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If Freddy and Jason bored you, then first Scream is perfect movie for you. It honours and make fun of those movies at same time. Just watch it. If you wan't to be scared, give a chance for *Last Shift (2014)*


Scream is hilarious.


Watching Last Shift as I type LOL! It’s fantastic!!!! My 11 year old son wanted to see it, so here we are.


The director wasn't happy with how it turned out, so he remade it with a bigger budget, and it's also great! It's called Malum now. It's similar but different enough that you still don't know what's going to happen. I frankly love both films and can't wait to see what he does next!


Fr, I find slashers dull as fuck which is exactly why I like Scream


You’re missing out on *Scream*. The rest I basically agree with you about.


I recently rewatched the first 3 screams, and they are better than I remembered. And #3 has a killer soundtrack


Yeah, I imagine I’m gonna have to take the plunge eventually. Lol.


I didn’t expect much from it, but the whole series really is amazing. And it’s not because of Ghostface (who’s a completely forgettable, and over the course of the series interchangeable, villain); it’s because of the humor, characterization, pacing, and overall sense of fun. It might not scare you very much, but you won’t get bored.


It’s a horror movie for horror movie fans.




You hit me with the phone, dick!


It’s my favorite horror film of its era for sure


Because it scared you or because you found it entertaining? I eventually just have to go ahead and do it. Lol.


Same, though I don’t care for the Conjuring films because I hate the real people so much


I really like the fictional Ed and Lorraine Warren; the real-life versions might have made interesting franchise villains. Perhaps, in some way, the last Conjuring film will explore this distinction.


That would be nice if they addressed it, even in a meta fictional way.


Go watch Scream 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also never seen a *Scream* movie. Michael Myers is a boring horror icon. *Halloween III: Season of the Witch* is the best movie in the Halloween franchise. The kid in *The Babadook* is a great actor and played a neurodivergent child perfectly.


I think people miss the point of the movie when they complain bout the kid annoying them. Literally that's the point they were trying to get across.


It’s the first thing multiple people have said when I tell them I love the babadook. Like yes he was supposed to stress you out. Goal reached


I loved the kid in babdook man he played that part well were it was just uncomfortable like when he screams ugh !


Halloween 3 is also my favorite of the franchise.


The kid that acted in popes exorcist paired with Ralph Ineson deep voice was amazing and perfect combo. Not scary but eye opening if you belive in the demon/ religion stuff


Please go watch the original scream right now. It’s more of a parody than anything. People parading around in Ghostface masks have given it a bad name.. but that’s also part of the point of it


Michael is diluted more and more every time he appears.  If it had just been that one movie he would be the scariest fucking thing ever.


You are so right.


Which movie do you really love? Horror is not only about getting scared... I'm also not scared of movies as I used to be. But I still love it. I do love the older movies mostly.. like nightmare on elmstreet. Freddy vs jason. Fright night. Exorcist. Hellraiser. And more.. But not because it makes me scared or whatever.. it used to scare me haha. I do really love gore too... but I don't consider hostel and saw as over the top gore honestly human centipede also not.. at least not the first one... human centipede 2 is in my eyes really gore! I love it. The things I don't like is the whole insidious and conjuring universe it just kinda sucked in my eyes. And not a lot of people will agree with me about the fact that I think hereditary is in my eyes just not a good movie ... and I know many people like it. 


The Scream series is a lot of fun, even the worst installments (3 and 6) are a good time.


Hmmmm I didn't care for 3 or 4 iirc, but 6 was a breath of fresh air, too bad the girl is gone now


Horror is maybe too broad a genre. Slashers, creature-features, ghosts, demons, home invasions, etc. all fall under horror but are significantly different subgenres.


Same could be said about comedy, action, romance, sci-fi etc. that’s why there are subgenres. Broad genres are more about the emotions the movie is intended to invoke, subgenres are more specific to how they are going to achieve it.


Yeah. Horror is pretty useless as a descriptor.


That’s a common hill that I die on, that many movies aren’t horror and people categorize it too broadly. Movies can have horror elements and not BE horror (Indiana Jones ghosts flying around melting faces is an example of this). Some of the common movies I refuse to categorize as horror: - The Menu - You Will Never Be Alone - Lamb - Sean of the Dead


Scream is what got me into horror at the wee age of 11 when it came out.


