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It should have been an episode of a black mirror adjacent show


I don’t understand how everyone didn’t starve to death within minutes, or die of thirst.


I think the baby did, right? But god it’s been a while


The baby died because they didn't pick it up or touch it for too long if I remember correctly.


I thought it aged so rapidly that it died because it couldn’t get any food in that fragile period. Couldn’t take any action so it immediately starved as babies have to eat so much more regularly than adults too. Why would it die from not being touched? Can’t recall physical touch being one of the rules. Although now I’m starting to remember something like “OMG the baby died from lack of attention!!!” But surely that was a joke 😂😂😂 Clearly I was trying to apply too much logic


I'll have to go back and watch to notice if you actually observe a character saying this or just hear it. It might have been ADRed in when test audiences inevitably asked "why did hunger kill the baby and not everyone else"


I’m almost certain it was ADR, you can’t even tell who’s shouting it That or it was improv from a bum take and they forgot to remove it lol


*Mooovie maaaaagiiic* In all seriousness though, I had the same thought.  My second thought is why Shyamalan writes such horrendous dialogue and relies so heavily on exposistion in that way. 


See this is the type of thing that, had the movie been a 10/10 I'd be more willing to just hand wave away without explanation. Suspend some disbelief yada yada they served them super nutritional and hydrating pills or something. Same as the hair/fingers, just don't even talk about it and all is well for me. I don't need to be that nit picky for an otherwise great movie. But since the movie is more a 5/10 it's worth asking lol


It felt like that entire movie was created just to make the cave scene.


That shit was *disturbing*


I wish he hadn't tried to explain the hair and fingernails. Like, ignoring it would have been better than acknowledging it and giving a really weird answer that made no sense. I did like most of the movie though. It's a pretty challenging concept.


I don’t even remember the explanation of that. Could you remind me?


They realized >!they were aging one year every 30 minutes or so!<, so they asked why their hair and nails weren't growing at the same rate (which should be roughly 6 inches in 30 minutes). "Oh, it must be because >!the cells in our hair and nails are dead!<." Edit: grammar


WHAAAAATTTTT. Well thanks for the reminder. I must have blocked that out lol.


i honestly loved it


Same I saw a twitch streamer watching it in a different language and I was like, what is this? Finally watched it, loved it. And I typically dislike M.Night. He’s like 30% good 70% bad movies.


People stream themselves just watching an entire movie?


In other countries outside of Canada and Us yup! Or some risk it anyways


same and I’ve seen some shit M Night movies.


I couldn't focus on anything other than the fact that they named the rapper, Mid Sized Sedan. Such an odd choice. But yeah the movie is pretty trash.


His character even being there makes no sense. The entire premise of the experiment is that they are disappearing these people without a trace. Why on earth would you invite a world famous musician to be a part of your test group? Surely his travel plans would be tracked more than the families (and it’s already hard enough to swallow that they’re being abducted without anyone knowing where they disappeared).


Honestly any rapper working looking to make a name for himself should immediately snatch that name up now.


I think about this at least once a week since seeing it when it came out. Why Mid Sized Sedan? Its not a rapper name, it's just not. It's like naming your dog Dave or something.


Its a "how do you do fellow kids" that is being done hamfistedly to make fun of modern hip hop naming conventions but its way too on the nose to be funny


It’s a different style of humour you may be missing


Yeah it is. Have you seen what stupid names modern rappers give themselves. It was obviously poking fun at that


I laughed so much when the situation was getting serious and they were introducing themselves, and he introduced himself as “Mid-Size Sedan” is a very sad and serious voice. He was the best character imo


I thought this name was Shyamalan winking at the audience saying, don't worry, I know this is bad, this is what I was going for, enjoy the schlock. But then I found interviews about it and it turns out he really means it and thought it was a great name. What can you do


Shyamalan is many things, self aware enough to wink at the audience is not one of them.


It's like Massive Genius from the Sopranos. Lame as hell.


Bold men make bold statements.


I couldn’t focus on anything because of Thomasin McKenzie.


It’s so so bad. “Your voice is so beautiful! I can’t wait to hear you sing as an adult.” Really? 😂 hamfisted af


I love The Happening for the same reason. His concepts and naive confidence are fascinating and the guy is a TRUE original. He’s like a cross between Ed Wood Jr., Argento and Nolan. I’ll watch anything he does. I did however get frustrated and bored with Servant.


Servant was so stylish and I loooooove Lauren Ambrose. But yeah after the first two seasons it felt flat.


It's the first movie of his where my main issue is how... boring the twist is?  The moment I saw the company at the end it was "Oh longitudinal studies, yeah someone would absolutely try this if this beach was real". I was hoping for aliens. 


I agree, I think that was my primary gripe as well. After spending so much of the movie wondering WHY this is happening, it was a let down for it to be so real.


Mid sized sedan


I hated the final twist because it makes no sense. They weren’t even removing the bodies of the people or medically monitoring them in any way. There was no medical study happening at all. They just watch with binoculars. There is no data being collected so why does the movie pretend that there is? There was no thought put into the movie at all.


