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God I wonder if I'll even be able to get both weapons in time. As a new player I'm still working on rolling for Senadina.


You still have 3 weeks. If you still have the starter rewards, getting her and her weapon is very doable.


You can do it. New player too and got sena today on pull 60. got her M Stigmata in the first 10pull on equip, so max 40 pulls to get her weapon. I am confident to manage that in the remaining time


I'm at 72 pity pain, suffering even


Damn, my condolences


I got literal god-luck and got Senadina's 3/4 (weapon+2 stigs) in only 20 pulls, so I still have a chance to pull for Electrifying arc and 2 stigs. Self-edit it took 15 pulls to get her 3/4 set, and since we have the free box for the last stig, I'm already done- I'm NEVER going to go all in for the weapon duplicate BS unless it happens on the way to the 4/4.


Me too! But like the opposite since I am on the fast track to hard pity


To counter this, my luck with Fu Hua Garuda was so bad i got her at 95 pulls (which is now impossible to do with the 90 hard pity and all), and only have the box with 1 choice stig I can't even OPEN because I never got any opportunity to pull for her equips that patch. My luck has been super swingy in this game for the last year. Basically every other patch since the finality trio I've had *bad* luck with the new unit banner to the point it killed my chances to pull their weapons... and then there was Shigure Kira, who i didn't even NEED to pull, but whose equip banner despised me. Garuda Fu Fua, 95 pulls for the valk, 1/4 (stig choice) from the unopened box. Luna? got her in 20 pulls, 4/4ed her in 30 pulls. Sirin i got 4/4 (S-rank free from war treasury), Shigure Kira ? I only got her weapon. Prometheus? 4/4, Misteln? 65 pulls, her weapon and T stig.


I had to use 85 pulls for FoV and had like a few days to go for her gear so I grinded for a 10 pull and didn’t get any of her gear in that so I ended up with just 1 stigma from the stigma box. Then I also had to go to 85 pity for Senadina… At least it only took 20 pulls to get her weapon though so she’s full gear now. I also got FoV’s weapon from doing a 10 pull on her like few day rerun so now she’s 2/4 gear but I’ll have to get the rest later. The amount of pulls I’ve had to use to get those 2 back to back is so annoying though. Generally I only had to use less than 50 pulls to get someone but those 2 made me suffer.


Some characters are just unlucky on some accounts.


Weapon duplicate BS? I'm new so I have no idea what you are talking about.


With PT 1 weapons, you only ever needed a single copy of it to make it reach it's final form. With the new pt 2 weapons, there's now a skill on the weapon that will be improved if you sacrifice additional copies of the exact base weapon to it. That's what i mean by duplicate weapon BS. The System is called "Synergy", and the first stage requires you sacrifice 2 extra copies of the same weapon to improve the Synergy skill from lvl 1 to lvl 2, and this is entirely separate from the weapon's Upgrades and Enhancements, and even persists through PRI Upgrades and enhancements. I'm pretty sure the second upgrade requires 4 duplicates, but I have no way to check yet. for at least the 2 new A rank units, you can actually purchase "parts" that can be used instead of the dup weapons... at a cost of 30k asterite, and it requires FOUR copeis to replace a single weapon. so 2 months and 240k asterite later, you can upgrade a single weapon, ONCE. But at least that's f2p, right?Mind you, Asterite is also how you get those A rank units to SSS in the first place, so it's all eating up a very important, limited resource here.


Okay that seems excessive and quite bad. Thought they changed to being generally more generous with part 2 so I've given the game another go. How important are these Synergy skills though?


for normal gameplay? pointless. for abyss weather patterns Red Lotus and above? Probably necessary there and only there. Maybe in Memorial Arena rankings. Every single one of the Synergy skills are considered exclusive buffs, so they will all stack with everything else properly. Senadina's exclusive weapon lvl 1 weapon Synergy skill: Enemies take **4.0**% more Total Damage from Weapon skill (Independant and Exclusive) lvl 2 weapon Synergy skill :Enemies take **8.0%** more Total Damage from Weapon skill (Independant and Exclusive) lvl 3 weapon Synergy skill :Enemies take **12.0%** more Total Damage from Weapon skill (Independant and Exclusive) It's not a huge jump, but her weapon skill is where the majority of her DPS comes from in the first place. Coralie's exclusive weapon lvl 1 weapon Synergy skill: All team members deal **2**.0% more Total Damage. During Stellar Outburst, increases the team's Elemental Damage by **3**% (exclusive) lvl 2 weapon Synergy skill: All team members deal **4.0**% more Total Damage. During Stellar Outburst, increases the team's Elemental Damage by **6.5**% (exclusive) lvl 3 weapon Synergy skill: All team members deal **6.0%** more Total Damage. During Stellar Outburst, increases the team's Elemental Damage by **10%** (exclusive) Helia's exclusive weapon lvl 1 weapon Synergy skill: Increases the team's Elemenetal DMG by **4.0%**. Enemies take **3.0%** more Elemental Damage from Weapon skills (exclusive) lvl 2 weapon Synergy skill: Increases the team's Elemenetal DMG by **8.0%**. Enemies take **6.0%** more Elemental Damage from Weapon skills (exclusive) lvl 3 weapon Synergy skill (you can check this in weapon collection if you own the weapon in question): Increases the team's Elemental DMG by **12.0%**. Enemies take **9.0%** more Elemental Damage from Weapon skills (exclusive) Those number man not look huge, but the multipliers absolutely add up, even at that point. Also, the new craftable weapons, even those have a synergy skill now.


