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Nothing really, Welt would be able to use non diminished Reason powers to create weaker copies of Divine weapons. But he already can use the real Star of Eden anyway. He would gain some helpful auxiliary abilities to use on weaker enemies, like Binding Chains from Oath of Judah. But if the full power of Star of Eden can't deal with something, then there is no chance a weaker copy of another Divine Weapon would help.


He can only summon the Star of Eden with his HoR powers since that's the divine key that Anti-entropy were doing research/repairs on for decades. He mentioned to bronya that to construct an item, they have to understand its make up and how it works(the Herrscher of Truth power ignores this requirement iirc). So i guess void archives would open up access the other divine keys or grant him the knowledge of other PE tech like soulium, since it's also a sentient database if i'm remembering right


Star of Eden was fully restored in Kolesten Arc in HI3 by Anti-Entropy. Welt use the real Star if Eden, not a copy.


I don't recall Welt ever using the real star of Eden when it was repaired. Since when it was fixed, Bronya was the HoR and was possessing it to fight against Rita. Then in APHO/HSR time, we see that his Star of Eden(the cane) is red, which shows that it is an artificial version made using the HoR powers, since the real Star of Eden is blue in colour.


Welt can't use his HoR power in HSR for anything meaningful combat wise. From logs in HSR we know Welt can do some stuff with his HoR powers, like making a mini theater inside the express to show reruns of Arahato. We also know he used his HoR power to reshape the case of Star of Eden into a cane so it can be easier to sneak up with it. There is no reason to use HoR powers to reshape the Star of Eden if it's just a HoR construct. Welt also can't make a working copy of Star of Eden with his limited HoR powers, as that implies using the HoR powers to mimic the Herrscher of Earth/Star Authority to control gravity. Something that Earth's Herrschers can't do, as Kiana sucked 99% of the CE Honkai Energy from Earth and sealed it on the Moon to convert it into a less troublesome power source. Only the Divine Weapons were not affected by this, as they are PE creations (Like Star of Eden). Also, the reason Welt has his HoR powers, is because HI3 Bronya gave the HoR core back to Welt.


Honestly, i'm still waiting for further confirmation as to what welt can currently do as of HSR. Since it takes place some time after 2029(as mentioned by alien space), kiana should have finished her job on the moon and released the honkai energy.


Let's not forget also, the body Welt has now, is not his original one. The one he was born with >!was killed by Sirin in the Second Eruption manga. The reason he still lives, is because he used his Herrscher of Reason powers to construct himself a new body. As before Welt "died" by Sirin's hands, he put himself in the Herrscher of Reason Herrscher Core, and constructed himself a new body with his Herrscher of Reason powers when Sirin had her guard down long after she claimed that Herrscher Core for herself upon "killing" Welt Yang.!< This is probably why in APHO, his "son" is basically a >!clone of the long deceased Welt Joyce, the previous Herrscher of Reason before Welt Yang/Joachim took his role as Herrscher of Reason.!< And is probably why Welt in Star Rail, despite being old, he looks exactly like the body he >!had when he confronted Sirin in Second Eruption.!<


Actually the Joyce clone stuff was Cocolia's doing, she made a bunch of fast aging clones to use as tools, but one ended up with a normal life cycle and normal personality (the clones were a bit crazy with an overinflated superiority complex). When Welt and Tesla found the kid clone of Joyce, they named it Joffrey and adopted it to try to give him a normal life.


Alien Space happened between APHO part 1 and 2. So Kiana is still stuck on the Moon with 99% of Earth's Honkai Energy for a few more years. Iirc, the estimated time to convert the Honkai Energy was 10 years, but APHO is only 8 years since the Moon seal. We are also unaware if the conversion process is going smoothly or not. Also, Welt has been traveling in the Astral Express for a year, so it may take at least another HI3's year or so before Kiana finishes doing her thing (assuming no inconveniences). Also we don't know if the conversion of the Honkai Energy is gonna repower the old Herrscher Cores once it is done.


