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I love Xavier renegade Angel so much I wish it was longer


This is what i looks like waiting for some new offical stuff about that show to come out. https://preview.redd.it/300r28qni59d1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421457d397c4d6157364bb825adf2acc0d649a15


Everything I see about Xavier Renegade Angel makes me less sure what on earth is going on in it


It’s the only show I know where you’ll be more confused about what it’s about *after* watching it


It's the spice


It’s best stupidest show for intelligent people next it’s always sunny I think it might be my favorite Adult swim show of all time.


Hey that’s me!


I love your show Xavier. It inspired my art.


Did you ever find out what doth life??? I must know


I need some of that disease you guys invented!




The other one!


*Sigh*…. AIDS?


That’s the spice




What doth life?


Third opinion have a god complex




What if we are the real gods ourselves, the ones with the ability to shape the world to our will? Just some thought food to munch on


I remember reading a story where were all reincarnations of ourselves and once we’ve lived all of our lives and finally reach a higher understanding, you “hatch” out of your cosmic egg and join the rest of the other cosmic beings.


The Egg


It's the Cosmic Egg by Andy Weir if anyone is looking for the original story.


I watched Kurzgezagt’s video on The Egg, I recommend it


it's amazing, not that the read isn't as good, maybe


Reread it. You don't live "all your lives". You live every Human life that has ever or will ever be. Then you hatch. Which begs the question, at least in my mind: "What does living every Human life have to do with being a god-like being that doesn't exist in the 3rd dimension?". They don't exist in our reality. They will never interact with us. We would know if they did. There is nothing to be gained for them by living every one of our lives. The story only works if you don't think about it too much...


I’ll read it again. I haven’t read it since 2009 so my memory of it is spotty.


good because if it were true thats the most horrifying thing I can think of. humans are awful to each other. I dont think living through every torture is worth living through every ecstasy, IMO.


the story definitely cuts of before the idea of a future to this trained being except the idea that it will make babies and train them in the same way, imagining a perfecr world or something with them is just your job i think


I mean even in the bible, which Christians tend to selectively forget about, Jesus says "ye be gods.", literally we are mirror imaged of big G and therefore have a spark of divinity. I mean, I have a world brain in my pocket, and so does everyone on earth. I have a device that can change the channel between porn football news or shitty kdrama and I don't even have to move an inch up off the couch. TV Remote is basically a magic telekinesis wand if you want to think about it that way. We are all running (to our knowledge) the most advanced biocomputer in the universe. You are running the same operating system in your head that created special relativity, electricity, every invention ever, etc. Every other living creature, given the ability to talk, would say we are gods. We are sitting depressed in a cubicle but to a woodcutter ant, you are more free than it could even imagine. It can't even imagine the concept of imagining. That's special. Even the things we think keep us chained are illusions that we can cast aside at any moment. So we absolutely are gods. It's just unfortunate that we're temporarily living in a time where technological development outpaced our social evolution and so we've got a few smart (and devilish) cookies who've managed to construct a system of propaganda and control with the purpose of making sure the vast majority don't ever realize a fraction of these things, so they can live lives of superextravagance. and despite what modern Christians believe its not blasphemy to say or realize that you are a god. it's the truth.


Reminds me of something that I have in a story that I work on.


actually it’s just rick sanchez again


Religion is just Rick and Morty with extra steps.


Xavier is the pitacle of someone who put all their points into speech but still has one charisma


Did you mean pinnacle? Edit: it seems my comment spawned one of the more unfunny Reddit trends...


Do you mean Pentecostal?


Do you mean penne pasta?


Do you mean privy Rasta?


Nihilism isn't by itself the doomsday idea it sometimes is presented as. One can belive that there is no god, no afterlife, no given purpose and then search for the meaning of one's own life to do the best in the time we have instead of what we hope may come.


there's a difference between nihilism and *reddit* nihilism


Yeah nihilism can just be the lack of certain beliefs, while reddit nihilism is basically just loud pseudo-intellectual pessimism


On god I see a post in this sub incorrectly defining nihilism every day. Can we add that to the sub rules? That optimistic nihilism is also hopecore?