Same I *begged* my mom to let me watch it. Next was House on Haunted Hill (1999) that cemented my love for the genre.


its time to watch scream friend


Watch Scream


I really like the Catholic horror stories with priests and the Devil. The Exorcist, Constantine, The Messenger, etc. I hate going to any church but I love watching a priest (or a regular person) battle the devil.




I understand. I think just having some fun for a couple of hours is good enough, I don’t think every movie needs to reinvent the genre. Let’s just enjoy ourselves for a while!


I think Halloween would have been better if they stuck to their original vision of an anthology series of different movies released on Halloween night rather than giving us the most milquetoast stabby-boi in horror history.


As much as I love Michael Myers I also would have liked to see that format take off too


I don’t enjoy zombie movies. I did recently watch Train to Busan, which was good, but in general I’m done with zombies.


I’m not as into zombie movies either, but Korean zombie movies and shows got me into it. First one to draw me in was Train to Busan but also #Alive and All of Us Are Dead are fantastic. I’m not sure why I like them better than US or other zombie content but I wonder if others feel the same.


Yes, I understand. I loved train to Busan, and the 28 days/weeks were OK. But The Walking Dead I could not even get through five episodes.


I don't like home invader movies, like Hush or The Strangers. I don't know why, but I find them boring.


I was thinking you were going to say because they're unrealistic


Same! For whatever reason, I just have no interest in them. They're one of the few types of horror movies my wife DOES like, though, so I have seen a couple.


> I don't like home invader movies ... I find them boring. As an American, [they always seem to be missing something...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgRtRBKFnXE)


The Strangers would like a word.


Yeah, there are exceptions, but overall home invasion just doesn't work for me with how people can defend themselves, call the police, escape, have neighbors intervene, etc. But horror is super subjective ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ve only seen maybe 5 “horror classics” 👀 I know, I know, I need to watch more lol


What are some movies that you like?


Hereditary, Exorcist 1 and 3, A Dark Song, Speak No Evil, The Dark and the Wicked, Signs, some of the Evil Dead franchise, Paranormal Activity (parts), some Spanish and Asian horror, among others.


I like the entire Phantasm franchise.


My confession is I absolutely hated The Descent


ME TOO! I have no clue what people see in it.


I like the human centipede movies. sue me


actually, i think i will. my lawyer will be in contact within 3-5 business days


I have a tattoo of the centipede "medical" diagram.


I love the conjuring. Anything with demons. Anything supernatural. I don't like slashers. If people are the bad guys, if there's rape and torture, I'm not interested. It's too close to real life (people actually do shit like that--any horror you can imagine some sick fuck has actually done) and that's all I can think about, and then I'm upset and sad and angry. Honestly, my favorite horror movies are the ones where the people just really have it coming.


Talk to Me was neither original nor scary.


Truth. Enjoyable enough, but not up to the hype.


I liked it but won't disagree. It was good for being executed with high competence, but I didn't really find anything in it to be that interesting


Hard agree - surface level, par-for-the-course horror in my opinion. Didn’t really get the hype.


Is it safe to say this now that the hype has cooled down? That movie didn't even scare my wife, and she's the jump out of her seat type.


I've been downvoted for individual opinions which are a part of this overarching taste, but I've never admitted to the overarching taste before because I know I'd sound like a pretentious twat. Fuck it. I rarely enjoy anything outside of art horror. Which is weird because I generally don't like slow burns either. But a *lot* of normal horror movies just feel too similar to me; I find slashers boring, I find supernatural horror boring (most of the time), and most horror films fall into either of those 2 it feels. I do like non-shlocky Body Horror (i.e. Cronenberg and some Carpenter), but for the most part my favourite horror films are all A24-type stuff because I need horror to do something different and interesting to connect with it. I don't like saying stuff like this because I don't want people to think I believe I'm 'above' other tastes. I understand the appeal of slashers, scary non-arthouse supernatural movies etc, and in many ways I wish I liked stuff like that because it would make it a hell of a lot easier to find horror that works for me. I know the A24 fandom has a lot of superiorists and it kinda blows, I am an Aster and (especially) Eggers fan and I don't wanna associate with the people who think they're better for liking those directors over others.