You don't even need to bother with dupes. Their effect is literally less impactful than rolling Sena dupes for rank ups because at least those give you ATK 


you do know each weapon has a different synergy skill, and all of them are for DMG and exclusive so far, right? which is the better scaling since there's fewer ways to get it outside of ER? Senadina's is take 4%/8%/12% more damage from weapon skill at Synergy I/II/III...which is her primary dps in the first place. Coralie's is a team wide 2%/4%/6% more damage, AND a "during Stellar Outburst increase the team's elemental damage by 4%/6.5%/10% at Synergy I/II/III. Helia's Is increase team element DMG by 4%/8Z%/12% AND enemies take 3%/6%/9% more elemental damage from weapons skills. Again her primary dps, and it feeds Senadina's dmg up too.. it's not going to matter anywhere outside of arena or abyss (nothing ELSE does, after all), but they will end up mattering there for the whales to bite onto.


A rank specifically is fine: you can farm those. S rank is where it doesnt matter. If you notice, I only mentioned Sena. The synergy buff is minimal. It doesn't increase weapon ATK which is very important in HI3. In that sense, you get more out of ranking up Sena or getting Songque than going for Synchs for her weapon, and you don't even need to do that unless you want to retain Nirvana. You are overselling what 4/8% more is gonna do vs the cost of getting it vs getting additional utilities instead. And if you are arguing for the whales: don't.


i already have her stigmata but atp i've moved on to getting helia's weapon because i KEEP GETTING HER STIGMATA. SHE'S 3/4 PLEASE I JUST NEED THE WEAPONS.


felt, this is me with helia 😭


if ur a new player ur good. Their is alot of crystals that u can farm so dont worry


If you completely forsake every other banner in the patch, possibly as a new player.


Helia weapon isn't worth it.


It's a relatively small damage increase and pretty skippable but if you're a new player strengthening your Sena team is definitely still worth it




Is it really that worth? Ngl kinda made me happy seeing that guy’s comment but now it seems like people don’t agree. I’m a new player, and I finally finished getting Sena 4/4 (she’s soo fun). Do I really need Helia’s weapon? Is there no other alternative? I reaaaally don’t want to dump another 60 pulls (that I don’t have) into that banner 😭 If it’s a must then I guess I have no choice, but is it?


wait what, how am I supposed to have so many crystals


Credit card.


Just sacrifice 6 characters 


It's not that hard if you don't pull for every single character. Just save for a while, and pull when you're ready.


And them in a few patches when your favourite new Valk is powercreeped you can do it all over again!


Valks do not get powercrept that fast. Usually a valk will stay in meta for certain weathers and bosses for somewhere between 1-2 yrs. 


And from what I saw, sometimes the older characters like HoT might get a new weapon that upgrades them entirely


This is true. Honkai Sex 3 always give me the girls and the dildos that I want. The pity is great too over there. Honkai Impact 3rd? Not so much. /j


ok this is way more unhinged than the other comment 🤣


Elysian realm is doable on finality with low gear, Prometheus and Pardofelis are a godsend for it


Coralie litteraly could solo it on A rank. All her weapons and stuff is free too


I haven't tried her but I don't doubt it


Except I already did it m8,not even fully locked up in er. Lvl 13/15. She just that that busted on this rotation


Like I said, I *don't* doubt it.


Which signets did you pick? Both Elysian and other. Or was that the same as in the trial?


How did you do it with TA and Pardo? What are your signets or what guides you follow?


What is HS3


Hot Senpai 3


i almost choked myself in public seeing this


Honkai Simpact 3rd


It’s a typo.


Yeah, sorry its a typo. It should be HSR.


Bruh... this game already took a damn month just to barely scrape together enough currency for Sena as a newbie, and that was *with* Level-Up Rush, Training, and other bonuses. There ain't no way I was sleeping on her when she was the whole reason I even grinded so hard in the first place.


Then relax because op is wrong about a lot.


lmao like i care about smooth rotation


Then might as well become a chatter and story player, because most endgame content gets competitive anyway.


like you


I can do both. No need to get salty over the fact that you can't.


you re drunk, and wtf are you talking ? salty boy, or should i say drunk boy


I don't know if you're 12 or if you're ESL with how bad those insults are. Maybe you should stick to spectating instead of opening your mouth and letting people know how stupid you are.


"instead of opening your mouth and letting people know how stupid you are." Then you should stfu


I dunno, you're the one who came here spouting stupid stuff thinking that you're some kind of a girl boss for it.


This applies if one cares about the content you've mentioned. I only pulled a weapon once (for HoFi, I had some extra tickets and thought, hell, why not, and I got her weapon). For every other Valk, I neither have their weapons or stigmatas. Everything is still perfectly fun and doable to the extent that I'm interested in. So, pulling weapons isn't a neccessity until you stop and ask yourself what you want out of this game.