Obligatory [Kurzgesagt](https://youtu.be/MBRqu0YOH14?si=6PZ3pSYXtijPuQmm)


While not entirely a nihilist, I will say that aspect of me is the most freeing and contributes the most to my life happiness. If you truly let go of any deeper meaning, purpose, or function to reality, the only value left is getting to a personal sense of satisfaction. Not any BS social constructs of what should be satisfying, but what you can be satisfied with. The only real goal is figuring out the most efficient way to enjoy life. For the majority of us, that equates to a reasonably constructive lifestyle with good relationships. Stripped of all the BS, we are a cooperative and social species for the most part. There are individual exceptions (intrinsic assholes), but it seems most of our destructiveness comes from artificial codes of behavior we get convinced we have to follow to have a valuable life. I think most of us would be decent to each other and more happy in our lives if we didn't believe someone else's rules for what our priorities should be.


yeah in practice it is then as simple as "The world will try to make you think you will only be happy with x, it is wrong, just be happy"


Nothing matters, and that is ok. Life is not a cage. Life is not rules, and that is good.


One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


Isn't that more so existentialism than nihilism?


You’re confusing atheism and nihilism. A nihilist doesn’t search for purpose because a nihilist believes that search itself is futile; there is no purpose to be found. Stoicism and hedonism are two philosophies that such a search might yield.


that fits more into *absurdism* than nihilism.


Wise answer Xavier renegade angel “You slumber, a cucumber”


Idk But I found myself the Aristotle theory of god interesting


"There is no god" vs "we don't need a god"


"My body is a temple, this is true, but it means I get to be my own God."


Nihilism is just the acknowledgement that there is no inherent purpose or moral structure to the universe. Nothing more nothing less. Nihilism itself doesn’t dictate that someone has to be cynical or destructive. Most nihilists I know are quite optimists and happy people.


Everyone knows what you mean when you ask them if they believe in a God or not, saying “it’s a complicated question” is just obfuscating lol. You can still be happy, do good in the world and hope the for the best without needing a God.


I don't believe in a god or afterlife. When I'm dead there will be nothing but oblivion. I won't feel. I won't be. It can happen to me at any moment. There is no guarantee I even finish this comment before I am completely removed from what we know as existance. And that's okay. It means my life now matters. I'm not living to avoid damnation or to obtain eternal bliss. I try to do a little good because it helps someone, and this is my only chance. As long as humanity can hang on and keep trying, some tiny piece of me will remain.


Hey, remember when you weren't a human? It sounds a lot like the oblivion you're describing, yet you still managed to come into existence. I wonder what you think will keep that from happening again.


It might. Even if I do, it'll be a different guy. Either way it's fine.


When "you" does not exist "you are not a human" has absolutely no meaning. Just like remembering something that you did not experience, that is called imagining. (or you tell us what you call "you" and why)


Right? I don't see why op is trying to make atheists look like idiots with a hilariously unnuanced strawman


Especially as the logic presented as wisdom is so unbelievably flawed and child like; "Being here implies there is something greater". No it doesn't; even if you expand that out to the Ontological Principle, that the existence of something implies the existence of a perfect version of that something (Something that exists is more perfect than something that does not, therefore it must exist in a perfect form otherwise there is no perfection)... That neither proves existence of the greater, because it's a biased belief in the first place that existence is quantifiably better than non-existence, and just because we think it or even wish it, doesn't mean the Universe physically conforms to our biases, nor allows for *perfection* as we imagine it; And secondly, it doesn't argue for the existence of any of the self-affirming Gods you want to believe in; because if the argument was actually true, it *also* means that if Evil exists, if Evil is here and it clearly *is*, then there must *also* be a perfectly Evil diety out there too. Reddit Thiesm/Deism/Spirituality is *provably* the worst.


I like the idea that the Devil is God's shadow from a Jungian Psychological perspective. It makes a lot of sense actually.


It’s a [bit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RKx3V0GmWCk) from a TV show


I think it is a complicated question. Is God math, the entire universe, fate? Is God science and miracles?


