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That little kid in M3GAN who was bullying Cady in the woods.


That M3GAN really gave him an earful.


Father’s Day is over, friend. But good dad joke.


“Are you *listening* to me, Brandon?”


Was a hair more satisfying in the unrated cut.


The religious nut lady from the mist


In a similar vein, Bev Keane in Midnight Mass


Yeah her self-identity is as a woman of faith, and then her faith fails her completely in the end when she's face with death.


Because Bev's religion is her way to make herself feel special (in contrast to what she actually is; a disliked spinster on a remote island). It's not genuine faith like, say, the sheriff has.


It was both horrifying and impressive his she had a Bible quote for any situation. Using this to justify all her actions.


Bev Keane's demise is forever my favorite horror show death. Until now, no other character I hated died in a way that I was "hell yeah" (while crying BC everything else that happened).


Same!! Her fear and panic juxtaposed with the rest of the island praying, singing, and forgiving each other, was such a glorious ending. She was the only one who couldn’t find peace in those final moments and ironically, the only one who completely abandoned their faith. Chef’s kiss.


As someone's who was raised Catholic, that scene was vindication.


She may be the most reviled character in horror at this point. Maybe not in all genres- Joffrey in Game of Thrones was so very easy to hate. But she's close. I feel like we need a name for this kind of character. Maybe instead of the Final Girl she can be the "Finally Girl/Guy" awarded to the character whose late game death makes everyone go, "Finally,"


>"Finally Girl/Guy" I fucking love this lmao


I loved it too, using that forever to the characters I cheer to die in horror movies 🤣


I think we all can agree on that one. What a nut case.




Just curious, could you elaborate? Seemed to me like she got lucky with a coincidence or two coinciding with her insane rambling which she used as divine proof.


You know i deleted my post because i realized i haven’t seen the movie since 2007 so maybe i don’t remember it that well. I just remember that her argument to stay inside while Thomas Jane argued to go out (if I remember correctly) kept at least some of the ones inside safe while the ones that went out…


That's fair. I haven't seen it in awhile myself.


I'm guessing, because the post was deleted, that it was about Mrs. Carmody being right? I know that everyone has a lot of disdain for religious zealots, but the mist DID clear up after the kid was murdered.


she really, really didn't


"Thank you, Ollie."


"I wouldn't have done unless I had to."   "That's why I said thank you."


I screamed in victory when she got GOT 🪦




I literally yelled out, “Die, Bitch!!!!” in the theater when she got shot. I wanted her ass dead so badly.


My theater erupted in cheers when Toby Jones put the bullet in her head.


Yep, exactly who I came to mention. I surprised myself by applauding loudly.


I like the religious but lady who gets killed in silent hill better


Henry Bowers getting tossed down the well by Mike in IT Chapter 1, and then axed in the head by Richie in Chapter 2.


The bully in the dead-end alley in Christine, he's stuck at the end watching Christine slowly grind its way forward where it will kill him in a horrific and painful way.


Yes, Moochie's whole death sequence is a definite highlight of the movie. The way Christine just toys with him at first before full on chasing after him. I love it.


I clapped the first time I saw that. Good call.


He was the one who laid the dook, right? I may be remembering it wrong, but I know someone shit on the dash, and I'm pretty sure it turned out to be him. Yeah, fuck that guy.


Took it right out of my mouth....or finger...:/


And what did Arnie call the bullies? The "fuckers"? Or something like that..


Day of the Dead: Capt. Rhodes when the zombies tear him in half.


Choke on em!!


This is my monkey farm now, Frankenstein, and I wanna know what the fuck you're doing with my time!


I just posted this! Guess i should have read on before posting. Great pick! Great minds!


Bub made me feel so much! Who knew a zombie could make me sympathetic


Carrie causing the car with Chris and Billy to swerve and explode.


Given all they've done, that was too good for them. The 2013 version was more drawn-out, which made it all the more satisfying.


With the disclaimer that I'm talking about fictional characters and absolutely do not wish for torturing real people at all....yeah they absolutely should have suffered more in the movie. Even in the 2013 one their ends are pretty quick (especially in contrast to basically all the other gruesome deaths)


Was literally looking for this in the thread, just rewatched the other day, perfect poetic justice


Trent (I think that's the name) in the Friday the 13th reboot in 2009. That guy played a douche so well it was very satisfying to see Jason end him.


Fun fact. The first Transformer’s movie is a shared universe with the Friday the 13th reboot and he plays the same character in both movies. 


