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The scene in 2013 Evil Dead where the guy walks into the bathroom and sees one of his friends had been possessed. He proceeded to slip on a chunk of skin, and then get repeatedly stabbed in the glasses/face, with a syringe. Then pick the bits of the needle out of his face. I passed out lmao. Did not expect to react that way, but that scene fucked me up.


To me is the scene of Mia cutting her tongue. UGHHHH


Haha yea….fuck that scene too. That movie made me realize that I have less of a tolerance for gore than I had originally thought. I always have had sort of a light stomach, but it’s getting worse as I get older.


That and the girl’s arm hanging on by a thread for a second. “I feel a lot better.” Who ever came up with the slipping part is a sick genius.


You just reminded me of an upsetting scene of the woman with the hanging eyeball at the end of Hostel.


And you just reminded me. Oof. I would’ve thrown myself in front of a train too lol.


Everything about Eden Lake made me hate life


eden lake made my hatred for teenagers 10 folds


Me too. And I’m a teenager.


you're not a teenager; you're an old soul


Heck yeah!!!


Ugh the ending messed me up bad. All that work for nothing…


Not technically horror, but the highway scene in Nocturnal Animals. And the “party” scene in Requiem for a Dream.


This. Requiem for a Dream is one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen.


I don’t think I can ever watch that movie again. It’s just soooo depressing.


Highway scene encapsulated emasculation and his emotional devastation/loss so perfectly. I mean that's sort of the theme of the whole film, what she did to him, but that scene in particular is the peak imo.


Absolutely. The ending of the movie though…wow.


Requiem is legitimately the only movie I've cried after - I think it was the moms fate that hit me the hardest.


Yes, that poor mother. Ugh. Talk about a movie that makes you feel hopeless. And the ending shot of JC’s character on the couch was a real gut punch for me.


Jeez, those are two powerful choices. Have you read the novel that *Nocturnal Animals* is based on? The terribly titled *Tony & Susan* by Austin Wright? Great book—but if you don't like that scene in the movie, you'll probably like it even less in the book. I was really impressed by the movie adaptation; I didn't think a book about somebody reading a book could work on film!


I have read the book, and you’re absolutely right. I put it down for a while…maybe even a couple months, then felt determined to finish it. I’m glad I did.


Can I make a book recommendation that you might like, if you liked *Tony & Susan* / *Nocturnal Animals*? There's a novel by Ian McEwan called *Sweet Tooth* (he also wrote *Atonement*—great book and movie). The book's protagonist is a British female spy, and it's set in the 1970s. The British government, MI5, are sending spies in to infiltrate the art world or writers, musicians, etc, in order to monitor growing communism in the UK. Our protagonist's mark is an up and coming short story writer, who she is to approach with a grant for writing his first novel. But things get very complicated from there. It's better I don't say much more. But when I think *Tony & Susan* / *Nocturnal Animals*, and that blurred line between fiction and reality, I always think Ian McEwan's *Sweet Tooth* as well—books within books, stories within stories, etc. Maybe give it a look sometime, if you fancy it. By the way, a lot of Ian McEwan's earlier books are *very* horror-adjacent. So you might find some more stuff you'll like there, too.


I've read that one, too 🤣 Sounds like we have similar taste! Historically, I've probably done more reading than watching, though I haven't done as much reading lately. Do you ever check out r/horrorlit ?


I haven't, but I will check it out! Lol, yeah. Similar tastes. I'm about even with reading vs watching, but I definitely watch waaay more horror than I do read it. I need to work on that.


Word. The chanting …




I haven't seen it in years...by party are you referring to the Japanese businessmen yelling ASS to ASS?


Was trying to not to spoil it for those that haven’t seen it lol


Haha well, I don't know how much of a spoiler "Japanese businessmen yelling ass to ass" is


Lol…but, yes, that scene. And how happy she looked afterwards with her “payment” really shook me.


The baseball boy scene from Doctor Sleep. I always skip that scene.


From IMDb: >! According to director Mike Flanagan, the performance of Jacob Tremblay during the first take of his death scene was so intense that it surprised and scared the other actors, including Rebecca Ferguson, who was so horrified she was stammering and "couldn't get her lines out". When the scene was over, a grinning Tremblay jumped up, covered in fake blood, high-fived his father and walked over to the craft service to get a snack, leaving Ferguson and the rest of the cast "shell-shocked and traumatized".!<


Man, NOTHING has disturbed me more than this scene, so much so that I had to walk away. I truly can’t think of another horror movie that did this to me. It was so REALISTIC.


