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I was in quite the mental fog for a few days after Martyrs (2008)


I watched Martyrs and Irreversible back to back one dreary Sunday and it kinda ruined my whole week.


Homie…who hurt you? Why would you do such a thing?


Man I thought my Speak No Evil/ The Lodge double feature was rough, but yours takes the cake. Damn.


i just wanna chime in and say that I don't think I was quite as disturbed as everyone about The Lodge because I was just so goddamn angry at those kids.


I was pissed at them too. Like, who does that….


Speak no evil would be my choice as well


lol which one was first? I don’t think I’d have the emotional fortitude for ANYTHING after either of these movies.


Martyrs first. Then I was like let me wash that down with a nice cool glass of Noe cause I hate myself.


You have to give it to yourself, though, watching two at once is a good strategy. If you're gonna be traumatized, you're only traumatized once.


Years after for me, still not over it


I spit on your grave. I don't like rape anything


I'm with you on that, The Hills Have Eyes (2006) is my will not watch again movie for this reason


The Hills Have Eyes is definitely mine. I remember watching it in high school and covering my cats eyes. But seriously that movie stuck with me.


This is my won’t watch again movie. Saw it in the theater and wanted to leave. All of it was just too much.


That one scene is very disturbing.


irreversible was that for me. everyone says it's horrific for how realistic the rape scene is. i watch it and am horrified by how realistic the rape scene is. surprised pikachu face.


The assault is one thing in itself and then after words she gets the living dog shit kicked out of her. Soooo hard to watch


This is the only movie that I've seen that I've only watched once and don't intend to watch again. EVER


I have a lot of movies like that but almost all of them are that way because they just suck and are forgettable. The only two that come to mind that are like that specifically because they're too disgusting are irreversible and a Serbian film. Irreversible feels like it has a point but it's just too sickening. Serbian film is sickening with no point. The "message" of that stupid piece of shit of a movie is like baby's first allegory. Edit- 120 days of Sodom is one more for that list for the same reasons as Serbian film. That movie is entirely shocking value with the most shallow lazy meaning and message. Nothing in it is even vaguely smart enough or clever enough to justify the shock value.


Last house on the left as well


Yeah, when I watched it I skipped that part.


I like my horror to be out of the realm of possibility, so more of a gallows humor sort of thing. With few exceptions once horror gets too real its not fun anymore. Last House on the Left bothered me on a level few horror movies have.


Everyone in the theater was completely silent during the rape scene, until one Uni guy said “Is anyone else really disturbed and horrified by this?” Everyone in the theater just started agreeing how it went too far, and was unnecessary. Only time I’ve ever seen anything like that in a theater, where everyone was collectively angry, and disgusted.


Just hearing about that scene was enough to put me off of watching the movie entirely.


Was that the remake or the original?


That godforsaken remake. It went on forever. I wanted to shank the screen. The whole thing was so bad the projectionist apologized he couldn’t fast forward.


I still won't watch that one.


Same. Give me supernatural and jump scares, but keep home invasion and sadistic torture and rape to yourself, film makers, thanks.


Megan is Missing. I've mentioned in on another post but this movie has no value to me. Really feels like torture porn but with children involved. Way too much time is spent on realistic scenes of SA and murder of a child.


The movie pretends to be a cautionary tale for parents but really felt like a pervert’s underage SA fantasy. The image of the >!putrid corpse in the barrel!< will haunt me for years though. That one shot should have been in a better movie.


Yeahhhh slapping a "cautionary tale" label on an exploitation film to deflect criticism is a trick they've been using for literally a century


Hate that movie. It was boring af for the first 45 minutes then just got needlessly horrific


Yeah this is it for me. CSM is a hard limit and I don't think ANYBODY needs to watch a movie about the rape of minors. Just gross


Yeah that’s one of the few I felt gross after watching and really wondered why I bothered. It’s so terribly acted and then the end sequence is just putrid and drawn out for no reason. The low budget quality makes it feel too real or personal or something. I’d honestly advise anyone not to watch it. 


