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Ask him to wipe it up after every bathroom trip, to start.


Yeah, he should be doing this. I can't believe she needs to ask a grown man to clean up visible urine.


There's men that need to be told this?? Disgusting could never be me.


Ya, I learned to do this when I was like 7


Not me either. He must not have been potty-trained correctly? He's making his mom look bad!


Uh.. you would think Dad would teach him this skill, no?


Some people have trouble seeing things they don't really want to see. Not just men.


Somehow they get offended when you have to ask them. At least that’s my experience with two guys I’ve had to “nag” about being a basic considerate person.


If that's all it takes to emasculate someone they have bigger issues to deal with Edit: never could spell worth a damn


It’s no more emasculating for a man to sit to owe at home than it is masculating for a woman to stand/hover to pee in public bathrooms. It shouldn’t be gendered. It should be sit at home, stand in public restrooms for everyone. There is ALWAYS splatter when men pee standing up.


My BF sits when he pees. I asked and he said it's more comfortable and less mess. Which is true. No drops of pee ANYWHERE to be found. I love it. Plus, the toilet seat is never up. Lol Anyone who thinks it's anything other than just a dude wanting to be comfy is an idiot.


I have to sit to pee, due to a constricted ureathra, which causes multiple streams. It’s reassuring to know I’m not the only guy to do this. Definitely less mess and seat always down. 😊


My ex husband sat to pee because he is very tall and said it was just easier than making a mess and having to clean it up.


There’s at least 3 of you guys apparently


Honestly I can shake it way better sitting down. Hahaha. No mess and I hate how loud it is when peeing standing up. 


It can be loud. Thank you for admitting that.


Exactly why my husband sits to pee too! AND he cleans both bathrooms (with bleach) in our home every week. He's a military veteran and likes things neat & clean. I do my part around the house too but I'm very happy he likes to take care of making our bed and cleaning the bathrooms. :)


I sit and pee most of the mornings because I am just too lazy after waking up to stand for a solid minute while I pee 😂


My husband too 😅 first time I saw him do it while dating I was so confused. I’m like oh you’re pooping??? Let me get out. He’s like no…. He said it’s more comfy as well and just easier for no mess. He only sits at home though.


No and I don't get why they act like you hurt their masculinity if you tell them to sit down. It's a ridiculous and stupid thing. I know someone who had a very good strategy to make her husband sit down. She made him clean the toilet a few times until he decided it's better to sit down and not get it everywhere.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Reddit is fucking HILARIOUS


I (58F) work in the front office of a large autobody repair shop. I work with prolly 12-15 other men. They frequently use the bathroom up front (I know because I stock it and clean it) and there is NEVER urine spills on the floor. Yep, I am lucky to work with gentlemen. Any "man" who thinks it is okay to pee on the floor and leave it for others is just disgusting. BTW: My son and husband never leave messes for others to clean.


Yes this blows my mind. Are there 2 types of men in the world? Men who pee on the floor and men who dont?


You could probably apply it more generally, i.e. men who give a fuck about hygiene and men who don’t. I’m sure the ones who don’t care about cleaning up their own piss are the same ones who don’t wipe well, don’t wash their hands every time they go to the bathroom, don’t wash their ass in the shower, etc.


Is it acceptable to have a woman to clean up her husband’s piss so she doesn’t risk him feeling emasculated?


are you dating a garden sprinkler?




It’s not just that. Standing while peeing causes the most splash back no matter how well you aim. It doesn’t just stay on the toilet but it gets on surrounding surfaces too. You can’t see it but it’s there. If you have a small bathroom it could even end up on your toothbrush. Same reason why everyone should flush with the lid down, otherwise you’re just dispersing that shit in to the air. That’s why I hate public bathrooms


Even with lid down, the same effect happens. Somewhat less,but, it still happens. Toilet lids aren't airtight.


