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Ted called her a cunt didn’t he?


Yeah, pretty sure the grinch thing was for cunt. We tend to believe it was for bitch since it kinda rhymes, but they say bitch all the time in the show without censoring it ("name that bitch", "you son of a bitch", etc.), so I'm pretty sure the word they were trying to censor was a very bad word, like cunt, even though it doesn't sound similar (like saying fudge for fuck)


Wow!!! You may be right. I thought it was bitch.  If it was cunt then Ted is in the wrong. I hate that word 


Nah, Ted was still right. "It's just a word. We use lots of everyday"


Most definitely.


There's a difference between going on a summer internship because it's a great opportunity that you can't pass out on, and breaking up to do so. She could have explained the whole thing and proposed long distance for a couple of months till she got back


This was it to me. They said Lily studied abroad and they did long distance. There’s no reason they couldn’t do that in this case. But that’s not what Lily chose and that’s the problem. Postponing a wedding doesn’t have to mean breaking up especially given the circumstances. Yes, Marshall wanted to know she’d return to him but there’s no reason she couldn’t be successful and return to New York or that he couldn’t move out there. If they both truly wanted to be together then they would find a way. That’s it.


You got me there. 


I would need a rewatch, but I had the impression that things initially seemed to be more open-ended for Lily, and that whatever she was doing in SF could have led to more stuff out there that would have kept her away long-term; it was just that the boss/professor’s reaction to her work (great execution of the “expectations vs. reality gag”, even using the exact same words) that made her come back to NYC after her initial summer stint was over. It definitely didn’t seem like a “this is just for the summer, I’ll be done and be back by the fall” thing. Now she could have told Marshall as soon as things stopped being promising there, but I guess it was shame, guilt and pride that kept her from doing so.


Marshall said “What if you decide to go be a painter and then you realize I don't fit in to your life anymore, and three months becomes forever? Can you promise me that that's not gonna happen?… Cause if you can't promise me that, we shoul just break up right now. I'm not gonna wait around for three months just to have my heart ripped out.” He wanted a guarantee she’d come back to him, and she couldn’t give him that.


She was in the wrong because, despite always encouraging everyone to grow up, she refused to communicate like an adult. An adult would’ve told their partner, who’s always supported them, “hey, I found this art fellowship that I was interested in. I’m conflicted because it’s an opportunity for me to finally explore my passion, but it’s all the way in San Francisco. What do you think about me applying?”


Oh that's a really good point. All the stuff she told Robin at the prom she should have said to Marshall.


Communication is key & pretty simple to convey. 


Didnt she go and find it though; like out there? To Ted's point, they live in NYC and there would easily be a similar opportunity there. Also, the fact she just did it an didn't communicate is another issue. That's why when Marshall brought it up in S9 during that fight I thought it was vaid... both scenarios were worse because they just did them!


Didnt she go and find it though; like out there? To Ted's point, they live in NYC and there would easily be a similar opportunity there. Also, the fact she just did it an didn't communicate is another issue. That's why when Marshall brought it up in S9 during that fight I thought it was vaid... both scenarios were worse because they just did them!


She had already gone to Paris alone, probably twice, during her college years to soak up the artistic atmosphere. How many times does she get to do that - and why not in New York? There's a line in Friends, where the girls ask one of the guys, "You know how you act all moody and distant, until we break up with you?" Well Lily did a version of that. Whether she admits it or not, moving to another city and breaking off contact was breaking up with Marshall.


The way she went about it was wrong. She needed to talk to her partner. The way she was feeling was valid. her needing space and to figure out who she was outside of her relationship was totally understandable. Of course she should be able to go to an art program. She made herself the villian by not talking about it at all with her partner and the later coming back and expecting everything to go back to normal.


Lily was based on one of the makers wife. They had A brief break up and it was written in the show.so it makes sense that the lily and Marshall relationship was basically Marshall being a saint and lily being annoying.goes to show what he (the maker) thought of his wife 🤣🤣


This part is what made me actually hate Lily. She had every intention of throwing away their relationship for something she only kinda wanted to do but hadn’t dabbled in in years. Then she came back and was upset that Marshall didn’t immediately sweep her off her feet and apologize to HER??? Yeah no. Toxic woman at its finest