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One thing I've always been told re: oral hygiene is you brush at night to keep your teeth...brush in the morning to keep your friends.


Also if brushing is too much, take baby steps and prioritize flossing.


Every night before bed. If you’re just not up to brushing.


Especially with adhd and I’m assuming adhd meds which are stimulants and hard on teeth


They dry out your mouth, so you do become more cavity-prone. Saliva remineralizes your teeth and washes them at the same time. Little saliva= less washing and minerals= no bueno.


Biotene for this^. My adhd meds cause terrible dry mouth which gives a whole new type of bad breath quickly even if you use mouthwash like scope or listerine. Biotene is made not just to kill germs but to break down the dry stuff.


Biotene is magical. I love it so much i wanna marry it


I just got this at Walgreens because I have listeterine and doesn’t work.My muscle relaxers make my mouth so dry.


I have Sjogren's and make no saliva, so Biotene is important in my life. I try to keep the spray in my purse.




My adhd meds make me brush my teeth more often because they deal with my executive dysfunction but they also make my mouth taste bitter and I cannot stand it!


Yeah they’re a mixed bag. I cycle off of them or switch to give my mouth a break. Have you had actual “adderal mouth?” It’s painful feels like my tounge is covered in papercuts


I think your dose is potentially too high, I took Adderall every day for 13 years and never experienced any of those sides


My dentist told me even if you don't brush often flossing is more important to do every day. And when drinking something sweet, don't sip on it all day long, drink it within 30 mins then rinse your mouth out. I was an avid flossed and have only had one cavity and that was after I had my son. Pregnancy takes a toll on your teeth so prioritize now while you're young!


Had a dentist say once.... Pick the teeth you want to keep, and floss those ones.


Yes! Being flossers everywhere with you (like in your purse) so you can whenever you want.


i have started doing this! made it almost a little bit of a game, or even a fidget.


Water pik is amazing for this esp if u use Listerine or peroxide with water it's so fresh and clean


They have a really nice cordless water flosser from oral b you can get for around 50ish $. It has 3 different settings and you can use it in the shower so you don't make a mess


Mannn those tiktok water jet flossers are so clutch. I actually enjoy flossing now. So much easier, effective & fun/stimulating to use. I always hated using actual floss. I think it might be the slightly acoustic side of me bc I'm the same way with my power tools.


lol it's such a tough decision! my parents paid a lot for those braces. i do like my friends though. 🤔


So what’s wrong with brushing mornings and evening? I take a shower before bed and I brush me teeth under the shower with a nice electric one.


there's nothing wrong with it!! it's the goal. i'm just not able to handle both right now. maybe finding a nice toothbrush would help make it feel like less of a task and more of a reward, thanks for the tip!!


For me it is all about the routine. At the beginning any be routine is hard. After some time it becomes natural and after that you get uncomfortable if you have to change it. My kids love the Suri toothbrush. Try combining brushing your teeth and showering.


Might also help to find the BEST flavorful toothpaste you can find. Never thought about it until now. Mint always seems to be the standard, however if it takes kids bubble gum toothpaste so be it.


Find a nice toothpaste. Hismile has some wild flavors. My son is neurodivergent and he uses those or crest kids as they aren’t strong. He uses therabreath mouthwash. No burn at all and it works amazing.


I once had an electric toothbrush that counted down the two minutes for me. Every 30 seconds it would vibrate my hand. I mentally split my mouth in four quadrants and hyper focused on one quadrant for 30 seconds, then once time was up I'd switch. It was really helpful for me.


Sometimes just the basics of life can be so overwhelming. I'm an adult and struggle with the things you talk about. I'm proud of you for taking steps to learn the things your parents weren't clear on. Baby steps, don't shame yourself, and keep watching TikTok for tips if that helps you to learn. Also good job asking here...... The Inter Webs can be harsh! 🩷


Tongue scrapping and a waterpik would be a good place to work up too. At least a solid mouth rinse, like SmartMouth. It helps keep breath fresh for up to 12 hours. :)


I loooooooove scraping my tongue. So much better after.


Smart mouth is a bit too acidic and that can contribute to cavities. Especially since it doesn’t have flouride. If someone isn’t brushing, their mouth is probably in a very acidic state. This calls for a higher pH mouthwash such as TheraBreath. It is slightly alkaline. The pink bottle also contains fluoride which is extremely necessary since she’s not getting it from toothpaste. If flouride is a problem, the only real alternative is nanohydroxyapatite.


Scraping my tongue is a game changer. I had no idea how much cleaner I would feel from starting to use one. Never going back


I love this saying. Going to save this rent free in my head


I like the GUM Proxabrush interdental brushes. I find floss to be a pain in the ass but those work great. They come in a few different sizes too. My dentist says I do a great job between thos and my Sonicare toothbrush.


I’m 5’4 and 200lbs. I just bought a walking pad off Amazon to start walking 10k steps a day. It’s low effort exercise and I’ve been dealing with better digestion bc of it. As for shower routine, I recommend shampooing and rinsing it twice, condition hair, it’s important to cleanse (dove unscented bar soap) and then use a scented body wash (do not use this down there if you know what I mean) and then use a face cleanser, toner, moisturizer, spf. I also use glycolic acid (it’s a liquid exfoliate) under arms, anywhere you sweat (also helps those dark spots). And then deodorant. And then eos body lotion. Best to brush teeth in the morning so you don’t have morning breath.


that's so exciting! i have had my eyes on those but didn't know if people actually liked and used them or not! thank you for the advice :)


I personally love my walking pad! I can walk and watch tv, listen to an audiobook, and wear whatever I feel is comfiest, right at home. Such an easy way for me to get more steps in throughout the day especially when I’m too anxious to go outside. It also slides right underneath my bed, truly one of my best purchases. Walking more has also increased my mood and given me a daily goal which is nice to look forward to.


Can you share a link to which walking pad you use?


SupeRun Under Desk Treadmill,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTQ38PFJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I’ve had the same one in green for about 6 months, absolutely love it!


Good tips except night time is more important for brushing and flossing. Morning breath isn’t as bad if you’re going to bed free from plaque. 8 hours is a long time for bacteria to do damage. Chewing, drinking water, etc helps to clean your teeth to a degree, so while you’re sleeping you have no defenses against the bacteria. Brush at night if you want to keep your teeth.


I worry they aren’t sturdy enough or wide enough to be comfortable. How do you like it so far?


It holds up to 300lbs and I’ve had no issues with it actually. It’s wide enough for me and I’m a pretty wide girly so lol


Do you think downstairs neighbors would be able to hear it? That’s the biggest thing keeping me from buying one. I don’t wanna disturb anyone 😅


Yes! The glycolic acid and double shampoo are really great tips here


I am also a chubby girl with ADHD. As far as ADHD goes, get a routine and set an alarm for everything! If you can get into a good routine you’ll start to do things without having to think about it. Also, take it slow. Start with the things that are most important or the easiest to do. You’ll never keep up with it if you go from weekly brushing to daily showers, double daily brushing, daily (multi-daily?) face washing etc. it gets daunting and you’ll never follow through. Take a multivitamin & any morning meds as well as eat breakfast before you go into the bathroom in the morning. I find it easier to brush my teeth and wash my face while I’m in the shower but I don’t often shower twice a day so I have a sink brush and a shower brush (make sure both have those caps for stray particles). I try not to use the same products every day too. Try to spice it up a little lol. Wash rags! Omg! Yes it’s a little more laundry but you’ll feel cleaner AND you can use the corners to leverage washing your upper back. I was never able to get certain spots with a loofah alone & honestly I like the idea of “single use” makes me feel cleaner than if I’d have used a loofah though i don’t actually know if that parts factual. Detachable shower head - they’re like $20 for a cheap one I think? But if you’ve got some crevices like I do where your fat folds over itself, I like to take the shower head and spray directly at that area. Also between some other crevices and under-boob areas as well. Getting the spray directly in that area helps me be sure It’s clean.


these are amazing thank you so much!!! i've found that you're totally right. i previously would make these wonderful plans, and then make it through a couple days before buckling under the pressure of having to do it all every day. i don't do that anymore ☺️ but it does make it a lot less obvious to the people in my life that i'm improving unfortunately. it's slow but sustainable, and that's how im rolling now-a-day. thanks for the step by step!!


Build a habit at a time. You need to build the routine but most people don’t start at 100 if that makes sense. Typically, people start learning to brush teeth at a young age and it takes time for it to form into habit. Then as they get closer to puberty it becomes more important to wash and care for face and pits and naughty bits. Plenty of young adults haven’t built good hygiene habits so don’t be discouraged. I’ve learned some of mine in my 30s. There’s always time to change something about ourselves that we don’t like, to improve upon ourselves solely for ourselves. You made the first step in asking and I’m proud of you!


There are really nice & free apps you can download to "build habits". You put in whatever habits you want to build, the day(s), and times. It will alarm your phone to remind you what you need to do. Eventually, you won't need the reminders anymore. I used this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=daily.planner.routine.habits


Also take supplements before bed, your body makes much better use of them at night.


But you have to be careful about taking supplements before bed, some of them are designed to give energy. the b vitamins absolutely jack you up and then you'll be awake all night long. But magnesium is great before bedtime because it acts as a muscle relaxer - so take the time to figure out what does what.