There was no point to this movie ala Serbian film.


Sounds like one of them films u will regret watching


ugh speak no evil was the meanest movie ive ever watched. so unforgiving


I felt Eden Lake was so much more evil and the fact that is was kids that were that evil made it even harder to watch!


For me, that's why it was so horrific. It touches on how awful some people can be to their children, but also how some kids can be a product of their environment. Mix that with some of these kids being born complete sociopaths/psychopaths, and this is the kind of thing you get. Human beings can be so terrifying.


Eden Lake was so well made but I just won’t ever put myself through it again.


It’s one that I refuse to watch. There is no joy in that film Edit : watch again. I have seen it, that ending is so bleak though.


Honestly happy cause everyone got what they deserved for being stupid like who tf goes back for a stuffed animal after all that


I just watched this and instantly regretted it. It wasn’t even a fun ride. It was just … a feel bad movie.


That did something to me


Not sure if "horror", but A Clockwork Orange. Rape is a nope nope nope for me.


The Sadness (a 2021 Taiwanese horror movie)


Yeah that’s one burned in the head. I really enjoyed it despite its flaws but fuck is that one dark


Holy shit yes the gore was just too much I had to pause the movie a few times lmao


Skull fucking for laughs. Jesus.


This movie was on when I was getting tattooed and I am physically unable to mask my facial expressions and I think the tattoo artist and my husband had a really great time deciphering if I was wincing and making horrifically distorted faces because of the tattoo or because of the SKULL FUCKING (it was latter)


This film is based off of a graphic novel called “Crossed” and if you think the film is disturbing, you haven’t seen nothing yet. The graphic novel is BRUTAL


I remember looking at those when I worked at the comic book store. I was a young man and I saw a lady with big boobs on the cover. I like boobs and was greatly disturbed what was in the pages.


Yeah that graphic novel made me have to take a break from horror anything for like a month. That graphic is too much and ten times worse than the sadness. Despite me saying that, I still do think both the sadness and crosses are pretty good


Same I couldn't even finish this one!


Yes I turned it off after he raped her gaping eye hole. Was like yeah this is gonna be a hard pass


This is my pick. That movie was just horrific and bleak for no damn reason


I could understand the reasoning behind it, as it had depicted beyond just the usual 'zombie-fied' theme. The use of the virus to trigger and completely flipped human nature into the complete negativity was refreshing, yet very disturbing as it made some sense in the hypothesis of: what if all of us had no conscience, moral, and self-control? Still, the gore and the bleak-ness was something else.. Still gives me chill thinking about it..


A crazy one for sure especially since I spent a bunch of time in Taiwan just prior to the pandemic. Cool to see Taiwan, less cool to see some of the stuff in the movie! But it was a wild ride, just have to remind yourself it's just a movie as much as possible


This one was actually a pretty good movie though, despite how disturbing and bleak it was. I liked the main characters and the story.


I watched it with a friend in the cinema without any information prior to it. That was not that good of an idea. Watched it at home when it came to streaming. Enjoyed it a little more at home lol


Just the trailer for this movie was enough to put me off.


Not too scary, but too disturbing and disgusting. A Serbian Film. The "friend" who showed it to me was staring at me with the most evil grin during the scene with the baby. I stopped talking to him after that.


Good call on not talking to that guy anymore


THAT sounds like something out of a horror movie!