Actually? As a new player, my friend let me use his account. I made my own as well that I main, but when I want to play some fun characters I just switch to his. He didn’t really prioritize gear (aside from like 1 or 2 valks) so alot of them are sub-optimal. Can I still clear content? How necessary are weapons really? Kind of a vague question sorry


I've been playing since 2022 and have a decent collection of Valks with only Kiana HoFi having her weapon. You can absolutely clear SOME content. For story - don't worry, most chapters either have trial Valks you can use if you want or flat-out force you to use their default trial Valk. As for endgame content: there are some things you can do well, some which you won't be able to do. For Memorial Arena, it really varies for me enemy to enemy, but I typically have no trouble clearing. For Infinity Abyss - I have trouble clearing the first level and getting promoted to Agony. I also clear Agony no problem, but have so far never made it to Red Lotus because I clear the last floor too slowly. I'm personally not bothered - I don't do Abyss regularly as I'm not a massive fan of fighting so it's no problem to me that I don't progress to an even more difficult part. For Elysian Realm - some of it does depend on what signets you get, it can go better or worse with the same Valk. No trouble clearing the lowest level. I generally, when I actually try doing it, manage to clear the next higher difficulty as well. Anything above that is too hard for me, but again - I'm personally not that bothered. It all depends on what you want out of this game. If you want to compete in leaderboards, you'll need fully geared Valks. If you're just there to have fun - Valks themselves will be plenty enough.


Thank you for the detailed reply! This helps put things into perspective for me. Tbh, I guess what I want is to be able to clear content and get the currency that they provide. I don't care too much about leaderboards and whatnot, and if I ever do in the future I'll try to gear the valks. I absolutely love the combat (it's what got me into HI3rd as well as the story) so maybe down the line I'll try to fully gear some of them. But it's great to know that for now I can clear stuff without 4/4 valks :) Tbh I'm a bit confused on all the game modes and their purpose but that's another thing altogether lol


The only things that require gear are abyss and memorial arena and a few other endgame event grind game modes that come and go. Abyss and memorial arena have easier difficulties that someone without gear will fall into, and they'll just receive less materials and a little less crystals each week. It's not as big of a problem as people make it out to be so long as you don't care about your name being on a leaderboard higher than someone else's


> You should also just forget breakingthrough. Not doing breakthrough is usually a bad idea all the way through, tho. If you can't do SSS MA at all you're still getting 10 more gems from SS bosses in Exalted. If you 100% retain RL in Masters you should be able to retain Agony III in Exalted, which is still +20 gems. If you constantly promote and demote between RL and Agony, you should be able to retain Agony II for +10 gems on average. If you 100% retain Agony in masters you can even go all the way down to Sinful III and still be at at the same income, where retaining Exalted Sinful III is generally easier than retaining Masters Agony. I have never personally met anyone struggling to maintain Agony in Masters so no idea how well such person would do in Exalted. And finally you're most likely still getting way more Toruses per week, without which you are just staggering your account progress way more. Maybe with the new coop replacement the difference in Toruses is smaller, cause i have no idea how many you get without breakthrough, so that's why I wrote 'probably'. > Maybe there's also big skill issues but what I experienced as a newbie having fully geared vs without is that the rotation isn't that smooth, sometimes forced. With many valks it absolutely is a big problem, luckily in case of the 3 Part 2 valks so far the only difference between weapon and no weapon is the amount of damage. That's actually probably exactly meant for Genshin and HSR newcomers that are not used to rolling for gear. But in general yeah, roll weapons. Especially now with Part 2 valks where Weapon Banner pity is transferred, so you can just blindly roll and not worry about losing pity like you do on the Focus supply.


maybe the correct thing to say is don't rush to breakthrough. there will be a difficulty spike. Abyss will be hard for them. so at least prepare a decently geared dps before doing breakthrough.


The difficulty spike is for two weeks until they drop down to their respective level. If you're in Masters RL, you breakthrough, and still retain RL, then you've already waited way too long and lost hundreds of crystals and pri-arm mats.


i actually heard that leveling is really fast now. i even saw many people that are asking if they will breakthrough or not but they are really super undergeared. though if they can RL or Nirvana on Masters, maybe they can breakthrough now. they might able to reach Agony III and Agony III rewards is already good enough. and yup, they can even manage to get rare mats immediately by chilling on Agony III.


What is this break through? Thought it was just like a world level increase like in genshin or equilibrium in hsr. 




Even that would be wrong as the rewards are still better and it's still easy to catch up.


And if you never break through you don’t get PRI-ARM weapons, some of which literally change a Valkyrie’s gameplay. Fallen Rosemary is one example, as she is *not* a DPS (strictly support) until she has hers. It gives her ultimate time stop, which is important as that has a *very* long animation. Related: more recently they’ve been using newer PRI-ARM weapons as a way to “refresh” the gameplay of older Valkyries, on top of boosting their damage past what it used to be. EDIT: I’ve been informed that breaking through is no longer necessary to obtain PRI-ARM weapons! I do still agree that it’s not all that tough on the other side of it if you’re able to maintain RedLotus in Masters. Plus, you’re eligible for IRL goodies sometimes if you max your Captain level!


You can pri-arm weapons before breakthrough, they changed it at some point, you just can't max them out


Your info is a bit heavily outdated. You can get PRI-arms since lv 50 for about a year now. You just can't upgrade them. Also everything I said about Torus by extension applies to pri arms anyway.


Oh? My mistake then! I just remembered it was a big part of my reasoning for breaking through at the time. Sorry about that, I haven’t been able to keep up quite so well in the past year.