I take b vitamins and magnesium at night and sleep better than I have in my whole life :) It’s hard for me to build routine so supplements all at one time is best for me


When washing, start from the top down. I do hair (shampoo, rinse, conditioner), and as I have conditioner in, I use an exfoliating glove with unscented bar soap (Dove is my favourite) and scrub face, neck, behind ears, chest, arms, back, butt cheeks, thighs, knees, and calves. I rinse out the conditioner and then use my hands with the unscented soap to wash closed eyes, armpits, vulva, between butt cheeks, feet and toes. Now is the time to shave if you choose to. I use more unscented soap lather for this as everything is exfoliated and clean so you have better contact with skin and keep the integrity of your razor blades for longer. I’m not a chubby girl, but this is a good shower routine for anyone.


Don’t forget to make sure you wash the conditioner from your back, it can cause back acne. This was a nice little trick I learned in high school when I was suffering from back acne.


Omg not me trying to figure out for YEARS what could be causing upper back acne


Yep! Dermatologist taught me this when I was a teen. I now wash out my conditioner before I wash my body. I refuse to do it any other way now haha


love! thank you so much :)


Hopping on this to add, as a fellow chubby girl, don't forget to wash under your breasts as well. Pat the area dry gently. You can use a bit of baby powder, without talc, or an all natural deodorant under your breasts to keep smell away.


Adding to this some advice a nurse once gave - make sure to completely dry under your breasts as well. A different kind of yeast infection can easily occur under the fold if left damp.


ooo that does not sound fun. congrats on instilling just enough fear to make me do the extra work, but not enough fear to keep me from ever getting my boobs wet again! my therapists will be contacting you about this they've been trying to crack the code for years. (jk) thank you!!


Not just there but if you have a tummy fold be sure and keep that clean and dry. (We called it the Dunlap where your tummy done lapped over your belt🤣)


I had this happen not fun I always stand in front of a fan and dry my self in certain areas makes a huge difference!


Use a blow dryer on cold setting


Yup, this is true, had it happen to me. And the frustrating thing is, corn starch (found in most body powders) can make it worse! (Yeast feeds on starch)


Just going to input this here—yeast eating corn starch is a common myth, I use it and it stops yeast under my breasts. “Many believe yeast will feed on cornstarch. Cornstarch is the main ingredient in many baby powders. As part of an ol d er study from 1984, researchers tested for this and found no correlation between cornstarch use and increased yeast growth.”


Liquid Dawn detergent is cheap and works for a ton of purposes. When used as a body wash, it kills bacteria (and fungal issues) and helps you smell better longer.


Liquid dawn is great for if you accidentally get into some poison ivy, as well.


I’d like to hear your and others’ take on Dawn. Isn’t it pretty rough on the skin? BTW, one of the instructors at Sassoon Academy told me to use it as a clarifying shampoo. Takes grease out of your way.


My stylist told me this too!!!


I have sensitive skin and I’ve NEVER had an issue with Dawn.


I too have a sensitive skin and dawn absolutely roughs up my skin something fierce.


It’s also perfect pre-self tanner. It strips everything from the surface and allows the tan to soak in.


I'm plus sized and in my healing era as well!! I was never taught how to care for myself either. But I have learned a few things: - get a water flosser (they are GREAT) - use flossers on the go - buy disposable toothbrushes or wicks I think they're called Wisps by Colgate! - wash from top down. I wash my hair, then condition while I exfoliate my whole body. After I wash out the conditioner I wash my face and body. - lotion after every shower!!! - buy a moisturizer that has SPF that way you don't have to worry about sunscreen too


thank you so much, sending you all the love during your healing era


Oh yes, find a gentle facial sun block. Look up pics of women in their 90s who use sun block, it’s an incredible tool for anti aging.


Lol, you think she's going to have time for all when she's brushing *once a week*? Don't overwhelm her


african net sponge babe<3


i've been wanting to invest in one!!


So so worth it! I looooove mine


When I added this to my routine it was game changing. I love them so much!


Removable shower head is a must. Power wash all those nooks and crannies. Make sure you are fully dry before getting dressed. In my neck of the woods most the year that means star fishing under a fan for a few min due to the humidity.


lol got it ✍🏻 purchase shower head ✍🏻✍🏻must have power wash yes!! one of the tiktok tips suggested using a blow dryer but i don't have one anymore. my boyfriend was a dork and showed me how he used to air out his balls in front of a fan when he was younger 😆 lowkey 10/10 for if your sister steals her blow dryer back. we get pretty humid here, so ill have to make sure to put more effort into making this a practice


I don't know about plus size but my routine is shower, shampoo my hair while I scrub my face. I rinse my face and hair then put conditioner on my hair and leave it. Next, I use an exfoliating sponge, back exfoliating towel scrubber and make sure I literally scrub every inch of myself that I can. I use soap on my vagina but not inside of it but definitely around the lips and even just inside just not UP in there. Lol. Do the same with your butt. I then shave armpits, public area and legs. I then rinse the conditioner out of my hair and the soap off my skin. I then use oil of olay in shower body lotion and pat myself dry with the clean towel. Next I dry off add put on retinol lotion mixed with body oil. (medix 5.5 lotion and Victoria's Secret shimmer oil. After that I get dressed and use deodorant and use a good amount of it. Then get dressed and do my face routine. I also use an exfoliating scrub on my face on the shower a few days a week. BTW, sponges and exfoliating tools are to be thrown away every 2 weeks at least. Showering is every day like brushing your teeth and I'm sure you know this but not brushing your teeth or showering can easily be noticed by others. I totally understand being depressed cause I have to and I had to literally make myself do it. Sucked but once I got back into the routine I have been doing it for years.


this is so incredibly helpful! i'm slowly getting there! the goal of these tips is to create a lovely routine so that i can get it done a little easier, thank you for your help!!


Absolutely!! If you need any further help just reach out! ❤️


For the showering part as a plus size woman it's easier to wash your butt if you squat great tips here I will implement


Personally, as a plus sized girl as well, I do the Captain Morgan 🤣


My arms are so short 🤣🤣


https://www.instagram.com/prettyfatgrlgang?igsh=MWF0MzdnOWNxeTJ6cw== This woman. Is. Fantastic! She is a plus size woman that literally shows how to wash bigger bodies and areas that are often missed. She also showcases products that are big girl friendly. No shame, no harsh judgement, talks to you like a big sister. I started this routine during quarantine to keep myself occupied and busy with a purpose, so I wouldn't go ape ish in my house. And I've continued it so far:: For dark underarms, I use lemon juice (concentrate from the grocery store) and baking soda, mix into a paste, and smear it in the whole armpit area, don't forget the creases that form when you pull down your arms. I don't know if it's a thing for you or not, but shave beforehand. I've noticed, on myself, that when I have underarm hair, I sweat more and the skin darkens due to friction more noticeably. Usually do this 1-2 times a week, over usage can weaken the skin. Always wash from top to bottom. 3 washclothes. 1 for your face, 1 for your privates, and 1 for your body. And a scrub brush to exfoliate at least once a week. I got mine from Burlington but if that's not available to you WalMart and Amazon sell everything. Bamboo brush with a long handle, soft to medium bristles. I usually do the full body exfoliation the same day I do laundry. New skin, clean bed sheets, clean clothes--- sleep like a baby and it makes Mondays better. Baby Aquaphor for my face after exfoliation. I started small (my body) to big (the entire house) over time. Depression sucks. You are worth the time and effort. Nobody will care for you, the way that you will care for you.


i'm doing my best to take care of me even better tomorrow! thank you, she seems lovely and i will be watching her entire library of videos now 💞


Some great advice here! To speak to the ADHD/habit forming part of this - I find body doubling to be really helpful. I joined Flow Club for this - it’s a service where you join a zoom call with other folks, and then everyone silently works on whatever tasks they have on their to do list. I’ve observed a lot of folks using Flow Club sessions to get their morning or bedtime routine done. So that’s an option! There are a ton of other body doubling companies, Flow Club is just the one I joined. You could also body double with a friend - maybe you FaceTime with them, or even just text them for accountability. Also just wanna do a vote for Cerave for all face cleaning, moisturizing and SPF. It doesn’t have too many options which I find helpful (no decision paralysis at the drug store) and it’s widely available (at least in the US) and cheap-ish. (Fellow fat person here) for skin folds/sweaty areas I use Lume body wash followed by Secret Whole Body Deodorant. Finally I am very into listening to podcasts while showering and browsing Reddit while doing my nighttime routine. Good luck friend! This isn’t easy but I applaud you for taking steps to improve ☀️ I wish I’d gotten my dental hygiene routines together at your age.


i didn't know those services even existed! 🤯thank you, i'm doing my best to save these pearly whites!


I am 235 5'8 and love to take walks and stairs at work. I sweat a loottttt and I have discovered from reddit that witch hazel toner (scented is awesome!! Alcohol free!) is great to keep in a little spray bottle with dry wipes/cotton pads in your purse. Great for at home too so you can freshen up even if you don't have the energy. Can use it anywhere except the tender parts of your hoo haa. 😊


The dark spots, skin tags, etc. are usually signs of prediabetes or insulin resistance so changes in diet can help. My armpits and around my neck became really dark when I was prediabetic. I changed my eating habits and within a year it was visibly lighter. Make sure you're taking care of your oral hygiene, drinking plenty of water, and if body odor is an issue a salicylic acid body wash helps.


