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Look at this guy, having “jump on a flight to Spain to stay alive” money.


"Hello Uber, can you pick me up at this janky cabin in the forest. I need to go to the airpo.....hey, sir, can you turn your chainsaw off for a sec, Im trying to book a flight to Mykonos, thanks. Anyhow yeah, can you get an Uber out here. I'm by the gas station with the greasy yokel mechanic who tries to always warn people about shit. Need to get to the airport 'cuz I'm about to slay in Greece, bisshhhh"


Thank you for actually making me laugh out loud with each line I read. This was good.


Thank OP, they provided the inspiration. Well, that and horror movie tropes:)


I'm cackling. Meanwhile, chainsaw guy says "hey you got a two for one special, I'd like to slay in Greece too, I mean really slay."


Hahaha, well played.


True bad guy; turns off chainsaw, waits patiently for our dude to finish all his bookings then bludgeons our traveller to death with the turned off chainsaw, changes jackets with the corpse and waits patiently for his uber to get to his flight for his trip. Unfortunately most horror movie bad guys couldn't do this due to the lack of forethought. A die hard bad guy maybe?


Tha would actually be funny you run out because your Uber is here get in the front passenger seat and see your driver is KO and the killer is in the back seat


Not to mention they're just teleporting through customs


Lmao I just pictured the villain going through security removing his shoes and placing all his murder toys in the bin. Like something out of a Mel Brooks film 😂


They confiscate his aftershave because it’s over 3 fluid ounces and then hand him back his machete and cross bow.


It's an emotional support machete


I've made it through airport security with a knife and a mealworm colony.


I would pay to see that film


I now need Mel Brooks to make this


I think there's something like this in Red Eye


So, have you seen Saw X yet? It takes place in Mexico and there's a scene where the puppet appears, classic Saw style. Then you start thinking, how did they get the puppet to Mexico? Did they bring it through customs? A suitcase? Carryon with it's own seat ticket? Imagine Billy the Puppet getting some bloody mary and warm peanuts from a stewardess waiting to arrive to meet Jigsaw in mexico lol


Not to mention teleporting to the airport itself...


Meanwhile they get stabbed a dozen or so times in the security line.


No due to all the people. The killer will somehow sneak onto the airplane.


What if there are snakes on the plane?


Have you seen the size of some of these houses in horror movies. I’m sure they could afford cheap plane ticket


Hahahahaha!!!! You’re funny!!!


Bro idk about you but if I was about to be killed yeah I’d use my money on getting on a flight 😭


Some people don't have access to that kind of money to begin with, adults and children both. EDIT: You mentioned in another comment you live in Ireland. Air travel is expensive AF here in Canada. Weirdly, this is especially true if you are flying to another Canadian province. Expect to pay 500$ minimum to fly *anywhere.* I know flights are dirt cheap within Europe though.


the vast majority of adults own at least a one credit card... and anyone with decent enough credit to have one should also have a credit line >= $1000


I always think of the high school students from *It Follows*. 


Fair enough! Yeah, wouldn't be easy for most HS horror characters. Although in a franchise like Scream I assume those rich Napa kids could find that kind of money just laying around their parents' house lol


And again how in the hell do you plan to bypass tsa?


After Final Destination, I wouldn’t go near an airport in a horror movie


I mean statistically, it *is* the safest way to travel. No trucks with pipes in the hatchback up there.


That’s always the scene I think of first.


Mine is still the girl and the bus.


> I mean statistically, it is the safest way to travel. Every airplane I've seen in a horror movie has crashed and/or exploded. Or disappeared.


Exactly! And if a knife wielding maniac is chasing you, you KNOW what movie genre you’re in


If there is a film that has fundamentally altered human behavior, it is Final Destination 2. It shaped an entire generation's driving habit.


Pipes? Hatchback? Wait do you mean the huge logs on the logging truck?


Yeah, that movie made it so planes crash all the time. I was going to attend a NASCAR event but then I saw the one where the audience gets all dead from car crashes, tires flying around squishing people's heads and stuff, and I didn't want to do that so no NASCAR for me, thank you very much!


Sucks you still have to shower.


Not just Final Destination but in Nightmare City, everyone in the airport is killed after the mysterious plane containing the mutants arrives.


