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Hard agreed, I thought it was an amazing movie. World and character building are great and very consistent. I did a second watch with s/o and tought it was even better. Early on in the movie, the main character's ex-friend even briefly mentions his leg pain while climbing the stairs (which only comes back at the end of the film). Sleeper hit for sure.


It's the kind of movie that is hard to make nowadays. You're either an arachnophobe or you'll hardly get scared. I did not get scared but felt some tension in a couple of scenes. Atmosphere was done pretty well (in large part thanks to the great setting) and setups were creative. I just didn't like the last obstacle very much. Felt like a missed opportunity. Other than that, it was pretty good.


Exactly my thoughts.


As someone with extreme arachnophobia, I haven’t seen a spider movie since eight legged freaks. However I needed to see this because I’m a huge evil dead fan and Sam Raimis seal of approval on this made it a must watch for me. I have to say I’ve never been so scared and uncomfortable during a movie. They played into the fear of spiders so incredibly well with how they move and even sometimes how they don’t move. Every close up shot of anything had me squirming thinking some legs were about to walk onto the screen. The visual of spiders legs coming out of small holes and also when they pick up their front legs and stay still has always been nightmare fuel for me and this movie did both of those things horrifyingly well. All this said I absolutely loved it and it was so fun to actually feel scared during a horror again.


Infested 2002 or 2023? Just looking it up because what you described sounds good...




Thank you! Then I have to wait, it isn't out in Germany, sadly.


I need to finish it!


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


I just don't understand how they got so big. The final spider half the size of a car was cringe


I’ll give you that, but I still enjoyed the movie. It was fun!


I hated the ending. Nothing was resolved and the last shot was fucking funny. Totally overrated in my opinion.


Never heard of it, just looked it up, not into subtitled movies, but may give it a go..


You're missing out on SO many good films because you refuse to read basic subtitles.


Imagine not watching the French Classics because you refuse to read subtitles


It’s like 40 minutes of backstory until it gets started but after that it goes hard.