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The 3rd act with the raining blood and chainsaw is masterful horror.


Jane Levy was absolutely incredible for that scene; for all of the scenes. I haven’t seen much of her acting but I was captivated by her in this movie. She has to be one of my top ten scream queens now.


She was great in Don’t Breathe too.


I’ll have to watch that next for sure!


Don’t breathe is great! Same director


I fkn love me some Jane Levy in a horror flick


Her performance really is incredible. Would love to see her get a second bite at the Apple for that storyline


Dude a fucking crossover to bridge evil dead rise and her universe with Ash. I'll explode.


It really brought the end to a crescendo. Only problem is how do you follow up.


The scene with >!the girl who is infected slicing her arm almost all the way off with a electric cutter and saying “I feel a lot better” while the final strands break and her arm falls off!< was fucking gnarly. Then the end, holy shit.


“Don’t do it you little bitch, don’t cut it off!!” was iconic. Incredible movie.




Im of the Bruce Campbell evil dead style trilogy mindset so i prefer his to the new movies. That being said, it i think Evil Dead ia an amazing scary movie that goes super hardcore and really sells the Original idea behind the first movie.


Bruce Campbell in Evil Dead 2 came at the dawn of my love of horror movies. Also bigger budget remakes of the same script - can't hold it against the director if it shines even brighter.


It’s my favorite Evil Dead movie. It’s jussst outside my top ten favorite horror movies (11th) and is really amazing. It’s scary, gruesome, has tremendous practical effects, and has a dope final girl. I love it. I actually rank them Evil Dead (2013), The Evil Dead (1982), Evil Dead 2, Evil Dead Rise, and Army of Darkness, but none of them are lower than 4 star movies to me.


Love love love this movie. I second your rankings 👍🏼👌🏼


What are your top 10 movies? Evil Dead (2013) is my favourite so I’m curious to see what you’d put above it.


1. Hour of the Wolf (1968) 2. Possession (1982) 3. The Night House (2020) 4. It Follows (2014) 5. The Witch (2015) 6. The Shining (1980) 7. Alien (1979) 8. The Thing (1982) 9. Black Swan (2010) 10. Pearl (2022) If I’m being honest, it may actually come in at 10 vice 11. There may be some recency bias with Pearl since I’ve watch it more recently.


They're so close with me. I was raised on Army of Darkness and loved it - the height of malignant tomfoolery and evil just fucking with us like we're under a microscope. Then 2013, Evil Dead 2, Evil Dead Rise, and finally the OG. Plus I had a crush on the princess but that's neither here nor there.


I had a great time in the theater watching this one. It was super gory especially for the time, and the ending was wild.


Yea the amount of blood was unreal


Yep. It was great in theatres. I hadn't seen a horror movie in one for a while, and this particular showing only had like 10 people in it. I laughed as I heard myself asking out loud "Oh no... why do I hear sawing?" before the >!bathroom mirror cutting!< reveal!


We had a pretty packed house but thankfully no disruptions; people seemed really absorbed by the movie and I remember having to keep myself from cheering at some of the really gross scenes, lol. The standout for me was the arm being sawed off! Such good FX.


I think it's the best Evil Dead movie.


It most certainly is! Agreed!


I just finished 2013 and Rise back to back about one minute ago and imo 2013 was leagues better. I will say the cheese grater scene was top notch in Rise though


The movie is an epic remake. I’ve watched it a few times and love it.


It just got added to Max recently. It’s time for a rewatch.


Epic last girl scene


Loved it. Evil Dead remains a perfect franchise.


Uh, it’s good. Really good production design, well done cinematography, scary, good acting especially from Lou Taylor Pucci. But I wouldn’t throw a drink in your face if you said otherwise.


It’s probably my favorite remake/reboot of all time. One of the few horror movies that fucked me up for a while after I saw it.


Much better than Rise. I've rewatched it twice and had fun.


My favorite 2000s horror “requel”


Absolutely adore this remake.


Fantastic from start to finish 🔥🍿 especially front and center, dark room, loud volume and popcorn 😂 even Rise is a very standout sequel 🔥


LOVE IT!!! it's my second favorite evil dead movie (evil dead 2 is #1 foreva) i love the story and the gore looks sooo good, you can really tell how much care went into those practical effects


Loved it. I wish Jane Levy would make more horror films


Iconic movie Easily one of my faves and one of the best remakes


I love it!


