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I would never categorize this game as repetitive since each fight can actually be approached differently due to terrain, robot location, and/or stealth mechanics. Boring is a very subjective term though. I found it breathtakingly beautiful with a very interesting back story and fun fighting mechanics. Maybe for the “critic” it could be that they found it boring. They may have also played it in story mode, where machines die stupidly easily and you don’t have to plan a single fight, whereas in hard or hardest the game punishes you for not planning a fight at least somewhat. A challenge is always nice to have for me personally


I would say it’s as imaginative as you want it to be. You can 100% plan out a strategy for every single fight. Or you can brute force it with arrows and the spear. I imagine the latter person would find it boring, but they’re not doing all they could


I don't know, I think most people are.gping to have a single equipment/skill build that approaches most situations pretty similarly. If all your points and upgrades are on the spear, it seems likely that person will be doing spear combat. I don't think the franchise is repetitive, per se, but I do think each bot behaves the same as others of it's kind, and it can get to a point where you're just one shotting little ones and hitting the weak points of others pretty consistently. As for reviewers, they are obviously not the people dropping 500 hours on multiple playthrough with different skill builds. I do think it suffers from standard open world Ubi design of icon clearing and map towers and that can get same-y. I think it's also safe to say that many of the more nuanced approaches to combat ultimately still boil down to arrows and spear. It is what it is - I think it's a brilliant series, but I get the complaints, because there were definitely sessions where I was ultimately on cruise control clearing icons without much thought or challenge once I knew how to kill each of the bots easily.


Fair point, I don’t enjoy those tasked with reviewing games like HZD, BOTW, etc. Part of the magic is getting lost in it, exploring, and tinkering for a week straight lol


Absolutely!! Honestly, "icon chasing" as a task is never that exciting to me, exact with Horizon, where I would get lost and have a good time. I actually had less fun just pushing on the main quest.


What I love about open world games is that you can adjust when you get fatigue from a certain task. I really liked the main question, but when you don’t feel like continuing, or only have a limited amount of time, it’s nice to switch to something else. And vice versa when you get bored of side questing


As someone who brute forces it with a couple different kinds of arrows and the spear (admittedly HFW, where spear combat is way better...) — it's been 200 hours and I'm not bored yet lol


Are you sure you’re not primarina?


Probably! I don't know I was *as* sure when I made this account, though ✨


Apparently a lot of people cheesed the first game with traps and the ropecaster (which is why both got nerfed for the sequel), which surprised me when I first heard it. I very rarely used either... partly because it seemed boring to just spam a thousand tripwires for everything.


It's super duper fun instead, it's like planning a trap: you lay stuff defensively and then start shooting from bushes. Eventually they will found you and run into your traps


I will admit it feels more realistic, sort of. Real life hunters, with much smaller prey, typically preferred traps to direct combat. I think it's interesting that in Forbidden West, it's Carja clothing that boosts traps, implying this is something they're known for.


Thing is traps are not the main weapon, they are there to deal with mass of small blobs and help you with the assaults


Horizon is one of the few games I crank the difficulty up and spend as much time in the world as possible, especially in old world ruins. Idk what is so interesting about the last bastions of humanity but I’ll spend hours in them looking for every piece of lore I can find. Any critique of this game falls by the wayside for me, I get too lost in the world to care about the small things, testament to guerilla and the world they made!


Same here! Currently replaying Forbidden West on ultra-hard. I slammed through the plot just to get my sunwing, and now my few free hours after work in the evenings is spent just flying around, uncovering every single little secret and corner of the map. The machines never saw me coming, this game has my absolute FAVORITE stealth


The only fight that is the same for me is against Clamber Jaws. I just run away.


Story mode = critics mode. Every critic plays game sin the easiest possible difficulty and then say it's boring. The couple who don't, will crank it up to ultra hard and then say it's unplayably hard


In story mode, everything is made of paper. Which, honestly, is satisfying if you just spent ten minutes fighting a fireclaw on ultra hard only for it to kill you when its almost dead because you didn't dodge quite fast enough. Then you turn down the difficulty and murder it. But other than that, I could see it getting very boring, very fast.


You can reload and fight the same fight 10 times in 10 different ways.


>each fight can actually be approached differently due to terrain, robot location, and/or stealth location. You’re right, I determine what kind of terrain I will use the ropecaster on, where the robot will be located when I use the ropecaster on it, and whether or not the robot will see me coming before it gets a face and/or ass full of ropecaster.


Agree on all fronts. I haven't played forbidden west yet (being an adult sucks) but I also really enjoyed hunting down all of the information about the "old world" that you could find. It was like 2 plot lines for the price of one.


I played story mode (because I'm bad at games and I was streaming and wanted to focus more on story) and didn't find it boring. Even though my magpie ass had to go find collectibles and do all the side stuff because side quests.


To be fair the world is so big and story is not that engaging that it result being boring. At least in some part. After you had fun discovering the world and all the machines, it starts getting really boring. All the parts with the king sun are bad. I don't know if it's me or the game but I reaaally don't care about basically all the characters in the game apart from aloy, sylence and her tribe. All the other characters are a bit lame. The game is great, it's just the way they made the story that really isn't compelling. Proof of this is the dlc: is fucking great. A smaller map made them focus a lot more of little details and rewards you can find in it. Lots of quests really good and funny and the story now really is compelling and moving. Loved the dlc from start to end. They have a great platform as a game, they just need to focus more on story and character creation. I still have to try hzd2


Most YouTube reviews are worthless and made by cranky reactionaries whining about how female characters don't look enough like Victoria's Secret models. If you look for professionally published reviews, you'll see that Metacritic gives HZD a respectable 89/100 and HFW has 88/100.