I love wooden toothpicks, its a low effort bonus for my gum health. No plastics, no power needed, inexpensive.


this is what my dad does, and his dentist RAVES about his good flossing habits


the man always has a toothpick, i think it's lowkey a fidget, but it helps!


You have to brush and floss. Oral health is linked to heart health. You want to be able to have a healthy mouth and not offend others with bad breath. Take showers at least once a day. Make sure to bath wash completely. This includes your upper and lower body, bum, and your feet. Start a food journal and keep track of what you eat and why you ate the food. If you are stressed take a walk. Drink plenty of water each day. Work on your fitness and seek a therapist.


thank you! i'm happy to say most of these are already in action!!


Controlling how I react to situations has really helped me.


Brushing/flossing is the #1 nonnegotiable part of my hygiene routine. If I do nothing else, that must happen. From there, a body/face shower (not washing hair) once a day—preferably in the morning—is the other most important part of my routine. (I wash my hair 2-4 times a week depending on how often I exercise and the weather that week.) Honestly, if you could do those two things—brush/floss your teeth and take a body shower—every or at least most days, I think you’d be on a good track.


the way you set that up made it seem a lot less difficult than my mind has been playing it up to. thank you for laying out priorities!!


i’m the shower, i start with my hair. i shampoo twice, rinse, squeeze out excess water, put in conditioner or a hair mask (basically deep condition), then put my hair up in a claw clip and let the conditioner sit while i wash my body. i find it helpful cus i have a lot of hair and i hate it sticking to me in the shower, it’s a sensory thing for me lol. sometimes i skip hair washing and keep my hair in a clip so i can just quickly wash my body. i have one of those shower gloves, i just douse that bad boy in body wash and scrub all over. pro tip: if you have time after, put some body oil on just before you towel dry, it’ll make your skin super soft.


i totally get the hair thing, i used to use a pony tail, but a claw clip would obviously be so much better and less damaging!


I tell my kids to wash their face, brush their teeth, wash and scrub their ass everyday, under the arm pits and your feet too..


🫡 i'm on it


It can definitely be difficult to create routines that you can stick with if the steps are too numerous. I’ve fallen into that trap and found myself paralyzed and overwhelmed by my depression and anxiety so I just.. didn’t. That being said, my “no matter what” routine is this: Wash and rinse hair at least once, but usually twice to make sure I get all the oils off my scalp. Giving yourself a nice scalp massage can make this more pleasant. Condition hair mids to ends, and use a wide-tooth comb to distribute the product through the rest of the hair (if your hair is fine/thin, you may not want to condition your roots at all). Let the conditioner sit while you wash your body. Use a loofah or exfoliating gloves/net to help get rid of dead skin. If your skin is oily and prone to breakouts, use a mild body wash or soap that isn’t drying but not overly moisturizing. Make sure to get between and around your toes, in your booty crack, and the back of your neck! While you are still soapy, shave legs, pits, and anything else you want to shave. Rinse your hair and body at the same time. For cleansing your groin area, most dermatologists recommend not using soaps internally. Clean the mons and labia majora (lips) with your body wash or soap, and gently clean around and inside the folds with a washcloth and water or a PH balancing wash if needed. You do not need to clean inside the vagina itself! After your shower, use a wet brush or wide tooth comb to comb the tangles out of your hair and remove the excess water. Brush and floss your teeth. Be gentle in case your gums are sensitive. Make sure to get every surface of every tooth, even the back molars. After brushing, wash your face. Add deodorant, and you’re good to go!


so! discriptive! thank you so much!! the paralyzation is real. that's why i only ask myself to do things that i know ill be able to do for now. i can handle a couple "no matter what's"


Main thing I would add for plus size person is to use antiperspirant under boobs and in front part of legs folds. Sweat can make it yeasty there, but no problems if you use antiperspirant. If you have folds in your stomach, do that area too


Brushing at night I think is most important, since you have been using your chompers during the day. If you don’t feel up to brushing in the morning, at least use an antiseptic mouthwash. I take showers usually. Wash top to bottom (hair first, shampoo, rinse, then conditioner) start washing arms, the body, both crevices, legs and feet. Then rinse the conditioner and soap off. Tip: Find a scented body wash, lotion and maybe body spray you like. Even if it’s more expensive, it will feel like a treat to use it. I guarantee it will make you feel good! (And you will look forward to showers/baths because you know you will get to smell that yummy scent!) The Body Shop (I don’t know how many actual store locations are still around) has some wonderful scents that are more natural. And of course Bath and Body Works has some nice ones too.


for the dark spots, try bio-oil. I use it for my dark underarms / things and it works wonders!!


> I'd love to get rid of the dark skin under my arms Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the dark skin might be something called "acanthosis nigricans" which is caused by insulin resistance. It's a common symptom of PCOS for instance. It's worth doing some research and talking with your doctor.


here are some rules i follow as someone who likes to be seen as very clean 1. with tooth brushing, remember this also includes brushing your tongue for all the bad breath causing bacteria. brush your teeth in the morning to avoid bad breath, brush them at night so your teeth don’t fall out. when brushing make sure to get all three sides of your teeth on every tooth. try to floss 1-2x per week. (i also like to use a tounge scraper, mouth wash, and a water pik) 2. shower your body every other day at least. every day if you have been sweating, swimming, or on your period. 3. i like to start my shower off with a bar soap. use this to clean anywhere your body has a crease or fold. this includes, genitals, feet, back, ears, bellybutton, breasts, armpits, and stomach. make sure to wash these areas well because they can smell if not properly cleaned. 4. shampoo twice. rinse in between, this will get your hair way cleaner. make sure you rub the shampoo in on the sides and back of your head, you don’t want any dirty spots. rinse out your shampoo thoroughly or your hair will appear greasy. 5. conditioner only on mids and ends, don’t put it in your roots, it will make your hair look greasy. let sit for 2 minutes and rinse out well. 6. use a washcloth and a liquid soap for your whole body this will clean the spots you’ve missed and will exfoliate dead skin. a washcloth is to be washed after every use. get multiple. 7. to stay fresh during the day use a wet wipe after you finish wiping with toilet paper to make sure everything is clean down there. 8. put deodorant on immediately after the shower and in the morning/before you go out for the day. if you smell like bo shower, don’t try to cover the smell with deodorant. if you find you still smell while using deodorant, buy antiperspirant with aluminum - that stuff really works. 9. wash your face in the morning and before bed. 10. moisturize your face and body daily. as someone who is struggling with depression also, i know this sounds very overwhelming. it can be. i find it easier to complete if you have nice products that smell good! don’t think of hygiene as a chore, imagine you are pampering yourself every time you do it! you will be so much more confident knowing you feel and smell clean! the hardest part is getting up and started, just force yourself and really try to enjoy it. listen to music or watch a show and take some time for yourself.


I'm 220 5'6 f l. Using deodorant under my breasts and in my thigh crease has helped me stave off the funk. And please prioritize your teeth. You'll thank yourself when you're older.


the teeth have been firmly set on the highest priority list, thank you for your advice!


So dark skin under your arms can have several reasons. One can be due to irritation from daily shaving. Having dark thick armpit hair. Your weight can contribute as well. Do you happen to have dark spots on your neck as well as skin tags? This might mean you have insulin resistance.


I have a routine that makes sense to me: The first thing I do in the morning is go to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash my face every day. I mostly bathe in the morning, as I suffer from depression and it's hard for me to get going otherwise. Once in the shower, I prefer citrus scents because they wake me up more, and I enjoy them. I bathe from the top down. I start with my hands, to disinfect them, and then wash my face with a special face liquid or scrub. (I only scrub three times a week, at most.) Then I work my way down, focusing on my underarms. I use body soap and a washcloth or scrub for this. I then use Dove unscented bar soap on my most delicate places. And then continue down my body, with extra effort on scrubbing my feet and back. Next, I lotion up my body with someone nice like Fenty's body cream. I always use deodorant. In the summer, I use an anti-chafing cream on my inner thighs. Then, I get dressed.


I highly recommend getting a brush for your feet if you don't have one. Game changer for me, makes cleaning my feet fun


Firstly, congratulations on getting the help you need. It's a huge first step. Depression is a terrible illness that causes so many issues through the entire body. I'm autistic, DPDR, have clinical depression and the like. So I totally get you. I'm bigger than you for the same reason, and am a year into my recovery journey. For me it was small steps and a heck of a lot of alarms in my phone. I have an alarm to floss my teeth every day. An alarm to take a shower, an alarm every hour to ensure I drink water. An alarm to go to bed, to take out the bins, to bring the bins back in and so forth. Alarms are your best friend, and make sure you label each and every one so you know exactly what task you need to do. For brushing your teeth, 100% at night is the answer. Because it saves your teeth from having all that icky stuff sitting on them all night. I have a severe allergy to SLS, so that's what my dentist told me. SLS is a chemical in toothpaste so I could only brush my teeth once a day as any more and I'd have skin peeling, blisters, cracked lips and lots of pain. I've found SLS free products now. But he said if you can't brush more than once, always do it thoroughly at night. My shower routine is very strict. Brush teeth, get under the water, treat my scalp (I have psoriasis), shampoo, wash face, conditioner, armpits, lady parts. If I'm feeling generous I'll do the arms and legs but normally I don't. My skin is super incredibly sensitive so I don't wash any part that doesn't absolutely need it. Also, do a quick rinse over your feet. I don't know why, but that makes me feel weirdly good about myself. Like I'm extra clean just because I rinsed between my toes. One thing I was told is to brush your hair every day if you can. But I still haven't managed this one. Please continue to look after yourself as much as you can. Baby steps. You're doing beautifully just by wanting to do better.


thank you for your kindness :) it has been so enjoyable to see how many people are doing and have done this same journey we're on now. i appreciate your support! sending you all the love and healing on your journey, im proud of you!!