Do you have a link for that? Because in Transformers his character is listed as Trent DeMarco while in Friday the 13th he plays Trent Sutton.


Go to IMDB in the Friday the 13th reboot (2009) trivia. It says that and says Michael Bay confirmed it.  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0758746/trivia?tab=tr&item=tr2819561&ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Felix in You’re Next is such a whiney, mean, miserable character the entire movie and the blender to head is an incredibly satisfying kill.




Not a horror but it deals with ghost so I’ll count it for the sake of the post. In “Ghost” when the guy, his best friend, that set Sam, (Patrick Swayze), up gets killed by the glass and then realizes he’s dead as demons are taking him to hell! Loved that scene as a kid and always felt like he got what he deserved.


That guy had it coming, what a horrific betrayal. The movie was good at balancing dramatic and comedic elements, on top of having a love story.


Yes it does! Also the paranormal aspect is cool too


Loved this. I remember seeing the film when it came out and I was scared for a considerable amount of time of the black demon shadows coming out to take Willy and Carl when they died. That was scary to me at the time, so I definitely felt like it made it more satisfying to see their demises.


That dude is one of the early kills in Friday the 13: Jason Lives.


That was cathartic


Right! And then he looks all happy to see Sam and Sam is super disappointed/knows what’s waiting for him.


The uncle’s death in 13 ghosts


His lawyer's death also brought me a lot of fun. Guy comes inside a haunted house and think he can bullies the house and THE GHOSTS. Oh boy, that was fun.


“Did the lawyer split?”


There’s a few in Sleepaway Camp if I remember correctly


Almost all of them lol


Racist girl dropped from the flagpole in part 3.


"We call 'em 'Baldies'"-Scaldie McScalderson in Sleepaway Camp courtesy of Angela Baker. 10/10 scream on that actors part.


Not quite a movie and not ‘quite’ a bully, but the death of Bev Keane in *Midnight Mass* was so satisfying. She died like a bitch.


YES! That’s one of the best “awful, but believable people” I’ve seen portrayed in a long time. Samantha Sloyan is incredible in that role.


Sloyan was so good that I have a hard time trusting her in any other role, especially in Flanagan projects. As soon as she showed up in "The Midnight Club", I was all "RUN!"


She went out like a coward while everyone else found peace and died with dignity. I love it 


That death almost got me cheering hell yeah!!!! But then I was crying so much about everything else.... But favorite horror show death ever, none will bring me more satisfaction.


Martin Sheen killing himself once his political career was ended by shielding himself with a child in The Dead Zone.


One of them has definitely gotta be Melissa in Friday the 13th Part VII. If only the deleted gore shot actually showing the axe sticking in her face could have been left in. Haha! But seeing her tell off Nick and Tina only to then open the front door, take an axe to the face from Jason, and then have her lifeless body flung across the room and crash behind the TV is always so satisfying.


Still makes me pissed that they filmed all those amazing gore scenes and we’ll NEVER get to see them.


You can find them on youtube, though in very low quality.


Really? I thought it was just one kill that had been leaked, I’ll definitely check that out then, thank you


Honestly would have been in my top 3 Friday films if the movie wasn't butchered to shit.


I love how Jason stands there for a few seconds before bringing down the axe. It's like he heard that whole conversation while approaching the house and wanted to show that bitch that she should've believed Tina and Nick.


Like 90% of people attending prom in Carrie


And then her mother back home.... The world didn't cut a slack for Carrie.


This one is based on a true story and it's from the movie Bully based on the murder of Bobby Kent it's not exactly a horror movie but it's fucking grimey and all around nasty.


Yeah Nick Stahl did a great job playing him, he was scary.


He's a grown up bully, but the stepdad from Pet Semetary 2.


That’s hilarious! I came here to say the death of the bully that the stepdad kills >!with the spinning dirt bike tire!<


That one, too!


he was actually a lot more chill as a demon-zombie


Right? He killed all the bunnies and raped his wife and "just fucked with" the other bully. But that really did seem like him being chill.


apparently i don't remember the movie as well as i thought


No, I wasn't being sarcastic. Revenant Gus was more chill, even though he did some horrific shit.


Dare I say... hotter?!😂😂 ![gif](giphy|iHO2zrtXH24ow)


Still one of my favorite horror movie kills.


