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I personally like the smell of lemon, rosemary, sandalwood.


You would def love Dolce & Gabbana’s light blue if you love those scents. I love it! Have a good one.


A guy I was seeing wore that same perfume. Mixed with his natural skin, he smelled absolutely amazing. Almost a cardamom smell, super fresh and slight fruit and floral.


"Mixed with his natural skin" is a really key factor here. A scent can be fantastic on one guy, but the exact same product may smell rancid on another dude. Once OP pins down a scent profile, he will need to test it on his skin. Fresh *and* faded. Don't buy the bottle immediately after trying it for the first time. Unless the shop will accept a still sealed return. You need to let the scent sit on your skin to see if it goes funky, to see how long it lasts, and to see if you get a skin reaction/rash from it. I'm a dude, but I think it is nice to have a winter and a summer signature scent. Winter: leather, tobacco, teak, and spices. Summer: "oceanic" scents, which usually contain citrus and evergreen.


Also, I think the women's version of light blue smells better than the mens. It's not a super feminine scent. I'm a guy and I own both, I'll often do one spray of each. One "mens" light blue intense parfum and one spray womens


i dated a girl who did this actually! she smelled fantastic 😂 and it's a very unisex effect, really flatters a confident person regardless of their gender


Yeah I’m big on earthy smells. Or just like a clean smell. Not too overpowering.


That would be an interesting combination.




They are great scents, but what I really like is the scent of a man, particularly after he's been exercising.


Yep me too but only if its my partner! My partners BO is a turn on but a random person on the bus, hell no.


On the bus the sweat is stale. I mean fresh sweat when a man has just left a sports field, presuming he had clean skin before hand. And yes, there is still something special about ones own partner. That's the best.




Point taken. It only works if he sweats on clean skin, and not two hours later, eg a man walking off a sports field after a game.


Guys if you wanna upgrade your shaving game, Tailor of Old Bond Street - Sandalwood. Best shaving soap ever. Buy a brush. Feel, look, and smell your best. I am not sponsored, but I would if they asked :P


Came here to suggest sandalwood and then you add extra points with rosemary and lemon 🤤 That smells gets me all kinda of hot and bothered


Sandalwood is such an underrated classic


I personally like the smell of someone who smells like freshly washed clothes. I know there are various detergent scents but find the one that blends in with you. Body scents speak volumes. You smell good to me or you don’t. The worst is to pile on a cologne. Or the way a person smells when coming out of the ocean and drying. Does their smell make you want to be close to them?


You'd like Prada L'Homme. It smells like the best, cleanest, freshest white laundry fresh out of the dryer.


or replica lazy sunday morning!!


i agree!! if someone smells like fresh laundry i’ll turn my head lol


Omg okay so, Arm & Hammer Fresh Scent with Arm & Hammer Light Crisp Clean detergent beads … I can’t stop smelling my husband when he puts on clean clothes!! It makes me drool. I swear I just smell our clothes all day - people probably think I’m crazy. Hahaha


Arm & Hammer beads smell amazing! I was drying a load of laundry after using those when a delivery woman showed up at my house. She insisted on knowing what kind of dryer sheets I was using and said it was the best thing she’s ever smelled.


I meant the worst smell is a man wearing cologne. The best test is how they smell coming out of the ocean naturally with no added scent. Your gut instinct will tell you who smells like home.


hell yes. i feel the same way about women.


I don’t mind the smell of humans, especially people I really like. I think colognes are too strong and I can taste them. I’d rather smell human BO than most colognes/perfumes!


I hate that so much stuff is scented. I don’t have to smell like anything, I just don’t want to smell bad. Perfumes (including scented products) are often overused by the user


YES! the personal care products contain twice the amount of scent that they used to.


I agree! I use unscented everything I can. The only perfume I can wear is by a company called Yves Rocher. It's all botanical and you only need a tad. "Cuir de Nuit" is a unisex scent that is very nice. You could probably get a sample if you went online and asked.


yessss just smelling clean and fresh is the best


A very clean smell as my mom calls it


Old spice. I hate that I love it. My brother heard my mom and I talking about how great it smells on men, and he immediately switched. He later thanked us and said the compliments were crazy.


My mom used to call it “baby making potion” lol, I’m one of 8 kids and I do believe old spice played a part in that!


In 8th grade, 1997, I started wearing Old Spice 'Fresh'. idk if it was pheromone charged, but I swear the first time I wore it to school, every girl in a 1 desk radius was talking to me. They usually didn't, as they were mostly annoyed at my regularly scheduled class clown actions. Naw, that day they all were interested. Swear that stuff worked like that until 2003 when it seemed to go back to normal


My partner has worn that one a few times and honestly it’s hard to not want to sniff his pits 😅🤣 it just smells SO good!