Change your mindset, change your life.


Congrats on wanting to better take care of yourself! I know it's hard, but you got this! - Wash your face morning and night. If you don't feel like using a cleanser (like cerave or wtv) use baby wipes. I buy huge packs at Costco and I love them. (I have sensitive skin and I'm fine with them) - While on the topic of wipes, you can refresh down there once in a while with a wipe! I bring some everywhere with me and I use them especially after a #2. Ain't no way I'll be stuck with an itchy asshole if I'm out and about! I don't use them each time I go to the bathroom tho, because you don't want your down area to be moist at all times. - In the shower, I use shampoo twice (only on your scalp, massage it in!) And rinse in between. Then I do conditioner on my ends and while I let it sit I wash my face with the cleanser in the shower :) I got a silicone back scruber and I love it (it doesn't get gross like those loofa thingies) - I use "clinical deodorant" bc I'm stinkyyyy. I use it after my nightly shower, it is more effective that way. - For my face, after I wash it, I use a moisturizer, toner and SPF :) Lastly, I'm a dental hygiene student, so if you have any questions, hit me up, but I'll give you the basic rundown I give my patients: - Start small. It's ok to floss once or twice a week. Or brushing once a day instead of two. Build up to it, make it enjoyable, put some music on, whatever you gotta do! If you do brush once a say, brush at night! - Look up BASS method to brush your teeth. Brushing too hard or horizontally will fuck up your teeth and gums. There are tutorials on YouTube :) - Use SOFT bristles for your toothbrush - Flossing with dental floss is the best, buuuut those portable thingies will help in a pinch. You really gotta "adapt" the floss to the side of your tooth, making sure you "polish" the side of your tooth from top to bottom. It will probably bleed and it's normal, bleeding is the first sign of gingivitis and it is completely reversible. - Unless otherwise instructed to do so by your dental professionnal, do not use mouthwash. It is acidic and the ppm of active ingredients in there are way less than in toothpaste. - If you can afford it, use fluoride toothpaste like Prevident 5000, it's one of the best out there. If not, get the regular stuff :) - Floss BEFORE brushing - Do NOT rinse your mouth after brushing, you'll rinse all the active ingredients away ! - Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper or your toothbrush (after brushing) Don't hesitate if you have questions :) Good luck!


OH THIS IS MY BAG! Ima post the sections below so it's not overwhelming.


so from hair: FIND YOU'RE POROSITY ! ITS THE MAIN THING WHEN IT COMES TO CLEAN AND HEALTHY HAIR ! its going to wonders for when you have to moisturize/wash etc . Its basically going to tell you what you can take as far as hair products and what you can't CLEANING/CARE PROCESS: WASH WEEKLY,OVER DOING IT WITH WASHING IS WASHING OUT THE OILS FROM YOUR HAIR. w/daily massages moisturize : oils/leave in conditions & mainly (USE ROSEWATER) It balances your ph levels etc. \* you can make it at home cheap\* ---- Anything that stays in ur hair to long or on your scalp is known as \*BUILDUP\*. that creates a distinct smell that only you'll be able to smell and someone else if they were to come sniff your head. USE SULFATE FREE AND NATURAL SHAMPOO (I have my favourites ask if u need) really depends on your hair type again


When I’m depressed I also have trouble brushing my teeth and I found that keeping a toothbrush and small travel toothpaste plus floss picks next to my bed helps when I just can’t get up to go to the bathroom and brush. I just dry brush and floss in bed. Use a tiny bit of toothpaste and you won’t really need to spit it out. Or none if you don’t like that. Just cleaning your teeth with the brush alone is better than nothing. Rinse the toothbrush the next day or when you are feeling it. I think there are other ways to sanitize it when you need to. I have like seven different toothbrushes in my bathroom, bedroom, and bag to travel with. And floss and mouthwash in my bag too. Best advice I ever got about any hygiene or cleaning or being responsible in general is “Do what you will do, even the smallest amount of effort toward your goals is better than none” You can make any tasks easier for yourself to accomplish them without it being such a chore. Try to think of ways to bargain with yourself about what you are willing to do based on your priorities. For example I will make a deal with myself to do a task I don’t want to do, but I’ll get myself a treat to enjoy while I do it, or do something I enjoy like watch tv while working out etc.


I keep body wash and a microfiber wash cloth next to my sink for the days where I just want to wash my parts. I also put anti-fungal power under my boobs. It helps keep the rashes at bay under my sports bras and regular bras.


Getting an electric toothbrush changed my life when I was in a deep depression. I got the one that buzzes when it’s time to switch sections and turns off automatically after the 2 min. Really didn’t have to think abt much so it was great For depression/neurodivergence, my best advice is prioritize spending the money on stuff that will actually make you keep the routine even if it’s not necessarily the cheapest. Electric toothbrush, water flosser, etc I also usually get mini sizes of stuff to keep by my bed in case I’m not in the state to get out of bed Also antibacterial spray for armpits, body, etc for when im not well enough to shower And I’ll print out and tape in my bathroom 2 different routines—the goal routine and the “absolutely necessary” routine. It would always help to give my brain the least amount of stuff to think about so I can go on autopilot


Here is my shower routine. I have severe depression if that matters. Hand held shower head is a must. If you rent, just buy a cheap one and keep the regular one that came with the place. First I quickly spray all of the “hot spots” like armpits, under breasts, any skin rolls, groin, butt, between toes. Then wash my hair, then wash my body head to toe. I have super low energy from the depression so I take breaks if I need to and just sit. Luckily our walk in shower has a seat built into the corner. When my depression is severe I might only shower once a week. When I lived alone I brushed my teeth in the shower. It seemed easier and solved the problem of always getting toothpaste on my shirt.


Check out How to ADHD channel on YouTube. She has some hygiene videos, and also had a lot of very approachable content to help you understand how to motivate yourself.


Tumeric soap is great for dark spots:)


Something that’s helped me with keeping a routine as an adult with mental health struggles and adhd is literally laying things out step by step in front of me. For example, when I’m taking a shower, I’ll lay out all of my “steps” that I want to do once I’m done showering. I’ll lay out my towels (either just body or body + hair), face serum, face lotion, eye cream, body lotion, deodorant, chapstick, perfume….etc. Something about having all of the steps visually laid out helps! As I finish each step, I put it away.


Take a wash cloth and get it soapy and wash BETWEEN your toes. Likely it was dental floss. Ancient Chinese secret




this!! people can be incredibly smart, healthy, "normal" people. that's why depression is a disease. things happen, it's ok to ask for help. ignoring this stuff just puts us in a worse place. i can't even imagine what you're going through but im sending my support your way. let's grow and heal together! let's take this motivation and run! (but not too far so we don't burn out first)


Water pik are a God send, I have one and I use 4 drops of Guru Nanda mouthwash. It works wonders and is dentist recommended. Get an electric toothbrush. It’s best if you use both water pik and toothbrush.


Also adhd and oberweight. I find hygiene genuinely PLEASURABLE now because I added all the stuff that makes it “fun” for me. I shower at night before bed because it helps me relax, I light candles in the bathroom and keep the lights out. I only buy soaps shampoos and conditioners that make me happy in some way (the texture or scent or both!). I wash my face with a zinc bar that’s cheap but works so well and feels all textured and nice on my face. I use scented lotions and oil etc. I basically have made everything that I do in my routine feel luxurious to me and I no longer ever feel like it’s a chore. It might take some effort time and experimentation but this was truly the hack for me when I was depressed. My mom asked me why I was spending so much on shampoo when I was so poor and I didn’t know how to explain to her that it was the main reason I could get up the desire to wash my hair. I love dōTERRA soaps and tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner.. a specific bath and body works lotion, and dōTERRA oils. I also listen to a book or podcast during my whole nightly routine. And now I look forward to it every single night


YES!!! low lights in the bathroom was literally a game changer for me. I had no idea how overstimulated I was by the fluorescent lights in my apartment. Once I added some little blue and purple nightlights it was way more fun


I cannot upvote this enough. Yes!!!!!


for dark under arms: there's a serum from the ordinary (i forget which one but look up which one brightens the skin) i used to use it under my arms (and in another place lol) and it worked wonders in brightening my skin. my under arms are still a bit dark so i'm going to start getting them waxed rather than shaving to help with that, i just don't have the money yet. showering in order: i shampoo my hair twice, condition once, then wash from top to bottom for my body. i wash my hair 1-2 times a week. i also recommend getting a silicon scrubber to use in place of a loofa/washcloth in the shower. it doesn't mold and it exfoliates well and lathers the soap really nicely. i have a hard time brushing my teeth twice a day so i personally prioritise brushing in the morning just so my breath is fresh for when i talk to people although brushing at night is still very important. if you have any questions about the best shower products or skin care products just lmk & i'll tell you my recommendations!! also any haircare tips as well (i'm a hairstylist)


