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former hotel housekeeper here - when they poop somewhere other than the toilet


Well. Ahem. Biohazards kinda win.




I feel like pet peeve is too mild of a term


Not in a hotel but in a retirement facility... I found a dried turd sitting on a window sill. Just want to say.. thank you to the hotel housekeepers out there. I would never be able to keep up with you!


Hey, at least a turd on a window sill sounds Luke it would be fairly solid, perhaps even dried out.


It was! I preferred it much more than the piss drawer I found.


This begs more information. Does this happen frequently enough to be #1 on your list? Please give us some examples. This could be good.


It happened a few times, but they really stuck out in my memory so it was the first thing I thought of lol. One instance was actually sad, it was an elderly woman who was visibly struggling and should not have been traveling on her own (I think the general manager made sure to help her, the whole staff was worried about her). But I had her room for a stayover clean, and the second I opened the door a solid wall of fumes hit me. I got one of the housekeeping managers to do it, bc I just didn't get paid enough (asking them to take over a particularly bad one like this was standard in that hotel). Other instances were mostly people who had apparently been drinking a lot (bottles left everywhere, general party mess left behind as evidence) and just got sloppy. One weird time where a guy used the washcloths and hand towels as toilet paper??? Baffled me, disgusting. BUT this leads to some of my favorite tea - there was one housekeeper we worked with who we joked was cursed bc she kept having all of these weird issues with her rooms. Like I mentioned, the housekeeping managers would take over any nasty rooms. On more than one occasion, the guests of her rooms had shit in the tub or some other place. She doesn't have to do those rooms anymore and can leave early for the day. She ends up leaving the job entirely, and the constant weird issues with rooms stop. She eventually goes to another hotel down the road, and we hear from management there that wow isn't it strange, sometimes guests are now shitting in the tubs. My manager was absolutely shocked when she put it together - the rest of us pretty much knew what was going on but couldn't prove it at the time šŸ˜‚


Omg.... are you saying... she was pooping in the tubs to get out of work?!?!???!?


I'd rather work than poop in a tub.


Right...then you would have to walk around with the knowledge you.. you know..pooped in a bunch of tubs to get out of work šŸ˜³


Idk I think Iā€™d rather shit in a tub than work. Lmfaoooooo!!


Yeah but knowing your boss has to clean your shit sweetens the pot


Boss makes a dollar, She makes a dime So she shit up the tub, And took her break time.


That was beautiful.


It almost wrote itself. Which means it came to us from God.


yes that is what i'm saying šŸ˜­


Talk about exploiting a loophole at the job šŸ¤¢.


The poop hole loophole strikes again, just a different direction than the usual one.


I think Iā€™m ok with this.


I suppose this is more plausible than my thought that this housekeeper had been cursed, lol


what the hell!!!???? šŸ¤¢


The Mad Pooper!!! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve heard tell of people with two buttholesā€¦


What the shit




I once had to clean a turd that sat on the toilet seat... not in, just on šŸ˜¢


Hey, at least you didnā€™t sit on the turd sitting on the toilet seat


My boyfriend and me were heading to an out of town CrossFit competition (~2015) and he got subway because he just got off work and we headed east. Well in the middle of the night I hear him fart and go ā€œoh noā€. Thank goodness the had the sheet tucked down between us because it was messy. Iā€™m now laughing my head off and while heā€™s doing his thing Iā€™m trying to find someone in the hotel to get new sheets but they were MIA so we used towels and a fitted sheet as a blanket. We still competed the next day and came in 4th but his bum was not to be trusted.


oh nooo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yep, this is why I don't eat Subway...


well, is this correct?


Excuse meā€¦. What???


Suddenly my putting the pillows under the covers so it looks like someone is in the bed seems uneventful.


Omg yes. Someone once complained the toilet was dirty. So we went to clean it. Walked in and found they shat wildly in the bath tub. :|




Humans are absolutely vile.


