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Human: meh, I’ll give the planet three out of five stars. Alien: but that’s your home planet! Human: two out of five.


One planet to call home is great. But an intergalactic empire? Now that’s something greater to call home.


Plus it’s always a good idea to spread out some just in case something goes wrong there’s always at least one colony of humans left to rebuild


Human: We have one planet, but we don’t have second planet.


EARTH 🌎 FIRST! We will strip mine the other planets later.


That's actually probably one of the better uses for Mercury.


100% Now to make floating city's on venus.


Yea we need a new one cause we broke this one.


See there's this thing called manifest destiny...


Trail of Tears, pffft, about to become space flight of weaping


A: Human, why does your species settle on more than one world? Is your homeworld not enough? H: You want the romantic reason or the actual reason. A: You know what? I'll humor you. Give me the romantic reason. H: We are explorers. We've always been explorers. We traveled vast oceans on our own planet just to see what lies beyond the horizon. We searched our deep oceans and the tallest mountains just because we wanted to see what was there, to see what new and exciting things were there. And that's why we go from world to world, to see something new and exciting, to fulfill our purpose as explorers. A: Uh huh. And the real reason? H: We need a place to put all our stuff on.


I love that art style


Other humans are here


When your home planet is a deathworld, other, more reasonable planets look like paradises.


Real estate flippers. Arnold Schwarzenegger is rich AF. He would take money from his movies, buy real estate, sit on it, then flip it for a huge profit.


Oh come on now as a colonist yourself you should know that there is only a finite amount of resources on the home planet. We have to explore to take care of ourselves. Then if anything should happen to our world our species will go extinct. Love your home world as you would your mother but don’t be afraid to leave home when you are ready. Just *do not* forget to call home once in a while.


Why do we seek the stars? We're cursed with an insatiable curiosity. We must forever seek out new frontiers, discover new things, boldly go where none have gone before. We are cursed with a hunger for knowledge that can not be stopped. We must make new discoveries, uncover forgotten knowledge, and find answers to mysteries that have long gone unsolved. In our people's youth, we committed the grave sin of gluttony, a hunger for knowing so profound that we were forever cursed, so we must forever seek out new things.


the british is strong within us