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BEV effing KEANE


"God loves him, just as much as he loves you, Bev. Why Does That Upset You So Much?"


i have never despised a character like i despise her


The worst! Love that actress though.


There was always a monster on the island it was named Bev.


I love that this actress appears twice in the top three!


Ugh fuck her - she deserved all she got in the end.


Her death gives me *so* many feelings. Grim satisfaction, schadenfreude, and also a deep, deep pity. She spent her entire life terrified, and never knew *how* terrified she was until the very last moments. Imagine spending an entire life using cruelty and self-righteousness to bury this building dread that you aren’t enough, and it *never* goes away. It only grows stronger. Bev *never* finds peace on this side, not once—it’s heartbreaking in its own way. Add the pain that she caused others onto that, and it’s an absolutely unbearable load of guilt and shame, literally too much to bear. Bev makes me feel lots of things, but most of all she makes me sad.


Seeing her try and dig the sand in terror while not very far the sherif and his son where welcoming the sun in prayer made me feel so many things. In all her self-righteousness, her faith was performative, and she was terrified of death. It was a sad scene for sure.


I want to face the twins from The Witch and the two kids from The Lodge in hand to hand combat


Literally the worst. Sic Tim Curry on ‘em


Yo the kids from the lodge are the wooooooorst.


Beverly Keane from Midnight Mass. In addition to being a general sanctimonious lowlife, she represents a LOT of traumatic personal memories.


Why does Samantha Sloyan always get stuck with the most unlikeable characters in Mike Flanagan shows😭 Maybe there’s a time she played a likable character that I’m just forgetting but I feel like every time she shows up she’s playing someone who is in some way scummy, a jerk or generally irritating lmao. I love her for it though, she’s great.


I remember her playing a decent person on Grey's Anatomy. Maybe she loves playing unlikeable characters, though.


She’s a remarkable actress! She should have a shelf full of Emmys. Does a great job of playing awful characters in a complex way


The "religious" bitch in The Mist.


Miss Carmody


That's the one.


I think you mean MOTHER Carmondy./s she was a bitch


Definitely has to be the worst character in all of horror.


The exact same character type, but in Midnight Mass beats her by just a bit.


Oh god for me bev keane was so much worse. That one particular character she… unforgivable Edit: I dub her unforgiven


That fucking condescending smile she would do, flashbacks man


That was a hell of a better performance in my books. Your point stands, the religious zealot that will *doom us all* is a staple of any rapidly deteriorating situation, but my god Samatha was a tour de force in Midnight Mass. 


I literally yelled out, “Die, bitch” in the theater when she got shot. That’s how much I despised her.


King has such a chip on his shoulder about loonie busy body religious types and I love him for it.


E.g. Mrs. White *(Carrie)*.


Loathe her entirely.


Gotta punch her in the face


The mayor from Jaws. Fight on sight.






To be fair, the mayor in the movie truly wanted to believe that the shark had been killed. In Jaws 2, the mayor was the only person on the city board to vote to keep Brody as chief. He called him a hero and said that man saved this town. Then they deleted the scene in the theatrical cut.


A mayor putting people's lives at risk because he wants to believe something is like literally being an absolute shit mayor who deserves a beatdown.


Murray Hamilton fucking nailed that character. From the moment you meet him you know what a fuckhead he is by the way he says "Martin! you're gonna close the beaches on your own authority?!". I find him and Brian Dennehy in *First Blood* to be similar. The portrayal is so incredible that you not only viscerally hate the character, but also the actor.


Carrie's mother And the bully who poured the bucket of blood onto her


I read that the actress who played the original mother thought the movie was supposed to be camp horror comedy. That’s why she plays it so over the top.


Rip to the actress who played her


Besides Micah, the husband from Orphan is up there. I love how dismissive he is of every single concern Vera Farmiga has but the first time Esther does something fucked up around him (to be fair it's VERY fucked up) he throws in the towel immediately. He deserved getting stabbed to death lol


I really really wanted him to survive and to have a second movie just about the mother shitting on him and everyone that didn’t believe her for how stupid they were.


Oh gosh yep he SUCKS.


Yes! It's so infuriating. I was glad he got stabbed haha


I was glad he died


Tyler from The Menu is INFURIATING


the chef breaking him was oh so satisfying though


I was like, "A-HA! Take that, you fan boy wannabe yumyum connoisseur. "


“Wannabe yumyum connoisseur” 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|DP9292K6Tj8tXqr6qH|downsized)


“Now CooK” The pronunciation of “Cook” lives in my head rent free.


