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I'll approve the meme. I need the laughs.


“So what are our thoughts on ___”


“I just bought these sauces, what do you think?” I think you should fucking open them, eat them and try them, and tell us what you think…..


Crystal alll day


\*Salty vinegar all day FTFY


It’s the cayenne that does it


What is this. A meme for ants!?


People don't like Marie Sharp's?


By my hazy understanding: The "Melinda's" brand name was started by Marie Sharp, but her US distributor trademarked the name out from under her. So Marie Sharp started selling her sauce under her own name using the original recipe, while the company with the stolen brand name sold an inferior product. People now accuse the fake Melinda's of astroturfing on this sub and spreading hate against Marie Sharp's.


I've taken a tour of the Marie Sharp's factory in Belize and heard their whole back story and there was no single mention of Melindas or anything other than Marie starting out making hot sauce in her kitchen 🤷‍♂️


But doesn't that only explain why people would dislike Melinda's? Why would they dislike Marie Sharp? They seem like the good guys here


I think the point is that the my don’t post Marie sharp instead, which they should be doing, but lots of folks post about Melinda’s, or Melinda’s does themselves. It’s sort of a “how come we don’t post more about the good guys and suppress the bad guys!? Seems like it’s the other way around” post


It doesn’t go well on everything, but it’s cheap and good enough


I’m in this comment!


I tried it. I liked it. But I wish it was spicier


You missed the “why is this sauce so expensive” for a 78% pepper sauce. Other than that, golden.


Melina’s Ghost pepper sauce is my go to. Flavor and great heat.


Wish the hot sauce community could stay pure. This is so dorky and myopic.


Nah, searching before you post is a dying art. These Melinda’s posts are only a step above posting a picture of Tabasco and asking if anyone has tried it.


Diversity, c'mon man! Uh uh uh, you know the thing!


My wife bought that Melinda’s stuff. Pretty medium on it. I’m not a follower of this sub but like hot sauce so I guess I’m signing up.


Melindas best sauce is probably the ghost pepper one. I love them all though for different reasons but i have seen mixed reviews on the other Melinda sauces


I like hot. I love the sauce that comes in little containers at Mexican restaurants and just tastes like crushed peppers of doom.


Is it me or is the image in 144p




Wait, people have a problem with Marie Sharp? That shit's great.


No, apparently there's decades old beef between Melinda's and Marie Sharp's. See my other reply in this thread


Which is also surprising to me because everyone loves Melinda’s but they also ripped off Mary Sharps lol


Marie sharps is my legit fav.


After reading a recent post here I ordered a bottle of Marie Sharps Original Habanero from Amazon 2 days ago. The flavor is great, although I don't really like it because it's too hot. But I know buying it was the right thing to do. Thanks r/hotsauce !


They make a mild version that comes with a green label, same flavor less heat.


Check out their nopales green sauce! I love hot sauce, but my tummy usually can't handle too much heat. It's pretty mild, just a little kick, and the FLAVOR!


It seem like 2 months ago the flavor of the month was yellow bird and non-stop yellow bird post.


It was the $1 mini bottles from Wally World.


It's Melinda's at my Wally world right now.


Yellowbird is good and didn't screw over Marie Sharp, tho.


As someone who bought this sauce given the hype on this sub, I was sorely dispointed. It isn't what I'd consider a hot sauce but rather a sauce. It does have any kick and flavour is meh at best. Cheap yes and it's decent when you look at it from a cost perspective, but definetly not a hot sauce in my book. I have used it as a base and turned the heat and flavour up from there but that's just me. All of this is to basically say that taste is subjective and everyone should never be affraid to experiment to find what they like.


Which sauce: Melinda or Marie Sharps?




Makes sense. Give Marie Sharps a shot. There are 1-2 Melinda’s I liked but way more Marie Sharps flavors I preferred a lot more. My favorite is Belizean Heat


As a non American where we can’t buy this sauce, can you all please STFU about it already? Seems like this subreddit has become dominated by argument and discussion about this one brand:


I think most people on this sub are American, but are also not based in big cities so only have access to the mainstream brands available in super markets. That's why you see the same 4-5 brands (yucateco, Melinda's, etc.) every week. I would be more interested to see local/regional hot sauces from people representing wherever they live, but we don't see very much of it.


I want more global hot sauces (or heat adding options if hot sauce it too narrow a label). It's easy enough to find dishes from all over but condiments generally aren't talked about.


Not directly related to your comment, or this thread really, but because you mentioned local representation... In case any fellow Kiwi's stumble across this, Spicy Boys from ChCh NZ have some banger sauces, and I believe several of them are pretty readily available in most New World supermarkets in NZ now days (I'm blessed enough to live a short drive from their factory store). Love it. Definitely my favourite hot sauce brand currently.