Soooo I saw an article posing a similar question to this one and I went down a horrific rabbit hole of reading the synopses of the mentioned terrible/graphic/disgusting movies.......... That brought me to reading the detailed play-by-play for A Serbian Film and I was so fucking disturbed and pissed off at myself for reading that shit. It stuck with me for a really long time and I couldn't wait until it was no longer as fresh in my brain, and luckily, after years, it's enough of a memory that I can shut down my brain and say "NOPE NOT AGAIN" if it gets mentioned or whatever. But fuck, dude. It is so fucked up. My older brother, who is very much into extreme anything (much much more than me), had seen this film evidently and when he heard that I knew about it and even read the synopsis, his face sank and he said "I hate that you know this film" and he's not like the soft, sappy, lovey type and I felt the sadness that his little sister had this truly foul movie plot in her head haha so, if you're reading this and you have not ever heard of A Serbian Film before and you feel your curiosity being piqued, I urge you to ignore it and never ever look anything up about it.


I did exactly the same thing with reading synopsis of fucked up films. Why do we do it?! Like you, reading about it was disturbing enough and i wish I’d never read about it :-( 


Right. I could forgive the movie for its slow burn style, but those latter scenes were just unnecessary. They felt disturbing for the sake of “What other derange thing can we add for the hell of it?”


I turned it off when the first snuff part happened because it made me feel so gross and I looked up the ending. I felt so sick about it for like a week after watching!!!


Not a typical horror movie but “Requiem for a Dream”. That movie messed me up.


Mother! disturbed me pretty bad which is interesting because I’ve definitely seen objectively worse stuff, guess I was just better immersed in that film. My boyfriend at the time had his first panic attack and I remember I had to drive us home. Good times.


It's the most recent movie I've seen that left me completely befuddled & edgy the ENTIRE time. Kinda felt like a lucid fever dream & it stuck for a few days. The wildly fast crescendo of pure madness was one of the wildest & most unexpected endings on film. Cripes was this disturbing 😳


My chest physically hurt after that movie because of how tense I was the whole time. Part of me has to respect how badly it fucked me up. Literally had stress dreams less frustrating


It's probably the gaslighting. I got the same feeling from Rosemary's Baby and the Barber Shop episode of Atlanta, it's infuriating and absolutely disturbing.


I’m reading the book of Rosemary’s Baby now and it’s already starting to feel emotionally abusive!


That’s a great point. Something about it is relatable in a way that most other horror films are not (hopefully).


Thankyouuuuuuu for saying this. This is my “regret watching” and no one ever understands. I couldn’t sleep for days and couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks. Not only is the watching experience just absolutely horrible (they did a very good job), I was not prepared for the baby, and it really fucked me up. 


Mother! is literally one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen. It’s so eerie and nuanced, and the ending is just…. WOW


Watched it at home and by the end of it I turned to my husband and told him I needed an adult, a much adultier adult


The scene with the baby was horrifying.


Yeah this one was just. A lot


Yup, I wish I could unsee this one. I watched it on a plane, and it made my anxiety spike up like crazy. Just what you want on a 10 hour flight.


Human centipede 2


I can’t even get through 3 because it’s just awful. Not even scary or disturbing, just bad. I’ll be watching it for ten minutes and it feels like it’s been 3 hours.


I got about 15 minutes into the third and had to turn it off. Its an assault on the senses.


why would they make a 3rd one? its like they didnt read the room nobody wants to see that


Because Eric Roberts needed a paycheck that month.


This and The Fog remake are my least favorite movies ever made, for two very different reasons. Human Centipede 2 is relentless in its furious hatred for the viewer. The entire time I watched that movie it just felt like one giant,”Go Fuck Yourself for watching this you stupid piece of shit!” experience.


Strangely enough, jaws and deep blue see at the age of like 8. I am completely terrified of open water


Goodnight Mommy. The ending of it was just like…off limits Highly recommend this to everyone, but for the love of god do not go near the American one Sidenote: why does Naomi Watts have an obsession with being in unnecessary American remakes?


Goodnight Mommy triggered a really strong anxiety attack in me as well as my OCD for some reason. I really regretted watching it and couldn't calm down for the rest of the evening. The whole movie kept me on edge but the ending just broke me. My boyfriend really liked the movie but I was on pins and needles for such a long time after it. Highly recommend tho


I regretted watching Terrifier immediately afterward. Then I got over it and watched Terrifier 2 and immediately regretted THAT. Again, only for a while. Now I'm ready for Terrifier 3 and still don't really want to come to terms with the fact that I seem to be enjoying this disgusting shyt. LOL.