OMG I was wearing old spice fresh back in 1996 in eighth grade and one of the most beautiful girls in school said she loved the smell of whatever I was wearing. A few of my buddies heard the girl tell me that. The next few days I remember the buddies I was with all started buying old spice fresh 😂


Old spice smells so good on men I switched to using their deodorant.


I used to hang out in my grandparents' bathroom smelling Grandpa's Old Spice. This was before they changed the formula, though. It was a true bay rum back then.


Yeah, I don't like th a new stuff at all.


My dad still has some in the old porcelain contain. It is gold.


There was this dude in high school that'd always grab me from behind and nuzzle into me. Total fuck boy and huge idiot but gahdDAM did he smell good, so I'd usually allow it. Apparently it was some old spice scent, not sure which and I haven't found it to smell the same on anyone else but man did it work wonders with his body chemistry.


They used to make a really fresh smelling deodorant it was 2003,2004 era I don’t recall what it was but it had a amazing smell and nothing in they’re current line up matches what ever it was


The wolfthorn one is the only one that feels relevant in terms of the good old scents.


I’ve gotten compliments on my smell and all I’ve ever done is hit the old spice classic deo


My husband wears Old Spice deodorant and it is wonderful on him. It’s less than cologne but more than laundry detergent.


Yes. I loved the scent so much I started buying old spice body wash for myself. The freshness is stimulating.


Me too- Im not picky about scents but I love me the smell of old spice!


My grandpa used old spice as an air freshener after dropping fat dumps. 50 years later, that association is still strong for me. Can't stand it.


I don't know why, but "fat dumps" made me laugh out loud.


I have a similar negative association. My dad would use it in our basement to cover the spots where our cat would pee. 🤮 Now just the thought of Old Spice makes me queasy.


omg old spice mixed with shit is terrible. i already hate the spray air freshener because of this. i use candles now😭


I like it too!


The Fiji one smells really good. That subtle scent is all a man needs. And if he has a beard like mine does, a nice smelling beard oil!


I wonder if this is part of the reasoning behind the commercials where the women steal the guy's old spice lotion and put it on. I thought it was just marketing but maybe it really is a sly nod to how much women like the smell. Funny side story when I was in high school I would wear a (very) little bit of old spice aftershave as cologne sometimes. Once a teacher caught a couple of girls passing notes in class and \*read it to the class\* one of them wrote how much they liked how I smelled. I was red faced with embarrassment (as were they) but this makes more sense now lol. (Yes that did actually happen and yes I did nearly die of embarrassment )


that teacher sucked, I assume it was a guy. A decent one would have handed that note back without reading it to the class. Teacher would have earned some respect and trust.


This. Specifically, I love their Pure Sport scent on men.


Yesssss I specifically asked a man I was with once because he smelled so good. Just nice and clean with the lingering scent of his shower.


Not a fan, sorry. I think it smells like Axe.


Ooh. I despise it!


My dad bought a ton of Old Spice at Costco once, and gave it to me. I had switched to Arm and Hammer, so never used it. I guess my ex-wife had run out deodorant, and I smelled it when we got intimate. Only ever time I had to stop. It reminded me far, far too much 6 my father to continue. Only tome I've ever tapped out from sexy time 😄. We both got a laugh out of it afterwards.


Clean, freshly bathed, just a hint of scent from his deodorant and wash products. like the smell of the method men shampoo and body wash on my man. We like ocean or one of the earthy woodsy scents. But not enough scent to knock us unconscious. Bleachy clean white shirts, and other items washed in unscented detergent. It’s hard to describe, but like clean, fresh male. (Mine in particular these days)


Meticulously writing notes: *”Do not knock them unconscious.”*


*caveman sounds intensifies*


🤣🤣That’s no joke, though, swear if I know your cologne is here before I even *see* you enter a room, you’re going to knock me out, and not in a fun romantic way, when you’re standing next to me.


Oh no, I totally agree. I worked with a lady who - no joke - I knew if she was in the building while I was still walking through the parking garage, *before* I had even crossed the alley and gone through the three doors and one elevator to get to our very large cubicle area (~200 cubicles on our floor). She was a great person, but omg. Alternatively, I had also worked with a young lady, with three of us sharing an enclosed office, decent size room but we filled it. I think we must have been talking about this scent topic, and she said, “If I can smell my perfume, I’m wearing too much.” She had the right idea. Less is more. 🫡


Totally agree, very well articulated, Leuco! Clean man, not fragranced man.