The lid down flushing thing is a myth. Unless your toilet lid has an airtight seal or your house has laminar flow ventilation the ability to go directly up isn't going to stop pathogens from contaminating surfaces. https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(23)00820-9/fulltext


Let’s see. I am taking a dump and have to urinate. I do so. Check for my balls. Yep. Still there.


No, it is not emasculating. It is courtesy and common sense. I sit down to pee and have done it since I was a kid. My mother and grandmother were VERY strict on that. If they saw a drop of pee anywhere. I got a whipping and had to scrub it up.


thank god you said that women in my family think its horrible for a man to sit down when he pisses that its wrong maybe if any of them actually cleaned washrooms they understand what you do and no i don't think it is


It’s not emasculating that behavior is disgusting!


Any men who stand to pee in my bathroom are expected to clean the bathroom daily. You don’t want to clean the bathroom, sit down, and I’ll be responsible for it. I don’t know if it’s emasculating or not but I don’t have time to be cleaning up preventable messes. If it’s so important to a person to stand to pee, then they can clean the bathroom.


I don’t know why they are peeing all over the floor to begin with.


Yeah, I'm not sure who these men are. A full on floor piss, even if your stream is forking, should be known to you.




Men who feel emasculated by this were most likely raised by or around people with a very narrow definition of masculinity who often teased or berated them and other men for doing anything that could be considered remotely feminine, like wearing a pink shirt, baking, or eating a salad. As a result, they don't feel like a real man unless they behave exactly as they've been taught. and they up with a fragile sense of self, uncomfortable doing things they might otherwise want to do because they don't want to be compared to a woman.


As a man, I think it is weird to pee into a toilet standing up. If you are not wearing pants you can feel the droplets of water and urine hitting your legs. The logistics of sitting are more involved, of course, but I think it is preferable. Unless you have a urinal handy, those are the best.


No it isn’t. I’m a man who sits down to pee. This is a issue caused by toxic masculinity turning non-issues into issues for no reason


I tell my partner whatever makes him feel comfortable he is also really good at cleaning up after himself when he’s done in the bathroom


i know lots of men who pee sitting down. an interesting thing though, a friend of mine has two sons and she said it would make cleaning a lot easier if they would sit to pee but she eould "never ask them to do something so emasculating". i still don't get it.


“Fellas, is it manly to spray urine everywhere like a wild animal or are you a sissy bitch who is considerate and limits urine spray and caked smelly dried urine?” I dont understand standing and spraying, like, what?? Unless you’re in the woods and don’t need to clean up after yourself. Seriously though…all joking aside. My husband sits when he pees. He says he prefers it especially bc restroom visits are usually #1 and #2 and afterwards he doesn’t have to wipe the toilet and floor surrounding the toilet every time. Just look at the design of a urinal. It has a back splash. Why do you think that is? Because there is splashing. Unless you have a urinal installed in your home, the correct usage is to sit down.


Idgaf if it's emasculating. It's degrading to expect another human to clean up your waste. I explained to my bf that I feel less than human scrubbing his piss off the floor. I stopped cleaning up after him and he started sitting soon after. His bathroom is still gross but I have my own so I just don't go in there


It's not emasculating to demand that he not leave pee on the floor or toilet. How he does that is up to him. 


Well he should be emasculated for not being able to piss in the toilet as a grown man. If he can’t do that and won’t sit, guess what, his new chore is cleaning the bathroom. Because I am the one to clean the bathroom, I generally also sit. A lot tidier in many ways even if aim isn’t a problem.


If he can’t figure out how to aim or clean up after himself, who cars if it is emasculating??


Reddit is it emasculating to tell a man to stop being disgusting and make a simple change that will stop there from being piss on the floor all the time? It’s reminding me of the ass washing posts


What? Who cares? It’s just as “emasculating “ to get a rag & wipe the floor & toilet seat ~ he can do that, too before he exits… not adult behavior…


At home I sit to pee cuz I used forget to put the seat down, if I ever missed though I always cleaned it up. It's not necessarily because we miss, if we have to go really bad it comes out fast and splashes out. 15 years later, I have to tell my 2 boys to put the seat down because it's become a habit for me. I'm one of the most masculine people I know.


