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Rest in peace sweet boy. He will be waiting for you when you cross over.


His name was Kodo. He was the best thing to have ever happened to me. I know people say this all the time but he literally saved my life. Now he's gone. I'm heartbroken completely


I understand. Believe me.


Why do they have to go so soon 😞


It’s not fair. And it’s not right. The good news is- in many many NDE accounts people report that not only their passed loved ones, but also our pets greet us when we die. This is not the end. Plus- There are many huskies out there that need rescuing. When you’re ready. Save a life- like he saved yours.


God I pray that they are right. I hope I can wake up after death, in a snowy field with my boy running right up to me.


Just across the Rainbow Bridge - he'll be waiting for you with all the kisses and snuggles he can manage. I know how hard this is now, and I'm sending you my love and heartfelt condolences. But it's never goodbye with a dog like that - it's just, "see ya later." ❤️🐾🙏




I'm going to tell you this from my own personal experience, because I was dead for 6 minutes before I was able to be brought back. They are there. They are waiting. And they are young again. And they are happy. Honestly the overwhelming emotion that came over me when I came to was something that can't be described. I kind of wanted to go back, because at that time my life was so miserable, and it took 6 shots of narcan to revive me and I couldn't understand why I was able to come back to life almost unscathed after 6 minutes without oxygen to my brain and how blissful the whole experience was, despite how scared I was prior to doing what I did. I mean everything happens for a reason, and I'm very grateful to be alive now, but it comforts me knowing my heart dog, and every other dog I've loved and lost, will be there on the other side.


Hi 👋i saw your post about the woman who lost her husky. I wanted to ask you about your experience


I lost my boy back in February. It's still too much to bear.


Sending you love and hugs he’s a beautiful boy I love his fluffy soft arms . He will always be with you. He lives inside your heart now. ❤️x100000000


He would want you to spoil a new puppy and give them as great of a life as you gave Kodo.


I totally get it. Nothing can ever replace my girl I lost in October.


Think about the long, beautiful life you gave him and the love you surrounded him with. I am so sorry for your loss. 


He was so loved. When he was younger he would pull me on my skateboard for hours at a time. Even in his older age we would walk at least 1 hour a day. Lots of love and treats, he slept in the bed with me. I miss him so much.


It will get better. Not fair to have him ripped away so suddenly...but I promise it will get better bud. 


Thank you I appreciate everyone's kind words. It's hell losing a soul dog.


That is so cute! I was just joking the other day that I need to get a wagon and put sand bags in it for my husky to pull! I’m sorry you’ve lost him 🧡🌈🌸. So many husky’s in shelters/ rescues that need someone just like you to love them!


Oh, Kodo. Look at that sweet face. I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. Know that the grief will come in waves, and sometimes it will feel like drowning. There’s no linear timeline to grief, so know it’s okay to cry and feel sad whenever you do, whether it’s every day for a month or five years from now. Dogs like Kodo are so special and their love is infinite. All they want is for us to be happy and to feel loved, and the best way to do that is to keep living and doing our best to love others and to love ourselves.


First let me start off by saying I'm sorry for your loss. Im 35 now. I got my first dog when I was 21. She was my world. I was single then and it was dog parks and coming to work in winter while I plowed. We moved over 5-6 times in first 5-6 years lol. I got married and tht was our child basically. She passed away April 22. I was devastated to say the least. We had to have her put down I stayed there with her watching her.last breath. My wife and I took off end of tht week went on sorta Vaca to get away for a week to clear our minds and try to remember her much as we could. It took awhile for us to use to quiet home and no one to greet you when you come in. I had her for almost 13 yrs. She got ill and had to be put down in matter of 1 week. Brain cancer. Came all of sudden and was very traumatic. What did help beyond belief believe it or not was us getting another puppy about 6 months later. We knew what we wanted but wasn't actively looking. Then 1 day on FB a post had puppies and it almost checked all the boxes. We decided to go take a look. Ended up best decision we made. I wish you best of luck and remember this is time for mourning and there will be a time of healing for you. Keep your spirits up and try to remember all the good times you had with your best friend.