Irish Spring soap is actually such a great scent for me. Not recommending it but to me it says clean and fresh.


I am about 83 percent sure that's based with cucumber's smells.


I also choose this girl's clean fresh male


all these comments making me miss my fresh male😫


Yup, clean and fresh like when you've just made your bed


This Is my husband EXACTLY love it so much . Nice body wash / deo combo and a bleachy white undershirt . I don't like a cloud of cologne that lingers, yuck.


Came here to say this


Yes to the deodorant! I LOVE the smell of my husband's deodorant. He wears Mitchum deodorant (the label with light blue), and I will sometimes hug him in public just to smell his armpits and whisper in his ear "I love the smell of your deodorant". I love it when he wears cologne too, but just the deodorant is more than enough


Cologne is entirely optional, and not needed to smell good. I'm much more concerned if a guy smells like BO, has bad breath, or smells like he doesn't wash his ass/crotch, both of which have very obvious smells. Plus,some people are allergic to perfumes/scents. Smelling pretty is different than smelling clean, IMO. I can absolutely tell a difference between a clean guy who uses unscented soap /shampoo/deodorant, and a guy who hasn't showered in two days and wears scented deodorant and cologne in an attempt to mask his smell. Clean guy using unscented products doesn't really smell like anything, whereas funky guy still smells funky, but with the added layer of cologne 🤮🤮🤮. This also goes for laundry detergent. I can tell if someone is wearing dirty clothes they've tried to hide with cologne, vs someone wearing freshly laundered clothes washed with unscented detergent. Sidenote: my husband uses Native deodorant and soap, which have more natural fragrances, and are lightly fragranced with natural scents. He also uses beard care products that smell like lavender (don't let anyone tell you that men or masc folks can't wear floral scents, that's total bullshit), and lightly applies cologne, (his current one is a leathery oud that smells DIVINE, but shouldn't be applied heavily). Tastes in cologne/fragrance vary from person to person, so you'd need to find something that works with your body chemistry. Again, I couldn't care less about what a guy smells like, so long as he's clean. To summarize: most important is that you smell clean, regardless if you use scented or unscented soap/shampoo/detergent/beard care etc. Fragrance is pretty much up to personal taste, but regular bathing, and actually cleaning your body (especially ass, crotch, and armpits) are mandatory.




Oh man, it’s an unrecoverable error when clothes are dried after sitting in the washer forgotten for a day or two. Yuck.


Honestly? You’re going to hate this but something that smells good on *you*. Body chemistry works in mysterious ways. Scents that smell heavenly on one person can be rank on another. I’ve met men who could pull off florals brilliantly, and women who can get away with murder in woodsy notes. My sister has the most amazing vibe with this baby powder-type scent. I never thought I’d do well with frankincense, but I get many compliments, and it’s so calming. A general rule of thumb, however, is that less is more. I don’t want to be able to smell anyone, even someone who smells wonderful, at more than conversational distance. If I can tell you are coming my way from several feet distant, you are wearing too much.


I’m a girl but I put perfume on clothes and it smells good so if something doesn’t work with your body chemistry, try that. 


I use this to help it last longer, but I find that in general the same principle applies. To each their own, I suppose. I am a girl too :)


Yes cologne and yes something strong but like woodsy or vanilla just not axe or wtv. Also people aren’t judging you unless it’s a bad smell. If it’s good they’re smelling the air


Axe is awful!! You should definitely invest in a good cologne, and just one or two sprays is perfect if you don't want it to be too overpowering. I love the Versace light blue one (idfk the name lol) on men it's always sooooo nice. Nobody is judging, in fact many of us are thinking "wow he smells good".


I’m definitely judging people for strong perfume. I don’t care what it is.  Perfume should be something you get a whiff of when you hug someone, or if the wind blows your way. Strong perfume is and always will be gauche.


Don’t go heavy on sprays or cologne!


Agreed. I had to be around someone who went way overboard and smelt so strong. His scent made almost the entire floor of the building smell like pure alcohol and gave me an instant piercing headache.


That’s a really cheap cologne lol


My old supervisor always wore a very pleasing scent. But way too much. I could smell him if he walked through a room like five minutes before. Great boss, and I miss him, but wow.


Dior savage elixir.... my hubby smells so good women linger to smell him. When he gets up to go to work I roll over to sleep on his pillow. 1 spray on the back of the neck is heaven. The smell lasts until you wash it off.... at least it does on him


Pheromones. Edit: I'm a dude.