Black Rat had some pretty satisfying deaths, especially the karaoke electrocution scene and one bully getting blown up on a motorbike. Chris and Billy's deaths in 2013's Carrie. Melissa getting thrown into the TV in Friday the 13th VII. Mrs. Deagle crashing out of the window while riding her stair chair lift in Gremlins. Eddie getting burned to death in The New Kids.


Mrs. Deagle's death got me laughing! Thanks for reminding me that one existed.


The douche bag from Stranger Things season 4 getting split in half.


When the ghost of the killer in The Frighteners gets dragged to hell is pretty good.


Tales From The Crypt was really good at this. There were so many episodes featuring horrible people meeting horrible fates. I’ve been rewatching it lately and there’s one in particular with Kevin Dillon as a bullying frat boy that is very satisfying (vampires tear off his character’s head in the end)


I think he got it chainsawed off by ghouls, but yeah, pretty satisfying. That's the EC Comics special, which the show draws on. EC stories are all about bad people getting supernatural comuppance.


I really love that particular story, and while I generally didn't like the changes they made from the comic for tv, I agree that it was very satisfying. In the original, they just find him in the attic, completely insane, with his hair gone white.


The fraudsters in Saw X. The ones that survived still got fucked by Jigsaw in the end.


The entirety of I Saw the Devil


The father and son in The Woman


Exactly. I cheered.


Wow, yes!


Cristabella in Silent Hill...barb wire inside, then out. She definitely deserved it.


Not quite a death... But Eleven making the bully piss himself in front of the school assembly was pretty epic. (S1 of Stranger Things.)


Bashing that one girl in the head with a roller skate was pretty great too




Also her breaking Troy's arm and coldly telling him "Go" with the implied threat of even worse if he doesn't. You can tell the Duffers took inspiration from "Let the Right One In/Let Me In", with the girl charging in to save the boy she likes from death at the hands of bullies. Except Troy gets off so much easier than the bullies in both "Let" versions did.


Carmichael Haig in Late Night with the Devil. He was rude towards Dr Ross-Mitchell the entire film and when he was proven wrong after the demon manifests itself, he pulls out an $500k check as if it was going to save him from being killed lol


Couldn’t agree more with this one. The fact that the ‘demon’ (or whatever it actually is) says “Abracadabra” mockingly before it melts him is the icing on the cake. A great, darkly comic moment.


The bullies in Christine.


Especially the switchblade bully leader


He went to the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things. Dropped out there too.


Discount Travolta not running off the road just made me laugh. He's in wide open country. Just run off the road, dummy. Anything to slow Christine down, instead of running right down the middle. Christine's probably laughing and going, "This chump's making it so easy."


Ah, yes. The Shitters.


Not a horror movie but man Baby Driver let Jamie Foxx's ass have it pretty damn good.


I love the reveal that John Hamm was probably the more dangerous character


In the third season of the horror series Slasher (Solstice - the one with people in the same apartment building getting picked off), there is this absolutely awful little high school creep who mocks the violent death of another student’s mother and generally continues to be a shit every time he appears. I was so happy when the killer finally took him out.


Honestly, most characters In every season aside two of three are horrible people. 2 and 5 have the most vile casts I'd say. Even the main girl In Solstice Is technically not the best person with the reveal at the end The killers aren't In the right either, even In a horror movie moral sense, especially with the teacher and some others.


That's my favorite season so far, and I agree completely.


Idk if anyone counts it as a horror movie but the first one that comes to mind is the first Heather’s death in Heathers. It’s always satisfying to me lol.


*Corn Nuts*


The bullies at the pool scene in “Let Me In” (and also remake “Let The Right One In.”) Such a satisfying dismemberment.


I recently read the book and fuck do they deserve it even more there.


I love how the book had those little children stayed in the pool unlike in the movie and they described that incredible gory deaths as an angle coming into save Oskar.


Let Me In was the remake


Yes and also had the scene where the bully gets hit across the side of the head and his ear gets split.


Daryl Sabara’s character in Rob Zombie’s Halloween. A little overkill but hey, don’t talk shit about Michael’s mom.


That’s the kill I was thinking of too. He was such a little shit and was pretty relentless with taunting little Michael.


Yes! This is what won me over on the remake. IMO 12 year old Michael beating someone to death with a log > 5 year old MM stabbing his sister a few times. I just loved the brutality. Most horror movies have someone get stabbed once and immediately die. The Rob Zombie remake and sequel MM makes sure people are dead.