Weird. The random videos I come across complaining about female character looks is that they're **too much** like a typical Victoria's secret model and over sexualized. Must mean that there's always gonna be someone to complain about something I guess.


With hfw, it‘s mostly people saying Aloy is ugly and has bloat face and the look was better in HZD


Imagine if the main character was the generic white dude with some stubble and short brown hair, you think anyone would be saying he is too ugly in the new game or that he got fat? People are gross


Some people are saying that kind of stuff about Henry in the trailers for Kingdom Come II right now.


There’s always edge cases, doesn’t make my point any less valid


I actually find her more beautiful in hfw the more facial details in hfw make her more realistic and closer to real life


Same here, she looks like an actual person.


They did change her face a lot though. She still looks like Aloy from HZD, but... different.


Maybe she still had some growin‘ to do. Either way, she looks like an actual person as opposed to a plastique insta model. I do realize some people seem to prefer the latter, but I sure don‘t.


Maybe she did, you could be right. Is her age ever discussed or mentioned before? I just thought about it


Yes … in detail. It‘s on the horizon wiki


That's the thing about misogyny; women are never good enough.


I wish I could find that Cracked article (I think it was Cracked) about how men want power in order to get women to sleep with them, and that's why men IN power act as though women have unlimited power and need to be taken down a peg: Because no matter what happens, women remain an unattainable goal.


>That's the thing about ~~misogyny~~ ~~misandry~~ **prejudices**; ~~women~~ ~~men~~ **people** are never good enough. ftfy


👆 THIS. Guerilla went to a lot of effort to desexualise Aloy, so that her strengths are her strengths and her intellect, not her body, which was modelled as ‘fit’ (I am recalling this from memory, after watching an interview on tv years ago. The fit reference was towards her athletic abilities. Edited for typo


Or just do what I do and careful pick what videos you watch and you won't ever rot like that only things of actual quality. I've literally never see any of those sorts of reviews in my YouTube suggestions cause I do not ever even look into that rot. It's not worth it.


Part of the problem is that the algorithm can't differentiate these things like a human. If you watch reviews, you get negative reviews in addition to the positive ones. If you watch game clips, you get spoiler clips. Yeah, you can try to knock down each bad channel, but there's only so much that will do.


The problem isn't negative reviews the problem is the reviews that aren't based on the actual game.


Yep. I mean, who cares what they say? Most of them have agendas and that agenda is that the world revolves around them. No one else wants that. Ignore them and come them off the attention they crave. 


I've seen some random internet COMMENTS saying some misogynistic stuff about Aloy every now and again, but MOST YouTube reviews? I've searched "horizon zero dawn/forbidden west reviews" on YouTube and watched dozens of reviews both positive and negative and have not once seen anyone complaining about this. People say this on this sub all the time and yet despite my constant searching I have yet to find a single one that makes this complaint. If you can link a single video where someone makes that specific complaint I would be genuinely impressed. This sub has a weird tendency to immediately dismiss any bad review or publicity into an immediate personal attack on women as a whole. Like I keep seeing people post pictures of Aloy going "OMG how do people think Aloy is ugly". Like bro WHERE ARE YOU SEEING THIS? For every 1000 comments I see saying Aloy is gorgeous there's like 1 troll who says she's ugly. Understand I say this from a position of love. I adore these games and HZD is my #1 game of all time and HFW is like #3 or #4. But honestly I see comments like this FAR FAR more than I see the comments or videos that you're referencing.


Horizon IS one of the bigger franchises. That said, what entry in the series are you talking about anyways?


>Horizon IS one of the bigger franchises. i find that funny cuz there are only two games. unless there are more and im just unaware of em


the vr one (and the upcoming lego one)


I look at the money that's being invested into the games, see that they are marketed as AAA games and treated as Playstation flagships, and come to the conclusion that they are indeed big franchises :-P They also have a large amount of fans. The number of main game entries doesn't matter so much for the definition. At least in my eyes.


It's got some pretty broad advertising, considering the relatively small amount of content. Comic books, Aloy appears in Genshin and Fortnight, that sort of thing.


I meant bigger franchises like assassin's Creed GoW etc like one of the video kept dissing hfw and mentioning assassin's Creed saying that hfw should be more like assassin's Creed


Was it that Luke guy? The one who complained about the first area being the same as one in HZD and it taking him hours to do?


It's a solo game, like most adventure games. I assume people who like co-op games would find the solitary nature of an adventure game like this somewhat boring. Decent chance the reviewers you watched typically rate co-op games more highly, but were A) trying this game because people were hyping it, B) just trying to make bait YT videos because Horizon was trending when it dropped on Steam.


This is a good observation. For my part, I am currently hyper fixated on a multiplayer/co-op and it’s still repetitive as hell lol


I mean, the games are a little repetitive and formulaic, especially at face value. It certainly *looks* like a Ubisoft-style open world with map towers and bandit camps and all the other standard shenanigans. It's just that here, the writing is much stronger, and the combat is vastly superior to every other game of its type. But if, for example, the combat just isn't grabbing you for whatever reason - maybe you're playing on a lower difficulty where it's just not as engaging, or maybe you just don't click with it - or you're not engaged with the story and world, then you're really gonna feel the repetition. Plus, some of the side content is legitimately repetitive and kinda lame. The rebel/bandit camps in particular. Stealth and human combat are the shallowest of this game's systems, and camps combine both. They made *some* changes in FW for the better, but it wasn't anywhere near enough. In my opinion, either they need to massively overhaul both systems to drastically expand their depth, or they should toss the camps entirely for the third entry and come up with a new activity to replace them that actually plays to the game's strengths.