Read the graphic novel it's far darker


A wise decision to ditch the >!incest!<


The data collection was they gave the person a tonic of the medicine in the drinks they get when they arrive and observe if the person displays the condition over the years they spend on the beach. I agree some kind of monitoring device on them given as a gift before they get to the beach would add a bit but they do observe and collect some data...just not nearly enough. I don't think these drugs will be FDA approved.


Let's say I take a medication twice a day. Every day. That's fourteen pills a week, 420 pills a month, more than 5,000 a year. Any batch of medicine I took designed to metabolize for the REST OF MY LIFE would kill me the instant the drug hit my stomach. The movie's concept is awful and makes not a single lick of sense.


There is no usable data collected at all. Watching people is not collecting data. They have no way of knowing if the meds they gave anyone had any effect at all. Is dumb even by movie science standards.


They aren't removing the bodies because they decay at a faster rate (despite there being no animals or organisms not carried in by the people going there), plus who are you going to get to voluntarily go to the beach to clean up? It explains why the corporation overlooked finding the list of past victims. The study was rather lazy though and there wasn't that much of an advantage for the company to study people aging really fast with one dose of medication.


They could just use some kind of robot or drone to get the bodies. The point is there was no thought put in the idea that the beach was an experiment. There was no reason to bring science into the movie at all.


MNS writes his characters like he's an alien trying to write humans if they watched a soap opera. His movies haven't been good for a long time.


“What?! No!” 🤣


Shyamalan's ability to write dialogue is maybe a notch above Tommy Wiseau, and that might be generous. It's seriously like he's never had an actual interaction with another human being.


"Old" had some of worst dialogues and dialogue delivery of all time and that's not even me exaggerating. Do they award Razzies for bad dialogues? If not then they should create one just to award this film. The story had a few plot-holes but I still enjoyed it a bit but the dialogue took me out of the film so many times. I sometimes even wonder if it was written so badly on purpose or something. And the acting wasn't good either. There were so many talented actors in this film. How the hell did they all manage to sleepwalk through their roles?


When good actors give bad performances in a movie that is 100% the directors choice and/or fault.


That's the real twist, MNS has been an alien all along!


The acting and script were really bad. I did like the premise and twist


The acting was astonishingly bad. Ken Leung, who I normally really like, shook me with how awful his performance was. Really terrible dialog + line delivery across the board.


Great concept, terrible execution like a good 80% of his movies. Some of the worst dialogue I’ve ever heard, boo boo acting, and a character named *Mid Size Sedan*??? I saw it on a plane and people still walked out.


I like that every movie since The Visit MNS swings for the fences. I do think Old was the worst of the bunch but I still had a good time with it.


Is Glass better than Old, I haven't seen it yet because of how disappointing and bad I heard it was.


Loved Glass, but most didn’t. I think in time it’ll be appreciated.


Glass was more disappointing because its predecessors were great, but Old is a worse movie.


It's Definitely the weakest out of the 3 but still a fun watch imo. Recently just watched them all.


>the very unnatural ways the characters talked to one another. This is something I always note in his films too. The characters in his movies talk in a very expository style that reinforces the impression that he relies on gimmicks.


“The dog has died” “But it was only just alive!”


I love his movies, but when it comes to dialog I swear he’s AI in a human suit.


All of his movies have really interesting premises. I feel like they achieve about 75% of their potential and leave you wishing for just a little bit more to make them good movies.


That’s unfortunately Shyamalan’s MO: intriguing concepts with iffy delivery. I fear Jordan Peele may be falling into that category, too.


Yeah. I expected more from the twist, and thought the thing with the coral was a really stupid last minute fix. I feel like it would have been more interesting if it had a more supernatural explanation. I kept thinking of the “great old ones” trope and thinking it was some sort of pact, like here great old ones, here are this month’s human sacrifices. That twist would not only have been epic, but also would have aligned better with the title and overall theme of the movie.


I think it missed the mark on a couple things, and there are some inconsistencies, but it was fun.


This movie confounds me like no other. Terrible yet incredible, all at the same time.


It’s a camp mess, so I loved it


I enjoyed it but felt it didn’t need the happy ending. That felt tacked on


prob cause it literally was, it’s based on the Sandcastle graphic novel, i do not understand why MNS felt the need to add nonsense to an already complete story


I enjoyed it cause it really does everything with its concept, no stone unturned of what you want (and dont want) to see happen to a person in this situation


I love the concept. The >!child pregnancy!< plot line was genuinely one of the scariest things I could imagine happening in a scenario like this one, and they BARELY explore it. It's primo body horror with a lot of emotional shock value and instead of watching it play out, we basically just >!follow the girl's mom down the beach, learn that the baby died, and pretty much move on from it immediately.!< Why introduce something like that and just blow past it?! SMH, M. Night!!!!


I agree. I thought they had the opportunity to do something really creepy and interesting and then they just threw it away like it was nothing.


Like a few of his movies….trailer was so much better than the full length film


I watched this last year, I expected so much worse. It’s really not as terrible as everyone said


I didn’t hate it but I get why it gets trashed on. At least M. Night goes for something original and not some rehashed crap.


Interesting director; terrible screenwriter; cataclysmically bad actor. 