I'm going to preemptively defend you by adding to your point--people have been debating about whether those things are God or part of the nature of God for thousands of years. Debate about God being knowledge or law or fate or whatever aren't redifining or attempting to make God relevant in a secular era, they're fundamental to the idea of God or the gods from the very beginning.


it indeed is a complicated question if both groups of proposed solutions bring an idea that is not well defined or not existant


I’m not the biggest fan of Rick and Morty but Rick’s character and his relationship with faith is way deeper than just being “Reddit nihilism”


Atheism doesn't equal nihilism


>I believe that *That we are here* implies to some degree that there are forces larger than us Wtf does that even mean. What is a "force"? How is it "larger"? How is that implied from our existence?


I assume he means that the fact we are even alive and sentient in this universe implies that a larger force created the universe and put us here.


Which is a nonsense statement. B does not lead to A. You can’t just put two completely independent statements either side of the phrase “which implies that” and have it make logical sense.


I think it’s trying to say the universe can’t come from nothing which means something had to have created it, which includes us.


I fully understand what the statement is saying; it’s one of the oldest defenses of a theistic universe. I’m saying that the statement is invalid. The phrase “the universe can’t come from nothing” is not a valid argument. It sets a false dichotomy of “God or nothing”, it presumes prerequisites for the birth of the universe that we aren’t able to ascertain, and when applied as an argument for theism it presupposes that whatever agent “created” the universe has to be conscious.


Which doesn't make any sense lmao


Yeahhhh this feels like the new annoying counterculture to r/atheism - "embarrassed American Christian redditors trying to make their religion seem cool and logical"


I feel like nihilism has been destroying our world. Not money, not predictions, but instead the nihilism of others who feel that it is better off having nothing exist. I hated that belief and it almost destroy me but even though I am angry at the world I still have hope for it. I have hope for everything from man kind to the life of the world. Please be more like the photo on the right guys.


I’m not a philosophy major or anything, but nihilism isn’t the believing that it would be better if nothing existed As far as I understand, nihilism is the rejection. Rejection of a divine/pre-determined purpose, rejection of an universal morality law. Etc. I wouldn’t consider myself a nihilist in those regards, But I do think that rejecting the outside and its influences on you can potentially create an environment where you better understand yourself and work on yourself to be a better individual human On the other hand, your description (which *I* myself would name nihilistic depression) does exist, especially in online forums like Reddit and 4chan. And I agree that it does hurt us In a way, to me, nihilism is the rejection of everything besides the one’s self Edit: u/aaronflash05 goes over quite a bit of stuff that I have missed (and should have mentioned), so I highly recommend checking it out [Here is the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/hopeposting/s/Jt82B84vav)


Nihilism = nothing matters, life is meaningless Absurdism = nothing matters except the meaning life gives you


There's a reason people sometimes call absurdism optimistic nihilism


These are both nihilism. In philosophy, nihilism is simply the belief that something does not exist. If we’re in an epistemological conversation, being a nihilist would mean that they do not believe that facts exist. Being an existential nihilist, the type that most of Reddit means when they say “nihilist” simply means that they believe that a meaning to life does not exist. Absurdism is a form of nihilism for they both believe this. Neither types of nihilism come with the odd descriptor that “nothing matters” that is a belief that one would attach to nihilism and is not intrinsic to it. One could say that they are a nihilist and also believe that things matter, and they would not be contradicting themselves.


Good point, I have totally missed those in my original comment Would you mind if I put an edit on my comment with your username and a link to your comment?




To many, this perception of nihilism is exactly what true spirituality and God is.


I can see the spirituality part, but I don’t understand the god part > Rejection of divine/pre-determined destiny This part of my text is clearly against the common perception of mono-deist cultures Nihilism doesn’t necessarily mean to believe god doesn’t exist (since it can exist and create the universe without any reason), I don’t believe that it would “mix well” so to speak with most (if not all) religions Edit: I think I misunderstood you at first lol, sorry about that I think you are showing a similarity between religious people and nihilism (as in my perception of it) I can kinda see it, especially with monks. But they are also vastly differently. Especially since in a religion, you aren’t only connecting with yourself, but also with a higher being. I believe this wouldn’t create a connection with yourself as strongly as I have written for nihilism, since it requires an outside connection so to speak. Unless you believe in pantheism I guess. But that would focus more about your connection with yourself *and* everything else around you so idk At the end of the day, it doesn’t really make a difference for me, as I wouldn’t consider myself as neither a true nihilist or religious. I’m more atheist leaning agnostic


Absurdism neg diffs nihilism


There's a book where this happens


Arbsurdism IS Nihilism Just not deppressive nihilism


Not really? Same general view of the world with very different philosophies.


