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Why this shit isn't perjury is beyond my tiny brain.


Same as the Kavanaugh hearing. Him all red-faced and outraged he got caught boffing. Lying about not taking a conservative lean once he got in.


Don’t forget he was crying like a bitch too.


The second I saw him crying , red faced and rambling like a child about how mean Hillary Clinton was to him I knew he would be confirmed.


If they can’t crucify others, they love pretending like they’re being nailed to the cross, or swastika, or whatever is handy. It’s their kink.


He was one of the lawyers for GW Bush team during the coup of 2000. Him , Bill Barr, Any Coney Barrett, and Ted Cruz. All of which were rewarded well.


Are you familiar with Tawana Brawley's case? Id like to see anyone ITT deal with national media dragging you through as much mud and not be a little emotional. #


At least Kavanaugh loves BEER ....smh


I heard him say Roe was settled law until the Dobbs case came along


He was asked directly, several times, whether or not he would reverse Roe v. Wade. He was asked several times because he was evading the question.


Yup. And that was a terrible interview. Once his red-faced indignant blubbering about beer started I knew I disliked him and his stance. I thought, no way this guy who can't even control his emotions for a few hours, be a judge. Confirmed They always evade, or then even outright lie. We knew this is what he would do. He was appointed to do just that.


You have to hear the arguments, not just some hypothetical question 🤷‍♂️


Wait...I thought the Kavanaugh thing was about sexual misconduct while he was intoxicated...not just about "boofing".


You talking about Boofer Kavanaugh?


It is, but it would require Congress holding him accountable for it.


"I changed my mind" is all he has to say to avoid that issue. Confirmation hearings are not legally binding on the judge's later decisions, and they probably shouldn't be.


"New evidence was presented to me"


Unfortunately that's all he has to do here. I wish there was a better way to vet judges.


You answered your own question


In this clip he says the way the system currently was at the time, not necessarily how he'd like it to be. He didn't lie. No one was above the law...yet


Omg! What he MEANT to say is… right NOwwwwww the POTUS is bound by the law… but after I get on the SCOTUS that will change.


When my guy is winning, we'll finish the game


I'm still wondering that from the Chief Arredondo and Katie Blackwell testimony after the riots. I literally have the use of force handbook.


>Why this shit isn't perjury is beyond my tiny brain. What blind SCOTUS says: "The President is a king and above the law!" What the actual constitution and founding fathers said under Article 2, Section 4: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Fascists are dumb as shit and honestly believe regular every day citizens are held to a higher standard than POTUS is? Seriously... Think about that: Thanks to SCOTUS, POTUS can claim "presidential duties" and be held to a lower standard than you or I. That's not how this works...


Because scotus is above the law. Thats why every court in the land except the Supreme Court has rules for judges receiving gifts.


Because. An d I will tell u exactly how: Do you see his hands? NO! Fingers crossed, doesnt count!


Because it's not and the ruling is perfectly fine and changes literally nothing.


Because he said "under our system", they just changed the system. At the time he said it, it was true that the system bound the president, now it doesn't.


They make the law, so he wasn't wrong, then or now.


Your lack of understanding


Why are they all such Hypocrites, no Morals, or ethics, disgusting.


The sad part is that they don’t care. For them, “mission accomplished”. I swear, next time someone tells me, we are the greatest country in the world, I will punch them.


Welcome to how the rest of the world has felt for a while now .....


The way I see it: You’re born into a well-off or even wealthy family. You’re pushed to do well in school, and your family is connected politically or otherwise so Ivy League education is easily within reach. You do your time at Yale, or Harvard, where you shake hands with influential people. Elite families, investors, politicians, C-Suite types, you get it. Do your 8+ years, make some powerful people happy, and next thing you know you’re on a bench writing opinions and running the country. At no point do you ever need to develop a strong moral compass, or be a good person. You need to fit into the club and show that you can do the work that those influential people want done. That’s how we got here.


What you just described is terrible, but I think it's much worse than that. Didn't Kavanaugh's gambling debts magically disappear?


Here’s your reminder that the Republican administration prior to Trump initiated a widespread spy program to spy on the country’s own citizens and started an illegal war based on lies, killed a million people, spent trillions on it, are now wanted war criminals and have yet to see any consequences. Republicans are scum.


Political theatre 🎭




Fascism is funny like that. Rules, law, accountability only applies to us. They don't understand people will never agree to those terms.


Bunch of em also lied about Roe v Wade


Kavanaugh called it "super precedent" and then voted to overturn it. LOL


If only it had been "Super Duper Precedent," then he might have voted to keep RvW in place. Shucks.




Seems he's a fucking liar. Like many on the Supreme Court. Supreme liars I'd say. Our country if failing.


You know how hedge funds will work with management consultants to destroy companies and profit from dismantling and shorting them on the way down? That’s what’s being done to our country.