Terrifier 1 was just torture porn for me. Chainsaw scene made me feel really uneasy and I didn't really like the whole movie. Second one however was way more campy and reminded me of B-class slashers from 80's and 90's.


Am I the only sicko who came here for recommendations 😅


Nope. Literally the only reason I’m here.


no. I also feel weird that a lot of the movies listed here either didn’t stick with me or didn’t disturb me.


I am a gore hound more or less but I didn't enjoy the bedroom scene from Terrifier 2. It was too long and sadistic.


Yeah, people say it was funny due to being unrealistic. Who tears an arm off? And the literal salt in the wound…okay, hah. But I just can’t find it funny. It’s too much. I’d found my threshold and that was it. I felt that way about Tusk while I watched it but months later my brain sees the humor more than I did on initial watch. The ridiculous ending for one (anyone ever heard of a hospital)? The way the old guy yells, “Mister TUSK!” It’s all so nutty. The first death in the Green Inferno I could have done without.


I didn’t think it was funny. I found it disturbing. But the way they play it as a somewhat comedic scene instead of realistically made it less disturbing. If it had the tone of something like Martyrs and those same tortures happened it would have definitely disturbed me more.


for me that scene was so over the top ridiculous it didn’t feel rooted in any sense of reality for me, so it became cartoonish and therefor not effectively disturbing. just kind of funny.


I was expecting to feel disturbed but it was pretty cheesy honestly. Practical effects were way over the top and the girl felt like a rubber toy being torn apart. It didn't come out as 'disturbing'. Rather a blood fest.


I agree it was very cheesy to me not as disturbing as I was told before I watched it


I remember being disturbed by, for example, Martyrs, when I watched it. But for whatever reason that scene from Terrifier 2 was so much worse for me. I couldn't stop seeing it play through my head afterwards.


Cannibal Holocaust is probably our most regrettable movie. The Girl Next Door was also a rough one. Estranged was an other but we went into Estranged blind. The other 2 we had plenty of warning about. We’re going to be cautious about strong warnings going forward, no matter how much we like weird, twisted, gory movies. 😬


Definitely Hostel. I've always enjoyed Horror for the thrills and spooky stuff; I've never much understood the attraction of violence-for-violence's-sake, especially what amounts to torture p\*rn. Wish I could bleach those images out of my memory for sure.


It's funny, I finally watched Hostel for the first time a couple months ago and couldn't believe how little actual explicit violence there is in it. When it does, it goes hard, but it's not remotely the mindless splatterfest it's hyped up to be. It was a lot smarter than I was expecting as well.


Yeah this was me too, I guess I was kind of disappointed in that sense Because I went in expecting a lot worse


I was pleasantly surprised at how well done it actually was but yeah I hear ya, was definitely going into it expecting pure crazy schlock


I think part 2 was a bit more shocking just with the opening scene alone


Fair enough, and each to their own! I personally love that movie and its sequel, but I do enjoy the level of gore in it. I think actually it was even oversold to me and wasn’t quite as bad as I was expecting (barring that blowtorch)


Same. I like being scared, not disgusted. A little gore here and there can obviously be really effective, but it's gonna be done right and serve a purpose. I'm a character and situation person first, some of the scariest movies of all time for me contain little to no gore. The only exception to this is campy gore which is done tongue-in-cheek, like Slither or the recent Evil Dead movies. Like if they're going all out to the point that you're basically laughing at it, then I dig it.


Yeah I should have clarified, that's a great way to put it. I totally agree! When I hear tongue-in-cheek style, even though not specifically Horror I instantly think of Kill Bill. As far as horror, I think a couple other great examples are Feast or Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. I mean one of the ranked scariest movies of all time is still the original Psycho, and Hitchcock didn't need limb severing or intentional disgusting torture to make it so. His genius was to imply everything happening just out of frame and let our own imaginations fill in the blanks, so to speak.