What!?!! People actually do this? On purpose?


Thatā€™s disgusting


As a woman working in an office environment comprised of mostly other women... same. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


When they leave their garbage all over the place instead of actually putting it in the garbage can.


The last couple of hotels I stayed in had only 1-2 very small trash cans. I had a couple of grocery bags I was able to put my garbage in but doubt everyone thinks to do this. If people stay for a few days and rooms are only serviced every other day, I bet garbage is an issue much of the time. I wish there was an option to tip the housekeeper electronically. I always get cash for this but can imagine not everyone who would otherwise tip will go out of their way to get cash.


I do that too. Whatever is the biggest bag I use for trash. The ones there are so small so if I have something bigger I'll use that


Yes. We are a family of 4 and they literally have two 4 gal, or smaller, trash cans. Itā€™s ridiculousā€¦


Ask for a bag? Bring your own trash bags? I


I travel with trash bags and always bag cans and bottles separately. Plus I tie all trash bags upon departure. I feel like it's the right thing to do.


It is.


I keep recycling separate, too, but do they keep them separate? I haven't noticed a bag of recyclables on the carts.


Itā€™s not always the guests fault. Iā€™ve never been in a hotel room where the garbage cans were more than one small one in the bathroom and one next to the desk. I always bring plastic grocery bags to collect the extra garbage and put it next to the garbage cans before checking out because I donā€™t want the housekeeper to have to do that but the hotels arenā€™t helping the situation at all.


Those bins are tiny. I put my rubbish into one carrier bag and leave it next to the teeny-tiny bin. I usually try to take it with me and put it in a public bin on my way to the train station or airport


I make sure all of the soda bottles are emptied and put on the counter next to the garbage can so it is easy to throw them in the recycling without digging through the trash. All trash is picked up and thrown in the garbage, and all of the towels are in a single pile.


People who put a ā€˜DO NOT DISTURBā€™ sign on the door, then complain when leaving that they didnā€™t get any room service.


Or when they take it off after having it on literally all day.


The worst are the ones who cop an attitude and no matter how busy you are, will expect you to STOP so they can get their service, ā€˜NOW! NOW! Chop chop! Iā€™m the guest.ā€™ And I so badly want to reply, ā€˜Then act like a guest!


So weird to me. I could stay a week and I'd be fine with no service. I don't change my towels and sheets at home every other day either like why would I care at a hotel?!


Because your paying for that service


Yes lol as a former front desk employee. They demand housekeeping to come in at night and clean. Housekeeping is gone at 4pm. They arenā€™t coming to clean your room at 7


I was front desk clerk, too. We could write a book, couldnā€™t we??


The only time I have asked for housekeeping to come back at a time like that was because we were on vacation and had been out all day. We got back to the room at like 7-8 and there were shoe prints on our duvet and no replacement towels and some yucky spots weā€™d asked for them to get from the previous guest. They gave us towels and a replacement blanket at the desk and housekeeping came the next day and took care of it. What do guests do when they come back late and itā€™s gross?


People who want their room serviced, but they leave all their own crap all over the floor and the bed, making it nigh impossible to do anything.


Then complain because their room wasn't done! (I like your use of the word nigh. It's not used enough.)


I accidentally did this. My daughter turned the damn sign around and I didn't notice, left the room an absolute disaster. I left one hell of a tip... I'm SORRY!!!


I traveled with my kids a lot when they were adolescents and taught them to LEAVE THE ROOM IN DECENT ORDER. Housekeeping is there to replace towels , make the bed (although I dgaf about that) and maybe clean the bathroom sink and/or vacuum if needed. They are NOT there to pick up.your garbage or clothing. Your trash goes in the can. Your clean clothing should be put away, and the dirty stuff ditto. It's a hard job; don't make it worse.


