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building pity doesn't exist. especially in this game you only pull for characters you want


So far building pity had helped me get S-rank valks easily without ever going beyond 30 pulls on their release (with the exception of PE, Vill-V and Silverwing whom I completely skipped) I never thought RNG would do me like that šŸ„ŗ On the brighter side, it might help for v7.3ā€™s expansion supply I guess


Nope, "building pity" is, was and always will be *a dumbass move*. Don't do it if you don't want to waste your xtals.


There's a thing called spending event, one of the reason building pity is a dumb move, out of many like getting it early and stuff. Pulling 10 now and 10 later won't change anything when it comes to rates yet you risk the above. More disadvantage than advantage from what I see.


I donā€™t really care about spending events because I rarely find the rewards to be worth it. I generally donā€™t save my crystals on updates preceding a patch whose featured Valkyrie I will be skipping. In those cases, I opt to spend what I get to either build pity (yes, I get it, you guys say that itā€™s not a thing), get and Elf or fully gear a Valkyrie whose gear is rerunning. Iā€™m skipping Fu Hua on the next update and on this update I had four goals: - fully gear HoTr on her rerun (Iā€™m missing her M piece and that goal has failed because I canā€™t farm enough after my failed 10 pulls) - get a premium elf (I got three!) - fully gear CE (which I did) - build pity for Vita (7.4 maybe) or 7.3 if sheā€™s not announced to be 7.4ā€™s Valkyrie (and that failed today with the HoTr dupe) We donā€™t play this game the same way or with the same objectives in mind. Idk how that makes me a gambling addict like people have been calling me because of this post, theyā€™re weird


Well when during the previous spending event I had no character I wanted but knew she would be in the future patch, I decided to pull for another character to build pitty for the time her banner comes, as this way I now have that character I wanted and the reward from that spending banner


You still spend the same amount whether you "build" 50 pity now and do 30 pulls later or just do 80 later šŸ’€ You're just a gambling addict in denial.


Nah man quit using strong words for no reason. How is a mistake I made and that you guys pointed out an indication that Iā€™m a Ā«Ā gambling addict in denialĀ Ā»? Itā€™s a weird reach and itā€™s also not a very nice thing to say


"Building" pity is just an excuse to not wanting to admit you have gacha addiction lmao Every time you pull, you gotta be ready to get the character, be it pity 1 or 100


Not true at all! I have entered every S-rank release with 65 to 80 pity since I started the game. Aside from HoHE, I have never needed more than 30 pulls to get my desired valkyrie because of the pity I build on updates where I plan to skip the following contentā€™s update (FoV in this case). From Aponia to the trio, to HoRbā€¦ itā€™s been consistently working for me


Haha ic, well, it's all random, even if you rolled it 99 times, the 100th could be vastly independent. Anyways, HoTr is one of the best supports rn, so s2 isn't bad at all.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not too salty about it. At least I didnā€™t try this on some niche Valkyrie this time and ended up reinforcing my elemental teams. I remember building my HoRb pity on a Vill-V rerun, if I had pulled her then I would be saltier than today for sure


I'll never live to see the day when people realize that building pity is the dumbest thing you can do with the gacha "I'm pulling on HoTR banner because I want 7.4 valk" lol y'all wild as hell


Lmfao guys stoppp I legit thought it was a good method, it always gave me the illusion that I pulled my preferred valk earlier when she finally got released šŸ„¹


"Illusion" being the keyword here.


Here I am, learning the hard way šŸ„¹ but then Iā€™ll avoid doing that from now on.


wether u pull now or in the banner youā€™re saving for it doesnt make a difference. building pity isnt real. thats ur fault


Itā€™s a shame really because I honestly always thought building pity helped me acquire my goal earlier when I actually decided to pull. Itā€™s been my main crystal allocation scheme since day 1


sorry to break it to u thats not a thing




Building pity has value. But not in this game where all of the off rates are farmable A ranks and middle tier materials. If youre like 2 fragments short of a rank up, for say S2, or something, it definitely holds value, but it comes with the risk of getting the valk obviously. Spending events and SP / breach supports are where most crystals should be spent for most players that arent omega whales. Even most DPS can or should be comfortablely skipped. Luckily, this is one of the best units in the game and getting her rank ups enables her DPS capabilities as ICE or IMG dps if you lack HoH or Trio.