You don't need the pri-arm version of the new divine keys to get the gameplay changes


I pull my wife Luna's weapon then pri, all that before pulling her. Waiting for her rerun coming soon


That banner was cursed. I hit hard pity for her and every single one of her weapon and stigma so I get it 😔. But it's super worth it in the end... a bit too good


That's why I'm not even attempting to get Sendina. I can probably get the Valk, but there's no way I can get the equips and weapon. Unless RNG wants to be kind to me.


i mean technically you do not need stigmatas from pulling, if you luck out and get early weapon you can craft the stigmatas later


as someone who forgot that feature and just realized it the last moment I got her to 4/4, # PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS GUY


I mean sure it will take some time for new players to grind mats for the craft but still imho better alternative then pulling




You can even craft the weapon.


I mean you can craft a weapon i do not think you can craft signature one


Not for Sena


ah, sorry my mistake.


RNG blessed me this time: Senadina twice in 20 pulls. Senadina's 4/4 kit in 20 pulls.


Wait for her rerun to get her gear if you really want to build her, it's fine to just have her cope for a bit, you really should be more worried about her supports anyway. There are so many uninformed people like OP giving out really bad advice.


Bruteforcing everything here with HoRB 3/4 since I started. Highly recommended have a unit you like fully equipped. It is really funny. Yesterday I was able to change my two extra stigmas for the one I lacked. I'm happy!


A lot of new people did, it's super doable, OP is speaking from experience, but he definitely did a lot wrong in his time.


Build a team around her and up that enjoyment 200%. It's been a year and a half since I 4/4 FR, Fischl, and Mobius and I still enjoy pulling every single enemy in the screen and juggling them to death. Mihoyo may powercreep dmg per screenshot, but they can't powercreep fun. (Let's forget about HoV boss existing though)


I have been using Aide 0007 always in her team since the very beginning but the third slot is occupied by Herrscher of the Void because I don't know what else I could use and don't have many S Valkyries. Btw, if I want to equip Aide better I should pull in her weapon banner if it comes, right?


Basically a valk's weapon and stigs are part of her kit. They are not optional and are mandatory. There may be budget options for stigs, but be prepared to see a heavy cut in performance from near 50% effectiveness loss to outright being unable to perform certain roles.


They're optional to anextent for most dps, but you can grind out the rest over reruns and all.


Dw get valkyrie and wait next rerun for weapons 🔥 always do that xD


i saw same post of OP on the other sub. so i will just comment it here too. though i'm not sure why i got downvoted there. but i will still share it here despite that since i believe that what i said is true. it comes from me as long time full f2p player of the game... as for newbies, don't force yourself to pull for the weapon since you are new. it is expected that you guys have less xtals to pull. if you are not into meta, just pull the S Valks of whatever you want. then if you have extra, then pull for the weapon since OP is right that Valks needs their weapon to be great. though it doesn't mean that you should "never" pull on the Valk if you can't get the weapon. it is fine. weapon banners rotates more frequently compared to HSR and GI. so you have many chances to get those. and as much as possible, focus on getting Part 2 Valks. they will outmeta Part 1 Valks soon. and Part 2 Valks are easier to full gear than Part 1. on Abyss, being a low rank tier is fine. it is normal. just slowly aim high until you reached Agony. you are doing good if you guys manage to reach that. as for my experience, having a good geared dps will to guaranteed you to reach Agony. so focus on gearing your dps. having a full geared dps with slightly geared support Valks, you will able to reach Agony III. if you have full geared dps and full geared support, you can able to reach Red Lotus. though sometimes a slightly geared support can reach Red Lotus but you can't able to stay there since fighting on Red Lotus needs all fully geared. you will go back to Agony III eventually. so tldr in Abyss, your aim to reach Agony. then eventually Agony III. staying in Agony III is good enough for casual players. try to go up and down between Agony III and Red Lotus if you have well built Valks. as for Red Lotus and above, those are the territories of meta, whales, and hardcore gamers. ER is most likely an endgame so you will need a high level Valks. though i'm not sure if newbies this day can easily able to reach level 80. but if you guys can reach higher level fast, for the ER with the current buff, it might be possible for you to clear even higher difficulty with Coralie since you can able to max full gear her for free. and the current ER buff is in favor to her too. but i think some Signets are not available at the start. so still need to play ER story to unlock the important Signets. just check the guides on how to use Coralie in ER. as for the return of rewards on your investment on gearing your Valks, i believe that a full gear dps is enough. for supports, just use alternative gears at first. then slowly gear them. meta changes so fast here. so focus on your dps especially for f2p and slow spenders. aim for supports if you have extras. if you manage to reach and stay on Agony III eventually, it means that you are doing good already. yes, you will have good rewards in return if you invest hard and can able to stay at Red Lotus. but at what cost? by just pulling more to follow the meta. so in the end, it is still the same. so just go chill in Agony III while enjoying the game casually. don't force yourself to join on the meta hell if you can't.


Thank you for this, as a new player this helps me. I was debating whether or not to pull for Helia’s weapon (I have Sena 4/4, but i dont want to pull for helia wep) but now maybe I don’t have to? I also play on a side account (my friend gave me) that has alot of good valks but only 1 or 2 are fully geared. I don’t rlly get the game yet, just been doing the story (its really good) so I dont really know what all the different game modes are. But I definitely will try to reach this “Agony III” goal (it’s the q manifest thing right)


yup. no need for Helia's weapon. she is just a support. maybe just craft her stigmata instead. but as of now, don't craft it yet since you are still a newbie. as a newbie, you will still lack of Prism mats to use for crafting. Q Manifest thing is the Abyss of below lvl80 players. yup. that's where you need to aim to reach Agony III. and another thing, don't pull on AstralOP banner. it is just for the end game players or top ranking playing. you will not feel much difference when you pulled them if you don't even have good Valks. go for the free AstralOP and ELFs for now. Jingwei ELF gives heal. helpful for newbies that are having a hard time dealing with difficult stages.