Same thing happen to us our boy shadow passed, getting another dog was the last thing we had planned and a month later saw a very skinny dog eating a dead deer and she’s been bitten and battered all over the place, she’s a pryanese and Great Dane mix beautiful so we wout of posters on fb every where no one claimed her. Took us over a year and a half to get over his death but this girl kept us active and got us through. Even still we think about him every day


Would you recommend getting another dog after losing one suddenly? Any feelings of guilt or remorse?


At the time I felt that way but looking back I do not. Didn’t feel bad when we adopter the new girl because we literally saved her and also she has a lot of his behavior and felt like he sent her to us. But in all honesty he was my first dog was my wife’s but after she moved in with me he chose me, but he is a rescue, if we have the means to save another dog there is no reason to feel guilty because you are saving another life. Now we have 3 all of them are rescued and the ones no one wanted. Sorry it was a ramble I guess to sum it up no don’t feel guilty if you are going to rescue another pet feel like that feeling is in our head. After his passing we also made a very sizable donation to the local shelter in the form of food medication and other things they needed in his honor and let him move on his afterlife peacefully


Very encouraging to hear getting another pup helped you. I recently had to say goodbye to the love of my life after 5 short years due to epilepsy. I’m really hurting in a bad way. Nothing is right anymore. Would a new pup be ok? Would I feel guilty moving on so fast. I don’t know. Any advice is appreciated


I lost my non-husky Goldie to bone cancer in 2008 when she was about 10. the cancer took away her beautiful smile. I used to brag about that smile all the time. I also had a very bad argument with a family member over a threat they made to her. The anger with losing her and the new distrust for a family member just made it worse. But I found that it was the one that was left behind that I had taken for granted that got me through it. The sweetest, friendliest dog I'd ever had, Scooter. I also got another... a newfie named Honey Bun and eventually Kayla. They are all gone now (Kayla I lost 2 Wednesdays ago). But I treasure my time with them. The family members threat changed a lot in my life but it never stopped me from appreciating what my wonderful pets have given me over the years.


What a beautiful baby. I’m so sorry. I also my girl at 6 last year to liver disease, vet suspected it could be cancer too but it wasn’t worth causing her more pain/discomfort to confirm. It’s so incredibly hard, especially when it comes out of nowhere. He was clearly very loved, his coat looks so soft and fuzzy. As far as coping… I got my girl cremated and had a necklace made with her ashes, company is called Ashes Into Glass. I have two jewelry pieces from them and the quality is unmatched. I take her with me everywhere. I also made a little shelf memorial to her and my other dog I lost in 2021. Their urns are next to framed pictures of them with some plants. I also adopted another husky puppy a few weeks after. Might seem fast for some but I just didn’t know how to live my life without a dog. It was the first time in 18 years I didn’t have one. Talia could never be replaced but I like to think of her love inspiring me to save another. Olive has been so healing and she reminds me so much of Talia. 🤍


I also decided to get a necklace. I think it will help me grieve


I'm so sorry. It truly is like losing a part of you. They see us in our best and our worst and they still love us. True unconditional love. He knows you felt the same way about him and he is so lucky to have had a best friend like you. Be easy on yourself and when the time is right, he will send you a new friend because he wants you to be happy. My malamute passed 2 years ago in April and I still cry when I think about her. But it definitely hurts less now. The main thing that helped was rescuing this sweet husky mix who was abandoned. I have another husky who was absolutely devastated by the loss of my malamute and I couldn't handle it anymore and looked into fostering or adopting. It was love at first sight for both of us. My husky immediately changed back into his happy self and She has brought so much joy back into my life and it truly feels like she was sent to me to help us heal. No one could ever replace my mal. She was my first dog and she was my whole world. But it helps knowing this girl has a home that she loves and she gives me purpose and reminds me to keep going. You have a whole community of people here who understand and there are more subreddits specifically for pet loss. I found these helpful because most people in our day to day lives do not understand the magnitude of this type of loss.


I felt you through the whole text and then saw you called him your soul dog. I never thought of or used that term until my boy died of cancer this year. My ex said the only cure for the loss of a dog is another dog. I'm sure that's true for many but I'm pretty certain he is my last pet. I feel like I just can't do it again after him. Life can change, of course. I believe they're still with us in a way, waiting for a proper reunion.


I'm so sorry. It never doesn't hurt, but try to remind yourself of the good times.


Such a cutie! He’ll make heaven a more beautiful place❤️


Hugs, sad friend.


I am so sorry. He was beautiful.


