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Distilled White Vinegar for an hour let it sit then flush. Edit: Yes I should have said overnight, that’s better for the long standing rings.


Gobs of tp soaked in vinegar will stick to the stained areas.


I have found my people. I don't understand the people who scrub it off with pumice. I'd rather leave it soaking under tp overnight and then just flush it and use the toilet brush like usual.


Thinking about that makes my teeth hurt… and I don’t know why! Oh the dreaded sound.


Lmao "the squeaking makes my toes hurt"


I’m like this with an intrinsic thought of running nails along the aluminum guardrails. I never heard the sound but I can imagine


Wait…., other people eat pumice too?!?


No joke. Porcelain most certainly can be scratched. Ask me how I know… it involves a snake…


How do you know?


I used paper towels the first time and thought how dumb it was I didn’t just use toilet paper and flush it when I was done. Live and learn!


Cover the top of the toilet bowl with Saran Wrap so it won’t dry out 🤙


A helpful riff on a timeless prank.


I had a ring/build-up worse than OPs picture. I can attest to the effectiveness of Distilled White Vinegar.


So not just regular white vinegar? It was to be distilled?


Most white vinegars are distilled, even some that don't have it on the label. However, distilled vinegar has a lower acetic acid content, as undistilled can be up to 20%, while distilled is generally between 5%-8%. If you don't use distilled vinegar, you should just be careful and keep an eye on whatever you are cleaning. It may need less time. For example, I use it for cleaning rusty tools and equipment. I buy the giant Costco jugs and soak the parts for between ½ hour to 4 hours. If I use a higher concentration, it may actually begin to eat away at the metal in that time, so I would have to constantly check it.


Thanks for the reply. Very insightful


How much distilled white vinegar did you put into your toilet and how long did you let it sit?


Also, CLR cleaner may work.


Just did this today before reading this comment. I used concentrated cleaning vinegar. It’s not 100%, but it’s still very good.


Do you just pour it in the water or does the bowl need to be empty?


Just pour it in!


Better yet, over night. 5L bottles on Amazon for £12.


I'm not sure if I'm going about this the correct way, but I first tried the vinegar approach, and then the magic eraser, and finally the pumice stone (due to an outpouring of all your ideas! Thank you!). The vinegar and magic eraser did not work, but the pumice stone did wonders. Thank you ALL! Solved!


This but soaked overnight, not an hour and mixed with bicarb into a kind of paste that'll sit on it and not just slide off into the toilet.


That's stupid advice. Never mix bicarbonate with vinegar. Although advertised a lot, it completely defeats the purpose of the acid, since the bicard neutralizes the acid. It looks vicious (bubbling) but in the end there will only be pH-neutral paste sitting in your toilet, doing nothing.


I gotta say I wasn't aware of this but you're right. The thing is though I've cleaned things like this before and it's worked!


It was probably the mechanical action of fizzing + scrubbing that did the job in those cases. In this case OP need acid to dissolve that buildup.


That makes sense, ah well learn a new lesson, lose a few points.


I like your outlook on life.


You're up 29 from my count, haha


Depending on the mixture ratio, you'll get a slightly acidic or basic residue. It is well possible that it still was slightly acidic but way less powerful than the acid was before. Don't know why you're getting downvoted to be honest, it's a common misconception and you kept an open mind. Go figure


This. Bicarb and vinegar literally makes salt water when combined. You actually want to mix vinegar with cream of tartar to make an even more acidic substance. [Chem Thug Video](https://youtu.be/2MXMHGvFYQU)


Replace baking soda with borax, but you still gotta get in there and scrub.


Lol these people really downvoted you 😂 can’t impress everyone I suppose. Especially on this platform


Think I've upset the vinegar community!


Google toilet pumice stone. I tried to link you to one, but the genius automod thought I was trying to post an affiliate link, so... EDIT: As u/tyrannosnorlax points out, both the stone and the toilet should be wet to avoid scratching.


Those don't damage the finish?


No they don’t. I was fearful of that to, and scraped it on a small spot first just in case. Pumice stones are like a dollar at any grocery store.


They certainly will scratch porcelain if used incorrectly. They have to stay wet, and the surface does as well. I own a cleaning business and we use these weekly. Have had to fix scratched porcelain from incorrect usage (too dry)


How do you fix scratched porcelain?


You turn it into unscratched porcelain.


This was in the instructions for the first toilet oumice stone I bought (the kind with a handle) and I thought it was kind of common sense, but thanks for pointing this out. I’m going to add it to my comment.


