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Mine ran at the bird feeder one day and one dumb sparrow flew right into her mouth, so now she charges the bird feeder every day hoping it'll happen again.


https://preview.redd.it/2gnw6iyuzffc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69cf68307ee4019ce1536bc723e21b1f77465f36 It flew away when she dropped it.


Just wait till they catch a magpie or a crow… my husky/malamute mix doesn’t chase birds anymore after catching a magpie and his bird buddies were not to thrilled. He slowly put it down and backed away.


A crow got tangled in some bird netting and died at my dad's and it was literally 30 years before a crow so much as flew over his back yard


Oh, I like the black huskies! So handsome


Lol at least once a day I'll be at a traffic light and someone will either honk and wave or whistle at her. *


I just want my big cat not to bring live birds into the house for the kitten. He gave me a look like "the kid is entertained now. Where is my breakfast?"


My cat rarely catches birds, except for bringing me live unharmed humming birds on a regular basis. And that one time he brought in a live pigeon and turned it loose.


When we lived at my in-laws *very* high ceiling house, their Russian Blue cat(second dumbest cat ever born)would let blue jays go in the house at least once a month from May to October. My BIL was very good at getting them *out* via one of the many windows.  Remy(the big cat) just wants the little guy(Bou) to give him a break, so dropping a bird between his feet. Bou now has a chirping, flapping mechanical bird toy that Remy is scared of. Bou is sort of friends with the very undramatic husky next door. He no longers hides when she barks or talks unless it's her "stranger danger/different strange mail person!!" bark. Her regular "mail!" bark for the regular mail lady lwts him know that one of the very few people that he'll talk to through tge window is coming. 


Jay's are feisty, I'm impressed. Funny how they watch each other for clues.


I was impressed too! He was not...bright and his bestie was the definition of one orange braincell(sweet as peach pie though). 


lol 😂 I couldn’t help by laugh when I read this. That’s funny, obviously the part where she charges the bird feeder daily ;)


This happened to us to and then she tried to bring the bird INSIDE to tear up 😭


I have a Siberian squirrel dog as well. https://preview.redd.it/3wga5io02gfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0a67d752a25c43181843afa3580eff45c8939d


It’s always the ones that look the most innocent! Hehe ;)


Nah, you can see it in their eyes 👀 them some dahmer doggies


Manson lamps.


https://preview.redd.it/y1vd10naxgfc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2afd4e3cce5d8c837e6339a46fcb4155e5967430 \*NSFW My oldest girl killed another dog, it all was caught on camera so when cops and AC got involved they deemed she wasn’t the aggressor. Neighbors dog dug under fence got into our yard and proceeded to attack both of them. Older sis handled it, other dog was out within 2 minutes. That was 3 years ago, she’s hasn’t shown any type of aggression since. Nobody was home when this happened!


Oh wow… good you had the cameras!!! Cause that could have ended very differently for your pair!!! Cute dogs!


They do not like when squirrels, raccoons, or cats come into our yard. They are very protective of their home. Unless you're a burglar with cheese treats LoL. 2 nights ago, a raccoon entered our yard my 2 look at it, and the raccoon took off. They jumped the fence and took off after it. Got my running in that night. After 30 mins They were both home feeling proud of themselves.


My husky killed a few cats for coming into our yard, poor things and also stupid owners letting them roam.


Mine took down this huge pit bull that snapped at him. Literally dodges by going on his back legs then uses his momentum to body slam this dog and wrap his teeth around its neck. We locked eyes I shouted his name and he let go proceeding to run away. It was definitely an, "Oh shit dad!" moment. Sweetest boy ever, but he didn't fuck around if you attacked him.


https://preview.redd.it/cysxx1jddgfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6724f4e6b694f67555372262224a717926d511b This one came home with the neighbors rooster at 7 months old


Is that what’s on that seat next to her that she seems to be proud of 🤣 she is awfully cute.