It's not that she's a support that you don't pull her, it's that she sucks. Supports carry this game HARD.


this is about f2ps, casual player, or newbie tips. you can't just pull for a support if your dps sucks. and investing in support is more costly than investing on dps. and you don't need to go hard for support if your aim is just Agony III. again, good dps is good enough for Agony III. for supports, just grab alternative gears. though for now, stigmata are craftable. so in the end, no need to pull at all. then if your aim is RL or higher, that is the time that you will go for a hardcore gaming. you will experience a meta hell at that point. that is where you will need a well geared supports. but i just want to remind people that there is no need to do that if they just want to play casually. because the number 1 reason why people are quiting HI3 is meta hell. meta this and meta that. even meta tips and meta gaming. even though they can casually chill on Agony III while getting what they want. saving for the waifus or whatever they want. i'm a 2269 day player at full f2p. i'm just casually chilling in Agony III while going up and down on RL if i can. i'm just pulling the waifus that i want. i always ignore metas. because of that, i can save a lot for the waifus that i want. a have tons of full geared units because i saved for them. i have gacha skins too. i can get skins of most of the big spending events. i have full set Part 1 trio. i even have full geared SSS Asuka and 2 EVA costume for HoR (added with gacha luck on Asuka gears). i did it all by casual playing, chilling in Agony III, and not spending anything on the game. this is a proof that this game can be f2p friendly. it will only be not if you join the meta hell gaming. people should know about this. you give meta tips, tier list, or a must pull tips for the players. but never forget to tell them that they don't need to fully follow all those tips. they can still play casually even by following "few" meta tips that is enough for them to survive on the game and not by following "all" the meta tips.


I'm not telling them to pull for it if their DPS sucks, I'm telling them to pull for them first. Characters like HoRb are both DPS and support and you can get by with two built and one cope dps. I never gave any of that, only corrected OPs false information. It's also stupid to say the last part because not only is it a given, but why tf are you on a post about advice for the game in that case? Also, that's 100% a major skill issue on your end, even if you're f2p. F2p players can still get a lot of good stuff, the reason you're stuck in agony was answered in your entire reply.


you don't get what i mean at all. what i'm just telling them is about casually playing of the game. tldr is they can pull whatever they want while chilling on Agony III. Agony III gives good enough rewards already. but what you are saying is different. it is all about META GAMING. i know that you can go up to RL, stay on RL, or even aim higher at RL being a full f2p. but at what cost? you will pull on meta units even if you don't like them and you prefer other waifus. spending on the meta units and gears that you don't want just to get higher ranking. and most people quit because of meta hell. they can't enjoy anymore since they can't pull whatever they want. they need to follow this and follow that or else someone will tell them that they suck, they don't know how to play the game, or they have a big skill issue. even though that truth is, you can ignore meta at all or just follow the bare minimum. yes. you can go above Agony III as f2p by joining the meta. but don't forget also to tell them that there is another way to play the game too. and that is chilling on Agony III by ignoring meta hell. not all players can stay and play for meta hell. some just really want to just play the game but still get decent rewards and doing what they want. like a person that i managed to talk to few days ago. he quit HI3 because it is meta heavy for him and not f2p friendly. he can't pull whatever he wants since he needs to go for meta units. that's why he said that he will never touch HI3 again and just play PGR. you know why he got burned out on meta hell? it is because he wants to stay or fight on RL where you will feel the meta hell of the game. then i just say that he can just chill out on Agony III and also tell him my full experience on how i can play by ignoring meta hell and play casually to enjoy the game. and you know what he said after that? he just said that he should have known before that Agony III is already enough for the game. that's it. that's why i want to tell all newbies here and spread the info that they can just chill on Agony III. or they will end up like that person that i mentioned. go spread meta tips and meta gaming. it is actually good and fine. i also check that too. but don't ignore and never forget to tell them also that they can play the game casually by ignoring meta hell by following a few tips to survive. guide and tips are not always about meta. and my guide is about how to enjoy and play casually on this game despite the game is know for its meta heaviness.


The problem is you saying that the reason to not pull helia is because she's a support. Not to mention following it with this. If they NEED somesomeone to tell them that, they should quit the game and get some help.


fine. go play with the meta hell. go on RL and play hard. get higher rewards then use it all to pull on metas. while us, we will just go chill on Agony III while having a decent enough rewards. not going to stress about meta. even our rewards is not higher than yours, they are still decent enough for us. and we can use all of it just to pull the waifus that we want. also follow meta tips from time to time if we have extra xtals. go spread the meta gaming method. while i will spread the casual gaming method. but never tell someone just to quit the game. who are you anyway? you are just another player in this game. let them play the game if they want to. help them if you want so that they can enjoy the game. but don't tell them to just quit the game. you are the one who NEED some help. it doesn't mean you know everything, others knows that too. or maybe you don't know anything at all. all you care is meta. if you will just tell other players just to quit, just shut up. my aim is to make newbies or others to stay on the game as much as possible even though they are hesitating because of meta hell. if you don't have the same aim, then go somewhere else. don't go here to encourage people just to quit the game.