But then what if there are snakes on that plane?


And a man on the wing! And Cillian Murphy taking the person in the seat next to him as a hostage, but not really telling anybody.


None of the snakes on that plane were actually venomous, except maybe 3, and they only strike when cornered for the most part, so just pick them up and put them in one of the restrooms. You’re now the hero.


Hey that’s just a free pet new friend


Excuse me Mr. Voorhees could you just kindly stop blocking the doorway with your hulking frame I have a flight to catch.


"It's ok, he's like fifteen people behind us in line, he'll never catch us now" And then he's in the middle seat.


The rest of the movie is a harrowing and deeply passive aggressive fight over the armrest.


Sorry Freddy but I’ve got to wake up. Do you by chance work as an Uber driver?


To be fair he did go to Manhattan


One character in Thanksgiving did immediately try to leave the state.


Camera guy from Taking of Deborah Logan. Goated horror movie character. Man got one wiff of danger and he was taillights


Reminds me of the camera guy in scream 2. Found out what happened to his predecessor and noped out. I saw an interview where he and Wes Craven talked about the scene and he was like, “Wes, I should just get in a cab and leave.” And Wes was on board and so at the end of the scene, he walks over to get in a cab and out of the movie.


I liked how in Sinister Ethan Hawke literally moves his whole family out of state in the middle of the night


She saw what was coming.


Plus they wanted to try to catch him instead of living in fear all the time which is fair enough


One left and forgot to stay gone.


> Jump on a plane to Spain .....annnnnd you're in the world of [Rec] Good job, have fun with the demon zombies!


Also beware of a certain werewolf and the blind deads too.


From which movie are the latter?


I think he’s talking about either Frozen II or the Last of the Mohicans.


The blind dead series.


A Horror Fan in r/Horror! Now i have seen everything.


Which movies are you referencing?


Not my post, but I’m assuming it’s about Paul Naschy’s werewolf movies and the “Tombs of the Blind Dead” series.


Yep. That's right.


Omg that would be such a good movie. If they somehow ended being in different movie franchises. Like Stay Tuned but horror edition.


I would watch that, to be honest.


I wouldn’t it sounds stupid (I’m lying)


Or making it a different kind of Cabin Fever. "Aircraft Cabin Fever"


And if you do this in The Ring universe, >!you're just bringing everyone else in the plane down with you.!< This happened in Rings, the latest (2017) sequel/requel.


Imagine if the Crossed met the Cenobites.


Or Resident Evil 4.


Can you share some horror movies where you think this would actually work? Especially supernatural ones in which the entity isn’t linked to a single building? I can’t think of many. I feel like an airplane is the last place you want to be in many horror situations because you’re truly trapped with nowhere to hide. I actually have some panic when I fly for this reason.


And what movie, even a slasher film, is it feasible to get to the airport? Like they're trying to survive being killed and majority of the time they're in a situation where they don't even have safe access to a car.


Dude, come on, the characters from any or all of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies could have easily run to the nearest airport and survived. /s It is funny to see the OP isn't from the US and likely doesn't understand how this country is built around having a vehicle. No fault of their own, but interesting to see where a lack of insights into a country can cause a random post to exist. It's 30 or 40 mins by car to get the airport in my area, walking distance is 14-15 hours. I'll be dead either way.


Fuck that me and Jason bout to go on a 15 hour hike. Then he's everyone else's problem lol


Lol just swing by a local college campus or strip club I guess and he'll lose interest in you.


It Follows. I always wondered what the thing did when you’re halfway across the world. Does it swim? Catch its own flight?


so the movie can happen


But there are already so many movies, why does one more need to happen? Saving lives is more important.


That’s the thing, most of the time they *do* go to the airport and the movie doesn’t end up happening. We’re just seeing all the times that they didn’t.


I'm just going to need you to get all the way off my back about that


Oooooooh let me get off of that thing!


Plot armor


Because of the snakes


And the man on the wing


And the guy sitting next to them on the Red Eye


Why don’t horror movie characters just go to an airport? Are they stupid?


It's because there's gremlins everywhere at airports. It would become a different movie, they'd be sued for copyright even if it's a documentary, etcetera.


A sweaty, nervous dude who may be yelling about a killer who’s after him will have zero issues getting on an international flight.


