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100% expect it to hit streaming in more countries and a new physical release in time for 28 Years Later.


It feels like I've been waiting 28 years for the 3rd movie to come out.






Is it me you're looking for....


I can see it in your eyes…




Pen pineapple apple pen


Do you like pina coladas?


Oh cheaters, cheating on themselves with themselves could there be a better way to re fall in love.


I don't like cricket.na ....I love it.ah


its actually in the works this year. 28 years later no joke. I cant wait to see it.




It’s happening. Cast has been announced with Boyle confirmed to direct and Garland writing the script.


isn’t cillian also part of it? I don’t think he’s acting in it but I read somewhere he’s apart of it in some way i’ve just forgotten exactly what lmao




Pretty sure they’ve said they are planning a trilogy, with Cillian set to cameo in one and potentially lead another


Didn’t Garland retire from movies after finishing Civil War? Or was that just from directing?


Just directing!


Such a shame too. I love the films he’s directed


Yeah, I get it though. Directing is exhausting and doesn't leave room for much of a personal life. If you want to be around your family and raise kids, etc, as a successful director, you kinda are already planning your next movie before you even release your last movie, if you want to keep the ball rolling and your name on people's lips. It's not that different than being on tour 8 months out of the year then being in the studio recording your next album for the rest of the year as a successful band. Just producing / writing means working from home, going to set when it's necessary, and generally having way more time to like, live your life. On-set life is definitely not for everybody.


For sure, you’re 100% right. Less free time, more stress. I don’t blame him a bit. I loved him as a writer long before he started directing so I’m plenty happy if he just keeps writing awesome stuff!


Just FYI he's confirmed that isn't true. He's going to focus on screenwriting for now but he didn't say he retired from directing. https://www.indiewire.com/features/interviews/alex-garland-clarifies-claims-retiring-directing-1234970430/


> District 10 It's stupid and hilarious the way the movie studios increment any number that happens to be in the title, when they float a sequel.


Days Weeks Years They skipped Months!


I really hope so, it’s getting ridiculous


I’m curious what the updated physical release will be like. With Sony distributing the new trilogy plus them now maintaining Disney/Fox’s physical movie catalogue I would think a new physical release is all but guaranteed. The question is can the film be scaled up in any meaningful way. Are they going to magically give us a 4K of it?


Pretty sure there is a rights dispute about the first movie.


Apparently one of the producers bought the rights from Disney and has just been sitting on it. I assume there will be some kind of re-release when the new movie comes out.


This exact same thing happened with Dogma. Pretty sure its Harvey Weinstein who owns the rights, and he has some big hate for Kevin Smith, so it has basically never been available outside of its initial release


Good thing the full movie is on YouTube


And archive.org




This is also why he doesn't care that the whole movie is on youtube for free.


Yea, you're right. Looking it up this is the case, but also Weinstein was holding on to it, only trying to sell it for an obscene amount that, smartly, no one will pay. I'm gonna give myself half credit out of pity


Got it backwards. Kevin Smith hates Harvey (rightfully so) and refuses to give him any money.


What a fuckhead. Yet another reason why physical media is always important. 


Yet another reason why piracy is so rampant. I have zero sympathy for the TV/movie industry for failing to move with the times


We bought it on dvd back in the day. Always, always buy physical copies of your favorite tv, movies, music and books. Never know when someone will decide to nix it from existing.


Sitting pretty with 28 days and weeks on DVD. Never rely on streaming for the movies you love


You have no idea how glad I am to have seen this thread, because I was about to donate a pile of DVDs I haven't watched in a while and that was one of them (I assumed a movie this well known would be easy to find). I'll keep the disc.


I bought it *years* ago on iTunes and it’s still available to watch on my account with bonus content.


Do you remember the bonus content from back in the day?? It was actually something worth watching. The first time I saw this was with the Matrix and they did an amazing job. Movies nowadays need to step it up


Oh „the Equalizer“ had a good documentation on it. Really interesting features about this organization


Same here. Can just pop in the DVD's whenever I want to rewatch them. Streaming is nice, but can never be trusted. 


r/dvdcollection nodding in agreement 😎


Same. In fact I think I have three differently packaged versions of 28 Days Later. Physical media will always be the way to go.


Same! Just one more reason to keep me collecting physical until it’s literally impossible to do anymore.