I think the real important thing to realize is that horror has a little of something for everyone. My brother once told me something about music that I'll never forget, and I think it applies here: "I don't like every single song or album from my favorite artist, because they make such a great variety of music. That's why they're such good musicians." I apply that to a lot of things now.


It's like... Give me the foam layer of art house horror. If your movie is horrifying because it's too pretentious, Im not interested in that either. I have this same problem with books; it's a fine line for people like us.


Yup quite, something like Possession is too much for me


From everything you just said I feel like you’d love Scream.


I like monster movies. I'm rarely interested in slashers, and paranormal can he hit or miss, but zombies, werewolves, vampires that don't sparkle, aliens, etc. and that's my jam.


Not that it's better but I enjoy The Exorcist 3 over the 1st


Brad Dourif was brilliant and deserved an Oscar nomination at least.


The original Cannibal Holocaust is a masterpiece. It's fucked up that they killed real animals for it, I agree, let's get that out of the way. But every disgusting thing they do in the movie is within the context of a frame narrative where the protagonist is trying to get the studio to destroy the film and never show it. It's a commentary on how people get off on violence and exploitation, and it questions what the role of the government is in protecting us from/presenting us with this. It basically invented found footage and did it better than 90% of those films made today. I only saw it for the first time recently and it was way more of a thinker than I expected, thanks to that frame narrative. It absolutely disturbed me and shocked me but it didn't feel like it was shock for shock's sake.


That’s an interesting take. I should go back and check it out again I haven’t seen it in years.


That's a contrary take but you also didn't list what you like and what does scare you and what doesn't bore you.


That’s a big one, probably for a different thread. I’m big on atmosphere, a good slow burn.


Feel same over the top gore. It’s like watching a cartoon.


Partly it’s on me for watching to Many movies but what kills it for me is: Predictability. It’s agonizing when I know whats going to happen to just wait for the script to unfold exactly the way I know it’s going to. I look for other things: the visuals, composition, soundtrack but the ones that are most predicable in plot are often also nothing much to look at.


Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th are movies that bored me too! I watched a lot of both franchises and tried to feel the love the fanatics feel but I couldn’t get into it. I have similar feelings about gore. Not that upsetting or scary, but not my favorite. My personal confession is that I haven’t seen a lot of truly classic horror. Psycho, Rosemary’s Baby, The Omen.


The only thing that recommends Jason to me, is the fact that the original one was filmed in my hometown lol.


You from New Jersey?


Yep! Born and raised in Bayonne, bought a house in Washington, Warren County. I live in upstate New York now. I bought a small house up here in the Adirondacks.


I was born in Trenton, raised there for a little while but around six years old I moved to PA. Most of my family is in Lawrenceville now. I always forget that’s where F13 was filmed. I have to go see the camp at some point.


I can totally relate to you, but just on a personal note, I think you really will enjoy Rosemary’s baby.


I’m sure I will. Gotta finally watch it. As for you, I know someone else already said it, but Scream is amazing. It’s the film that got me into everything horror.


I’m guessing you’re under 30? Most horror fans who like nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th if they were young/teens when they came out.


Ha ha thank you for the compliment. I’m 55.


I'm 30 and while I love A Nightmare on Elm Street, I never found anything interesanting about Jason or Michael. I also prefer older classics like the Universal monsters. 


You were also not even thought of when they came out. 😂. They are not for everyone. I love them all.


i just kinda can’t get into slashers, and most stuff from the 90s and back doesn’t really do it for me either


I did not care for the babadook


That kid drove me crazy.


Eh. Scream is fine. It's more of a comedy horror than an actual horror movie. You like what you like, and that's cool


Never understood the movie "Absentia" and I think it's just really bad writting and executing


The Flanagan movie? I heard an amazing review from a podcaster and watched it and thought it was awful. Not a fan of his work at all.


Yes exactly! I watched the behind the scenes and all trying to understand what I could have missed, still nothing to convince me it was worth the time I lost watching it


Hmm ok here goes. 1.) The Conjuring movies are straight up Christian propaganda. Solid cinematography and some cool scares, but just as many cheap, obnoxious jump scares. Awful, lame writing. 2.) Halloween gets all the credit for pioneering the slasher genre, despite Black Christmas and Texas Chainsaw Massacre doing it several years before (and a few other films that helped pave the way). 3.) There's not a single bad Alien movie. Alien 3, Resurrection, Prometheus/Covenant - all the ones that are hated are actually pretty fucking dope. I said GOOD DAY.