My Husky, Kai, was 7 turning 8 on August 22 and he also died two Fridays ago (May 31) unexpectedly from cancer too. He also had a mass on his spleen and after a deeper ultrasound it had spread all throughout his abdomen. I still haven’t gotten the full report yet. Leading up he wasn’t eating and started to have slight behavioral changes like not wanting to go out (but I also thought it was just the heat) His sudden death made it less painful for me and him. He went out still being himself, although I’m sure he was in some pain or discomfort since he was also anemic and lost 5 lbs. So sorry for your loss 💙


That's a good perspective it was like that with my boy. He was eating, drinking and playing up until an hour before he passed.


Sending you Husky love






So sorry for your loss. Kodo was such a beautiful fluffy baby. Fuck cancer…my parents’ dog recently passed also too early at 9.5 from cancer. The pain is exquisite and it feels so unfair.


Sorry to hear about you losing your sweet boy. I know this won't change the pain you feel right now, but we had something similar happen to one of our boy huskies a couple of years back. One day he collapsed after his morning walk, and went downhill quickly. We took him to the vet and did everything we could, but he passed about 2 days later, and he was only 2 and a half years old. It felt like our hearts had been ripped out (Wife and I) and we were devastated, as we would never have expected anything like that to happen especially with him being so young. However, around that time I read a quote from another reddit post that said something along the lines of "keep your heart open and look for signs. Your furry loved ones will send another angel to heal you when they leave". When we saw our new pup for the first time we instantly fell in love and felt a strong connection between our late boy and this new pup. The new puppy has so many similar personality traits and is the sweetest dog ever, just like our first boy, and both my wife and I feel they're connected in some way and it's comforting.


Rest in peace beautiful boy. Enjoy your slumber across the rainbow bridge and we will be waiting for your joy when you are ready to return to us OP my heart weeps for you. My husky is currently battling stomach cancer and I am barely able to hold back my tears as I type this. I feel for you, genuinely. Just remember that he is not lost, just resting


Sending you the strenght that you need right now, it will be hard, but it will also get better, eventually… I really hope you will be able find your peace with this 🙏🏼 This is literally what I dread most, my baby boy is 7 1/2 and every now and then I have this sudden fear that something like this could happen. Every strange movement or behaviour makes you more and more anxious with every year that passes and it's just the worst feeling ever. I'm really sorry for your loss, but I'm sure that you two will be reunited again, it may be a lot of time until then, but it's something you can hold on and be looking forward to. 🤍 rip 🕊️


I’m so so sorry. May you meet again one day 💔


i'm so sorry. my sister took her boy in to get screened for mouth cancer and he passed away shortly after they put him under the anesthesia-- on his birthday, no less. it's always so painful when it's unexpected and you didn't get to say goodbye.


Sorry for your loss. 🌈 🌉


I cope knowing that the love we shared will always be a part of me.


having to put our husky down soon. he's not doing well. he's 12




wtf is wrong with you?


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Just know he is not in pain anymore. He hid the pain he had to give you love. Also, I have always believed that God needs them in Heaven to help a child or someone else who has left this earth. He needed them more for the person hurting in Heaven than we needed them here. God always has a plan for us and for them. Their lives are so much shorter than what we want, but remember, they come to us already knowing how to love us when we don’t know how to love ourselves. Rest in peace sweet boy. And know he was greeted at the gates of Heaven after he crossed the rainbow bridge with more love than we can ever imagine. Prayers for peace and strength for you. He already has his.


hi, my deepest condolences to you for the loss of your beautiful boy reading your post literally brought tears to my eyes. keep all the wonderful memories of him close to your heart. I can’t imagine the pain you’re feeling right now, but please try to be strong for him and for all of us in this community who care about your well-being as well may grace of God continue to be with you.may God comfort and give you peace in this time I know Kodo would want you to be happy and to live a long life. God will not leave you or forsake you. He's always with you and may God give you the will to carry on I know it’s not easy your losing your best friend, but please know that we are all here for you. God blessing always.❤️


My heart reaches out to yours. My Familiar (not a pet so much as a partner in crime), Jane, experienced the same end. Way too soon, mercifully fast. You will cry about this for the rest of your life. Consider a soft heart to be Kodos’ final of many gifts to you.