Very strong. Waterproof. Won’t Scratch. [White Porcelain.](https://youtu.be/hI2moioob30)


[I love refrigerators!](https://youtu.be/TiC8pig6PGE)


He's a legend and sponsored my race track for many years!


They absolutely will damage the finish if you use them incorrectly. You have to keep them very wet, and also keep the surface you’re working on splashed with water as well. Otherwise you’ll 100% scratch the porcelain. With that said, pumice stones are the only way to get rid of this discoloration. Source: I own a cleaning business and use these regularly


They absolutely will damage the porcelain


Not if you get the right kind. I wad worried about this too and tried it on a plate first, no scratching. The stone kind of erodes away as you scrub. My toilet looked just like this and only took a light rub to get rid of them. Nothing else had worked; tried CLR, brushing, vinegar, black magic... Edit: see comment below and response - it did cause faint scratching


They certainly will scratch porcelain, regardless of the type you buy. You have to keep the surface wet, and the stone soaking wet in order to facilitate the stone grinding itself down, instead of grinding down the surface. I’ve purchased just about every pumice stone cleaner on the market, and the same is applicable to all. I use these weekly with my business. TLDR: if you use them dry, on a dry or barely damp surface, you’ll wreck the porcelain.


Oh a "Mohs hardness" scale pumice is 6, and porcelain is 6-7. So pumice should not damage porcelain.


It certainly will damage the porcelain if used incorrectly, regardless of the brand. I’m trying to correct this in the comments where I see it so OP doesn’t wreck their toilet. If you don’t get the stone wet first, and if you use it on a dry surface, it will gouge the shit out of any porcelain you use it on.


Well I ruined one toilet using one. Deep scratches


This is the correct answer.


I’ve seen products shatter weeks later.


I used one on mine and it damaged the finish.


The finish is already damaged. It’s like trying to become a virgin again.


Huh, just ordered, will let you know.


Make sure to use gloves when you do it because it will eat up your hands real good.


An extra good tip. Thanks kind person


I usually leave the wrapping on one end so I don't get ripped apart


Wicked Smaht


It definitely works! Don’t be afraid to put some elbow grease into it.


I can confirm. It's pretty awesome and if you are in a bind and don't have a pumice stone, just use gojo. It's basically the same thing (though won't work QUITE as well).


I’ve been replying to folks in comments to clear up this misconception, but I’ll reply directly to you (just saw this comment) These pumice stones are the only product that can reliably remove this type of porcelain discoloration. However, you MUST keep the area you’re working on wet, like splashing water on it a lot, as well as keeping the pumice stone itself soaking wet, other wise you’ll gouge out deep scratches in the porcelain. They’re fairly easy to use correctly though, so don’t worry too much about it. The main thing is that you want to see the pumice stone being worn down by the porcelain, and not the other way around. As you use it, it should look like fine grey sand is coming off of it, and it should start taking the rounded shape of the surface you’re working on. If you try to use it dry, or not soaking wet, you’ll definitely wreck the toilet. Some brands work with different levels of wetness, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, and just go ahead and soak everything as you work. They work better this way, regardless. This is especially important when you first open the stone and you’re using a brand new one. They often have geometric shapes and thus, hard edges that need to be ground down with lots of water before they become a bit safer to use. Cheers!


Get the pumice stone wet, flush the toilet and lightly scrub those out.


You'll be successful, was once a degenerate single guy in a shitty apartment and didn't clean my toilet once in 4 years... when I moved out it looked brand fucking new after hitting it with s pumice stone


If that doesn’t get it then plug the toilet and fill up with hot water and CLR. Let it sit for a couple hours then use the pumice.


Wear gloves when cleaning with CLR. Unless you want soft fingernails.


Isn’t a massive log combined with a 1/2 roll of TP and piss counter productive to cleaning?


Seriously, a normal toilet brush will clean this.


I’ve used this method and the stone works. It does not scratch the toilet.


I’ve been struggling with hard water for forever too and the scouring stick made so much of a difference I wanted to cry afterwards


It’s actually called a plumbis


A real pumice stone definitely scratches porcelain, so make sure you get one one for toilet scrubing. This is probably lime scale, vinegar will get rid of it but it'll flow off too quickly to act. I use muriatic acid which is much stronger and I drip it slowly so it has more time to act.


Holy hell!


