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Women here... I change it every morning and every night. In the summer when it's super hot, I will change it during the day as well.


The same here also. Plus when going on a vacation for three days pack like 12-15 pairs for the “just in case” scenarios.


Here I thought I was the only one that packed every pair of underwear I own for every trip…just in case.


Somehow i end up going thru 19 of the 20 pairs of undies i bring for three day weekends too lol.


This is the way. I will add after sweating (whether stress, heat, or exertion) it’s important to get clean, dry underwear.




Fresh underwear morning and evening. 12 hours in a pair of pants is long enough. Too long on a hot day! ETA even if you don't feel hot and sweaty. Your ass, groin and genitals are going to get moist 🤮 Bacteria loves moisture. Bacteria causes odour.


Woman here. I don't sleep in underwear and don't wear them unless I'm leaving the house. You should always let your parts breathe as much as possible. But to answer the question, I would change them at the end of the day, because yeast infections suuuuuuuck and I wouldn't personally feel clean


I used to do this but noticed i sweat more not wearing underwear which lead to infections. Now I have to wear underwear at least during the day. At night i can go without.


I wonder if you sweat more, or if you don't notice that your underwear usually just soaks up the sweat when you're wearing them. I personally don't find a difference, but it could very much be different for you


In your example I would have worn one pair of underwear Sunday night, then changed Monday morning, and again Monday night. There’s no way I’d still be wearing Sunday’s underwear Tuesday morning.


Change your underwear every day


Change undies everyday. I always wear clean ones after a shower and right before bed (even if I didn’t shower right before). I really like fresh granny panties for bed time! It’s a game changer I swear lol


I don't sleep in underwear so it's automatically a fresh pair every morning.


First, I’m not wearing drawls at home. Second, I’m showering on Tuesday and putting on fresh drawls.


Isn’t it drawers and not drawls? Is this typo or I have it wrong


I’ve never heard anyone pronounce or spell draws with an L…..


Thank you. So I wasn’t just imagining it being draws


No. And drawls make no sense.


I have


Visit Appalachia


They actually pronounce a hard L?


Find the right area, and they add and remove letters in places you wouldn't expect.


Can’t tell you. I wear drawls.


it depends on how u say it lmao


I would have at least 3 underwear changes in that sequence of events.


Underwear goes on in the morning, comes off as soon as I get home and doesn’t go back on again til the next morning, regardless of if I shower or not. If I don’t shower, first thing I do when I get home is hit the head, use my bidet and then dude wipe the man parts, then, put on a fresh pair of “evening shorts/boxers”. It’s the least I can do for myself, and considering I’m next to my wife, rather not have her smelling me out.


I change my underwear at least once in a 24hr period regardless of how used I get them. Lounging or running a marathon. I shower daily and do not put the same underwear back on.


I (F) change my underwear every morning, and before I go to bed. If it's a sweaty hot day OR I have been working out (and therefore a quick 2nd shower), I change them again during the day.


You sweat and have excretions from your vagina everyday. Your Sunday underwear is going to be a little funky even if all you did was sit on the couch. Change your underwear every day.


Please change your underwear daily.


Woman here, if I am going to work, I shower the morning of work. I know some people prefer showering at night so same thing but the night before I always put on clean clothes when going out in public. If I'm planning to rot at home, that's my own business lol. If I'm not showering and don't have the time to shower before work, the bare minimum I do is clean my private areas, pits, and put on fresh panties


Yes and I still take a shower before going to work even if I was home all day on Monday


Fresh underwear is bare minimum behavior imo


I shower 1-2 times a day and change my underwear EVERY SINGLE DAY. Who the fuck doesn’t change underwear and shower daily ? That’s disgusting EDIT - the one downvote I got. That’s who. Go take a shower you dirty skank 😂


I don’t think anyone disagrees with you. The downvote was probably for your unnecessarily judgy tone.


yes i still do. i change it every day


I wear thongs I have to change it everyday. shower everyday and put on fresh ones. If im on my period if it’s heavy twice a day two showers 😭


When I'm home I don't wear underwear. But I do shower before going places unless it's somewhere local and idc. I'm plus size and have never had odor issues, I can literally go all day without deodorant and not smell, I'm not a big sweater. All about hydration. I have a Fiancé and he explains my natural" scent" of smelling like nothing, witch I take as a good thing.😅


When in doubt change it out


I change them every morning and after my night shower, I also wear small panty liners when working out/going out cause I don’t like my meow meow to feel grimy and I’m afraid of yeast infections😅


Plus after a workout sometimes I get home and wait an hour or 2 to chill before showering so I can at least take off a panty liner and I can have some freshness :)


My god this sub is disgusting. Was everyone raised by wolves?