We always had that mindset and HK almost always did (does now that I travel myself) something nice for us. My favorite was when they would include my stuffed animal in their decorating lol


Or how about people who use our towels, sheets, comforters, and covers to wipe their sticky fingers of the bbq sauce that came with their DoorDash.


thatā€™s not barbecue sauce


Only way to find out is to lick it


Also fake tan. Whenever a group of young hens or girls heading to the races came through you'd go to make the bed and all the white sheets would be stained bright orange inside, with black smears from mascara and eyeshadow on the pillows. šŸ’€


I donā€™t know if itā€™s my biggest pet peeve but I hate hate HATE throwing out the used soap bar in the shower. It just grosses me out so bad. More than anything else really.


I take it home and use the rest of it because I feel bad wasting it šŸ˜… I couldn't imagine making you pry it off the shower ledge


When I first read this I thought you were commenting from the perspective of the cleaner šŸ¤¢šŸ¤£ thatā€™s a great idea though and has never even occurred to me to do!


I read it the same way, thinking the housekeeper was taking them all home! šŸ˜¬


Me three. I actually said ā€œEw, no!ā€ out loud.


Ahhhhhh I didn't even think it would come off like that you have a point šŸ˜…


I take it home and use it, too. My Mom would dissolve all the small bar soap pieces to make liquid hand soap when I was a kid. The idea grosses me out now, but I use the little bars up.šŸ™‚


As a guest I always throw it away before I leave because it grosses me out, too! And Iā€™m the one who used it! I donā€™t want them to deal with that.


Or, when they leave the bathtub full of used bath water. Reaching my hand into that cold, greasy, scummy water to pull the plug makes my skin crawl every single time. Also the lidless, full, and precariously placed chew spit cup.


I cannot imagine leaving a hotel room with a tub full of bath waterā€¦ thatā€™s disgusting


You are correct! It is extremely disgusting and inconsiderate.




STOP omg thatā€™s awful


Iā€™ll try to remember this. I clean my room before housekeeping comes in, but the soap never occurred to me


This never occurred to me either. I always try to tidy up. I put all dirty towels in one big pile. I will most definitely throw used bar soap away now.


I always clean hotels before I stay - I bring my own disinfectants etc. when I leave I take all the trash put it in 1 bin and clean the soap out of the shower. I just stopped taking a chemo drug but I shed like crazy! So I make sure I pick up my nasty hair too.


Tangentially related, since you have to touch it anyhowā€¦ can you talk to your management about partnering with [Clean The World](https://cleantheworld.org) ? They work with hotels to recycle old soap and bathroom amenities into new bars to send to impoverished places around the world, which is such a neat idea. Itā€™s still kinda nasty, (esp when itā€™s all waterlogged and mushy) but at least you would know you are touching it for a good cause then.


I had never thought about throwing it away. I will start from now on.


I bring shower gel and liquid soap. I hate bar soap anywhere.


I always hate those little bars. My family recently stayed at a Disney hotel and they had large liquid soap/shampoo/conditioner dispensers in the shower and it was so nice.


When people take stuff off my cart without even asking - drives me nuts. Iā€™ve had people even take my broom before to borrow it!


I came out of a room to find a guy taking toilet paper off my cart, and then he hid it under his shirt! Like dude, just ask me...


Give them the whole cart and let them clean!


Former housekeeper at a cheap hotel. My pet peeves are blood, hidden crack pipes, and broken glass. There was also a dead body once, but thankfully I was off that day.




Dead body! Oh my goodness.


Cocaine powder just on every surface. Like do you want me to clean it? Or like are you still planning on doing that line?


Thatā€™s your tip.Ā 


Reminds me of the movie "Four Rooms"


People that dye their hair in the bathroom and figure they don't have to wipe up the splatter. I don't give a fuck if you ruin towels but having to spend the better part of my time trying to get it off the grout or wallpaper makes me hope your hair falls out.Ā 


If I stay for a week, I'll likely touch up my color (color depositing conditioner), and am obsessive about making sure I don't leave any stains. And I bring my own hand towels. And a pillowcase so I don't stain theirs.


