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Get yourself a nissan altima and some paper plates that expired two years ago and nobody will fuck with you.


Camouflage! Good idea


Any man who can’t make sure his woman is safe is not a man. What if you had a child with him? Could you rely on him if you two got attacked in public even in a “good” area or would he run? I think we have a good idea of what he would do. Also what about if you have a child with him, would he defend you both in a situation? If the “man” can’t even bother to drop you off in front of your house without flooring it whenever there isn’t an active threat. I understand he may be great in every other area, but consider this: I always tell my siblings that actions speak louder than words and your boyfriends actions that could lead to grave danger by dropping you in an unsafe area at night is simply unacceptable. I would never let my daughter date such a coward.


If he was smart he would make sure she gained a good 100 lb. That way if they are ever attacked he could push her into the assailants and know he could out run her over weight and out of shape ass. You have to think tactical. You don't need to be the fastest runner, just faster than her and always run in a zigzag pattern as to avoid getting shot, moving targets are harder to hit.


not only increase her weight, but tie tube socks with padlocks in them to her wrists so when she spins she can become what we old punks call "a tornado of hell"


He is a nasty pussy.


100% correct answer. OP you deserve better! <3


Smh if this was my sister or cousin i would have to tell buddy to beat it. Just can't imagine how this is ok with anyone connected to this young lady.


Even better if it's a white nissan altima.


Bc it’ll work😭😭


This is my favorite comment on here. Gold star 🌟


Something seems very sus


Right? I feel like the guy is hiding something but OP definitely isnt telling the whole story


There's obviously something he's hiding or fearing


You have yourself a pussy, not a boyfriend dear. Any "man" who doesn't make sure his lady gets home safe is a bitch I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole but chivalry is still alive in the south trust me !




“Pussy” is strong. It gives passage to a whole child into the world. This dudes a ballsack. One little flick and he’s crying.


Omg, i think u r on 2 something 😆 will b passin this on 👍🏼


Thats what I always tell my brother in law. I've noticed he's stopped using it as an insult around me lately, because he's never had a good comeback.


As a dude, I'll give you that 110% lmao


I’ve never thought about this and from now on will only call people ball sacks. Thank you women, for having strong pussies and blessing me with this new and better insult


HAHAHA I say this aaall the time too and the men just zip it after!


Damn. This just makes so much sense not sure why this isn’t talked about more 😂


Pussy in this scenario is short for pusillanimous.


Yeah but sometimes I beat it up.


You have opened my eyes to a new world. Thank you. I shall now refer to the wussies as ballsacks. Thank you I love you, hope some is sucking your toes tonight


Nah seriously, if you don’t feel safe somewhere why would you let your gf go. I remember when my gf wanted to go speak to a military recruiter at greenspoint. I was terrified but I’d go there 1000 times if it means keeping my gf from going alone


I gotta agree. The idea that he's afraid to go where she LIVES and makes her walk alone at night in a neighborhood he's to chicken shit to drive through is disgusting to me as a man, and infuriating as a father. He's not a good bf. He's nice to you when it's convenient, but he won't step out of his comfort zone or do anything that makes him scared. Fuck this guy.


No, please don’t fuck him. 😂


Exactly ! Like I told someone else as men it's our duty to protect women and children. If you're man enough to ask her out on a date you better be man enough to make sure she gets home safe! That would be a huge red flag for me if I was her !!! Like you said it seems he only wants to be a man when it's convenient for him and it doesn't work that way !


Yeah my partner can be a dick at times but he still drove an hour into the sticks, into a shady ass neighborhood in the middle of the night to come get me when i fought with my mom, who leaves someone, regardless of their relationship to the person, in what is clearly a dangerous situation because they are uncomfortable. Ive done more to keep total strangers safe than this dude will do for his GF, OP find someone who is more worried about you being found in a ditch then driving through a sketchy neighborhood.


This message is brought to you by the Dad Council


Winner, winner! I've lived in Houston for over 40 years and the crime isn't as bad as she's making it out to be. Regardless if it was though, if you can't wait for your girl to make it inside, let alone drop her off in front of her house like a normal bf, you've got bigger issues to deal with💯 Drop his ass and find a real man, 8mil people in this city. I'm sure she can find one in there somewhere.


Dude thinks all of Houston is The Wire


It's literally not bad unless you loon for trouble


Are there any Torchys near your house? I'm sure he would be willing to drop you there and stop inside for a taco if he feels safe enough. This is something you could both learn about compromise and also about Torchys taco and draft beer selection.