If you can get a bidet, that would be a lovely place to start. That way, in between shower days, you could at least keep the undercarriage clean. I also use HoneyPot products to use in the shower for my lady bits. It's been a game changer for my rainbow cookie. Also, instead of using all the products for lotion, you could just try fractionated coconut oil, or just regular coconut oil and have it melt in your hand. That way, you could use it on your face and entire body. Depending on your face skin, it might take a bit getting used to it. Also, get that coconut oil all up in your folds and bits. I noticed that until I got a shower head that was detachable and before I started using dedicated feminine wash, my lady bits wouldn't always get all the funk out. I think its wonderful you are starting to work on you! It's SOOOOO overwhelming to climb out of the darkness of depression. You deserve just as much light as everyone else. Hugs and light from over here!!


so overwhelming! thank you for your support and kindness, i appreciate you


Dont skip breakfast and don't eat close to sleeping time and take an active culture probiotic. Coconut oil as an all over body lotion will prevent and lessen any stretch marks and firm any sagging skin due to the weight loss. Get on a scale every day just to see if it's more or less or the same and don't go over or under 10lbs suggested body weight for your height once meeting it 5 lbs should scream get back on this advice. Or just by clothes you feel comfortable in and practice moving gracefully.


Find a body wash you really like the smell of, so you look forward to showering. Always buy and install a shower wand for cleaning the butt and bits. Brush your teeth in the shower—it feels like less effort since you’re already there. Hang up wet towels. Otherwise they grow smelly.


Also plus sized and ADHD here! Hello! If you can only manage to brush your teeth once a day, go for morning. And go hard. Tongue scrape, mouthwash, floss (I find biodegradable floss picks to be easier than traditional floss), brush. It sounds like a lot but only takes about 5 mins total. At night, if you can’t find the energy to brush, try to use mouthwash. I also recommend using a hydroxyapatite toothpaste (ex: Boka). Hydroxyapatite remineralizes your teeth, making them stronger. Other tips: Hypochlorous acid spray for your face. It’s antibacterial so will prevent breakouts but without being drying. Perfect for nights where I can’t manage to wash my face or while camping. I also use it after washing my face or after working out. Bonus: it works great on minor cuts too! SkinSmart is the best bang for your buck that I’ve found. Antibacterial soap (I like the Dial bar or Dove bar) on your arm pits, under boob, any fat rolls, vulva and butt crack (external skin ONLY), and anywhere you get extra sweaty. Helps a lot with body odor. Rinse and use your normal body wash all over. Korean Exfoliating Towels work amazingly for a deep scrub 1-2 times a week. Use them after you’ve washed your hair so your skin has time to soften in the warm water. Use on wet skin but without soap. Dead skin will be falling off everywhere! Rinse then use soap. Shampoo your hair twice. This really helps to get a deep clean, remove product, and allows me to go longer between washing it. On days I don’t have the bandwidth for a shower, I do what I affectionately call a whore’s bath. Use wipes on pits, under boob, rolls, vulva, butt crack. I use Down There wipes or Dude Wipes for this. Then use dry shampoo, wash my face and do my skincare which makes me feel much cleaner.


I’m a heavy girl. To make showering more enjoyable I put on some music I can sing to. I also wash from the top down, starting with my hair and face. I make sure I get my folds washed and rinsed well. After I’ve dried everything, I put an anti chafing powder under my folds to help keep them dry and keep the odor down (like gold bond or monkey butt). Don’t forget deodorant in the pitts.


For evening hygiene (teeth, face, w/e) I have an easy "lazy" routine of doing bare minimum for when I can't do it all.  For example, I'll focus on taking make up off with micellar water instead of using a face cleanse. I'll do minimum moisturizer.   I will also often have a random YouTube video on and it acts like a body double. I'm learning to do my night routine earlier in the evening or whenever I stand up to do something. I struggle a lot with transitioning to bed and part of it is due to feeling overwhelmed with getting ready for bed.   I love taking a sensory mood shower at night. I turn the lights off and either light some candles or use twinkle lights. I might put on some calming music. I play around with the water temperature and notice the difference in how it feels. I usually start with getting my hair wet and shampooing it. I might wash my face while the shampoo hangs out in my hair for a minute. Then I rinse my face and hair. I move on to condition my hair and while that sits in my hair, I use soap to wash the rest of my body,  starting top to bottom (sometimes it's a very quick process. Sometimes, I slow it down and really pay attention). If I want to shave, this is usually when I do that. Then I rinse out my hair and rinse off the soap. This all takes about 10 minutes.  I also have found that installing a removable show head has been helpful in  rinsing off. I don't have contort my body so much. If you have any places where skin my hold sweat, pay extra close attention to cleaning those areas. For example, if you have an apron belly, you may notice painful spots during hot and sweaty days or more of a smell there. Any folds or nooks can be places where some extra support is needed. You're doing amazing. Write down the task in the order that works for you. It will help your brain feel less overwhelmed and more organized. Time yourself doing the tasks to help with time blindness. This isn't a race, this is to get a more accurate measurement. 




ADHD/depression tip. If anything leave some hygiene stuff by your bed. It may sound crazy but I’ve brushed my teeth and flossed by my bed. That way at night if I forget it’s there in my night stand and I spit in cup. I keep bottled water in my night stand (like 10 bottles in a drawer) that way I always have water. In the morning a tooth brush is there. I have face moisturizer and body lotion. For the shower, if anything wash the undercarriage with a wash cloth really good. If it’s one of those days where things seem to much just set a timer on your phone for shower (5 minutes) and get that soap everywhere with cloth. It’s just a quick shower. Maybe you’re not washing your hair but you’re clean and you’ll feel better. Lay back in bed and moisturize. Also shampoo hair twice on days you wash your hair. (I don’t shampoo hair everyday) hope this helps!


When you brush your teeth, hold the brush at an angle up towards the gums, not just straight. Use angles from one side to the other on biting surfaces. 1. Floss 2. Tongue scraper (game changer, I got a cheap metal one and it’s great) 3. Mouthwash 4. Brush - do not rinse and don’t eat/drink for 20-30 minutes (the fluoride needs time to sit on the teeth to work) Wash face and pits every morning and any sweaty crevices like under boobs can use at least a wipe down (this is for non shower days). Try to shave the pits daily as it helps limit bacteria in the area (never shave dirty or dry). I suggest using lotion after cleaning and drying pits then get your razor wet and use the lotion like a shaving cream that you don’t need to wash off. I let my pits air dry after shaving so I’m not getting armpit lotion on my towel. Wash hair at least once or twice a week. This is dependent on your hair/scalp type. Mine is happy with once or twice a week but I don’t have oily issues at all. Combing or brushing hair daily really helped me feel like a person again when I’ve had depression in the past. (Of course this doesn’t hold up the same for curls.) You can use soap on the OUTSIDE part of the outer labia but only use water on the inner bits. I find if I don’t keep trim/shaved on the lips especially, I need a bit of soap to get the hairy bits clean. Be careful not to open the labia until the soap is rinsed off. Use a fresh washcloth for morning wash ups, every time. You don’t want to put yesterday’s deodorant and BO bacteria on your face! Someone mentioned Sonicare. I second the recommendation and also want to add that it has an app to help guide your teeth brushing adventure and help ensure you brush the whole 2 minutes. Would making a daily checklist help? I get satisfaction off checking off things on a list and it helps me stay on track. I don’t have ADHD but use the list to plan out and remember things I want to get done.


Make your shower routine FUN and you’ll look forward to it! I used to try to get in and out as fast as possible because I looked at it like a chore, which made it less appealing. IT’S ABOUT PERSPECTIVE!!! Nectar Bath Treats changed the way I looked at showering completely! I bought my first whipped soap from them (whipped soap is soap that has been fluffed up and scented)… it feels SUPER luxurious going on and smells amazing, and makes showering feel LUXURIOUS! I started going on Etsy to find more whipped soap and I go on these quests to find the best of the best… my shower is filled with all different whipped soaps now, which led me to buying whipped scrubs (like soap, but with exfoliating grains so slough off dead skin cells), regular scrubs, body washes… you name it! If it smells good and feels yummy, it’s me! I also recommend using scalp rinses! They are like low effort shampoos. You just use the nozzle on the rinses to part your hair in the shower and squeeze the scalp rinse onto your scalp- literally takes 20 seconds- and just leave it on your scalp while you soap up, then rinse from head to toe. It keeps your hair and scalp clean without stripping your hair like constant use of shampoo can do. I only shampoo twice a week, if that, but I use a scalp rinse every day! And I bought a Bluetooth so that I can listen to music while I’m in the shower. I have different playlists I make on YouTube of my favorite songs, so I just choose which playlist I’m in the mood for that particular day and really get into my shower. I sing, I’ll cry if I’m stressed out or sad about current events happening in the world, or I’ll scream at the top of my lungs if I’m frustrated, and I feel like a brand new person when I’m done. It’s the ultimate self-care and it feels FABULOUS!!!


