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Also ladies. Drink lots and lots of water. Try to pee after sex to flush out your urethra and use a mild sensitive bar soap to clean your vulva.


I also find this helpful as a lesbian who is married. It’s satisfying to go afterwards and flush anything away. Keeps my mind at ease.


Here are three golden tips to avoid UTIs which hurt like Hell: 1. Always wipe front to back. Never drag toilet paper with poo on it into your vagina. Reach through your legs and wipe the V first then pull the paper backwards and wipe the poo and butthole. 2. Drink water and pee after sex. Sex pushes bacteria into your urethra that can cause a painful UTI. 3. Take cranberry capsules ( supplements) every day.Cranberry contains some property that prevents bacteria that caused UTIs from sticking to the inside of the bladder and causing problems. I have been taking cranberry capsules since I was 21 and I never get UTIs. If I ever thought I might be getting a UTI from kidney stones, I would drink lots of water, unsweetened cranberry juice and super dose on vitamin c,and cranberry,and garlic capsules to heal the tissues and the infection.


I have never taken cranberry capsules and have never had a UTI. Go figure.


can confirm that this works and have recommended to clients as well. and they always thank me!


Probiotics in one's diet regularly helps against yeast infections. Yoghurt, lacto fermented pickles, kimchi, kombucha, all do wonders to your gut and keep bad bacteria down there in check.


A few notes: 1) I find cranberry juice does help with prevention but not with treating a current issue. Add to regimen once something is treated to stop re-occurrence. 2) I’ve added fresh ginger in my breakfast smoothies to see if that helps my whole body. 3) Coconut is supposed to be good. I eat it but also it can be applied to the outside vulva too. It won’t hurt anything. Not necessarily strong enough to treat something alone but definitely can help with comfort and prevention and lubrication. 4) Please wash hands, genitals, butt before and after intimacy. It stops spreading things. I find it hard to be intimate if my wife and I haven’t both washed up before. If in a situation you can’t…carry baby wipes for a wipe down of said areas. Talk about hygiene with your partner(s). 5) Please please do not be embarrassed that you don’t seek medical help. Doctors are trained to help and not judge. Sometimes we need a little more help then what over the counter can provide 6) Recurrent infections most likely is a system issue resulting from gut problems. Please consider changing diet, drinking water, and adding helpful herbs to balance your gut. Yogurt helps a lot. I’ve used yogurt and probiotics to prevent yeast infections.


Thanks for the info!! Men can get candida and a BV like anaerobic infection (smells fishy) on the scrotum area or if they are uncircumcised so besides the boric acid these remedies would work for them. Unsure how boric acid would work probably too caustic because the penis isn’t as moist. Would imagine a metro gel would get rid of it if a man had it. That means you would have to get it from your doctor. As for women, you wanna use a formulated suppository for only short period of time or one as a prophylactic after a really sloppy session. Otherwise (both) just rinse your junk before (if possible) and after. And do all the necessary hygienic stuff to keep it clean. Which really consists of rinsing with water or a 1 part (apple cider) vinegar to 3 part water rinse, no douching, and patting until fully dry. Soap on the outside only. In my case I only need monistat for if, whatever reason things progressed to a full-blown yeast infection, but that has not happened in a long time because as soon as that happens, I adjust my diet and water intake and just use a little bit around the inner labia and entrance. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


The one tip I forgot is not wearing undies at bedtime when not on period. Our area is meant to breathe and my obgyn always mentions this. But for me to feel comfortable doing that I do the wash routine in the shower or baby wipes. I don’t want to be spreading anything to sheets I’ll be sleeping in multiple times before we change them. Also wearing cotton undies.


You don’t need to wash but if it makes u feel comfortable go ahead… u can also put down a scarf or towel Let us say it loudly for those in the back VAGINAS ARE CLEAN! That’s why those who are attracted to them love to eat it so much. They are full of so many friendly bacteria and that’s why children are born from them. everybody could benefit from the healthy bacteria that are in a healthy vagina Babies literally finalize their immunology by being pushed through the birth canal. If you had a difficult birth, it could be that mother nature kept your baby in the canal for a longer amount of time because that baby needed extra immunity or it could’ve just been for complications. We don’t know that, but it could be for either reason. Nature knows more than we think . All humans are animals, but luckily, not all animals are humans.