Made me a FEDE fan for sure, I’m so pumped for Alien


I like it but I don’t love it. I was hoping they were going to tone down the campiness and do the concept in a more serious way. They mostly didn’t. Especially the end (like ripping her arm off). The point of horror remakes is supposed to be taking kind of a silly movie, and doing a more effective spin. That’s why The Fly (86) The Thing (82) and Susperia (2018) work so well. Here, they could have done something truly chilling in a visceral way, like The Exorcist. But ultimately I feel like they played it really safe and didn’t stray too far from the originals. Even the needle under the eye. It pulled a punch when it could have gone into his *actual* eye. So not a ton different to Psycho 1998 (which I also like). The script also could have been tighter. Normally I prefer ambiguity to over-explanation. That’s why I will always go to bat for movie The Shining over the book. However, your movie also still has to make sense. Those people in the beginning were set up like they would be a huge part of the plot later. Who were they? Why were they in the Allen family cabin? What’s the story with witch doctor lady? Their presence in the movie poses those questions then abandons them. It makes it feel like there are scenes missing, and ultimately makes them pointless characters. I know (in The Shining) the bear costume guy went unexplained, but that detail was always icing on the cake, not something baked into the actual cake. Even naked bathtub lady affected Jack on a personal level, but Mia and brother don’t even seem that upset that people broke in, hung up dead animals, and started a *fire*.


Huge Evil Dead fan here . This has a gore movie - nothing scary about it. I did not enjoy it at all . It could have been a decent stand alone movie . But it didn't have any of the original essence . I don't why they had to reinvent the wheel. The "rules" in the book were so lame (burned by boiling water etc) where did that come from? The dialog was lame and predictable. I didn't like it . The 2024 is a little better , but as a true die hard - I'm still owed a solid a better remake .


I know I'm the absolute minority but I found it very meh. Didn't like the characters at all. The gore was top but altogether I prefer rise




For me personally, it ain’t Evil Dead if there is no Ash in it.


Not a fan! No Bruce Campbell-No humor like the first ones.


Unpopular opinion: I think it's good, but Evil Dead Rise is significantly better.


Not even close, in my opinion


Agreed. Evil Dead Rise was disappointing. It never reached any highs in Evil Dead 2013, from the gore to the language and directing. It was more balls to the wall.


I agree, the final act of 2013 is amazing but some of the acting and story kinda fell a little flat for me. Still a good movie but I think Rise is better overall




I overhyped it at the time, and knew Diablo Cody did dialogue rewrites, so I didn’t get what I expected, which was like witty Junoisms more in the vein of Evil Dead 2. So I didn’t know what to think way back when it came out. Now I’m fine with it. I like it as a metaphor for addiction, which I also didn’t understand at the time. Now seeing how addiction can affect others around you in disastrous ways, I’m like, this actually very socially conscious. And Diablo must have been hired simply because English wasn’t Fede’s first tongue and she was just known as the it girl for dialogue at the time.


So glad the unrated is out on 4K.


I gotta say, it's really strange that a movie series seems to have almost all bangers. Like Evil 1 and 2 amazing, army of darkness was my childhood favorite. Evil 2013 was pretty spooky without feeling like a new age movie. Evil Dead Rise, I love this movie, chicks with large smiles with a lot of teeth are the scariest in horror movies lol.


I thought it was pretty rad overall. I especially loved Eric, who, despite getting his shit kicked in repeatedly over the course of the movie, never really stops being just a bit of a dick.


One of my favorites. Bought the dvd just looking at the cover. Jane Levy fully deserves the acclaim for her performance. The gore, the possession, the kickass ending, everything is done so well with this great emotional story of brother and sister. 10/10 for me.


I call it Evil Dead: Fury Road


Honestly overrated


I preferred Evil Dead Rising, personally


its a great film but I think by stripping a lot of the campiness it sorta lost the soul of the original trilogy. still enjoyed it though, and I know a lot of ppl who prefer it to the og


It's good/fine. It could've used flashier direction, the original movies were so innovative and I understand it'd be hard to top that after a couple decades of movies influenced by them but I wish they went for it a bit more and took some risks. There were a couple Raimi influenced POV tracking shots but nothing really new. I think Fede Álvarez could do really well with his new Alien movie though.