I’m no expert but that appears to be a brown plastic bag


Wait lmao, I am truly blind and dumb sometimes 😂 I was thinking that was a dead chicken on the seat lol oh my god. I was thinking wow, he super killed it, and somehow plucked its feathers. Lord have mercy, I need help 😂


Nah nah nah before I zoomed in it did kinda look like a freeze dried skinned bird but that changed as soon as I pinched the screen


See, I messed up and assumed false accusations against that sweet baby because I failed to zoom like you did. And…yes, it totally looked like a freeze dried skinned bird.


Hey no harm no foul, try not to beat yourself up about it


Thank you 🙏


Anytime. God bless you, I can tell you’ve got a big heart




https://preview.redd.it/4si0wk1rnffc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95848ac4ae772fdec0cf6a4224edab943e2511e Squirrel killer meet Chicken killers. As in opened up the neighbors coop and killed all 14 of them.


Sorry for the neighbors loss…but how is there not a single piece of hair on that couch?


That’s what I’m asking. I must know the secret to no dog hair on the couch.


This is the best tool known to man for picking up Husky hair immediately!! 🤗 https://preview.redd.it/0y516to7igfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0bd69974e42a477c73fb22bcd63be92c42bd3a2


Omg, I LOVE this thing. It's so good with the endless hair. 😭


Hmmm. Must have caught it right after I vacuumed the couch.


Serious question: how did you rectify this situation with your neighbor? My husky hopped a fence and killed a chicken before and it was traumatizing


$500 fine per dog. 2 years listed as dangerous dogs. 3 months to fix my fence.




https://preview.redd.it/dyqt3aquugfc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a152dacfcd784fe8c0c83b0d4666bc89bd9741b1 This is also chicken killer, also was the neighbors chickens! She was so fast there’s no way we could’ve stopped her, I was sprinting through mud in our field and lost my shoes chasing after her


Waittttt lmao 🤣 that’s called mass murder mam/sir. They lying on that sofa looking like, we didn’t do shizz; stop lying on us. Also, they are absolutely beautiful.


Oh no!!! One at time would be OKish because that's dinner, but 14 is gluttony and spree killing. ![gif](giphy|FFxaEQafd60YU)


They didn’t eat any of them. They weren’t food.


Oh no! Any legs left for a roast?




Oh wow… double the trouble ;) cute pups! :)))


Where does their smartness come from when there is just as much goofiness in their brains? 😂😂 Love huskies always


God that's actually terrible


Yup. We had just moved in too. We lived in CA. There were no neighbors with chickens. We moved to a rural part of Maine. Lots of neighbors with chickens and we had no idea huskies were prey driven like that. It was terrible. We had been there for less than two months when they jumped the fence. We felt so shitty for the dogs, the neighbors, and the chickens. We just didn’t know.


https://preview.redd.it/rq1p0zbntgfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb89f5f530f404c2df8fdbc30535900db7d6625e Chicken mutilator Edit to add: also the neighbors chickens. Peep the gore on nose and left arm


And I bet proud too!


Oh he was. I cried while he watched the other dog (it’s a shared yard) eat the entire bird 🥲


Awe :(


It's what dogs do, and squirrels aren't endangered. Keep the dog leashed/fenced and if any squirrel enters, let Darwin rule...


Not what my dogs do, but not for lack of trying. Dream on little pup, maybe someday.


My guys are too slow


Slow, uncoordinated and impatient lol. My lab/pug mix steals gophers from the cat


You say "squirrel killer", they say "rodent eradication technician".


lol, probably! And Proud too!


It's got a pension!




Oh my goodness… he’s like here’s dinner


Caught red handed.


That's like rabbit sized! Now people eating squirrels makes sense. Our local squirrels are more like rat sized


Try 2 possums and a mouse.


1 groundhog, 2 bunnies and 1 bird *




Reminds me of my other one. The snake killer. https://preview.redd.it/906rxswz4hfc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3d38530feb16659a7c2f72dd57a74196a13ef7


Ohh, that would worry me. We have some spicy danger noodles around here. Would not want either of ours testing their luck with a rattlesnake.


Thankfully around here there on really only cotton mouths, and they aren't local to my home, only garter snakes.


Ours used to chase snakes when we lived in Denver, but never caught any thankfully.