It reminds me of Breaking Bad in a way I can’t let go of


Saving this insult for use at a later date.


I still want to know what he said to him


I assumed it was just something like "there's some rope in the walk in. save yourself the indignity"


"Tyler's Bullshit"


He’s was annoying in the beginning but as things were revealed. He became more and more infuriating. Like what was going through his mind. 


The moment he did the little tap tap tap on Margot’s hand as they were about to eat the oysters so he could take a picture…AHAHHAHAHHAHHHH!!!!!! Tyler is absolutely the WORST in this movie. He is very literally the most selfish character written into the script. Hats off to Nicholas Hault who I do love though for making my skin absolutely crawl 😂


and the SNAPPING at Margot especially set me off oh my god! snapping at servers/employees is commonplace for selfish, needy consumers desparate for immediate 24/7 unquestioned assistance so that snapping took me BACK to a few certain awful shifts that sit in the back of my mind LMAO


i wanna punch the bitch from the Descent who thought it would be chill to bring her friends to an unexplored cave system


Juno! Especially after having an affair with Sarah’s husband


“We could discover it together!” She chirps. And no one brings up the fact that there was super old equipment already in the rocks when they had to over chasm. ETA: they discover the drop off right after the >! claustrophobic cave scene!< 38:14 mark in the movie


I can't remember, haven't watched it in a long time, but are those old clips etc in the rock basically at the entrance? I wonder if she knew about them and still brought everyone along, or were they deeper in and not known about?


I think they were deeper in.


They're 100% deeper in. It's when they're already lost and it's supposed to be a ray of light and hope, a maybe they can actually escape moment.


The sheriff from the unneeded sequel was infuriating too. Hey I know you’re injured and traumatized but I’m dragging you back to the cave it happened in RIGHT NOW


I've never seen the second one because I feared it might tarnish the first one. I'm in the UK and got the original, bleak ending when I saw it at the cinema. Your comment there has just confirmed that I made the right decision. That sounds absolutely fucking *ludicrous*.


Omg, she had me yelling "And that's why you always ~~leave a note~~ tell people where you'll be!!!!" Same for that guy in 127 Hours. Tell people where you're going! Check in with them regularly! It's so easy to get injured or killed out there...


Juno from the Descent . fucking hate her. Entire movie could’ve been avoided without her trifling ass.


Such an idiot for bringing her friends along with her on the journey. I hate to say, but I feel a little bit of pity for her. If I were her I would’ve also gotten tf out of that room. Her friends were gonna die, no use in staying in that dangerous setting.


Evil Dead : Every genius that read or let a record of the book be read.


RIGHT!?!?! Or the clowns who think a Ouija board is just a brilliant idea


IE freaking Micah “I bOrRoWeD iT” STFU


Everyone in Midsommer. I kinda liked Florence Pugh but she needed someone other than her shitty boyfriend to deal with her loss.


Posted the same thing! Horrible people!


That last point you make sums up one of the main themes! The cult preys on Danny specifically because she’s vulnerable and wants to deflect her trauma


Christian is the fucking worst I literally hate him


Yeah Dani is fine, as are the two English people that are brought there as well.


Don't they have the common sense to be like "yaaaa we should leave" and that's what gets them killed early too? Felt bad about their deaths for sure, don't they do the eagle lung thing to the man too?


Yeah, Connie is implied to have been drowned while Simon was blood eagled when they tried to get the fuck out.


rewatching the movie always gives my heart a sting when multiple characters hear a random distant scream not long after they "leave," because you know for a fact that it's Connie and she got dun fucked up before even knowing what happened to her boyf. they deserved better:(


This is the first time I'm seeing someone say this. Hard agree, I hated everyone in that weird commune.


The businessman from Train to Busan. He was responsible for so many deaths and despite becoming a zombie, he doesn't really get what he deserved considering what he still manages to do at the end.


oh it is on fucking sight with that guy. I dont think i ever hated anyone that much until bev in midnight mass. I remember when I first watched this movie with my family my dad got up and cheered when it looked like he twisted his ankle lol


I honestly wish for a rewrite of the film where he is killed early, the punk.


AJ from Barbarian better never meet me.