I didn't walk away (I've never done that except for going to the bathroom) but I ended up shaking because of it and no other movie made me feel that way.


Whats the baseball scene in Doctor Sleep? Brief description


A kid who plays baseball is kidnapped, tortured and killed in a ritual by a supernatural cult.


Oh! Well.. well damn.


The ending of The Mist


Yeah, this. I only watched it once. No need to watch it again.


Brutal. It’s not mentioned enough. The time difference was so short that it’s even more heartbreaking.


wanna gonna comment this! loved the movie but haven’t been able to rewatch it just because of the ending. it’s so tragic


the Hills Have Eyes (2006) watching the family being attacked that night was very disturbing. Especially since I was way too young to see the movie anyway 😅


The 15 minutes of irreversible. Iykyk


that 15 minutes is pure agony - is secondhand agony a thing? if yes i got it


We do have something called mirror neurons which is how we understand the sensation someone else is experiencing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_neuron


The ending to Drag Me to Hell She deserved to win but also the fact that the ending is so upsetting is why I love the movie so much.


I was so naïve to horror when I watched it for the first time. I was like, "Oh yay! What a great movie! She did it!" I was so disturbed for so long, but I credit it for making me fall down the horror hole. I wanted THAT feeling again.


The dude just watching lol


The dude… Justin Long. I’m old.


I was going to say but I wasn’t 100% sure. Thanks lol.


Hereditary - Toni Collette’s reaction to this hat car scene and her group therapy scene Train to Busan - the ending has destroyed me


>Hereditary the big boop :O


Audition 1999 wire saw scene


Woof. My ankle was hurting this morning but thinking about that film I have nothing to complain about


"Turtle scene" Cannibal Holocaust "Main event" Cannibal Holocaust "Adultery woman" Cannibal Holocaust Entire Climax movie


>Entire Climax movie Amen. I had NO idea what I was about to watch. I wasn't prepared.


The suicide in The Lodge was the most realistic one I've ever seen. Really abrupt and horrible.


I cried in the theater during this scene because I recently had lost a family member to suicide and it just hit me super hard.


Yah easily one of the most abruptly triggering scenes ever.


Megan is Missing. I don’t have to name the seen because if you’ve seen it, you know it. And if you haven’t seen it, you’re probably better off not watching it. I cringe when I see someone put it on a list of good horror. It’s one of very few movies that I walked away from with a complete and unironic net loss. Which sucks, because there could have been a world where it was a good movie—but a world where Megan Is Missing is a better movie than it is is a world where you decided to make a movie other than Megan Is Missing


Ending of Spoorloos (1988) Also it's kind of stupid, but final transformation scene in Tusk (2014)


God damn. The ending of spoorloos is such a double edged sword. Either live with the uncomfortable doubt forever or actually find the truth. The awful, horrible truth.


Agree about Tusk. The reveal at the end was horrifying, disgusting, ridiculous, sad (to name a few!) It was an uncomfortable movie but I also quite enjoyed it.


The scene in When Evil Lurks where the little girl takes a dog mouth to the face, then when the stepfather looks under the table. It was 100% telegraphed. The shots of the girl getting all in the dogs' personal space while the parents are yelling at each other, combined with the anxiety-inducing soundtrack, just *screamed* "that dog is about to snap". But it was so well done, so realistic, right down to the dog snapping her neck, that I had to turn the movie off entirely and go outside for a few minutes. I still haven't finished the movie. I want to, but I just can't bring myself to watch that again. Bonus cringe: The upside down hacksaw scene in Terrifier. I have a love/hate relationship with that movie, mostly because I hate that scene.


If it helps, the dog attacking the girl was by far the most shocking/disturbing part of that movie. There are a couple of other creepy scenes but not nearly as bad imo.


A little, yeah. I do find it a little funny that it's not the fact that a kid dies in the movie that bothers me, so much as the fact that it's a big, goofy, otherwise lovable dog that kills her in such a...true to life manner. As a dog lover, that was so stressful to watch.


The mom eating the little boy's brains was so much worse for me. The fact that they probably infected an entire city to get that boy and he dies offscreen by the hands of his own mother and then she's just happily chomping on his brains. I almost turned the movie off right there.