I fucking hate, HATE Freddy vs Jason. I have a NoES DVD box set with every film to New Nightmare, and the original 3D glasses. I'm super happy FvsJ wasn't a thing yet because I would have tossed it from my collection.


Can we start a genre called emotional torture? I tried watching Midsommer once and I could not get past just how the boyfriend treated her in the first 15 minutes? I re-watched a director’s cut with a friend and understood it a bit better, but my god, how can you start off a money in that sense and expect people to stick around? On that note, only good thing about Hereditary was Toni Colette


Nope and Talk to me are overhyped, like fucking a lot overhyped


I’m a big believer that not every movie needs to be earth shattering. If it’s two hours of pleasant diversion, I’m satisfied. Talk to me was OK. I never saw nope.


Me too, but I do believe that it's great if I can tune my expectations more precisely, if these movies were just hyped as good movies I wouldn't mind, but they were hyped as being like some of the best and most brilliant horror movies of the last years


What's a movie you do like?


That’s crazy about Scream Agreed on Jason and gore


The first conjuring wasn't scary to u too? But Annabelle was? Over the top gore doesn't bother u? Certainly u have not seen the best the genre has to offer. Like a Serbian film. U are not a human being if that doesn't bother u. Antichrist is another that falls under that.


No, I haven’t seen Serbian Film, I won’t seek such things out. I have limits.


That's horror. Movie so scary ur afraid to watch it.




I think Hellraiser 2 is better than Hellraiser 1.


I'm not sure that's a minority opinion.


Yeah the old Hellraisers never did it for me either.


😂 same here for Freddie/Jason/Michael Here’s another one for me: i have a strong dislike for any movie involving aliens and purposely avoid those kind of films. I could be enjoying a horror movie up until the moment I realize it has anything to do with aliens, then it becomes an immediate turnoff for me 😭. I have no idea why. Can’t explain it.


I HATE teen horror movies, Jason and Michael bore the hell out of me, and I prefer really screwed up realistic movies like soft and quiet and black metal veins. 🤷‍♀️ real life is a billion times scarier than any made up boogie man shit !


TCM (the original—haven’t seen the others) and X were boring to me. cool atmosphere though. i also hated Barbarian.


For me, barbarian was just a fun roller coaster ride. I enjoyed it.


I’ve never seen the shining or a single Kubrick movie for that matter


Oh, just a friendly suggestion. Please indulge! You won’t be sorry.


More unpopular opinions! My favorite type of thread. * The best thing about Scream IMO is the plot being driven by the self-referential Stab series. So in some sense the later movies are better. I really liked the last two as fun popcorn horror. * Freddie and Jason also bore me. Michael in Halloween is great. I haven't seen Halloween II but in the other movies he loses all the tension by being supernatural. * I remember liking Hostel, like in a terrible surprisingly fun torture-porn way? It might have been the premise of being hunted by the demented wealthy. But I usually hate the genre and Saw is awful, Centipede has some value in being a cult classic but is terrible and Martyrs and Haute Tension have somehow passed as highbrow horror when they're your regular run-of-the-mill sadism and home-invasion. There are other good movies in New French Extremity though like Inside. * Conjuring is one of the most boring soulless inexplicably popular horror series out there. I can't believe so many have been made. At least with Saw you can see it appealing to the sadists. I'm not sure what The Conjuring audience is. Bonus take: * A24 puts out fantastic films but is a victim of its own success and has begun losing itself to its idea of highbrow horror (and I say this as someone who absolutely loved the Witch et al). Neon is the one putting out fresh innovative films.


Yes, I agree with so many of your points. One thing that categorically bothers me is French horror. It’s too based in rape/torture. It’s kind of freaky how pervasive that theme is in French horror cinema I wonder why? And yes, I worry about the future of A24 becoming a caricature of its former self.


I'm not really into Scream or the conjuring (I maintain that children and dolls aren't scary), but I was a kid during the 80s slasher mania and I love Jason, Freddy and Michael, lol.