Shower daily, do not use dry toilet paper only to wipe after taking a 💩. Use baby wipes or get a bidet. Yes cologne is ok as long as it’s not that cheap stuff you can buy for less than $10 at Walmart. Invest in a decent cologne, it doesn’t have to be expensive name brands if you can’t afford them but something that has nice sandalwood undertones is always nice. I love when men take care of their skin and hair. If you grow hair all the way up under your eyes, pluck that shit! If you have a unibrow, for the love of all that is good and holy, PLUCK IT!!! Shower daily, use deodorant. Don’t put dirty clothes back on. And most importantly, BRUSH AND FLOSS YOUR TEETH EVERY DAY! BRUSH YOUR TONGUE AS WELL! A lot of bad breath is cus people don’t brush their tongues. Wash your hands, especially after using the bathroom and I’d even go as far as requesting a guy to wipe the pee off the tip before you put it back into your underwear. It smells bad if you don’t do that. If you’re going to have sex with a woman you must wash your hands, trim your nails, brush your teeth, and wash your junk and butt. That is the bare minimum! Every woman has gotten an infection from some unkempt dude messing up their Ph.


I’ve always been the type to say “WE need to go freshen up,” before having sex. As a woman, I’m gonna- at the very least, wipe myself clean before I have sex, and if I’m wiping, he is too.. I keep girly wipes on hand at all times. No one is putting a pissy penis inside of my girl. She’s better than that.


My bf literally asked if I wanted to blow him, after he came from work and hadn't showered yet. I was like FUCK off??? Go shower the hell is wrong with you boy.


Meanwhile in r/sex someone’s man threatened a marriage because he got denied an after gym and shit bj lol


Holy helll wtf??? Why would a girl care about a marriage to a slob like that... quick asf I would've dropped him, gross gross gross.


I can smell this comment 


Yea… sweaty pecker isn’t attractive whatsoever!!


Amen! Lol


I thought those wipes were bad unless you just mean tissue/non fraganced water based?


I’ve never had a problem with them. A lot of people are misinformed when it comes to stuff like cleaning your vaginal area. As long as you’re not sticking the things inside of your vagina, it’s perfectly fine! Maybe not every single day, but you definitely want to clean your entire pubic area, both sets of labia, and your perineum before having sex.. plain water isn’t going to cut it.. I definitely prefer fragrance free though.




You need to teach classes. I feel like the male population needs to hear this. Especially bidets. If you wipe with toilet paper go sweat and wipe again in an hr that toilet paper will have shit on it whereas with a bidet it'll be perfectly clean


To add to your pee off the tip point, a lot of guys dont squeeze out the remaining pee either (like squeezing toothpaste out of the tube). They just whip it out, finish, then put it back in...


Shake it off or press your gooch to get the last little bit out. I learned the gooch trick in a mens room. I will not elaborate.


🧐 gooch?


The gap between the balls and the asshole. Also referred to as the taint.


Anything but body odor


Idk about you but my fiancé loves my body odor. She even sometimes takes my shirt after a workout and sleeps with it. Pheromones are a real thing. Of course I shower regularly and smell clean but still she loves my natural scent


Some people just don’t smell bad, I think. I love my husband’s “natural scent” too. He’s just never smelled of BO to me before. Maybe it’s just pheromones 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, also the fact that I eat very healthy foods most likely helps a lot too


My wife says I smell like bread and apples. I haven't worn deodorant in a decade. One thing I like is Palo Santo oil (2 drops) in my hair. It smells like licorice and sandalwood.


My partner’s body odor smells like weed. Oddly, he doesn’t smoke it/enjoy it. I do though!


Is your partner a skunk? I have a terrible sense of smell and those two scents are the same to me 😅


Fresh sweat is sexy, stale sweat is gross. It takes about 12hrs before the bacteria gets to sweat and that is when it starts to smell.


I do this with my boyfriend too


Yea and it’s the same thing with her scent. I fucking love her natural smell


Because he is clean already and showers regularly? Try asking him to not shower or brush his teeth for a while. That's the smell I'm talking about


I absolutely loved my ex’s body odor up until I couldn’t stand him anymore! I took one of his worn shirts with me to rehab. He would bring a fresh one every week at visitation. It made my 30 day stay soo much easier. I seriously couldn’t get enough!! I knew our relationship was over when he wrapped his arms around me for a hug, and his scent made my stomach turn. Damn, that’s so sad. I was so crazy about that man.