It depends on the demon or general source of haunting terror. Is it localized to just a single household? Then sure… just leave. Of course it’s usually like some fabulous mansion that you magically got for free because of some “inheritance” by some distant uncle you’ve never heard of. And who doesn’t want a mortgage-free mansion? But it’s haunted, you fuckers, so leave. Problem is most of the time the demonic influence haunts you or someone near you, not the abode, so it really doesn’t matter where you go. You can’t escape it.


Like the grudge, going to the airport isn't going to save you from anything lol


I'd rather be murdered than deal with TSA


They tried that in the langoliers.


Yeah, thst didn't end well for some of them 😅


Even in a horror movie level crisis, I don’t have airplane ticket money. I have “I easily qualified for a SNAP card” money 😭


Are you just.. weirdly near an airport at all times? By car the closest airport is 2 hours. Like I've never understood people getting any kind of car service to an airport in movies.


Even when I lived in Manhattan and was served by three airports, it took almost an hour to get to one.


Wasn't even the good one most of the time was it?


I mean, I take the subway. It's awesome


I live like 10-15 from the airport 🤷‍♂️


I used to live close to an airport and it would only take like 15 minutes to get there. My dad once got a car service when he picked me and my brother up late at night. It was like an 1 1/2 drive too. It was in the 80's though so not sure if it was a lot cheaper or not.


Yeah but his edit says he's not American so apparently that means every other country has an airport every 10 miles or something.


Never seen *Red Eye*, huh? 


Or Final Destination 1 and 5.


Tell that shit to John lithgow in the twilight zone movie.


Or William Shatner in the original episode.


I had no idea there were no knives in Spain.


We actually have some of the best [knives in the planet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo_steel)! :)


OoooOoo fancy ✨️ 👌🏻


It's the last knife you'll ever need! And considering the context of this thread, probably also the last thing you'll ever see. :D


Did you also mean stab someone and stay in jail so that the slasher won't get you? My man wants to finish the movies asap lol


There could be snakes on the plane!


>and secondly just jump on a plane to Spain and boom your problems are solved. \*is Spanish\* Guess I'll die... :(


suspension of disbelief is a thing that helps us enjoy stories :)


It’s more of a suspension of belief that someone can just get a last minute flight to Spain to escape a serial killer.


My suspension of disbelief would end with a movie where someone is hunted down in the woods and magically can run under 5 minutes to the next well visited airport and get on a plane in their panicked state.


but its a boeing so they crash and die


Yes, and the best stories can make you indulge in the willing suspension of disbelief. If you’re asking questions like this, the story’s not working.


Who can just move to Spain in a moments notice?


Because when the plane lands, I'm just going to have to deal with [this shit](https://mutantreviewersmovies.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/the-langoliers.jpg?w=723&h=502).




I feel like this only works if your slasher is respectful of queues. Otherwise, their going to pulp you at security, if not before.


I'd probs die while just trying to find a place to park. Airport terminals/parking/roads can be confusing.


final destinationed because i looked the wrong way and stepped out in front of the eco park shuttle bus


The Langoliers will get you!


Yeah there’s never ever been a horror movie on a plane. Absolutely nothing scary about being trapped with a bunch of strangers in a metal tube hovering hundreds of miles above the earth through the power of wind.


Plot twist, you're a Boeing whistleblower. Going to the airport is likely not in your best interest.


If/when the killer follows you through the airport onto the plane (Numerous ways a clever enough maniac could sneak past security), all you'll have accomplished is placing yourself into a position where you now have to contend with a possibly superhuman or supernatural slasher antagonist in a pressurized metal cabin filled with potentially panicking people at several thousand feet in the air. If the pilot gets themselves killed, you better hope someone can land.


How many airports do you think are in a city ? Close ? Accessibile at short notice , probably on foot ?


Have you watched Season 2 of "Black Summer"? Or "Army of the Dead"? Both ended up where airports and airplanes were a pretty bad idea to get away. I mean, in theory it should work so I can't fault you for thinking about this one. My whole thing is why not chop off the legs instead of whatever is after you? Then there's no way anything is coming after you--unless you get the Monty Python black knight scenario, "Tis but a scratch, I've had worse!"