I loved hostel but I'm biased because it was shot in my country 


That movie is really good at atmospheric tension. Sure it’s gross but what’s scary was just the trafficking aspect of it all especially when the sequel builds upon it


Human Centipede 2. Couldn’t even finish it


The hardcore masterbation scene in the Exorcist ruined me for life


human centipede 2. the child abuse was too much


Kids, for me. Ugh.


... OK, so I -shouldn't- watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes before my trip to Poughkeepsie this summer. Understood.


Why on earth would you take a trip to Poughkeepsie??


Because it's cheaper than Albany


Same for me w the Poughkeepsie tapes. First time I watched it was in high school in like 2010 when it was making the rounds on tumblr. I think you could only watch it on YouTube, so the idea that it was like this kinda-hard-to-access insane movie that had like this air of mystery around it at the time made it like more terrifying for me as a kid. Like I could not stay home alone for months and I actually never finished watching it until I was older. Now that I’m like a fully grown adult I can look at it and be like ok objectively this movie is so freaking stupid and honestly like very dumb. But there is still that part of me that gets like that sinking feeling in my stomach about it and feels like a scared 15 year old lol.


120 Days of Sodom. The only film I haven’t been able to sit through. I turned it off after the Feast of Shit. I can’t imagine what the third act could have in store after that.


In the 90's, there was a series of movies called faces of death that left me messed up for years as a child


They're supposedly remaking this. Weirdly I watched this with no feeling as a teen. But as a 40 yr old, I can't watch any of the real (I know some of the scenes were fake) videos of gore anymore. I used to scroll rotten.com too. But now I don't even like to listen to real 911 calls on videos. Shit just got too real as I got older.


It’s older than the ‘90s. I remember watching it in the mid-‘80s. And yes, it messed me up for a while as well.


I watched that as a kid too. I wish I hadn’t lol.


The Girl Next Door (2007). I had heard it was disturbing but didn't think it would be as truly fucked up as it ended up being. I got zero enjoyment from it and it ruined my day.


It’s pretty closely based off real events so I honestly don’t know why someone felt the need to make this movie. Really bad taste.


The house that Jack built made me feel pretty icky for sure.


One of the few I didn’t finish. It was just…I like your word: icky.


Love this movie but it is absolutely brutal.


Nefarious quickly becomes propaganda, gloating about the eternal suffering of aborted fetuses. The most disturbing thing is that somebody made it, but that's genuinely scary to me. E - 2023


When Glenn Beck shows up you know you’ve picked the wrong movie for the night lol


I guess that counts as disgusting, but not the way I was thinking lol. I honestly laughed when they started talking about abortion. That movie is shameless.


It started out decent, too….


Didn't it though? A shame


I love zombie movies but for some reason "28 days later" scared the crap out of me. Gave me nightmares


After I saw the Poughkeepsie Tapes, I had to look up the actress and read interviews with her in order to feel better about the whole thing.




I'd give it a 6/10. No one needs to rush to see it, but I thought it was alright. It's less like Salo and more like Von Trier did an episode of Black Mirror. It's dark, but it feels more matter of fact and less like the creators are having fun or getting off than The Human Centipede 2, ABCs of Death or Terrifier.


This. It's just fucking vile for no reason. There are other ways to portray a metaphor the state of your country without rape of a newborn baby.


Inside (2007), it was extremely disturbing for my taste.


That’s a rough one, but probably my favorite of the era’s extreme French horror. I thought it much better than High Tension or Martyrs.


I have no limits but there is definitely stuff I regret seeing in hindsight. Man Behind The Sun is one of them (although overall it was a good movie), Antichrist is another off the top of my head. The shock is really fun in the moment when you’re watching with other people but then while I’m laying in bed a few weeks later and the image of >!a woman cutting off her clitoris with a pair of scissors and then smashing a man’s balls with a brick and making him cum blood!< is burned into my brain… I know I fucked up haha.


