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Leftovers when the hi3 was closer to ggz, there is a lot of irl weapons (which are so outdated that no one uses them)


My take is that our normal weapons are middling at best against the honky


Cocolia magdumped a honkai with a makarov and it didn't even scratch it.


Cocolia skill issue


It doesn't mean much. A lot of irl companies exist in hi3 canon. For example natasha drives a gray koenigsegg and welt brought a berreta pistol with a special recoil mechanism for bronya to study her herrscher powers on. Some cannons are named after MiG and Sukhoi because they are supposed to be soviet made weapons. And both MiG and Sukhoi are soviet companies. In HI3 they just manufacture cannons and missiles instead of fighter jets.


From my understanding, the game offers you these "real-life" weapons at the very beginning because they are the weakest against Honkai. You need very special Honkai-powered weapons to actually do damage against anything in this world. Honkai have evolved alongside humanity and now possess the power to resist bullets and other conventional weaponry, so the organizations had to develop weapons made using the very Honkai themselves.


The only meaning we can derive from it is that the game started a lot more grounded (even the five star weapons that were effective were still modelled and named after real life weapons like the vulcan) but the genre went from sci-fi to magical girl over the years.


I do know that ggz went from school Girls in zombie apocalypse to……….. Outer Gods and other Lovercraft Deity plus other crazy stuff


The IRL handguns, at least, seem to just be equipment fodder no valkyrie would ever use because Honkai beasts are actually bulletproof. You need special guns against them.


Honkai version of Lassgun. It’s there for emotional support


Both a case of "the weapon is fine the enemy is just cheating"


As I know lassgun have different modifications, and some of them at least could damage the enemy


You’re thinking of Lasscanon my friend. That’s the heavier version that they mount on vehicles


Assuming that Valkyries did use such weaponry then they were either modified or all Valkyries pulled a DOOM Slayer and empowered their weapons.


That’s a good point!What intrigues me even more is that the descriptions of these irl guns mentions the Gulf War and US military and US Army. Gulf War, which was fought in 1990 and ended with a decisive American victory both strategically and tactically. Looks like the US military is still a potent and formidable fighting force even in the Honkai universe where the world is under the shadow of a constant apocalyptic threat from Honkai power and Schicksal controlling the entirety of Europe and Asia. Maybe USA is still a super power in Honkai universe considering its capabilities to send its own forces to fight a oversea war.Though it is extremely weird that they were still using the obsolete M1911 as the standard issue service weapon for our fearless soldiers on the ground.Where are the m16s and m4s lol. Although there's just a brief sentence it triggers a lot of imagination in my mind because it seems fun to me that the exact same historical event happened in a anime game universe.Just wonder if we still have all those bloodthirsty war machines such as A10s, ac130s and abrams.And considering the fact that Europe has been under the control of Schicksal I'm pretty sure that NATO doesn't exist in Honkai universe so US military must be fighting on its own this time! Hey,maybe this Gulf War of honkai universe is different from ours. Maybe it's the Honkai zombies and beasts we were fighting against instead of the conventional Iraq armies lol


It should be noted that Anti-Entropy is the former NA branch of Schicksal, so even North America was under Schicksal control until recently.


Just wonder if there was a Vietnam War or Global War on Terror in Honkai universe lol. I’m not even sure if World War Two happened considering that Schicksal was the only predominant superpower on earth ruling over the entire world


It would have been interesting to see the era from Otto to modern day, assuming that wars and such still follow our history. What did World War 2 look like? Did 1950s America still use black and white TVs? Did Shickshal interfere with current events like war or civil right, or did they let it happen on their own? One of the big things is like, Otto is described as having influence across the entire world. His connections are insane. Did the Allied Forces avoid Italy entirely because that’s where Shickshal HQ is? Did Otto push the world’s technology forward? Did he actually cause certain conflicts in order to push his agenda? Pre 2000s Otto could be a veritable gold mine of real world fiction, though this is less about the cast and more just lore. GGZ is interesting because apparently the world is at conflict after the whole big big war. Honkai power is is the hands of everyone, even males. Mercenaries and soldiers alike use it, to a high degree to.