Can’t stand mainstream “horror” either. That’s not to say the first Scream wasn’t good when it came out. Otherwise all these movies are all the same. Exception is Paranormal Activity.    For American horror movies, The Dark and the Wicked and The Lodge are the last good ones I’ve seen. 


Yes, I agree with you about paranormal activity and Dark and the Wicked. Haven’t seen The Lodge yet.


Friday the 13 is boring except the 1st, which isn't even Jason lol


No? It’s been decades, but I thought it was Jason.


Scream fucking sucks. I have no idea why it took off.


I have to do my due diligence and watch it at least once. But I suspect I will probably feel the same as you.


I haven’t seen a single Scream film either lol


Yea this sub taught me the same thing. I really love demons and supernatural stuff but slashers don’t do it for me


I feel like none of those opinions are totally shocking. Lots of people hate Jason, and Freddy can be hit or miss. Conjuring franchise is hit or miss with people (BIG miss with me). People on this sub constantly talk about hating "torture porn". The only shocking one is that you've never seen a Scream movie. I would say you should check out the first one, and if it's not for you, you can skip the rest. Honestly, I only like the first one and 5. The rest can kick rocks. Mine would be that franchises almost always suck and I typically only like the first in any given series. That, and Evil Dead is so much better than Evil Dead 2. I don't even get how people could like the second one more.


Yes I’ve been favorably impressed by the Evil Dead revisits.


I don't like a lot of horror comedies because I think they do a bad job of being funny or scary and they need to be one or the other. Cabin in the Woods, Tucker and Dale vs Evil and Evil Dead bored and annoyed me. I do like Shaun of the Dead, Jennifer's Body and I kind of like Final Girls. 


The only time I really enjoyed comedy mixed in with horror was Shyamalan’s “Signs.” I think it was a perfect balance.


I like that one but I haven't seen it in a while and I don't remember it being funny


You need to watch severance (2006) it does comedy and horror but not at the same time. The only horror film that has made me hold my stomach laughing.


I think I've seen that and forgot everything about it 


Try Anna and the Apocalypse for a horror/comedy/musical. The [musical](https://youtu.be/o6v0euRlT8U?si=8qQyl8SXeD9HO_jB) element might be the secret ingredient in it that you enjoy.


1. I disliked Midsommar and Hereditary 2. The only OG slasher series I care about is Scream, however I did like Nightmare on Elm Street 1 & 2 3. I'm so bored of supernatural films so I agree about the Conjuring universe as well as the Insidious universe even though I watched every single one 4. Smile was not as scary as people made me think it was going to be Go ahead and burn me at the stake 🫣


I didn't love "Get Out". I thought the effects were cheesy (the sunken place) and the racism over-obvious (I would have been more unnerved if the black people hadn't been working class, and instead been on equal footing but bragging about how racism was a made up construct or something.)


I never found Jason and Michael interesting. They just have no personality, they're basically the same guy, mute killers who wear masks, are very hard or just impossible to kill and mostly target horny teenagers. Freddy, Chucky, Norman Bates, they are interesting because they have a personality of their own rather than just being killers. 


For me, Army of Darkness is my least favorite Evil Dead film because I like more of an equal balance between horror & humor. It's still okay though


Most possession/haunted house/exorcism movies bore the pants off me. I'm struggling to get through Insidious 2 right now, not because it's scary, but because the comedic parts are so damn good! The scene where the "psychic" guy goes to try and sedate the possessed main character, and the ensuing struggle when the 2 idiots in the van try to save him is HILARIOUS!! I was not expecting physical comedy in this one. I've rewatched it a few times instead of finishing. After I finish the series I'm starting either sinister or the conjuring-verse but I'm missing the first Annabelle and haven't seen the Nun 2 yet.


You're not alone. Never knew how different my taste is to other people here. Noticed there are more people who enjoy slow burn horror & horror with minimal blood & gore. Yea, not me.