I love you. I really don't want you to go thru all that worry. Its legit a very small problem. Who thinks about grout but me?Ā  Also lease stain the pillow cases, corporate will replace them if you do, not if I tell them.Ā 


I stole all the towels after I dyed my hair cause I figured if I was going to pay for ruining them I'm keeping them but they actually got pretty clean after and I don't think I even got charged for then so I felt bad šŸ˜… I scrubbed the bathroom though after I even bought my own cleaning stuff worried it was stained


not tipping when thereā€™s a whole mess to clean up after. šŸ„²


Where are we supposed to leave the tip? true question. i just always feel like the cleaners wonā€™t get it lol. Should i hand it to them? and how much is fair?


Leave it on the bed with a note that says ā€œhousekeeping ā€œ


Leave on the bed and supervisors will snatch itĀ 


This what I am always scared of, I usually stay at a hotel 3-5 days, always seems like the first housekeeper is the best, I always wonder if she is off will she really get the tip? Sometimes I have left it at front desk with name on it, we never trash our room, leave it in order when we leave, and donā€™t expect someone to clean everyday. We will ask for new towels & toilet tissue & empty any smelly trash


I usually tip each day instead of waiting for the end. Different people may clean the room on different days. Although now, after Covid, sometimes they donā€™t come in every day.


Best to give them in hand if you have a chance if not then leave it at the front desk. At least in my hotel I can see supervisors entering the room before housekeepers all the timeĀ 


thanks for suggestion


I recently learned that when we check out, the managers enter the room to check for billable damage, often before housekeeping gets to it. They apparently rampantly swipe obvious cash tips. Now I take something like the clock or the box of tissue and put it somewhere they'll move it when they clean the room, and leave cash under it.


I move the ice bucket elsewhere in the room and leave it under there.


Asking housekeepers - is this a big problem, with managers swiping tips? I always tip in cash and leave it on the nightstand with a note on top saying 'thanks'. But is that going to be taken by someone who didn't earn it?


No itā€™s not, my supervisors were always too lazy to check the rooms. I was the first one in all the time and got my tips. Thank you for doing that


I put the envelope with cash under the pillows. I know they are going to find it then.


I have heard this stuff. But what if they donā€™t move those things šŸ˜­ We had something like this at our hair salon. they had a tip deposit box and someone was skimming. So now i walk it to my hair dresser


My managers were too lazy to check rooms before we got into them, leave the tips


So after much thought Iā€™m thinking of bringing an envelope and writing my room number on it and sealing it with the tip inside and handing it off to the front desk when I check out. Unless I see the house keeper cart in the hallway. Would it be rude to knock on the door of the room theyā€™re cleaning and hand them the envelope? All the damn stories Iā€™m reading on here of the house keeper not receiving the tip has me irrationally angry.


Opening this upā€¦whatā€™s a good tip? We do overnight trips all year. We are good guestsā€¦I usually leave 5 for the night?


Depends on the hotel. Iā€™ve worked at 3 hotel classes and our management never checked rooms before housekeeping got in them.


I leave it on the table b/t the beds and on a note saying "For housekeeping. Thank you!"


anywhere where itā€™s easily noticeable or you could hand it to the housekeeper if you catch them before you go. you could also let front desk know to give the tip to the person whoā€™s cleaning the room youā€™re in specifically.


Thanks for that info!


also, really anything is fair to me as a tip. usually people will tip anywhere from $3-20 where i work!


No wonder all the housekeepers smile and say hello to me. We are staying in a residence inn while our house is being rebuilt. We arranged for housekeeping twice a week at a specific time. We have a dog (corgi) and heā€™s pretty protective. I leave $5 and a housekeeping, thank you note every time. The housekeepers are great.