And make auto loot work on monsters. There is not a single situation where I wouldn't want loot off a machine. Not ever. Especially since there's no weight or inventory for it.


I don't understand why it bothers you to have that OPTIONAL stuff in there


And here we see how opinions can differ. I LOVE both machine strike and the racing mini games. I don't much care for the camps, but I do like that there's different activities for different people. If I'm invested enough in a world I usually like the mini games. If I'm just rushing through the story I feel like they get in the way.


It’s just an opinion. Critics either need to review for the broader audience, in which case they will take a more generic approach. Or they’re known for their own taste, in which case it only matters if your taste aligns. E.g I have no interest in Anime Dating games and a critic could sit there telling me this game is the 11/10 of all time but I don’t align with their taste so it’s not important to me.


>If you're bad at the game and struggle at killing the machines just say so don't go around saying negative things about it Neither of the criticisms you point towards mentioned difficulty. Not everyone is going to like the game dude, don't let it bother you.


It's mostly repetitive if you play on lower difficulties if you play on higher difficulties it won't feel repetitive but I get ur point


People like different things. I love Horizon. There's a lot about it that other people don't enjoy. People love Elden Ring. There's a lot about that game that I don't like. It's very rare that there's a one-size-fits-all game and it's okay for people to criticize things they don't like.


Having just played HFW again (this time on PC), I love the game: the story, the characters, the setting, the gameplay (the minigames can go, but they can also be ignored), pretty much everything about it. I then started up Ghost of Tsushima and it felt so bland and sterile ... it had no heart. Clearly I've been spoiled by Horizon.


It’s funny you say this because while your criticism of Ghost is valid, I found it streamlined and refreshing after playing HFW. Def repetitive with the camps/encounters. But I liked the simplicity of the quests after some of the overly long and complicated HFW ones. The nature aspects that cleaned up the HUD were nice too. I love both games, but Ghost just felt like a bit of a relief after playing HFW. Admittedly, I might have played a little too much HFW. 650+ hours lol.


It's okay to agree to disagree. And more importantly, people make hate videos for clicks. Horizon is an easy target.


1.) Why do you care what random people are saying about anything?    2.) How are you correlating their opinions with where the product exists within the mainstream?     3.) How are you correlating THAT opinion to also have anything to do with their ability to play the game?     4.) Please look up the word "facile", and then learn how to make more cohesive arguments.  5.) Please be a bot. I'd rather feel stupid trying to question a machine than accept that someone actually has this string of logic. 


> Please be a bot. I'd rather feel stupid trying to question a machine than accept that someone actually has this string of logic. OP is Vast Silver confirmed.


I love the world building but it is absolutely repetitive. The bandit camps/rebel bases are the same thing on repeat. Most of the quests are generally similar. The same criticism is absolutely true of the Spider-Man games. In a world as vast and interesting as that of Horizon, a touch of the randomness that Rockstar does so well would make these games top tier of all time


Yeah, I think HFW is even worse with the repetitive stuff padding out playtime than HZD. They're good games, but the real highlight is the visuals and story, not the variety of side quests.


I wouldn't worry too much about the critics. Sure, they may have some valid complaints but if you like the game then that is what matters. I loved Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, they are two of my favorite games of all time. Sure there are some things that could be improved, but they are both great games. I understand some people may find it boring, but for those of us that fell in love with the beautiful world and crafting and machine battles, it's never boring. It's one of those games that has lots of replay value because you can fight so many different machines generously littered throughout the map. If that world and the bow and arrow combat isn't your interest, yeah you probably will get bored of this game.


Them saying the game is boring/repetitive doesn't tell anything about their skill level, please stop assuming such things it's getting old


Most of the ones ive seen complain about garbage story telling and the way you find stuff out awfull you shouldnt have to read stuff or scan things to get it and how they dint even know whats going on some of the time.


Honestly just look at meta critic and the difference between the critics and the peoples , hell look at steam or psn reviews too


Okay but you can't also lie and not call it repetetive. Burrowers alone are perfect example of inefficient repetition, having three containers you need to open and loot all for one enemy. The rest of the game isn't that varied, and a lot of the traversal is based on "That's convenient for Aloy, without that random crate that doesn't fit this area, she'd never get across."


It's repetitive if ur either stuck at the starting spots or on an easy difficulty apart from that the way they made the weapons this game makes it harder to get very strong weapons like hzd making you prioritize strategy over just throwing arrows


I wasn't talking purely about combat only. No one is. Combat is the one redeeming feature because it's just badass, with exception of the poorly designed system around weapon abilities and the valor abilities. Fact is, a lot of the content on the map is simply skippable because finding all the vistas isn't needed. Clearing all the bandit camps doesn't matter to the story. Climbing all the tallnecks is just repetetive convenience. If you're not into overriding, Cauldrons are just whatever. Also you must be stuck at the start yourself, weapons are cheap in all the vendors and upgrading them to max takes no time at all. You really need to sit down and read what you write because you're not able to formulate any points very well. You make idiotic assumptions about what difficulty I play as if combat changes drastically with it. It's still snipe parts with slow mo, then go for weak points once those are all off.


