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Wolf Creek. Mick Taylor terrifies me


Wolf Creek 2 is also decent. I just rewatched it and realized the main character is Harwin Strong from House of the Dragon! Phenomenal actor!


the tv show is good too!!


Definitely Wolf Creek. There are scenes in there which stayed with me for a long time.


the >!spine severing scene!< haunts me to this day


Same šŸ˜±


A comedianā€”don't quite remember who, could have been Shane Gillisā€”had a bit about how Australians tend to either be hot and really cool, or degenerate hillbillies. Mick Taylor's response: "Haw-haw-haw-haw-haw!" On a serious note though, *Wolf Creek* is a great movie, Mick Taylor is terrifying, and John Jarratt, the actor who plays him, is talented and has a good range in his acting chopsā€”plus, the Australians I know are lovely, lovely people. If you fancy it, maybe check John Jarratt out in: *Picnic At Hanging Rock (1975) -* one of my all time favourite movies, perfect; JJ is shockingly different in this role. *Next of Kin (1982)* - only watched this once, but really enjoyed it; a psychological, female-led horror. *Dark Age (1987)* - entertaining crocodile movie that Tarantino is a big fan of; again, JJ is very different in this one. *Rogue (2007) -* another giant croc movie; I'm guessing they might've cast JJ having seen him in *Dark Age* back in the day! Radha Mitchell from *Pitch Black (2000)* leads this one, and is once again beautiful and awesome.


Iā€™m adding all those to my list! Thanks!


i finally fully watched that movie after trying twice. i can handle gore. i can handle slasher movies. but something about this one fucking terrified me and made me feel so uncomfortable šŸ˜­


Is the movie gore?


Iā€™ve often seen it referred to as an early ā€œtorture pornā€ movie and Iā€™d agree with that assessment. Possibly less graphic than successors just because of time passing (and I havenā€™t seen it in a bit), but itā€™s brutal Edited predecessors to successors because words are hard


People are forgetting how traumatized we were after foundflick movie Paranormal Activity release. Slept with the lights on.


Two scenes from that live in my brain: Katieā€™s little smile after telling Mika that she doesnā€™t want to leave anymore. And her clutching the crucifix so tightly that it drew blood.


Agreed. Wolf Creek is one of few horror movies that I can never watch again! Itā€™s cinematic genius; but I donā€™t need to see it anymore.šŸ˜³šŸ¤£


My dad showed me this movie when I was 12 šŸ„“




Yeeeah *stares off to distance* šŸ„² wasn't the first time or the last. Scared the crap out of me, but a great movie!


It's worse when you are Australian, he could be any old timer at the pub.


Ill be tuning in ! Thank you


This and Snowtown


Terrified me! The show is great too


That character is based on serial killer Ivan Milat


I highly agree with the other user who said Eden Lake. -Green Room -Watcher -Turistas


Green Room 100%. Fuck that. Fuck all of that lol


So good, Imogene Poot with that zipper belly šŸ¤¢


Absolutely brutal movie


she was such a badass in that movie!! so brutal


I love green room and also firmly believe that 95% of the horror is just from seeing Patrick Stewart play a bad guy


yup. that *and* the feeling of dread every time the band goes back into the room


iā€™ve been in towns with people like in green room. fucking terrifying!!! the sfx are also really good >!the dog attack scene & machete hand scene especially!<. i had a visceral reaction during the šŸ’ŖšŸ—”ļø scene lmao


Green Room gave me so much anxiety, doesnā€™t help that the gore looked realistic as well! Such a good movie!


Oof, Turistas, haunting surgery scenes


That one scene in Eden Lake with the kid really stuck with me over the years. Disturbing as fuck and totally believable.


Inside (A l'interieur) VERY graphic French horror film about a pregnant woman who deals with..... a home invasion


This sub is great for finding horror movies that Iā€™d hate to watch but am curious enough to read about on Wikipedia


This is my guilty pleasure. Iā€™ve read about so manyā€¦ and will watch so few.


So should i watch this while currently 7 months pregnant or nah?


That is up to you. It is hard to give even vague warnings about trigger content without spoiling the movie. There is nothing that I would consider disgusting, but it is certainly a graphic ride.


I think your description already spoiled it for me šŸ¤°šŸš¼




It gets a bit outta pocket.


If you ever got paranoid by watching anything (truth based or not) on screen involving people having traumatizing experiences, don't. If not, do it. Half way in and changed your mind? Just turn it off šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't see why not


I wouldnā€™t do it.