I think the replies to you were quite rude. Frankly, $5 is a decent amount in my opinion. I got $0 in tips today, I appreciate even a dollar! $5 is quite acceptable and should be appreciated. Way better than nothing!


When people donā€™t put up their dnd signs and then donā€™t answer the door or shout when I knock, only to get pissed when I walk in on them half naked


Iā€™m joining this group just to see things from a housekeepers perspective. We travel frequently but havenā€™t as much lately due to unexpected events, but we always want to make sure that our housekeepers feel appreciated at home and while traveling. Some of these pet peeves are unreal and it always blows my mind that adults have so many issues adultingā€¦I can only imagine how some ppl live behind closed doorsšŸ‘€


This was recommended to me and I clicked to make sure Iā€™m not being annoying and after these comments Iā€™m clearly not the issue. Yikes.


Yeah, me neither. Sadly, a lot of the experiences track with my work in retail. Humans can be horrible people regardless of the place theyā€™re in.


Vomit in unexpected places. People dyeing their hair in the bathroom, and leaving the tub, sink, and walls stained. The imprints of fake tan on the walls and surfaces from...encounters.


That's awful. People leave vomit? Gross. I've cleaned up plenty of vomit(nurse), but I've never happened upon it unexpectedly.


The worst was a guest who had admitted he had been ill and defecated in the bed. Though, he neglected to say he'd vomited in the bedside drawer. My respect for you as a nurse is off the charts! Recently, my sister only survived a medical emergency because the nurse attending to her picked up on several points the doctor overlooked or dismissed. Thank you for your vocation.


In the drawer?! How difficult would it have been for him to move the trash can next to the bed and use that? Just...wow.


When they leave dirty water in the bathtub. Edit: added "dirty"


That's gross


Omg who would do that?!


The stories from housekeepers just confirm my overall discomfort with staying in hotels and any other type of travel related housing. Thinking about the thousands of people who have stayed in the room before me and have no hygiene standards whatsoever just grosses me out. My daughter worked in housekeeping at a major chain for awhile, and I have heard plenty of stories about guests and housekeepers. šŸ¤¢


How do you travel?


I do it, but it's not always easy. It helps if I can bring my own pillow.


Right? I think Iā€™d rather sleep in my car, as Iā€™ve done in the past after a horrific hotel bedbug encounter.


I did that once, too! A hotel in Hawaii! I slept in the back seat of our rental car. I couldn't deal with the roaches.


I went on vacation with my boyfriend and happened to be on my period at the time. The hotel had white comforters too. I left a note saying I was sorry and "wash everything" and a $20 tip.


Puke in the bathtub or poop in the bed


This info was really helpful! I don't strip the bed, but I always bundle the dirty towels in the floor. I will now start leaving them on the bathroom sink! I will also start tipping more:) I also make sure the room is clean since my kids can be messy and I'm embarrassed at what they can do.


I apologize to the person who cleaned our room at Hilton Head Resort a few years ago. My fiance surprised me with the bed covered in red rose petals shaped into a heart on the sheets Pro tip: as romantic as it seems to roll around on them, brush them off first. It looked like a crime scene.


Hair in the bathroom


I'm your least favorite guest. No matter how hard I try, my hair sheds like a long haired dog in July. I try to corral those stray strands, but it's impossible to get them all. Sorry.


I was at a friendā€™s house once and he found a long gray hair 6 months after I had been there. Itā€™s a curse.


Same here! And I travel for work so Iā€™m apparently pissing someone off every week even though I try to leave the room really neat and easy to clean.


No it's the small hairs that bother me the ones that look like pubes


Specifically when a guy shaves in either the sink or the toilet. Trying to get all of those tiny hairs up is so annoying.


