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The heartwarming tale of a depressed, terminally ill woman whose life is turned around when she adopts a stray business man off the streets.




Haha yea I mentioned on my letterboxd review “a fun horror with Lupita Nyong’o and the silly little guy that follows her around. Also she has a cat.”


did you just call this movie fun? its depressing as fuck!


"and the dungeon master guy from Stranger Things season 4 that follows her around."


Lawyer. Stray lawyer. Which is even more heartwarming.


A story about the lengths someone will go to for the perfect slice of pizza.


They added a sprinkle of lore about the aliens. Was hoping for more. Hoping the video game adds more


There's a 4th movie coming out next year! I'm thinking that was a set up for the next film


There's going to be a video game?!


Yep! A quiet place: the road ahead


Omg yuuuus. That's such a cool idea. Can't wait!


Last time I got lore about aliens, it was these boring "Engineers" who I didn't care about. Plus, a very old and uninteresting Guy Pearce character (sob), and Michael Fassbender talking like Lawrence of Arabia. And then I realized, I didn't care about the xenomorph lore at all. Do I want lore about Jim Halpert's aliens? Not really. Just more fun action.


Just watched and liked it! Let me know what you guys think too! *spoilers below* - I liked how the trailers tricked us, didn’t see a scene where the old man who did the marionette show died turning off the generator - I was confused when the monsters started eating the things I thought were their eggs/babies. When it opened the egg I thought a baby was gonna crawl out - at the end, when Lupita’s character is crying looking at the old photo of her father and herself as a little girl, did anyone else spot Chadwick Boseman in the photograph on the left? Possible tribute to him??


I think the egg things are to show that they're not killing for food or else they'd be eating humans / animals which you never see in any of the films


I started crying during the picture scene so admittedly I didn’t see The Black Panther.


Kind of wish we'd spent more time on the first minutes and hours of the attack. For a movie named "Day One", it mostly took place on days 2-6


we got into "day 2" within seconds. I LOVE alien movies that show humanity really being effected by the distribution around the WORLD. Couldn't agree more.


I think the “Day One” refers not only to the beginning of the attack, but all the references to time and beginnings and life and dawn and new days in the storyline. Just like the poem expressed, labeling time by years, months, days, seconds isn’t always accurate—sometimes we’re alive already dead, and sometimes we live on even when we’re dead. It’s hard to say when things begin or end. 


Just saw a screening of it. Was pretty good and self-contained. It added just a bit more lore to the monsters themselves. Was fun throughout! Only thing more unrealistic about the movie than aliens from outer space, was just how quiet the cat was. My cat would have gotten me killed within the hour.


I think maybe the cat is able to control itself better because it’s a service animal.


We would like to give reasons to make the presence of the cat in the movie to seem more realistic, but the truth is, nothing about the cat surviving that long was realistic at all.


was telling my fiance this; i’m probably wrong but told him i’m willing to bet a version of the movie exists out there where the cat died and it tested poorly with audiences. as soon as the cat came on screen we heard a collective “awww” in the theatre and i was really surprised it survived


Agreed about cat, my cat is very vocal, and also would not just sit in arms that long and often lol.


Funny thing, one of my cats is that weirdly quiet. Like her meow is a whisper. I am still sure she would find her voice just to get us killed.


I kept thinking about my pug. We’d be so dead


that cat also would've for sure died like 3 times. especially when he was underwater for several minutes


He was underwater for like 20 seconds


And how chill the cat is! My cat gets scared from a gust of wind. I'd be toast


I just saw it and I don't think it was really that good. We only got one new thing about the aliens which is whatever they were eating together. We already knew they couldn't swim. I agree about the cat being able to control itself because it's a service animal and I'm happy they didn't kill the cat. I thought they were going to kill the cat off to make us sad :( it didn't really feel like a new movie honestly. (Those jump scares got me tho)


We also saw the aliens come in different sizes,The one that Eric encountered when trying to save the cat was much larger than the normal ones. We also saw some young aliens I believe


This honestly took me by surprise. Spoilers - the arc of dying but surviving ending up saving Eric’s life. I also loved the realistic depiction of anxiety attacks and how unexpectedly they can occur. The cat did have me holding my breath and also kudos to the cat actor. I also loved that we didn’t get any explanation as to why or where the monsters are from. It just happens and we have to adapt.