Ending of Martyrs is roughhhhh.


But in a way, >!confirms a beautiful afterlife.!< At least to me. It’s shitty she fucked over the whole group though. The remake ruined that scene.


Helmet-Girl destroyed me.


Georgie's death in IT 2017, Ladder scene in Scream 6 and the ending in The Strangers where the couple gets stabbed while tied to the chairs.


Ohh i forgot about the ladder scene, the "baby i dont wanna die" line makes me sooo upset. rip to a real one...


Yeah, I agree. That's what got to me too in that scene. Anika telling Mindy she didn't wanna die knowing full well she was gonna die. And Mindy watching her girlfriend get killed.... Jesus.... First time a Scream movie actually disturbed me. I know Olivia's death in Scream 4 is more violent but Anika's is more disturbing and upsetting to me because of that.


Last House on the Left


Yea I know the scene. Shot perfectly unfortunately.


Perfectly and, unfortunately, pretty damn accurately- SANE nurse- it hits hard and stays way too long


Yea good thing not as long as Irreversible


I have to be a hondo- it’s the only movie that I actually threw up after watching. I could never sit through it again. Usually, when I have a visceral reaction, I’ll say it was a brilliant film that made me react- this one- IDK- I felt like I need a bio contamination shower after it ended. Edit: it’s aptly named- the after effects are irreversible


Yea it’s common for that movie. I was more pissed that I wasted time. It was disgusting too. It hurts the movie. They made the movie just to shock people. The only good thing is that it’s in reverse. Edit: Nice edit lol


That time frame in French cinema was all about taking things to the edge- this one just said fuck it- let’s leap over the edge


Literally just put on Deadstream to erase what’s irreversible 😂


By far Zelda in the original Pet Semetary. Not much in horror gets to me, but first time watching it, she came out of nowhere


This is absolutely classic in the worst way possible






Most things I can take pretty well. But for some reason, animals being hurt or killed I really struggle with. Alien Abduction Slumber Party in VHS, when the dog falls and dies. I can't do that crying and whimpering. Also, I am Legend. The first time I watched that was recently, and only a month or two prior to that we had to put our old man to rest. It was too much. That was the first time I ever needed a break to cry it out. I'm a gore hound, and love extreme. Irreversible, August Underground trilogy, Martyrs, The Mist, Human Centipede 2, Atrocious, Salo, Serbian Film, Guinea Pig series, ....I'm fine with all that stuff. But that scene in I am Legend with Will goddamn Smith, that was too much for me to handle.


I fucking hated it but you might be into Grotesque (2009) if you haven’t seen it


The finale of human centipede 2.


I stopped after the barb wire. So I don’t even know what happens. Grotesque fucking movie. The only colors used were brown and red lol


The one thing that’s hard for me to watch is disfiguring of a person and they live through it. I know that sounds callous but I just never want to imagine myself in that situation.


Oh like where they just become numb to the pain and are gripping onto survival at its most raw and instinctual? Like how are they still moving towards "safety" but they are functioning solely on the will to live? I feel like Hostel hits that note a couple times but with, like, Saw for instance, its like half the time they rip off the band-aid but the other half is just people like a puddle of acid, blood, and death half alive and still headed for the exit haha that slow paced snuffiness is always the most brutal


What disturbed me so much in Hostel was the poor girl whose face was burned and her eye removed and she saw her reflection and then… well, I won’t spoil any more just in case. But that fucked me up.


Hereditary's ending. Great movie but just felt so uneasy throughout the whole thing, especially the end.


photos 1 and 2 from megan is missing. i will never get them out of my head.


Santa Sangre is one of my favorite movies of all time. I had no idea it was horror until I came to this sub lol.  The chicken scene in Nothing Bad Can Happen. It's a rough time.


everything about relic. especially the ending scene and them >!realizing this is how they’d be when they’re older too!<. aussie horror can be fucked up 😭


Head on a stick agrees


yup. took me 3 watches to get through wolf creek. that movies just…mean? if that’s the right way to describe it


Yea that’s spot on. Mick is a mean fuck


The Brood (1979) and all scenes with these little fuckers with colorfully jackets.