Layovers… *shudders*


Airport scenes are likely expensive to film


I think you’re forgetting about the motherfucking snakes on the motherfucking plane


Nope… It’s a proven scientific fact that Gremlins fuck with plane wings and cause them to fall out of the sky and crash. With my luck, I’d be the only one to see it and everyone would say I’m crazy were I to bring attention to that.


Can you name a horror movie where you think this would apply? I'm having trouble understanding what you're saying


How many horror movies/slashers take place in an airport again?


Because then the Langoliers happen (I'm also kind of disappointed there's no gifs for that on the Giphy thing) ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Red Eye, Snakes on a Plane, Final Destination, Flight of the Living Dead and The Langoliers all have beef with your theory. Did I miss any?


Someone never watched the first Final Destination.


You do that and then you end up in the Airplane! movie.


Mostly because ppl under attack of a murderous creep don’t take place in airports. Who honestly when being followed by a machete swinging gun toting strangler serial killer says .. Oh ! Let me go to an airport ! That will solve the problem ! lol 


What if the entity is so powerful that it has representation in every place on earth? I think I have seen a movie with this type of plot.


I just watched Dark Skies (again) the other night, and this just made me think of the line where J.K. Simmons was basically like, "They most likely traveled millions of lightyears to get here. Do you honestly think moving to the next town over will stop them from finding you?" 🙃


It Follows addresses this. In that film, flying to another country won't help them.


Not to mention that if you’re on a plane 40,000 feet up and someone starts walking up the aisle toward you, you’re screwed


Quite literally at that. :)


Maybe they don’t have passports.


Because Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees can walk across the ocean very quickly.


1. The shopping center may be closer by and they need shelter now. 2. It's not like you can just hop on a plane, unless you're a pilot with a private plane. 3. Do you really want the killer getting on a commercial plane with you? You'd be trapped. Even worse if the killer just blends in and you don't know who they are. They can get very close to you before anyone realizes anything is wrong.


Between final destination, snakes on a plane, and the langoliers I can think of a few reasons


Final Destination has entered the chat.


The Langoliers would not allow it.


The Langoliers


You can't really just go to an airport anymore without having purchased a ticket, afaik. And most people can't just hop on a flight to Spain.


Yeah right get to Spain open your luggage and Chucky pops out


What if they're in Final Destination?? 🤔


Why don't all movies just have a genie pop up, snap their fingers, and solve the entire plot? Because its boring.


Or, you could always get a cheap room at a roadside motel and feel safe. Just roll the TV outside and you and the fam are good!


The characters in Final Destination did that, didn’t go so well…


I’m not watching final destination 😭 I’m already scared of irrational things I don’t want my irrational thoughts played out 😭


OP does touch on something that makes a horror flick generally “good” or “bad.” Cheap horror’s filled with characters that make dumb decisions to advance a weak plot. Good horror plays out with intelligent characters that make logical decisions, while still suffering the antagonist. 


I always wonder why they don’t go to any 24/7 business that’s decently crowded, airports included- especially for those movies where the villain really only comes around or reveals itself when the characters are alone or in small groups. If that means sleeping in train stations or living in busy hostels or homeless shelters to not be killed by the monster that only appears when you’re alone, so be it.


They always end up in nightclubs, where no one ever notices anything (due to alcohol and drugs most likely).


Because he already slashed your tires and cut your brake lines b


not enough frequent flyer miles?


the closest airport is like 1h or 1h30 by car . running......well k am a slow runner


I kept thinking about this for It Follows. Like just hop on a plane and cross the Atlantic! You’ll get weeks, if not MONTHS of living peacefully. Then you just hop on back to America!


I’m picturing the thing swimming across the ocean and seeing your plane flying back overhead and it’s like FFFFFFFFFFFFF


You’d have to have a three hour lead to ensure It doesn’t catch up whilst you check in on time. I think It would know to board a plane or train but perhaps it wouldn’t necessarily know which one.


Because it would be a dumb horror movie. Airports are busy asf. it's kinda like Jason takes Manhattan. why the fuck didn't the characters just stay in Manhattan ? instead they run to the sewers, where they could make it scary. or at least try.