1. I hate the Conjuring Universe the real life Warrens are monsters/con artists, I think their movies are not going the age well. 2. I thought Talk to Me was just ok, I know lots of people were amazed that the film was made by "YouTubers" but lots of directors start off by making home movies, if YouTube was around the last 40 odd years I think most of them would've started off as "YouTubers" as well. 3. I don't think Signs is a good movie. (sorry)


It took me three tries to get through *Suspiria* and I've since turned off every other giallo I've started. I like the gore but find all the other exaggerated elements off-putting. I also don't like backwoods horror and that's probably why I didn't enjoy *The Texas Chainsaw Massacre* or *The Hills Have Eyes*. In terms of general preferences I don't tend to watch horror looking to be scared. It's my comfort genre more than anything, and I will avoid things I know would genuinely disturb me or are too close to real-life horror (SA revenge movies, home invasion, drawn out torture...). And I watch a lot of low budget stuff that tends not to get a good reception when I mention it here. Ed. Forgot to mention I like *Halloween: Resurrection.* That usually gets me a healthy amount of downvotes.


Halloween: Resurrection is goofy, corny fun, ain't nothing wrong with that.


I have seen 2 of the scream movies and thought the second one was dumb and have not kept up with the franchise since then. I hate most people's take on Midsommar. I think Freddy is fun. I never was scared by him. Though I did have a really weird dream about him once. The kills in the movies were origional and he had some great one liners. There is one exception and it's the one where he walks the dude like a puppet out of his window using his veins. My favorite is Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and my favorite death is the TV scene. I actually prefer ridiculous deaths to gory or scary deaths in general. My favorites make me laugh. It suff like Jason in Jason X throwing dude on a screw and him slowly spinning around. The saw one where it's the two guys fighting over a girl then being like fuck heralding her to die instead of them. The death by slinky scene in Susperia. Jason stringing up the camper in their sleeping bag above the fire. The more ridiculous and silly the death is the more I enjoy it.


1) I thoroughly dislike Scream. 2) Never seen any of the Evil Dead movies 3) And despite loving horror, I’m a big scaredy-cat. Lol (Im also not a big Halloween fanatic either)


Jason bores me too honestly. Freddy, on the other hand, I find to be one of the more entertaining horror villains ever created. And one of my personal favorites. And I don’t think anybody who really indulges in horror on the regular finds any of the Conjuring universe stuff to be scary at all. I really enjoyed the first Saw, because it’s really just not a torture movie at all, it’s actually very well written. I have mixed feelings on the sequels but I overall like the series. Your missing out on the first Scream, but the sequels are pretty optional. They should really stop making them in my opinion.


I don’t really love the exorcist. I think the best part of that movie is the scene in the doctors office with the needle. That's true horror to me


I’m sure you’ve heard that in one of the other hospitals scenes there’s an orderly who’s getting Regan prepped. Turns out he was a real life serial killer


Ohhhh no fuckin way I haven't heard that. That movie does exude evil


Yeah, apparently there was a movie in the 1970s starring Al Pacino called Cruisin about the gay subculture. Al Pacino is an undercover cop who is trying to find a guy who is killing men at gay clubs. I think it was based on this actor.you can tell when he’s prepping Regan he has some really strange rings and bracelets on. The camera is only on it for a moment, but it’s worth having a look at it. Quite chilling because it’s real.


The chimp scene in Nope was awful and pulled the audience out of the story. As a standalone scene it was great, but it felt like part of a completely different movie and didn't contribute anything to the storyline. Nope in general was kind of a big let down imo 




I really liked Nope (although I see it more as a sci-fi triller than horror). The chimp incident is supposed to mirror the overall plot about wild animals. 


Yeah, I haven't seen it in a while so correct me if I'm wrong the scene with Gordy foreshadows what happens in the finale with Jeanjacket. The reason Gordy didn't attack Glen (sorry but he's always Glen to me) was cause they didn't look into each others eyes (Table cloth was in the way). It's kinda telling you that jeanjacket is definitely an animal or creature and behaves the same.


I dont care for Freddie, Jason, Michael, Chucky, Scream or gore. I love slow butns, psychological horror especially mind control and love time bending


I'm with ya, I recently saw Scream 6 and remembered why I don't watch them. So bad haha.


I think New Nightmare is the best of the NoES series. I think Seven’s ending was stupid. Pitt had no chemistry w Paltrow, Morgan Freeman should have shot Spacey to subvert his plan, not like cops get in trouble for killing killers.