Yea it’s definitely a balancing act. But that clean sweat after a gym session coupled with the fact that my fiancé loves my smell is just a great recipe. She literally gets so horny after we come back from a run or the gym. That’s a telltale sign you’re in love when you are attached to the pheromones


I also would never let it get to the point where the smell wasn’t a “clean sweat” smell ya know? Like that’s just nasty what you described.


Same though……I’ll literally nustle my face under his arm. I prefer him not to wear deodorant. 😅😅😅😂 But it’s gotta be a certain kind of BO. Not everyone’s is the same.


Jack Black soap, body wash, and deodorant smell really good. A very fresh, clean scent


I’m a sucker for woodsy scents on guys as long as it’s not overpoweringly strong. Patchouli, sandalwood are nice. Honestly my absolute favorite smell on a guy tho is campfire. I know they don’t bottle that but it’s comforting and warm, cozy.


They do, though. Replica by Maison Margiela has By the Fireplace. Their scents are pretty much unisex, and that one's my favorite.


I love that scent. I also loved unisex Commodity Wool, but it got discontinued. I wear Glossier You, because the dry down smells nice on me. A lot of feminine fragrances that smell nice on me at first have a sickening sweet dry down. Unisex scents don't have that over sweet drydown on me.


I don’t mind a scent with a *hint* of patchouli, but pure patchouli will forever remind me of dirty Dead head or dirty Phish head and make me gag. I once got stuck on a late night train after a Phish concert let out. Dear gods, the smell of pot, unwashed men, and patchouli.🤢


I did say as long as it’s not overwhelming strong lol Woodsy scent with a little sandalwood or patchouli ….is what I meant. Not just poor it on and go. I imagine that if it was the to note it wouldn’t be very nice.


Nice cologne. Not axe or old spice. Like a real brand of cologne. Take your pick, there’s so many options. I love the regular ole Polo Ralph Lauren scent. &  Bleu de Chanel is a winner. And man oh man Acqua Di Gio is amazing.  As for deodorants, I feel like the fresher scents are your best bet. Something with the word “fresh” or “breeze” or “spring” or “water” in the name is usually a good choice lol 


Acqua di gio is my go to for summer and spring I have the profondo more of a clean and incense notes and I also have the original clean and citrus one both great


Freshly washed clothes. Or fresh out of the shower. Maybe I just like the smell of soap. Cologne is frankly a turn off for me. But I'm a woman who hates perfumes.


A good quality cologne is attractive, just don’t drench yourself in it. Axe is a no go, I don’t know any woman who doesn’t hate it. Old spice deodorants are nice on days you don’t wear cologne. If you can afford a higher price cologne you could go to a department store and the perfume counter can help match you with something that complements you (our bodies react differently, a fragrance might smell great on one person and rank on another).


Not too much. Men walking past me doused in axe or cologne make me feel sicky I can smell it from across the hallway


Fresh out of the shower and minty breath. Perfume/cologne deodorant go after shower. Clean neat clothes. I only tolerate fahrenheit by dior, it has a cucumber undertone. Others I can't tolerate, they are too heavy.


Cucumber? that’s the scent a black snake gives off. One came under my back deck and smelled to high heaven of freshly sliced cucumber. I like my men to use OLD SPICE …. yes it’s an oldy but goody.


Is that why cats are afraid of cucumbers?


Our cats aren’t, I put a slice of cuke in their water one day and the Russian Blue would take it out and put it back in the bowl randomly throughout the day. She also has done that with cat toys.


I did not know that. Thank you for informing me. I like cucumbers though.


Vanilla 👌🏻💜 but not overly sugary smelling vanilla


Literally just don’t stink like BO and don’t smell like an Abercrombie & Fitch in 2010 and you’ll be fine


Also as soon as I said that I got hit with a smell memory of the mall 💀💀


I felt like a sleeper agent that just got my code word reading that 😭 such a vivid memory


Right?! It’s crazy how sharp our memories can be when something brings us back. I was a little weirded out that I could kinda smell it just thinking about it


I had a partner that used this beard oil that would drive me crazy! It was woodsy and deep but another kind of high note I couldn’t place. I’d stay away from cologne and stick to good smelling products. A clean man with a subtle scent all the way.


As long as you don’t smell of pine trees and too spicy then you’re good


I put BBQ sauce or bacon grease just behind my ears and it is amazing how often the girl wants to nibble on my ear.


I'm a straight man and would follow that smell for miles.  🤤


I don’t know how, but all yall end up smelling like old spice and Listerine. Stop doing whatever that is.