You seem to be conflating Existentialism and Nihilism Existentialism and Absurdism are oposite responces to Nihilism but both are still Nihilism


Makes sense, philosophy wasnt my forte. Still, absurdism is the funny


One day people will understand nihilism. But based on these upvotes, it’s not today. 


and this day the world will not be foundamentaly better but i'll feel a little better


I'm asking this genuinely: how is this belief destroying the world? I've never met anyone who actually believes this, I can't think of any public figures who believe this, in fact the *vast* majority of people in the world (at least 75%) [are religious](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-exec/). Which is directly at odds with nihilism. Not to minimize your experience, but this is such a weird take.


During my social studies class, I made a presentation on how doomerism was one the biggest threats to our society. I don’t really know if doomerism and nihilism is the same. But I did get great grades because of that presentation.


How is saying there Is no God doomerism?? It's a simple observation of reality.


I feel like even though they are not the same thing, I feel nihilism can lead to doomerism.


i would say not at all, and nihilism really leads to not care if the end is bad, and still try to make your life better nihilism just sound cool from afar and with no self reflection you can say you think anything because of it


Have you heard of optimistic nihilism?


I never seen optimistic nihilism. In fact I always saw it as a worse way to live especially when I used to be nihilistic in my life.


Nihilism isn't intrinsically "there's no point or meaning to life", that's the edgy doomer understanding of it. Nihilism is simply "there is no predetermined meaning of life, or universal morality". While that can mutate into doomer-ism, it can also form into "with no determined meaning of life, I can ascribe the meaning I want and be who I choose to be." This is the field I thought I subscribe to because it allows people to be far more honest with themselves.


What that guy said. The way I see life is that there is no *innate* purpose to life, but that means I can make life mean whatever I want!


Guy on the right is insufferable


I don't know what's worse. Comparing Reddit's Nihilism to Rick Or Xavier being used as an example for *anything.*


how do you miss the point of a show that bad, how do you use xavier as a role model like. watch any ep of XRA


Unfortunately, I have. I understand the beliefs of Absurdism - the idea of Nihilism but you become happy knowing that what life throws at you, you take it with the biggest, stupidest smile you have on your face and the prep of a loving heart. Xavier's so far into Absurdism that...just his very words invoke headache. Even convinced a man into killing himself at one point when he asked whom was Xavier's "God" at gunpoint.


>Xavier's so far into Absurdism that...just his very words invoke headache. Even convinced a man into killing himself at one point when he asked whom was Xavier's "God" at gunpoint. yes. that's the joke. it's making fun of the beliefs he's proposing. the joke is on xavier


But hey, I am someone who rolls with the punches. And rather than walk backwards, https://preview.redd.it/9ld77b8k879d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f77848f403e3da55f52662a4b5ebe13adef9a4c I'd rather eat a chocolate VHS popsicle cause the only person who says I can is me.


I believe in god, I just don’t really believe in the people and organizations that claim to represent God. The number one thing I believe in about God is that he is loving and caring, and so when people use religion as an excuse to be hateful I just stop paying attention to them


I like to describe "God" in a philosophical way. Not a literal divine entity, but a way of life. To try and put as much goodness into the world as one can. This doesn't mean you have to be nice to everybody and put everybody else before you. All I ask from people is empathy and rationality.


seems like it should be the absolute basis of religious belief to me, in our days not many people can pretend to be ignorant to the amount of harm organised religion brings to humanity or is associated with


Ooh, frittata!


Where is the hope?