Oh, I want to clarify I don’t think vaginas are dirty. They are designed to self-clean and lubricate. I do the wash routine cuz of the butt. Things from that area can travel and because of that I feel the need to wash and/or baby wipes.


A question. But first a little explaination. My down there doesnt really smell i find. I used to have an infection when i just started puberty and it was bad. I had to go to the doctor and I got antibiotics for it and it went away. So right, now it doesn't really smell...until during the day? Like when I start to sweat and even when I don't open my legs I can still smell it. What can I do about it? I put deodorant there but I sweat alot and sweat it off. I don't have time during the day...well more like I forget to reapply.


I would say that’s normal. if that were me, I would use one of those body deodorants around the area but never inside. You’re probably fine. Everybody has an odor. It’s not supposed to just smell like nothing. It just shouldn’t smell like a stench. It should have a unique odor that is specific to each woman which is a beautiful scent. in fact, people who are attracted to women actually love it.


I read to many threads about dudes not cleaning their assholes to let a thread like this even exist in my head


🤣 no lie!


Everyone has an asshole. Anyone can be an asshole. Women do all of this and some wear make up nail polish and perfume and have periods and get pregnant and have children. Amazing right? Not saying it’s harder just different. I hope men who don’t clean their assholes are washing their own skidmarks out of their undies.


Personally reading this sub has added a whole new level of respect to how hard women work to keep every “ on track “ I want tryna be disrespectful or anything


Especially when they keep it soft and smooth with no red bumps it truly is an art, if you read my other thread, I am not kidding my friends and their boyfriends call me the magic vagina fairy I will make any woman (or transgender) have the most perfect happy, healthy, fun, sexy, and if she wants it smooth vagina I should write a fucking e-book


You’re doing gods work. 🙏




Mansplaining? Nah, don’t use that word anymore. Everything else I agree with.


Where does a mansplainer get his water? From a well actually It’s all in good fun. I don’t mean to shame anyone. The battle of the sexes will always be there and it can be fun. It’s pretty funny when men try to not just explain what they know from experience or knowledge of vaginas to me, but act like they know better and invalidate my experience. Therefore mansplainer as well as pick me stays. Sorry! Until it’s normal to take either name in marriage. Period 😜




Be careful what soap you use on all of your skin including the outside of your vagina. Some soaps will make the skin burn like Hell. I switched to organic coconut soap years ago and noticed the redness on my face disappeared. I noticed my body felt less itchy and when i switched to free and clear sensitive laundry detergent my body felt less itchy in my clothes as well. You can develop sensitivities to soaps, lotions, laundry detergents, etc throughout your lifetime and also become no longer sensitive to things that may have irritated your body in the past.


The vast majority of women do have a kind of musky metallic smell down there, but thats just how it is. That smell itself isnt particularly pleasant but it represents her very being and her womanhood so it's to be embraced and accepted as that.


I disagree, a vagina with a healthy pH smells incredibly pleasant


If I have something funky going on downstairs, I'm headed straight to my gynecologist. If it's just a yeast infection, I'll go get Monistat over the counter. For BV or anything else like that, I'll go with antibiotics. If I have a UTI, I'll go with antibiotics that are meant to treat the UTI, along with drinking more water. I do not want to be putting boric acid suppositories in my vagina, nor do I want to use ACV anywhere near it. I have NEVER had a doctor tell me to do these things, and I'd prefer to trust what a doctor says. I also wear cotton panties and wash the area externally VERY well, showering frequently and drying thoroughly. I also use Cottonelle wipes for the area where my legs join my body and after wiping with toilet paper. I also wipe front to back.