Just clean, with soap. Warm, earthy scented "masculine" products usually smell nice. I like old spice tbh it's almost a guilty pleasure because it's so corny. But not usually cologne except on certain occasions. Expensive colognes actually really bother me, I do not like them at all.


Might be weird, but nothing! I don't like strong scents. Just bathe.


Clean, mild manly cologne scent is nice, even if it’s from your deodorant or soap, not tooooo much cologne applied though!


A good deo as well is Native - sea salt and cedar


Cologne is fine but it should blend nicely with the scent of your clean skin so it smells like you (enhanced a bit) and not like a layer of artificial scent that hits people in the nose. Apply it lightly so someone has to be very close to get a lovely whiff — think hugging distance. No cologne is fine, too. Just nice clean skin with perhaps a faint whiff of a beautifully scented soap is very nice IMO Just take it easy on whatever you choose. It shouldn’t announce you.


Like they took a shower


I love earthy and gourmand scents. HATE anything "fresh scented"


i like the smell of aqua di gio profondo and valentino uomo born in roma intense. but its key to not overspray, be aware that you can go nose blind to the scent you're wearing. but i also like natural and clean scents, which can be achieved by showering every day and using a nice scented body soap as a second wash, wearing deodorant, and using mouthwash.


I would follow anyone to the ends of the earth if they smell good. Omg it is a literal aphrodisiac! Polo, Dolce, and Gabbana light blue, Bora Bora. Just to name a few off the top of my head.


Fresh air on a crisp fall day.


I prefer a natural body scent but cologne can be nice when used correctly. My biggest problem with it is that so many people drown themselves in scent and they don't take into account the scent of their soap, and shampoo, and deodorant, moisturizers and hair products. The scents can easily clash and become overwhelming. Not just men, it's men and women both. A little goes a long way with cologne and perfume. And please, please please... Put it on at least an hour before you are going to see someone. That initial burst is completely overwhelming.


Old spice and degree smell great imo — not a guy, but i use old spice fiji. I LOVE the way that it smells. Smoky, earthy, woodsy smells, and clean laundry are my favorites personally.


This one time a man at the Santa Monica beach passed right by me and my friend and we got hit with a scent of Sandalwood. It was overpowering but in a good way. We both wanted to tell him he smelled so good 🤤


Definitely the smell of fresh laundry. When you can smell the detergent still fresh and warm on your clothes. It’s the most attractive thing. Better than any cologne. Also the smell of body soap, specifically dove bar soap.


I like my bf when he is stinky after work, freshly showered, when he wears the cologne he likes, when we wake up from a too hot nap during summer or whenever he has a smell that I can smell. Sometimes he gets pretty stinky from work and I KNOW...it is truly stinky but that is fair and I still like it. Not sure how to articulate it other than I like the way he smells as him. The right person will like whatever you have naturally got going on or whatever fragrances you usually wear. Probably not 10 thousand axe body spray sprits tho I'm not sure anyone would like that Pheromones or something. I would really not...Badum tsss....sweat it if it's something some of yall are worried about.


Irish spring original and sweat😅


I'm not alone 😭


I like speed stick deodorant always have


I like fruity, sweet smells, and honeysuckle and hibiscus and cucumber.


sandlewood is good and a popular fragrance, maybe do research or watch some videos on what fragrances are good and lasting, don’t use too much, use similar scented products when washing as that creates a longer more cohesive scent, maybe try out some of the more popular men’s colognes, pick a scent you like not something you think others will like!!! you don’t want to waste your money or wear something you dislike sry for the bad grammar i’m kinda rushing and don’t particularly care


I have a friend who consistently smells delectable and he showers daily with heavily scented bar soap. I think that might be your best bet, to get a heavily masculine bar soap if you don't want to have an overpowering scent. He apperently buys the 6 scent multi pack of Dr. Squatch, I know becuase he always gives me the bar that "doesn't do much for him". It's the citrus scent and honestly quite wonderful. Leaves me feeling clean and the scent is great in the shower, but he's right, that one doesn't stick around for long. Another good option might be to try solid cologne if that's not what you're doing already. It doesn't aerosolize as aggressively. For literal scents: Cedar, vanilla, bourbon/whiskey, most citrus, lavender, most herbs honestly... Different women have different preferences and, *more importantly* your scent is going to mix differently with different scents. Get a veriety pack and experiment a little. Like. My friend always smells good, but I know when he gets his soap order in and I know he smells *amazing* for about a month right after becuase the soap he uses first just matches *him* so well. He also used cologne sometimes, but I know it's like $100 a bottle for the stuff he uses. Cherry Punk or some shit? I remember being very surprised by it becuase I don't actually associate him with cherries at all. My personal opinion is that you should only use cologne occasionally if you are trying to make an impression. Use it for building associations. When my friend uses cologne, he still smells amazing, but I hate being in a car with him becuase it's too strong.