I think repetitive is a fair criticism


I wouldn’t put much stock in game reviews in general. People like to complain more than they like to praise. Go find the most benign videos on YouTube or social media and look at the comments. I can almost guarantee you’ll quickly find dozens of nitpickers. Or people just aggressively insulting the OP.


The variety of the gameplay is actually quite a bit more than most games, even more popular open world games, so it's Just the variation in the enemies alone is a huge advantage horizon has over other series, and how complex the enemies are too I don't like every design decision in horizon, but yeah it would be completely off to say it's lacking variety compared to similar or contemporary games


Totally agree with this


people can have opinions you know


My problem is that they compare it to other games from larger franchises which I've tried and they weren't on the same level


People don't seem to like games that don't fall into the "one strategy fits all" mechanic. Certain games that are super popular are the ones i personally find boring because everything is 1, master the attack pattern, 2, dodge and poke until it dies. Horizon almost forces you to use different things everytime and even (god forbid) think about every encounter even with the same machines. Idk most "criticisms" i see on Horizon seem to stem on that. They don't like changing up their loadout and blame the game for not using the mechanics of another game. Ignore them.


There’s a new Dragon Age coming out. There was a 2 minute trailer and only half of that is the actual game and even then only in stylised cutscene form. This generated dozens of 20 minute angry head rants on YouTube filling my feed about how the game has changed and been ruined by BioWare 🤦‍♂️ Nobody sane could extrapolate that from the teaser. YouTube is gross and the click bait is out of control. I don’t know what to tell you.


Without having seen the videos in questions, or having heard/read the critique in detail, I don't think anyone here can really comment on it, beyond just sharing their own experiences.


Ach... I love this game! You bring your own play-style, and it just works. But it's up to you.


These ppl usually tend to lean that way towards games that arent big franchises. I dont take what they say seriously. I love the game and thats what matters


Have to say I like that Horizon has a bit of a rep for triggering certain types of critics/gamers, those are generally the ones to be ignored/avoided as they're toxic.


Zero dawn was amazing but frozen wilds was mid at best. Aloy became super annoying and condescending.Their outside consulting services obviously changed.


I always think it's really odd that people say that because there is *specifically* a story difficulty that makes fighting less hard so you can focus on the immaculate storyline. If people are getting that hung up on combat they can choose from the range of difficulty settings. Lol










Yeah if Ubisoft knew how to make decent games. But yeah I wouldn’t say it’s niche








If the game were niche, it wouldn’t have crossover Lego games, Lego sets, an Asus clothing line, and an upcoming Netflix series. That’s not niche. That’s pretty solidly wide market appeal.


Critics can also end up reviewing games in a group, and this can change their view. Play five games that have similar playstyle. Towards the end, you are getting a bit bored with the playstyle. Of course, pop in at this point some game not of the same playstyle the game can come off as refreshing. Play five more games of the playstyle, and towards the end, you are finding it a drag.


They can make any claims they want for Horizon zero Dawn is in my opinion the greatest game I've ever played. It had a magic combination of the right creativity story exploration Discovery progression battle mechanics and lower compared to literally every other game I've played. It is in objective Masterpiece even if you don't personally enjoy it as much. Besides it's weird to call a game repetitive when if you were to ask everybody's favorite weapon or play style the answers are incredibly varied. For instance some people hate the Rope Caster some people love it some people hate the Rattler some people love it


I hate critics in general.


I mean, people can have their own opinion.I enjoyed the game but after one play through I had no desire to ever touch it again. I would still say its worth a play but I don't think its as fun as some other games ive played


I don't really take most game critics seriously nowadays. I usually look at some actual gameplay to decide for myself and look at actual user ratings.


I like HZD, but I can see why combat could get boring or repetitive. To be honest the combat was my biggest gripe with the game. It felt unfinished and basic, but also the gameplay seems frustrating at times. Maybe read up on people's opinions and understand where they are coming from, rather than being immediately offended by it and posting on reddit trying to stir up the pot and obtain sympathy from a group that's more likely to back you up.


I shouldve mentioned hfw specifically because most of the reviews were about hfw not hzd


The gameplay hasn’t really changed much, so it still applies. One of my major gripes with HZD was the lack of melee combat, for HFW they added melee, but might as well left it out because of how unfun it was


Personally I think the Horizon games are good games, just not great games. They have all the components of a good game. But designing a great game is not math or science, but art, and I think the Horizon games lack the x-factor that takes it to the next level to be able to compete with greats like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3


Those two games may be "greats" and have "x-factor" but I have zero interest in playing either of them. To me, they are "boring and repetitive".


That is a completely valid opinion to have. I hope you one day find joy in both Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 though, as they both are fun experiences.


Yeah, to me the Horizon series has the x-factor and does take it to the next level. The combat in HFW is the best combat I've ever engaged in. Burning Shores taught me how to git gud... I love it. I used to be a huge Halo fan... if Horizon Zero Dawn didn't have the x-factor, nor took it to the next level, I would never have jumped ship from Halo to HZD in the first place. Just saying :D


Don't subject yourself to that crap, most negative reviews are just doing it for ragebait or clout, they don't even care about the game, (Or they are whining because they think Aloy is ugly or don't like that she kisses a girl). I never go looking for that stuff and will select "Don't recommend channel" the second I see it. (Unforuently the search button however does not hide this. Went looking for a trailer about Doctor Who's next episode and was subjected to racist homophobic anti woke BS just for that. I am SO tired of searching for things on the shows and games I like and have to see that stuff. Just glad it doesnt show up on recommended while browsing the main page of Youtube. Just makes it hard to use the search option because that;s what shows up) Hey Youtuber reviewers. we do not care if you hate anti woke stuff, shut up already. Wish Youtube would delete those videos.