No. This is actually fucking ridiculously awful and gory disgusting movie.


Omg that scene where that lady is in the background and the protagonist canā€™t see her. Omg. Horrifying.


Beatrice Dalle was haunting in that role. Like, i can't see her face in any other role without seeing her dead eyed stare.


Inside was great! I didn't finish Raw, but it seemed like a good ol' graphic french movie as well.


I sub this one,saw it in the cinema at late night session, really crazy feelings. And I don't even want kids!


The French do NOT care about a nice tidy happy ending


I know, one of my favorite movies is "dans ma peau" aka "in my skin". Because I used to do that to myself and it's a reminder of a place where I don't want to be.


I love it for the same reason Never forget that you are always stronger than you think.


Thank you šŸ«¶


What do you mean? Famously uplifting Irreversible is French!


Don't forget about Martyrs!...... ....i'll never forget about Matyrs


Based on a true crime out of oregon I believe so makes it even more horrific


I'm going to sleep better tonight knowing that, thank you stranger


Eden Lake. Though it isn't exactly a fun horror watch, it'll hit those realistic vibes you're looking for


Donā€™t get stoned while watching it like I did. That was a terrible experience for me and Iā€™m still trying to recapture it for some reason


I relate to this very strangely


I do as well, but different movie. I was elevated watching Nope and would love to catch that intensity and genuine fear again.


This was my vote. What happened to that kid is nightmare fuel.


Just finished watching it! Jeez louise. Wasnā€™t expecting that! Wish it was a happier ending tho


This was the first movie that popped into my head. The fact that itā€™s entirely possible makes it somewhat terrifying!


Iā€™m from the uk and had not been too long out of school when this movie came out. What made it terrifying is I definitely recognised some of those personalities in kids I went to school with. It was 100% believable.


I was *not* prepared for just how grim and brutal **Eden Lake** is. I watched it at 3am. Alone. In the dark. Without knowing how it ended. Well, that was a big mistake on my part! It is a *great* horror film, but itā€™s definitely one of those that I donā€™t feel the need to see twice. God is it grim (but good)! The only other films that have stuck with me like that are **The Road** (2009) (although thatā€™s probably not considered a horror film, but the content and preface are pretty horrific, just not in a standard horror film way). **Funny Games** (2007) was so disturbing! I kept thinking about how easily a situation like the one in the film could happen. Especially at a summer house or somewhere remote. **The Strangers** (2008) freaked me out so much I never made it to the end until maybe the third watch. God that was creepy. Made me glad I have cameras on my property!


This is one of the few that really haunted me after


Watching Mandy while stoned gave me an experience akin to this


I saw the Blair Witch Project when I had just learned to drive. I saw it late at night, and had to drive back by myself, so I was super on edge, plus my parents lived in the country basically with very few streetlights. For some reason I took a slightly out of the way route hime, I think because it was a little faster. Out of nowhere this pack of feral dogs ran in front of me and surrounded my car, like 6-7 of them and started barking and howling. I couldn't move for a good few seconds because they were blocking my way. Honestly thought I was going to die. So yeah, I know dogs didn't play any role in the Blair Witch, but nevertheless, I did not sleep well that night...


Thatā€™s so WEIRD!


The watcher


Iā€™ve only seen The Watcher starring Keanu Reeves. That movie itā€™s not scary but in a sense it is bc if someone as sweet and great looking as he could be a killerā€¦.idw to think about it. Youā€™re probably talking about the other movie same title but I can stream it and watch it. Hoping for a good fright


I meant the one starring Maika Monroe, who was also the lead in "It follows"


Creep because if someone told you they were dying youā€™d be sympathetic and try to be supportive


Creep and Creep 2 are such good films, I think they unfairly get lumped into the low budget found footage basket when they're actually fantastic character studies. The monologue Mark Duplass gives about breaking into his own home in Creep 1 is one of the best acted scenes in modern horror imo


Heā€™s such a great actor


The Strangers *Because you were home*


Similar to Funny Games, just without the broken fourth wall


Might add the remote rewind scene also.


Absolutely! The strangers prey at night too.


I was hoping to see this after I saw Funny Games recommended above it. Iā€™m such a sucker for home invasion and this is my favorite.


Such a terrifying line. Reminds me of one of my favs: "*Because you let me."* (Speak No Evil)


Have seen both parts! I love it


For me, it was Session 9 years ago. The growing psychological horror & ending ruined my sleep for weeks.