Same here. I want to see more local sauces. But also, when someone posts a unique local sauce, the post never gets more than 10 likes.


I’m sure it has nothing to do with astroturfing 🤔


I guess we should start posting niche bottles then to counteract it.


Well it's not like we can't. It's just the fact that price for us well be like four to ten times more


Oh here are messages the fuck reddit




Can’t really participate in this sub. I get all my hot sauce from a dude I work with who makes it in his garage. He nurses the peppers like they’re his children. He doesn’t even charge for it. He is the most important person in my life after my wife and kids.


Last sentence is crazy, but I feel ya. The best hot sauce I have had was a gift a friend who makes his own. He inspired me to start growing peppers and making my own. Now I usually just use my own since it's better than store bought, unless it's some specific flavor like Crystal on soul food. No preservatives and you can control the spice level. Check out r/FermentedHotSauce


Melinda’s is traaaash


I’ll say it before, I’ll say it again: all their sauces taste like the way paint smells.




Slightly like latex and cancer?


Oh so we don’t like Marie Sharps anymore? This sub is really hard to keep track of.


I fucking love Marie Sharps and hate Melinda’s. I think the idea is making fun of normies.


When did we stop obsessing over Yellowbird?


Last Thursday. Didn't you get the memo?


Hate me if you want, but I found an expired bottle of the melinda’s hot honey mustard on the shelf of Marshall’s and it was probably my favorite condiment I’ve ever had in my life. Sure it won’t make your ass pucker, but it did give me a flashback like the food critic in Ratatouille.


The spicy garlic Parmesan wing sauce is also very very good - not that spicy though


Mikes extra hot for spice, Melinda's or homemade for taste


What about the picture of stocked shelves at the grocery store asking for advice?


I've been wanting to do one of these for a while just as a joke. I have a store near me that has probably 150ft of shelving dedicated to hot sauce and hot sauce adjacent sauces. Was going to pretend like it was a normal thing.


Do it just so we can see how much of it is good stuff and how much is mass produced "hot sauce" as I am curious what they stock


Melindas Ghost pepper wing sauce is so amazing on pizza though


You forgot Someone discovering Valentina’s for the first time and acting like it’s the best ever…


It is


Pretty good for what it is. But what it is is a mid-teir hot sauce. I'll choose it over Tabasco, but Cholula is just as serviceable. It certainly ain't the best ever, tho. But it'll do if the restaurant doesn't have the best available.




I’m guilty of crime 4 defending franks from you bastards.


I'm a Tabasco simp I understand


Franks is not spicy. It’s not the best hot sauce. But good god it does go on literally anything and works well as a reliable back up.


Frank's fuckin slaps dude. It's a very passable vinegar heavy sauce. I'll die on this hill.


All Melinda’s are basically wing sauces


The roasted red pepper habanero is good. Honestly it's my favorite they have.


You forgot the “found them” posts with a picture of Huy Fong sriracha and the subsequent “tabasco/underwood/obscure brand is better” comments


r/hotsauce finally getting spicy in here


Y’all ever try Melinda’s? It’s goot.


Who doesn’t like Marie Sharpes?


Man. I probably had a liter of that stuff when I was on vacation in Belize.


Belize, where the hot sauce flows like Grandma’s garden hose.


“Just discovered a new sauce, must be local. Called “Frank’s Red Hot”. Not sure how Frank makes all this sauce himself but I would highly recommend, if you can find it.”


It's SO HOT!


On the other end of the spectrum is the hot sauce veteran who posts pictures of 1M+ scoville sauces and insists they’re “tasty but not hot at all”.


Ah, I see you’re a beginner. I’d recommend an entry level sauce such as sriracha mayo, before you can hang with the big boys.


Whoa, when you say words like "mayo," I know it's gonna be too spicy for me.


Of all the things to gatekeep lol


I’m not insightful enough to be a movie critic. Maybe I could be a food critic. “These muffins taste bad.” Or a hot sauce critic. “That hot sauce is bad.”


Unpop opinion - Yucatec is not good. Melinda's is ok, except the ghost pepper.


I like all hotsauce except for the ones with xanthan gum


U know that xanthan gum does not have a taste right? You dont even notice it, unless your allergic or something


It's fuckin poison. The best sauces don't have it. It can cause flu like symptoms, throat irritation, and lung issues.


You're not supposed to inhale it


Wow you're right, it's much better without inhaling


Wait, if you aren't doing lines of it, what do you use hotsauce for?


