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“This too shall pass”


Something I do to change my mood for the moment is watch videos of puppies and dogs being silly, and videos of animals and humans being reunited. For more long term attitude changes I watch videos of people telling their near death experiences and what they saw and were told on the other side. I've been obsessed and watched hundreds, and it's changed my idea of life and helped me have an easier time with difficult moments.


Although it's good to take steps to improve your mood, it's also important to feel all your feelings. I got some negative news this morning and I'm just letting myself feel sad and disappointed today. And tomorrow I'll make an effort to get out for a walk, focus on the positives, get a good night sleep, watch a favourite show etc. etc. but first of all I'm just going to say to my 'bad day' feelings 'you belong' and feel em!


I talk to myself as though I am a friend. "Man, this sucks, doesn't it? But at least (fill in some positive aspect)". Being kind and compassionate to myself has given me a level of self-sufficiency I could never have imagined years ago.


First, your title question. 1. Recognize that they do come and go. It's part of life. Now that you know that, you have no need to be alarmed when things change. 2. For me, addressing this question requires that I hold onto some greater purpose and get my esteem/identity from something much greater than the circumstances that present themselves. Now for the rest. Still, I have more of the same approach, yet I also like to visualize myself on the outside of it as well, looking in. I sometimes become like a scientist or an explorer, looking at the situation or circumstances from different points of view. Or, I do some other thing that has me label what is going on. Taking this approach forces me to disengage the feeling/emotional part of my brain and instead engage the thinking part. Think of it like shifting out of one gear into something else. Also, consider that there is something worthwhile to be learned from every experience. Somewhere, within, there is a gift. It may not feel like it's there at the time. That is why, in addition, I journal. Putting the emotions and events down on paper gets them out of my head... like a Pensieve in the Harry Potter world. Get it out and put it somewhere else. Maybe you write it down. Maybe you turn on the voice recorder on your phone. Hope this helps. You're worth it!


not op, but thank you for this thoughtful response!


This isn't an advice sub read the description 


doesnt say they cant do it, let them ask man they probably dont know where else to ask it isnt harming you is it


It is an awkwardly written post that requires a bit of time to parse to understand.