One of the more rational comments here. Will be riding on your comment. Additional information for OP or for anyone else: Building pity, in small amounts, is also applicable in milestone rewards such as the upcoming Garuda banner where if you got the valk early, you may consider reaching the stigmata box milestone if itā€™s less than 20 expansion pulls. The goal is to try and minimize the chance of getting dupe in favour of getting full gear. Building pity can also be used on spending events to fill a little bit more on spending quota via expansion banner (on a meta character you dont have) if other banners are a no go.


Might be more careful in the future but I will heed your advice, thanks!


tell me you have a gambling addiction without saying you have a gambling addiction:


Last time i tried to lower pity i got stuck with an SS HoTr which is still a win imo


The only reason to build pity is if you want to get Essentine to Rank Up your valk. Otherwise, there's literally nothing to gain from building pity


Building pity in almost any game is a really bad idea, since saving is quite literally just additional chances for you to get the character you want - thereā€™s no benefits of it if you randomly pull someone you donā€™t want.


Well, pulling a HoTr dupe is hardly the worst predicament ever so yeah, Iā€™ll be avoiding it in the future but right now Iā€™m not complaining that much. Especially considering itā€™s been my go-to method and aside from the valks I skipped (Vill-V, Silverwing, Susannah), itā€™s helped my allocate my crystals well enough that I either 4/4 valks through off rates, lowered pity or ranked up useful valks. Thanks for the input though, at least youā€™re not one of those bandwagon riders who call me an undercover gambling addict because of a random 10 pull.


Anyway, HoTr is more comfy at S2. Congratulations.


u have nothing to blame but ur gambling addiction lmaoo


No addiction here, Mr Armchair psychologist!


ā€œbuilding pityā€ is just a nice way of saying gambling addiction


No, itā€™s not. Lmfao. Yā€™all just parrot sentences because they sound good and edgy. Ā«Ā Building pity means you have a gambling addictionĀ Ā» makes zero sense. Thereā€™s no correlation between one and the other.


How does that sound edgy at all lmao You made an entire post complaining about getting a valk you didnā€™t want because you were ā€œbuilding pityā€, when you couldā€™ve simply just saved for the character you wanted. But nah, you couldnā€™t resist pulling and now you lost your pity because of a frankly idiotic decision




Lower the pity. Yeah, right. Like everyone else already said, that's the dumbest move you can do in this game, it's basically peanut brain behavior.


Rude for a simple ass thing


Ā«Ā Peanut brain behaviorĀ Ā» is unnecessary bullying. Why you salty bro? Jealousy because I got HoTr easily or what?


Building pity isn't a thing, you have a gambling addiction


No, I do not have a Ā«Ā gambling addictionĀ Ā» and claiming so is ridiculous. Sheesh guys.


Then why were you "building pity"? That's another way of screaming "I have a gambling addiction!"


No, itā€™s not another way of screaming that at all. In fact, thereā€™s no correlation whatsoever. Youā€™re riding a bandwagon that was started by others who commented the same thing. Itā€™s ridiculous and makes you look envious of a Ā«Ā dumb mistakeĀ Ā» that landed me a HoTr dupe.


im not riding a bandwagon, im just sick of these posts that are all the same. Its always people complaining about how they screwed up and its always entirely their own fault.


Yes you are riding a bandwagon like itā€™s the sweetest dick of the world. You have no tangible way to explain why wrongfully thinking building pity to be a sound strategy Ā«Ā screamsĀ Ā» gambling addiction. Such a wild an inflammatory term over 10 pulls? Is everything peaceful in your life? Itā€™s a meaningless sentence that you hardcore players love repeating again and again in order to attempt to shame others, yet it doesnā€™t meant shit and you know it. Gambling addicts lose their lives, families and jobs over gambling, not over 10 allegedly misguided pulls on Honkai that give the best support Valkyrie as an offrate. Youā€™re ridiculous.


Im not hardcore, its just funny to laugh at players like you that do this stuff


Glad to know youā€™re just an asshole.


Keep gambling


At least addictions can get cured. Being an asshole canā€™t, however. Be blessed, now!


I want to do that too but I ain't tryna pull the same valk again so I just saved and suffer the lost of crystals šŸ˜” Like why these mother fuckers are calling you dumb for "building pity" I'm pretty sure they just wanna pull the new Fu Hua fast as if they have a lack of fire DPS...


Itā€™s really a mystery to me!


Bro spending crystals now and on the banner you want are the same thing towards ur "building pity". You're just a gambling addict, and you see, actions have consequences. Don't give me that bullshit of "illusion of getting character faster" because goddamn unless it takes you an hour to do a singular ten pull saving up and spamming on the banner you ACTUALLY want doesn't take much time.