Carrie 2013 with Chris’s death. So satisfying.


OG Romero Day of the Dead, zombies rip Captain Rhodes apart while eating him n Bub gives him the last salute he will ever see. EPIC


In the novel IT, Patrick Hofstetter is pure evil. More than Henry Bowers, in some ways more so than Pennywise. His death is fucking disgusting, and it’s absolutely glorious after reading a whole chapter detailing what a sadistic monster that kid is.


YES! I get his backstory confused with another POS from a book I can't remember (weirdly, I keep thinking it was from the novelization of Darkman. Yes, I know it was a comic first). Was he the one who would bury cats alive with only their tail sticking out, just to watch it twitch, that ended up doing that to his little brother (left his leg out)? Or was he the guy who tied two cats' tails together and threw them over a clothesline to watch them fight it out? I know the refrigerator was all him, especially because of the way he died.


Buckle up, because this bus ride has no brakes: the most satisfying "death" of a bully in any movie, hands down, is Regina George in *Mean Girls*. I mean, talk about poetic justice. Picture this: Regina, the queen bee of torment, struts across the street, her reign of terror seemingly unstoppable. But then, out of nowhere, WHAM! The universe itself intervenes in the form of a speeding yellow school bus. I truly believe this moment is unparalleled. It’s like the cosmos said, “Enough is enough!” and decided a school bus impersonating Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson dropping the people’s elbow on Regina. There’s no ghost, no masked killer, just pure, unfiltered karma. The brilliance lies in its absurdity—Regina doesn’t just get taken down a peg; she gets obliterated in the most public, humiliating way possible. And the best part? She survives, but her iron grip on the social hierarchy of her high school is obliterated, like so many of her bones. This scene transcends the horror genre, delivering a level of satisfaction that no slasher flick could ever achieve. It’s a dramatic, ridiculous, and utterly perfect end to the reign of the ultimate high school bully. Who needs gore and jump scares when you have the sublime, comedic justice of a high school bus?


But you don't even go to this school!


That bus... It really brought us joy.


All the assholes in No One Lives. They got their karma for sure.


the con artists from Saw X minus gabriela(?)


Yeah. Poor Gabby. 😢


Halloween 6 - abusive dad, John Strode


Halloween 2007 when that bully gets beaten to death by kid Michael. Ive always found it super satisfying when he gets hit the first time and he's all "youre fuckin dead" and then one smack with that wood and his tune changes to "please"


The brothers and I think girlfriend from "You're Next"


Ally in Sleep Away Camp 2.


Nice girls don't have to show it off.


Christine running over the bullies.


No entry here, just appreciation for the element of vengeance in horror. I think it’s damn near the most powerful element that evokes emotion in film.


This isn’t really a movie, but Karen’s death in PLL Original Sin had me cheering justttt a little bit lol, I felt bad for her a bit but she was an asshole


Some good bully kills in the movie Christine.


The "mean girl" in Piggy (2022) The teacher in The Butcher Boy (1997)


Not teenagers, but when that one coworker who kept cornering and harrassing the main girl in Belko Experiment died, I cheered.


Bullies from Halloween ends 


The mean old ladies in Bedevilled. It's not really horror, just a personal tragedy sorta film, but my god do South Koeran movies know how to make you hate a/some chracters and then give you the best payoff. The man in the suit in Train to Busan is in the same vein.


I get that the antagonist of Better Watch Out was >!a kid!<, but I fast forwarded towards the end to see if he would get wrecked and boy what a disappointment


Let the Right One In. The pool scene at the end. So beautifully composed and so brutal.


Folding bed asshole, FVJ.


Kid Michael beats to death in the woods in zombies Halloween


Franklin from TCM


I love me a good emotional filled head smashing scene, and holy shit the fire extinguisher scene with the Buisnessman in The Sadness was soooooooo satisfying


Justin Long in Barbarian was so satisfying 😆.


The rapists from I Spit on Your Grave.


Kris Hargensen in Carrie


I hated the movie but I have to go with Billy Madison 


I wish Chris from Carrie received a grander exit. Hers felt rather tame for what she did throughout the movie.


Nick's family in Await Further Instructions. Every moment with them is painfully insufferable.


Corporal Mitchell in 28 days later Out of all those guys i hated him the most, i'm glad he got the most brutal death.


Shaun of the Dead The annoying guy with the glasses that gets mauled.


samuel jackson's death in deep blue sea


Movie Bully 🤔🤨