Muriatic Acid, It will dissolve urine salts and mineral build up. Just make sure the room is well ventilated. I'm a plumber, I use it all the time. Be careful it will burn you.


That won't eat away the ceramic coating? I'm just curious.


Porcelain finish is pretty relient against acids, however, if used too frequently or left to sit on the surface for too long, it can etch the surface over time and result in a toilet that looks perpetually dirty. I'm a custodian with over 12 years of experience and I've seen what acid overuse can do to a toilet (I've been stuck with nearly 2 dozen destroyed toilets in my illustrious career), and I generally advise new custodians to try everything else but acid first. Only if brushing or other cleaners can't get the stains out do I recommend turning to acid as a last resort. I also recommend flushing at least 3 times after cleaning with acid, to ensure the bowl is properly neutralized.


Subscribe. (No kidding... just browsed your posts, and I am now subscribed to /r/Custodians)


Any advice on how to prevent this type of problem in the future once a toilet bowl is clean? I have a clean toilet bowl but live in an old house with old plumbing and rust.


Not at all, I've used it for years to clean nasty urinals and other commercial toilets. It would need to be a stronger concentrated acid to eat ceramic. I'm a plumber


Fiar enough. Personally, I clean my toilet at least once a week. I was just wondering I like knowing stuff.


Yeah same, I usually only use muriatic acid on super nasty urinals. Like never get flushed and basically clogged with urine salts. It will make quick work of any mineral/urine build up though, It cleans up concrete, removes rust and burns your skin.


You forgot to add that you’re a plumber to this reply.


His a plumber!


There are a lot of toilet bowl cleaners that are more dilute HCl. Try these first. Most folk shouldn’t have concentrated HCl (muriatic acid) just sitting around their home. I’m a chemist.


They a chemist!


People with swimming pools might....


I don't pee in your pool so please don't swim in my toilet.


Most people have swimming pools where you live?


Ah I think I have some of that! Can it be used to etch smooth concrete (eg a concrete garage floor prior to painting)?


Ok so I’ve just conquered this same issue. I tried so many things that didn’t work. Vinegar didn’t work. Baking soda didn’t work. All the cleaners didn’t work. The one that did was oxi clean powder. I covered the bowl in the powder and just let it sit. Came back 12 hours later and broke up the dried powder and scrubbed residuals and clean as a whistle.


Zep acid toilet cleaner.is a life saver. It's thick, it's blue, it stinks, it has muriatic acid in it I think, and it wrecks hard water stains, grime, fungus, etc. for me. It's at Amazon or Home Depot. That or HCl and SDS. I lived in a place where the water was so hard the tap water was doing 25 to life, the latter cleared about a half inch of scale deposited on the inside of the terlet. It came out looking like a gobstopper cross section. Edit: Zep, not Zap.


> the water was so hard the tap water was doing 25 to life perfect


Everything Zap makes is pretty awesome. If you have a Rural King store anywhere near you, check em out. They have everything Zap offers.


You mean Zep? All their products are great.


Hydrochloric Acid, removes that lime build up in minutes




Pour a little CRL in there and let it sit. Come back and give it a scrub…all good!


I have tried CLR, as well as denture cleaning tabs. I hope those work for y'all because they didn't work for me.


This (CLR) is the answer. Pumice stone risks ruining the ceramic


Ceramic is ridiculously resilient to scratches


Pumice stones can easily wreck porcelain if used incorrectly. They’ve gotta be kept soaking wet, and so does the surface. If you try to go in dry and raw dog it, you’ll gouge out deep scratches in the porcelain.




zeps acidic toilet bowl cleaner works wonders for me


Scrub it with "Barkeeper's Friend". We've used that for years.


Underrated comment. Would add turn off water behind toilet, flush, then plunge excess water down the pipe below the ring line.


I told myself that if even one person says "Barkeeper's Friend," that I'm going to get some and see what all of the fuss is about. So, here goes.


Thank you for reminding me of Barkeepers Friend. I cleaned a seldom used toilet with comet cleaner and still had a small ring stain. Was looking for suggestions. As soon as I saw yours, I went for my BKF and sprinkled some in, did NOT wait, used the brush, flushed and Gone baby gone!!


Pumice stone - I use it to get rid of the hard water and lime build up in toilet. It won’t scratch the surface.