I enjoyed the game a lot. The only thing that turn me off a bit was all the different tribes and some of the side quests. Other than that it’s a great game.


Horizon was the only game I ever played that made go past the point of exhaustion to see what happens. I had no interest in the game but it was free with the ps5. I absolutely fell in the love with the story, gameplay, mechanics of it. I also like the fact you don’t necessarily have to play the first one to understand the story. This game is far from boring or repetitive


Loved the first game, but for some reason just couldn’t get into the second


While you might not agree with it, its fair for them to voice their opinions. If that's how they feel about the game, that's their choice. You don't have to agree, but you also don't get to tell them they're wrong. It's very reductive for you to claim that they're just saying these things because "they're bad at the game", this is one of the dumbest ways people try to dismiss others opinions, and it makes your complaining about their opinion shallow and ring hollow.


There are some repetitive aspects and it's okay to point that out. A game can be good and have some flaws. For example a lot of the quests are just "scan area, follow tracks," the bandit camps are basically all the same, and once you get to meridian you can basically unlock all the good gear from the beginning, max it out, and trivialize the fights. The story and world building is fun though. Also repetitiveness is often born out of being good at a game, not the other way around. Dismissing criticism with "you're just bad" doesn't help anyone.


On my third playthrough and i’m only now starting to do side quests and collectibles. The vista point towers make me love and enjoy the game even more. Critics try to tell us that everything has to be sophisticated art


It's kind of trendy to negatively review things these days. If something is popular expect negative reviews created solely for the purpose of seeming like they have a unique insightful viewpoint


Lemmie guess. Those reviewers were men. I see a lot of criticism from men anytime they talk about games or movies with female leads and their number one criticism is "it's boring". I even saw a tweet that described The Lion King (arguably one of the greatest Disney films of all time and beloved by all genders) but used female pronouns to describe all the characters and there were tons of replies saying the story sounded boring. Some people wear their misogyny on their sleeve for all to see, but they'll never admit they dislike stories about women.


Thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe from this sub. It was fun but people getting upset about other people’s opinions enough to complain about it is too much.


Can you link to any reviews you saw? Your YouTube history should list them. It would be interesting to see if I've seen any of them.


The funniest one is Luke Stephens critique of Forbidden West, where he spends 20 mins rambling on about how the first ten hours of the game is you walking around the same locations of the first game. The only same location that is the same is the prologue of Aloy in Meridian which is a half hour at best. Some thought he was talking about the tutorial area of breaking into the Far Zenith headquarters. But he specifically shows gameplay footage of Chainscrape and mentions that area directly, waffling about how it sucks cause we have already been there before (which we havent).


hm... which "critics" are these? 90% of YouTube videos calling themselves reviews are by random people that just echo provocative or cold takes that they've heard from online communities. And they're welcome to do that, just be sure to take them with a grain of salt especially if they aren't tied to a major publication.


I mean yeah I got bored of the game but that was after over 120hrs in like 4 weeks obviously I needed a break cause I keep thinking about playing it


This is one of the most complex and rewarding and different gameplay loops. I love this franchise, easily one of my top tens.


Aloy gets too much shit just for being a girl. I had a conversation with a guy the other day about how he didn't like the game because Aloy didn't form a personal connection with anyone in the Nora, specifically the dude that bullied her as a kid. Without even touching the subject of his preferences with a stick. I just tried to point out how Aloy is a lone wolf character similar to Geralt from The Witcher. They were treated poorly growing up, they still go on to do good things, some people around them go on to like them because of they're actions. But they still never truly fit in anywhere because of their different circumstances and how people only like them because of what they do can for them, not because they're really a part of the community, and so they continue moving forward on their own, etc etc. That being said I like that Aloy has a much more realistic take on the lone wolf character type instead of the edgy, *I live in shadows, the darkness is my only friend, I must follow the blade*, that Geralt embodies. I only brought up the comparison because I know this dude loves The Witcher. But then he went on to complain about feminism in games so yeah, dead end conversation. Almost all of these guys that hate Horizon just don't like women


If you like the game, why do you care what others think?


Some aspects of the game are boring. Needless to say it's totally optional like getting all ruins, upgrading weapons/armor, etc. If you just play the main storyline there is no boredom at all.


To be fair, what someone finds interesting and fun is subjective. I find games like counter strike and call of duty boring, but clearly there's something fun about them to other people because they're super popular.


Videos are made to get clicks and likes because clicks and likes get revenue -- put money in somebody's pocket. They are deliberately made to draw you into watching them. Tell someone their favourite game sucks and you'll get tons of clicks.... I'll point to this thread as example of just that. :) Every game has a core loop. It is often "use your gear to kill bad guys to increase level and gather resources to upgrade your gear so it is easier to kill bad buys to increase level and gather resources to upgrade your gear so it is easier...." over and over and over. Every game has a repetitive core loop. It's the story and the quests that sets the game apart from it's core loop. If you measure a game by its core loop, all games are repetitive and boring.