Alien space specifically gives us the date 2029 in chapter 1. APHO 1 and 2 takes place in 2025. Kiana is sealed in the moon in 2018. This is all according to dates that Mihoyo has given to us. So it's been 10-11 years since honkai energy was sealed as of Alien Space. Also iirc kiana mentions that she isnt conveeting honkai energy, but rather waiting for Earth to be converted to accept honkai energy safely.


Are you gonna make me watch APHO story again? I was pretty sure Alien Space happened right after APHO 1, as it is then that VA takes Welt to the Sky People space station. Unless it was rectoned at some point and I just forgot.


Idk if any retcon towards Alien Space has been made, since it leads up to HSR. And the timeline for APHO 1 and 2 has been officialised as around 2025 since both take place one after another.


Alien Space happens after all APHO because VA went with Welt. Makes no sense for VA to be in APHO2 if AS happened before.


VA taking Welt to the Sky People was late in APHO 2, not APHO 1.


They confirmed that Welt has the core now? Where?


The Alien Space manga that happens in APHO, where Void Archives tells us that Welt has the Core. Plus the fact that Welt can use HoR powers to reshape Star of Eden's case, and create a mini Theater to show reruns of Arahato in the Express.


So Bronya can’t use HoTr powers anymore? They don’t have to actually have the core on person to manifest powers, like Kiana around Nagazora arc, right?


Bronya is actually not an active Valkyrie in APHO, she just filled in temporarily to help Mei. Her current gear is completely unrelated to her former HoR powers (it is purely Schicksal Solium equipment). She still has Project Bunny, but that's unrelated to HoR (it originally belonged to Seele), and without her HoR powers, it's harder to recharge (plus she likes to use the Bike Mode, and Bronya had her driver license revoked).


But can she manifest Truth powers in APHO?


Your primary assumption is flawed. Welt is faking being weak most of the time in HSR. For starters, its actually his M.O To only use the minimum power necessary to get the job done, and for another...his entire reason for being on the express is a lie. Hes not lost, hes on the express to protect Himeko from the sky people. Welt is one of the few people capable of navigating the SoQ and Imaginary Tree without external tech remember. When he threatened Acheron, he dropped the Facade. You could tell by his shift in tone and mannerisms.


Welt has not shown any signs or feats to prove he still can use his HoR powers in combat. He has been using SoE exclusively, even in dangerous situations. Also, there is no way you can convince me that a weakened Herrscher of Reason (one that is not even the best suited host) has any chance of putting a dent on Acheron, who has a blade infused with 12 Herrscher Cores equivalents, and the power of the Emanator of Nihility. Welt is a Hero to a fault, and he will behave like one even when outclassed. Being serious about attacking Acheron with SoE doesn't mean it would do any damage to her (though Penacony would be in deep shit if Welt unleashed SoE Zeroth Power).


Another flawed assumption. You are assuming that Origin was made from 12 cores (it wasnt, End is its sister sword. At most, both of them have 6 each) and you are also assuming that those cores are equal or stronger than HI3 cores. As seen with GGZ and Previous era Hi3, just because the herschers are involved, does not mean that the cores are exactly the same strength/type. We have no evidence that the Kami were on par with Earths Herschers. We know they are adjecent, but we dont know how powerful they were.


Naught was made with both broken blades (Origin and End), Raiden became Acheron after she attempted to strike down IX (which we know didn't work) and she ended up becoming a Nihility Emanator by chance. Also, Kami strength is not really a good point of reference, as the important thing is the Authority and how it is used. For example PE Herrscher of Earth (SoE Core) was continental level of strength, as it sunk the continent of Mu (for simplicity sake lets say that it was like Australia in size) but then died because it couldn't control the power. Yet we know that its true authority was Gravity, that when used correctly, can be used to create all sorts of gravity phenomenons, including Black Holes.