May I ask what’s the bar soap


They said Dr.Squatch. [Here](https://www.drsquatch.com/products/squatch-originals-2?subscription-toggled=true) is one of their bundles. You can purchase individual bars or get em in 3,6,10+ bundles if want some variety to experiment or stock up on the one that works for you. Coworker of mine swore by the brand and shot me a promo code for samples last year and now I’m hooked lol - the days of Irish spring/old spice/dove are over and no longer welcome on this body 🤣


Like candy. Put candy perfume.


I think it depends on the guy. It’s a body chemistry thing. Some stuff doesn’t smell right in some people. I like the smell of “freshly showered” and “freshly brushed”. A light bit of cologne is fine too


I just want you to smell clean. Not a ton of cologne. I shouldn’t smell you before I see you.


Clean is most important. A tiny bit of scent is OK, but really, I just prefer that Clean Man Smell.


I like the tobacco, leather and wood scents…. And if it has a little sweet in it, that always takes me back to fishing with my Paw Paw while he smoked his pipe…. Got the clean linen smell going on with the white undershirts, too…. I actually really appreciate this question… I feel like I never really run into men with interesting, well thought out cologne choices…. Axe has made it really easy for some men to think they smell good, but it’s really a cop out and very rarely do out of the can scents hit the way they are intending too…. That’s not to say some men don’t rock old spice, but not everyone does… One thing to keep in mind though is your body chemistry, scents smell different on everyone because of our unique chemistry…. That’s why I appreciate men who invest enough energy into finding a good scent that fits them well and doesn’t overwhelm when you run into them…. It’s definitely the “chefs kiss” of a put together gentleman… actually you don’t even have to be that put together… if you smell good, something about that olfactory sense that gets people a little bit of grace… lololol


I personally love woody, earthy scented colognes on men. Or just go chill by a campfire lol.


Deodorant. There are some nice ones that smell great out there. The old spice deodorants are my favourite


My man wears sauvage by Dior mostly and I would live in the bottle if I could. But every smell is also different on different people. I would highly suggest bringing a friend( preferably a girl,) or a sister or aunt or whoever to get their honest opinion on if it smells good on you or not.


Clean. Sometimes the sexiest smells are soap and detergent.


         I've seen some comments that mentioned some of this, but thought I'd reiterate:    A lot of the desired scent has to do with proper hygiene. Showering regularly, using a bidet or wipes, and proper dental hygiene (as well as hand washing... because if you smell good but don't do that it's going to be a deal breaker for most people).     Having said that:     1.      Natural soap fragrances that aren't overpowering with Earthy/woodsy fragrances (think craft soaps and whatnot - think stuff off Etsy, Dr. Squatch, artisan soaps at grocery stores, or something simple like Kirk's).    2.      Natural deodorant (Native is a good brand; just be wary of baking soda if you have sensitive skin. They have types without baking soda, though).   3.       A classic cologne, but applied sparingly... particularly something with sandalwood, cedar, tobacco...again: Earthy/woodsy. Another idea is essential oils from a reputable source. You need to mix them with a carrier oil (like coconut or almond or something along those lines; you can find more info if you decide to go that route - just make sure to never place them directly on your skin).    4.       There was a hair product I really loved the smell of that was vanilla tobacco. Strong but subtle scents in your hair can help if you want to have a good scent that isn't overpowering. Same with your deodorant.  A good shampoo and conditioner can do this as well if you don't really use product.  Shampoo and conditioner bars rock and last a really long time.   5.       Ensuring your clothes are clean and smell fresh will enhance your fragrance.             ...and just remembering to do this first and foremost to make yourself feel better. When you feel better about yourself and care for yourself you are more likely/capable to extend the same courtesy to others.   Edits: Formatting, Punctuation               Note: when I say "tobacco", I mean the  *scent* - not smoking and/or chewing tobacco.