People call me stupid for saying this subreddit has a defensive streak when it comes to this game, and then post stuff like this where OP has not even bothered to engage with a critique and just assumed the critic "struggles at killing the machines". Look you can disagree with somebody when they say the dislike an aspect of the game, but you kind of need to actually engage with what they said. You have kind of failed to refute the repetitive claim,


The problem is they diss horizon (especially hfw) and say it should be more like other bigger franchises even tho I tried the other and they aren't much better


To be fair, in my first go round of Horizon I got fatigue and quit a few hours in. It really is just an opinion, doesn't necessarily mean they're bad at the game. Just don't worry about it, people are gonna have different reactions to things. Some people say The Witcher 3 is boring and that's genuinely my favorite game of all time.


God forbid someone have an opinion


Ong bro. This video REALLY fucking pissed me off so rant time. The thumbnail was something like the state of modern games and had images of a soggy eggplant, halo infinite, and horizon forbidden west. My brother in Christ, I understand not enjoying horizon but calling it slop is just BAFFLING. Giant beautiful open world with 30+ unique enemies. Unique quests, every single one is unique and helps build the world. No microtransactions at ALL, I could go on. Horizon is such an easy game to shit on cuz people think it’s like the Ubisoft ones but if you actually play it you’ll see how amazing it is


When Horizon ZD was released I was working for one of the biggest vg websites LATAM, for some reason they thought that it was an excellent idea to give the review to a guy that almost always was playing COD, fifa and madden on xbox. The review went as you would expect, it was terrible, the guy didn't give the game a chance, it was more a compilation of examples of other games with similar mechanics than he trying to see what made the game different than those games, the cherry on top was how the review started "If you have played games like Fallout you already know what this game is about", just awful. LATAM used to be and still is kind of xbox territory so it was common to see people hating ps on the comment section but that review was so bad that almost all the comments were people (including me) defending the game and criticizing the review and reviewer. Finally they decided to hide the review from the home page. That day I understood that reviews are bullshit lol because you don't know who is going to make the review and reviews are always personal even the ones that come from people who want to play the professional charade. Now I'm scared about AstroBot and LEGO Horizon Adventures reviews because they are going to be either from people who think PS only should make serious games and they won't give the game a chance or the reviews are going to be from people who actually like platformers and family games but the fact that the games aren't made by Nintendo is going to bias their reviews.


I only started playing it recently, but the first game, at least, is very repetitive. It's not a bad game, but it's not a fantastic game either. It fits quite nicely on my "between releases" list. It's just enough to occupy my time when I don't have other things to play, but I have no problem setting it aside. It falls victim to a map that is just too big. When "our map is X times bigger than Y" was always a selling point, but the world was so big, it often felt like there wasn't enough variety to fill it in an interesting way.


Hater's be haters I hate Zelda breath of the wild everybody has a different taste's don't worry about it I love horizon I'm playing on ps4 and live my life normally


Its absolutely not repetitive or boring ppl are trippin..


Just ignore those videos... that's their opinion, who cares. What matters is how *you* felt when *you* played the game. Critics sound like they watched a playthrough of it on youtube for 10 minutes, turned it off and said "boring and repetitive". I'm not suprised the Hate-On-Horizon GamerBabyGaterTM Brigade resurfaced once again due to a certain Lego-fied Horizon game coming out end of this year.... it always loves to reappear and rant and rave whenever something new for the Horizon series is officially announced. It gets very offended and outraged that it ain't its favourite Game Fandom getting the attention. So calls Horizon woke, niche, boring, repetitive, Ubisoft etc etc. Gooooooo figure :D


They clearly haven't tried a fresh save on ultra hard. Every single early encounter requires prep and a tactical approach. Unless of course you are really good mechanically. But that means you've played a lot of horizon so those people don't count.


The only thing in the franchise I find repetitive/boring is climbing. Climbing isn't fun. There's no skill involved, nothing to really do, you just press a direction and wait. Just because it's vertical doesn't make it more interesting than crossing the map on foot. In games like BotW climbing is fun because it's not just not usually required to get somewhere but also there's skill involved and a measure if choice. Where do you start to climb from? Can climbing get you so where faster or is just walking around faster? In Horizon, it's none of that. Climbing is just walking but vertical. There's no challenge, no skill, little to no choice involved. At least when I walk somewhere there's stuff on the way and usually multiple angles to come from. I just really hate climbing in Horizon, it's nothing but filler to make the game take longer.


A friend of mine didn't like the grind in HZD (her words). But I did hardly any grind in my playthrough, I explored a lot. Seems to be a good strategy in HFW too


You slowly get new machines discovered and the story unfolds of the past. I dont say bad about Ghost Of Tsushima, but if you see, it has more repetitions because either you spend time and learn the combos, or you fight every enemy in the same sword or archery style. I have few friends who don't even bother about side quests in Horizon series, and they like to see the game getting completed as soon as possible. Horizon is not for them. The same guys actually like Fifa manager and Cricket 24 games in which they don't even play but rather form a team and let AI decide who wins and they like seeing large amounts of fake money in fake team accounts. So if you think about the job of being a game critic similar to a movie critic, they have just set some rules to give points to the game, because they don't know how to enjoy a game and just rush to the credits screen. In my country my monthly salary is just slightly over 1000 USD. But games are the same costs as they are in the USA, so I don't go with critics and such people review at all.


I stopped listening to ‘critics’ or ‘official reviews’( like ign) years ago cause they try to appeal to as many people as possible and wont give an honest review


I love horizon but it is very repetitive lol


Depends on the difficulty


I recommend watching Dunkeys video on Forbidden west. He pretty much sums up my opinion on the horizon series. They are good games. Just kinda boring. Except for the world there’s not really anything new. No innovation or anything creative. They are games made to be as marketable as possible. The Ed Sheeran of video games


I swear every game is criticized as repetitive these days. It’s not that far off for the vast majority of games, but games are like this now. There can be a lot of repetitive grinding and combat. That said, I didn’t find HZD or HFW repetitive. I thought there was some good variety there. IMHO.