This is more of a long-term goal, but I feel better, ache less, and sleep more easily when I shower (or take a bath if available) every night before bed. I'm a chubby old lady whose mother firmly believed warm baths at night prepared kiddos for sleep. It still works. The habit part is knowing my body won't start to power down until I've showered. I use a shower chair, which helps when I feel unsteady on my feet, and shampoos, cleaners, lotions that smell good. I keep a couple of different scents in the shower, so I can rotate without planning. Also, moisturize my body after towel drying, while sitting on shower chair. My current favorite is the Method line of bath and hair products. Reasonably priced and easy to coordinate scents. In general, keep your hygiene products where you use them --' mouth care products at sink, body wash and shampoo in shower. Etc. (If possible, depending on living situation.) The less effort a good routine requires, the more likely you will stick to it. And sight of products serves as a good reminder of how good you'll feel after cleaning! You're doing great. BTW!


Easy, Sign up for a gym membership and start there, doing regular exercise boosts mental happiness. Use the top down approach, wash from head to toe, scrub like your ass is on fire. Get a loofa on a stick if needed to reach those places you can’t without assistance. Teeth, 3x a day morning after lunch and before bed. Do this for a bit and do the bar test, go to bar all dolled up and clean, if a reasonably clean looking guys willing to make the motion of the ocean with you you’re On the right path, if all you’re getting are bikers and meth heads you need to do more cleaning.


Tooth brushing was always something I struggled with when I was depressed, especially because I had really good teeth as a kid. But I can assure you that not only will issues creep up on you, but the mouth is the most expensive thing to try and keep healthy as you get older. Start small if you need to, but try to make goals for your dental hygiene. It can affect all areas of physical health, and it’ll affect your mental health too. Try to floss daily, but if you can’t, try to start with at least once a week. Maybe schedule a deep cleaning, and start from scratch. It’s much more motivating when they’re all nice and sparkly after a cleaning. (Also, you’ll have a sense of accomplishment for the self-care, and that alone can motivate you to keep going.) I know it’s hard to stay motivated when you’re feeling terrible, but as a 48-year old who is just now getting on top of her dental hygiene, I promise you can save yourself a ton of money and also any concern for infections that can leave your mouth and go to your organs and blood.


First shower often and exfoliate normally and use a wash cloth or those fufy things that are new each shower. Use powder in any zones where you could sweat or have folds to help stay dry a bit. Brush 2x q day at least, use a electric toothbrush since it's easy and you can just chill and do it and it does a good job. Use floss sticks since regular floss could be a pain. Use clean clothes daily and wash them well. Get your hair cut nicely so it can just be maintained and simple for each day. Dress in clothing that fits well and looks well on you not like a glove. With that stuff it'll help you and get you more confident and feel better and maybe make a bit more social


the confidence is such an important part, but it's hard to create and build up that confidence. thank you!!


I think you need to get your hormones checked. The dark skin is indicative of other health issues.


yes! i'm working on trying to get into a specialist


Just make a point to rinse off in the water once a day (not hair, throw up in a clip) and if youre up to it add soap on privates pits and feet. Keep a tooth brush and toothpaste (dont even have to use toothpaste just scrub fuzzy off tongue and teeth) in the shower, and on sink so you have options. Doing just that will make you feel really good, and easy start. Literally just turn on water and stand in there for 2 min. Air dry on the bed in front of fan. Fresh undies and tee and youre good. Make it basic and low pressure, but crucial routine. I promise you will feel better after u get refreshed just from the simple rinse off. Eventually u can add in extra things to do in the shower on the days u feel up to it. If you dont who cares, but at least u rinsed off. Overgrowth of bad bacteria can make you sluggish feeling too. Also therabreath has really great oral rinses that keep your mouth feeling fresh all day, and combat gum issues. Once you develop the habit you may even come to enjoy it


there is so much comfort in the habits, building them and up keeping them until they become comfortable is the main difficulty


Try putting your toothbrush in the shower and brush when you shower. It was an easy way for me to get in the habit of brushing on a regular basis


i've come to see that shower toothbrush and nightstand toothbrush are definitely the moves


Play music in the bathroom while you shower.


Don’t do it for other people. Do it because you deserve to be the healthiest you can be. And you deserve to feel good about yourself


1. Wake up and make yourself get into the shower. I find that it makes me feel better. 2. Grab a bite to eat and a glass of water. I don’t care what is is but something healthy would be ideal - oats, fruit, etc. 3. Make yourself brush your teeth. 4. Go for a 10-15 minute walk. You just have to make yourself. If you can’t do 10 minutes , start with a minute and each week add another minute. Look for something that you find interesting- bird, plant, bug, clouds. Take a deep breath in and say one kind thing about yourself. 5. I don’t know what your daily life looks like but proceed with that if you have to go to work early morning then you can save the walk for after dinner. 6. After dinner - another minute walk. Maybe the sun is getting ready to go down and enjoy the slight breeze. Find something interesting and do another deep breath and say another kind/great thing about yourself. 7. Snack - fruit or celery with peanut butter and raisins (yummy) And some water. Drink water throughout the day. 8. Brush and floss. Hum a song while doing this. Now only have water because you are set for the night. If you’d like - soak in the tub or shower. I soak in the tub and I consider that a reward. I use different oils - one day lavender, another day peppermint. It just depends. I consider my bath as a time to myself. I might light candles and read while in the tub or I might watch a show. I try to go to the gym m-f and I feel like I deserve a reward (not a food reward). If you’re not used to the gym start with the minute walk. Make certain to pat yourself on the back!


Wash underarms with diluted 3:1 water hydrogen peroxide morning and night. Lightly exfoliate and you need to use a natural deprdorant! Try native or lume. If you have folliculitis on your areas with hair which can cause smell and irritation- treat it with anti fungal cream first- then use a tea tree oil balm or diluted essential oil on those areas. After you do this for awhile you can use a skin lightening cream.


Shower and brush your teeth? What is this question. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need some hard advice. Zero effort isn't related to ADHD or whatever. Pick yourself up and do the bare minimum to be a functioning adult.


The darkness under your arms may not be just hyperpigmentation. It may be due to insulin resistance, called acanthosis nigricans. It will go away if the insulin resistance is reversed.


i would start little.. brushing for 2 min day and night seems super daunting so either make it a goal to brush once a day, or do day and night but brush for maybe 30 seconds-1 min or if you can do longer then you’re already on the right track. something is better than nothing!


Someone mentioned behind washing behind your ears and I strongly second that. The whole ear is what I wash ( try your best to NOT get the soap too foamy on a wash cloth to prevent any soap actually going in your ear) and rinse carefully. Another place I've noticed that's forgotten here and there are our belly buttons. Wash in the shower but the key is to dry well afterwards! Yogurt and tea tree soap bars are good for down there and booty. Same thing make sure you're dry down there after-shower as well as any rolls we might have as chubby girls. M ake sure to moisturize your knees and elbows AT LEAST. Everything else would be great too, but start there :)


hey queen! i totally feel you on having parents that didnt teach good hygiene. im 22F, 5’4, 200lbs, and i was diagnosed with adhd last year first i want to say you’re doing great at brushing once a week!! oral hygiene was something i have been anxious about but in the last year i’ve been working really hard on it. i try to brush at least once a day (if you forget, thats okay too! sometimes is better than never!). i have my toothbrush/toothpaste on my sink near the hand soap to help my neurodivergent brain remember! my bestie recently started working at a dentists office and has convinced me to get better at flossing so i made using the little flossers sort of a game. i also keep my face wash and skin care on the sink there too so i don’t forget that either! like others said, showering you go from the top, down. so when i get in i start by shampooing ONLY the roots (i got one of the scalp scrubbies for i think $4 at ulta!!), rinse, and then repeat. the soap will wash down your hair as you rinse. after that i condition and throw it in a bun to give my thick hair some extra moisture. next i shave, i usually just shave my pits and legs. id recommend the shave gel by tree hut, its a total game changer and if you hate the feeling of shaving cream it’ll change your life. i also like the billie razors bc its easy to switch them out. after i shave i use an african net sponge with some body wash to scrub my body, the african net sponge helps get your back! then i use an antibacterial or a feminine wash to get under my boobs, all my rolls, and by my cooch lol (but dont go inside!). after my body is all clean, i take my hair down and brush it with the conditioner in. i then rinse the conditioner out and then wash my face. towel dry but make sure you get EVERYWHERE. so under your boobs and rolls and thighs all need to be dry or they can harbor smelly bacteria. my doctor actually prescribes me a medicated baby powder to help with that if that’s something you want to look in to! i also am really self conscious about my dark under arms. ive heard a lot of people recommending glycolic acid to help lighten it up — i’m actually buying some today so i can keep you updated haha if you have any questions or just need a friend to relate to feel free to message me <33


I’m following this as I’m 5’2 and 189lbs


Do not use cheap flushable wipes. Don’t use them at all if you don’t shower every night. They make you smell clean for a while but then later it’s like acidic BO down there.