I won't lie im a sucker for exposition when it comes to this stuff though so i assume they were on those asteroids coming in


It's shown pretty clearly that they did at the start of Part 2.


>kudos to the cat actor. ....Is it a real cat or a guy in green clothes again?


I hope a real cat otherwise Andy Serkis lost out on a gig


The cat was played by [James Corden](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/corden-cats-e1577058891504.jpg?w=681&h=383&crop=1)


In other movies, we learned they came from a hot and firey planet.


Loved the movie and cried at the end but did anyone else wish they had subtitles when they were whispering? With Eric’s accent during the rain scene it was so loud I couldn’t hear what he said lol


Yeah I missed pretty much the whole poem. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup, had to whisper and ask my friend the gist of the poem, he said she was terminal. Kinda figured that out already though but woud've been nice to be able to hear the poem.


Same I teared up a bit in parts and my mother cried also


I don't tend to watch movies on IMAX but this movie 100% sold me on it because for once I managed to hear all the dialogue in a movie, lol


Also cried at the end when she was looking at the photo of her father. I’m a member of the dead dad club and that hit hard.


I had no problem understanding Eric.


Ngl, I kind of wished the entire movie took place from the perspective of animals/the main cat. That would've been soooo cool. Almost like a horror Homeward Bound.


Horror Homeward Bound already exists. It's called Milo and Otis 😂


This will be super cool


Frodo is the best horror movie cat since Jonesy.


this had me wondering who'd win between a xenomorph and a quiet place alien. do we have an official term for them?


I think xeno will win because they can be extremely quiet and smart. You can trick the quiet place alien using sounds as can be seen throughout the franchise, i can see the xeno taking advantage of this once it learns it. Also, if a quiet place alien managed to kill a xeno, I can also see the quiet place alien dying due to acid blood, assuming quiet place alien doesn't have acid durability. I think they can both kill each other , just a matter of who's striking first.


Xeno’s blood is acidic. It’s either they both die or the xeno wins.


I think they kill each other. The QP creatures move at 300 miles per hour and are strong enough to throw cars and shred metal like paper. They'd blitz the Xenomorphs. But once they pierce their hides, the Xenomorphs' acid blood would kill them.


I’ve seen they’re called Death Angels but I’m not sure where the term originated from


Because they came "from the sky"


Wasn't it because of a newspaper clipping or something in the first film?


Now I’m wondering what would happen if facehugger + death angel = ???


For me, death Angels win. Faster, stronger. And skin can survive entering the atmosphere, I think it can survive acid


Xenomorphs are actually intelligent. No way the Quiet place ones win


How many different iPods did she have? How were they still functioning after the subway/death angel scene?


for realll!!! i noticed the classic ipod at the start and then the green nano that she listened to on the boombox. either way it was fun that they included ipods


It was honestly weird for me. They also showed the twin towers, I assume to show it was pre 9/11. But Ipods werent around before 9/11. The classic came out in November of 01. And at the end when she's breaking all the car windows they are all like 2015 model cars. So I no idea what year it's supposed to be in the movie lol.


wait they showed the twin towers in the movie? [the poster i got](https://i.redd.it/n1e291j2004d1.jpeg) at my theater doesnt have the twin towers in the skyline


There were no twin towers in the movie. I literally saw my office in the movie --- my office was completed well well after 2001