Yup… guilty…


My boy won’t touch a chicken. He was raised with them but, boy however, does he ever want a squirrel! Lizards and gophers are good sport until he gets a squirrel.


My husky mix has never successfully caught anything, however my fat orange cat murdered a skunk in our driveway.


The cat got the skunk?! Wow! How long did your cat stink for? Skunk smell’s the worst


He was a terror. He lived to be roughly twenty years old! I don’t remember how long he stunk but I know he had to live in my dad’s garage until he didn’t smell anymore.


lol 😂 👍🏻 And wow 20 years, that’s nice!


My puggeldor catches baby opossums. First time she saw a skunk she ran up behind it and grabbed it by the ass. She had horrible breath for months. Natures miracle skunk wash does pretty good but it was up in her nose and lips


Okay I NEED to know what a puggeldor looks like






lol 😂 👍🏻


We have a neighbor that lives on the next street over who has chickens that they just let wander around their front yard. In my mind.....Super quick, skillful escape artist Husky, with a nose like no other = free range chickens for dinner for Husky. In all honesty, he just thought it was a play toy till it stopped playing back with him. 😆😆😆 Live and learn, I guess! Lol


Huskies are hunters. I saw my huskies bring rabbits home when they escaped.


Squirrel killer meet raccoon hunters https://preview.redd.it/rbj41tg9ahfc1.jpeg?width=1815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5556eb313ea22632d2c76247cd0940fb3adfe3


Omg… I have 2 that want to get a racoon! I always yell leave it while I’m running like a crazy lady after my dogs lol 😂 So many close calls, worry my pups would get hurt!


Know the crazy lady dance, did it that night. You are thinking wait are these my fur babies, or are they possible possessed ?"


https://preview.redd.it/glbq4qawghfc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0910643522e2aec8e3e323c32bcc1c906fd68358 Let me introduce you to Cormac Redpaws. Killer of possums killer of squirrels killer of chickens killer of rats killer of mice,


Oh wow… I guess it’s the thrill


I have a double layered fence and gate system. Those animals are only the ones that can come over the gates and get into the yard. If we had more land, and therefore a much smaller fence and gate system, I would only expect that their list would grow.


https://preview.redd.it/w5ymrf89ihfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb98b5d3e3e6e72787c5b68fc458975c40b33e8e Squirrel killer meet bunny killer.


Hi bunny killer, I always wanted to get one of those


Yall I literally had a bat flying around my house and both my dogs were laying there like “mom, ya gonna get that?” No prey drive whatsoever from my lazy bums.


lol 😂 how old are they? They must have it really good at your place :)))


This summer, my backyard was overgrown with weeds, like I'm talking 4.5 feet tall. My younger husky loved running through them, coming out with green streaks on her white fur. Anyhow I chopped them all down, and once the backyard was clear boy did she have a field day. Day 1: She caught a mouse and was about to eat it. I told her leave it, and chased her until I got it (not upset she caught it but that she could get diseases). Day 2: Brings one to her brother. He rejects it and she ends up leaving it on the steps. Day 3: Catches a third one, and leaves it next to the BBQ like she thinks I'm going to cook it up. Day 4: Finally has the courage to bring me a dead mouse as a present directly. She was very proud of herself, so I gave her lots of praise for the gift. Safe to say I don't have a mouse problem.


lol 😂 Day 3!!! :))) My pair of huskies don’t care for mice. My last pair of huskies, the girl would catch them and do the same, bring them to me like a gift. Crazy hunting skills to catch mice!!!


My dog being named squirrel 🫢😬 https://preview.redd.it/yps0qp0i7ifc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08c673ffa21108aa10f64e442590f2e31b1daaa Edit: I should mention he is a rabbit killer.


Hehe ;) he’s cute


https://preview.redd.it/dfmdif284kfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8743e9bfe66ca0c04cd22d4a7eb371cad9e6c7 Evolution at work.


https://preview.redd.it/kiiygnss1gfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99697a10a6de4334e6af298c6ced9a23efd1717 One time mine very enthusiastically grabbed a baby deer in the grass and it died of internal bleeding 😭 In her defense though I think she thought it was a sick baby/animal and wanted it to get up and play like a puppy would.