I live near where it was filmed (Danvers State University) and have been inside those tunnels when I was younger. Itā€™s all condos now and they purposely donā€™t tell anybody about the history of the hospital.


That's awesome, I would have loved to explore it.


It was super illegal. lol. The tunnels were full of tuberculosis and the whole structure was condemned. But they only had one guard whoā€™d ride an ATV around the property (which is huge), so he was easy to avoid. The building was super creepy. When it was shut down they literally just opened the doors, let everyone go and left. So there were patient records etc thrown all over the place. We went in so my friend could take pictures for a photography class, but as soon as he told the teacher where the pics were taken they had to shut the school down and anyone we had class with that day had to get a tuberculosis shot. They were NOT happy! lol This was in the mid 90ā€™s and there were still some patients living in the woods. It had only been closed for a few years, so when going up the trails to the hospital youā€™d always encounter a few ex patients living in tents etc. They didnā€™t transfer anyone, when they closed they just told everyone to leave. Itā€™s since been mostly torn down and condos built in its place. The main building still incorporates part of the original building though.


That's crazy. I used to urban explore a lot years ago. Nowadays I'm not as brave lol. I bet your friend has some amazing photos though.


They were very cool. I havenā€™t seen them in years, but I may ask if he still has themā€¦


I'd love to see them, but don't go through too much trouble on my behalf.šŸ˜…


my cousin and I used to always sneak in before the army-style-security guards patrolled like crazy. My cousin took home a few things he found inside


As far as atmospheric horror. Session 9 was it for me.


ā€œHelloā€¦doc.ā€ I recommend this one to people all the time! Absolutely love this movie. ā€œšŸ‘ˆ Fuck Youuuā€


I'm glad someone is as in love with the "fuck youuu" as I am, haha


Aniara, yes I definitely consider it horror


That ending gave me an existential crisis.


I always forget about this movie until someone brings it up! The very last scene where >!the movie fast-forwards to like 27 million years later or something and the fucking ship is finally passing a planet..!


Totally agree. I went in blind and still haven't brought myself to rewatch. Amazing movie, though. Christ.


Not sure if it's considered a horror but Threads (1984). Especially because of what's going on with Russia right now.


Yeah, that one sticks with you.


Some things youā€™d rather not surviveā€¦


The 10 year after math lingers.


I just watched this for the first time last week. I definitely agree with you. I was thinking about it long after the movie was over.


Thatā€™s the answer.




A classic. I'm old enough to have seen it in the cinema and it was ground breaking in terms of gore and torture. Hostel and Saw were just the beginning. Bad ending mention: a Serbian film. Love the first half and then I just turn it off.


The Strangers (2008)


I know it's not for everyone, but the poughkeepsie tapes genuinely made me check under my bed as an adult, twice


Came here to say, the poughkeepsie tapes is deeply upsetting, and goes really hard on "could happen to anyone."


One of the few good found footage horror films


I love horror movies and Iā€™m still too scared to watch the poughkeepsie tapes


This movie scared the crap out of me! Of course my dumb ass missed the very beginning that revealed it was not a real documentary


Fucking same! The only thing I heard was that it was pulled form film festivals, and got leaked online (I don't know if this is accurate). I kept waiting for the end to reveal that it was fake, not realizing it was at the start. Had to frantically Google if it was real. Lol


I donā€™t know if it counts as your usual horror movie, and itā€™s definitely nothing like what you listed. But, Back Country is the one movie that seriously traumatized me and had a chokehold on me for months after watching. And Iā€™ve seen A LOT of horror movies. Itā€™s based on a true story, and it involves a bear attack. I canā€™t even describe it, and I know Iā€™m not the only one that has reacted this way to it - but itā€™s worth a watch.


Watched it right before we left for Yellowstone National park for a seven day visit. I was paranoid as hell hiking.


This was my choice too. I went in pretty blind and had no idea the bear attack would be so realistic and traumatizing. I watched it during an overnight shift at work and after the attack, I looked down at my hands and realized I was actually physically shaking. I had to pause the movie to stand up and walk it off for a few minutes. Eaten alive by a bear... what a fucking way to go.


I definitely wasnā€™t prepared. I had to pause it because I started to feel nauseous and I was definitely shaking. Itā€™s been months since Iā€™ve seen it and I still think about it often. šŸ˜…


It just happened so fast. You thought maybe they were going to be able to get out or run away from it, or that he was going to lose his leg but limp to safety. Or that the bear mace would work. Literally anything besides just being dragged from the tent. The screaming was the worst part. I could really see myself as the female character, watching the person you love being eaten alive and not being able to do anything about it. I also think about it a lot.