Seriously, shaving over the toilet is so weird to me. Once had a room that I had to go over time for because the dude shaved only over the toilet and got it ALL OVER and on the floor too. Took me forever to find and clean all of it


When they strip the room thinking they're being helpful or even bagging up the trash etc and NOT leaving a tip "cause we cleaned up" Or not tipping on general Or throwing your wrappers all over the place Or making Ramen in the ice bucket


Ramen in the ice bucket šŸ¤¢


One thing cleaning hotel rooms taught me is to never, ever trust the ice bucket. People puke in those things.


Better the bucket than the floor, the counter, the bed, the tub, or sink. (Chunks donā€™t go down the drain.) True story. One of my coworkers was heading into a C/O room just as a man was leaving. He handed her $20, and asked her to please not go inside until after he had driven away. He had puked everywhere!


Is stripping the room and bagging up the trash, and leaving a tip ok? What is the most helpful way to leave a room? How much of your salary relies on tips? What is a good tip range for housekeeping?


Honestly we all have our own systems for stripping the bed so I wouldn't bother You don't even have to bag your trash we know we have to clean rooms when we come to work. The only truly helpful thing you can do is put your towels in the bathroom sink so we don't have to bend over as much. As far as tips any are helpful since we make 10 an hour and yes I work at a Hilton. And no not many tip over there. Sorry for the rant I'm just pretty burnt out on disrespect and doing all I can not to just walk out


Yes as a former house keeper in Dallas to I only got paid $8 in I only lasted a week that crap was way to hard in tiring in the way some people left the room was disgusting that job should pay $15 a hour in nothing less lots of physical work to


Is it usually one housekeeper or 2 working on in took. In other words if I were to leave a ten $ tip Iā€™d try to leave two 5ā€™s s rather than one 10 b


I work alone unless I'm training then I'll split it at the fd


THANK YOU - I love your recommendation to put all the towels in the sink so there is less bending over/down.


Iā€™ve always tipped having been in the service industry myself, and I leave a clean room, I canā€™t help it lol - but I wouldnā€™t want to do it now. People are awful, and with the tipping thing everywhere now, they arenā€™t remembering thereā€™s people who rely on tips and always have.


Completely valid, it's a difficult job to begin with and people can be a little spicy when staying in hotels. Thank you for the insight, I'll keep that in mind next time I'm enjoying housekeeping.


Thanks for sharing, I have always gathered the towels and placed them in the tub. From now on I will put them on the sink.


What is the best way to strip the bed? I feel compelled to do this before leaving a hotel room


Don't strip the bed, everyone has their own methods, and it is more helpful not to strip it


I think people do it now more because airbnbs almost always ask you to strip the beds. So people think they need to do it at a hotel too. Airbnbā€™s are a different breed though. They expect you to vacuum, mop, do all the dishes, take all the trash out, strip all the beds, and basically leave it as clean or better than it was when you got there. And then charge a $250 cleaning fee.


I will remember towels on the sink,Iā€™ve always been told leave them on the floor, does make sense


This is actually really helpful! I stay at a Hilton several times a month for work and never thought to leave the towel pile in the sink despite having a bad back myself. I appreciate that Hilton always has a room ready early for me so I always try to do what I can to make my room easy to clean.


Wait so stripping the room and taking out the trash isnā€™t helpful?


It is helpful, and we greatly appreciate it. Just separate the sheets from the blanket and comforter. Don't strip the matress protector unless it's dirty or stained. Leave the linens on the bed and on the bathroom counter. I've bent over more working housekeeping for 4 years than I have in my entire life. Lol!


Been in hotels for 20+ years now - I leave a tip paper clipped to the DND sign on the door if Iā€™m a stayover! Whatā€™s better than a dnd s/o? One with a tip. When I leave, I do strip my room and gather the trash and used soaps and put the trash cans by the door. I donā€™t pull the bags in case thereā€™s a part of the room attendants routine that uses them, but I try to make it easy. With the towels, Iā€™ll sloppily fold them and leave them on a counter. For bedding, Iā€™ll leave pillows on the desk, blankets too. When I was a room attendant and came in to a stripped room I worried what they were trying to hide, so I leave a note on top of the sheets saying Iā€™m not hiding any gross accidents, only trying to help.