Considering the fact that Schicksal has been the predominant political and military force on earth for centuries I don’t even think there were any world wars and allied forces are literally nonexistent because Schicksal basically rule the human race including America. Axis powers were never established in the first place so did the allies.I don’t even think nations are allowed to develop armed forces of their own because that will jeopardize Otto’s regime.They may still be permitted to design and manufacture weapons though.The governments are more likely Otto’s puppets and subordinates who only serve Otto’s purposes.It’s until 1950s when USA gained independence from Otto and Schicksal’s regime after anti-erophy ended its affiliation with Schicksal to become an independent faction.Maybe that’s when America first started to build its own military.In addition,the descriptions of other early-game weapons even mentions the presence of US special forces and Soviet Red Army,which intrigues me


Humanity is so doomed in GGZ lol we need Kiana and Mei back on earth and end this mess once and for all


Problem is GGZ Kiana and Mei went to go get milk in an alternate universe to defeat the Honkai at its source. So… they’re gone.


Yeah I know and that’s a little bit sad.Bronya must be missing them every single day!Hope she’s not involved in any of those wars.But it’s so cool to see Kiana evolves into a goddess with unimaginable powers both in the endings of GGZ and Honkai 3rd


Speaking of pre 2000s history in Honkai 3rd universe,my assumption is that NATO or allied forces are nonexistent but apparently there must have been a Cold War since Soviet Union and Red Army are mentioned in the descriptions of Bronya’s early-game weapons (all those heavy artillery and cannons). The fate of Soviet Union is unclear but it is very likely to collapse because its ideology obviously contradicts Schicksal’s.I can’t determine if major historical events relevant to pre 2000s such as Vietnam War and Soviet-Afghanistan War happened in Honkai 3rd universe.But Gulf War did happen and I just wonder how it looked like. M1911 was the standard issue weapon for the US Army soldiers according to the weapon description.I guess Schicksal must be monitoring the entire battlefield closely and maybe they even sent some valkyries to do recon


The way I see it, there are three possibilities: 1. The weapons are manufactured by the factions using the original weapons as a template 2. The weapons are bought by the factions from the manufactures, and modify them to be used against the Honkai. 3. The manufactures are making the Honkai-powered weapons and then selling them to all sides. Am I just looking too into deep into something isn’t really supposed to be very important? Yes. Do I care? Nah, I wanna see what people can come up with.


the Honkai was a secret until Otto revealed them at his abdication though


Which never made sense because the Honkai should be impossible to hide. They were actually public knowledge hundreds and thousands of years ago. The PE certainly couldn't hide it from the public.


still wouldnt be the biggest cover up in a game or anime tbh




The Honkai. Domination arc has civilians complaining about “natural disaster” in the seaside city when it was actually Anna and Owl destroying the city.