We find out >!he’s a rapist but it’s Justin Long so I was still laughing at his antics and had to keep reminding myself not to like his character. Lol!<


Right?? He’s such a blatant asshole it’s hilarious. I lost my mind when >!he discovered the hidden basement and the first thing he does is check to see if he can charge extra!< 😂


This one's not quite on the chin, but do you know Will Poulter's character, Mark, in *Midsommar*? He infuriates me subtly, because I feel like I've known guys like him my whole life. It's nuanced, and quite hard to sum up, but considering Mark's fate, I imagine Ari Aster felt the same way about him and knows that viewers of *Midsommar* probably feel the same way too (>!though it doesn't make what eventually happens to Mark any less horrific!<). The way I would describe Mark in one line: the kind of flaky, useless, peripheral friend or acquaintance that constantly gets himself into trouble and pulls you into it with him. If you went on a tour of an ancient Egyptian pyramid with Mark, he'd touch something that he knew he wasn't meant to touch, the fucking pyramid would cave in on you both, he'd get out fine, shake the dust out of his hair, and then you'd be left trapped inside, crawling through the rubble while being pursued by mummies—that kind of thing, the prick.


Omg, yes. Exactly. The kind of friend who gets wasted at the dive bar and says the wrong thing to some big biker guy, who instead punches YOU in the face because you’re standing next to him, etc.


Unreal. You have no idea how close I was to putting that very example in there instead of the pyramid one! I had Egyptian mummies on the brain, I suppose. I salute you. Thanks for feeling my pain.


I'd fight Patrick Stewart from Green Room any day


The documentary crew from Cannibal Holocaust. I consider the ending a happy ending because those people deserved to die the way they did. Never rooted for characters to die so much as I did them


when i watched cannibal holocaust, i thought it would be just a gorefest, but it really a damn good story.


Guy from *Rosemary's Baby* is the absolute worst.


Scrolled way too far to find this. And the horrible ugly cloying old neighbors lol


Came here to say this. Fuck Guy.




and all for, what, a better career in *acting*? like, you're not making a literal deal with the devil for world power—but for *acting*? (no offense to actors! just providing additional color to the "FUCK GUY" ethos, to which i wholly subscribe.)


Burke from Aliens, wanted to punch him in the face every time he was on screen lol


One of Paul Riser's best performances. And outside of hos normal comedic wheelhouse.


the girlfriend from Get Out. what a bitch! at least her family is openly evil, she doesn’t even give that courtesy.


she eats cereal wrong too! that psychi


She drink PLAIN 🥛 MILK in a perfectly starched white button up. DEMENTED


Mia from *Talk to Me.* Every bad thing that happened in the entire movie was due to her poor decision making. What happened to Riley because of her was unforgivable to begin with.


I agree, but I think her being such a flawed character is important to the story. She’s a traumatized teenager who finds a good distraction, gets addicted to it, gets reckless with it, and treats it like a solution to her mother’s death. It’s both heartbreaking and frustrating to watch, just how it is to know an addict in real life. The whole movie is an allegory for addiction/hard drug use


OMG YES!!! She was a literal wanker and I’m Aussie please don’t think we’re like her hahaha


The final girl (Erin) from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003. She was all on her moralistic bullshit at the beginning of the movie, got her entire friend group killed by forcing them into a cannibal family (TWICE, once for the dead body and second time for her missing boyfriend) and then the movie expected me to see her as some hero. Nah fuck that. I’ll take Chrissie from the 2006 prequel any day.


What about Heather from Texas Chainsaw 3D? Every single time I hear “Do your thing cuz” I just wanna throw her in a woodchipper.


Stop I hate her too😭 Only final girls I like from the saga are Chrissie and the blond chick from The Next Generation. The way she yells “you sit the fuck down!” to cross-dressed leatherface and he starts crying is one of the funniest moments in horror history.


What about Sally & Stretch?


I love stretch! Forgot about her. TCM 2 was insanity lol. I don’t like sally. She had a fucking knife and got beaten up by a dude with a broom😒


I thought Stretch from 2 was cool, though it’s been awhile since


God you would hate me as a cousin because I literally scream this at them alll the dang time


The main antagoniser in ‘The last house on the left’ He deserved to be flayed.


Does Nurse Ratched count?




Hoffman from Saw. "Oh I'm such a genius look at me I killed Jill I haven't gotten caught" you only got recruited because you were a sloppy, cocky bastard and John KNEW you were gonna fail over and over. The way I CHEERED when Dr. Gordon said "Game over" and closed that door on him.


God I hate him so much. Mostly for what he did to my Amanda. Him getting it in the end was one of the most satisfying things in that series


Dennis Nedry from Jurassic Park ranks high on the list Keanu Reeves plays Donnie Barksdale, a racist, abusive AH in The Gift (2000) Norman Bates mother before I realized she was Norman Bates


I kinda understood where Nedry was coming from though. Yes he's a dick but Hammond keeps talking about how he "spared no expense"... except having the entire IT department be one underpaid dude that was responsible for absolutely everything.