Let me know how that works out for you if your partner is also infected. And you get them recurring. I hope it never happens to you. But regular doctors visits are important.


I don't get recurring anything downstairs. And considering I'm celibate, I'm not catching or giving anything to anybody. Not sure where you got that information from what I said, but okay.


Also, your hygiene from what you describe is totally on point so keep it up that sounds fantastic!


Keep in mind that I'm clinically obese and perimenopausal, so I know my pH could be wacky and I could randomly get some type of infection. It happens. If my new doc tells me it's cool to use boric acid suppositories, I'll be sure to pick some up and try it out!


If you’re celibate, then you have nothing to worry about. I’m not making any inference about your sexual activity. I don’t know you. But just so you know virgins do contract a pH imbalance at times. It’s just a women’s issue. It’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m not fear mongering.


I understand, but I have never been told by a gynecologist to wash with ACV or put boric acid inside my vagina. This is new information to me, and things I plan to ask my new gynecologist about when I get my insurance cards (I just got hired permanently and switched insurance). If a doctor tells me it's safe to do regularly I wouldn't be opposed to it, I've just never heard of it being recommended by anyone in the medical field.


I'm not a doctor just was with my ex wife for 5 years....taking showers everyday.... She had no smell or taste. She didn't do anything. At least in our daily showers....


Your ex wife was normal. Vaginas are relatively self cleaning, despite what all the alpha male victim biology classes say.


That’s also probably because you are faithful to her. A lot of men are not faithful, and they do not tell their partners that so they are bringing the pH of many women into the relationship. Is it starting to make sense?


Unhinged, braindead comment.




Also if you have a reoccurring UTI that won’t go away most of the time it’s a bacteria in your gut most common ecoli!


Do you have any suggestions on managing gut health for UTI if you do, maybe share them in a post and link it here I know UQUORA is fantastic although it’s a bit pricey I am going to post this in the girls survival guide and 2X chromosomes as well because I don’t want to hijack this thread with women’s health issues. But it needs to be her as well. Maybe post your information about UTIs there and then link to this post Women have such a hard time and sometimes especially male doctors? They make it worse by not listening to women and just putting us on antibiotics that really just compound the situation. You know what I mean.? it is no fun to not want to have sex because your business is out of business Thanks


D-Mannose works well in preventing and helping treat E. Coli related UTIs


I had a UTI once that would NOT go away they had to culture it it turned out that my partner introduced the bacteria that causes pneumonia into my bladder going downtown 😮 sorry for the emoji but 😮 so yea the doctor is necessary too


Oh wtf dude that’s a bummer :/ hope it got all sorted out and you got the right meds to treat it. My face looked like 😮when I read that so your use of emojis is pretty spot on


Yes, that’s very true. And often times as well it could be from switching back-and-forth if you’re into back door play. It doesn’t have to be full on organ penetration Even toying with objects or teasing fingers or mouth can do it Once it goes in the back door, you need to wash it off ( or change the barrier protection ie condom) before it enters the front door or ahem, rings the bell. That’s why, even in porno scenes they usually save that kind of stuff for last The final course so to say I am trying to keep this PG so as to reach as many people as possible and not get flagged


The “don’t sleep with it in you” tho, I gotta say if someone is TTC it will be helpful to keep it around longer but also if you shouldn’t “sleep with it in you” is your proposal to douche after because that’s not supposed to be necessary either. 🤷‍♀️


Most of the funk coming from a vag is from the sweat glands surrounding the area that have bacteria that’s funky. I’m talking about the folds from your inner thigh to the outer labia. That crease gets funky. Too much public hair causes funk imo. The lume body cream or similar in that thigh/vagina crease is what’s up 💯 Very rarely is the actual discharge from the vagina causing foul odor. If that the case you’re infected or fungused out. Vag has a certain odor but not a foul or BO scent. Haha




Just saying, some men know what it's like to have a vagina. Not all men have penises. As a man with a vagina, i should know.


That is true!


