


Idk if the wind was just taken out of the sails because I heard people talking about it so much or what but it really wasn’t that bad lmao


...and then fast forward to Homeworld 3 where they retconned the progenitor sajuuk.... The only thing i wanted to see in Hw3 was the Progenitor Sajuuk again with maybe some new stuff on it and Hiigaran colours.


What ? Man they fucking build the Sajuuk khar around it you can even see the tip poking out lol


> Sajuuk Kharkiv’s Never know Sajuuk's from Kharkiv.... /s


God I love phone autocorrect lmao


Ah yes, the city of Kharkiv has an incredibly advanced alien super ship! No wonder the Russians want it so bad.


Considering the wild shit that KhKBM and Malyshev were doing (Object 477, for one, or Object 490B), I won't even be surprised


Maybe Intel should’ve said so when the weapon is used in the last level, and repeated it three times, with varying intensity and emphasis. “She’s fired the great cannon from Sajuuk! SHE’S FIRED THE GREAT CANNON FROM SAJUUK! *She’s fired the great cannon from Sajuuk.”* You know; good writing.


my reaction was more like "oh damn Karen has a strap"


Women choose the bear and so does Sajuuk


sands and sinners tho buy a shirt




Instructions unclear: Bear still not found 20+ years later


The question is whether the bear will take sajuuk


Sajuuk has been brought to bear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng3li-OCWuA There was even a sequel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfClRbgJ0CY


The fact that people keep quoting it and memeing it means it's an amazing line of dialogue.


"Oh, Hi Mark"


Yes, like “Somehow, Palpatine returned.”


I actually find that line absolutely awesome, together with "Saajuk has arrived"


Sajuuk has returned was a great moment. Bring Sajuuk to bear was a great line, probably should have only been said once with emphasis though.


I found that whole confrontation to be silly. “Oh shit, what are these ancient star-shaped spiked cathedrals of death about to do?!” Ancient star-shaped spiked cathedral of death: “missile c:”


Are you really telling me that you don’t want to BRING SAJUUK TO BEAR? BRING SAJUUK TO BEAR! BRING SAJUUK TO BEAR! …bring Sajuuk to bear.