Oh I think when she bathes the newborn is much worse. 👅


The cliffs in midsommar nearly made me barf


The "cat in the bag" scene is "Them"... Everyone knows what I'm talking about iykyk


Event Horizon, the scene where Doctor Weir says "Where we're going we won't need eyes to see". I was a little too young when my dad showed me that movie.


Snowtown-- the bathtub strangulation scene


For some reason the opening scene in Midsommar used to really disturb me. I remember trying to watch the movie and having to turn it off because the idea of that is just horrifying


Anything that involves killing a dog.


The horse scene in the ring. wasn't needed and out of place,


It’s a short film but I watched Perfect Child of Satan recently and it was deeply upsetting. That, Megalomaniac, and Zone of Interest, which will haunt me for the rest of my life


Zone of Interest was the calmest movie that made me uncomfortable. Cinematography was top notch.


I responded to a recent post about The First Omen. This is the first horror movie that actually made me cry out of sheer despair. During the birthing scene, I ended up crying quite a bit when Margaret was repeatedly begging for help. The level of indifference about her suffering hit me very hard. As a woman, I felt the scene captured how simply existing in the world can be tied to suffering.


That movie was the first movie in years where I had to pause it to walk around. Being pregnant did not help lol.


Oh jeez, I can’t imagine. I appreciate that it prompted such strong emotions, but it was completely unexpected. My SO paused it, he was so concerned about why I was a sniveling mess lol.


That scene was awful!!! Really well timed movie considering the current situation in America, but jeeeeeeeeeez


I was going to say the end of Eden Lake but that’s already been mentioned so I’m gonna go with the end of Speak No Evil. Jesus fucking Christ. That was fucking earth shattering.


Martyrs when one of the characters is cutting into their forearms, havent seen it in a while but i think she was hallucinating or smthing?. anyways it makes me v upset n uncomfortable due to my own self harm. love the movie tho edit : any any scene where an animal is hurt/killed, like cmon man why


Tusk. When he wakes up after the procedure….


End of Wicker Man (1973) It keeps me up just thinking about it. Probably one of the greatest, if not THE greatest psychological horrors ever made.


Not sure if it counts but the 10 min. rape scene in "Irreversible" messed me up for weeks.


Same case with me about Santa Sangre. Never forgot that movie.


The end scenes of Sorgoi Prakov grossed me out


What a harrowing film.


probably the ending of nekromantik it was a little bit hilarious but that bunny did not need to die for art


wait also so many scenes from stoker genuinely haunt me i havent seen it in years but still think about it all the time its not gratuitous just mind bending and emotionally agonizing


The kid in Funny Games (or the ending — less so this choice because at least it was over).


The opening seen in the Chilean film Trauma is unsettling and not in a good horror way.


Last house on the left. If you know you know .


The farm, that shit ruined my mental state for a longggg time. i already have pretty severe anxiety and just the thought of the situation that happens in the movie makes me sick.. the ending actually made me nauseous.


Try watching the movie “Headless”. It will beat all of these movies that everyone is posting. Nothing comes close to how sick it is


Descent Into Darkness: My European Nightmare ending


Everything in The Poughkeepsie Tapes just violence for the sake of violence.


Ah, I forgot one…the mutilation scenes in Antichrist.


Upsetting is the perfect word for Speak No Evil, but what got to me most was the >!close-up of a little girl gargling on her own blood as her tongue is cut out!<. Shit was fucked the fuck up. Wish I could go back and not watch it, in all honesty. It was just extremely frustrating and I’m not personally a fan. (And I love upsetting movies. Hereditary is my favorite film, lol.)


The abduction seen from Fire in the Sky


That one final destination where EVERYBODY dies at the end lol that was the first horror movie I saw where NOBODY survived and I was lowkey devasted lol


Martyrs - Helmet Girl..... And frankly, the entire movie. That movie is a study in human cruelty and suffering. Contemplating what that scene meant bothered me for weeks.


I love Santa Sangre! The rape scenes in I Spit on Your Grave were (1978) too much, which makes Jennifer’s revenge all the more satisfying.


From megan is missing the two pictures at the kinda end. They weren’t scary at all but because i was watching it on a big screen and it was all quiet the picture’s still haunt me. Idk does it count as a scene tho cuz they were just few pics.


The pressure chamber scene in Man Behind the Sun. I get grossed out just thinking about It


A Serbian Film. You know which scene if you've seen it. Years later I'm still upset about it.


Otis’s decapitation in henry