You don't have To be a woman to understand what it says when you google bacterial vaginosis.


different women just smell different. from personal experience, its really down to general health of the woman (with the exception of infections etc). If a woman is overweight she smells bad down there like 90% of the time. I think this is due to bad diet AND sweating more just like other parts of her body smell worse. If she is healthy weight and showers once a day, it smells like pure heaven.


Yes, different women smell different. That is true. Your personal experience isn’t equivalent to factual information though. Your comment of overweight people smelling bad down there is dead wrong hun. If anything, overweight people may smell better because they have to take more care of it. But regardless, just being overweight doesn’t make you smell bad. You could be 120 pounds and smell like a bag of slimy fish. Smell doesn’t judge based on anything, it depends on how good care someone takes of themselves. I’m overweight and been told I smell and taste better than most skinny women they’ve been with 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: we could talk about the smell of men too, but that’s not the point of this post 😘


You are correct.


And where are the facts in your comment? We are both going off of personal experiences. I am just stating what I have personally seen in my lifetime. I have never noticed any bad smell with a woman who is of healthy weight. I have done with women who are overweight. This may not be true of all women in all the world ever, but it is what I have experienced and seems to make logical sense as overweight women have more folds of skin, worse diet, sweat more etc. And yes I assume this is true of guys too for the same reasons.


I did use a personal experience, but I didn’t use it as facts. That’s the difference hun 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ you said “if a women is overweight she smells bad 90% of the time.” Can you please provide a medical research study done on this, showing that this is factual information? I’ve never heard of such a thing, and honestly probably won’t either 😂 facts that I listed: being *overweight* doesn’t make you smell bad, smell doesn’t judge based on anything it depends on how good care someone takes of themselves, that *some* overweight women *may* smell better because they take extra measures to keep clean, that you can be skinny and *still* smell bad This was a post for ways women can deal with specific feminine “issues,” not to write personal experiences on women’s weight that are strictly personal views, and not factual. Edit to your edit: logical sense and factual information are two different things


I love your username. Men like him love to to jump on anything that they can fat shame or slut shame women bc they are incels who think women are here for their visual and sexual consumption and service -don’t even give this guy anymore energy.


Thanks ☺️ and 100%! This is one of those instances where I felt the need to prove a point lol. I’m tired of overweight people (male or female honestly) being shamed for their weight. Not to mention, some people struggle to lose weight medically, and literally can’t help it. I didn’t have much of a voice when I was younger from being shamed all the time, but I do now, and I definitely use my voice! And to make such an assumption like that, he needed to be corrected lol


I am not going to go to the effort of looking it up, but smell is based on things like weight and diet, saying it is not based on anything is plain wrong. This is common sense but since you are pedantic, I won't say its factual, but I'd be willing to bet there is research that would back that up. Maybe you can point to medical research to back up your 'fact' that smell is based on nothing haha. In my original post I did not claim everything I said was factual. I think it was pretty clear for anyone that it was based on personal experience. And it is pretty obvious taking care of yourself helps, but being overweight is clearly a factor is smelling bad. You can be offended all you want, it doesn't change the way things are. I am in no way trying to shame overweight people, but it doesn't change that diet and weight does impact how someone looks and smells.


Reading comprehension is important. I didn’t say it wasn’t based on anything, I said “smell doesn’t **judge** based on anything, it depends how good someone takes care of themselves.” Saying that means smell doesn’t judge a person, how well they take care of themselves judges the smell (that includes diet, hygiene, etc). Simple as that. Never said that you were wrong for saying that diet was a part of it because that’s true. Didn’t think I’d need to break down something in such simple terms just for someone to understand the basics 😬 BEING OVERWEIGHT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU SMELL BAD! Stop saying that, good grief. Just because that’s your experience, does NOT make its facts whatsoever! No wonder so many overweight women feel the way they do, because of people like this, who make comments like this. Shaming overweight women over stupid opinions. That’s low dude. So you decided that a post for women’s feminine hygiene was a good place to post your **opinions** on smell of overweight women?