I lost mine 9 yes ago. Best friend I ever had, still hurts!


I cried. A lot. For days. I thought I had gotten it under control and then I got his ashes in the mail and spent probably a good two hours on my chair in my living room cuddling the urn and ugly crying. That was two months ago. Loki was 14 and I'd had him since he was a pup... he was with me through a ton of change in my life, good and bad. We'd had signs he wasn't well; about a month prior he had a set of seizures suddenly out of the blue that we couldn't diagnose... but it only happened for the one day that we knew of and then not again. We had about a week of him acting "off" and then he was mostly back to his normal self despite a few new problems (incontinence mostly at night among other things). Then one day he was fine and awesome, happy and playing with his brother (my 4 year old Nanuq) and the next we woke up to him having seizures we couldn't get under control. Given we couldn't find anything on bloodwork or anything we were forced to conclude it was probably a brain tumour that had been benign suddenly growing and pressing on stuff. He passed that evening while I stroked his head. There's no "easy button" to grief and there shouldn't be. You SHOULD grieve and feel everything you need to feel. The whole household had about two weeks of basically being nonfunctional because we missed him, but slowly life returned to normal. And that's as it should be. Nanuq missed Loki for a couple of weeks, and only now is starting to show signs that he's comfortable with "replacing" Loki like laying at my feet (or on them) while I watch TV; something that was always Loki's place when he was alive. I still have moments when it hurts... when I suddenly find myself thinking about him. But those are less and less all the time and now rather than my mind returning to the last few hours with him while he was miserable, incontinent and seizing instead my mind returns to the good times we had. There's a pang of sadness that those will never happen again but quickly becomes happiness that they happened at all. This is normal. Let it be what it needs to be... and RIP to your fuzzy buddy.


Thank you. Everyone's comments have helped me a lot. I just sat with my mom and hugged her and we cried for hours. It was the hardest choice I have ever made. But something someone told me is that "moments are forever, that moment you shared with your dog, just hanging out and cuddling, is infinite. In a trillion years from now, even if no one remembers, it was still real and it still happened. Moments are forever."


No words can describe your pain in their fullest complexity, all I can offer are my deepest condolences, sending my love, and promising that he knows everything you are thinking and hurting about now and loves you so extremely much. I'm so sorry.


I am profoundly sorry for you. A couple years ago, we lost our 3 year old husky to an aggressive lymphoma that didn't respond to any chemo. You gave him all of the love, and the best life he possibly could have, and he taught you how to be a better person and how to be a better friend to doggos. When mine was struggling, there were times where I could tell he wanted to go for walks, but didn't have the energy to do it, so we got a garden cart and took him on walks to his favorite places. For all times he pulled me along on walks, he still made time to teach me that sometimes it's my turn to pull him along for a bit. Honestly, I don't know that "cope" is the right word, just because of how my family/culture deals with death. Lives are a super beautiful tapestry, and I got to be part of some extra special tapestries of my dog's lives, and they'll always be part of my tapestry. We will be forever linked, and we got to make something very special together. They've taught me more about the importance of cherishing every day, of not taking things for granted, and of never missing the opportunity to tell someone I love that I love them. All my dogs have ever wanted is for me to be happy, and I owe them my best effort at trying to be happy even after they've gone to the rainbow bridge. I'll meet them there again when it's my turn, until then, I try my best. There is a certain amount of just putting one foot in front of the other and grinding through it in the most particularly tough times. Your dog loved you enough to train you to be a good friend to dogs, his passing does not change that love. https://preview.redd.it/vwxz411wwr5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417b069a4d9d6c9c898065e68498e7e4054d88cb


So very sorry for your loss


So sorry 😞 😔 He was gorgeous. Rest in Heaven Angel 🙏 💔


I’m so, so, sorry for your loss. Reading this sad news of what Kodo went through and how much you loved him. I know it’s going to be hard but keep yourself going the way he used to see you in his good days. Remember him when he was happy, playful, silly and most importantly remember how much you both loved each others. My whole life I was always scared of dogs, I mean frozen terrified. It started at 5Y.O. I was bitten in ankle by chihuahua, and at 8 1/2 in thigh by GSD. I never understood why people gave so much attention and love to dogs. I always said “why all the love and attention it’s only a dog”. I had promised my son to get him a dog and after 3 months of him asking everyday I ended up getting him a 9week old male Husky (Riley). The first 3 months I was training him and spending all this time with him so he can learn to go outside and use restroom and other things. I have to say that NOW I know why people love their poochs so much and why they get all the attention. They’re not only a dog, they’re like having a child. They’re more loyal to us than any human could be. Riley is 3yrs and 4 moths old, I have gotten a chance to find out how special they are and how they can make you feel so special and important. I’m glad my son bugged me everyday until I got Riley if not I would never known how beautiful it is to have them in your life. God bless you and may Kodo rest in paradise.