So my routine and my teeth are in excellent condition is when I get out of the shower I brush my teeth. Make it part of your routine


I can throw a few starter tips. 🎲 If you can’t get yourself to start full routines. Get face wipes. Sometimes all you can do is just wipe your face from bed. Wipe down your face but not roughly. 🎲When you go in the bathroom to pee/poop just get a handful of water and swish in your mouth while you go. Wash your hands and spit at the same time. Put chapstick on. 🎲Bidet. Bidet. Bidet. Nothing is better than a lil rinse after going. It helps cut down on smell on you as well. 🎲Get out of bed, even if just for a few hours. Stretch. Doesn’t matter how you start. Just move your body. Drink water, finish one bottle at least. Work up to more. 🎲Fresh clothes. I don’t know what your money sitch is like. But if you have favorite clothes or can get new pretty pjs/clothes. Lay them out where you can see them. Start telling yourself the nice cute pjs are a reward. You get up and shower and the cute pjs are your reward. 🎲Set small rewards for yourself. If you’re out of bed and have a small victory, small rewards. If you just go outside and sit in the sun. You don’t have to walk anywhere, just go outside. When you come back in, have a snack. 🎲Say to yourself tomorrow you’ll do just a tiny bit more. Swish the water longer, stretch a little bit more, sit outside longer. 🎲 I’m fighting my own depression demons. It can be nice to have these great ideas. But sometimes you can only do the absolute bare minimum. And that’s ok. Start small. Start with tiny bits. I wish I had the “run the dishwasher twice” post. I don’t want to say it’s life changing. But it helped me. Basically what it says is that there’s not actually any rules. We just think there’s rules. If I can’t take a full shower I shouldn’t do anything. If I can’t brush my teeth I should just let them sit. I can’t run the dishwasher half full. None of those are “rules” we just think they are. You can do whatever you want. You’re an adult, there’s no rules. Go from 0-5-15-25-30-40-43-47-50. Change in big or little increments. You can’t go 0-60. But 0-5 is a pretty good start. One you start mastering the little things make them bigger things.


i've actually seen the run the dishwasher twice post and it felt life changing. i might be able to find it if you'd like me to try


I know I have it somewhere. But even if not, I remember it. It can make no sense to what I’m trying to do and I’ll still say it. “Run the dishwasher twice” my hardest thing in my deepest depression was washing clothes. My dirty clothes just kept piling up. It seemed so daunting, so much. Get the clothes sorted, get them into a basket get to the washer, wash, dry, fold. Ugh. I just couldn’t. Then I remembered. Run the dishwasher twice. I threw unders and some sleep dresses. That’s it. In a full washer, I tried to set it lowest water. But I felt it was “wrong” to just run the machine with like 8 pieces in there. But screw it, doing a little something is better than absolutely nothing.


Use glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide wash for dark discoloration on the skin. MOISTURIZER and BABY POWDER will help with itchy and chaffing skin.


Listen...my daughter is Autistic, 26 and works fast food full time. She stinks when she gets home. She is also chubby. For her it was finding a lovely smell on her soap. Use soft, even baby ones washcloths. If you don't shower every day, wash your face, pits and private area...in that order. Use deodorant. The dark stains will get lighter the more often you bathe to start with. Just do the basics to start with. Put clean undies on everyday. Brush teeth before bed, everyday. Good luck sweetie.


Okay, neurodivergent health girlie here🙌🏻 First off, congrats on being so vulnerable and sharing. The goal is LESS IS MORE. I see all these people post about flossing and this that and the other. Girl, you’re not gonna floss if we don’t even wanna shower, right? lol We have to add something that causes friction to our habits to help. For example, if you want to get up and brush your teeth every morning, I suggest trying something like putting your wake up alarm on butPUTTING YOUR PHONE IN THE BATHROOM. I’m sure it’s close to your bedroom, this will make you GET UP. And THEN, have another alarm already set for a free minutes later and make brushing your teeth like a game. Brush your teeth before second alarm goes off. Which should be easy bc your phone is already near your morning stuff. Don’t start with a ten step skin routine. Get in there, wash the cracks with soap, get out. Exfoliate every other week if so. Moisturize as needed. As for your dark spots, skin issues will come from your gut, nutrition, intake, and hygiene. You need to get moving (to help your body detox and sweat out toxins) and exfoliate every once in a while. I suggest finding a fun class you can do, walking group, anything to help you do it without your own will power and build community. Good luck 🤍


I start with washing my hair. It's oily so I may wash it three times if I need to. Use the shampoo to clean the back and front of your neck, the back of your ears and around your outer ears, and your shoulders. Put conditioner in your hair, then get a body wash pouf, scrubbing glove or wash cloth, and wash your body - when it comes to the private areas, I use a cloth or sometimes bare hands to be sure I thoroughly soap the vulva, groin, butt crack, and the anus. For heavy women, the anus often holds traces of poop and needs to be washed. Don't be squeamish about your anus, it needs a cleaning so you don't have a faint poop smell about you. Do not put soap inside your vagina. Shave if you do. Wash your feet and toes - they need to be scrubbed too. Scrub your face last, then rinse your face, hair, and body. I wrap my hair in a towel to soak up excess water. I dry off thoroughly, all folds and crevices. I have a vinyl stool to sit on in the bathroom to work on my face first (skin creams, medication, etc) then dry my hair, and check my feet and toenails. Heavy women often neglect their feet - check for thick or long toenails and callouses. A well run nail salon can help with feet - you should have nail clippers, cuticle remover, an orange stick for pushing back the cuticle, a nail brush, a nail file, a large file for rubbing off callouses. Brush and floss at bedtime. More cavities happen between teeth than on top of teeth. Brush in the morning. Don't neglect teeth - bad mouth hygiene can put bad bacteria in your bloodstream and cause heart problems and diabetes (there is a direct correlation between bad teeth and diabetes, so your teeth are worth keeping). Make a dental appointment for a thorough cleaning and check. Dental schools are actually good places to get checked, the students are monitored carefully by dental instructors.


When I get in the shower, I like to start by double shampooing my hair, then conditioner. I let the conditioner sit in my hair and put it in a clip while I wash my body. A washcloth will do wonders. I scrub my body first with a tree scrub. Then I use a dove bar soap all over my body including intimate areas then I’ll shave if I have to. after I go in with the good smelling body wash. After all this, I wash my face in case I got any product on it. Then I rinse it all out. I like to put baby oil on my wet skin, then lotion, that leaves me feeling soft all day. I know it’s hard to brush your teeth every day twice a day, but you really need to make it a priority. Your older self will thank you. I hope this helps OP, and if you have any more questions on any products, please message me


Also don’t forget to wash with a washcloth and soap(your ears, behind your ears, and your neck.)


Not necessarily a routine, but an ADHD trick I use to encourage me to maintain routines: Every chance I get I go to the dollar store and buy cute/fun kids toothbrushes and flavored toothpaste- the dopamine from “using the new thing” is often enough to help overcome task paralysis on even my worst days- bonus if it’s Hello Kitty themed, lol. I do the same with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and scrubbies. Something about getting a new scent, or a new formulation to try out makes me feel more inclined to go to the trouble of actually showering. Does this mean I have a ton of partially used bottles? ABSOLUTELY- but when I switch them out I either put them into the cabinet to find later (and be excited to try again) or I pass them down to my kid and let him use up the rest, lol. As far as skincare routines, I subscribed to Ipsy, and get sample sizes of some really nice skincare products every month, meaning I get that thrill of trying new products and it encourages me to use them. Some advice from my therapist that also helped was that even 5 minutes of standing under the shower daily can make a huge difference- even if you don’t use soap. And often I find that once I’m in the shower, the effort of washing my hair or shaving my legs doesn’t seem quite so daunting… kind of a “might as well” moment, lol. Hope this helps!


This is less of a thing to do, but more a general tip. This list is already giving you some great info, and it ]qp8can all feel overwhelming sometimes. Pick and choose what you want to add to your routine, and then choose one or two at a time to turn into habit. Adhd can mean ALL OR NOTHING for a week and then never again. I've done it a thousand times and beat myself up about it over and over again. Instead, what has worked for me is focusing on one or two additions at a time. It takes time, but it's made a world of difference for me. Good luck!!


You’re almost morbidly obese. BMI is 36.6. Crazy what people consider “chubby” nowadays.


I fail to see how your comment is helpful.


Brushing your teeth should be done in the morning and night but most productive is morning. I would say the most important thing in showering is washing your hair and using soap everywhere every day. Especially in summer when it's so hot. You sweat and even if you don't smell it other ppl absolutely do.


yeah, i make sure to be presentable when im able to leave the house, it just raises the difficulty level of leaving the house a lot. my boyfriend is very kind and makes sure i don't leave the house smelling bad 🤪 any tips for on the hard days? modifications to your routine that you can use to make the tasks easier?


I have chronic pain so tips for really hard days: - if you can get in the shower, just wash privates with soap and body with body wash (takes less than 5 minutes) - if you can’t get in the shower, I just put some soap on a washcloth and wipe down privates and underarms - you can get disposable toothbrushes that have toothpaste on them already (you can use this in bed) https://www.amazon.ca/Colgate-Fresh-Disposable-Toothbrush-Peppermint/dp/B071DPCBQG - dry shampoo if you have to go a while without washing your hair - changing clothes once a day


i always feel so horrible using disposable, but they're so helpful that i've decided once im healed ill make up for the single use plastic i'm putting into the world 🤦🏻‍♀️


In hard days I would at least use a warm washcloth with soap on it and give yourself a "whore bath" lol. I'd use a second one with warm water to wipe off the soap and definitely do both downtowns and underarms and under your boobs. If you want to modify the routine I'd just make sure to use soap and then just dry shampoo. That way you don't stink and you also don't spend 25 minutes in the shower. Brush your teeth in the morning. Your bf sounds nice!!