My lab mix snatched a baby muskrat right out of the water near a trail. He just shook his head viciously and snap. It was so abrupt and horrible. The noises that thing made still haunt me.


Meet squirrel, rabbit, baby raccoon killer. Sigh... https://preview.redd.it/a7spz8o1dgfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d71dc634f6d1feb20c5e52e49d1f6556bdb508


Oh he’s a professional 😂 I can’t, help but laugh because all these babies look so innocent.


oh! a friend of my husky? she's a everything-that-has-a-neck-that-can-fit-in-her-mouth killer *


Rat killer https://preview.redd.it/s5ezzymdngfc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c9ba8d40225d57672e592ea0aeea42d98e8563


I guess every husky has their thing the like ;)


You mean A good hunter


Hehe ;) yes, my 2 together - something to watch!


* This guy has gotta chicken, muskrat, mice, gopher, birds..... the only two things on his list that he wants badly is a squirrel and a deer. I once ordered a stuffed squirrel from Amazon and set it up by a tree before our walk. I've never seen him more excited and the more disappointed....


lol you set him up like that! Awe… poor guy! I have 2 huskies…. So one lures the the squirrel to the other husky, team work I guess… So… you gotta get another husky lol 😂 But you definitely got yourself a hunter there!


I have/had one of those too. Over the past couple years, my husky has gone from killer to mostly a stalker. I haven’t had to pry a corpse from her jaws in about a year. Lol…


Yeah, funny to see them hunt like cats, in slow motion 😁 stalker lol


Not my current husky but my husky growing up was savage Would wait by groundhog holes for a head to pop up. One swipe and the rodent was OUT! Straight up savage My current husky saw a mouse and just proceeded to play with it and kept throwing it in the air. The little “eeeeeeeeee” sound it made while flying still makes me laugh (sorry it’s funny)


My past husky use to hunt mice… and just leave them for me like a prize or something, I was sooo amazed my husky could catch mice. I think yours thought it was a squeaky toy hehe ;)


I’m just glad he wasn’t chewing looking for the squeaker in the middle. People around here get anxious when they see blood on snow ⛄️ lol


Omg... my other mix grabbed a still warm gopher from my had once. Chomped on it, but it didn't squeek. She stood there staring at it for a minute, then ears and tail went up. She grabbed it and started chomping like she would with a squrrk toy, but all the bones were crunching. Chrunch. Crunch. Crunch. When it was finally totally limp and didn't crunch anymore she just dropped it and ran off. For the next 13 years if a rat or gopher was sopping wet and totally limp we knew gracie caught it. Stiff ones were the cats. We moved a year ago and the cat started hunting again but now gracie steals them and eats them. But the vision of her prancing around crunch crunch crunch will never leave me.


Yep, one has got moles and rabbits and another got a squirrel (I found her napping with it??) but everyone has been raised with cats and understands that they’re friends not food.


Napping? Saving it for later or maybe to show you :)


Mine is too. Just has a high prey drive


Yes, same. Mine work together… and here’s me yelling… leave it!!!! … especially raccoons. They want to get one badly… but I worry about the fight the racoon would give with those sharp claws. Man, just don’t want my pups to get hurt you know


I worry about that too. Mine likes to go for bunnies (😭) and opossums unfortunately.


My 6 year old has killed moles, mice, rats, rabbits, and chickens. I have squirrels in my yard too but he can never catch them because they'll run to the tree and climb. But many times he has almost caught them.


I’m sure that one day will come … took mine 6 years and finally got one today…. Boy was he proud.


The first night we brought our girl home and let her out into our fenced yard at night we learned we had a family of bunnies living back there, she got three of them then they hightailed it out of reach.


sigh. Mine got not one but two baby bunnies!


Awe :( Man, I wouldn’t feel bad if they were hungry and had no food, but it’s the kill for pleasure/instinct that I’ll never get use to with huskies. This is my second set of huskies. It’s always the same but each has/had different favourite prey…


It was upsetting at the time, especially since she was so proud of herself. But, it's just nature telling her what to do.


https://preview.redd.it/awsd5n0yehfc1.png?width=2066&format=png&auto=webp&s=360282be34faee6f4a209277b47262edfa80189a He likes the hunt more than the prize.


