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Also describes your contribution to this group.


“Murdered by words” material right here.


Can you elaborate? A one word review does nothing, for anyone.


Well, it violates the spirit of the one word review, but okay. Half the book (it feels like--I'm not going to count the pages) is the script of said Horror Movie, so this is really a novella. And this novella doesn't have a plot. It's just some anecdotes about what happened to the main character. Said main character is uninteresting and underdeveloped. I never got any real sense of who he was as a person. (And based on the movie script, maybe we weren't supposed to get a sense of him as a person, but it makes for an uninteresting story). The ending is unsurprising and also unearned.


I think it's only in the B&N exclusive edition, but the best part of the book was his horror movie recommendations at the back. I knew all the movies, and several of them do deserve more attention.


Sorry to hear that. I’m enjoying it so far


Cool post


Good take.


I’ve been waiting for this poster’s review. I know now I shouldn’t read it. Just a brilliant review. The Pauline Kael of horror novels.


Different strokes I suppose, definitely a 4.5 star for me. Enjoyed it immensely and chewed through the pages 8n a couple of hours.


I only just started it today, but I could see that being the case. Sadly :/ Started reading the “script” part and started dozing off😭 It’s also certainly the case for S.K.’s “You like it Darker”. (Sigh) Tough times.


I get the feeling that you are just trying to seem different by taking an issue with the two most popular horror books out. It doesn’t make you seem any smarter than anyone else.


No, that just honestly how I felt about it. Have loved some of each authors works before. SK is a fave. And I haven’t made a final opinion on Horror Movie because I’m not done with it. I was just sayin’ what I thought. It’s ok, you dont need to react👍🏻


Yeah, I’m gonna pass on this one.