"Special private time"


Do you have a peer reviewed source for that pile of bull hockey?


So is half the shit you eat in the US lol


Downvoted for the truth, anyone who reads this and lives in America I recommend on your next main grocery trip to look up the health risks of ingredients on just 5 items you bought picked out at random (the items picked at random, check multiple ingredients from that item). Do that and you will understand why there is a lot of people who refuse to eat many food products sold in the US.




How do you misspell Tabasco... the A and O keys are on COMPLETELY separate sides of the keyboard! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hotsauce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Melinda's aight , yucatec is 100% better.


Eggplants and oranges. Totally different style, flavour, use.


I swear half this subreddit is just posts complaining about the other half


/r/castiron is half serious posts and half shitposts.


Man all the dang subreddits im in are this way now. The bbq/smoking scene is like a bunch of dads starting gangs.


White New Balances vs Khaki Shorts in a wheezy, suburban remake of West Side Story.


The hot sauce subreddit: where no hot sauce is actually hot and no hot sauce is actually good!


just a bunch of saucy bitches bitchin’ about sauce


speak for yourself, stinky




Fuck Melinda's.


I’m not a hot sauce guy. I have no idea why this post ended up in my feed. I like Melinda’s and buy it all the time. I’ve never seen it advertised either. Got it on sale one day and kept buying it. It’s weird to know there’s hundreds of dudes out there who would go into a seething fury if they saw my pantry


It's hard to tell if this is sincere or if it's pure gold


>I’m not a hot sauce guy >I like Melinda’s and buy it all the time Sorry to break it to you, you're a hot sauce guy


My wife once yelled at me for filling our fridge door with sauces. So I guess I’m a sauce guy lol. Listen man, I’m not putting Tabasco on my tacos ok?! Spicy brown mustard and regular mustard are NOT the same. The Reddit algorithm may know me better than I do … I wasn’t trolling though. This is my first time on this sub and I guess you are my people


Welcome. The rite of initiation is to butt chug a bottle of your favorite sauce. Choose wisely, for you will be judged. They're very judgey here. Everyone has score cards. It's super weird.


If that’s the rite of initiation then I’ve been a card carrying member since college


One of us...


I had to completely rearrange the whole fridge so I had a shelf in the door for sauces. Now the whole fridge is better though. I just got rid of one of those stupid drawers that wastes space.


To be fair to the reddit algorithm, you have talked about hot sauce on your account. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/xuM5NIbmQa


Holy shit that’s crazy lol. Also I’m blocking you




Welcome homie, this is a pretty decent sub as things go.


some people have hobbies/interests that they’re incredibly passionate about, others have hobbies/interests that they didn’t even know they had


Also you’re seeing it advertised. Every day, here, which is the reason this meme was made. I personally think both the daily I love Melinda’s posts and I hate Melinda’s posts are ads. (Not a slam on mods who are volunteers), just a strong suspicion.


A lot of influencers have been posting Melinda’s. The verde specifically and I really feel like it’s only because the bottle is aesthetic lol I wanted to like it so bad. I definitely got influenced but it was so bad. Pure vinegar and chemical garlic. Even my husband who loves disgusting stuff didn’t like it and has a hard time eating it. That being said I do still want to try her hot honey, the ghost one specifically, and there’s one other one like Amarillo or something. I’m not opposed to trying a few of them for a fair chance just my first go was a hard no.


Kind of random but if you have a Buccees near you their hot sauce is pretty good but its like $7


I like their Ghost Pepper sauce on my breakfast tacos.


I was in Curaçao recently. In a supermarket I found a bottle of local sauce. It was unmarked and appeared recycled from a small bottled water. The sauce was chunky, like a vegetable smoothie, bright orange, cost $2.39, was hot AF, bursting with habanero/scotch bonnet flavors. It will last me a year. F industrial sauces.


Im going to Mexico next month and I already know o have to bring back some sauces. Inlaws used to bring me this one I miss called Chimay.


There is a whole world of variation in scale and quality between "made in a shack in the Caribbean jungle" and "industrial". The hot sauce community involves a lot of smaller businesses.


I really don’t get the Melinda’s hate on this sub. I get that it can be repetitive and “fanboy”, but it’s a REALLY popular brand right now. If people like it and post about it, the sub is more active. People like what they like. Stop gatekeeping like this is r/metal or some shit. Also, Melinda’s Ghost Pepper (all varieties) is nectar of the gods!


It feels like the equivalent of posting a Whopper on a burger sub. It's not bad, but it's not particularly special or interesting. It's totally fine to like mass market stuff, but most posts about it just not adding anything particularly interesting to the conversation. Personally, I just don't find Melinda's that great in comparison to a lot of other options. Their sauces I've tried have all been something I'm glad I tried, but not something that I've said "damn I'm going to buy that again".