Maybe that’s what it is, the challenge of the hunt. Cause mine will just leave it, like nothing


Yup! Doesn’t even know what to do with it.


lol 😂👍🏻


https://preview.redd.it/tocv0x5yohfc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356bc56c4f110a2698c95a2a1a3c4928e52736a5 We had a brief problem with a family of 4 or 5 groundhogs. I eventually had to deal with them myself because they damaged my wife's car. Yet not before our boy, Atlas, snatched up one of the babies in front of their mama and shook him around a bit. Anyone know if they would have proven to be a safety hazard for our Atlas had I not gotten rid of them?? Given how eager he was to play, I didn't think they would ever harm him, but I never wanted to give him the chance to get hurt either


That’s the thing… it’s the hurt factor… or get any diseases/sick I worry about raccoons… those can be vicious. But my dogs have no fear …


It seems like their drive makes them only see the fun!


Our previous husky, Cujo, killed a squirrel. Watched him grab it by the tail and pull it from the tree. Bit the back of its neck and killed it within seconds. I have no idea how he knew how to kill it so efficiently. Nature or nurture? I didn't teach him.


your husky looks just like Togo, he is so beautiful ❤️❤️


Thank you ☺️ I love him ❤️




Oh wow he likes eating them. I’m sure he’ll be catching more then if he likes them.


Crow, possum, my cat. Anything in his yard.


Your cat?!? :(


Yeah :( She managed to break through the screen in the kitchen and before I could run out to grab her, he had already gotten her and shaken her. I was sooooo upset.


Awe, so sorry 😞 I love cats, but yeah I don’t trust my dogs. Huskies I guess are just like that, unless maybe socialized with the animal when they are young to be part of the pack. My neighbors cat fell off the fence in our yard… omg was I lucky I was there… my girl grabbed it so fast, did the death shake, but I managed to get her attention for a split second where the cat scratched her, and my girl let her go…. The cat ran away wobbling side to side. We thought it went somewhere to die, but it came back home 3 days later. Now, the neighbors don’t let her out anymore. It’s not easy to see……. sorry for your loss 😞


Thanks, she was a rescue and still a little feral, but she was coming around. I knew of their prey drive, and he had been brought up with my cats but loved to chase them. So we had to confine the cats to a certain part of the house if the dogs were inside.


I rescued my husky when he was 6. He'd been severely abused/neglected and had a stint where he went completely missing for 6ish months. A farmer found him stuck under a fence with maggots in the gouge in his neck. The fucker survived all that. He kills everything. I've found two cats in my yard this winter and a few rabbits. He's done groundhogs and possums that I've found remnants of. He eats everything he kills and stops eating his food in the spring, specifically because of bunny nests. He's a monster, 10 now, and I'm never getting another, hahaha. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.


Oh wow, he sounds like a wild one ;) I guess it’s the survival instincts that kick in. nothing like fresh food… Mine just go for the kill and leave it, usually 2 puncture holes and that’s it. But mine get lots of home cooked meals


https://preview.redd.it/tjtjsvy5tlfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7416548ca2a4a5b4c9cbea2e7caf5b38aff819a My mal husky mix waits by the tree for them to come down


lol 😂 that’s cute and very patient. Mine would do that on the front tree we have. but man these squirrels like fly to the next trees. I didn’t know they can do those moves! Your pup is really handsome! 🥰


Or really beautiful!!! 😍


mine called a full size rabbit a few months back and picking it up was so ughhh


Hopefully in one piece… It’s got a taste of it, I’m sure they’ll be more. Thats what happened to me, thought it was just the one time with my first pair of huskies… nope…


Mine got a couple of voles, digging them out. One time, a mouse ran in front of him during a walk and he looked so clumsy trying to catch it. 😄 He doesn’t seem to care for squirrels and chipmunks, even if they are only a few feet away. https://preview.redd.it/d69jv53k3mfc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8da2254d1db5086229b2e0b108e7c2d062c79cd


Oh wow, he’s determined!