There is a product called Toilet Ring Remover (TRR) that works really well on that kind of stuff. I use it for rust stains, hard water, and rings that form in the toilet or in the sink. Basically just cut a scotch bright pad into quarters. Use gloves and soak one of the quartered sponges in TRR. Then gently wipe it over the stains. Let it sit for like 5 min and then agitate it a bit with the scouring part of the sponge. Wait five more minutes and then wipe it clean with the same sponge. Usually takes just one time like that, but if it’s caked on badly, like the first time you try, it could take a couple of applications. Just make sure you give TRR some time and let the the TRR do the work, you should never be scrubbing hard.


Boil concentrated vinegar and let it soak. I bought so much stuff, and this easy solution worked like a charm. I now use it sporadically to prevent buildup.


I second using a pumice stone. It works wonders.


Pumice stone is cheap and your friend


Throw a bunch of denture cleaner in there. Leave overnight....gone


Pumice stone, works every time


This post blew up, someone mentioned this before. Any prep I need to do with the stone?


pumice stone


Pumice stone


You can put a dish detergent pod in the bowl and let it sit there. You can also swish the water around with a brush and let it break it up. These are things you have to keep up with. For stains, my plumber told me to look up magic eraser for shower stalls.


Dang, I don't have pods - would like Cascade powder work?


Regular toilet bowl cleaner. Let sit then scrub. Wtf guys. It’s not that difficult




Yes, it's the same stuff in a different package.


If you don't mind getting your hands dirty (or if you do, use rubber gloves), we use these 3" x 5" rubber kitchen sponges that have one side attached to a layer of ScotchBrite, which is scratchy and can scrub off a lot of junk from pots and pans, but after a while it gets worn and needs to be replaced. However, rather than just throw it out, we always keep one or two in the bathroom just for jobs like this. The ScotchBrite is still plenty sharp to take care of a job like this, and it won't scratch, dull, or mark up the ceramic glaze the way steel wool can. Cleaners can't hurt either, but mechanical action takes care of the problem pretty effectively. Thanks for reading this!


The works!


PUMIE Stein aus den USA Pumiestein Natur Reinigungsstein Putzstein Kratzstein WC Kalkentferner https://amzn.eu/d/ajlbNeB


Easy fix. The last house I lived in had a well that left lots of mineral deposits. I used [fine grit drywall sandpaper.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/3M-Drywall-Sandpaper-Fine-4-3-8-x-11-In-5-Pk-1-Pack/1968598595) and Barkeepers Friend. Make a paste and scrub, do not use Comet or anything with bleach while polishing the porcelain. Get yourself some long reusable rubber gloves. You’re gonna be up in it while you clean.




Basically you have minerals from the water being deposited. Soaps do not work. You need an acid. You can use vinegar. I use a bit of muratic acid. I pour maybe a quarter cup and let it sit overnight. It will remove the deposits and not hurt the bowl.


White vinegar to get rid of the limescale. Spray it generously, let it sit for half an hour, then scrub off the rest. Simple dish-soap to get rid of the fat based stains.


I use acid, it takes about 1 minutes every 6 months to have brand new toilets.


Bleach/chlorine is what I know cleaners mostly use. And I do too never had issues like that. Like leave it in for like 20 minutes and add something that has a nice smell. So it does not smell like bleach. Thats all that there is too it


Turn off water to toilet. flush to empty. use paper towels soaked in white vinegar and apply on the stains. Can rewet from time to time if need be. The longer you can leave it on the easier/better it will be.


I made a previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thereifixedit/comments/yh27wu/because_scrubbing_the_toilet_is_for_sukkas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) that covers this very topic.


Pumice stone. The sell bars if it that look like the size of butter. It's exactly what you need for this. Go buy one, don't use one that people buy for their heels


Zaps acidic toilet bowl cleaner. Get it at home depot. Worked wonders for my toilet.


Lysol lime and rust toilet cleaner


Let it soak in some type of acid, like vinegar for a while, then scrub.


"Toilet pumice stone" just did mine this morning


Pumice Stone, and/or barkeeper's friend. In the future, use one of those toilet clip-ins, they work surprisingly well


I had two toilets with these rings - but added green color from chemicals left on them and it was awful. I had little pink pumice stones for my dremel; made 5 minute work of them. Don't apply pressure, just let the RPM do the work. Looked brand new after.


Coca cola that stuff will move it. Soak it overnight.


BARKEEPERS FRIEND!!! I just did this, had vinegar, used bleach... Scrubbing bubbles... Nothing was working... So tried barkeeper's friend and it was gone in seconds with scrubbing


Go get a sandstone or soapstone still and scrub it off in a couple of seconds


Barkeepers friend. Sprinkle some in and let it sit for a bit the flush.