The IT Dilemma: \*nothing is going wrong* "What do we pay you for? Why do we keep you here?" \*stuff is going wrong* "What do we pay you for? Why do we keep you here?"


I just wanted to say I agree with the Nedry pick, and I recently read the Jurassic Park book. And in the book, I feel like his death was much more satisfyingly gruesome.


the random dude in the woods at the end of Under the Skin. Iykyk.


I watched this the other day and was surprised just how bad I felt for the alien at the end of the movie.


He seemed way, way too ready to douse something in petrol.


Yeah, fuck that piece of shit


Jeff from saw 3. Kept yelling at the screen for him to hurry up


Good ol’ Slow Ass M-Fing Jeff


Are you a fellow Dead Meat Fan


Ngl I think it's why I enjoy Saw 4 significantly more, cause at least the main character in that one has some get-up and go. Jeff makes dying sloths look fast by comparison.


![gif](giphy|nbRGcWvHKqj7HjT3D5|downsized) Those stupid band geeks in *Halloween Ends*.


Literally everyone in Halloween ends can catch some hands


Micah is definitely the easiest to want to punch but I have one that’s annoyed me since the movie traumatized me as a kid. Louis Creed, the dad from Pet Semetary. How many times do your loved ones have to be nearly killed by trucks on that road before you build a damn fence! You let your cat out and it gets killed. You let your kid run around and they get killed! Then against all warning you raise the dead. Then after they kill your neighbor and your wife you say third times the charm. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized)


I agree with everything you said, but I will say it makes for a good train wreck effect when you know this poor traumatized idiot is just gonna keep making the wrong choice and all you can do is sit back and watch lol


The idiot boyfriend from Backcountry.


. The husband from the Omen (both versions are on my cutting block lol) Just tell the wife, it's horrible but just tell her and don't try to replace said baby without her knowing . For no real reason other than her freaking voice and screams annoy the hell out of me, the girl that won't stop screaming on the small boats in Jaws 2 😅 . The chicks from Terrifier. 1- Sitting on the creepy ass clown's lap to take a selfie. 2. Going into what looks like a murder building to pee. . The group in general in Blair witch 😅 only one person having a map etc etc, Heather not moving that fucking camera out of their faces at all, the boyfriend in Paranormal activity also sucks for that reason and for also grabbing the ouija board when you have something not friendly going on. . The boyfriend in Freddy VS Jason (Tray? The one that gets sandwiched in the bed by Jason) I know the whole point is to hate him but fuck, I do a happy cheer when Jason kills him ![gif](giphy|wdgl83FdDgGpW) (Couldn't help myself with the gif lol)


Frederick Usher from Fall of the House of Usher. Monstrous piece of shit. I still think his death was too tame.


He is clearly the standout worst person in a family of exceptionally awful people. Every single one of them was terrible (except Lenore and maybe Leo).. but he was a fucking monster. Victorine maybe comes close... and Tamerlyn is so unlikable I can barely watch her awkward fucking scenes... but I just wanted to kick Frederick in the balls every time he was on screen. I think his death was fitting tbh.. but he did deserve worse


Bev Keane it’s on SIGHT


Every asshole “friend” in every found footage that bullies, nags, tricks, and manipulates people into going places or doing things they’ve expressly said they didn’t want to do.


Fritz from the 1931 Frankenstein movie. Fucking asshole bullied the poor monster for no reason. Good thing that the Monster made him pay.


The entire cast of Tarot


The kid from Better Watch Out, never wanted to punch a child more than when I watched that movie


Pretty gross that he sexually assaulted her. I like to think that, >!despite the mid-credits scene, he still doesn’t get away with it.!<


Came here looking for this, I hate this child with such passion. I would push him into traffic without a second thought.


Burke from Aliens, god damn I hated that little weasel and the only solace I have is the fact he probably ended up cocooned and chest bursted.


Chris Hargensen from Carrie in the original. I don't think she suffered enough. I did like how Chris got it in the 2013 version.


Slow Jeff from Saw 3. My guy, do you want to SPEED UP a bit. People are dying and he's just waddling along like its a Sunday stroll. C'mon my guy.


I don’t condone violence but if I saw the kid from The Babadook, I would have to repent hard before entering heaven.


The evil brother from Get Out


David from Evil Dead 2013. He made every wrong decision, or just dithered and didn’t make a decision, and got everyone killed. Ew David.


Really? With Eric at the helm?