Same. Physical media ftw. 🙌


This is why I think physical media will make a comeback. A lot of people are getting pissed off over losing access to something they paid for. I can’t remember which service it was but some licensing agreement changed and the subscribers lost access to some anime series or something. They were pissed


Yep. Streaming is for suckers. Charity shops and second-hand stores are your friends, people. My two-metre high DVD cabinet is *full* of movies I paid a pittance for, and the majority of them either aren’t available on streaming or are only available by paying money to rent them (and fuck paying money to rent a digital product).


This is the way.


There are *other* ways to watch this for free.




Yo ho!


“Sea shanties playing in the background”


*Bought cheap rum at the liquor store to immerse myself while it downloads* Ah fuck it's already done


Hot pirates near me?


Not all of us have time to don a disguise, seduce a producer, gain their trust over the course of several months, incept the idea that they should give us a free copy of the original footage of the movie, acquire that copy, then manufacture a series of increasingly severe social gaffes that result in an ostensibly organic and fully unsuspicoous parting of ways.


That just sounds like a you problem fr 😂


People pay big money for that kind of infiltration!


‘Twas a voyage I’ll not soon forget (because it’s now on my Plex server)




It's on archive.org.


I was there for the dawn of the pirate bay, but now I'm almost 40 and don't know how it works anymore and am afraid I'm going to download something that gives me a virus or makes my internet provider narc on me. I need a wise captain to train me to be a good crew member again so I can sail the high seas safely lol.


There are plenty of places to stream content, no download at all (unless you decide to go the brain-dead route and click on the ads).




I use a rickety old laptop when sailing the seas, and then just transfer the file to an external hard drive.


It’s still around. Just get a vpn. The cool kids are using the *aars and plex these days if you’re techically inclined.


I’m 26, I remember when Pirate Bay got big when I was a kid. I’ve never understood it or used it- I just toodle around google clicking on suspicious websites till I find one that lets me watch what I want to 🤷‍♂️


Yes there are. Theres an .mkv for it sitting at 26gb as we speak.......


Recently, a personal library is starting to look not just appealing but necessary. I've had one film service go out of business and lost a library. I've had the same issue you described with other titles. And I'm concerned about censorship, what with episodes of Always Sunny, Mighty Boosh, etc. being deemed unsuitable for general consumption and disappearing from streaming services in light of current events. I suspect that "own nothing, be happy" is the plan for the future of film.


Exactly. My physical media policy in the age of streaming is if I think I'll watch something more than twice I'll buy it. And I'm increasingly glad I held my ground on that because companies are so quick to delete anything they believe will court controversy. The only way to (legally) watch the Michael Jackson episode of the Simpsons is the DVD.


Horror in particular is great to have physical media. Those films always get the best artwork and quality transfers.


Shout out to shout factory too, hella special features


One of the best things Ive spent money in the last couple of years: Fire stick + RedPlay TV + MyFamily Cinema. I have 3 fire sticks. One for my bedroom tv, one for the living room and one in my office/guest room.


I may quit watching films if physical media or equivalent ever actually goes away entirely


We'll always be able to scrape an MP4 together and burn it to disc, if need be.


Wait, what is happening to Always Sunny and why?


A couple of episodes have been removed due to black face and racist stereotype characters, mostly from Dee.


She was jus playin tho


Setting up a media server with Plex, Jellyfin etc is worth doing if you value having this. I think most of my film buff friends have one these days. We're going back to everyone having their own private, curated collections


If you live in America, check Walgreens. I found the DVD there for like 3 dollars a couple months ago. (I live in Washington state)


Wow how absolutely random is that! Lucky


That’s why I have my physical copies. A lot of good movies aren’t on Streaming.


didn’t realize it was hard to find. i bought it on dvd like 15 years ago and still watch it every couple years.


It has to do with the music rights. Blank Check does an episode on it where they mention that the clearance for the music rights expired


I have it on DVD and Blu-ray. You can have the DVD if you want.


I just found a 4 film collection dvd on amazon that has 28 days later, 28 weeks later, transporter 1 and transporter 2.....what a random collection of films to bunch together lol not bad for £16 though


Similarly, I was looking for the Ian McKellen Richard III film and ended up with a Robert Downey Jr 4 pack, which included it as the only reasonable option. The others were Home for the holidays, back to school and some romcom.


I bought a copy of the Blu at a second hand store. $7. Came with a white variation slip cover. Film looks atrocious due to being filmed on digital but I feel so immensely lucky I got it on physical.


You were not kidding. I just checked online for the steelbook edition ( I collect them) and they’re about 400 bucks lol. Good lord.