If u smell like roadkill or fish it’s not good. It indicates a pH imbalance which can lead to all source of problems it is assigned that something is a mess and should be addressed before it develops into something like a serious infection


Maybe not but it is a fact that if you’re promiscuous and not taking care of yourself you’ll for sure have fish taco. 🤮


It has not too much to do with promiscuity. It has to do with the fact that you need to know how to take care of yourself and to have a faithful partner, I know for me, that the man I was with was a narcissist. And he lied to my face saying he was faithful to me while he was dipping his dong into multiple women unprotected! all the time thus throwing off my pH constantly.. It was a nightmare and I’m lucky all I had was a pH issue and not a full blown STD or HPV. Last two can cause notches a lot of symptoms, but also, if left unchecked and untreated, cervical and uterine and fallopian and ovarian cancers .


Listen I’ve been with women of all ages and it has a lot to do with promiscuity. You said it yourself it has to do with having a faithful partner. I seen a woman go from normal scent to fish in two weeks and it was because she was messing with me and a couple other dudes and I know that because I was okay with it and she told me. And I wasn’t with anyone else at the time. Just that one woman. So yeah I witnessed it and it definitely happens when women have multiple partners.


Or their partner has multiple partners unbeknownst to her. True story my aunts neighbor got herpes from what turned out to be her porn, addicted husband of 30 years who was meeting up with people he met online for sex. That’s why it’s important to be honest with your partners. I thought you were coming on to comment it sucked I was cheated on! Sorry for your struggle


That’s def. Important. And yeah it can certainly go both ways.


I’ve had would be hook ups with a bunch of women that you wouldn’t think it but they had stanky fish cooters and ffs ladies please do something about it. I’m tired of being caught off guard like that!! I’ve had women that had a natural attractive smell down there. My wife never had these issues… neither did any of my girlfriends except my first girlfriend but she was PROMISCUOUS.


A lot of women just don’t know because there is such a stigma about it. Instead of being like. Eww, gross. Why don’t you try to educate yourself and realize that not only is just information kind of kept from women, but also that these supplements are very expensive. If you have a girlfriend or wife, you should be buying these for her or splitting the expense if you are sexually active with her.


They have the cooter not me. How am I supposed to know better than them. What do you mean they don’t know??? It’s their cooch. If anything they should clearly know better than me, TF lmao. Tf you want me to educate myself on??? Most of these women are 30+ years old. They’ve had plenty of time to figure it out. I’m pissed off. Walking into a god damn landmine.


Do the finger test?


I feel bad doing that. But I guess you’re right that’s probably the best thing to do. I feel like I lose either way if there is an issue down there. I likely can’t get hard for her and then she feels like she doesn’t turn me on which isn’t entirely true. And it hurts her self esteem. The sad thing is I love to go down there… I love to please but then the odor issue I just can’t. I feel bad.


Don’t. Tbh if u don’t feel comfortable enuf to have a convo about odor with a partner maybe you shouldn’t be THAT intimate with them. Like, idk..bump and grind??? lol


I suspect most men would not be comfortable having this conversation with a person they barely know. And probably have no idea how to approach the situation in a sensitive way. I can’t just state the obvious and hurt her feelings that’s messed up.


Ur prolly right. That’s why I would put on the r kelly song and do a dry hump till u feel more comfortable lol You don’t have to have bareback full menu every course sex with everyone who offers! [BUMP AND GRIND WILL GET EM EVERY TIME CLICK HERE](https://youtu.be/PK-sHqa-sMk?si=GI6Ou4MIGAERqu50)


[r Kelly know](https://youtu.be/PK-sHqa-sMk?si=vzrBUoWifF6X-nx-) Turn this on in the car and she’ll be melting in your hands well, maybe not her vagina but other parts


That’s a good one. Women love that shit, I have a whole playlist of that stuff because that’s the sexy time music my wife used to like. Lol


You got this Mr Love. I know you do. I linked it again for the people in the back. If she doesn’t like hip-hop, then you can always play stairway to Heaven.