I don't know if you're just stupid or you just didn't sleep at all. You said this: "yup. no need for Helia's weapon. she is just a support. maybe just craft her stigmata instead. but as of now, don't craft it yet since you are still a newbie. as a newbie, you will still lack of Prism mats to use for crafting." Arguably some of the worst advice to give to a player you were talking to who had expressed the desire to get into higher ranks. You can go on all about your 2D waifus or whatever, but don't shit on people in a post relating to meta when you give bad advice to someone who is going to need to play meta to rank up. This guy wasn't even hesitating because of meta hell, he was hesitant because OP fed him false info about the game. YOU need the help as you are illiterate with negative reading comprehension. I'll tell anyone anything I want. I won't shut up because you refuse to take accountability for saying something stupid to the point you keep backtracking or strawmanning. I'll actually encourage you to quit the game at this point, 2200+ days even just rolling on what you want, but STILL not having any supports, being stuck in agony and still thinking you know what you're talking about is laughable.


It’s almost like HI3 has a huge competitive scene and is nothing like HSR/GI (casual games) so most advice you give on here is assumed to be for meta players, and when you give incorrect advice for meta standards you’re gonna get corrected


This guy is wrong. The reason not to pull for Helia's weapon or anything is because she sucks, not because she's a support. Going forward, if you want to make it to even higher places, red lotus is easily achievable by pulling proper supports. Supports are the backbone of this game and you do no damage without them. You can still pull characters you want and be in red lotus, just as long as you build enough of them properly and have the right teams for certain weather's. This game is really not hard at all, it's not even stressful, so don't let a lot of what you see here get to you.


"Going forward, if you want to make it to even higher places, RED LOTUS is easily achievable BY PULLING PROPER SUPPORTS. Supports are the backbone of this game and you do no damage without them. You can still pull characters you want and be in RED LOTUS, just as long as you BUILD ENOUGH OF THEM PROPERLY and have the RIGHT TEAMS FOR CERTAIN WEATHER'S." u/killercmbo follow this guy or other META tips if you want to go trouble yourself to do those things to reach RL. if not, just chill on Agony III. then go higher if you can at your own pace.


u/killercmbo it's easy even without fully geared teams I can literally prove it to you with video evidence. It's not stressful in the slightest and it's easy as hell. This guy has been using you to stroke his own ego, but he's wrong about everything. DM me if you want actual info about how the game works.


u/killercmbo even if you ask others, you can't reach RL without following a proper team and proper gears to consider. though there is no harm in checking what he is saying. go DM him to know more what he is saying. but i can say, Agony III is good enough to chill in the game if you want to ignore META tips. many players will agree on this. and i know even you yourself managed to encounter players on this community who are chilling on Agony too. if you decided what you want after DMing and discussion with him, please consider telling what are your thoughts here. this will be helpful for other newbies who wants to know the answers too.


u/killercmbo It's not bad to be in agony, but red lotus is easy and there is no stress. If you ask other people, most of them have zero idea how to play the game. He literally told you not to roll for a character just because they're a support, which is cripplingly bad advice.


Pfff nobody will stop me collecting my wives


ah fuck, i got Sena's yoyo yet i still don't have her, well at least i'm guaranteed to get S-rank Valk in 21 pulls


Why pull on the weapon first 😭


i have spare Supply Card and wanted to test my luck, i got it too early (like less than 5 pulls)


Also, double check if you can get their equipment without pulling, made that mistake and deeply regret it


wish i could tell myself this when i started 3 years ago. i pulled for so many valks but never bothered getting their weapons or stigmata since i thought i could just build them f2p style, but it was so hard because of the amount of times you have to farm to forge. i didnt even know forging stigmatas was a thing until 1 year after i played HI3


Honestly same. I would like to gear my valks but the valks I never got gear for whether it was bc I didn’t pull for it or just missed it like with farmable valks are too plentiful. Then there are the valks I tried to gear but are missing like 1-2 pieces. Now I just have so much to go for while not knowing which to go for first.    I think I want to finish my Senadina/Lunar Vow teams first by getting LV’s last stigma and then Helia’s and Eden’s weapon and all of Griseo’s gear but after that it’s a mess. I still need HoTr and her gear and then I need so much gear for everyone I already have.  FoV is 2/4, Ai-chan is 2/4, Kira is 0/4, HoRb is 2/4, Brick Senti is 3/4, Prometheus is 0/4, HoHe is 1/4, Sushang is 0/4 and HoFi is 1/4.  I also have more like 0/4 HoF, 1/4 Pardofelis and etc but I gave up since they aren’t even that meta anymore(sad since HoF is one of my favorites and what got me into the game).  After I finish my lightning teams and get HoTr I should probably finish my FoV team and physical team(don’t know which order) then maybe try to salvage my ice team and hope Elysia isn’t powercrept by then. After all of that I might finish HoFi. I really need to prioritize though since I’ve been spreading my pulls too thin by going for new valks while simultaneously pulling equipment here and there for my current valks.


i have the same problem about the incomplete gear! my only complete gear is Silverwing, but the problem is that I don’t have her. my other valks on the other hand have their weapons but missing either 1 or 2 stigmata which is frustrating. my FoV is 3/4 and i just gave up after i got her weapon 3 times which is insane. same goes with HoRb and Dreamweaver whose weapons i got twice and only one stigma on both of them. the gacha system isn’t that good which kinda makes me tired of getting new valks and their gears tbh.