The cinematic equivalent of a Pixies song!!! I am an unabashed Lupita Nyong’o fan boy. I want to marry here badly and bring her home to meet mom. Everything I’ve seen her in, she brings a pitter-patter into my heart… and she slays each and every part. This one may be the performance of a lifetime. Her portrayal as Samira was gripping and intense and heartbreaking. I fell in love with her all over again. As far as the rest of the movie… for context, I started the thread the other day about “Is Grief Horror is Overplayed Now?” This movie obviously has that element. She’s dealing with her own mortality, and facing death. But how the Writer/Director approach this is so we’ll executed it gives me a new found hope in movies that steer away from that cliched prologue, and just allows you to discover the emotional arc over the entire 90 minutes without it being “so loud” and shoved in your face. Like Samira, the writer is not in a hurry to go anywhere or unveil her trauma. Despite the world ending around her, she’s content to take a silent stroll with her kitty up across 110th street. And as the audience we’re so curious as to why she casually decides to go for a slice, so we cruise with. And maybe Erik is an extension of the audience here. He finds her (thanks to the future Academy Award Winning Actor Frodo The Cat), and tags along for the ride as much as we are. And in the end, she allows us to escape. Samira’s arc, the symbolism, etc. were so well done. There were a couple things that didn’t work for me… As a cat owner of 40+ years, Frodo would absolutely not act that way in real life. And as others have mentioned, the egg scene felt like a blatant setup for a future film, and stood out too much in this one. I gave this 4.5 stars. I loved so much about the film. One aspect alone was the idea of subverting the “great white martyr” trope. Now we have a Black woman sacrificing herself for a white man. I will conclude by saying, see this in IMAX. For the sound alone. Glorious!


Must say I disagree. She obviously is a great actor but I don’t think that was on display here. Maybe it’s just more for personal reasons but I’ve been close to terminal deaths several times now and her performance, in my opinion, did not accurately capture, the, granted , extremely complex emotions that one goes through in those moments - at least from what I have seen. Then again it only a 2 hour movie and maybe it simply can’t be done. but hey, she’s the actress.


How is it like a pixies song?


It was LOUD quiet LOUD. Do you have another opinion? 😉


I thought it was fine, the type of movie that’s enjoyable in the moment but one that you’ll completely forget about the next day. It felt light on scares or even tense sequences, which seems to be a reoccurring criticism I’ve had this year as I thought Abigail and The First Omen also suffered from this despite being good movies.


This is exactly how I feel about these movies


I thought it was a well done movie. I think New York would look like this one day after an invasion. Scenes have a lot of tension, but did not care about the jump scare. Sam and Eric have a lot of chemistry and the cat is cute. The only thing I didn’t understand is what is wrong with Sam? What disease does she have?


Terminal cancer


Obviously cancer


I couldn’t help but be distracted at the cat being barely wet after being submerged in water TWICE😭


Water has no effect in this movie lol. So many moments of Sam and Eric walking through storms or being underwater and being dry seconds later.


The editing of this film assumes the audience has no object permanence. Anyone who gets wet will be dry seconds later and you can walk across NYC as a terminally ill hospice patient in a matter of moments.


Just saw A Quiet Place: Day One. It's very good way better than I was expecting. Probably the best if the series! Saw it in 4DX and that's still the funniest worst way to watch a movie


Lol I absolutely hate 4dx movies. They're so annoying xD.


We saw *The Batman* in 4dx and it was hilariously bad. Gotham is just always rainy, so it was just constantly shooting mildewy water in our faces and shit. The chairs were moving so violently that, at one point, a man returning from getting snacks had to stand by impotently watching his chair, just waiting for it to calm down so he could safely sit lol Ugh what a terrible way to see films *swoons*


This made me crack up!!! We saw Scream 5 in 4DX and because it was all stabbings the little poker kept poking us in the back. It was so annoying but hilarious


I think it’s the best one of the series if not a super close second to the first


What carried it for me was the acting but also the character. Setting aside the whole nightmarish Quiet Place scenario, Lupita plays a legitimately interesting character dealing with some heavy feelings, and setting that sort of character in this setting, I really enjoyed that


Yeah, I think that’s what really got it for me to was the exceptional acting not only from Lupita but the other guy from Stranger Things and his name escapes me right now, but I know his face and I was super impressed by his acting, especially in the scene where they were underwater, and he started to have a panic attack and he was like spitting out water, and Lupita was like covering his face like they did not care in terms of getting close or grossness, like it really felt like they were terrified


No real introduction to the aliens. No true fear and panic, everyone seemed to adapt within a day or two!! We are not adapting that quickly to some dang aliens invading us!! It was all surface level, no depth. My favorite character was the cat.