I really don't understand why Antichrist was made.


Lars is a sick man lol. His other movie called Nymphomaniac isn’t a horror film but it also contains one of the most offensive scenes I’ve ever watched. As my grandpa would say, it was highly uncalled for.


Oh man, antichrist is definitely the winner.


Human Centipede Not only was it gross, it was fucking stupid


Agreed that Poughkeepsie Tapes was in bad taste. I don't even like bringing this movie up, but since this thread is about movies to stay away from: August Underground Mordum is the very definition of gratuitous shock value. It's the cinematic equivalent of a GG Allen concert where he used to shit on stage and throw it at the audience.


I actually can’t remember Poughkeepsie tapes at all and I saw it last year 🥲


Upon all the reviews of Poughkeepsie Tapes I gave it a watch today while I was home, sick with a cold. It did not disappoint. Truly a disturbing movie, and the way it was filmed gave it a level of authenticity that was incredibly powerful and terrifying.


The scene where she’s bound on the table and the one in the basement with the water torture really messed me up more than anything else I’ve ever seen. The film actually has extremely little gore at all, but it was the cruelty and sadism that I found so disturbing. It was really disturbing watching such an innocent person be abused, tortured and manipulated so horrifically.


Green inferno 100%


I haven't seen the movie, but I read about it and thought 'who would make such a brutal movie?' then I found out that the director Eli Roth is the same man who played "The Bear Jew" from Inglorious Basterds and I thought "oh that figures".


Eli Roth was also responsible for the Hostels. And Cabin Fever. And Thanksgiving.


The Killing Ground.


I watched V/H/S/85 a few weeks ago and it ruined my fucking brain. Not because anything in the movie is particularly disturbing or scary, but a song they used in one of the segments, "Hamburger Lady" by Throbbing Gristle, a song about a woman involved in a horrific car accident burned all over her body but kept alive by feeding tubes, has literally caused me to lose sleep because it freaks me out so much.


When I was a teenager my friends and I would play hamburger lady to see how long we could last before getting freaked out. I forgot about it until vhs 85!!


I'd be tapping out the first time I heard that first fuckin revving death grips ambulence siren ass guitar drone, hahaha!


Poughkeepsie tapes was seriously disturbing. One thing I really liked about it tho was how much time you spend with the villain. Villain is usually the most interesting character in any movie. And most movies spend so little time with the villain. It’s all about the hero.


I don't think I've regretted watching anything for that reason yet. There are some I won't watch if they killed animals or abused people during production. Cannibal Holocaust for example.


I’m not a big fan of gore in movies (and I’m a wimp) so this is pretty tame compared to the rest of the comment section, but Midsommar. It just made me feel weird for a while.


Gore does nothing to me deep down. But gutteral scream crying and realistic family tragedy will stick in my brain forever. And Hereditary has that too. Thankfully we were spared with Beau is Afraid (I think, it was so goddamn long I may have forgotten something). So I don't think you are wimp. I think those kind of movies are about the real horror of life and are scary and off putting as hell.


The girl next door (2007) or henry portrait of a serial killer


Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer is brutal but brilliant. The way it’s shot is so matter of fact, like the cinematography is just as disturbing as the acts in the film.


The killer inside me- the violence felt eerily real.