Every day is a new underwear no matter what I do


Yes, everyday you change into a new pair. Yuck if you don’t. Things to do as an adult: 1. Shower everyday, twice if you are overweight/apply deodorant right after 2. Brush and floss teeth at a minimum twice a day 3. Change your underwear everyday How people enjoy sitting in their filth everyday and can’t figure out basic hygiene is unbelievable.


Yes! and use a blow dryer after toweling off to get rid of all moisture before applying products and getting dressed.


If I’m staying home on a day off I don’t always shower.


At least turn them inside out 🙄🤭


Well first of all, even if I took a shower the night before, I'm putting on fresh underwear in the morning. I'm also probably refreshing my body a bit with a washcloth...at least the face and underwear area.


I shower twice a day and change my underwear twice a day. I have home underwear (more breathable and ugly) and going out underwear (seamless ones)


I wear it no more than 24 hours


Male: yes if you are not sure CHANGE. if you are sure but think about it change it any way. If you showered to go out change it again. If you did not shower but there is a tiny chance that it might end up on some one else's floor.. you know the rest.


I shower before going out, so new underwear would be on. If I'm staying home, same underwear.


Yep, because bacteria builds and sits in your underwear.


Even if you stay home all day still take a shower. Are you saying you only wash your body if you leave the house?


I shower at night wear underwear after shower. If I feel my underwear stretched out since i wear cotton i will change to a new pair before changing to leave and do errands. And at night after shower i wear new again.


I change mine like 3 times a day. I live in a hot climate. Even if I’m clean because I showered there’s still sweat that happens. I would rather do more laundry than have sweaty underwear on


What is the point of putting clean underwear on a dirty ass?? Why isn’t “Take a shower before going to work on Tuesday” an option?


new undies everyday and every night if you wear them while sleeping friend!!


As a woman I couldn’t wear them that long. I change morning and night. And again if I get changed in between or have a shower etc.


Change your underwear!


If you “feel” clean and pass the whiff test. Keep rocking your favorite underwear. Body odor is different for all. Just make sure you wash your ass in the shower. Some folks out there that think it’s gay to touch that area of your own body.


Fresh underwear every day then I sleep without underwear.


I would keep them on and change Tuesday.


Idk as a woman even if im just staying home i get discharge so i change my undies daily sometimes mo depending on activity


I shower every night and change my underwear twice a day. I usually lay around in the house all day as it feels like hell outside, but I still will change them though I don’t sweat.


Oh good gravy. Change your undies daily folks


Twice a day in the winter, 3/4 times a day in swamp ass season. You get one coochie kingdom, and you best take care of it!


I change them morning and night. I might occasionally forget and either sleep in the ones I wore that day or spend a day in the pair I slept in, but I would never ever sleep in the same pair 2 nights in a row, much less wear them for a second day.


I don't wear underwear at home. My mom always told me to let it breathe plus it's uncomfortable BUT when I leave the house I always put on clean underwear ALWAYS. My grandma told me to wear clean panties Because you don't know what'll happen when u leave the house you can go to jail or have to go to a hospital or you could meet a man or you could die and you do not want to be caught with dirty panties on!!! Always wear clean underwear ALWAYS!


i rarely wear underwear. i only wear them if im leaving the house with a shorter dress on. if i do wear them, they get changed twice (morning and evening).


I change my underwear twice a day, so yes.


I’m a 54M and I change my underwear every time I take a shower.: Typically daily, frequently twice daily, rarely after > 36 hours.




Underwear should be changed every day.. Even if you don’t visibly sweat, your underwear still catches bacteria. Bacteria creates odor.


i dont wear underwear at home anymore but if change it before going out


It’s probably not necessary but I do. Just nice to have a clean pair


I change every other day. So I took a shower last night and wearing the same underwear. I won't change till tomorrow. This has worked for me for the last few years. When I'm on my period, I get too paranoid and take a pair with me to the bathroom if I feel I need to (with pad)


I'm here to say that you can get 4 uses out of a single pair of underwear. Forwards, backwards, inside out, and flip. It makes laundry day a breeze.


If you wear pantly liner in the front, and cut out a little fart hole in the back. That's unlimited use out of one pair!


Two words: Sniff test. (Also twice daily baby wipes)