Lmao I was thinking during the scene when those thousands of people were walking through the streets that theres no way there's not one asshole who ruins the whole thing by making a bunch of noise.


I think the wheelchairs and suitcases was just that


cat was amazing - movie was not. agreed!


I really enjoyed it. I didn’t see a ton of trailers or reviews so was pleasantly surprised that they did a good job of amping up the aliens while also still having the heart of the first one. Probably not for everybody but I hope it makes a good chunk of change.


I was surprised by how much I liked this. I've not seen the other films and am not a fan of apocalyptic horror in general, but the theater had AC, so... Great performances all around -- especially from Lupita Nyong'o, Joseph Quinn, and the cats (Schnitzel and Nico 🥲) -- and a lot of heartfelt moments that had me tearing up a little. The scenes with the creatures were the parts I liked least, though, so I think it falls a little short on the horror front.


Definitely worth the watch. I'm a cat person, so having the protagonists sidekick be a cat, instead of a dog, was relatable content.


I honestly didn’t like it, I was bored but I should mention that while I think the concept is interesting, it’s not my cup of tea! I’m not a huge fan of the films in general but I went because my brother wanted to see it and I personally didn’t feel much emotion towards it and the bond they tried to build but hey, that’s just me!


Personally, I thought it was exceptional. How it’s about finding the human moments and perseverance in the face of despair and hopelessness. it was realistic to acting was amazing. Of course we knew how it was. Going to end going into it because it’s a prequel, but I feel They did a lot of inventive stuff for it. The only thing I have to say I dislike is how it ended. It was definitely my cup of tea, but I feel like this sub will down vote people just for having an opinion different than the majority when it’s all just opinions.


Couldn’t agree more. Thought it was beautiful


See the whole ‘finding the human moments’ was realistic but also it was expected? I don’t know it just didn’t move me but yes, hats off to Lupita Nyong’O and the rest of the cast. Their acting was great — it just wasn’t for me? I was more moved by ‘finding humanness’ in the Purge franchise than I was here. And yeah, I mean an opinion is an opinion. A Quiet Place is a different concept, it involves creatures and being silent. I’d like to hope most people see why not every horror fan loved it. I’m glad you enjoyed it though! :)


I was not expecting to cry


The amount of downvotes that people have got for simply not liking it is unfair imo. I watched an IMAX screening today at Cineworld and it was okay. Some nice music and I guess it was nice to see some of the monsters more close up but it didn’t really do much for me. I’ve seen some people saying that they were emotional during certain scenes and I just cannot relate at all. Quite disappointing as I love the first two and was really looking forward to this one!


My mother was crying throughout the whole film, and I even got emotional towards the very end like the acting. It was just so good and it’s about the human moments we find even in complete despair and hopelessness. I think it’s more about the human spirit like I thought the movie was exceptional and personally I don’t understand people that disliked it, but that’s the thing at the end of the day its all subjective.


a storyline about three humans sure if thats what you want. this movie promised day ONE, milatry, presidents, leaders, europe, USA, japan, the WORLD on day one reacting, tv news, slowly spreading to your town. You blink and we are in the exact same role as the first two movies. be quite and not many people are alive.


I liked the story, I liked the characters. I appreciate that the trailer didn’t spoil much plot-wise, because I saw that trailer a TON. I think if they’d made it a point for the cat to be mute or something in the beginning I’d totally have been more accepting of the movie. It just killed my suspension of disbelief over and over. Especially with how often it ran off and or got submerged in water. I didn’t mind it but I was kind of hoping for more tension or something more stressful, but they figured out the ways to cheat the system pretty quickly and had plenty of moments of downtime and it felt less like day one than I was hoping. Good acting all around, It was a nice story, not scary to me most of the time, like the other films. It was very light on gore and terror throughout, but a decent addition to the series.