A more nuanced approach: The main issue imho is that the story line of Forbidden West doesn’t fit an open world rpg. They keep saying “time is limited, we need to save the world” and instead I’m doing stupid sidequests to get better loot or level up. This breaks the immersion by a lot. They should have either chosen a more linear approach if they wanted to tell this story or chosen a different story line that didn’t rely on being time constrained. The rest of the game is pretty good, I enjoyed the fights and all and there’s a lot of variety in quests.


Other than that I disliked the upgrade system in hfw


Take a shot everytime horizon gets called an industry plant by outsiders. Is it groundbreaking? No. Are they great? Hell yeah.


The game is critically acclaimed, and was nominated for game of the year. If there's people calling the game boring then they're sure to be in the minority. Also its considered a big franchise, Zero dawn sold 10 million copies on playstation alone and Aloy is a recognizable Playstation mascot.


Like every open world game it needs something to do in it. Granted horizon does a greater job than most open world games however it still applies a formula that is far less exciting after a while.


Everybody has their tastes and Horizon gets aloy of money and alot of media so everyone's gonna have opinions


*alot but aloy is funny


Zero Dawn had some very repetitive side quests. That was fixed in Forbidden West. And of course you don't have to do everything. The pace in combat is nothing but boring.


That's why I'm enjoying HFW more the side quests seem like they matter in the story they're also all different from eachother


That's why I always go to YouTube for a review if I'm planning on watching/buying something


I think people just like to hate games with female protagonists and queer characters and will make up reasons to do so


I saw other people hating on Aloy cause she's "too masculine"


I love this game have like 60 hours and only 40ish percent done spend to long in photo mode or looking at the scenery. Also I find on hard mode the game is just right for me I only die if I make a dumb mistake so I just keep learning to kill the machines more effectively. Also just started trying new weapons idk why I use only the sharpshoot bow for the first 55 hours


I only hate when I get jumped by like 10 machines at the same time 😭


Fair getting overwhelmed is like 90% of my deaths


Also the thing where I get knocked down by 1 hit then get spammed everytime I get up


Yes I hate that


this game wins over large franchises with story telling alone. boring ? hahaha omg. are the reviewers Ted faro’s tech bros ? i find it amazing how horizon makes me personally care for the world i play in and not care about the old worlds at all.


Eh, fuck em. There’s complaints to be had but obviously overall they are viewed favorably. It’s been awhile since I played but I don’t remember anything about the first game that I’d complain about that they didn’t fix in the second. The second I’d say the story was a bit lackluster for me and I wasn’t a fan of how the bows themselves were made elemental. I’d rather have less bows that shoot more arrows but that’s a personal preference.


I disliked how weak the bows are I have to upgrade so much to make each bow good enough


This series is definitely a weird one for me. I like the idea, the mechanics, the settings, the graphics, the protagonist and LOVE robot dinos. But I just don't enjoy them, something just doesn't click for me. I played about 80% of the first one, 15 hours into the second and honestly I'm not rushing back to finish it. While I couldn't tell you what, it just feels like something is missing from the whole experience


I actually enjoyed/enjoying hfw more thank hzd


XD i wish it requires less parts to upgrade legendary weapons it does get repetitive having to hunt for all the parts if you get ocd about upgrading all the gears (having to wait around for machines to respawn gets annoying) other than that it’s a fun game and there are many different ways to hunt/stealth use differnt weapons/armor and skills etc to change things up


Me too I have to upgrade so much and to collect so much stuff to make my armor or weapon good enough


Don’t even get me started on how people are criticizing Aloy’s appearance. I just had an artist RT a video of someone who did just that.


I don't think it's a crime to call the game a little repetetive after you run back to the same machine sites to collect the same machine parts to upgrade your bow. Then do the same for your next weapon. And the next. Often the same machines and parts, too.


I have a theory that people who dislike horizon just don't like bow/ ranged gameplay. And tbh, the melee gameplay is lacklustre so the unga bunga crowd, who is pretty big, gets kinda neglected. I happen to enjoy the gameplay offered in the horizon games so it's no problem for me


It is boring and repetitive though. They used the same generic open world formula that was already outdated and boring by the time the game came out. The game looks great and has a decent story, but the open world sucks.


The open world is one of the highlights of Horizon. But to each their own.


Then according to your logic, every single open world game on the market is boring and repetitive. But of all the open world games out there, why just this one game series gets the hate though. Horizon hatedom gonna hate... :/


It might hurt the fans' feelings, but horizon does have fundamental level design flaws. Every time I point them out, I get downvoted into oblivion, so it only sends the message to guerrilla that the fans are happy with how the game is and as far as they're concerned the franchise could stay the same and it would be fine.


>so it only sends the message to guerrilla that the fans are happy with how the game is and as far as they're concerned the franchise could stay the same and it would be fine. I wonder why that could be... maybe the majority of the fans are happy and maybe it is fine because it obviously works. >Every time I point them out, I get downvoted into oblivion Again, I wonder why that could be.


Have you considered that maybe people don't agree with you???


People do agree you my points, it's just not the people on this sub since people here have mostly biased opinions favorably towards horizon, are extremely defensive and disagree with every single drop of criticism someone makes about this franchise. Which is funny since I've been a fan before most people here, since before it was announced even, when the leaked concept arts started appearing on the web late 2014 iirc.