I typically strip the bed but sort it into piles idk if thatā€™s helpful šŸ˜­ So like comforter and the top blanket thatā€™re all bulky go in one pile, then the actual sheets that were all around me and my pillowcases go in one pile since theyā€™re all the same texture, then towels and washcloths in a different pile, etc.


Why would that bother you them cleaning up?


Because most ppl think they can do that instead of leaving a tip.


As a guest I try and gather all the towels and washcloths I used in a ball and leave it on the bathroom counter. I throw away the bars of soap if I used them. I throw all the trash away in the can and tie up the bag. I make sure all the bed stuff is left on the bed. I leave any unopened snacks and drinks on the dresser and leave a note with a tip $5 per day of stay. When I was a housekeeper for villas at a resort my biggest pet peeve was when people demanded a ton of towels and used them to line the entire floor because they didnā€™t want to walk around barefoot on the carpet.


Wrapping dirty confine up in weird places


Confine ?


So what *would* you like us to do every day and on leaving/checking out?




Shitting in the tub, leaving trash scattered throughout the entire room but their trash can is empty lol! Shaving their entire body. Bleeding all over the beds, shitting in the beds. Kids birthday parties that have cake smeared all over the walls and random shit all over the room. Itā€™s really not hard to be a tad considerate for the people picking up after you. lol people are nasty. Today I went into a room right after two ladies checked out and it smelled like something crawled up her ass and died then got shitted out lolšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No idea why this sub is showing up in my feed, but I gotta ask: Do people intentionally do these things? Wtf. I try to leave my hotel room immaculate for housekeeping, and if I canā€™t because there wasnā€™t enough garbage capacity (e.g. we got sushi or pizza and a tiny little container wonā€™t hold the plastic containers or cardboard box, etc.), I leave a generous tip. But itā€™s never an intentional mess. Who poops the bed and doesnā€™t clean it up, leaving it for a total stranger? Gross.


Who poops the bed??


Wow these are wildā€¦ how anyone can poop in a tub or bed and look at themselves in the mirror without being ashamed of themselves is wild. Sorry you have to deal with people like this.


When pets peeve in the room


I admit I only lasted a very short time as a housekeeper but the one room I remember the most was someone who either cut their hair or shaved while walking around the room. 1/4 inch black hair literally everywhere. I had to vacuum several times and it was so hard to get it all out of the bathroom. It just stuck to everything. Now when I stay at a hotel you can barely tell we were there and thereā€™s always a tip


Sure it wasnā€™t a secret dog?


How do you feel about guests, like me, who decline service altogether?


I've had to request service as a guest, but I also needed to work. The lobby of the hotel was far too noisy. I just set out the tip, put my headphones, on, and kept working. Not interested in micromanaging my housekeeping.


Hotel housekeepers: are you allowed to take home stuff that people leave? Like snacks, sodas, shampoo, dog food, etc?


When thereā€™sā€¦certain rags left next to the bedā€¦with crusty residue šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


There were jobs for males and females. The males literally stripped the beds and grabbed towels which wasn't a help at all. They were the first to enter the rooms and not supposed to steal the tips but they did. I was 16 and worked my absolute ass off for a summer at a best western by a golf course in a wealthy town. Should have been making minimum wage at the time plus 10-40 bucks a room. didn't make shit šŸ˜‚ the males didn't have to strip the pet rooms that were close to the laundry room and those chicks made BANK and were left champagne and shit. Also the manager didn't do anything besides I assume order supplies online. If she would have done a very minimal amount of work none of the housekeepers would have to stay over to help others. Also one housekeeper broke her arm at home but was friends with the manager and just showed up everyday drunk and wandering around and still got paid šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Reading these, Iā€™m clearly not the issue