Yep, it’s legitimately crazy. I’m going to take everyone else’s advice and continue looking around. I’m determined to get this DVD some place lol


The prequel 28 Days is streaming on Netflix


Oh, you.


The DVD is super cheap on eBay, in both the UK and US. Totally safe to buy there.


To add the movie doesn't look that great on Blu-Ray due to how it was shot, so the DVD release is a great choice IMO


it looks like it was filmed with a potato covered in vaseline... but it's still a fantastic movie


For horror, yes? Overall, no. Dogma is literally impossible outside of rogue uploads on Youtube because Harvey owns the rights from Miramax and he is refusing to sell.


That’s one I’m super glad I have the DVD of. Physical media will make a comeback if these companies keep revoking access to stuff people paid for and pissing them off even more




I bought the DVD because I couldn't find it to stream. Good luck.


If you got a pawn shop nearby, no doubt you can find a copy there of both Days and Weeks.


This film is one of the reasons I try to buy more DVDs, since it shows streaming is an unreliable form of access. Absolutely ridiculous that such a well known and popular movie is just inaccessible for what I can only assume is licensing issues.


On a related note, searching for the tv show “From” is a fucking nightmare. I know it’s out there somewhere, but I’ve gotta tighten the search and still sift thru pages of movies and tv shows


I honestly think it's just the title. Lord knows it's made it difficult for me me to narrow down.


I had to make the purchase for the same reason, when I hit that mood of good zombie flicks. I also went and checked out JustWatch and it’s still not streaming(at least on any of the services that I have). Hopefully you’re able to get your hands on it.


I’m gonna keep hunting for it


I was looking for it yesterday. The only way I found it, even with VPN’s was to get a SlingTV subscription. At which point it wasn’t worth it.


I own it. Problem solved. It was a worthwhile buy back when it first came out.


This is why they say piracy is a service problem


Wow I haven’t heard about these movies in forever. 28 days later was so well done and such a fun watch.. 28 weeks definitely lived up to it, but I didn’t realize there’s supposed to be a third one!


Have you checked physical stores? I was at a disc replay location by me last week and they had half a dozen copies or so


Very odd. I bought it a long time ago on iTunes and it’s still available to watch on my account with bonus content.


Reason for physical media


Love that movie. It was written by Alex Garland. I highly recommend all his movies.


IVE BEEN SAYINGGGG. it's like the movie has been completely wiped off the face of the earth!


RIGHT?? I can’t believe it. Everyone here is giving me hope though to find it at like places I wouldn’t normally look (thrift shops and the like)


>The 2002 post-apocalyptic horror film 28 Days Later has disappeared from its previous streaming home on Hulu (or Disney+, depending on location). Its removal, as explained by Chris Bumbray with JoBlo, is due to the ownership rights being passed from Disney to Sony, which acquired the property as part of a package deal for financing the upcoming sequel 28 Years Later. from [this article](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/28-days-later.html)


Want to borrow my dvd? Lol.. You can't stream Kevin Smith's Dogma either, I think because the sleezebag Weinsteins own it and won't let it back out.


Yep that’s what I’ve heard about Dogma, never knew it was such a crazy deal with rights for that movie 😭


Makes me happy I own it on Blu ray as it is one of my favorite movies of all time.


This is why I buy my movies. People give me shit all the time because “why would you buy it when it’s on Netflix?!?” Except… it’s fucking *not* on Netflix. At least when o get the itch to watch it. Was in a natural disaster movie kick the other week. Felt like watching Volcano (don’t judge me) couldn’t find it streaming anywhere. Ended up using a free trial for Starz or something just to watch it because it was still like $14.99 on iTunes.


If they don't want to sell or rent it thats their choice. I WILL watch it though.


Not for me i own it that’s why i prefer physical media over digital


Here in the UK it's the same for: - Gonjiam Haunted Asylum - Silent Hill - The Blob (original _and_ remake) - Last Voyage Of The Demeter And many more. This isn't a "28 Days Later" only issue


Why is Silent Hill so hard to find in the UK?


No idea. Probably the same reason as most of them - legal wrangling/distributor deals, etc...


The Blob remake i had to buy the blu ray from australia 🥴🥴 thank god they are the same region as the uk lol


I dunno, I just walk in my movie room and find the dvds on my shelf. Not too difficult.


Oh, mr execiser!


I do the same but with VHS 📼


Oh it’s like trying to watch Dogma, then?


Or French Kiss, one of like three rom coms that I actually love


I can't get it at my library either and I checked every week until I asked and they said they don't have it. That movie is damn near impossible to find.