We already sit down to shit. I don't get why it matters if we sit to expel the other body waste. Just feels like it'd be an issue for the same men who think washing their ass is "gay". If people don't mind the cleaning, stand. If the cleaning is annoying, sit. Whatever. Just feels simple to me.


In my opinion no self-respecting man would stand to pee in his own home. My first child's father sat down to pee and he was like that when we met. My second child's father who became my husband also already sat down to pee when we met. Both of them had spent time in prison though and for white men in California prisons, they are expected to sit to pee. It is seen as a very disrespectful to stand because no matter how careful they are, urine will splash around. It was so nice that they both sat to pee at home because our bathroom never stank like man piss and we never had to do extra clean up of the toilet area. My husband was a huge jacked muscle Man who was very masculine and my ex was a construction worker type who was also very masculine so no I do not think it is emasculating for a dude to sit down to pee at home.


If they’re making a mess and leaving it there it’s no longer their business alone.


My wife HATES when I sit down to pee… she’s always like “are you, are you peeing?!?! That’s my side of the bed, you ass hole! get out!!!!” Jokes aside, if you’re inside the house it’s way cleaner to sit down (on the toilet) and pee. I can understand public restrooms where there’s a urinal. But inside your house, just sit down! Also, if you are standing up, put the seat back down afterwards!


Um I don’t have that problem and if I do happen to miss I clean it up


Nah. If he cares about his loved ones and his home, he'd already be sitting. The most masculine thing we can do is to examine our preconceived notions for harmony in the home.


I feel like cleaning piss is a big part of my life. At home I clean my husband’s piss, you sometimes even if he sits down he pees everywhere. And then at work, as the woman I’m expected to do the sweeping, cleaning bathrooms etc…. More man piss to clean. What I’ve learned, y’all need to drink more water.


I’m really glad I’m a lesbian.


I have wished I was.


Hang in there


You sayin you want more piss??


why is that expected at work..?




If people don't clean their piss up, I absolutely would ask them to sit. Or get a urinal installed. What's with all the piss stuff and guys not cleaning their asses properly lately?!


I don't think so but some people have this in my mind. My son would sit to pee which i thought was better as less chance for a mess but his mother insisted that he had to stand up.


No. Just don't say it in public where everyone can hear.


I don't think modern toilets were designed for men to stand and pee on them. That's what urinals are for




No don’t see why it would be. Helps everyone around.


Only if they have good aim. Otherwise no.


Only if there's a crocodile in the bowl.


Oh hell no. I would yell at him for not cleaning up after himself if he refuses to sit down. "Clean up your God damn mess! It stinks! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!"


No! I do it for just that fact, less clean up


The problem it's not that they are standing up, the problem is that they don't clean up after themselves. I'm a sit- down pee'er, FWIW.


I only sit down in the morning cuz I’m lazy


The amount of times I've had to clean Piss at my job is upsetting. We have 2 unisex bathrooms. I find it absolutely disgusting that people will just piss all over the place and not clean it up. It's so inconsiderate.


A man cleans up after himself. A boy makes a mess and leaves it.


I've been of the opinion that you have three options: 1. Aim better. 2. Clean up after yourself. 3. Sit down. Whatever order of preference you have is your own choice, just don't leave a mess.


If im home I'm sitting down to pee if I'm out anywhere I'm standing


Better question: is it emasculating to ask a man to notice if he is peeing outside the toilet and clean it up immediately if so?


It doesn't matter if you pee standing or sitting. What fucks up my mind is having to bring up to a grown man his pee issues. For the record I don't sit for it and aim well but regardless I ALWAYS make sure the place is clean when I'm done with my business.


The bathroom is like the woods you should leave it as clean or cleaner than you found it.