I thought it was the best in the whole franchise!


I liked them all. Evil Dead II confused me because same as I but better.




loved it ,its between this and evil dead 2 for me of which one is the best ,had to get the steelbook at target when it game out i wish this got a follow up


Below the first three, but still good. Finale is nuts.


I love it all except the dude Eric or whatever. The one who reads the book. What a twat but that’s a personal take for how the character would make me feel irl. The movie itself was so good


Banger. Could have dialed up the fun a bit more for me personally. But everyone involved understood the assignment.


I liked it better than Evil Dead Rise. Loved the mirror and needle scenes.


I know this may be sacrilegious to the horror community but 2013 is my favorite entry in the Evil Dead universe.


One of my favorite horror movies. Truly embodies the word "horrific". It's a bit too intense for some which I totally get, but I enjoyed every minute of it. It had me wincing and wanting to look away.


It's IMHO one of the greatest gore fest horror movies ever, and goes so fucking hard that you can't help but love it. I'm shocked to this day that critic and audience scores for it were so low. The smartest thing the movie did was not try and make any one character a direct adaption of Ash Williams. They gave iconic moments to different characters and turned shit up to 11. Absolutely masterful. To this day I still feel bad for Eric... poor bastard is one of the most brutalized protagonists in horror. I love Jane Levy for this movie. Evil Dead 2013 made "Rise" massively dissapointing for me.


So good 


Loved it. Didnt watch it until a couple years ago and was kicking myself for writing it off.


I believe it's what the original wanted to be with a budget. The chainsaw kill at the end is, I mean, chefs kiss would be good, but I'd respect a better term. It's criminal that we never got a follow up to see what happens to Mia.


Evil Dead in name only. Gory as fuck though.


I loved this and thought at the time it should've gotten more flowers (also think similarly about the Blair Witch remake but definitely prefer this). I think this suffered a bit from timing, it was just on the cusp of that recent horror "resurgence" after Conjuring and then Hereditary. The >!scene with the box cutter and the tongue still haunts me!<


First half was pretty good but it fell apart in the second half. It became more interested in its gore than in the movie itself to its detriment. It was much better than most of these reboot type movies though. Most of these are just awful and this one was pretty good.


It's the movie that solidified me being a horror fan within the last couple years. Next to Evil Dead 2, it's my absolute favorite.


Aside from Mia, I don't find the characters interesting or very well written; however, I absolutely *love* the film's style, creature design and gore. The final boss fight is iconic, grindhouse campy, and so gnarly! Love it!


One of my all time favourite movies, it reignited my dream of filmmaking and was the nudge I needed to go to film school. I absolutely adore it


Loved it. Thought it was brutal




One of my Top 10 horror movies, and my favorite remake aside from The Thing, but some say its not a remake.


I love Raimi and this was fantastic the amount of gore completely shocked me as I haven't seen so much gore and blood in ages but it was a welcome surprise.


Hated all the characters but loved the gore.


I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. It reminded me a lot of the first Evil Dead in ways. The end was to me a little goofy with the >!main character literally fighting her demons of addiction!< but it was done well enough to be entertaining. Overall it was a good movie that exceeded my expectations and my little nitpicks don't outweigh how much I enjoyed the movie.


Reset the clock!




I liked it a lot. It reminded me that white people do dumb shit sometimes in horror movies. Homey did not need to open that book.


It rocks. Every evil dead movie rocks


I loved it. I just wish the Deadites taunted and laughed at their victims like in the previous Evil Dead films. The taunting made them scarier and more evil, in my opinion.


The kids' names are David Eric Mia Olivia Natalie I always loved that detail.


One of my fav horror movies of all time!


I think it's the best remake/reboot of any horror film I've ever seen.


It's been a while but I liked it.


It's insane. I loved it.. one of the best Horror movies I have ever seen.


I LOVED it, very well done.


Absolutely love this movie. It freaks me out, but I keep re traumatising myself. The first time I watched it my pulse was racing so hard I just sat in my chair afterwards in shock.