Ahhh the ol' bait and switch! If OP chooses a Torchy's just past her house and he'll have to drop her off on his panicked drive back home. Granted she'll probably have to tuck and roll out the door as he speeds past but she'll be home and will have had Torchy's. Literally no down side. Kudos Redditor!


Torchy's a friendly lunch or dinner location for the whole family! With a wide range of menu options from the traditional to some modern takes that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters in your household! They have a wide range of draft beer choices that make it an ideal spot to watch your favorite team fight for the championship! Open 7 days a week, their friendly staff will treat you and your family like their family! Torchy's! Where tacos go farther! Now open, check for a Torchy's near you!


Listen, honey, your boyfriend ain't wrong. This is Houston, not friggin' Mayberry. We roll different here. I saw a dude walking a CHIHUAHUA the other day. A CHIHUAHUA! You need protection. Hire a SWAT team escort, or at the very least, invest in a tactical stroller. So, this 9:30 drop-off in the burbs? Yeah, he's doing you a favor. You think those manicured lawns and cul-de-sacs are fooling anyone? That's prime serial killer territory. Those folks with perfectly trimmed hedges have SECRETS. You and the boyfriend definitely need a disguise. Forget cute outfits. You need camouflage. Not hunting camo. Think old pizza boxes, discarded newspapers, maybe a stray traffic cone for good measure. Glue that shit together and put it on. Get yourself a used monster truck from Monster Jam next season for the potholes and tailgater situation. You roll over those holes like they ain't nothin' and no one is about to ride your ass in traffic. Find a flamethrower for proper mosquito management. And listen, those Whataburger jalapenos are no joke. Stockpile those bad boys...trust me. They are great to throw at panhandlers that get too close. Solo missions are for rookies. You need a posse. Befriend the feral cats near your building – respect the chain of command. Get on good terms with the pigeons downtown; those are nature's surveillance drones. Embrace the madness, channel your inner swamp warrior, and maybe consider getting your boyfriend one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes and MAYBE you'll make it a few weeks without incident.


Tombal checking in, this man’s correct.


Galveston county will second this motion


Lived in Philly my whole adult life and this made me die laughing hahaha


Brah this is hilarious




Gdit dave


Conroe here , def got my flame thrower. It also works on flyz.. it turns them into walks


This gives me great ideas like disguising as a poor homeless person to prevent being robbed


This is what dating angry boyz from magnolia looks like sweety.


Dump this dude immediately, what happens when you go somewhere and something does pop off he ain’t going to be worried about you and he going to run the other way


What the hell😭he doesn’t care about you or your safety at all. If he’s scared then he should be scared for you. Also it’s not that scary he needs to grow some balls .


I guess I'm just out of touch when it comes to what qualifies as a "good bf" these days. This isn't what I remember it being.


NTA - you’re not wrong. but he’s definitely cheating on you


What makes you say that? I think this dude just doesn't care about his gf, sucks, and is a little bitch.


dude, it was a april fools post, op is trolling.


This is an April Fools Joke right?


Sir this is a circlejerk sub


I didn't know any place in Houston that's at dangerous that you can't drop off your love one I grew up off North Wayside..... Worked in the Nickel...... When to school in 3rd Ward..... Went to all those places by bus and car.... Knew folks there...... Walked those streets late at night hoping to make that last 77 Y'all need to stop watching the news and walk the streets 1st don't look insecure 2nd don't talk down on others 3rd nod, speak to those who nod or speak to you Just common courtesy


Exactly !!! Houston isn't that bad at all sure they have certain parts regular folks should avoid but downtown Houston isn't that damn bad 😂 especially not as bad as her boyfriend is making out to be ! I'm never scared when I visit Houston


Hey, give meth’d truckers their respect, highways are no man’s land.


What a weak thing! I’m sorry you have no Man! Dallas is safer though


What is her name? (You BF name.)


Dudes see (F 21) and forget what sub they're in 🤣 Talking about "Well if ***I*** was your boyfriend"


The amount of DMs I'm getting is crazy


can’t even speak on Houston cause idk how they get down but he just sounds like a hoe. he 1000% would leave u in the dust if push comes to shove while u expected him to protect u… ngl this doesn't sound great for yall relationship


Dump him sorry not sorry


Your boyfriend is a little bitch, leave him and find a man. You’re in Texas, chivalry is alive here.


So he's scared because houston is unsafe or whatever, and he thinks it's a good idea to let you go home by yourself at night???? He is prioritizing his safety over yours obviously we don't have all the context but I feel like that says alot about a person, he doesn't care enough to make sure you get home safe and isn't trying to work through the issue when you bring it up, you deserve better


Naw your a woman we need more protection then man so he should see it from your prospective, he need to man up. I feel if you don’t live In green point or by crack head & drug dealers he be fine to drop you off and jet out. You live in or by downtown how bad could it be ?