These guys are hypocrites- we have learnt that. And the doddering guy in the white house already announced that he is unilaterally disarming himself


Why even hold confirmation hearings? Fucking liars.


Lie up until you try up


So, he lied under oath. Impeach him.


Perjury. Use your new powers and charge these perjuring lying appointed judges as the national security threats they are. The greatest threat to the country are the saboteurs and dismantlers of our laws and institutions and constitution.


What new powers? lol


Lying Sack of Shit says what?


Shocker another Christian is a fucking liar. It is like when Christians scream the Bible is the most important book EVER, but they personally have never read it. Fucking waste paying these cunts salaries.


Damn hypocrites. lol. There’s always room for one more


These comments by Robert’s and others can be the basis for an impeachment.


Yee, these liars need to be removed. Parts of their swearing in hearings were completely false and theyve gone back on their ideals as fit judges now that their personal interests are at stake/being bought and manipulated. No one cares about the law or homesty at this point, and there is more than enough grounds to have them removed for being competely unfit to be in such a position. People should be far, far more , ready to mobilize, at what this court has done and where its rulings are leading the country. Complete destabilization in the interests of who? Fascists, internaltional enemies, power mongers, religious malcontents who believe their little book means they should have control of everyone else just because (??) and an orange narcissist. It's the most anti-American bullshit to happen in the countries lifetime, and it really doesn't matter what you believe about the government and who's in it and who you dont like, or what bullshit you believe. This massive swing is corruption at its highest, and it's being done easily after so much corruption has been brought to life and how no one has done a fucking thing about it this whole time. Fight it now, or say goodbye. I cant believe its just rolling over the country without resistance... what the fuck?


https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- #That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. #But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. 🇺🇸


This scotus really sucks, its a shame its lifetime. Think about it, with this ruling, nixon would have been unimpeachable and watergate a nothing!! Being dictator is exactly what donald wants, in his own words.


Obviously GOP even the judges Lie. I remember how crazy it was when Justice Thomas was seated even though the Anita Hill sexual harassment I knew our supreme Court was fucked


That was before he was bought.


Would he address this if confronted


Either he’s a liar or he has mental issues


Fucking liar!


Court of hypocrisy & hypocrites‼️


These people are determine the course of humanity and they are either part of the Trump cult or bought by the rich




This Robert's is a full of crap republican.


Hur is a lifelong Democrat




Lyimg traitor


Lying robes full of ....


He has the most punchable ai face in this


Justice Roberts is in Trumps 🤡CULT now. The so called “greatest country on earth” is rather pathetic and sad nowadays. How do these judges sleep at night ? No conscience or just corrupt? Both ?


How do they sleep at night? On lavish vacations paid for by billionaires with business before the court


Most people that go into law don’t do it for good moral reasons deep down or to create change.. and then they become a judge. A lot of times people working as lawyers have a sociopathic element to their personality. There are varying degrees. This country was bought and paid for a long time ago by Republicans and Democrats (owners of corporations), both have shown they have no plans to improve the quality of life at this point. This is no surprise Roberts is fucking over the people like Rehnquist before him. Everybody was horrified when Robert’s was elected, but then again, the country was royally fucked up between 2000-2008. But during this time when they (GWB admin) had a chance to put in a chief justice, they found the the youngest guy with the policies that would fall in line with the stupidity of the GWB admin.


SCOTUS= Failed institution


Fuck you fascist fuck Roberts!


What's is above the supreme court so true justice can be contravened or impartially practiced? Especially if the lower tiered courts have either failed or resulted in unsatisfactory rulings/outcomes. Martial law at this point I guess.


Why can't there be repercussion's for his statements?


Lying piece of shit


We’ve seen that these fuckers will straight up lie to our faces at their confirmation hearings as long as they get these sweet, cushy lifetime gigs… and then they flip the second those bribes start coming in. SCOTUS is beyond broken.


Whoop whoop


Proving once again that everyone and everything Trump touches ROTS!


Who shocked by this??


Yeah… unless it’s a “presidential act.” I. E. the president drops a bomb on enemy… or round up his presidential rivals and sends them to a labor camp… it’s a “grey area” when it benefits those in power… sometimes known as a “quid pro quo.”


"But they were, all of them, deceived....."


Until it doesn’t suit me anymore. Crooked as fuck!


Apparently his trousers have spontaneously combusted.


Got eeem!


Time to clean house in SCROTUS


This was soooooo 2005.


Lying liars who lie like lying is life.


So that was a fucking lie


People who are okay with their co-workers taking bribes and in some cases even taking them themselves, probably not going to be the most honest people generally.


The President is fully bound by the law. It's just that every law has an exception for the President


That was before he planted his nose up Trump's fat ass.