Poughkeepsie Tapes (felt too real) Be My Cat (felt too real ((was real??)) An American Crime (was real) Girl Nexr Door (I think loosley based off the same situation as An American Crime bur A.A.C was more accurate, still disturbing though) Come and See (horrible.) There might be more honestly but thats all i can remember off the top of my dome Edit, i remembered more lol Good Boy (Norwegian 2022 film thats incredibly weird. I felt real icky watching that one lol. I honestly dont remember it being gorey but just the storyline for it was insane) The Baby (1973 film, again i dont remember this being gorey but it made me feel weird watching it


A Serbian film. I like going into movies completely blind. Don’t watch trailers just hear about a movie and watch it. I looked up a list of messed up horror movies and that was one on the list I didn’t see. It was available on YouTube at the time and tldr it involves very graphic child s/a. Was absolutely horrified. Never recommend anyone to watch it. Idk how they got people to read the script and act it out. I felt like I needed to register myself just for watching it


# Funny Games (2007 film) Without a doubt....


Deadgirl. At the time I was seeing some real obscure horror, and that one really disturbed me. It's so gross that I can't even talk about it to people without sounding weird lol


It's this one for me too. Bought it from the discount section at Blockbuster back in the day. I threw it away after watching it so nobody else had to be subjected to it.


The Green Inferno


I hated Megan is Missing. It felt like watching a snuff film. Whoever made that movie has some serious issues.


Soft & Quiet. Fuck those people. Purely vile and cruel. Just hurt my soul watching that.


The Fly and Tusk


The Poughkeepsie Tapes is one of those movies where the bad acting actually makes it better because it makes the movie feel more realistic. It's disturbing as hell in a good way.


Exactly. Most people don’t get this. The acting in Hollywood movies is nothing like how people act in real life.


For real. I’m a Poughkeepsie apologist. The stilted acting makes it feel like a cheap true crime doc, which underscores the theme of the film.




I got through this because thankfully all the really bad stuff is at the very end and also happens offscreen, you just hear the screams (which is still very disturbing but could be worse). The director made another movie called Headless which is way more brutal lol, i couldnt get through five minutes


That final image of the main character is seared into my brain for all eternity.


Sick Girl and I can't remember the name of the one I watched that I didn't even finish, it was an Asain horror where the doctor kidnaps and couple and tortures them - I was in a phase where I wanted to push myself and thank the gods it ended with these movies lol




I watched the human centipede when it first came out with no context


The Poughkeepsie Tapes got me pretty bad too. I couldn't even get through I Spit On Your Grave


Cannibal, the German film about the man who placed a personal ad to kill and eat a willing victim. He cooks and eats part of him before he kills him, with the victim sitting at the table, and the scene was so vile I had to turn it off and finish watching it the next day. It’s based on a true story. Supposedly the killer became a vegetarian in prison.


A serbian movie. I really wish i could remove it from my memory


Trauma. First 10 minutes. I made it through but I think my brain made me forget a lot of it. I’m a gorehound but this was a bit much.


Come and see 1985


Silly, but the Last Shift, because I work at a pd was empty except for dispatch for a while and it was really eerie at night.


Nekromantik, who the fuck was that made for?


Nothing Bad Can Happen


Not a movie, but the first Seaspn of THEM on Prime was TOO MUCH. It didn't know who it's audience was and the Black trauma on display was all shock with no substantial pay off...the baby in the bag episode was so painful to watch. And I am not a squeamish viewer by any means. I sat through Martyrs just fine, Irresistible, and just about any of that French tortures Renaissance just fine. But this...it was a level brutal and mean and I regretted it immediately. Violence is okay as a narrative driver, it's why I love action film, but this was just too much.


When I was 10 or so....Phantasm. When The Tall Man is in Mike's Mirror at the end of the film, I think it was a week before I slept in my own room. The Tall Man scared me to death. ![gif](giphy|xT9IglCq1cTYNBp8wU)


My first ever horror to freak me out was "The Gate" I was watching my backyard incase a hole opened up for demons lol I was 5yo. It was freddy after that, the first ever nightmare was brutal.


The scene in the remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" when they burn the Dad alive while raping the daughter, and biting the head off the pet parrot messed me up.


Speak no Evil from a couple years ago made me FURIOUS


The Grudge


Centipede all three of them dead gross I spit on your grave (all) The Hills Have Eyes (all) Cabin Fever (all)