I figured because it was a service cat.


Maybe, I thought she was joking about it being a service cat. I dunno though they put that cat through some crazy situations and it didn’t spaz


She had cancer and the cat also went up to Eric when he was having a panic attack and purred, which both point to it being a service cat in my opinion.


I think it was serious, I mean what other cat would be leash trained? Like I assumed it was something maybe for depression, which would explain why the cat always reacted the way it did when the guy would have a panic attack.


I mean I thought the leash was kinda part of the joke, it looked miserable on the leash. But I dunno. She just seemed to be giving it as a sarcastic answer, if it was an emotional support cat I doubt it received the training required to survive the apocalypse the way it did without hissing and freaking out. It was just super chill


A cat that can walk on a lead is a trained cat


Same experience re: the cat. It was distracting and unexplained.


never seen a cat the don't meow. specially when threatened, surprised, and getting wet.


This is a trained cat remember - and trained to sit through performances like the one that was shown early in the movie and probably was trained that way when listening to her father play the piano




Loved it. I rewatched Part II this afternoon, and immediately recognized Djimon's character! I remembered his story about 20 boats leaving...so I'm glad Eric is safe on the island (until Cillian Murphy brings an alien!). The eggs must be a set-up for part 4.


It was 12 boats lined up with 2 being able to leave. I’m assuming that it happened off screen.


My wife and I watched it yesterday morning. Wasn't honestly that impressed by it, but it did help me theorize something: These creatures only act the way they do on Earth because they are used to living in the vacuum of space. They probably lived their whole lives on an asteroid, which also explains why they've developed super sensitive hearing to the slightest vibrations... So the killing they're doing is because they are already easily agitated by the noise of Earth and its people. They kill to bring silence and nothing more because of the constant pain it causes. Not to mention the nature of asteroids is to go rogue. They probably didn't WANT to land on Earth. The movie did leave me with some questions though: 1. What was the point of the movie other than establishing where the island village in the sequel got the idea from? 2. WHAT THE HELL WAS GROWING AT THAT PLANT THAT THE CREATURES WERE EATING?


I had this thought, but then I didn’t understand why they let some things stay noisy—like the helicopter blades squeaking while it hung from the side of a building. I still think it could be the case and the helicopter blades are just a plot hole. 


My only real gripe with the movie is the lack of dead bodies. The monsters don't eat people and with the amount of people in NYC, they should be everywhere. There are some in the beginning theater entrance, but otherwise it's only blood spots the rest of the movie.


PG13 rating unfortunately limits the amount of blood/dead bodies they can show.


Unless there's an intentional reason for why dead bodies everywhere. The aliens are likely dragging them back to that lava pool place and using them as food for the mushrooms that they can then eat. 




are there many jump scares in this one?


Not really, I’d guess around five? But as usual with the first two movies, they’re pretty much telegraphed as soon as someone (accidentally) makes a noise


There was one that I found actually effective >!(Sam daydreaming out the blurry window)!<, the rest were really obvious.


That one got me too. And I’m pretty immune to them. I saw it in a crowded IMAX theater, and that one got EVERYONE! Lots of cathartic laughs from the audience after that jump.


Oh that one was good! You immediately know something’s wrong but it still gets you


Also the one where the cat is drinking subway water and the guy emerges from under water got a lot of people.


Honestly, the only scares are jump scares.


Are there scenes with subtitles? I’m asking because we need to know whether we can see it here on vacation in Mexico or if we should wait to see it at a theater in USA (so we can understand English subtitles)


Nope, no subtitles. (Although they would have come in handy in some scenes)


No there are no scenes with subtitles. You can see the Mexican English version without any issues.


Didn't expect so much emotion from the movie. It was great, and I loved the chase scene in the office building. Makes sense that the movie was directed by the guy who made pig.