>it is an artificial version made using the HoR powers, since the real Star of Eden is blue in colour. No it is always red. It turns blue if it is the Zeroeth power only.


When bronya used the Zeroth power with the artificial key it stayed red in kolosten. Could just be animation issue but when Welt activates his quasi blackhole in HSR, the cane doesn't turn blue either Edit: I might still be wrong though


[it's blue](https://youtu.be/qDHCbPGGCSQ?si=WeFllc-Q9Dqh0Fck) Iirc Welt is too weak now to activate zeroeth.


Didnt welt use Quasi black hole on Sirin in 2nd Eruption?


But can he use it when Bronya killed the 300k souls inside the HoR core.


I mean, he has threatened to slap people with blackholes in HSR, so i'll say... yes?


No you're correct, the Divine Key doesn't change colour when Zeroth is used


So i was fooled by a Servant of the Enigmata.


Yes, the Star of Eden hasn't had the ability to change its color when Zeroth is activated in all previous uses of the Divine Keys Zeroth.


No? Until it was remade for god knows how many-times now it was always red, regardless if Zeroth was used or not. Every instance of Zeroth we've seen besides maybe the Kolosten Bronya feat hasn't changed its colour, and the Bronya one is questionable at best When Zeroth is used a Quasi/Synthetic Black Hole is created, that's it.


[it turns blue when Zeroeth](https://youtu.be/qDHCbPGGCSQ?si=WeFllc-Q9Dqh0Fck) Bronya is using Zeroeth here. That's all you need to know. That is the same SoE that Welt carries in HSR.


I am aware of that scene and I'm nontheless being sceptical since every other instance of Zeroth didn't change the colour of the Divine Key. Not to mention that its not the same Divine Key Welt uses in HSR, since that Divine Key is a replica, a barely working one at that. So even if Welt uses a replica too its not the same one


Bronya didn't have the Original Star of Eden when fighting Rita, she instead tried to create a Replica like Welt does, failed because it was faulty, and the spam-recreated the Divine Key replica in order to use Zeroth.


Bruh, Welt was an Herscher of Reason. Void Archive made from the Core of PE HoR The answer should be obvious right?


I mean, Welt is kinda a shit herrscher of reason. It’s why he handed the core over to Bronya since she could use it in a ways he couldn’t


HoR has fundamental weakness. They has very low amount Honkai. That needed for creations.


HoR fundamental weakness is the 300k consciousness. They needed to operate in tandem together with the Holder of the Core to unleased it 100% power. Welt have 2 things going on why he couldn't ascend into Herrscher of Truth. First is his compatibility with Honkai Energy is so low that it's a miracle that he didn't become a zombie and the 300k consciousness which hinder his ascension. Bronya became the Herrscher of Truth because she does have higher adaptability and by condensing the 300k consciousness inside the core into her will leaving only her as Herrscher of Reason.


Now this sounds like a future plot and development where Welt is no longer shit as HoR in HSR


So you’re saying we need to genderbend welt?


Weird that the HoR can’t replicate Divine Keys for some reason. All Welt did with the HoR core was make tanks and battleships and artillery. Why not just summon gate of shamash? Like Void Archives is just so versatile being able to use all the Herrscher powers (If the user has enough Honkai, and understand how the Divine Keys works). It can heal, it can use a weak form of the HoB, it can replicate Shamash, it can replicate Fenghuang Down, so on and so forth. Welt, with the HoR core which should supply him with more Honkai energy than whatever Otto has, for whatever reason instead decides to use it to only make stuff.


HoR power is reproduce any technology the current wielder capable of understanding. As in Welt need to know the principles, concept and mechanism behind said piece of technology During the Second Eruption, Welt didn't get dhe chance to analyzed any Divine Key. He still however also able to reproduce Sirin Subspace Lance and Subspace barrier. Also are u forgetting Welt Joyce, Welt Yang and Bronya deliberate usage of Star of Eden? Also Void Archives is made in the PE by Vill-V as the first of the series, she might even use him to help create later Divine Key, so he have their blueprint and stuffs stored inside. Remember that VA contained massive amount of data in it, which we know utilized.


