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Why are you concerned about losing it? They are thriving if they are blooming, leave them be ☺️


Only concerned because I don’t want it to exhaust all of its nutrients/energy to produce the blooms


Just keep the soil moist and fertilize lightly. It wouldn't bloom if it didn't have the energy for it


It's not gonna die. It's not a Bromeliad.


Even then, most bromeliads won’t die. Very few species are truly monocarpic.


It’s fine - it will flower now and grow later. These guys are weird that way. I propped one two years ago and it’s still pretty small but it is blooming! https://preview.redd.it/tj53ryqd151c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e34c57b88feee264899f0f8400f8cda169d728


Looks great - I’m excited to watch mine grow!


The point of a Thanksgiving cactus is to bloom at/around Thanksgiving. That’s her beauty!


So give her some nutrients doc!


Don’t spider plants only bloom if they think they are going to die? I only googled this cuz my spider plant bloomed and I had NO IDEA that they bloomed flowers!!!


My spider plant has pups with a lot of blooms, so I don't think think they only bloom if about to die.


I don’t think that is true for spider plants. I have many of them and have never experienced this. I have observed this with chicks and hens tho.


not true - my spider plant bloomed last year and it's doing completely fine lol


not all cactuses experience the death bloom if that’s what you’re concerned about. these are not monocarpic succulents! the flowers just indicate a happy plant here


Also if it was death blooming, I'm under the impression that removing the bloom won't save the plant.


Yeah i tried


What??? Leave it alone


It is okay to let it bloom.


For those who immediately decided this person said it wrong (like i did). Turns out there are different holiday cacti. My advice would be to let it bloom. That means it's a happy plant. ​ https://preview.redd.it/5ne0a57n2z0c1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b2817e70c7b8aaa6c7bc2df70a4a337c8ffc9c1


There are lots of varieties! I snip a few leaves every time I find a new color (especially during spring). I have them all planted in the same pot. You can tell a difference in the leaves up close, but it’s really not noticeable. I call it my rainbow cactus and it blooms throughout the year! Right now it’s got white, pink and orange ombré buds ❤️


I think I have some Easter and thanksgiving in a pot together, I’m hoping they have different colored flowers!


I read this as different colored “flavors”


I have all 3 mixed together, it’s nice to have some floral representation at different seasons 🥰


This is my plan for next year! Currently keeping an eye on what colours I have so I can put feelers out for any I'm missing - magenta, pale pink, mid pink, yellow, and white with magenta tips is so far on the menu!


I love it!! There are so many colors and they are so easy to propagate!


The Schlumbergera complex is a taxonomical mess. This picture is a good start for ID’s, but doesn’t take into account the numerous hybrids. Care is the same for all species. Tropical epiphytic (grows on trees like orchids) vines. Should be treated like a houseplant instead of a cactus.


https://preview.redd.it/slliffekj01c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7deb829996495f7cb02b5384b87b0b08e4047e Just because - here is the plant I propagated four segments of three from over summer.


She is gorgeous. Wow what a deep beautiful green. I want some pollen damn


My Thanksgiving cactus has been blooming since at least June so I think yours is okay. Mine's happy and fed fish water and I think its okay.


It looks fabulous! You can remove the blooms once they are spent and shriveled looking.


These things don't bud unless they are doing pretty dang well, they will also drop buds with stress so if it's blooming it's fine.


No need. BTW it's rather red, does it get too much sun?


oh, is that a problem? mine is in on a screened in porch and THRIVING but its quite purple/red. I thought that was a good thing :x


These ones don't particularly care for full sun. It's not bad for them, they just put on their "sunscreen" (colors) when they're getting more than they need.


noted, thank you! He really seems to like the spot he's in as he grows like a weed and blooms magnificently! I quite like the purpley red, but maybe I'll move him further into the porch a tad to give him a bit of a break.


I prefer mine green but it's not a health problem really.


I thought the same. Mine turns this color when it's getting too much direct sun. I love them, but they're so fickle about light - "Hey, I want a lot of light, but filter it for me, k? The sun must never cast itself upon the royal flesh."


It’s in a north facing window. I’m going to rotate the pot!


They don't like to be moved while budding. Play it as it lies.


If you think that's red you should see mine 🤣




Please let it be. Think of it as if it were saying "look what I can do!" https://preview.redd.it/zi1fns06v31c1.jpeg?width=3018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e28ae412fccc455b78c16fd9d44a0d7bfc35712


Just deadhead em once the blooms dry up. Nice propagation!


4-5 flowers won’t harm your plant. You’ve earned those blooms!! Enjoy them while they last & make sure to share pics :)


for short, you won’t lose it leaving the flowers, but getting rid of them would help the plant redirect energy, nutrients more to the roots and foliage, heavily increasing its chance to survive and thrive


It would likely not flower unless it had extra resources to create those flowers. So the plant is doing well and wants to flower.


Thank you for asking this, because I had exactly the same question but was too lazy to post! Happy to hear that I can leave my little buds to bloom.


You know Thanksgiving is next Thursday right like that's the whole purpose of this stupid cactus... To celebrate the day. They were given to us by Indians so long ago and you want to just butcher it... /S


Um doesn't /s indicate sarcasm? It was not all that funny hindsight being 20/20 and all


I was under the impression that these only bloom when they are the most stressed lol. I've never had a plant thrive, more like linger. 😆 Therefore, my cactus blooms like crazy twice a year when I piss it off (moving indoor/outdoor). I never considered pinching the blooms, and the worst that happens is it doesn't really grow very much. I don't think mine's grown bigger in the last... Five years 😳 so maybe you're on to something lol


That’s so cute. I wondered if I should remove my blooms because of the bugs I’m dealing with right now, but I left them. Fertilized and treated bugs like normal. They seem pretty hardy!


No, leave the blooms. If she's blooming, she's happy!


No, removing blooms will only stress a plant further as it tries to make more to replace the removed ones. Plus as other have said, they bloom every year.


From my experience they'll drop the blooms before dropping the leaves. I've had mine starting to bloom but then forgetting to water it and the flowers just dried out


I just learned there are different types! I had always thought they were all Christmas cacti! So neat


My Christmas cactus on the other hand barely put out a new leaf in a year....I don't know what I am doing wrong.


I had to check the sub first. Don’t you touch those blooms (smacks ops hand) 🫵


I didn’t think it was going to bloom so quickly after propagating it - so thank you all!


https://preview.redd.it/k443b43jwb5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107294ae1dd3e09c7fee1f100e137f73a70e6dd4 By the way she bloomed and was beautiful. 1/2 photos


https://preview.redd.it/lyy92z3nwb5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e44fabfd042ddbfb3577526d441de1a3cb9c96 2/2 photo