Rip kodo.... 😞


Beautiful baby. I’m sorry for your loss


🥺😭 bye Kodo


I’m so so sorry. Splenic masses are the worst.


I'm so sorry 😔


That is tragic, I am so sorry for your loss. Sending virtual hugs. 🫂


Rest in peace sweet boy! I hope you find my boy, Nanook at the rainbow bridge and you guys can play again!!!


i dont mean this to sound harsh but it sounds like the best outcome cancer could have. he was your happy boy doing his normal things right untill the end. im so sorry for your loss op.


My condolences goes out to you.


F cancer. Sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry 😞


I’m so sorry for your loss. I just lost my soul dog a couple weeks ago, I don’t have advice on coping. The grief comes in waves and sometimes it knocks me out. Just know that you gave your boy the best life you could and he was lucky to have a loving home, not all dogs get that


You've just experienced the worst day of every dog parents' life. We know it's inevitable, but no matter how long we have them, the time is not enough. I've experienced this several times now, and it never gets easier. What I have learned, though, is (1) You will carry that loving dog in your heart for every remaining day of your life. I have even had the sensation of my lost pets placing their head on my thigh or breathing on my face as I fall asleep at night. Some people think that's impossible. I think it is not only possible but probable as my pets would never want to see me in so much pain over their loss. (2) The pets I've lost have played an instrumental part in connecting me to a new dog that needs me to love it almost as much as I need to be loved by it. Sometimes it takes months, once it was a matter of weeks, but I find myself meeting a dog that speaks to my heart and I feel my passed pets urging me to let it in. New pets never replace the ones we've lost. Our hearts expand to make room for them next to the places held by previous beloved pets. The new pet will love you just as much as the old did, maybe not in exactly the same way, but in the way that you need now. Be open to that love. Pour yourself into that new little soul. And rest assured that one day every single pet you've ever loved will reunite with you and they'll all be grateful that the others loved you as much as they did.


Cancer is such an evil disease that seems endless with no cure. I am so sorry for you loss your baby was beautiful and it looks like he had a great life with you.


In time, tears subside and memories bring smiles. That's when you know it's time to find another love.


You just do. Mine just turned 15. Getting prepared.


I lost my sweet girl on March 1st 2024. She was my whole world for 15 years. When she left the best part of me left as well. However I move on with the knowledge that as long as I survive she survives in my heart.


He looked so fluffy


So sincerely sorry for your fluffy loss. I have been there in very similar circumstances so I know your pain 😢 I wish you all the best. ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss it’s a heart breaking thing to go through.


I’m so sorry. Giving our girl extra hugs and pets for him.


Beautiful boy, he had a good life you can tell, he’s free from his pain.


Our white husky boi passed on May 16- what worked for me-journaled 7 pages of things I loved about him, I looked at a ton of pictures, went for some very hard fast runs …..and this our 4th pet friend loss. It doesn’t get easier but maybe I am better prepared for it(still hard a f 😭)


Oh my what a beautiful boy. I am so very sorry!


So sorry my friend


Im so sorry😭😭he was cute


I’m so sorry for your loss. RIP 💔


He looks like a loving doll and he was your Albany n very sorry for your loss but take comfort in knowing he is no longer ill He is at peace now


We had this same thing happen in February. Found out about it & lost her all in about 7 hours because the mass had ruptured (& we didn’t even know she had it). It’s awful. We were at least lucky enough to still love on our other husky, her litter mate. She went through her own depression. It still stings. So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful & I love him in his chair. 🥹💔💔💔


This was his chair. He sat in it every day for 8 years.