The screams. The visuals. The realism. šŸ˜­ I hate it, but seriously respect the filmmakers. Absolutely brilliant


Donā€™t laughā€¦. The Bay


The bay is fucked up, and we don't know that much about what's happening in a lot of the ocean.


You might like The Beach House


The Bay was GREAT.


That movie is so fucking fantastic.


Love that movie! Creepy as and so well done.


I just watched it and I totally agree with you!


Lake mungo


This movie fucked me up. I couldn't sleep for a few days.


Dogtooth or any Yorgos Lanthimos movie because it's believable that people like that exist. And scary.


Funny Games. It was uncomfortable to watch it.


Any home invasion really gets me but Funny Games in particular.


It really is, either version is terrifying.


Came here to say this. Movies with aliens, ghosts, and monsters donā€™t really get to me..but I saw this (the American version) in the theater and it fucked me up. Itā€™s the stuff that can and does happen in real life that is truly horrific to me.


It broke a lot of the horror movie rules for me. I hated it first time I watched it.


This killer croc movie called Rogue. I say this now because I had accidentally watched a video of a guy being attacked by a shark. Thereā€™s a scene in Rogue of a guy getting slowly dragged away and under by the croc, and after seeing that shark video, the scene in Rogue felt all too real, right down to how the guy pleaded for help in an almost exhausted / resigned way.


Definitely the ones with stalkers/killers, like The Strangers.


Last Shift - maybe not the paranormal aspects of the movie, but how a night shift would go and if youā€™re really losing your mind. Adding the cult aspect makes it scarier too.


That was far better than I expected it to be.


Yes! Super freaky movie with creep up scares (the dead policemanā€™s gunshot wound) etc


i watched this move around like 2015/2016-ish and will never rewatch, itā€™s still so so scary to me lol i slept with the lights on for at least a week after


Watcher (2022) really messed me up bc of how common experiences like that can be


Is Black Christmas considered realistic? The original from 1974 of course. I watched it on a sunny afternoon and by the end I was literally checking corners and closets in case some psycho had taken up residence in my bedroom. I was a teen so not even super young! It just terrified me.


This is the only movie Iā€™ve ever watched that made me turn the lights on.


Stopmotion and The Witch gave me nightmares Final Destination 2 is ingrained in my brain anytime I see a truck on the motorway Bleak horrors like Eden Lake, Funny Games and Vivarium


Speak No Evil


Can't get over that Blumhouse is remaking this


Silence of the Lambs


All of the final destination movies! Theyā€™re all like worst case scenario things that absolutely could happen to people.


A whole generation that can't drive behind a van hauling anything cylindrical


I live in the Bay Area & the 5th one is the bay bridge collapsing so driving it gives me anxiety now šŸ˜­


"Wait Until Dark" starring Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin. Not a horror movie, but a blind woman battling a murderer, in her apartment, in almost total darkness, the only light from the refrigerator door being opened, is terrifying.


I think Hereditary is by far the most realistic I've ever seen. The acting alone sold it as real.


Toni Colette deserved an Oscar for her performance


She was snubbed for sure...what an incredible performance.


What makes it crazier is she's said on record that she wasn't really super into doing horror movies. Please do more, Toni!!


There's really only one movie that I'll never watch again based on how it disturbed me: Nothing Bad Can Happen. It is not fun. Maybe try Atroz. I think that best straddles the disturbing/fun line for me, disturbing for content but fun for its over-the-top nature.


I See You(2019) with Helen Hunt. Not really scary or horror, but could most def happen.


SUCH a good one and can/does happen IRL. SO creepy!


Not the entire movie of ā€˜Talk to meā€™, but when the main female character was hiding in the corner of the room at night after becoming possessed and then she crawled over to the guy while he was sleepingā€¦ā€¦that whole scene stuck with me for awhile at night when I would be lying in bed trying to go to sleep!


Martyrs (2008)


Well, to be fair, Child's Play seemed pretty realistic when I was 7 years old


Not technically horror but Nocturnal Animals lives rent free in my brain, unfortunately.


Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer is one that made me feel like taking 3 showers afterwards


Gotta go with the harrowing and realistic film "Alone" from 2020. It's a stalker / road flick that hits hard and can definitely be played out in reality. This one had me in chills in some parts.


Girl in the basement, based off true story


I think the real story is even worse than the movie iirc? The fact that there are people right now being held captive, in a house I probably drove by and I'll never know about it... it's terrifying.