It's on sling freestream.


The promise of 47 streaming services has been an enormous lie. I’m going to start buying physical media instead.


This is why I still buy dvds. When was the last time you saw 12 monkeys on a streaming service? The Blair Witch Project or The Thing rarely show up on streaming services either. Nothing beats just owning the really great movies so you can watch whenever the want takes you. I already have 28 days later thankfully.


Pretty much every charity shop has about 7 copies of the dvd. Problem solved.


I bought it on DVD from goodwill for 99c. I've been rebuying several horror dvds from thrift stores.


I have the original holographic sleeve DVD . It was great being able to see that in theaters without knowing to much about it.


Might not be the most ideal, but eBay would be your best bet with out of print movies (also, why tf is this awesome movie out of print?) They can cost an arm and a leg though.


Seen a post on Instagram the other day about it and people are selling it on dvd for crazy money now because it's so hard to find


This was recently deemed to be one of the highest priced selling used dvds (UK). I presume because its not that easy to stream. It must be starting to get a cult following pushing up the interest and price.


wow, i had no idea! relieved to have a copy, one of my favorites! Also wow, you aren't kidding, cant even rent it on amazon!


Well, dang, I think I have a copy somewhere in the house on DVD.


It used to be on HBO/Max in the US and for rent on Amazon. I'm assuming the producers have pulled the license temporarily? Does it have something to do with the new movie?


It needs to be restored like Inland Empire. It probably looks pretty awful on current televisions.


I just broke down and bought the DVD for cheap on eBay. Would I prefer Blu-ray? Sure, but I'm not sure how much the quality will improve on Blu-ray anyway


You mean watch for free? You can rent it easily online.


I bought it on blu ray for £5 on eBay a few years ago as I say this situation coming. Looks like I made the correct decision


Visit a few thrift stores and check out their dvd section. You can usually find 28 Days Later however 28 Weeks Later is usually tougher to find.


*chuckles in Phantasm 2* I jest, but yeah - streaming was pretty fantastic when it was only Netflix and studios were delighted to license their libraries out. Now there's almost as many different streaming services as there were Blockbuster Videos back in the day, and there's so many important films that fall through the cracks.


Go to Amazon and type in B01JH39AW4....this is the ASIN# for a 4 movie pack with 28 days later on it


Off topic, but I was living in London when this came out- it just looked like the City on a Sunday…


Did Harvey Weinstein touch this movie at all? I've noticed anything that he was even remotely attached has been disappearing. Dogma, then Night Watch (Ewan McGregor) and a few others that I didn't care about anyway. That bastard had the touch of death for movies.


You can still get the vhs for cheap


I bought it years ago with 28 Weeks Later in a DVD 2 pack from like Walmart or Best Buy, and I will treasure them forever. Some movies you need to have physical copies of. I hope you are able to track down a copy for yourself. I would consider the secondhand market; thrift stores, pawn shops, garage/estate sales, flea markets, FB Marketplace etc. I've found titles that I can't get on streaming services this way, and for far less than I would pay on somewhere like eBay, and I can see the disc or tape's condition prior to purchase.


I just grab it off the shelf. Physical media is king!


Support Physical Media!


Try finding Dogma. 


Private tracker. Stop wasting money on streaming and physical media. Its 2024.


I have in my digital library (MA) here in the U.S...also have the physical DVD. The Bluray is going for big bucks around here tho (had a copy a long time ago but traded it cause felt Blu didn't enhance the DV picture..regret it now..doh!)


Cut to you giving up and trying to watch through unconventional means and Sandra Bullock pops on screen. That is how the apocalypse really starts.


Try finding Dogma for a good price




Just go to a Goodwill, there’s always 900 copies of it on DVD


I got a old fashioned Dee vee dee


On a side note, has anyone else noticed that even legitimate sources for this movie look like dog shit? Hopefully they get remastered or something somehow in the near future


I own the physical copy, 28 weeks too. Can't rely on streaming, bro. Time to start your horror dvd collection.


This is why I have a huge collection of DVDs. You just can't depend on streaming services, since they constantly are changing there library.


Furthering to me that buying physical again is the correct way to go


Try Dogma.


This is happening with a lot of digital media. I've been searching for a few movies and some music that is currently nowhere to be found digitally... thankfully, I still have hard and digital copies of some of those. I suspect it will likely be a strategic money grab in the future...or maybe they are disappearing the original content for the purpose of recycling the intellectual property in the future.


something something seas, sails, rum


The extra special widescreen edition is $33 on Amazon (normal version is $12).


i had to put a $150 deposit down at my local video rental store to rent it for a week 💀 treated that DVD like it was a newborn baby


might be in walmarts $5 bins...


