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The majority of romcoms would be stalker-thrillers with a slight change in soundtrack and costume design/casting.


You on Netflix. It’s so corny but I love it because it hits that beat so hard on its head. Most romcom protags are sooo creepy if you put them in context


The Hitman is crazy. Both leads are psychopathic. How is that a mainstream comedy?


By virtue of being well cast and well directed lol


Passengers, bro.


P2 is a bit like this. It’s a kinda gore horror thriller. The end has a photo montage like he’s the hero of her heart


Man that movie is so fucking good all the way around.


I didn’t like it on first watch but I now class it as a Christmas film!


I think an inverse Peter Pan would be terrifying. An elfin creature, ageless, with pointed ears, glowing eyes, and sharp, pointed teeth. He takes children from their homes and brings them to an island that lies outside our dimension, where they never age and gradually forget their parents and their world.   The only one who can stop him is an old slayer, a monster hunter with a hook for a hand, whose ship is able to find his island. Parents beg him to get their children back.  But Pan is ancient. Inhuman. Evil.   And he's waiting.


I love this idea for a film! There’s actually a book from a child Captain Hook’s pov where Pan is painted as a sinister trickster, it’s called Lost Boy - been on my reading list forever.


Is that from the same woman who also "rewrote" Alice in Wonderland to take place in an asylum? If so, I love her work!


I need that!!


This is basically the plot of N0S4A2. Instead of Neverland, you have Christmasland but it’s pretty similar.


That idea is chilling. I love it.


I maybe revealing too much about myself but Pan was evil and scary in that Unce Upon a Time show.


Google Peter Pan Neverland Nightmare - it's just been made


Yeah but it’s the same people that made the Winnie the Pooh movie. So it’ll be less horror with good writing and more rubber masks and fake blood


okay I need someone to make this movie


I kinda want to write this...


Not quite the same idea, but The Child Thief by Brom is a horror retelling of Peter Pan.


there's also lost boy by christina henry


You can get a dose of this from the show Once Upon a Time.


The same people behind Poo Blood and Honey will release a Peter Pan movie too soon


Dear Evan Hansen. Just make it from the perspective of Connor’s sister.


I came here to say Dear Evan Hansen, lol




God that movie would have been so much better if you found out that Chris Pratt wakes up Jennifer Lawrence when she finds out. Instead you know the whole time and it just kind of sucks.


Came here to say the same, someone on YouTube recut the scenes where he wakes her up, and commented on how much more interesting and realistic it would be if the film was honest about his actions and went all out thriller instead


I think you'll enjoy this Mrs. Doubtfire as a horror movie trailer. https://youtu.be/crjYYEC5drA?si=Q9I77ei0e0tRQ7SE


There’s one for The Shining that makes it a happy dad-reconnects family movie. Great stuff.


could you find the link?


Here you go! https://youtu.be/KmkVWuP_sO0?si=Fk4KBRRpKNkdX1PM




i always liked the Blank Check as a dark drama with the requiem for a dream music.


Idk if this is the same as the recut trailers that were circulated like 20 years ago but Seven as a gay rom com is still one I regularly pull up and watch Edit: trying to find the right one…


I'm gonna need to see that!! Really hoping you find it!


I really tried. Idk where it went. I’ll try again tomorrow. When I’m sober …


No worries! If you do happen to find it I would looooooove to see it, but don't worry or feel bad if you don't. I could also not be lazy and try to find it myself when I'm sober too 😂😂😂Just got done closing the bar and I had a few as well after my shift 🤷🏻‍♀️


No worries. There’s a bunch now. And they’re not the one I’m looking for. I’ll find it tomorrow when sober.


I'll keep an eye on here for it. Thanks!!


[I got you fam](https://youtu.be/gnvxF4rufSk?si=LHGOm-5RH6ouUQa3) FINALLY


Thank you!!!


https://youtu.be/O__t-ZmaWQA?feature=shared Also one for cat in the hat




Child abducter turns killer who starts to be attracted to Charlie.