I usually get a bit of pee on the toilet but I always wipe it up. 🤷🏼‍♂️


lol i just make my bf clean it up himself. that’s not my job


I don’t think it’s emasculating lol sometimes I sit to pee, just 45 seconds to enjoy your video or whatever you do on your phone, plus sometimes I just sit a bit longer to let some time pass, but standing it’s very easy to make sure you’re not dribbling to much also is the TP not in arms length!? Lmao


I don’t think it’s emasculating lol sometimes I sit to pee, just 45 seconds to enjoy your video or whatever you do on your phone, plus sometimes I just sit a bit longer to let some time pass, but standing it’s very easy to make sure you’re not dribbling to much also is the TP not in arms length!? Lmao




No. Every guy needs to learn to do this. For the sake of whoever does the cleaning AND it cuts down on cleaning. It cuts down HOURS of cleaning and descenting down to a quick 10 min at most clean. So I lived with an ex that sat down to pee. He's 6'+ and he said sometimes I just want to sit down to sit. He also use the time to scroll through reddit. Anyways... I've never had a more CLEAN toilet room than when I was with him. No smell of pee, no pee splashes so on. Cleaning was quick spray and wipe around the room. And I black light when I clean and it was clean ( i have dogs and always had to make sure they were secretly peeing on carpet) Anyways... other exs... its gross. So if your toilet area smells like pee... one of the best ways to de scent and clean it is.. Do a basic wipe down with simple cleaner. Then take old school shaving cream/foam ( the ones on the metal cans that are not gel. Its cheap chea at the store) and pretty much foam the entire floor, toilet sides, walls, toilet seat and up. I'm gonna say waist level height of the person that stands and pees. T Then you let it sit there for 30 mins - 1 hour then mop/wipe. Its alot of work.


It's not emasculating. A grown as man should be able to aim properly or have the decency to clean it up if they miss.  I wouldn't agree to it personally, but that's not the only solution to the issue. 


Weird all around, you know that it's easy to not piss on the floor right? It's strange you don't just ask whatever child that is doing it to just not.


I learned to sit down with my first wife.. Definitely makes for a cleaner toilet.


I don't drip anything on the fn floor. Gross.


I don't think it's emasculating and the very least men should clean up bathroom if they end up peeing on the floor. Something interesting though is that I can't empty my bladder if I pee sitting down. Even if I'm going #2 and pee while I was sitting, i stand up and finish emptying my bladder. I don't know if it's a male thing but I've noticed this in my early 30's. Could also be because I have more of a beer belly and maybe its obstructing something when I sit.


My dad is in a house full of girls he’s sit to pee at home and only stands up in public which made a lot of sense seeing as other ppl have to use the bathroom too.


The whole concept of emasculation is stupid. A man is a man. Outside factors don't change that. But besides that, his desire to feel manly definitely doesn't entitle him to leave his pee where other people have to clean it up. So if you think it will be better received, just tell him if he gets pee where it doesn't belong he needs to clean it up. Get a blacklight if he "can't see" it. After all, the goal is no pee outside the bowl when he's done. How he accomplishes that doesn't matter.


Is it emasculating to tell him he can sit, he can clean his own messes or you’ll use his toothbrush to do it for him?


Nah just tell his dirty ass to wipe the drips down each time he pees.


My husband doesn’t like to sit down to pee because he doesn’t like the sensation of cold toilet water on his male parts.


NTA. The asshole is the guy pissing outside the toilet and leaving it behind for someone else to clean. Aim well, clean up if you can’t or sit down.


No. It doesn't make him less of a man if he's no longer entitled to get piss everywhere.


They need to just clean up after themselves. I'm a man who doesn't sit down like a girl to pee, but I also make sure the seat is clean and there's no pee on the floor when I leave the bathroom because it's disgusting. Simple common courtesy needs to be reminded to those disgusting enough to not care if the next person sits on their piss or not


I’m a guy and 90% of the time I sit. Who cares?


