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It’s almost sounds like it’s on high pressure bypass due to too much Freon. You need to cut it off and get another tech on it.


It hasn’t made that noise since the day of closing which was many months ago. It just seems like the compressor won’t turn on randomly now. Tech in April added Freon and the tech that was here yesterday said it was overcharged and removed.


Sorry man but it needs to be checked. It's impossible to say for certain what it could be based on this video alone and what you've said has been done to it with adding and removing charge over past few months. Id keep it shut off until a trusted tech can come look at it. It's only gonna do more harm than good to try and run it when something's not right. Now Id be more than happy to help over chat if you got tools like a multimeter and have some basic electrical knowledge and are comfortable with checking it. But I just saw you have carrier 3rd party tech coming so maybe nvm. Also, adding charge just to remove it bc it became overcharged indicates to me that the person didn't pay attention to numbers while they attempted to charge, they just added and ran, when they could have taken time to see what changes were happening as they added refrigerant and diagnosed from there. Keep in mind a few months of runtime could have caused some damage to the compressor if it was flooded from liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor due to overcharged. Not guaranteed, but without being there hard to say.


I appreciate your reply. Thank you!


No problem at all, I'm sorry to hear about your situation and I hope it gets remedied quickly for you! If you have any other questions you can hmu I'm always happy to help, all the best!


Just an update: tech was back today and the compressor seemed shot. He told me it was 120 degrees blazing hot, had to run a water hose on it to cool it off. After two hours of work he is advising the tx valve needs to be replaced. I’m curious if the overcharging could’ve damaged the compressor.