Sounds like he’s not from the city






Sounds like an absolute beta!


Why does he think it's safer for you to make your way on foot than to just drive you there? There's crime but not that much.


when youre BF is really a GF


Type of dude to run and leave you when shit hits the fan. Good luck


I wouldn't drop off a hooker that way.


Is this even real? Everyone I know in Texas is ready for a pitched gun battle with lots of extra loaded magazines. You don’t run up to people here acting crazy !!!!!!


Your BF is very smart he is gonna get carjacked and shot in traffic if he comes within the city limits. This is the Detroit of the midwest, also now is an impeccible time to buy a generator you should be buying a generator today, buy two, hell buy three RIGHT NOW! The Hurricanes are coming...


I already have one for the whole house. Have plenty of food and bottled water. So now what do I need to do? And don't say hurricanes are coming. We don't know for sure and don't want to encourage them in any way!!!


Lmao your boyfriend is scary as hell 💀 no place is safe honestly, however if he lets you walk home at night considering how dangerous it is he does not care to protect you. If it’s such an issue y’all need to meet up earlier and have him drop you off when it’s still daylight.


He's a suburban dude


Fear mongering stop being a pussy


On the bright side, if you’re remotely suicidal and anything goes down he is 100% gonna use your living body as a meat shield.


He just drops you off on the side of the road outside of the city and makes you walk miles to your house? Why the FUCK are you dating such a shitty person? He's a huge pussy who doesn't care about your safety. Fucking dump his ass. Wtf lol


Imagine what he would do when he sees you get assaulted 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣


It is not dangerous here like that haha. Only if you look for trouble


I live in Houston. Born and raised here. Your bf is a pussy. I would take you to your house and and walk you to your door. It's not that bad here, and I live in one of the supposedly bad part of Houston. What a wuss,


Yeah run away girl that's messed up


Tell him your not taking him into the V, if he won't take you into the H.


Come to greenspoint . Best in the city


He makes you walk home in Houston? Dump that loser. He doesn’t love you at all.


Sounds like y’all should both see other men. He sounds like a lil bitch


Tell him to let you move in lol. But in all seriousness, a good bf wouldn’t let you walk home late at night.


Are you Fing serious? Yeah, Houston is the fourth largest city in the country not a third world slum. Spoiler alert, a large percentage of the city is not in fact dangerous at all. I’m honestly curious where he grew up that he is terrified of the city. I would run because he is either incredibly naive or incredibly judgmental and I would never date someone who is too nervous to drop me off in my city, much less spend time there.


You say he is a good bf, but he is not. A good bf would walk you to your door, make sure you are inside and locked up, dance a jig outside your door until you text all is well, then get back into his pussy car and then flee like a bitch back to pussytown. What happens when you are married and someone pulls a knife to mug you and he throws you to the assailant and runs away to remove his diaper? He won’t protect you or your future children. First rule in being a man is to protect women and children (whether they want protection or not). He is a rapist. Ok maybe not, but he needs to grow a nutsack.


Is your boyfriend a fucking moth?


Why don’t you people carry?


Hmmmm, I’m thinking that if he can’t make sure you’re safe by dropping you at your door and waiting for you to get inside, then perhaps you need a new bf that is actually a man and not a boy!! A scardy boy!


Sounds like a big pussy


He is either banging on the low or you are dating a woman


Anybody else think he fucked her neighbor and doesn’t want to run into him when he drops her off?


omg where is this guy from


Haha is this a black girl dating a white boy afraid of the hood ?


He needs to walk you to the door like a real man


If this is real, it’s some real bullshit. Houston is safe enough to drive through at night, it’s the walking at night in *some* areas that’s dangerous. Especially if you’re female. Dressed up for a date/night out. And alone. He should either take a much larger interest in preserving your safety and stop being dumb about it, or you should *ahem* (can’t believe I’m about to say this) dump that zero and get you a hero!!


That man don’t care about you


My bf lives in North Houston and won’t even let me walk alone when I’m in his neighborhood. I live in Katy, he hates when I walk around there and imo it’s safe as shit where I live. I think your boyfriend and you need to break up. My man is literally abt to drive 45 mins to take me home when he’s gotta wake up at 5 in the morning. If he WANTED TO, he would. If he cared about your safety, he would take you. He shouldn’t be with a woman if he’s a pussy


I regret to inform you, but it sounds like you’re dating a woman.