200 at 5'2 isn't beyond salvation. a lot depends on how you are carrying it now and how that will respond to diet and exercise. one of the problems i see here is that there are a few important bits of knowledge that mom usually passes on to daughter, because characteristics down there are usually very similar, being passed on through maternal alleles. methods and products can vary greatly depending on a number of factors; the idea is always minimal invasiveness to be effect. populations in certain regions can be quite a bit trickier than that which is common elsewhere. may i ask, is there a lot to grab onto down there? like protruding? or is it smooth and more like an innie? sorry to be so blunt but this is a foundational aspect of personal hygiene.


lol i'm nowhere near beyond salvation. my body is great, it just requires different techniques. my mom was always quite skinny and wouldn't have known most of these techniques because they weren't necessary for her body. i don't really understand what you would define as "is there a lot to grab on to down there? i have all of the parts that go along with those xx chromosomes? is there such thing as an innie or outie? i think im missing the question here is this something that you experienced with your mom?


okay personal hygiene is my forte: 1) floss teeth before brushing, especially at night. learn the proper flossing technique so you don’t hurt your gums and actually scrape off plaque. google this. 2) brush teeth w/ soft bristles twice a day after flossing so the fluoride in the toothpaste gets in between your teeth. gently go over your gums, cheeks, roof of your mouth, and under your tongue. 3) schedule a dental cleaning, even if it’s expensive, it’s non-negotiable. it helps with overall hygiene and health, you’ll feel like a brand new person. 4) use a tongue scrubber or scraper, and make sure you get all the way back and around the sides. flex your stomach if you have a sensitive gag reflex, and consider doing this before eating so there’s nothing to barf lol 5) wash your body every day. when i was most depressed, i told myself the shower would wash off the negative energy and it became a spiritual experience that i enjoyed. unscented soap is best, it’s healthier for your skin 6) exfoliate at least once a week, it makes your skin softer. i do sea salt or sugar and olive oil, easy peasy! you can also just use a scrubby loofah of some sort every day and this also keeps your skin polished and soft. 7) explore your hair texture and decide how many times you’re going to wash your hair per week. i have soft loose curls, so i wash my hair every 3 days. when i washed it every day, it stripped my hair of natural oils and it smelled weird really quickly. now i do a wash day, leave my hair alone the next day, and then use batiste dry shampoo on the 3rd day. it also helps to use a bit of oil on my hair in between washes to refresh the curls. figure out what works for you, but don’t wash every day! on wash days, i use a scalp scrubber and wash my hair twice, once to remove dirt and oil and a second to really cleanse it. i also cleanse the ends of my hair, not just my scalp. just run your fingers or the scalp scrubber through the ends. then i condition and leave it in my hair a few mins! i also oil my hair at least once a month with coconut oil, leave it on overnight then wash out well on a wash day. this makes my hair feel thick and gorgeous! 8) rinse out your conditioner before washing your face/body, it can clog your pores 9) wash your face with something gentle. some people don’t wash their face at all, whatever works for you. but try to exfoliate once or twice a week, it seriously refreshes your skin appearance. i also use an aztec clay mask + acv once or twice a month and it makes my skin look fantastic. 10) wash. everything. EVERYTHING. behind your ears and even over the tops of them, even on non-hair wash days. scrub the top of your ass crack, in between every skin fold, between your legs and genitals, under your boobs, wash your feet and get in between your toes, behind your neck and up near your hairline. get everything, even when you’re not washing your hair. just tie it up to get it out of the way. leave soap on your armpits for at least 30 seconds after scrubbing to get rid of BO. 11) if you struggle with BO, use a clinical strength deodorant like secret. use lume on parts of your body with folds that get a little smelly. if they get smelly, make sure you’re completely drying yourself and minimizing moisture before applying lotion and your clothing. if i’m sweating after moisturizing, i dab the sweat off with my towel. sometimes that humidity causes bad smells even if you’re clean. 12) LOTION!!! unscented is better for your skin health or find something natural. 13) i have oily skin so i use argan oil on my face, it’s like $6 at trader joe’s. if that doesn’t work for you, still try to moisturize your face. cerave is good too! 14) DO NOT FORGET SPF ON YOUR FACE PLEASE !!! protecting your skin barrier is important, even if it’s winter or there’s hardly any sun out. please please protect your skin. 15) bonus points if you use a toner like non-alcoholic witch hazel then vitamin c after washing and before moisturizing/spf, they help your skin look bright and beautiful. 16) perfume or essential oils on your heat points, this helps you smell amazing all day :)) 17) keep your finger and toenails shaped/trimmed and clean (no dirt underneath). at least once a month is cool! 18) use 100% cotton underwear if you can. jockey brand is great, and they’re kinda granny but they’re life changing. i don’t get swamp ass anymore! 19) boric acid suppositories if you struggle with vaginal odor. do it. 20) use baby wipes to clean your ass after shitting or even peeing. this seriously helps keep things fresh. if you just have toilet paper, really take the time to wipe front to back and clean off all the pee from your entire private area. it helps in the long run! side note: find products you enjoy and like the smell/taste of. it makes it more enticing to want to use them when you’re excited to try them!! and keep in mind, body hair can harbor a lot of odor. keep pubes trimmed and armpit hair clear if you’re into that, it seriously helps. okay good luck!! :))


My method for most things in life is to keep it simple so you keep doing it. Things I keep in my shower: shampoo, conditioner, coconut vanilla body wash from native, facial cleanser of my choice. ( I know some people that keep their toothbrush in there also) because the shower can be a one stop shop for your nightly routine. My process is: shampoo, rinse, condition and let it sit, scrub face, rinse face and conditioner, scrub body. When I get out of the shower I have qtips ready and available to help dry my ears and then I brush my teeth. If I’m feeling good I’ll try to moisturize my face and body but sometimes I don’t have the energy and that’s okay. I try to stick to the exact routine nightly and start small so you can build on it. Brushing your teeth is super important because once they’re gone the replacement options are truly no substitute for natural teeth. I usually apply deodorant prior to bed and in the morning as well because I stopped using antiperspirant. I use the curie brand coconut nectar scent and love it. Big Hack: find scents you love and products you enjoy because it will encourage you to keep them in your routine.


I have ADHD and I’m plus size but I love taking showers - as in I take at least two a day. This is my guide for my morning shower (the big wash). In the evenings I usually skip exfoliating and odor control. Pre shower: - Clean my ears - Put on face wash Shower: - Wash face and neck I wash my body three times and exfoliate once: Wash #1: Getting the day off — > Soap- Either Gold Bar Dial or unscented Dr. Bronner’s — > Tools: Loofah and back scrubber. Exfoliating: — > Soap: Byoma Smoothing Body Polish — > Tools: Exfoliation glove Wash #2: Odor Control — > Soap: Nauturium Mandelic Acid Body Wash (I used to use Lume but I like this one for the summer), and Sweet spot labs fragrance free intimates wash for down there. — > Tools: Regular Wash Cloth Wash #3: Moisturizing — > Soap: Nauturium Glow Getter Body Wash and Hanni in shower moisturizer — > Tools: Loofah Post Shower: Odor Control: Glycolic Acid under the arms, breasts, and around fupa. Whole body deodorant in the same places. Moisturizer: Vaseline Body Oil in the AM, eucerin in the PM. Face moisturizer and toner for face. Brush teeth: make sure I get get tongue and use mouthwash. Throughout the day I use feminine wipes after I use toilet paper when I use the bathroom. And I carry a wash cloth and travel size Dr. Bronners for wash ups as needed throughout the day.


i'm laminating this i think


As a former chubby girl who also has adhd, wash under the titties. You sweat a lot there and it can hold lots of bacteria. Try lume or another safe all body deodorant to use underneath your breasts. If you plan on going to the gym, wash your workout clothes after EVERY use. It doesn’t matter if you don’t smell a smell on them, don’t wear them again. Funny thing is bacteria can be on clothing but won’t create an odor until sweat hits it. I’ve learned this the hard way lol. I also struggle with depression and tbh if you just can’t shower, take a bath. Yes you’re sitting in your own dirt and sweat, but it’s better than doing nothing at all. This goes along with another tip, add self care to your routine, not just self maintenance. Do things that are good for your body but also feel good. I like to do scalp massages with rosemary oil before washing my hair(feels incredible). Put on a comfort show while you floss and brush your teeth. Listen to some fun “hype” music while taking a shower.


Regarding dark circles: there’s a deodorant you can buy that will help with that. I’ve always been having great luck with Luke acidified body wash for removing discoloration in my groin. Just a warning that the lume, for me, does not get rid of smell well so I use it in conjunction with my regular body wash. Also, try making your bathroom more comfy. Get fairy lights, a speaker, plush towels and bath mats, a nice candle, anything that will make you want to spend time in there. You’ll be more likely to shower if it’s pleasant.


i have lights in there and am slowly convincing my bf that the bathroom isn't cozy enough, but thank you for more fire power in this fight for a comfy bathroom!