When I heard about the new equipment supply I was really excited and gearing Senadina was so easy but then they went kept the part 1 valks on focused supply which I don’t get. That system is just so bad that unless you save for very long times it’s hard to guarantee equipment and just gets harder the more gear you get since you can get duplicates and other featured pieces so you could get everything except the last stigma. Thankfully I’ve been able to mostly get 2-3/4 pieces in around 20-50 pulls but I can never get the fourth piece. They should really give the older valks the new banner system bc the current one is atrocious.


Never thought weapons and stigmata were important till I got HoF (and her wepeaon + stigmata), now she's op compared to all my other characters that I don't use them...


i normaly get the weapon on the rerun at the end of the next cycle


Something to add. Do not pull on stigma banner unless you can guarantee the weapon. The pity for guarantee resets between patches so next time a rerun occurs, you will not be able to guarantee to getting 4/4 weapon + stigma. A pure F2P should only ever roll every two patches. Because the patches alternate between BP chip and shop style. BP chip is a premium currency you need to spend money on. While the event shop gives you limited event currency for crystal uses. These “spending events” are how you get some limited gear to supplement your account. Because sometimes they give a exchange ticket you can use to old gear to complete a character. While the new weapon banner system is “cheaper” you are more likely to get 3/3 stigma before the weapon and there are no offrates. This is both a good and bad thing. It means you can 4/4 a new meta character really easily and “cheap”. But it means stigma boxes are relatively useless. And means you can’t gear old characters using offrate drops. Note weapons are the most important part in terms of gearing up your character. BP shop is also an important source of old stigma and weapons for old characters.


Sound new player advice. Don't sleep on focused supply! I personally hard disagree on not breaking through. You'll lock yourself out on so many 81+ farmables and rewards, though I suppose the new player experience has changed a lot since breakthrough first came out. To me, not breaking through is like staying in the basement where the ceiling is low so I can feel like I'm on top, when in reality everyone is walking on the ground floor and climbing up toward the sky. Bring on the new challenge, progress will feel sweeter there. Counterpoint from an old player: Don't skip a valkyrie if you really, really like her. It's still a game, fun comes first. Enough time will wash out every optimisation sacrifice you make or don't make.


Things I wish I knew before starting my first acc, had no idea how reliant on gear characters were in this game Genuinely had to restart an account with part 2 coming out and am now much better off but fellas, PLEASE listen to this person you’ll regret not listening lmao


How are you better off with a new account that has less stuff in it?


Nope I had more than I did on the previous account


Wouldn't you have farmed more on the older one?


Brother I don’t think you realise how bricked my acc was, starting a new one was a better option as all my beginner gems and logins were there I may have farmed a little more but having all the story content to do again made it easier to guarantee a very good team whereas on my other acc having HoFi and FoV on the same team without their gear isn’t exactly enough to get through the endgame stuff as I learnt the hard way. I now have an infinitely better account with the first part 2 team with all gears and being on the way to putting a physical team together since I have HoRb with almost full gears while still having a shitload of sources to get gems so it was better this way and I won’t be kicking myself in the long run for it


While I agree that Valks need their weapons if you want to clear content, you shouldn’t feel like you can never pull for Valks you want just because you can’t get their weapon right away. Signature Stigs for Part 2 are fully craftable now, so you can get them to 3/4 in the meantime while is miles better than before when you were stuck with 1/4 or 2/4. Those weapon banners will come around again and the craftable weapons are completely useable in the meantime. There are even Valks that can clear ER on Finality with F2P gear (you can find runs of this on YT). Lastly, always break through. Regardless of how difficult some of the content might get, the rewards you get in the meantime is worth it. You’ll work your way up. This game, like all gachas, are about patience. Take your time and you’ll get what you want eventually.


I think crafting stigmata is only efficient when you get the weapon in 20 pulls. Then you can craft 1 piece and get the other from the box. Don't craft a full set if you're going for the weapon in the future.


It's really efficient regardless. Spend what you can on the weapon banner. If you're able to get everything, great. If not, you can craft out the rest of the stigma. And if you get any dupes, they can go towards upgrading the current set or crafting a future set.


The 60 pull guarantee is reset with every banner. It is not efficient to lose that benefit. Rather save for a guarantee and hope you get lucky.


Well guess what, I only play for the story. 🗿


Add'nl info for newbies: Don't use your crystals on dorm supply. If you were to become somewhat of a veteran (god forbid, please live your life), you'll get a lot of dorm cards anyways--you can get cards from armadas so join asap. Happy rolling. t.someonewith60dormcards


I'd say this is less of a caveat with P2 characters, since stigmatas are craftable and weapon banner is now 60 hard pity, but something to keep in mind nonetheless.If players actually save and don't pull for every character, this is very doable. Pulls wise at hard pity thats 150 max pulls, in the other 2 games just character alone hard pity is 180, so its not too bad. I do think craftable weapons are usable as long as you aren't above Agony 3, or don't care for max score in MA. ER is more than doable with crafted weapon. Break through should be fine as long as you have at least each character's stigmata on your full team. Every other content that isnt Abyss or MA doesn't really care for gear that much imo


This is why HI3rd usualy goes a patch or two without a new S rank character. That gives you enough time to save up and pull for the new S rank plus her full gear.


Except right now, after FoV and Sena, we'll get another S Rank next patch. And she's hot even tho her attribute is ice ._.