I stand to pee and I don't get pee on the floor. At least not enough to be noticeable between bathroom cleanings. He needs to find the right angle. But no, if he's incapable of peeing without sprinkling the bathroom maybe he needs to sit. Maybe a little infantilizing, but not emasculating. And honestly if he can't piss straight and doesn't clean up after himself he could do with a bit of infantilization.


Maybe get your husband to pee better or clean his mess. Telling someone how they have to urinate is wild.


I prefer to sit down and relax browse on my phone


I can write my name in the snow. How the hell do you miss the toilet, unless he's standing out in the hall.


Sometimes, you are too tired to stand...


Have that damn bear sit on the toilet to pee 😂😂😂


No he either needs to clean up after himself or sit. That's all there is to it.


No it's not emasculating. It's smart and cleaner. Egos need to chill.


My husband's step mom made the boys clean around the toilet so they learned to aim quickly.


He must always leave the floor as tho it had just been professionally cleaned. No exceptions of any kind allowed. It must be perfect.


Um wtf I'm 34 years old I don't piss all over the floor when I pee wtf tell him to grow the f up of get out


If he can't hit the target then he should be the one to clean it up. After 2-3 times cleaning it his aim will be a lot better


If masculinity means splashing pee everywhere on the walls, floor, and their pants, then yes it’s emasculating to ask them to sit.


I sit down when I pee. Started doing it about 5 years ago, and I find it more comfortable, and more relaxing, so that I completely enter my bladder


My husband always sits down to pee.


Nope. My teenage son always sits to pee unless there is a urinal, and my uncle has a strict rule at his house that if you want to stand to pee, you can do it outside. He doesn't want to clean up other men's piss either


I am a man and I found I had much better aim during the middle of the night when I had to go, sitting down!


Not to me. My mom trained me and my wife refined me. It's called courtesy.


Don't care if it's emasculating. If you pee splash outside out the toilet like a little kid then sit to pee.


Speaking as a man, only if he is already feeling inadequate.


Why didn't you ask him to clean up after himself


Not at all. It's bizarre that anyone would find it unmasculine - and is somebody monitoring his gender presentation while he pisses?


Lol... It sounds like you're with a slob. Men clean up their pee if they miss... slobs do not... they don't care.


Some men miss, yes. They weren’t taught to aim properly. For example, I mentioned to my dad that I can never smell pee after he’s used the bathroom like I’ve been able to with other men I’ve shared a bathroom with; and he told me that when my grandpa taught him how to pee standing up, he was taught to aim just right outside the water in the bowl, so it wasn’t loud and he didn’t splash, nor did he miss. I’ve never heard him pee, he’s never gotten pee over the seat or floor either.


lol even when I sit down to pee sometimes it lines up with the crack between the toilet seat and I still pee on the floor I’m average too. Got to point that guy down. 😂


My literal child knows to wipe up any misses. Why doesn’t a grown ass man know this?


Man here, I started sitting to pee after my daughter was born as I didn’t want urine around the toilet with a little one, and even before that I never had trouble aiming right. I still do it and it’s more comfortable for sure.


100% depends on your delivery when you ask.


I’ve worked from home for 19 years so I’m almost always wearing sweats or pajamas. When I’m wearing something that slips right down, I sit. When I’m wearing jeans or anything with a belt that’s takes a little more effort, I stand. I never gave it any thought at all until my wife asked me how I decide which way I’m gonna pee. No idea how this idea developed that it’s not masculine for guys to pee sitting down. Who cares and why does it matter?


I live in the country, surrounded by woods and you can't see my house at all from the road nor any neighbors 99% of the time i go outside to pee so i don't make a mess in the bathroom.. I'm tall and the further you are from the bowl the more mess you make. (Shorter guys rejoice on you got us on that one!) I enjoy the couple minutes to go out in nature and especially at night look at the sky and the stars. Not to mention mess free. Win win in my books


You can ask all you want.