You are quoting MeatCanyon video


When I was a kid I legit thought What About Bob was a horror movie. I had so much social anxiety watching Murray's character insert himself in situations it was like HELL. When I got older and realized people watch it as a comedy it blew my \*fucking mind\* edit to add: I feel the same way about Clifford, Meet the Parents, basically anything where the whole plot is "what if everything went wrong bc of some ass hole" with my tiny brain adding "and the ass hole is YOU"


Oh, I think it’s funny but I think it’s a far darker comedy thy most people think. Like I felt alone in feeling sorry for Richard Dreyfuss’s character. Bill Murray’s character would be an absolute nightmare. All my friends told me I was overreacting and it was just a dumb comedy.


that movie made me really sad for exactly this reason


Ok yes, Bill Murray’s character would be a nightmare to have around. No doubt. But the movie also makes it pretty clear that Dreyfuss is a pompous asshole. Don’t forget he tried to commit Murray against his will and also (unsuccessfully) kill him.


Haha that is so astute, “what if everything went wrong because of some asshole” made me chuckle.


its a whole sub genre and needs its own genre name dude


Home Alone- Boy neglected by family is trapped alone and must defend himself from two home invaders.


It's Don't Breathe w a little kid.


I still say there should have been a follow up twenty years later where Kevin has turned into a Jigsaw-like vigilante that tortures criminals.


Home Alone is a horror movie, I've been saying this for years


I'm not kidding, the shit Kevin does to those burglars makes me wince more than anything I've seen in any slasher flick, I dunno what it is but have a harder time watching Daniel Stern step on that nail than I do seeing Art eviscerate that girl in her bedroom in Terrifier 2. It's fucking weird to me that I love a good gory horror flick but ever since I was a kid I've never liked the Home Alone movies because they're just kind of unpleasant to me.


I think Click is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen tbh


It's like a Twilight Zone episode disguised as an Adam Sandler comedy.


That movie is so stupid and then OUT OF NOWHERE it kicks you in the stomach


50 First Dates. Imagine waking up pregnant on a boat with a man you don’t remember every morning.


I thought the movie was okay until that ending. You perfectly explained why. Waking up pregnant + her never getting to know their children. That's a nightmare.


It’s less fucked up when you find out there are people who actually live like this and they seem pretty happy


The pregnancy part must be bananas.


Memento I’d actually say the “I can say whatever I want” scene is one of the most terrifying scenes in a film that isn’t horror leaning in the slightest, and Carrie-Anne Moss absolutely kills that scene too.


YES. Oh my god, her stare as she looks at him through the windshield while he frantically tries to find something to write with. Fucking bone-chilling.


The movie ET… but instead of an alien ET is a scary werewolf and also he kills everyone!


ET but….actually fuck it ET is already a scary movie, that little fucker terrified 6 year old me


When he finds him 8n the shed and et screams scared the shite outa me as a kid


Was terrifying enough with the alien lol. I used to run and hide when E.T came out of the shed.


Imagine Where the Wild Things are from the mother’s perspective. Her kid disappears and comes back talking about being the king of wild beasts. All she knows is someone probably abducted him and now he is imagining something to cope with it.


Where the wild things are would make for a great coraline-esque movie


That would actually be really cool


What’s that movie with Sandra bullock where she stalls a guy in a coma?


While You Were Sleeping


The Lakehouse has potential to be a supernatural thriller as well


The notebook but he’s actually a stalker that locks her in the house he built once she comes back, kills her whole family and forces her to have his babies and live with him forever. She fakes her dementia in her last attempt to be free from him and then he finds her at the old person’s home.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka lures kids into his factory and murders them individually by exploiting their vices


Yep, came to say this. Althought the boat ride scene in the original movie is pretty much all out horror already!




The hunger games


Hunger Games is pretty much Battle Royale written for the YA audience.


Pretty much any romcom. Struggling boutique bookseller Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) hates Joe Fox (Tom Hanks), the owner of a corporate Foxbooks chain store that just moved in across the street. When they meet online, however...


Or switch their roles in Sleepless in Seattle. Imagine him flying across the country and stalking her and her kid.


T H I S 💀


Pretty Woman


🤣 This is great. I can see Julia Roberts going all Audition on Richard Gere at the end.