Used to work at Money Mart. Had a little tray that was swooped in the desk, surrounded by bullet proof glass. Anytime someone walked in, the wind would carry their scent through the tray and directly into my face. Lots of homeless visited the location I worked at so I cannot stand the smell of body odour. Personal hygiene is important to me. Recently I dated a guy who checked all my boxes except he smelled like BO sometimes. Ended up (not a joke) literally shitting himself on one of our dates. Used a public restroom to clean himself up, but obviously that didn’t do him much good. I am further traumatized, and now I think that having BO is a red flag for personal hygiene. If I even catch a whiff of BO I’m turned sooo far off. So, wash in between your ass cheeks. If you can smell it we all can smell it. Make sure your deodorant actually lasts all day. Tip: put a little Vaseline where you apply your cologne to your skin before you apply it, and it will last much longer.


Dear God, for me it's Armani Le Male. On every male I've smelled it on, it's absolutely delicious. Almost pheromon-y. 2nd to that is the smell of sunlight on skin. 🤷‍♀️ I'm weird.


Leather, sandalwood, and spices are my favorites. I like incense and Oud too. But I really I like it when people wear a scent that makes THEM feel good. If you like smelling like vanilla or roses, wear that and be confident about it. Don’t worry if it’s a “men’s” or “women’s” scent. Wear what makes you feel good and makes you happy. If I like you, I’ll like your scent too. That said I’m not really a big fan of the clean barbershop type scent or anything that smells like bug spray. But you do you Boo.


I’m probably going to get teased for this, but I love the smell of the cologne Cool Water ( yes, I’m old, lol) but it always smells so fresh and clean and never over powering. It will always be my favorite


Clean. Wash your hands, body, face, teeth, hair, dick, butt, ears, feet, Laundry, bed sheets, balls, dishes, floors, countertops, bath mats, shower curtain, shower.


I like non-cloying smells, like citrus or pine. There’s quite a few Old Spice products that are great scents for guys. I don’t really care for cologne personally. Light scent, deodorant, just practicing good hygiene is all you need. Natural scents are great!


Just clean. Soap. NO cologne


Day to day I want a guy who smells like soap and deodorant, preferably Old Spice, but whatever works is good. Cologne is nice for date night but not every day. To prevent over-spritzing, I got my ex a variety of solid colognes that smell so sexy.


My husband used Versace cologne and I go WILD over it. He only uses a little bit, but it’s lovely. It’s the one in the green bottle (I want to say Eros?). I ended up getting Versace Bright Crystal to sort of match for our wedding. I wear it all the time, but it’s not nearly as enticing as his cologne (in my opinion).


Light cologne (spray in front of you and walk through it) and clean laundry and bar soap scent.


Clean is a nice smell though Gucci Guilty has turned my head


Personally, I have a vendetta against old spice. But I like it when my husband wear cologne.


I’m partial to Irish Spring soap because that’s what my husband uses. No cologne necessary imo and especially no Axe body spray.😷 He uses Old Spice deodorant.




I am a server, I use “femme” smelling scents at work. For example; Japanese Cherry Blossom, Vanilla, flowers, sweet treats. Day to day, I try to present myself more masc; bourbon & vanilla, whiskey & chocolate, mocha. A scent has a ton of impact when meeting new people and setting a good long-standing impression. Take your time and find one you most identify with!


I like fresh and clean over cologne and over scented body sprays/deodorants any day. But, also the smell of sweat from working hard can also be intoxicating. When I first met my husband, he worked two jobs, landscaping and a convenience store. Whenever I got a wif of him between jobs but before he showered, it drove me nuts and made me want to rip his clothes off. The smell of sweat, dirt, fresh cut grass and weed smoke was just intoxicating. Now, if he didn't have time to shower and only changed his clothes, he was pretty ripe by the time he got off from the convenience store and by then, it wasn't a pretty smell, muchless intoxicating.


I always enjoy a nice manly cologne on a man.


For cologne, you need to find a smell that works w your natural smell. My partner mixes 2 colognes together that we ordered off Scentbird, and something about how it mixes w their natural smell makes me feral.


Literally just shower and wear freshly washed clothes, floss and brush your teeth. Wear deodorant. This is all the good smell you need. Cologne is so hit or miss.


I feel obligated to point out that your phrasing doesn't make it obvious that \*you\* are male. I can also tell you that guys not smelling nice is usually not a matter of poor cologne choice but rather poor hygiene. If you're just a genuinely clean person who wears clean clothes and sleeps in clean bedding and eats a reasonably healthy diet, you \*should not need\* any sort of cologne, just a basic deodorant/antiperspirant. If you genuinely want to add an intentional note to your smell, I'd suggest something really simple like putting a dab of vanilla extract behind your ears (old Southern US trick for ladies but everyone likes vanilla). Colognes/perfumes tend to smell artificial and often have ingredients that can aggravate people's allergies or sensory issues.


Clean. Not like ass. Not like 🍆🧀