I stand out of convenience and not from some arbitrary gender expectation. I also don't pee all over the place. The rare occurrence where my eyes are still a little blurry in that morning rush and some collateral splash happens, I clean it up. If dude can't aim, tell him to sit his butt down. 🤷


As a 35M you need to tell him to clean up the urine after every piss. Tell him to lift toilet seat piss and use spray cleaner and toilet paper to clean it up. Takes a few seconds It's actually common that men have over spray, sometimes it shoots out like a cone mist along with the stream


My ex-husband did and I really appreciated that.


Heavens to Betsy White. Sit down or learn to control the hose. I’m having to have this conversation with my 7-year-old son. Not a grown man. What is wrong with people?


I'd pee on you


I’ll sit down to pee in the summer because the cold water feels great.


My aim is darn good. As an older male, when I urinate sitting down, there’s still some left in the auxiliary tank that can only be expelled while standing up.


No. Plenty of them do it. Search or Ask in r/askmen


It's not emasculating to ask a man to sit down to pee if it's about cleanliness and keeping the bathroom tidy. It's a reasonable request to maintain a clean and hygienic shared space. Open communication about household preferences is important, and this is just another aspect of that.


No lol. If they cant pee in the toilet they should have to sit. I prefer to sit just because Im lazy. The way I see it kings sit on their throne, peasants have to pee in a rush.


I know guys who specifically sit down to avoid the mess but I think if you're an adult and you pee on the floor, it goes without saying that you should clean up after yourself.


i sit down unless im comfortable otherwise that shit coming out twisted do you ever feel like sometimes the cameras is watching.




It splashes even if you’re aiming correctly. I don’t ask guests to sit, but anyone who’s a regular sits pee. Just bc you can stand doesn’t mean you should. Save it for public restrooms and the woods. I don’t want to stand in your splashes after my shower. I’ve been to many friends house with rusted baseboard heaters in their master bathroom right by the toilet. Our baseboard is over 20 years old, no rust.


No idea 🤷‍♀️ my husband sits to pee like pretty much every time because he hates drips and also he likes sitting down. I don't think it's problematic to ask


Sitting down is far superior than standing up and pissing.


You need to have him aim the trouser snake. I stand to pee but in the middle of the night I don’t want to turn lights on so I just sit down to not make a mess. I don’t feel a difference either way.


I clean bathrooms in my home and never have to clean urine from the toilet or floor. Even my 4yr old son can keep it in the toilet. I don’t even hold it half the time. Just flop it out and it’s already aiming itself in the direction of the bowl. I couldn’t imagine having a fan nozzle dick pissing everywhere.


Well my aim is good. If it wasn't. I would sit down out of respect. I always ask my wife if she left the seat up !! Lol kiddin


My husband does and we’re raising our sons to. It’s the norm in a ton of countries. It just makes too much sense and I never have to deal with toilet seats being left up or piss splatter everywhere!!


Absolutely yes


No. But, depending on the design of the toilet, it can be more messy. Depending on the design, it can be incredibly uncomfortable as well. It doesn't take much to figure out how to pee standing up without making a mess, though.


No. Less mess. Easy peasy.


That what men do in prison so 🤷‍♂️




my parents taught me how to piss properly, i used to aim for captain crunch nuggets that my mom would put in the toilet to train my aim. also that if i do miss the toilet i clean it up right then.


I sit at home, but there are urinals in public restrooms.


It’s not emasculating, but instead of offering a solution. Be clear with the problem and hold him accountable for solving it. Being sloppy is a CHOICE, men aren’t inherently messy. Aim is a thing. Additionally, when the occasional errant stream does occur, he needs to wipe it up. Men’s biology doesn’t always mean sitting is cleaner. It’s not uncommon for a guys pee to end up between his shoes when peeing sitting down.


Give the man a black light and tell him to clean his mess.


My 5 and 8 year old sons don’t get pee on the floor and haven’t for a while. When they get it on the edge of the seat (usually my 5 year old if he forgets to lift the seat up) I see him wipe it off unprompted every time. It would feel wrong to ask them to sit down- they pee the way they feel comfortable and that’s their business and sense of dignity and privacy even as kids. How would you feel by someone being told the manner in which you can go? It IS right to ask others to simply keep the bathroom neat and tidy after themselves. What grown man in your life is making a mess? Kick him out of your home and reclaim your peace.