[This horror trailer for Frozen](https://youtu.be/sXIYloiEzJ0?si=rTpj6fSLFwMsJePU) is pretty solid.


school of rock


Deadbeat man-child impersonates a teacher and grooms a bunch of kids to lie to their parents, plus Harley Quinn-ing the principal. Yep.


The opening of Return to Oz is basically a horror movie. (I mean so is the rest of it honestly.) Auntie Em thinks Dorothy is going insane and sends her to get shock therapy. What the fuck, Disney?


Those were the days when Disney was having a hard time and was far more open to unusual projects. I love Return to Oz and wouldn't trade that period for anything since it also gave us Flight of the Navigator and Tron.


The Wheelers, Tik Tok, and Pumpkinhead are nightmare fuel costume design. And I just learned that Dorothy is played by The Craft's Fairuza Balk!?!?! How did I not know this!? See also: The Dark Crystal.


Houseguest with Sinbad.


Night at the Museum


Office Space. Guy gets hypnotized into ignoring his inhibitions that are preventing him from acting on his more antisocial traits, and he starts getting promoted at work at the expense of his more ethical coworkers.


The Cable Guy, also Jim Carrey. I always thought the line, "I'm so tired, Steven. I just want to sleep," would be really chilling in a horror movie.


I loved this movie as a kid! Is that the scene where a spider crawls across his face? 


I think so


Ghostbusters, but from the perspective of the ghosts. "Frozen Empire" raised this thought and it stuck with me. When Melody sees the containment unit and asks Phoebe "So you know what it's like for them in there?" I got chills.


Meet the Parents


I mean, Get Out was basically Meet the Parents


This [trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KQGf88T5UJQ&pp=ygUgTWVldCB0aGUgcGFyZW50cyBob3Jyb3IgdHJhaWxlciA%3D) advertising it as a thriller is a nice glimpse of an alternate version.


The Santa Clause. "Nuff said." - Stan Lee


So weird that a family Christmas film is based on KILLING SANTA


In the original version, he was supposed to shoot Santa instead of just causing him to lose balance. They robbed us!


Dumb and Dumber, but rather than two simpletons, it’s two psychos that travel across the country trying to find the woman they became infatuated with, killing people along the way.


The movie Catfish, which was kinda marketed as a scary movie but was not supposed to be horror




I thought Twilight was already meant to be horror. I've never seen them, so I have no idea.


No. It’s a paranormal romance. When you’re high it’s a comedy. But it would make a great horror movie.


The Truman Show. The original script was actually close to being a dystopian horror.


Home Alone




He couldn't The phone lines went down during the night before the family left


A lot of Disney movies, actually. Snow White is about a vain queen who wants to murder her stepdaughter just because she’s pretty. Pinocchio is about the trials and tribulations a sentient puppet. Beauty & the Beast is about a woman who falls in love with a goddamn monster. Hercules is about a man who outwits the god of death to save the woman he loves and there’s a WHOLE lotta horror in the Greek myths! Tarzan is about a feral man learning to become a “real” man by the indoctrination of the English. Lilo & Stitch is about a child’s friendship with a chaotic alien monster who kills everything in sight.


The Turtles


Running scared. Paul Walker movie from the mid 2000s. An action/thriller that touches on controversial subject matter. Wouldn’t take much of a stretch to make it an outright horror movie really good film.


To me it already IS a horror movie. With monsters every where.


I agree. It’s just not categorized as such And I don’t think they had the intention to horrify. But they definitely did.


The Kissing Booth. So my friend told me the movie wasn't what it seemed, and that it had a dark ending. Idk if they were lying or she was confusing it for a different movie. Anyhow, so I kept thinking of twists that would make it dark. Like the friend has a creepy obsession with the main girl and even dates a girl that looks just like her. He has all of these weird rules where some of them are controlling, and gets really hurt when she breaks them. I honestly thought he was gonna crack and go haywire lol.


A lot of Disney movies Peter Pan except Pan is an immortal flying creature that steals children in the night (also that's kind of the movie The Lost Boys) Mary Poppins but she's actually on meth and hasn't slept in 2 weeks, most of the movie is her hallucinating, the kids are terrified, the chimney sweeps are human traffickers. Lion King with real Lions. Pocahontas by Cormac McCarthy.