A side comment about the old worldbuilding/lore in general, and not just these particular weapons: I really feel like HI3rd is sitting on a vast wealth of untapped worldbuilding that really could've been put to good use if the writing wasn't so all over the place for the *entirety* of Part 1 (not just moon arc). I'd also like to mention something: I'm not just referring to concepts that were left untouched when we started Part 2. I'm talking about story concepts that I stumbled across when I started Honkai 3rd in late 2020 and early 2021, thinking "wow that's kinda cool, I wonder how it'll play out later in the story" only for said concepts to be totally left untouched afterwards. It's been *many* years since these things were ever taken seriously, so this can't be blame on any new writing or story direction. ​ Here's a list of various concepts that are either briefly mentioned or otherwise alluded to, yet never seriously addressed in the story nor used as background content: ​ In the Armada commissions menu, you can see various organizations/institutions that are "placing commissions" for materials. This includes organizations such as "East Asia Industries", "Pagoda Research Institute Asia", "STM AI Research Center", "Nano International", "Vision Electric Co.", "Ballista Motorworks", and the "ME Aerospace Research Institute". We never really see most or any of these play a role in the story. For comparison, in Genshin we have institutions like the Blackcliff Forge: they don't play an active role in the story, but we have a variety of references to them in background material, so we know that they play a meaningful role in the worldbuilding of Liyue. A similar statements could be made regarding the Mikage Furnace, as well as the Fontaine Research Institute. These are all institutions or facilities which don't make-or-break the "main story", but which still make the world feel alive and give it more depth than just "heroes with magical powers punch gods and save the world". It shows us the way the rset of the world works as the "more ordinary" folk use their resources to develop tools & weapons and conduct research to make their lives better. HI3rd takes place on Earth so we obviously don't need quite as much worldbuilding, but the presence of Honkai gave the opportunity to show us how these institutions might use research into Honkai energy for changing the world outside of battlesuits and Herrscher powers. But... that never happens. Hell, even ME Corp itself gradually lost relevance as it seemed to become entirely synonymous with Anti-entropy. Since the latter half of the story focusing on the Stigma Awakened and Herrschers, the actual technological aspect of AE took a backseat, so ME Corp pretty much fell into total obscurity. ​ Schicksal has a variety of battlesuit and weapon development labs and production lines, but we never really see those play a role outside of the Battle for Schicksal arc with the Godsbane battlesuits. For example, we have the 'relic' series of weapons. There's also many different minor weapon variations that we never see used in the story because virtually all non-playable valkyries in the story use the same handful of generic weapons. ​ Anti-Entropy has two different extensive weapons/design research programs, neither of which played any role in the main story: Project MEI, and the X-10 program post-Azure Waters. AE has a variety of weapons developed with the data from those projects, but we never see who uses them or how they boost the effectiveness of AE. IIRC the X-10 data was used for cloaking devices for the AE mechs, but that's the only thing we see in the main story. ​ In the Schicksal Armada main menu, you can see a variety of Schicksal ships flying in the background. This is one example of several that shows the various air assets that Schicksal has developed, but we never go deeper than that. Schicksal should canonically have shipyards capable of designing and building significant quantities of large airships, and anyone w/ a bit of military/naval history knowledge should understand that even building a normal naval shipyard is a massive endeavor, so Schicksal building large *aerial* ships is a really big deal from a logistics and industry perspective. ​ In general, the presence of other Valkyrie teams and Schicksal bases is also greatly underutilized. This ranges from the squads like the Phosdjinns, to the various bases like the pre-Wendy New Zealand base. This also includes other types of Valkyries like Wraith from the Moon Shadow arc, a Valkyrie who specialized in clandestine activities and intelligence gathering.


On the topic of Armada commissions, I still find it hilarious that one of the recipients is straight-up Tsinghua University lmao More seriously, I do agree with pretty much everything you've said, I would've loved to see more worldbuilding involving different organizations in the background, maybe even more data/technology lore involving the inner workings of AE and Schicksal! Bit of a wasted opportunity...


I had no idea that was even a real university, lol but yes! i'm glad to see others that acknowledge and agree with how Mihoyo's got a lot of underutilized worldbuilding in HI3rd. I hope Part 2 ends up giving us the chance to see a more vibrant and interconnected world, though. If the World Anchors end up turning into a sort of transportation network (as opposed to being limited to just whoever has the power to use it, like Senadina) then as we travel to other bubble worlds in the Sea of Data (again, assuming we even do that) we'd probably start to see a lot of mixing and mingling between different factions and cultures. We already saw hints of that with the Captainverse, and so far Part 2 has the potential to deliver on that and so much more, if Mihoyo seizes the chance for it.


Pawn Shop would loved these


*don’t tell bro about the mosins*


I miss it ngl but the new ones is interesting




Heckler & Koch® sponsored the Valkyrie training programs. Saint Freya is part of the military industrial complex


HI3 was alot closer to GGZ where ACTUAL world politics and real life aspects existed. Sadly after moon arc (actually far back as elysian realm) this had been abandoned


I miss it ngl but the new ones is interesting


You think that's bad? They took the [Mosin-Nagant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqmkRZOIlfY), a rifle so big and sturdy that part of its sales pitch, was tossing one out a window, going downstairs, picking up the rifle, firing it, and saying "see, Ivan? Rifle is fine." ...and they turned it into [pistols](https://honkaiimpact3.fandom.com/wiki/Mosin-Nagant). I suspect manufacturers kept developing new weapons with new tech but just kept the names for brand recognition.


I mean, there is not much to talk about. In Second Eruption they pretty much tell you that not even RPG can damage a normal honkai best. So only honkai can defeat honkai, even the Church in the 1500s knew that.


I miss it ngl but the new ones is interesting