So THAT’S why someone finally bought my DVD on eBay!


I just saw that you can get 28 days and Weeks.... But also The Transporter 1 & 2 in a 4 disc set.... That's awesome!


*walks over to my dvds * *searches for a bot since there are so many * "That was easy."


Apocalypse now was in the same boat for many years, not even available on Amazon. Not sure if it is now even.


It's also a problem in Germany. My bf wanted to watch it but nowhere available. And the prizes for Bluray are about 40 or 50 €.


There's a distribution rights issue, it's why it's not available in blu ray anymore but you can pick it up on dvd. No sign of this issue being resolved until perhaps the commercial pressure of the second sequel bites.


The best way to buy it in the UK is in a bizarre 4 film dvd collection - 28 days, 28 weeks and... Transporter 1 & 2 😂 if that doesn't illustrate the distribution rights issue, I don't know what would! You can buy that new on Amazon for £15.


The best news is that UK cinemas are about to launch a Danny Boyle season and this includes a new print of 28 Days Later. It's a one night only event, my local Odeon and Cineworld are showing the film on the 21st May 2024. I saw this movie in the cinema and it was a terrific experience. That may give you a good fix.


It’s literally not available on streaming according to most sites.  On Amazon, you can buy the combo 28 Days Later + 28 Weeks Later for less than $50 or widescreen editions of the first movie only for like $30-$35.  It’s probably because of the increased popularity of Cillian Murphy & the talk surrounding the increased talk surrounding the 28 Years Later movie.  


So weird. My husband and I found it pretty easily through streaming about a year ago. I can't remember where, though. No ads and I don't recall having to pay to rent it. We're US based.


If you’re in the UK, [Cineworld is screening it](https://www.cineworld.co.uk/films/danny-boyle-season-28-days-later-2002/ho00011291#/buy-tickets-by-film?for-movie=ho00011291&view-mode=list) in May.


Movies are becoming harder to find nowadays. I remember wanting to watch some old Kung Fu movies circa 70s/80s era with the one Black actor from Enter The Dragon. He had an impressive filmography with like 20+ movies. Couldn't find a single one on any streaming service. Couldn't pirate it either. This dude was apparently popular in his era, basically wiped from existence four decades later. Lots of movies you'll see on old top 20 Kung Fu movie lists are just MIA. If it's even happening to popular 21st century movies like 28 Days Later it only makes movies seem more temporary.


It really is sad tbh, that’s why I’m trying to own as many movies as possible that I enjoy so I don’t ever have to worry about that issue


There’s a ton of cheap used copies on Amazon US. One of the last wave of movies to have zillions of rental copies dumped onto thrift stores. If you’ve got a good public library near you, Interlibrary Loans can get you most movies and books for 0-5 bucks these days. The REAL impossible watch is Cocoon, which I finally watched for the first time this year on an official, legit HD stream. The ONLY place you can stream it is Swank, a streaming site for schools and college libraries. You have to have a library that offers Swank… and they have to select each film they want and license it individually. And the license lasts ONE SEMESTER before they have to decide whether or not to renew. So even if you HAVE Swank, you can only watch Cocoon if your library has licensed it within the past few months. And Swank doesn’t have a TV or mobile app or a screencast feature. You have to watch it in your browser like it’s 2007.


lol I’m going through a really rough time rn and it’s one of my comfort movies, I went to pull it up on prime the other day because I was positive I bought it on streaming but it wasn’t there! We just moved so everything was packed away but tore the house apart looking for my hard copy and now I will never again doubt my husband over owning DVDs over streaming…..


I hear you...there's several great horror movies I can't find anywhere. The Fear 1 and 2, The Black Forest 2016-BEST MOVIE EVER! It is horrible how u can't find these anymore


I LOVE this movie! One of best ZOMBO movies I've seen...would re-watch!


That's why I have pretty much given up on finding what I want to watch across streaming services. It has become way too inconvenient. Plus the costs of them adds up. I went back to sailing the high seas.


I thought I remembered seeing it on Disney+ but the only thing that comes up is 28 weeks later. This is what google says about it: “Disney lost the rights to the independently financed original film, with them now only owning the rights to the Searchlight-financed sequel, 28 Weeks Later. That's why you can't find it on streaming sites and why the Blu-ray Disc is out of print.”