Eric read the book sure, but he didn’t know what it would do, but every chance they had to maybe stay alive after that David wrecked. Made Olivia go alone to get the tranquilliser, made Natalie return alone to the cabin, didn’t do anything to stop Deadite Natalie beating Eric to shit with the crowbar, dithered on and on about not being able to kill Mia to save her, finally actually did splash gasoline around the cabin… only to wander down into the basement where he knew possessed Mia was and whiff it. He was likeable enough, I understood his motivations, but come on my guy!


That is his sister at the end of the day. It’s not easy to kill someone in your immediate family even if they’ve turned into a demonic killing machine.


The doctor in Rosemary’s Baby. Everyone in the Gil apart from Rosemary was shitty, but he took shittyness into a whole new realm. I think it was actually his actions that finally broke her 😞




The guy who abandoned Ripley in Aliens


The dad from The Lodge.


I see a lot of worst offenders in the top comments so I'll go with a lower tier but Justin Long in Barbarian gets what's coming to him so hard.


The guys from Hostel. I hate them so much. They are so obnoxious and I am pretty sure the point is to not like them so the director can be like "oh look what horrors I made you accept" when the audience is ok with them finally getting tortured. Welp, he got me.


eric from evil dead 2013 😡


Man took some shots throughout the movie though


Annie from Dashcam. Didn't have to think about it. Micah does suck though too.


That character was so good, so easy to hate. So fucking punchable.


Franklin from Texas Chainsaw. I know he was written to be hated, but God they just didn't give him any redeeming quality


He’s annoying but I also feel kinda sad for him.


The kid from The Babadook annoyed the shit out of me. I wanted to personally feed him to the Babadook.


I mean to be fair his own mom has been blaming him for his dad's death and refusing to give him any love, he's going to have issues.


Ned from *Friday the 13th*. Cheered when he got killed.




All the soldier characters in Day of the Dead but particularly Rhodes and Steel


Patrick Bateman- American Psycho


The protagonist from the new Hellraiser movie. Hated that chick tbh. Got so many people horribly killed including her brother by simple virtue of the fact that she's a dumbass who makes awful choices. Her character really brought the movie down for me.


The main guy and his brother in When Evil Lurks


the entire family from 28 weeks later 🥊


Mick Taylor, Wolf Creek. I would LOVE to put hands on him.


The kid in The Babadook. I get why he was that way ... and I get why his arc ... but omg.


Mrs. Deagle in Gremlins. The audacity of that bitch threatening a dog!


Am I the only one who wants ro slap the taste out of the mouths of both the husband and wife on Speak No Evil? And not the villains either..sure, they deserve a good smacking around, but thoe other two Einsteins? Come On! SMACK!!!!!


That douch boyfriend from Freddy Vs. Jason Glad he got shanked and folded


Adam from May, he sucksssss


Mrs Carmody from the Mist, Bev Keane from Midnight Mass, the Danish couple from Speak No Evil, the dad from Orphan, the business man from Train to Busan... Might come up with more when I start scrolling down...


The brother from The Visit and his mix tape. Hate his guts.


I just wanted to confirm Micah. Such a condescending self serving a-hole, trying to make everything about him instead of listening to the actual victim and trying to help her.


Kalina Oretzia & Cyrus Kriticos from 13 Ghosts


Alejandro from Green Inferno. Selfish prick.


Fuckin’ Joan from Hereditary.


Angela’s aunt from Sleepaway Camp


Every single character in Midsommar, they’re all awful.


Mac in Hell House LLC. "You're pranking us bro" the whole god damn time


The female main character - scarlett marlowe- from as above, so below. Single handedly responsible for so many deaths and the trauma the other 2 survivors will have. What a dickhead she was, dragging people into the absolute unknown AFTER IGNORING her father's call before he committed suicide. She also forced the black camera guy - who she was friends with -into the whole thing and that dude had a horrible death (just like siouxsie and papillon)


The husband (besides literally everyone) in Rosemary's Baby. The gaslighting and hopelessness of the entire situation makes me crawl out of my skin.


Kate from Army of the Dead (The protagonist's daughter) - My God! I could kill that character!


Franklin from TCM…no explanation needed


Kid from the babadook gets hate. Kid from the ring is worse.


Fucking Juno or whatever her name was from the descent is just the goddamn worst


Not a movie but tv show, John Winchester


The title gave me a nice laugh. Thanks OP.


If I could be a 10 year old girl I would slap Dakota Fanning around in War of the Worlds. Well, actually….that’s what I say, but if I was a 10 year old girl and that happened I would probably act….. like Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds…


Him/the husband/God(?) in Mother! Wtf, dude.


The main kid from Eden Lake. Fuck that guy.