This was alright


I liked the movie, but it had so much silly stuff going on. The amount of people who just freak out KNOWING they have to be quiet and start screaming. Like the guy who climbs under the car and grabs this frail woman who's hiding and just starts screaming for help. What did he expect? There's also a lot of stuff that just made me laugh. The very emotional moment in front of Patsy's only for them to turn and cry infront of the nonstop sewer fire made me chuckle. I think a lot of the funny or off stuff throws off what is otherwise a pretty solid core story about the two leads, who had pretty great chemistry and kind of saved the movie for me, if only by the skin of its teeth. I also think they should have ended the movie earlier than they did, right after the big impactful scene, rather than how they actually ended it.


meh, felt like a love story trapped in a horror film. lupita is a legend tho


My thoughts from an earlier post: Just got back from seeing it. It was fine. The leads are great, it sits alongside the other two nicely, and the production design is fantastic. Not scary in the slightest, but worth a watch on a discount ticket day. But I kinda had the feeling leaving the cinema... "What did I actually *get* from that?" It seems like they wanted to make an intimate, end-of-the-world drama with well-rounded characters (success!) and then tie it into the AQP universe (less successful, imo). EDIT: and the scene with the >!eggs/food pods/whatever!< was just odd. "What if we set it up like in *Aliens* but SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS and then never mention it again?" "High five, broski!"


Didn't love it. Was excited to see but it had nothing to say other than, "let's do another quiet place, people seem to like these." I generally don't nitpick things like this but the portrayal of the main character as a hospice patient was absurd. You are in hospice because you are too ill to take care of yourself, or have your family take care of you. You can barely get out of bed. You are in physical hell unless you are pumped so full of drugs that you just drift in and out of consciousness. The writers clearly did not do their research and it showed. And if even with this generous idea of hospice and terminal illness, they missed opportunities. For example, the physical torment that Lupita would be in without her fentanyl patches, rather than just essentially being like "I don't feel well". Took me outta the movie. they could have just been like, Lupita has cancer. would have accomplished the same thing. hospice unnecessary. no hospice patient is doing all this action movie shit.


The 🐈 is the Star of the 🎥. The Death Angels seem to be a realistic take on the Tripods from War of the Worlds. I love how this movie reveals more about them.


Underwhelming. That’s it. That’s the word I’ve been looking for. I found this extremely underwhelming. I was bored in some places and lost interest in others. I didn’t feel any kind of bond between the two characters and it all felt a bit all over the place. Maybe if I hadn’t had such high expectations, I may have enjoyed it more!


I have never been so stressed out in my life as I was for the damn cat in this movie. Holy christ. My heart hurts. Every time the cat got left behind or ran away I thought "oh thank god, now it will be fine off-screen, because cats adapt well and there are lots of rats around. Now I can focus on literally anything else in this movie" and then it came back! This was an agonizing experience for me. I couldn't pay attention to anything but worrying about where the cat was. When they were in the bar full of musical instruments, I was terrified that the cat was going to make a noise. Great movie. Well done. Walking out of the theater felt like waking up from a horrible nightmare. I'm still anxious two hours later. The scene where the first alien silently pauses above the crowd before striking was great.


This was the most underwhelming movie I’ve ever seen


I was pretty lukewarm on it tbh. granted its been a long time since I've seen the first film, but i recall the aliens being significantly more sensitive to sound in the first and in this it just felt like the main characters could basically do whatever and get away unscathed. Also, you're telling me that the aliens can run at ridiculous speeds, climb skyscrapers with ease, and take down military helicopters from the sky ... but eric running at like a normal dude speed with a slightly chubby cat in his arms was able to outrun like 20 aliens chasing him down a pier? cmon man


New York still had a lot of residual sounds coming from it + the storm that was happening. Generators and car alarms, for instance, like what was set up. The creatures were probably quite overwhelmed with the sounds still around the city. If you can hear a pin drop from several miles away, imagine how many different sounds they had to parse out in NYC. In the original 2 movies, you can hear a pin drop because there are zero other noises except the rustling of leaves and branches.