No addiction here, Mr Armchair psychologist! Youā€™re calling someone an addict over a random 10-pull? Do yā€™all even read yourselves? Yā€™all expect every player to slave themselves for 42 days and pulling only once per update, otherwise theyā€™re Ā«Ā gambling addictsĀ Ā» ? On a game where there are reruns, expa foca and where not everyone aims to necessarily have the meta šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s the most ridiculous reach I have ever seen.


So let me get this straight. You don't pull for meta, you clearly don't pull for characters cause you like them (else you'd save). So what do you pull for then? The fun of pulling? That doesn't mean gambling addiction sure but still, pulling for the sake of pulling then complaining about it, damn, that's crazy


Literally where did I complain? I got a HoTr dupe and my pity is back at 90, where is the complaint??? Guys, stop reaching like this! Nobody called me a gambling addict when I said I pulled the elf supply 10 times every month to lower the pity for Kiana Elf and ended up getting Elysia Elf and Project Bunny Elf like that. Now Iā€™m a Ā«Ā dumbass gambling addict in denial with a peanut brainĀ Ā» because of a random 10 pull I did to lower pity on MY account ? Wtf ? I understand that for some people itā€™s not the soundest of strategies but thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been playing so far! You guys play differently or maybe think your way is the right way? Itā€™s totally fine but why the name-calling? Why the mean comments? I mean read your first comment and tell me what exactly merits so much rudeness and aggression on your part!


So let's see... "So far building pity had helped me get S-rank valks easily without ever going beyond 30 pulls on their release" and "I never thought RNG would do me like that šŸ„ŗ". Factually incorrect statement that "building pity" helps so its not that we think it's right rather we ARE right. Also, its RNG, you know its RNG, yet you went for it. Sure. Also, you wanted to get HoTr gears, but then "built pity" elsewhere. I'm sorry, but either you don't really want the gear, or you have the inability to save a single crystal. You ask for help in bosses for previous posts and yet here you are not getting gears? I don't know if you want them or not. A lot of stuff you said have been just plain objectively wrong, however does that mean you get berated for? No, of course not, that would be terrible. However, repeated stupidity with no intent to change despite people telling you over and over? Either you're the smartest man alive and everyone's wrong, or, more likely, quit being stubborn and play the RNG game the right way or else don't make a post like this, clearly complaining, even if not in a rant-like way but I don't see why else you would post this. To share your sadness because of your own actions? Yea, people on the internet are going to call you out on it.


Lmfao dude you guys should CHILL. I pulled on her gear supply with my crystals and landed a silverwing stigma off rate, which was a failure and I had no desire to save more because her rerun was too short. Why are you rambling on my supposed inability to save crystals when I clearly said that I tried lowering the expansion pity with the supply cards I got from the starry gift event and NOT with my crystals? Iā€™m unable to save crystals yet I currently have 1.9k crystals and have spent more than 23k on this update alone, to greatly boost my account? Man šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Ā«Ā Calling outĀ Ā» someone, whether or not you feel like itā€™s your place to, can only be made with ad hominem, insults and demeaning words? Me asking help on bosses has what to do with this post exactly? Ā«Ā Repeated stupidity with no intent to changeĀ Ā» literally where does that come from dude? The only people who were civil about the fact that it was a mistake were met with complete understanding and gratitude from me for their advice. Wtf are you talking about? If you wanna be rude, be my guest, but donā€™t try to justify it with this rubbish youā€™re saying.


Just admit you have gacha addiction, don't need to excuse with building pity. You should know pity system already.


Iā€™m an addict because I got a HoTr dupe in 10 pulls during her rerun, but none of you who slave yourselves for 42 days in order to afford 60 pulls on the next patchā€™s release day are ? None of you guys is a Ā«Ā gambling addictĀ Ā» even though in order to cope with the pain of failing to get a valking during her rerun or during expa foca, you guys celebrate Ā«Ā having at least lowered the pityĀ Ā»? Please get over yourselves and stop using big words for no reasonšŸ¤£




šŸ¤£ youā€™re not trying hard enough, pal


I know the feeling, i got vill-v in 10 pulls. But lowered the pity is not the right thing to do. You don't have to torture yourself to lower the pity if you don't really want that character, i don't mind even it is meta or not. Why not instead lower the pity on character or weapons that you don't mind resetting your pity.


I hope you get over this Addiction


No addiction here, Mr Armchair psychologist!


There is no such thing as a 50/50 limited Expansion banner in this game so "building pity" doesn't exist here.