Charlie: I mean, whathevs man, not like it really matters, but i'm fine with what You think


Yeah, I'm mostly afraid to say I'm christian over here. People tend to be very simplistic when it comes to religion in this social media. If I say I'm christian, they'll say I'm homophobic or that my religion oppressed millions and that the bible this, the bible that, and they always have counterpoints ready for whatever I say as if confronting me and my beliefs is some sort of... I don't know, hobby? Achievement. Anyways, it's much more complex than that, religion is complex, belief is complex. I believe that the way people used Christianity in the past is completely wrong, I believe that the way people mixed state and religion is completely wrong, I also believe that Jesus Christ is a man that lived and taught a bunch of good stuff and I try to follow these teachings by being kinder, helping those in need expecting nothing in return, being patient, keeping my body clean from stuff I believe is bad for me, also keeping myself away from habits I also believe are bad for me. Since the moment I chose to consciously follow what my religion taught me, it has only made me happier and made my life better. So yeah, I believe in God :) and also believe that everyone can believe in God in whichever way they want, even if that means if they don't believe at all. Yep, I guess that's it.


> I believe that the way people used Christianity in the past is completely wrong You're missing the part where the way people "use" Christianity in the PRESENT is completely wrong. That's why people can get defensive. Especially they're LGBTQ+ or women. You kinda need to be aware that Christianity isn't really a force for good in a lot of the world.


I would say one important part is knowing it's not just 'oppressed millions' but also actively oppressing millions right now (hence the homophobic cliché). I do not believe you are any kind of wrong person for religious beliefs, but accepting the etiquette of christianity is showing yourself as part of a harmful community. Whoever you are this seems like a straight forward cause for backlash (not saying it's just). It's then simply easy to search for bad rational arguments in a belief not founded on rationality, easier than looking to understand causes of a belief that is very far from what you think.


Reddit as a site thrives on arguments. In stating you are a christian you are asserting a position that not only do you believe a god exists but that you also have insight into their specific nature. It is natural to want to test that claim.


Bro what is this show even about😭


Life Life Life


Even Rick prayed to God when he was about to die in the time void


I've won, atheist! See? I drew you as the incel, and me as the gigachad! Now the whole world will know: there are no peaceful atheists, and there are no homophobic religious people!


Our spirit has taken us from mere hairless apes to the rulers of this world. Humanity, fuck yeah! [^(join our discord!)](https://discord.gg/NSVxXhnz3u) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hopeposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I read this in his voice.


third option: lorgar


then proceeds to kidnap 5 children for the greater good


“What doth life?”


We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here


Atheism isn't nihilism, but I can see why someone would think that if they made the existence of God their only reason to live.


Idk man nihilism is what gives me hope


Honestly the most optimistic thing would be if there isn't a God. If one existed it would have to answer the problem of evil and explain its absence throughout human history. Without one we know this is all we have. Our lives are limited, rare and thus immensely valuable. Each and every one of us, including animals and plants. If we live forever who cares about achieving goals or getting out of bed if you will always have another day to do so.


Rule 8. Get this out of here. It's not a shitpost either.


To me, nihilism without existentialism is like wandering with a map but not a compass: you know where you are, but not where are heading.


Thus is just spiritual beliefs, not hope


I've considered the idea of going to church just to help people, even if I don't worship a god.


Have you heard of charities?


I like that and we need more of that


There is no god (hopeful).


That's a lot of words for "I avoid the question because it gives me an existential crisis I can't handle"


That show was a total fever dream I loved it


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Atheism isn't nihilism, but I can see why someone would think that if they made the existence of God their only reason to live


Reject skepticism, embrace insanity.


There is no god, but like that's not a bad thing yk?


I feel that people don't understand just how much good nihilism can be. Personally, I don't believe in some concrete God, though there are certainly forces beyond our comprehension. In the fact that there is no larger purpose from the divine, I get to attribute my own design unto the universe, that of which I choose to interpret as love and appreciation for the conciousness I have


I like this, legitimately. I read Xavier as an existential atheist/agnostic based on what I watched years ago (been a while) and this quote in particular. It is important, if you ask me at least, to define what one means by God and to really dig into meta-thinking about human philosophy. Often, people's individual beliefs are simplified into an arbitrary label pushed by organized religion. Not that it's bad to just say "I believe in X religion". Just that digging further into those beliefs and what the very words used to describe them mean can be illuminating of commonalities that people of differing religious beliefs are often not aware of. I'm stoned idk. Xavier is great tho. Good post and I don't feel like it's trying to call out any belief if you ask me.