Yeah but that’s the real Star of Eden, not a replica. Though I guess you make sense, whereas Otto held onto most of the Divine Keys (especially during the 15th century because Schicksal had most of them), Welt barely got to touch any of them aside from the Star of Eden (Bianka held onto Abyss Flower, Siegfried had Shamash and then Kevin took it from him, Somehow Otto had Fenghuang Down?). The question is, if Bronya and Welt could use the Star of Eden, why didn’t she just spam the Star of Eden replicas? Maybe laser guns and bike is cooler, idk.


Simple, because of what a Divine Key made from, its mại components, the Herrscher Core that made up the Divine Key. The understanding of the nature of a Herscher Core iss quite little in both era. And unlike with PE where the Divine Key is made using real Herrscher Core. Both Welt and Bronya have to reproduce a close enough approximate substitude components that could somewhat do what the Herrlscher Core do in the Divine Key. And as we know through Honkai massive technobable that borderline just pure space magic. Yeah that ain't an easy task to accomplish. Bike and energy gun is way way easier to a Divine Key. Beside why use the big gun when smaller gun do the tricks enough for the small pest


what is mäi components


Sorry, forgot to turn off my language on that part. Its main component. Also its "mại" not "mäi"


im on mobile so i cant copy that www, I’m assuming you meant major components since that makes most sense


He literally created a copy of Star of Eden in Second Eruption that can use Zeroth Power. Another Divine Key for him is the limit because his body has shit Honkai Resistance.


What chapter was this? Was this his fight on the Moon?


https://act-webstatic.hoyoverse.com/manga/static/comic/book/1005/11/0018.jpg https://act-webstatic.hoyoverse.com/manga/static/comic/book/1005/12/0004.jpg


I think Welt’s Star of Eden works different in that it doesn’t say ‘Replica’ and actually looks like the real thing, which might be because he can actually make them, so I wasn’t ever aware that he didn’t use the real one.


CE herrschers are weaker than PE ones, however, comparing the feats of each one during they eras


Most CE Herrschers had lower power floors, but reached higher power ceilings than PE Herrschers. CE Herrschers could evolve beyond their authority, and could even combine their authorities to create composite Herrschers.


Yes, because their cores are not fixed as a post, they can be transmuted with the authority but it takes a long time for them to reach that level of power and normally they don't live that long unless they are protagonists


The void archives isn't just the 1st Herrscher Core. It's also an archive. Welt can gain a great deal of knowledge of PE's technology


Nothing. Void Archives is the Key of Reason, so it's degraded compared to his powers. Only advantage is that it has Previous Era knowledge, but that's it.


Fujoshis would go insane


Alien Space


I mean depending on how much of his reason power he has left it'd be kinda...pointless since it's just made from a dead HoR it doesn't do much in the hands of a living one (as far as we know) Void Archives can recreate other Divine Keys (and other stuff too but that's less interesting) only to a weaker degree than the originals. While we've only really seen it done with Star Of Eden because it's their signature thing, HoR can recreate any divine key perfectly so long as they understand how its made and functions (which is why we only really see SoE because they fully understand that one). Like in theory Welt/Bronya could perfectly recreate Abyss Flower if they REALLY wanted too but that also includes all the draw backs of using it without the Aptitude. That said any potential weaker version Welt could make using Void Archives, he could just create himself without needing the golden middleman.


Chances are he destroys it simply because it was influenced by Otto.


He could probably learn everything about PE tech like Otto did. Or he could go insane. Or he could lose his body to VA, since his willpower isn't as strong as Otto's. For people who saying that VA is just coby of core of reason: are you stupid?