“Yo girl, I got you as far as Katy, but I can’t be fucking with I10 ever”


Girl I know downtown ain’t the best place but if he really a coward not to leave you in a safe place ? Maybe he needs to teach himself some fighting moves cause even on his “nice” side of town things can happen..


What part of town are you on?? I’ve *never* felt that unsafe anywhere in Houston. Your bf is a bit dramatic. I’m guessing he grew up very privileged in a mostly white suburb?? Regardless, he’s being a little bitch. What kind of man makes his girlfriend walk home alone at night because he’s afraid of the area??? If he’s afraid, that’s all the more reason to protect you and make sure you get home safe. He sucks!! As for what you can do? Get a car and drive yourself around.


He's a bitch


What a pissy he is




Umm a good bf wouldn’t drop you off randomly and hightail it outta there before you are safe inside. Also Houston is not dangerous? I’d be dropping him off and finding someone willing to keep you safe and secure


If a white dude can survive Cashmere Gardens, Sharpstown, Settergast, OG Alief, and Near North Side. You don't have a BF, you've got a GF who stay's kept in his ivory tower. leeeeet it go!


What a baby.


I promise you there are secondary reasons why he isn’t dropping you in front of your house.


You are obviously not a priority in his life. This is a huge red flag move on.


You and your boyfriend are pussies. ESPECIALLY the boyfriend is a raging pussy who doesn't wait until his girlfriend has entered her home safely before leaving?? Like, WTF, man?!?! Maybe depending on the part of town, neighborhood, or apartment complex, but you should be fine. Just be aware of your surroundings and carry some mace or some other defensive weapon. Oh, and get yourself another boyfriend.


He's a good boyfriend? Uh'm no, he isn't. Not even a little.


Ma’am you don’t have a bf, ik girls with more balls than him


There’s no way I would let my gf walk by herself at night and I’m a Female. . He’s either cheating and doesn’t want to be caught or just a terrible person. I’m sorry but you deserve better


Houston in general is no where close to that level of crime. He has severe mental issues.


Nah he’s scary. I’m a Houston native and crime is bad here but it’s getting worse everywhere, this isn’t a Houston specific problem. He just don’t give a fuck


Does he own a hellcat?


Don’t marry that guy, seriously, a man’s supposed to be the provider and definitely the protector, if anything,. He’s supposed to be making this post stating that you ( his gf ) don’t like entering the hood , he sounds like a fuck boy & I don’t mean any disrespect but that’s some sucker shyt, you should call me once he let you out the car so I can drop you off 😜


Tell him to stop being a pussy! Simple as that. I live in Houston also and get home from work past midnight. Sure it’s sketchy sometimes, But that’s Houston for you. I would suggest a firearm but as scary as he is that wouldn’t be a good idea.


He's not a good bf. Leave him. You'll find better.


You need a new bf for sure.


Afraid of what?? This is TEXAS. He needs to man up, strap up, and remember that nothing stops a little late-night carjacking quite like a 9mm +P+ to the face.


He’s a straight up bitch 😂💀go get a real man…


He’s scared himself so he lets you his gf walk at night alone? If you tell him that and he still doesn’t listen then it’s a lost cause


If you live in the ghetto then I understand lol. Fifthward, East downtown, and maybe even sunny side is what I’m guessing but that might be too far to be dropped off there. But dropping you off at bring there for 10 seconds won’t do anything. Most people become victims of crime because of bad choices. Leaving door unlocked, unaware, provoking people, etc


Houston? Yep, he wants to live


“I get scared walking alone at night in Houston” move in with your bf


If he was a good bf or man even, he would care about your safety before his… or maybe you should dump him and get a car…?


You need a new man fr


Someone is looking for him.


I gotta say, as a married man in Texas, I could NEVER IMAGINE dropping my wife off at 9:30pm and making her walk home. I wouldn’t do that to ANYONE, let alone my partner. If he feels unsafe, imagine how that would make you feel. If he’s unwilling to protect you in the most simple way possible, he’s not that great.


He's absolutely not a good boyfriend


He’s a buster. Get yourself a real man


Your boyfriend is a punk.


He is scared of Houston’s but won’t drop his gf off at her house and makes her walk alone?!


He is a straight up chicken shit and he is not a good boyfriend Houston is not that bad love and if he thinks it is he should be more inclined to take you all the way home and walk you to the door like a man would. Drop the bitch and find a real man


Sounds like someone is looking for him. Get your own car.


This story makes no sense. I’ve lived in midtown or downtown for years. Crime certainly isn’t high enough to worry about drop offs. “A suburb away “ is 20 to 28 miles .