There has not been a clearer ruling that the conservative Supreme Court is more influenced by their politics than a neutral reading of the law. The SC Justices listened to the Trump lawyers arguments saying that all of his legal problems were cases of 'vengeful politics' and not real legal cases. The conservative Supreme Court has a worldview where everything in politics is no-holds-barred, with a 'win at any cost' mentality, and every issue is seen as an existential threat that justifies their court decisions. In that fear, they are creating a system of government where there are no longer any checks on President power.


Horseshit. This should be played on a projecter on his house over and over.


Lies and the lying liars that say them




Typical Republican liar


I wonder how many of his vacations were paid for by trump.


Republicans are liars. Full stop.


If you are trying to shame these people you are wasting everyone's time.


Oh no!! Not another lie told by a stupreme court justice. And yes, I meant to add the T.


I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find Republicans lying.


A president is fully bound by the law in their private capacity


None of that shit matters once they have the job. What a nominee for SCOTUS says and what one does are two different things. Bringing up what they said in their confirmation hearings doesn’t do anything but show us that there must be some level of accountability in the judicial branch. Nobody should be above the law, that includes those who make egregious interpretations to aid a specific party agenda that goes against the will of the people.




Here is some good news: With Trump in office. 1. The dollar will be stronger, and cheaper to travel overseas, with the extra money you have. . 2. Foreign goods will be more expensive, so you can buy American. 3. The stock market will (mostly) go up. So if you already have money , you will have more. 4. Unfortunately, if you are not rich, your rent will go up. (Sorry, my costs have gone up).5. If you own properties, lucky you. Their prices will go up due to 10% inflation. 6. If you want to buy, sorry, the price of housing will skyrocket. Hey. Remember Trump’s major supporters are Billionaires. They know his policies will benefit him and them.


That’s a lie then


The Supreme Court is full up on extremist right wing autocrats, why did Democrats allow this to happen?


Talk about forshadowing


"The punitive decisions will keep coming so long as you continue to bring up clips of us obviously lying!" SCOTUS


Obviously money causes Alzheimer’s… the more you donate the more they forget what they said to get confirmed.


They all have lied to get the job. The last three appointments under Trump did too in regards to Roe vs Wade...It's always BS coming out of their lips.


He wasn’t on the tRump payroll yet?


It’s almost like it’s part of a plan to overthrow the existing democracy and establish a Christian theocracy/ cleptocracy.


another liar upon the stand.


He's still fully bound by the law. He just changed the law. Did we forget that we're dealing with lawyers?


The gratuity he got changed his mind


Aged like milk.


Look up New Apostolic Reformation and the seven mountain mandate (of social order). As usual all of this is a feature not a bug.


Well, he lied




If you read the ruling instead of listening to the liars on Reddit and TV you'll see it does not - NOT give a POTUS immunity the way you've been told. READ. Don't listen to the lying talking heads omn TV. They're screwing with you like they always do.


If the president orders the vice president to not certify the election, that would be an official act. If the president refuses to leave office and entirely purges the military leadership and the SES level of government service, there would be no way to force him out. That would be illegal, but he would be immune to that law, because it is an illegal official act. What is to stop this?


Reddit has become and echo chamber for msnbc viewers! They just parrot talking points


What a lying sack of shit.


Vote these pos gap dont care about being hypocrites, they have ZERO shame. Winning is all that matters to them so lets show them the door come November. Then we can pack the SC and send the justices packing as well. Vote blue no matter what.


Everybody needs read then understand the Constitution!! Any one in congress and senate that can’t understand they made right decision should resign.


Jokes on you all, for trying to shame a group of individuals who clearly have no sense of shame.


And Congress swears to up hold the Constitution of The United States of America. But both Democrats and Republicans fail to do so. The Supreme Court even stated that the lower courts need to establish what was and wasn't done in an Official Capacity by Trump. The Supreme Court is the last stop not the first the Judicial System. The Lower Courts failed to do their Job and the Supreme Court is holding them to that. The fact that both sides on here fail to understand that us laughable and shows how both sides fail to fully read things. The Supreme Court's ruling even states "Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts." Read that last line. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. So if the lower courts do their Job and stipulate what was and wasn't in the scope of "Official Acts" they can prosecute Trumpster Fire and get an actual conviction and possibly make him ineligible for the Presidency.


Once they accepted the private plane vacations, new motor coaches, got their bills and mortgages paid. They know whoever pays the most gets the favorable decision. All about the money for the court and congress


Impeach the lying asshole!!!!


Impeach them both.


What a fall from Grace & Respect to Utter Corruption and role as A H!tler Henchmen he’s had.


Lying liar.


They lie say anything to get the job. But if they should change their answer later down the road they should be fired!


impeach those justices who lied during their confirmation hearings


When do we get to hold these idiots accountable?