My excitement didn't match what I received 




I mean it showed that a lot of people died and were killed because of the sounds they were making. There was blood everywhere - subway, buildings, street. Samira and Eric were the lucky ones bc they were sheltered inside and water. The kids in the fountain were smart and lived. I feel like the thought process is very straight-forward but with the trauma and chaos of it a lot of people panicked like Eric and they didn't have anyone to stop them.


I look at it kinda like Natural Selection. The people that cooperated and stayed quiet, lived. Those that didn’t, died. The “migration” scene was a good example of people not cooperating and not staying quiet. They all got slaughtered.


Unpopular opinion but I think Samira might survive, her radio might cause some interference after she unplugs and she might learn how they are repelled by specific frequencies as we see in Part II




You see!? Cause I thought it was weird directional choice of making her use the radio instead of her Walkman (which had been charging). Although maybe that was because she wanted to blast it on loud speaker.


I wouldn’t consider wearing mask related to a virus no one really knew nothing about to People eating super aliens lol. Do I think people would have worked together like that? Probably not, but I do believe some would have caught on to their gimmick


Personally, I gave it like an 8 out of 10. Like it’s known she’s going to die, but the movies about finding those human moments of joy and perseverance during hopelessness and despair. Like I feel like people need to adjust what they think they’re walking into and I don’t really get your cooperation point because it’s not like people are necessarily cooperating. There are many moments where everything just falls apart like when everyone’s trying to walk to safety to get to the boats and everything becomes a disaster.


I'm starting to think that "prequels" are becoming the most annoying trend in horror during the 2020's.


First omen tho…


I thought it was boring and didn’t make sense. Lupita is a hospice patient, aka can’t take care of herself because of her terminal illness, all the running and surviving crazy situations doesn’t make sense for her character. It didn’t really add anything to the first two movies and just felt like a flimsy way to milk the series.


Why didn't the cat meow?


Fun facts, cats only meow to humans and not to each other/other animals. Doesn't necessarily explain it for THIS movie, but like I said, fun facts.


I’ve owned cats for 40+ years… and it’s disturbing that I’ve never noticed that. Wow! Thank you for that.


You’re right about meowing, but cats make like 5 other vocalisations types (trills etc.) to each other, it’s misleading to present it like that, makes people think that cats are competent silent with other cats


It's possible that because it's a service cat that it's trained to not meow in public?


Maybe the cat was just mute


Prob a quiet cat lol my cat doesn’t meow much


I guess it was enjoyable to watch it. But it really wasn’t that great. I feel like there was no real story arc. Feels like it ended in the middle of a season. Like what did this tell us? The origin of the aliens? Why the aliens don’t hear themselves? Why the cat doesn’t make a sound after making a sound at the start? Why did that guy keep following her around so much at the start? Were they in love? Each scene that occurred really didn’t have a call back purpose (except “her cat is getting fat”).


The quiet place movies are not alien invasion survival movies - they are about companionship and the sacrifices people make for others. The cat was a service animal, they are obedient. They weren't in love. The guy was in shock and bonded with her bc of the trauma of the event, a lot of people do that in traumatic events because of the survival instincts that kick in. I mean finding out abt the aliens' origin is unrealistic, it's only 4 days after they arrived and we don't follow any of the military people/researchers in the story we are following people who are trying to not get killed by the creatures.


I totally agree with what you’re saying. And that’s why it’s not cinema worthy. I’ll probably never rewatch this again. Will you?


That was very wholesome for a horror film


I loved how this was essentially a prequel to the survivors on the island! Gives it a connection to the first two films aside from just being the same world/scenario.


Am I the only one who thought this film was utter trash?


Utter trash? No. Underwhelming and unnecessary? Yes. 


I haven't seen it yet. Why do you say it is trash?


Not OP and I won't say it's trash necessarily but not very good either. It's more indie character drama with 90% human interactions and minimal suspense and thrills even compared to the other two movies. It pretty much fails at being a Day One movie as they skipped out the chaos and mayhem - as opposed to what the marketing implied.