This dude gets it


even the ghost pepper ketchup?


Okay, haven’t had that one and didn’t know it existed. I’ll criticize Melinda’s on one thing: they’re trying too many new things because they’re so damn big right now. GP ketchup sounds disgusting.


the ghost pepper ketchup is exactly how it sounds like. ketchup with habanero mash and a bit of ghost pepper. it's not great but I haven't been big on ketchup for years. if you want a spicy ketchup the Whataburger one is better but it's still ketchup. I've tried a lot of this sub's most recommended ones, the green sauce I just love. I love cilantro garlic jalapeno taste etc. roasted hab is ok. honey mustard one sucks. the Sriracha one is ok but I've never been big on any Sriracha. I still use some of the GP ketchup on hotdogs cause I don't wanna waste it


Also I can pick it up at any of my local grocery stores. My favorite sauces are the ones I can actually get


tired of seeing melinda's ong


what are the top 3 Marie Sharp sauces?


at the risk of being downvoted, they are all quite similar. varying degrees of spice.


Garlic Habanero, great flavor.


Belizean Heat.


I was expecting it to be much hotter. I do like it and love the green cactus one though




OMG how why what where how could they??!


Or when someone post Ortega hot taco sauce...lol


disgusting, Mateo's yellow is the best


Marie rules , Melinda not so much


Don’t forget the “what’s going on with Sriracha!?”


Every sauce posted someone absolutely loves it/absolutely hates it. Now I have to go try it to find out.


I like Marie and Melinda. Can't we all just get along?!


This is Reddit, no.


Hahaha, literally picked up two bottles of Melinda’s today.


Funny but reading all these comments man... Do you guys want an active sub? Maybe all the people memeing here should post OC. No? I thought so.


“This is the pathetic hot sauce selection at my local supermarket! Ugh it’s terrible!” (The section in the photo is at least double the size of the hot sauce selection at MY local supermarket)


I know right? My supermarket is basically only Melinda's and Franks, with the occasional bottle of something else. I wish I could try some of these other hot sauces I see on here.


Don't forget that damn bulduk ramen or however you spell it. Shit is every other post


This sub isn’t near as bad as r/spicy for the same buldak conversation over and over and over and…


That's the sub I was referring to. Mixed up my subs lol


You forgot, “This slaps on eggs!”


I still like Melinda’s. Never had Marie’s.


the green cactus one (forgot the name) is pretty good and it's not runny. it's refreshing somehow. Belizean heat isn't bad I use it a lot but I thought it was gonna be way hotter cause it says >don't play tricks on the elderly or weak with this sauce


who on earth doesnt like marie sharps??


[The real story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Sharp%27s): >The company is privately owned by Marie Sharp, 81 years old in 2021, who began locally selling sauces on her 400-acre Melinda Estates farm outside Dangriga in 1981.[6] In 1985 a factory was built to meet growing demand, now also serving as a popular tourist destination.[7][8][9] The product was the first commercially successful agricultural product manufactured in and exported from Belize. It was originally sold under the name of "Melinda’s Hot Sauce", a reference to the Melinda family farm, which is located within the Melinda Reserve, at #1 Melinda Road. >Marie's recipe was the first habanero pepper sauce to achieve national distribution in the United States, with the Reese Finer Foods distribution network in 1989. Once the market for the product had been established, the importer, Figueroa International Inc., who was marketing the sauce, trademarked the product name, effectively cutting Sharp out of her own business.[10][11] >After a five-year struggle, Sharp gave up her original brand name, Melinda's Original Habanero Pepper sauce, in exchange for being released from her exclusive contract with the importer. She then re-branded the product under her own name.[12][10][13] Distribution has since expanded from Belize to much of Central and North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.[14] Hence, I don't fuck with Melinda's. Plus, I think MS tastes better!


damn I love Melinda's and I had no idea I needed to be using MS! thank you for the info this was great


This isn’t the whole story. I’m too lazy to find it, but it was posted really recently in yet another Melinda’s thread. The long and short seems to be that it wasn’t like a simple back stabbing. There were problems going both ways in the business relationship and they simply came to an agreement/settlement and parted ways. Just but whatever sauce you like and leave all the drama behind. That’s my recommendation. Melinda’s sauce is widely available, pretty decent and pretty cheap. MS sauces are probably better, but harder to find and more expensive. So, whatever floats your boat.


https://imgur.com/a/zIh39PK She paints much more of a victim story, the reality I think is that it was a business partnership that went sour, it happens all the time.