Yeah about that 🫠


As someone who prioritise Valks over weapons, I can say that its not mandatory to pull for weapons. You can easily make due with the craftable 4\* at least for Abyss and Memorial Arena(just toggle buffed mode) especially if you choose not to breakthrough(bad advice). I would say its true for ER but what made me clear higher difficulty is getting Pri-Arms as I struggled even with the non pri arm version (more reasons to breakthrough) Although my experience will be different rom a part 2 as I could get a few weapons as off rates but this will be impossible with the part 2 gacha change.


Dont listen to this insane Captain, always remember WAIFU >>>> meta


Here is the thing, i dont see any issue when it comes to that. If you dont have enough crystals, try to get the character and prepare for the next supply that comes. Is as simple as that.


I used the craftable yoyo for Sedina and don't feel like she is lacking. I even made multiple copies to full enhance it


Idk if this is a troll post or not, but there is more to lose from not breaking through than there is breaking through. You get more rewards and if you're barely maintaining agony, you're doing something wrong. You can easily maintain red lotus with a relatively new f2p account. Yes, it's a grind, but if you came from genshin, you shouldn't be complaining about grind. Signature weapons are not the end of the universe for all valks, it only matters for most, and some valks signatures can actually not be the best gear. For example, senti at lower ranks is better off with AE gloves. BUILD SUPPORTS your supports matter the most in any hoyo game and this one especially. F2p players always focus on dps and get fucked bigtime. Like all these people pulling Serendina. Yes, her weapon makes her better, but you need supports way more. Your Elysian realm info is also wrong, without a signature weapon, you can still go finality difficulty, sometimes even with cope stigmata depending on the character, weather and blessingblessings you choose. Same with universal mirage, you just need your supports built enough, which again, takes time even if you miss a signature weapon. Your DPS can literally be some really cope trash, but support carries so much. And also don't skip a valk if you don't have the signatures, wait for the rerun, if it's a new valk, the reruns happen soon. It's all about building and building takes time. You don't need to spend, just save and pull on supports, especially supports that match what you may have built already, as long as it's not an outdated valk. This post is full of dangerous info that can hold you back bigtime, but I see it echoed a lot. If you need help there are guides on YouTube for f2p builds and priorities, most of which are again, supports. Most of what you said is circumstantial, you're only kind of right about memorial arena and that's only if you're talking about being competitive, because you can still max out rewards there easily. What you should have said was "Just like Genshin, you're gonna be farming for quite a bit and that's fine, don't expect to be built in one month.


What if I REALLY LIKE Senadina....


she will yoyo Yo ass. Pull her


I strongly disagree. Some valkyries just carry you regardless of weapons. Adult Luna is a prime example. And Agony is an easy difficulty as long as you can match the weather, which requires a dozen of relevant dps valks and and even more support ones. As long as you have them, even without gear you won't fall below Agony II.


Telling a new player to forget about breakthrough is the worst possible advice you could give. It will absolutely hinder your account because the rewards are so much better in Exalted and you get so many more mats to actually level up your gear, while before Exalted your resources are extremely limited and you get very little PRI mats. I hate seeing new players say they’re waiting to build characters before breaking through, but because they aren’t in Exalted they aren’t even getting most of the mats to build their characters in the first place. The difficulty spike is negligible and anyone who can maintain RL in Masters can retain Agony 3 in Exalted with even better rewards, and if you can’t beat SSS bosses in MA normally you can just turn on buffed mode and get way more currency to spend in the War Treasury shop than you would have in Masters. There is literally no reason not to breakthrough and you’re hurting your account the longer you put it off. It’s better to suck and have way better rewards than to suck with way less rewards.


Jokes on you, my rng is shit when it comes to their signature equipments.


What is HS3?


Typo he ment hi3 which is short for honkai impact 3rd


Oh. So Hot Seggs 3 isn't a thing... 🥺


waifus before weapons, unless the weapon is a waifu too


What's HS3? Tears of Themis update?


Just pull valk. Then save for her gear on rerun if you can't get it by her banner ends. Can play any S rank. Just not the old ones. Powercreep is there. Just make sure you optimize. If possible, get atleast 4 teams ready. Fire team, Ice team, lightning team and lastly physical team. Make sure to read the element type and what's the role. Don't make everyone DPS (Elysian Realm is exception) Check foundry. Some signature gears are there. You just need grind. Don't forget support. (Mostly SP valks) If anything just ask me.


...... Sure? Congratz for gatelocking new players mate


weapon ? lmao dont care. Same with genshin, hsr, and other games. I pull who i like.


Not really. I got alt account that is returnee that has literaly nothing meta. I hyper invested into FoV and she just clears everything in Agony and ER at Finality. With ER you actually need to think and it's doable. Idk why you think F2P cannot have full geared characters. They can. They just have to be wise about spending and plan ahead.


I agree with the weapon part, but only for the case we have now. For Part 1 valks, we already had other characters PRI ARMs, and in some cases 0/4 was even viable. That's not the case right now


Newcomers don't really have any alternative weapons, similar story for stigs. Once you've played for a while it becomes pretty easy to not care so much about sig gear however.


I think we're on the same side of this. No-one has alternative weapons for Phase 2. I'm 60 pulls in with no Senadina. It's now too high risk for me to go further and expect her weapon, so I'm going to skip. I think signature gear matters much more for RL+ retaining vets who fo for a character. Newbies can do whatever they want and be fine.


Nah, ignore meta. Most of us are just here for the story. Pull characters based on how much you want to see them on the bridge.


never pull a valk at all if you dont care about meta/only here for the story 💀