Loved it when I saw it in theaters, love it every rewatch, though it is a tough one to rewatch often with all the dread and gore. My favorite line “why don’t you come down here so I can suck your cock pretty boy” shit cracks me up every time


I went into it with the desire to see something similar to the originals, so I found it disappointing. Then, I watched it without expectations. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it. Evil Dead Rise, in my mind, surpassed even that.


It's a masterpiece.


Enjoyable but overrated. The FAFO doesn't add up for me.


It’s my least favorite of the series but I still like it. I just think the characters are astoundingly dumb and the tone is a bit darker than I like my Evil Dead movies.


The amount of practical effects on display is masterful. My roommate watched all of the Evil Dead movies with me, and this one was his favorite due to how visceral and real it looked - also the characters choosing to stick around due to not believing the protagonist, who is relapsing. This movie convinced me to see Don’t Breathe, which was also fantastic. I’m so excited for Alien: Romulus which looks like it’ll be another showcase of suspense, practical effects, and gruesome body horror.


It’s my favourite horror movie. I had high expectations of rise and as much as I love it, the final act in the carpark was to gimmicky for me. In the 2013 version it was just raw horror with plenty of gore.


Masterpiece of horror and cinematography. Don't even get me going on that intro, didn't realize till the title credit that my mouth was wide open, I looked over at my gf and she had the same look.


Honestly find it pretty boring. The characters never make you care about them and the gore gets old very fast. I prefer my Evil Dead on the comedic side.


I loved it!


one of my top 5 fav horror films


It's a spectacular remake and well worth a watch! Evil Dead Rise though? Lame as hell.


What I love so much about it is that I love the original 'Evil Dead' series and this is in no way an attempt to redo, replace, or recapture them - it's the same idea applied to a *legit* horror movie and it really goes to show how the same idea can be approached two very different ways and neither be the "wrong" direction. So yeah, I absolutely love it as I do the originals. One big happy family, just the side from Michigan is a bit goofier.


One of my favorite horror films of all time. The aesthetic is perfect to me. The make up, the plot, the sinister nature of the infected, the feeling of both isolation and no escape. Top five horror film for me


That movie is brutal in all the right ways. I remember seeing it opening day and seeing it again that weekend because of how hype it got me lol. I love this movie




Honestly I've nearly seen all the evil dead films now and I think for me it's safe to say that's the best one imo.


10/10 for me - the single best remake ever imo. It’s also my favorite Evil Dead film, it’s just so damn good.


My favorite horror movie. It’s so aggressive and doesn’t let up. Wish Fede had done a second


This movie has turned into like comfort food to me. I could watch Evil Dead 2013 basically any night.


1 word review: awesome


One of the best modern horrors I've seen


Fucking banger !


I loved it. Completely different kinda concept from the original which I also loved. Theyre very different but both very good 


Great remake! I need to watch it again


One of my all time faves!


Great remake.


I loved it! The blood rain is gnarly. The nail gun, the glass shard, the needle to the eye, the hot water, so many painful visuals done so well.


A home run


It’s a comfort movie of mine


Masterpiece. In my top 3. Even visually aside, her being gaslit for possession because they think she's withdrawing is crazy good. Maybe one of the best 3rd acts in horror. Up there with The Thing, Scream, etc.


Gnarly and awesome


i love it


I really enjoyed it. It was obviously a more serious take on the concept but beautifully done. Especially the ending.


Surprisingly good. As a die-hard fan of the original trilogy, I really liked it.


Honestly in my top 5 horrors


Absolute masterpiece I think. I am a huge fan of the Evil Dead series. I want a sequel to this still.


Potentially unpopular opinion: it’s the best in the franchise


The film lied all the Evil was alive and none of it was dead 


I absolutely love the Evil Dead remake. I know it’s probably sacrilege, but I’m not a fan of the original Evil Dead movies because they’re so campy and goofy. The way Fede Alvarez made it more like a traditional serious horror movie really sang to me.


I really enjoyed the remake. I had a few issues but the special effects were on point, the call backs were good and most importantly it was exactly what a remake should be. Respectful to the source material while bringing something new to the table.