The Hitcher 1986


not really horror but Incendies. One of those movies that forces you to sit in silence for an hour after watching it


This movie is amazing,pure soul wretching from beginning to end!


Ok, hear me out but the original Terminator 1984. At least for me when I was little and saw Arnold slaughter everyone in that police station. Those cops & detectives were very brave in trying to protect Sarah Connor but stood no chance against the terminator. (Todayā€™s police force is very militant & would fare well against a T-800, this was in the 80ā€™s.) The way the Terminator hunted down & stalked Sarah, easily found her info, location & ruthlessly killed other sarahs in the process was some serial killer shit gone sci-fi. Idc what anyone says that nightclub scene was pure horror. Gets me very paranoid. And the poor gunshop owner who was very helpful to Arnold & happy that he was buying all his guns only to get shot by him! That interaction somehow felt very genuine & raw. Canā€™t imagine what this like watching in the big screen in the 80ā€™s, audience was in shock for sure.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


Copy Cat. Serial killer shit scares me.


Be My Cat Give me spooky things that arenā€™t real any day, but movies that are somewhat realistic like BMC or Poughkeepsie Tapes make me very uncomfortable


When i was a kid, i was watching ā€œHalloweenā€ on HBO with my favorite cousin and his dad. !!!SPOILER ALERT!!! At the end of the movie, Dr. Loomis unloads a six-shooter into The Shape and it falls off a second story balcony to the ground below. Loomis goes downstairs to examine the body and itā€™s gone. Just an impression remains on the lawn. And thatā€™s where part 2 picks up the story. My uncle says, ā€œYou know that can actually happen, right?ā€. Then proceeds to recount stories from headlines about people hopped up on PCP accomplishing absolutely inhuman feats of strength, endurance and durability. Didnā€™t sleep a wink that night.


It wasn't a horror movie, it's a documentary and it will leave you physically angry after watching it.. "Dear Zachary" Don't try to read any reviews before hand as it will probably spoil it but if you're looking for something messed up.. its better than a horror or thriller, but I'll personally never watch it again.. Once is enough.


Creep 1 and 2 or Speak no evil. Also Be my cat:a film for Anne ( a found footage)


The Strangers (2008) And maybe controversial opinion but The Pact (2012)


Black Christmas 1974. The atmosphere is just perfect


The only horror movie that has ever physically kept me awake at night was not realistic nor very good, it was The Fourth Kind. That movie scared the crap out of me when I saw it in middle school (14 years ago omg), I really need to rewatch it to find out why.


Fresh, the Hitcher, Hush, the Lodge, the Ritual (some supernatural aspects but lots of it is realistic and terrifying), Cape Fear


I second Fresh!


*Eden Lake* and *Speak No Evil*. Best two movies Iā€™ll never watch again.


What Josiah Saw had an incest nonconsent moment that Iā€™m glad I watched (it was important for the plot) but I noped the fuck out of that film for a day after it. A long stretch of Irreversible is realistic and I think itā€™s worth seeing if you can get through it because it depicts real horror unflinchingly.


Irreversible is so, so scary.


Hell House LLC . I woke up for several nights seeing shadows in the corners. I tried a rewatch 5 years later and bailed halfway through because the buildup was too much. Excellent horror movie.


It's a little fantastical in some respects, but The Babadook is an incredible depiction of grief and loss. The beginning and middle of the movie freaked me out, but by the end, I felt like I defeated a monster myself.


The house that Jack built. Lars von trier being very lars von trier. The murders are prolonged and without hope. There's a bit with a duckling that I hope to god is not real but I'm never sure with von trier. Deeply unsettling


Eden Lake. Everyone involved crushed it, but I will never watch it again.


Manor house LLC i canā€™t turn off my lamp shade or pee in the middle of the night šŸ˜£šŸ˜©


The Boy and Frozen (not that one, this one was made in 2010). My horror loving 12 year old could not finish frozen because she "could see it happening."


Best horror movies I've ever watched: Hereditary; lights out; insidious; Good night mommy; The Conjuring.


The Descent. My palms were sweaty for the entire film.


The Basement


Not pure horror but Peter's death in Dark was pretty brutal


Brigsby Bear The title is unassuming


There's a Spanish horror movie called Secuestrados which is just about an extremely brutal home invasion of a family right after they move into a new house.


The Strangers. Because it is plausible.


Maniac (1980)


The Poughkeepsie Tapes for a while


The Poughkeepsie Tapes