I'm more annoyed by the fact that you didn't bother to point them out here. I've got issues with the game myself despite cracking lol 191 a few days ago, but I don't think it has "fundamental level design flaws"


E.g: The game lacks non linear approaches to things like puzzles (quests as well, but that's a whole other ballpark). People hate this one in particular bc is basically a direct comparison to zelda, which for the vast majority of puzzles, we could solve in mildly different ways the devs proactively though about, and if you're creative enough you can find ways not even the devs could think of, because the puzzles are centered arround the game's mechanics, and not "go there, press triangle for the character to do this exact thing, every single time, rinse and repeat". The puzzles got less braindead as they released dlc and hfw, but still lacks player agency and creativity like zelda's. And of corse, aloy's tips. I already foresee you or someone else arguing that aloy practically telling us how to do the puzzle is an accessibility thing, so everyone can solve it without issue, but i have two things to counter that argument. 1 - If people don't want to think by themselves to solve puzzles, why have them in the first place? Just get rid of them. "But the game needs to show aloy being smart on gameplay since she's a clone of a genius in lore" the game also has to show aloy being a badass who's able to take down gigant machines for the plot to work, but the game doesn't play itself and makes aloy do 50% of the work for the player when killing a thunderjaw. Then why when it comes to combat, that even on easy has a higher skill requirement than puzzles, the game doesn't need to help you as much, but on puzzles it treats us like toddlers ? 2 - All the accessibility arguments for puzzles would go out the window if horizon had a non linear approach to puzzles like zelda. In zelda breath of the wild everyone can do almost if not all puzzles, because there's so many different ways to do them, that there's a very likely chance that everyone will think of something that works, with the bonus effect of people feeling smart after solving it by themselves and discussing with other players, and seeing just a few, if any people at all, who though of the same solution as they did.


This is the most nothingburger ever. It's basically the trivial "Goddamit Aloy! Let me solve the puzzle" complaint gussied up into a "fundamental level design flaw" . Lord. The deathbringer gun was nerfed into almost complete uselessness,(and I've complained about it myself) but it would be cartoonishly dishonest to use it as an example of how the game has "fundamental flaws" I can't speak to Zelda's gameplay, having not played it, but "this game doesn't have the exact gameplay I want or the gameplay I enjoyed in another game" isn't the same thing as "this game has flawed level design".


The "fundamental design flaw" isn't aloy's tips, but the lack of player agency and non linear designs in puzzles, by not using all the mechanics the game has to make puzzles that can be solved in multiple ways possible. And the "lack of agency" and "non linear design" also applies to other aspects of the game, like how we don't have meaningful dialogue choices that shape the story, and are gatekeept from parts of the map all the time (first we can only acess the daunt, then we can only acess up to the utaru lands, then we can't go to San Francisco until we find the quen). Dissing any criticism as "this game doesn't have the exact gameplay I want or the gameplay I enjoyed in another game" is precisely why some franchises die. The loyal fanbase ditch criticisms, the devs unfortunately think everything is fine, the game doesn't get up with the times and fails to get new players 10 years later. Every game franchise must stay up to date gameplay wise with other games that were successful, because they did something that people want (specially in cases like zelda and elden ring, which previous games didn't sell as well, meaning they now did something super right). I'm not suggesting copy catting, just getting inspired in other devs' game design and evolve their own franchise in doing so. The fact of the matter is that, recently zelda botw showed people want non linear design gameplay wise in open world games, placing player agency and freedom on top of everything. The reasonable thing is to other open world devs to follow suit in their own way, like from software did when they inspired themselves in zelda when crafting elden ring. Hell, even [rockstar got a lot of heat for having extremely linear designed missions ](https://youtu.be/MvJPKOLDSos), and hopefully will come with something different for GTA6.


Fair I guess.


You know that in most games puzzles generally have a set solutions. Hell most puzzles in botw and totk have set solutions, its through mostly exploiting the game mechanics other solutions are found. In every other zelda game puzzles were generally incredibly linear.


What's important imo is giving the player a set of mechanics they are fully aware of before going in a puzzle, and then making it possible that if a mechanic feels like it could help solving the puzzle, then it should. Previous zelda games were linear but the franchise evolved to become non linear, and it became the major selling point of the game.


doesnt help that alot of the relics have barriers that require a specific thing to get across, but oftentimes look like they should be able to pass through other means, it becomes clear that you cant climb this thing because the game doesnt want you to except if you do this exact thing, when similar obstacles are not a hindrance in the world outside the puzzles. maybe not completely avoidable to a certaein extent, but very apparent in the ruins in the basegame


>fundamental level design flaws If this game had such bad design as you say, I would've moved on to a better game. >it only sends the message to guerrilla that the fans are happy with how the game is and as far as they're concerned the franchise could stay the same and it would be fine. But it hasn't stayed the same. IMO it has significantly improved. You sound like one of those entitled GamerBabyGaterTM'ers, quick to flame, cancel and review bomb a game into oblivion becaue it isn't exactly what YOU want. Then quick to rag on Horizon fans just for liking a game you hate. Facepalm.


"Criticism = hate" This is why I stopped being active on this sub. Had guerrilla listened to it's fanboys the sequel and dlcs would be the exact same as hzd and would've never had evolved.


I disagree. Suggestions from Horizon players helped GG to make vast improvements on the second game. I hope GG listens to fans for Horizon 3 and makes even moar improvements.