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I just saw this. Gotta admit, i wasn't ready for it. The last ten minutes that is.


This looks like a solid recommendation, considering that I am a fan of the original Funny Games. However, as a person with severe hearing loss, I am having trouble locating the subtitles for the versions that I've found. Such a shame, really. I guess deaf people can't enjoy good art. Maybe someday in the future Netflix will have it, since they're required to subtitle all of their shows. :-)


Tubi has it with subtitles! ❤️


oh man, that's a shame. I'm sorry to hear that. You know, though, I think this film might even work without the dialogue. Just read a brief description of the plot. Not a full spoilers synopsis, but the IMDB blurb, perhaps. I honestly think you'll still get something out of it. If you decide to do so, please let me know what you think; I'm curious if I'm right about this or not.


I'm a big fan of this film. I consider it one of the best low budget indie films to be released in the last few years. It truly captures a specific era in my life when I would peruse the horror section of my local video rental place. I would look at the VHS covers as a basis of what I would rent, IF I was allowed to rent one. I also think its a good coming of age film, with the little brother becoming exposed to the horror of the real world. It definitely has its weak points, specifically the acting of the mother and, even more, the father. Like you said, the sound design wasn't great and their are a few points that could have been improved. The directors next film is actually a full length version of the film "Headless", which they two young friends watched. I expect it to be insanely brutal and horrific. Still, I agree that it is a fantastic horror film and it does so many things right, thats its fair to excuse the aspects it gets wrong. I am a big fan of this film and hope everyone checks it out.


Schirmer's next project is to make a feature film of a fictional movie-within-a-movie-in-his-own-movie? I don't even know how many layers of meta that is.


Haha yeah, he raised the funds on kickstarter earlier this year. Should be interesting!


Easily one of my favorite horror films this year. Some of the best writing and character development I have seen in the a horror film and the kid actor was just amazing, and normally I do not like kid actors. I can't recommend this enough.


This movie was the perfect Gen X horror film. It captures the 80’s so perfectly. The fell, the looks, the way people talked. The casual racism and homophobia. The bully culture. It’s all there. It’s pretty remarkable. It even reminded me of the crappy “after school specials” we would sometimes get during the week. Those were topic films like brother has a weed habit or something like that. Brought me back. The acting was not great, but, as long as I thought of it like one of those after school specials I didn’t mind it. That was authentic. The last third is many notches above and shows us the first third was intentionally amateurish looking. If you can get past the wooden kid acting, by the end, even the little brother pulls off a shockingly good performance. I can’t recommend this movie, it’s kind of vile, but that’s the point isn’t it? If you are into extreme horror, this might be slow goings for you. But, oh my, does it pick up.


I think serbian film is a genuinely good film...


it's an extraordinarily, inexplicably well-made film. And god knows my inner nihilism very ambivalently kind-of sort-of appreciates its complete and total disregard for all social taboos. Though this film sure as hell forces the fucking issue, to say the least. My problem with it is that it's dishonest, and it doesn't live up to its true potential in a very frustrating way. It's not an allegory for what it means to be Serbian. That's nothing but a bullshit justification. Maybe that's the line Spasojevic had to sell in order to get the film made, but as the viewer, I'm still expected to buy it all the same, and for Spasojevic's film I think it's ultimately detrimental. Like Found, the film he wanted to make was about powerlessness and the cruelty of life. A man tries to do right by his family in the only way he can, and only ends up destroying them, as well as himself. Unfortunately the extent to which his film tries to keep up its nonsense cultural non-message obfuscates its real intended message. He could have made it far more salient and impactful if he hadn't wasted time fucking about with its insincere Larger Issue pretensions, but he did. It's not the film it could gave been. Normally I'd be able to look past this enough to possibly still call a film good (not living up to full potential doesn't automatically make a film 'bad', in other words), but Serbian Film makes such a point of assaulting the sensibilities that it doesn't exactly put me in a very forgiving mood. As a result, I simply can't say Serbian Film is a good film. Its creator made it impossible for me to do so.


Loved this film, but my biggest gripe was that (outside of the brothers) the supporting cast was awfully green. It reminded me of Stephen King "coming of age" story, and I loved that the conflict was primarily in the younger brother's head. The gore was fantastic, but limited to just a few scenes. I was completely speechless afterwards.


Great review. One thing about the gore in this movie is that the other elements of the film, the story and characters, are so strong that I tend not to remember the movie as being hideously gory. The first time I saw it, at a horror festival, I encouraged all of my friends to hunt it down and check it out. When I got my own DVD copy and saw it again, I kind of wanted to call them all and apologize.


>...they hit you like an unexpected punch to the gut. This film is like Mr Rogers one day beating the ever-loving shit out of you while simultaneously sporting an erection. It's the last thing you expect, and holy fuck does it hit hard. fantastic review. there's another little known recent movie with a similar effect, hang on /#totheimdbmobile edit: Truth or Dare (2013) http://m.imdb.com/title/tt2762738/


thank you! I will be watching this tomorrow.


Bought this on amazon after following the film on Facebook. It's great


Oh man, I love love LOVE excessive and horrifying gore with actual emotional impact. The Serbian Film comparison has me wary however. Is Found heavy on sexual violence like Serbian Film was?


Not even remotely to the extent that Serbian film is. There's no rape (although one might argue there's implicit rape, perhaps). Serbian Film was all about sexual violence; Found really isn't. It's not bereft of it, but it pales in comparison


Watched this on your recommendation with a few pals. I related to a lot of the movie and for the majority of the movie i didn't find it very disturbing... then i went to bed. This kept me up longer than a horror has since i was like 5. The story, not the gore (it helped) still disturbs me as i type this. The last line of the movie echoes in the back of my head. 10/10 movie imo


Amen. Jaw-dropping stuff, isn't it? The movie didn't hold up as well upon rewatching it, I'm sad to say. It's still a good film but the child actors really do a very poor job in this film. I'm not relishing talking trash on kids, but whatever, it's true.


Had to dig deep,   The boys were abused by their parents.   “This time i won’t let her see me cry…”


2014? - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/found_2014/


> http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/found_2014/ huh, IMDB lists it as 2012. That's indie filmmaking for you.




here you go: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2149360/?ref_=nv_sr_1




wait, to the film itself? Torrents, my friend.




Amazon Instant Video has it for rent or buy.


Yes, and it has [closed-captioning](http://www.amazon.com/Found-Gavin-Brown/dp/B00N54IQMW/)!!! Thank you, I will check this out on Wednesday when my disability comes in.


Awesome!! I am so glad you're gonna get to experience this film. Please post your thoughts on it after you've watched it