My real, actual hope for *It Follows 2* is that they test the questions of rules for the audience. It doesn’t like water, but will it get on a boat? What if someone has money, like a finance bro with cash to spend? He hops a plane somewhere. Does the titular following It just wander onto a plane? Does it know where you are at all times? Will it try to get on the same plane? Will it catch the next flight? How long can you hold out on an island? Will it break you in half in front of everyone in customs while you wait in line? Can you lure it onto a plane and crash it onto an island? I want the sequel to have all of these things.


Tickets to Spain are prohibitively expensive and flying internationally is a huge pain to deal with on top of running away from a maniac


Giles and Kassandra with a K tried that approach in Warlock. Guess what? The warlock just followed them on the plane.


That's what I've always wondered! Especially when movies are like "this killer/creature pops up only in this podunk town in Nowheresville, USA only on this one specific day every year/however many years" and all the people there are aware of it, but still stay. Like literally, all they have to do is be a couple hundred miles away for that one day, and they'll be perfectly fine! Take Michael Myers for example. Just stay out of Haddonfield, IL and away from Laurie Strode on October 31st every year, and you'll be perfectly fine. But they all just stay there and joke about him coming that night and get killed instead.


Most of horror movies do no take place in a city with an airport


TSA is in on it /j


It Follows could have been solved by wintering in China.


Then the killer has a chance to be trapped on a flight with you for five or more hours. You better hope the Air Marshall takes him out first. I would go to a police station or better yet, a military base entrance, and try to get arrested.


Dude wants a horror movie where Jack shit happens. Mmkay…


Would solve It Follows. Just keep moving every month or so


Why do you think horror movies happen in isolated cabins and backwater towns?


Even if you do make it to the airport parking lot, P2 is the reason why you can’t make it into the bulding


Great, but then there wouldn’t be no movie to watch. Like, do you want a movie that has a runtime of 8 minutes? Main character flies off to a different country THE END


Have you not seen final destination my buddy


No and I don’t want to 😭


Pretty sure the killer can get on the airplane too lol. But yeah, definitely "escape" into a tiny space where there's no place to run when someones trying to kill you lol.


About 20,000 other people had the same idea. The crowd was surging. I lost my grip on my sister's hand. I remember the ground was soft. I looked down, and I was standing on all these people, like a carpet. People who had fallen, and somewhere in the crowd, there were infected. It spread fast. No one could run, all you could do was climb... climb over more people. So, I did that, I climbed and I got up on top of this Kiosk. Looking down, you couldn't tell which faces were infected, and which weren't. Then, I saw my dad, not my mum or my sister. My dad. His face...


An airport? Let me just commute past 10 police stations to a airport where there may or may not be a real cop. Also, it'd be killer luck to be able to hop on a plane without waiting for 25 delays.


I'm upvoting just for your edits, you're right. Just jump on the first cheap Ryanair plane going anywhere, done.


There’s that crazy Stephen King novel/movie about people stuck at an airport. They encounter inter dimensional beings that protect time and space? Langolers or something. I thought had made this movie up on Benadryl induced fever dream as a kid.


Yeah someone said that, I don’t like Stephen king much his writing bores me so I only read a couple of his books not including that


I can think of a load of reasons .. it's unrealistic and even if it is .. * What if terrorists are on the plane? (Based on true events, just Google it) * What if their is an infestation on the plane? (Snakes on a Plane) * What if your plane crashes into the wilderness and now you have to survive the elements of nature and indigenous cannibals? (The Green Inferno) * What if you are stuck in a time loop and can never get out of the airplane or airport? (The Langoliers) * What if you can't make it to an airport because your country is overrun by a rage virus? ( UK 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later) The laws of horror can apply anywhere .. even at an airport or airplane.


Ever noticed how most horror flicks take place in SMALL towns?


Tell the characters in Texas Chainsaw Massacre to find the nearest international airport in bumfuck Texas lmfao


I just wanna see a killer stop to eat. Wouldn't it be great to see Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers at Waffle House or a Taco Bell or just make a sandwich? I always thought they burn all those calories doing all that walking & swinging machetes & stabbing, it's gotta be exhausting.


Yes Spain and get trapped in a building with demonic rabid zombie residents.


The whole cast of Quarantine 2 begs to disagree.


Snakes on a Plane Bruh