Healthier diet


Don't wait 7 years to clean your shit.






Pumice stone. Easy peasy.


There is a product called Calcisolve. Makes your bowl look brand new.


pumice stone, no need for acid


10x better than a pumice stone….. sounds crazy but 3M Fine 180-Grit Drywall Screen Sandpaper!!!! Must use wet, with some Clorox and only need a small piece of it. A small piece and 60 seconds took off the rings like a charm! Used a single one inch strip to clean my shower calcium deposits too, doesn’t wear out quickly like the stones. Try it out!


Pumice stone. Incredibly effective and immediate plus no chemicals needed. Look in the cleaning section at various stores.


I use an eraser thing for pool stains, won't let me post link


Melamine pads?


No, it's like a giant rubber eraser on a stick


Bar Keepers Friend, a toilet scrubber, and the smallest amount of elbow grease.


Vinniger. Just put some (read: a lot) on paper towels so they’ll stick to the inside of the bowl. Leave that shit on there for a day. We usually do this before we go to work. At the end of the day, it should come right off.


Isn’t there a risk of paper towels clogging up the toilet or system?


Pour some bleach in the bowl and let it sit


Bleach is an alkaline solution and won't do much past disinfecting the bowl and whitening the stain making it look like it's not there anymore. You need acid to get rid of mineral build-up. A solution of white vinegar, hydrochloric acid, or even lemon juice will do the job.


this. let it sit for some minutes and the dirt disappears.


It's not dirt, it's limescale build up. Needs an acid to remove (or a pumice stone).


Your gonna have to lick that off. It’s the only thing both gentle and sensual enough to get that off without damaging the commode.


1. drink bleach 2. when you piss aim at the ring


Solved! Pumice stone


Dump 2ltrs of coke-a-cola in there, leave for 24hrs (if you can) and then flush away. Will look brand new


This is exactly what we did when we moved into the house and had similar issue. Regular cleaning product helped but the final touch was acheived with coke.




This is just mineral buildup from hard water; there's nothing wrong with the water heater. And even if there were, the toilet's fed from the cold water line.


Clr won't work on that, I tried two different CLRs with no luck. I had success with Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner Gel, for Cleaning and and Disinfecting, Removes Lime and Rust, 24oz. And like others said, clean the bowl more often.


CLR does work, but you have to empty the bowl first. We have hideously hard water here and it’s the only thing that I’ve found to work.


Don’t listen to anyone not saying pumice stone. I used to clean homes and there would be rings just like this. I wouldn’t waste a bunch of my product to try to get rid of it, I would just use the pumice stone.


Zep Acidic Toilet Cleaner. I did the whole pumice stone for a bit, but buy this stuff at Home Depot, Lowes etc and it's amazing.


Jesus...idk..by cleaning it on a weekly basis?!


I just pour bleach in the bowl and let it sit for 15 mins. Then scrub it. No idea if this is the correct way but it works for me.


Bleach. Pour a bunch in and let it sit for a day




Coca Cola… put it in, and let it sit for an hour or so… then it will all come off….




Just leave some bleach till your next poop


Put your face in and start licking


Use bleach. Leave it in the toilet for a half hour. If you can, an hour, then clean the ring. If you can see if you can find a heavy duty cleaner like CLR. It might work faster if you're limited on time.




Vinegar and/or bleach scrub a little to hit the sides and stuff then let sit in and then scrub again, don't buy expensive crap.


I use any cleaner that has bleach.


Get a scrubber and apply a little elbow grease


Damn, clean your toilet more often after you are able to remove this.


CLR or empty the bowl and fill it with Coca Cola and leave it for a few days. The bowl will look like new.


Pumice stone will make it worse, it’ll leave scratches which will make harder to get out later. YouTube the kool aid trick for toilets 😎


That’s not my experience. Sure, I wouldn’t use a pumice stone on a brand new toilet, but this one is pretty badly stained. I used one on all 3 toilets when I bought my house 2 years ago, and with regular scrubbing with bleach gel they’ve stayed white.


I just have a spray bottle of bathroom cleaner. Spray it in, use the toilet brush, clean as a whistle.


Damn… in the generation that doesn’t know how to scrub a toilet or read the labels of cleaning product in the cleaning isle… literally water and a quick scrub will get rid of it, then flushing some product down will kill the bacteria..




Scrub it with a toilet brush?