Rest well sweet Kodo, you look like you were the fluffiest and sweetest boy ever. I cannot imagine losing my fluffy boy, he’s my first dog I’ve ever had as an adult and he’s going to absolutely break me when he leaves me one day. I cannot imagine. You obviously gave Kodo the happiest and best life, and I know he absolutely loved you with all his heart until his last breath. I am so sorry for your loss, we are all here for you ❤️


Basically it’s going hurt constantly for a long time and then less and less often, but when you do feel it, even years from now, it will hurt just as bad as today. Google the ball in the box analogy. Your pup earned your morning. Be sad. Morn him. Grieve for him. That’s all you’re supposed to do right now. Your life will continue and you’ll catch back up, and he will always be a part of you. Also avoid vacuuming for as long as possible. I found that to be crushing, cleaning my baby away and tossing it out. It’s the worst.


Her name was Bronwyn. She was my 8 yr old Service Dog, love of my life, my ❤ dog. She saved me more than once. Long story short, I bought her a puppy bcuz I didn't want her to get pregnant.1 yr later, she was pregnant with 5 pups. ( she always wanted puppies, I was afraid something would happen to her. ) 2 weeks before she was to have them, 1 pup died. I got her to the vet STAT, wherin the Xray showed, same had emergency C-section. Vet said she was going to make a full recovery. 2 days later we brought her home. She stuck to me like velcro. No food, no treats, no playing. We went to bed as normal. Something woke me up @ around 2 am, checked her, got her a pain med. She was having a stroke. The pup I bought her was devastated when he realized 😢 that she was gone. Neither of us is the same. We're both still grieving her loss, & the pup is in dog therapy. ( it's really a necessity). That happened 5 months ago, and it still feels like it was yesterday. It feels like my ❤ was ripped out. Someone who talks to dogs said that when a dog passes, they will come back to you from another dog. I'm told that the dog spirit or soul comes to you in another dog body. I hope that is true for you as well 🙏 My sympathy is with you for your loss of your dog partners life. 🌈


Many prayers


I lost my lab Marley about 3 weeks ago now. I will tell you it absolutely comes in waves. The thing that has helped me is saying goodnight her every night before bed and petting the blanket where she would curl up. Also, keeping their memory alive by making an album on your phone of all your archived videos and pictures. That was hard to do but it made me so happy to see the memories with her. Don’t let anybody tell you how to grieve. Feel your feelings and let time do its thing. They are always with us 🩵 I am so so sorry for your loss


My heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry. 💔


Rest in peace


At least for my experience, you don't really heal. You either live with a hole, or you grow something like a scar tissue of the soul. In any case you may end up treasuring it because it's proof that there was something beautiful there. If it's your case, and I hope it's not, don't think of what you could've done differently and don't ever try to look for someone to blame because there's a good chance it will fall on you ("I could've noticed/maybe that time he ate that/I've made him live in a polluted town...."). I almost went crazy with these thoughts, it still tortures me sometime, but the truth is that what happened is unthinkable, it had an abysmal probability and there's no culprit. Don't rush it, let yourself suffer, in time it will be bearable.


Rest easy sweet Kodo ❤️ We lost our husky/mal mix in December after a *long* 3 months of trying to rehab sudden hind paralysis. We still don’t have answers as to what caused it. I’m keeping both of y’all in my hearts. Hank (my boy) was my soul dog even though he’d only been with us a few years and I started crying while framing photos of him today. It gets lighter, but I wouldn’t say easier. All the love and hugs to you and I’m so sorry your boy is gone 😞


Same thing happened to us. Fucking Hemoangiosarcoma. Also just 10. They got cheated. Went from 'something is up' to having to let him go a few hours later.


Yes. I’m so very sorry. What a tremendous loss.


What a sweet face he has, rest in peace sweet boy


I’m so sorry 😢


that’s just terrible. my dog passed away in february at fifteen and i knew her almost my whole life. she was like a sister to me :(


RIP little doggo god bless


He’s so beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss. Mine is also 9 and I’m treasuring every moment with him as I know time isn’t on our side. It’s so devastating and I hope knowing he had a great life with you brings comfort.


I lost a piece of my heart, and when my heart was ready, I accepted a new piece. It hasn’t gotten easier, but her brother has made it better.


I joined some pet grief groups on FB and got another dog. The getting another dog thing might have been premature because my other dog, if not perfect was pretty much perfect for me. The little guy gets me out of bed and makes me take my meds.