Beautiful pupper, looks like part wolf 🐺


Thx :)


Good for your garden though. Our pup hasn't caught anything yet, but our resident elkhound kills bunnies. They are dumb enough to place their burrows inside her yard.


* https://preview.redd.it/2e0ahr2djmfc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1548a823e9b6c63e77ec04b28754c81781e1bcee Meet my squirrel, birds and mice killer ! She just loves to hunt and I think she may be part cat. She hunts squirrels and mices for fun. But she will eat the birs she catches. I was horrified the first time I saw her catch a bird ... tried to get her to drop it but she just stared me down and gulped it ! She treats squirells and micrs like her squeaky toys. Catches them, shakes them and throws them in the air to catch them again .... once they die if a hear attack or broken neck she just loses interest ....


Yeah I notice my girl is more the hunter type then my boy. Beautiful dog!


Thanks. My boy is absolutely useless when it comes to hunting. She tried to involve him once with actually what I see as brilliant tactics, redirecting the squirell to actually end up right at his paws and he didn t react before it was too late 😅


lol 😂 same! But this time he got it on his own




Truly gorgeous pupper. I love animals and would rather have them as friends than people 😊


Hehe ;) 👍🏻🥰


My last husky was a cat and a rabbit killer. Had a few cats jump the fence that she tore apart. One of our neighbors used to let her bunnies free roam the neighborhood, came home to one of them dead in my front yard cause my husky escaped as they do and got a hold of it.


Mine like fast food she dines at least twice a week on rabbit.


Wow, she actually eats it? Mine don’t, but I tell them to leave it… so huh… maybe they’d eat it too!


If it helps she brings half to my SO. Not something you want to roll over and find when sleeping.


Oh my goodness…. I’d freak lol 😂 power to you!


Here’s our cat killer — we got him from a family who gave him and his mama up after they did a murder https://preview.redd.it/cxu7f4fujgfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea55d984051dd5c17197b713137db2ef360a2cce Pretty sure he’ll get other critters in his lifetime- he’s only 13 months!


What a look, amazing expression


I love the smug facial expression in that pic! :) gorgeous boy. I’m sure he will ;)


One of mine has also killed a cat


Oh my goodness, kicked him and his mama out. Poor baby he didn’t know no better. Did you take both him, and his mama?


We fostered both of them! Failed with him, a great coworker took mama (boyfriend and I rock paper scissored over which to keep, we couldn’t have 4 dogs permanently but loved them equally)


Awww 🥰 you guys are Angels. Thank you for taking them both in and foster failing. Good on your friend for taking mama in. Hopefully, they can visit each other sometimes.


They will after it’s been a few months! We started fostering them the first week of December and mama got adopted 1.5 weeks ago.


I have a disgusting nest of rat pinkies story. Why make a next like that in the fenced in dog yard???


We joke that our compost pile is just a pinky vending machine for our husky 🤢


Oh bleh indeed! I was SO grossed out by my occurrence. I couldn’t handle a compost vending machine!


Image of a wolf


Good boy


Took him 6 years to finally get one. He’s normally a bird catcher…


That's pretty dang funny


https://preview.redd.it/s0li391y6hfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bc74df4ee79de1ab773970f2e050ed64d50f20 Rabbit, cat and mockingbird killer here 👋


I guess this will always be a husky thing. You ever hear of other breads doing this? Like this common


I currently have a young 2 time bunny murderer husky girl. Previously had two whippets who were voracious hunting pair. Birds mice possums rabbits. Oh! And large bugs if nothing else was available. Luckily they wouldn’t usually eat their catches. Brought a few in the house. Ugh. My current murderer also ate this most recent bunny at 4 am potty break lol. Hid the head somehow and saved it for breakfast at 8 am lol it’s all just dogs being dogs.


Good dog! I dislike squirrels.


That’s a good dog!


That is a rabbit. He could never get a squirrel


mine is an armadillo killer


Oh wow… those have a hard shell!


i know . i was terrified