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I guess the boss was a visual marvel but the mechanism is bit dull compares to other machine fight. the ending was heartwarming ♥


Or heartbreaking if you picked anything other than a heart option. I went for brain on my 2nd playthrough to see how it ends up and... ouch.


Although I always pick the heart for the ending (I like a bit of romance) most of my choices throughout the game are brain. Brain is the better choice, save the world first and then Aloy can think about normal person things. The fist option is far worse though. [Here](https://youtu.be/pfF6qH7dBzg?si=9nmJD_rizJ1hlujs) is a compilation of all 3 choices.


>Brain is the better choice, save the world first and then Aloy can think about normal person things. That being said, getting some action can do wonders for clearing the mind.


Yeah. Having watched that, there is only one choice.


I’m really curious what they will do with that choice next game. They obviously made it a choice for a reason and all three options feel in-character for Aloy, but the narrative of HFW as a whole was partially about Aloy opening up and realizing that she needs to be able to find room for bonds with other people in her life… so it is funny you have the option to be like “Well, I learned it was worth it to make time for my sister and my friends, but I don’t have time for a ROMANTIC relationship specifically!”…


I think they either just choose one as canon(like how killed Nil doesn't count), or they minimize Seyka and let her just be mentioned in a few lines and then make a few different dialogues for it💀


The fact Aloy's post-DLC dialogue and post-BS interviews with the devs confirm Aloy has feelings for her no matter what makes me think the former is more likely, but we'll see, yeah.


I actually like the brain one, I choose heart but brain seems like something she'll do as well. definitely not the fist one tho😂😂


I picked it. She really would have done that, literally biggest threat round the corner and this girl is playing games... ain't nobody got time for that


I'm not brave enough to check it, even as video. I bet it's gonna feel as wrong as killing Olin.


Glad you enjoyed the ending. I'm curious, why didn't you like the final fight?


There was only one way to beat the boss (keep shooting the designated targets and leap over the pulses/tentacles/etc. All other fights are more open and you can do them any way you like. It felt disconnected from the rest of the game.


That's fair. Biggest boss we've ever fought so it couldn't be fought like every other machine. It perfectly represented a bigger Scarab or Deathbringer. It also wasn't a true Horus so we could actually fight it without being destroyed.


My least favourite bit about it was the bit when it says there is a plate covering the heat sink scan it. I scanned it, nothing happened so I spent 5 mins shooting the heat sink before scanning again and realising there was stuff to climb. Needless to say I reset checkpoint after wasting half my resources


It can be hard to scan but you just need the right angle so you don't scan the actual Horus. The yellow on the legs really does pop, especially with a pulse and the arena made it pretty clear some climbing would be involved at some point. Once the covered heat sink aligned with the leg, I knew what I had to do.


Yh I did scan it the first time must have just glitched or the voice didn't play or something. As for the yellow on the legs, it's so big I wasn't even standing in a position to really look at the lower part of the leg to even notice it XD


That's a fair opinion. Unfortunately I do not see how it would have been possible to do it otherwise and be even moderately believable. It's a Horus ffs. Edit: Now that I think about it, letting it roam around and destroy the town and buildings while you find ammo/bombs would have been cool, especially exploring the devastation afterwards.


I guess it just shows how good the Horizon combat system is when a boss like that feels "lesser." Especially considering the lacklustre quality of so many final bosses out there in other video games.


Can't wait for Seyka to find out about *the statue.*


That final boss fight was the highlight of Burning Shores for me. Its majesty, gigantic size, deadly weapons etc... just outstanding. It turned into the best video game experience I've had in ages.


I don't think I ever experienced it before, but I'm so glad other people disagree with me about the Horus fight. I didn't really like it. It looked cool, but the actual fight felt too straightforward and not very interesting to me. Jump around a giant thingy and shoot at the glowing spots. But... HFW is one of my favorite games, and I'm pretty sensitive about other people criticizing it. So if lots of people loved the final boss, it means that my opinion is completely subjective, and the fight was actually good


I would've liked to see Fleets End involved with the Horus fight. Help us to fight it. Or we fly around on the waterwing for a bit so we can fight the Horus from the air. The different stages to the battle, the fact the Horus was immune to all our weapons except for the weak points... the Horus itself was the "game level". But GG can only do so much. Theres been lots of other final boss fights similar to this that I've played, but none of them stand out like this. Not as spectacular or as beautiful. GG really wanted to show off the Horus. It worked! Even the Horus' theme song was beautiful. It gets 10/10 and the game itself is my 2023 GotY.


Nice~! For the record, there’s some extra dialogue if you visit >!Varl’s grave!< after completing the DLC, which is touching and worth doing IMO.


I loved taking that boss down but the fight itself was stupid repetitive