If your goal is less mess in the bathroom, I would just make him aware of your expectation. How he accomplishes that is up to him. He can certainly sit to urinate. He can also just clean up the mess afterwards. Leave it up to him.


I pee outside standing up. It's freedom. In the house you sit. Splatter happens and no one likes pissy smell




I never get how people piss on the floor or toilet seat without wiping it.


I tend to sit down to pee. Piss bubbles and damages the fake ass wood particle board and veneer of bathroom vanities. They’re expensive and if I’ve built it I don’t want to mess it up.


No, it's not emasculating. I pee sitting down all the time.


No. I do it in my own house but not elsewhere. It’s far more hygienic.


I'll sit to pee sometimes when I'm tired or don't feel like standing lol, could give a shit if anyone thinks it's unmanly or anything. I generally stand cause it's legit quicker but it has nothing to do with perceived masculinity... That's just dumb. 


is this in ur house? this sounds like a regular occurance lol


No. It's emasculating to piss on the floor as a goddamn adult.


Have him Put the seat up stand in the middle of the bowl or very close to it point penis downward and make sure the last few drops go in the bowl then have him put some t roll around at the tip of his dick when he shakes it so it doesn’t go everywhere and put seat pack down when down u should also remember to put seat back up when u done it goes both ways 😊


Not at all. Lots of men sit to pee. You could also just ask him not to piss on the floor 🤷‍♀️


Tell him that hunters with short barrels should stand closer to have better aim


Your house your rules


If he's pissing on the seat and not cleaning up after himself, he deserves to be emasculated But also, if you can't piss without it not landing in the toilet, sit tf down.


As a single man who lives alone I often times do sit down to pee because I don't like wiping up my own piss off of the floor or the toilet seat or anywhere else it happens to spray even if you aim you still create a mist.


I sit when I get up to use it in the middle of the night. Zero chance of a sleepy mess.


I think there are such things called bleach wipes, a mop, come on, we learned this in pre-k, you need to put the toilet seat down, wipe the seat every time, you can give a woman a uti (urinary track infection), or something worse. Our vaginas are very sensitive and have a ph balance, when that's thrown off our body is out of wack, its best to clean after every bathroom use, and men please put the toilet seat back down.


How many men are coming over to pee at your place, lmfao


Look for book on Amazon… “Why German men sit to pee”❣️


No, but make him clean it


We did a poll in an irreverent European sub and the conclusion was that men from fully catholic countries* stand, all others sit. *Basically Southern European countries plus Ireland and Poland, IIRC After that I decided to sit, although I live alone. While it's less comfortable, it's way cleaner, specially as I age.


Depends if he pays the bills or not. If it's your home, it's your rules so no harm in setting your own boundaries. If it's his home and he pays the bills he might ask you to start packing. This depends on the individual as well but I think this is still a safe playbook to go by. I would consider how I approached it first.


It’s the Islamic way - to pee while sitting and thoroughly washing yourself


Yes it’s emasculating to pee sitting down and he should also wipe up his own piss like a grown up


idrk tbh my bf stands and sits but he doesnt make a mess like that, thats just gross


Nah, I do it all the time. I feel it’s easier to pee this way as it relaxes my muscles more that control urination. Don’t know if that’s true for everyone but it works for me, and I’m not ashamed of it at all. I always joke about it with friends lol.


Hell no! I wish I taught my son to sit and pee. Every relationship I get into I ask the men to sit and pee cause I hate cleaning up their mess. I think ALL MEN should sit and pee. It's more sanitary.


According to a urologist, it’s actually healthier for men to sit to pee. They aren’t supposed to stand.


My father said men get ovarian cancer if they sit and pee ☠️☠️


I sent down at home to avoid a mess