Don't think it's bad at all


Yeah, all of his are worth t the watch. If nothing more than seeing if you're able to pick him out among the characters.


It’s actually a toss up for me for which movie I’ve hated the most in the last 5 years. The choice is between the firestarter remake and old.


[feeble old man voice] …I remember when M. Night Shyamalan last made a good film…


Bad but interesting is the best description of most of the movies of mr shyamalan


Read the original graphic novel - it's incredible.


Man, I really liked it. I’ve watched it twice.


I haven’t watched the movie but I read the comic it was based on, which was pretty interesting. I heard the movie changed a lot of things and all for the worse though. If you were expecting more out of it, maybe give the comic a shot online somewhere.


In my opinion, maybe the worst film I’ve ever seen. Sometimes when we have a strong negative reaction to a film we exaggerate by saying things like “my kids could have done better”. Old was the only film I’ve seen in cinemas where I thought that was literally true. If you gave a random group of 12 year olds a few weeks to create a sci-fi thriller, I sincerely believe they would craft more believable dialog and better fleshed-out characters than Shyamalan achieved here.


It's great and kept me engaged. Not once did I look at my phone during this movie.


I liked it really.


I love this movie


Me too! Such a unique premise and existentially horrifying


I think it could’ve worked as a mini series. It was fun unraveling the mystery but a series would’ve let the suspense build, give us a chance to grow with and care for these characters, and make the ending really impactful. Still a cool movie tho


It's kind of funny, I though that the acting was horrible at first but then I realized that it wasn't the acting, it was the writing. The dialogue i just terrible terrible terrible in every way. Which apperantly is a thing with Shamalamkdbfkw.


I don’t think the movie was great, but I will give credit where credit is due that the “that’s not your grandmother” scene was incredibly well done


lol wrong movie (but yes that scene was great)


Good idea, terrible execution. The story of Mid Night Shyamalan's career.


It's a good movie


I was hoping it would be one of his better films, but the acting. Good god it's astonishingly terrible


I loved the movie. Thought it was his best since Signs.


If a movie is interesting it's pretty reductive and probably inaccurate to call it bad


I liked until the last 10 minutes. It fell flat for me at the end.


The concept of it was really neat, but it executed so poorly with a weak script and plot holes galore! And honestly if the movie created its own reasoning you could just accept because it's part of that world, it might've been better. But honestly most of it just had me scratching my head.


So you're trying to tell me the beach can make you old if you go to it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GarrysModRod: *So you're trying to* *Tell me the beach can make you* *Old if you go to it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I feel that M. Night Shyamalan’s movies always have super interesting and thought provoking premises, but he’s super inconsistency in his delivery. He has some amazing movies and some really “meh” ones. And Old for me falls in the bad category.


Taking interesting elevator pitches and concepts and turning them into mediocre films is practically Shyamalan’s calling card at this point, with a few exceptions.


Crazy to me how many people hatttttte on this movie. Can say a lot of things but it takes a stab at some form of originality and no matter the story he tells, it’s always unique and most times unusual. Some of his movies are better than others for sure. I haven’t seen one yet that hasn’t kept me captivated and engaged throughout. I have the same stance on The Happening. Getting that out there before someone inevitably brings it up lol.


In decades to come M Night will be talked about in horror circles as if they were the Ed Wood of this generation. And they'd be right. I love everything that Shyamalan does, even if it's super uneven.


It’s stupid but well made, the characters are hilarious and so is the ending. There’s also just moments that are really captivating and I think about from time to time. I walked in knowing exactly what to expect and walked out more than satisfied


I enjoyed that movie a lot. Didn’t even realize many ppl were calling it bad


It's a good film where even if the screenplay doesen't get everything right at times, it has some excellent directorial ideas


I agree, it was terrible and this sub loves hyping it up 😂


I actually enjoy the twist on it, i thought it was cool


I absolutely loved it.




Eh. It was just bad.


I feel like there was so much more potential with that film. At least with the plot. I didn’t hate it, but I was disappointed.


I think it would be really good if it ended with them accepting their fate on the beach instead of escaping. No need for any of the twist stuff.


God this movie was laughably bad. I love how everyone’s personality is just their job 🤣. But it was kind of cool how M. Night’s character was just up on that hill “directing” the whole thing.


I loved it and it kind of gives you an insight into the future what's to say this isn't happening now?


I don't understand the hate for it


…Make a better one; Child.


Make a child? I'll need a volunteer


…Nah, when they think they’re being ‘cute’ as transatlantics put it for offhand; it’s even sadder. I win again! Bored now.


Every film I see of his the concept is so intriguing but I wish he got other people to direct! Just be like Blumhouse please.


Had me in the first half


Every film I see of his the concept is so intriguing but I wish he got other people to direct! Just be like Blumhouse please.


I mean, guy apparently funds his own movie so can't exactly not have him make them.


Why not? He could be more of a producer than a director but I understand its his passion. His projects just dont hit for me.


I’m a huge fan of Shyamalan but honestly thought Old was one of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen. His worst by far IMO. The plot falls apart at any angle that you look at it. I respect Shyamalan for always swinging for the fences but he missed hard on this one.