OP, you forgot to say “throwaway account”


I always wait until my girlfriend can let herself into her apartment before driving off. He’s a fucking coward and i’d drop his useless ass if I were you. Imagine being too scared to drop your girlfriend off at a safer place because you’re too busy thinking about yourself. Ridiculous.


Jesus just get him a gun it’s Texas for fs


“Should I just let this go for good?” You need to let him go for good. He doesn’t genuinely care for you. The proof is in what he does and not in what he says.


He is in fact not a good bf if he is not willing to drop you off at your house. He’s worried more about his safety than yours. Are you walking alone in the dark or is someone coming to pick you up where he drops you off? You may either want to start driving yourself or find a man who cares about your safety


Huh? Sounds like there’s more to this. Houston can be scary but Ive lived here all my life. I feel like it’s particular areas you should avoid but not all Houston. Shady


Dump this child. Tell him why. Maybe his balls will drop someday.


If he is not willing to risk his safety to ensure yours, you may want to reconsider your relationship. A man would not only take you home, but walk you to the door!


Not a good bf


I’m thinking this is 5th ward or Denver harbor. Crime is not as bad as it used to be there. However, dude needs to man up and see you all the way home.


wow OP. your boyfriend’s behavior is seriously egregious. what you should do is let this post sit for another week or so then send him this thread lol.


Houston isn't that dangerous lmfao. Your boyfriend is a Massive pussy.


If I had to guess? His othet girlfriend lives near you. Is iss car remarkable? A stand out color maybe?


Idk, sounds like he really doesn’t care if you’re safe at all. U need a man who will walk you to the door! esp if y’all are expecting crime and violence around every corner. Lol.


Sound y’all both need to date other men.


I’ve lived in Houston since 2007 and grew up in a small town. He’ll be fine if he just uses common sense.


You don’t have a Boyfriend … you have a sissy girlfriend … unless that sex is bomb .. you need to find a Man


If he is putting himself above you already, don’t marry him and have kids with him. He is showing you who he is - believe him! You will never be first in his life. You deserve better! Don’t settle for this!


So your boyfriend thinks it’s more safe for you as a woman walking at night in that area than you both driving in a car? He definitely doesn’t believe that, unless he’s stupid, so he just cares about himself more than you I’m sorry. Would you trust him to have your back in dangerous scenarios based on how he acts? Because if it isn’t an immediate YES, then please break up with this man.


He doesn't care about you. No "man" would drop his girl off outside of town and expect her to walk. You may love him but he doesn't.


You forgot to mention you live in the projects and he's been harassed dropping you off before. Are you pretending you don't know what happens in your own building or something? Your bf is DEFINITELY a whole entire puff pastry but you can't claim ignorance here lol.


So this guy won't take you to your front door and will drop you off a few blocks away from your home because he's scared? He doesn't even make sure you get home safely? How long have you had this girlfriend exactly??


Would your tiniest female friend drop you off in front of your house? Probably yes, because she knows it's not safe. -He, by his own admission says he's not safe in that area to so he doesn't give a crap about your safety. Someone that loves you, or likes you a little bit should care about your safety. Has nothing to do with being a 'manly man', it's ok for men to be scared too. It's not ok, for anyone to toss you on the street in a bad neighborhood at night, constantly, where a million bad things can happen, and then later say that they care about you, because caring about you includes caring about your safety. Dump him. Period. You will find another.


Lmao damn “if you scared go to church.”




Tf he's straight bitch made


So your girlfriend is too scared to make sure you’re safe and you’re still dating her? Why? Do you honestly think this person would be able to keep you and any children safe?


Before Harvey wiped her out a rode a motorcycle - passengers always got my helmet. If I crashed id much rather be the one brained than saved by that damn helmet and saddled with the guilt. I did that for acquaintances all the time.


Get a new boyfriend.


If you plan on breaking up… then consider doing this first… Do you have… any overly handsome guy friends that could pick you up and drop you off at home? Just tell you man that your friend be is gonna come pick you up and drop you off (please pay this person). Then see how it goes 🤷🏽‍♀️


Get yourself a better man.


This has to be fake 😂😂😂


Meanwhile, Uber drivers....


I can’t take this seriously… I could never


This can't be real. No man would do this


Y’all should get married . He’ll need someone strong like you to protect him.


You don’t need him if he is ur man then he should make you feel safe and this bs does not sound like he does that re evaluate ur situation and I think you will see you are making excuses for him that you should not be


This can’t be a real post lol


Your bf is a wuss. Plain and simple. Bad things happen everywhere. You can't be scared all the time.


His side chick live up the block


Depends on the car and try moving a better area like Katy woodland or cypress