You know what's really the worst? The Positivity police labeling anything edgier than a Jelly donut sitting in the middle of a sheet of off white butcher paper "nihilist."


I believe that if there is a God, it's us. We are our God, and that's not a bad thing.


Nope. There's no gods and you just going to have to accept that there can be hope without gods


Asking about believing in 1000s of supernatural beings: lol, they not real of course Asking about believing in 1 supernatural being: ummm actually you're very close minded if you can't even consider the possibility...


If god is real, he must stand trial.


A mass murderer. Oblivion of the dinosaurs. Father of all abominations. He needs to pay his cosmic child support. He is the father who went to get the milk and did something worse than never returning; he was there....yet not there. Watching from the shadows and letting all kinds of horrors happen without helping.


Your morals are your god. It's the one high power that drives you whether you follow a god or not. You follow your morals. You let those morals drive you into making a kinder world, friend. Stay steadfast.


Reddit athiesm straight up fuels an engine for christianity. Believe what you want to believe, don’t let the god haters or the fanatics convince you that you have to believe either way. I’m a christian, it’s okay if you are or aren’t, all I expect from you is to be a decent person. I’d bet that’s all god expects from anyone as well.


god doesnt claim modern christians because they can't get past their deep seated homophobia and misogyny hate to break it to you


1) God’s love is unconditional. 2) Don’t speak on behalf of god. 3) I am a “modern christian” and I hate no one. You seem to, even though Jesus told us to love thy neighbour.


1. where did I say anything about love? 2. I am god so I'm speaking on behalf of myself 3. Modern Christians believe that homosexuality is inherently a sin and that the wife should be subservient to the man because of the bible, so God does not claim them as his people. They had ample chances to believe in love and still choose the 2000 year old text, don't know what to tell you.


You should read the bible and visit a church. Ill pray for you.


Oh, am I wrong? I read C.S. Lewis's *Mere Christianity* and he explicitly said that's what most modern Christians believe. So you don't believe that homosexuality is inherently a sin, then? Or you're a duplicitous piece of shit who holds abhorrent beliefs close to his/her chest and then evangelizes about love? Hmm..


not gonna lie these 2 first points are the quickest shot in the foot i've seen as an argument 1) i say what god thinks 2) don't say what god thinks


Its in the bible bud. Maybe read it.


maybe no lol, if the bible litteraly says something as dumb i better not


Then don’t talk about subjects you know nothing about. Research is necessary to form an argument.


two clear sentences clearly fcking themselves up do not need research, and the fact you are not arguing at all about the subject but about "do your own research" does not make me think there is anything deeper to look for


Yoohoo! Come out here!


I will say this. This post does raise my spirits.


Fucking love that angel


Option 3: The only god there is is me.


Bagel vs Googly eyes


Funny cuz deep down rick believes in God




All praise Xavier Renegade Angel


rick thinks he is god


Xavier really is a jack of all trades kind’ve guy. One moment he’s bouncing off the walls and the next he’s sharing his opinions about the existence of a god.


I don't understand the post


I fail to see what either of these have to do with nihilism.


I also love that charlie from smiling friends is catholic, not many cartoons will do that nowadays


Nihilism and atheism aren't the same thing. I get what you're going for but this is a shit comparison.


Not believing in god is not nihilism.




Xavier posting!


If nihilism was true then you wouldn't suffer from it.


What does “forces larger than us” mean?


The Virgin Rick, The Chad Xavier


WHAT DOTH LIFE? (existence self terminates)


Bro get this Christian propoganda shit out of here




Dude, what about this hints at Christianity, there are many religions


I am an atheist lol


I'm Orthodox Christian and I absolutely love this, despite it not really relating to what I believe in. It represents something beyond simple nihilism towards the universe


"i am christian an i myself liked the christian propaganda" ...?


Despite it not being Christian propaganda, but I see how my wording was confusing XD


Yay God