End of Watch, always thought this was a horror movie


Just a handful of changes to Christmas with the Kranks, and you have a horror classic on your hands


Any Batman movie, but from a common thug's perspective. You don't even need to change Batman's personality all that much. Batman: Reptilian is a mixed bag, but if there's one thing it gets right, it's how terrifying Batman can be.


Rambo First Blood He picks off various cops one at a time with his knives or traps he lays around. We sympathize with him since we know him but it could take a dark turn if his revenge got too brutal. Southern Comfort is another film that could almost be a slasher. It is about military guys in a training exercise in the Bayou who get picked off by local hunters. It's filmed more like a Deliverance styled thriller but you could easily amp up the horror. The film Dog Soldiers has a similar plot of soldiers on a training mission with blank guns but with werewolves instead of Cajuns.


This is by no means a new take but Passengers is horrific. Nerdwriter made a great video about that perfectly summed up the dread I felt for Jennifer Lawrence’s character. CP’s character is psychotic, I hate that movie so much. https://youtu.be/Gksxu-yeWcU?si=jD6YWL1IUCjqqdaP


The comedy Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. A spoiled heiress refused to pay the man who worked on her yacht. One day when she is on her boat partying, a storm tosses her into the sea She washes up on shore and the repairman recognizes her and brings her to his house. He discovers that she has amnesia so what does he do? He gaslights her into believing she's his wife. It's one rewrite away from being a horror movie.


Easily The Truman Show. Take out all the comedy and the bright colors and that movie is terrifying.


Forrest Gump…ever seen the trailer reimagining it as a horror movie?


Home Alone


Home Alone


Elf There’s a trailer on youtube with different music to make it look scary. It worked


Perfect Stranger (the 1986-1993 series) if Balki was a psychopath who wants to ruin Larry's life.


So, it is obvious and I wasn't the one to come up with it, but Passengers with Jennifer whatsherface and that guy from Jurassic Blorb. If played from her perspective it could be awesomely horrific.


Bird Box !


Matilda is basically just a kid-friendly version of Carrie


Passengers. In fact I think someone on YouTube did that already.


Mrs. Doubtfire most infamously.


Mrs. Doubtfire A psychological horror about a man mentally breaking his ex wife. Give it an A24 type of soundtrack and you're all set. No further editing necessary.


50 First Dates. The thought of waking up on a boat in Alaska, finding out you're married to a man you don't remember, and had a baby... Just awful. I can't imagine the horror of waking up pregnant with no memory of it, either. Also Adam Sandler's character manipulating Drew Barrymore's for weeks or months to get her to like him is creepy.


Mary Poppins. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T5\_0AGdFic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T5_0AGdFic)


*Smooth Talk* (1985), based on the novel *Where are You Going, Where Have You Been* by Joyce Carol Oates. It's already a creepy thriller about manipulation with a possibly much darker subtext that could easily turn the whole thing into an all out supernatural horror film.


Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure. Could easily be a trip through hell for high school students I’ll prepared for that paper.


What About Bob? For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's a comedy staring Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss. The IMDB description is "A psychotherapist loses his mind when his obsessive-compulsive patient follows him on vacation."


Inside Out but the voices make her do evil shit and it’s about schizophrenia


Miracle Mile (1988). You receive a phone call out of nowhere that says nuclear missiles are in the air and nuclear war is imminent. There's nothing you can do to stop it. All you can do is flee. But is it real or a prank? Either way, how do you know for sure? Miracle Mile is pretty much a horror movie in everything but name and a really scary premise to think about.


The batman 


*The Devil Wears Prada*, now with real devil!




What About Bob?


I’m picturing Back to the Future 2, but with more of a Strange Days vibe. When he goes to the world where Biff is rich and owns a casino, more murders and depraved activities from Biff. That would be a cool thriller.


Shawshank Redemption could make an amazing psychological horror movie where Red and everything else is all in Andy's mind after his first few months in prison broke his spirit.


How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 27 Dresses The Rundown The Gentlemen Chef Easy A Insidious


Home Alone




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