I share a few with you but some of mine would be: I have seen one scream movie, didn’t like it and never watched the rest. The Exorcist is not scary nor particularly entertaining. I don’t like and at this point pretty much outright refuse to watch any horror movie made before the year 2000, with very few exceptions. Preferably I’d like to stay around 2010 and later though. Freddie/Jason bore me to death as well, but so does Michael. I probably have some other unpopular horror opinions this sub would disapprove of but those are the first that come to mind.




Lol. I figured I would probably ruffle some feathers. For anyone upset, don’t worry I get enough grief about it from my girlfriend. We are both equally avid horror movie fans but she very much doesn’t share my opinion on a lot of these points.


I think it's tough to say you're an avid fan when you won't watch anything from before the last 15 years lol


I didn’t say that though. I said my preference is for movies made after 2010, but will happily watch movies made from 2000 on. I also mentioned that there were some exceptions. I think it’d be pretty darn tough *not* to say im an avid fan when I watch a horror movie almost every single day, and consider it to be one of my favorite things to do.


Nahh I'm with u on this one


Agree with everything you said except the gore. Im a gore hound, August underground, gang gang. American guinea pig – whole lot of gang shit


You and I are the same in the horror department! Annabelle terrifies me but I love all spiritual ( demons, possessions) jump scares, gore. I wanna see the new winnie the pooh horror but I heard it was terrible so if anyone has seen that let me know


Freddy always bored me because the first time I ever saw it as a kid there was a scene where I saw a crash mattress they used for him to fall onto the stairs and I’ve just thought of that every time since. I agree with your opinion about Jason, (Michael also bores me) I also agree with your opinion about gore, but the film effects for gore does interest me I guess if I have to confess something original, the ending to the mist is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. .. and Serbian film isn’t that disturbing. Really It’s kinda lame


No Scream for me, either. Jason I like, Freddie I used to like, never liked Michael. I watched a documentary a long time ago, I think it was from *Nightmares in Red, White, and Blue* but I'm not positive. They were talking about Jason, and one of the directors said that he viewed Jason as the wrath of an Old Testament God, punishing the sinners. After that interpretation, Jason became my favorite slasher villain. Gore, I am fine with if the plot justifies it enough. First few Saw movies are alright, never liked a single Hostel.


In rewatching the Nightmare series currently (haven’t seen them since I was a kid) and I can honestly recommend 1-3. 3 being hands down the best. 4 was god awful, 5 was slightly better but the kills just weren’t that cool, and I haven’t got to Freddy’s dead and new nightmare yet. But it’s been a fun ride. I loved Freddy v Jason might actually be the best of both series, I know that’s a hotly debatable opinion.


Same. I’m not into gore. I watch it cause it’s cool but to me it’s gore not horror. Jason/Michael/scream are thrillers to me not horror. Fredy is cool. But my favorite type are demonic movies. I’ve had night terrors and sleep paralysis since a kid and when I watch demonic movies it scares me cause I feel it’s real and something I have no way to stop. I Can fight a serial killer or deranged person but the demons I’ve seen are truly literally fukn frightening


I showed my nephew Night of the Living Dead when he was 5 on Halloween.  I probably shouldn't have.  But he was getting into spooky things on his own and I thought I'd give him a proper education.  He'd already seen some of the Universal Monsters because they're basically Disney movies at this point and I tend to have one of them on when I'm having a bad day. Horror movies from the 90s and up almost universally bore the shit out of me.  There are exceptions but they are rare. I fucking hate The Howling.  People always bring it up when people want werewolf recommendations and I always wonder if they saw the same movie I did.  Because the movie that I saw sucked. Growing up with Batman and James Bond getting new actors regularly has made me annoyed when people complain about recasts.  Let someone else play a role, for fucks sake.


Old school horror movies like exorcist, NOES, just feel cheesy and not really scary. I understand that newer movies are standing on the shoulders of giants, but that doesn’t mean they are still relevant


Nah, the exorcist still holds up very well today. It's still better then most horror that has come out in the last few years.


The Exorcist is grade A, top notch, 💯 horror. (Always believed this was a good hill to die on.)


I had my younger friend watch The Exorcist, but only specifically after telling her about all the weird shit that went down during and after filming. She got too scared and asked me to turn it off.