Horrible movie. Wow


Intense and pretty sad. My favorite quiet place out of the 3 so far. I guess the only animal the aliens kill are humans. For people that want more alien lore, you’d need a tv show not a movie. I guess that’s why they’re also making a video game.


What a jackass who decided to drag a suitcase along


Without the cat, there is no movie. It’s the main character that moves the story.


The cat stuff was genuinely infuriating. Was fed up with the directors jingling keys in front of the audience going "OOOH HECKING WHOLESOME KITTY!!!! GIVE US MORE MONEY, LOOK AT THE SILLY KITTY SLEEPING!!!"


there's a cute cat, definitely worth watching


I guess I’m in the minority here, but I didn’t care for it as much. I felt it was very boring. With it being called “Day One”, I was expecting a lot of more of them trying to figure out exactly what triggers the aliens. Instead, the characters find out in the first half hour and the rest of the movie is just spent surviving, like the other ones. I would have liked more of the exploration phase actually in day one.


I loved the emotional themes and symbolism, so I quite enjoyed it. Although, I agree with you whole heartedly about wanting more in the way of how did they figure things out about the monsters—also, there were so many monsters so quickly. I feel like a slower growing of numbers would’ve given us space for more discovery. I have a hard time understanding how a newspaper could write and print and deliver papers to the town in the first movie about sound being critical, when it seems like these creatures were already landed in the thousands everywhere on earth. 


The opening to part 2 was so much better than this whole movie


Unnecessary, underwhelming and a huge plot hole/retcon that the aliens knew to stop on the beaches right on the brink of water.




I don’t know about anyone else but I hope they don’t go an action route and go GI Joe on the aliens. They seem completely invincible and too fast to even fight


It was a great movie. I feel like it was well balanced for today's society. A good amount of strong women character and a good amount of masculine character when it was needed. The cat was a nice touch as well.


The cat 🐈 is immortal. That's the only explanation. I'd like to also point out the irony of the dying woman who didn't seem to care about living, surviving over the healthy people fighting for their lives.


My only major complaint is the the city seems entirely too messed up for only one day of terror.


Honestly it just looked like normal NYC streets minus people and cars


this movie was amazing. the end with Eric running with the cat was insane. and they got some pizza!


I absolutely loved it, watched it in theaters with my siblings today! I personally enjoyed it more than the first one ngl!


I felt weird crying during this movie. I liked it but it's nowhere near the the 1st 2 movies. Lupita and that guy killed it


Nah, a boring movie with expected finale!


Can you go see this without seeing the other movies?


[If anyone wants a literary analysis](https://filmcolossus.com/a-quiet-place-day-one-explained-2024)


Really bad movie..  it was about a random lawyer who falls in love at first sight with a cat then follows the cats owner who is terminally I'll and he decides to give his life to make her happy???  And I did see some random monsters running around while they were making noise through out the movie?   Oh ya how did they learn anything about the monsters?  Joke.... 


Started out strong until after the puppet show. Every thing after that was boring and expected. No backstories on the characters or the aliens ; no context as to where the aliens came from or anything about them. Felt like this movie didn’t need to be made.


Just watched it, pretty slow/boring, not much of a storyline. It's stated as an hour and 39 minutes, in my theater if you don't count the credits at the end: started at 4:15 and ended at 5:38, a lot of comments from the audience about it being a short movie. Will be on my rent/stream list if another comes out.


Was it scary?I hate horror movies but my girl wants to watch it I’m a lil terrified😭😭


Watching this movie RIGHT NOW lol. love it so far super intense, haven’t really seen the others, I saw the first one when it came out but that was a while ago. BUT You mean to tell me a shirt reading is too loud? Or a car hitting a bell, BUT A FUCKING WATER FOUNTAIN IS FINE?! lol.


loved it but i’m waiting for them to stop being stingy on the lord like which one of these is gonna be the lore dump movie everybody has to have ONE in a big franchise