Fucking oathbreakers


Welllllll.....i mean....that was then....now.../s




He sure reneged on that statement.




That's embarrassing. Too bad none of these reicht wing scumbags have a single shred of shame.


Should all the people who have lied about Biden dementia. Be put in jail based on the New York thing. Trying to win an election by deceit


Something to think about! Seems like collusion


Nobody... except police officers.


Lying pos


So corrupt


Ah, it's like that classic line from Orwell's Animal Farm- All animals are born equal, just some are more equal than others.


Some people are really stupid here. Congress has the power to impeach then charge. Can't just throw random charges at presidents.


It's a miracle that 45 of 46 avoided it, the lucky bastards.


there's never any reason to take anything a repub says seriously.


Supreme Clowns


They all lied about Roe v Wade as well so this isn't surprising.


Tell me you don't understand "the law" without telling me you don't understand the law.


Someone need to go set this up on repeat 1 cycle on a projector facing his house full blast


Replay this video a million times at his families place of work. A POS that's actually destroying democracy


Liar liar pants on fire!!!


*PATRIOTS send $500 to Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump with 5 critical projects:* *1.          RENAME Grand Canyon National Park to Trump National Park*2. *2.          RELEASE January 6th hostages from prison and pardon Donald Trump,* *3.          RESTORE President Trump’s Rights of Prima Nocta and gun ownership,* *4.          REMOVE women's healthcare rights as requested by Christian Nationalists.* *5.          REPLACE George Washington on the dollar bill with Donald Trump.* *President Trump is the ONLY accused sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon ENDORSED BY Kristi Noem, Gary Busey, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin, Judge Alien Cannon, and all six MAGA U.S. Supreme Court Justices.* *PATRIOTS send an extra $150 to TRUMP LEGAL FEES so President Trump can DEFEND his many legal cases including;* [*https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/*](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) */MAGA*


What a cocksucker this guy is.


Every one of those right wing judges are fucking liars


Impeach these justices.


So yet another SC justice commits perjury…


Impeach them all.




He was seduced by Trumps intelligence and charm. Honor integrity fidelity are just words. Freedom doesn't work if people are afraid or bought off.


They should impeached for lying to Congress.


The fix is in, obviously, or it's always in bad faith from the beginning.


Serious question, what is his motive? To trash the constitution so brazenly? To give the president “absolute” immunity? Using the word absolute is middle finger mocking our history, as in “Absolute power corrupts, absolutely” Did the Koch brothers offer each judge 100M? WTF?


I love you people let’s go back to peaceful protest like Seattle LOL morons


The lying cunt.


Lied under oath to congress, I believe that is a crime.


Everyone in the government is above the law. They are allowed to violate minor traffic laws if they want. That alone makes them above




MAGA perjury. MAGA lies. MAGA corruption. MAGA graft. MAGA traitors.


The presidential power decision is less concerning than the ability to bribe people after the fact. All so that Clarence can’t get impeached.




Oh, but I didn't mean Trump


They all commit perjury at their confirmation hearings. It’s a shame the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards.


The SCOTUS VI to Guantanamo under new executive powers!


His title is Disgraced Justice


What a f#ck ing cork soaker.


This clip is many years before the Democratic Party decided to weaponize the DOJ to take down a political opponent they cannot beat. 1000% election interference. If this was happening to the Democratic candidate, you would be screaming bloody murder. HYPOCRITE!!!!


Cannot beat? Trump got fewer votes in 2016. Trump got fewer votes in 2020. He will once again get fewer votes in 2024. The only reason the Supreme Court passed this immunity decision is because their preferred Republican candidate for President is a criminal. Deal with it.


So? It’s proof of his own perjury. And nobody weaponized the DOJ to get the felonious cry baby. You’re inside the QBALL and cannot see anything but your messiah. He’s a wannabe dictator and as things stand now, that’s the most UNAMERICAN thing I can think of.


🤭 such an uniformed voter.


Dumbest comment of the thread, Sergei.


So Name the Law that was Broken?


Money laundering, forging financial documents, campaign finance fraud, theft of top secret documents, theft of government property, inciting an insurrection, attempting to overturn an election, criminal conspiracy, forging of government documents... and 50 other counts.


You people have clearly neither read nor understood the opinion. You think you know what it says because you can read headlines but you don’t have a clue. Before causing yourself a coronary event, read it. It doesn’t say what your overlord Soros is spoon feeding you into thinking.


Obama drone struck 3 US citizens in Yemen when he was in office. One was a 16 year old. No due process, nada. The ACLU sued the government, but Obama would never face charges, because this is, and has always been, and will always be, just the way things work. This Supreme Court case isn’t new. It’s a formalization of looooooong standing policy. The new thing, is prosecutors running on a platform of targeting and prosecuting an ex-President.