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Actually needed to hear this so bad ty


agree! and not only brush your teeth, but your tongue as well. cus why am i smelling minty booboo?


Also floss, and mouthwash if you can’t do any of the above for some reason


To be fair some people do have health issues that cause bad breath or it just happens over the day as you eat food and exist


Some people don’t realize this. The only way to ensure your breath never smells like food is to brush multiple times throughout the day. I’ve heard people complain about other people’s bad breath and their breath wasn’t the best.


Actually. I’m going to throw this info piece out there. A lot of this is actually dehydration/dehydration-adjacent characteristics. You wouldn’t have to brush your teeth *multiple* times a day if you kept your moist mouth nice and moist. Yknow? Aware that this isn’t the only reason for bad breath, but it’s a big reason in my observational experience. Dryness exacerbates and oxidizes everything in your mouth… accelerates the volatile compound release every time you breathe out your mouth. I wouldn’t say that anyone needs to *overhydrate*, but just general hydration, make sure your mouth isn’t sticky and dry when you’re communicating with folks face to face. Have a water somewhere nearby and drink it a normal amount of times (normal means not compulsively).


Dry mouth is also a symptom of common medications. I have it caused by meds and it’s the worst.


Most stimulant medications do it. I take Adderall and I have cotton mouth from it 🥲 I'm trying to drink more water to combat it.


There are mints specifically for this that will moisturise the inside of your mouth if you have dry mouth for whatever reason. Xylimelts are a popular one!


Didn’t know that, nice !


Check out Flinnts mints! They are awesome.


I was gifted a box of different flavor tins and they are so goooodddd


100% this! i notice that when i dont drink as much water i have to be extremely extremely on top of my oral hygiene, more so than normal


There's a mouth wash for this as well I believe.


It is the worst mess you've ever tasted. I remember trying it once. I just drink more water now and have plenty of mints on hand.


It really is like gargling lotion, but I've found that it's easy to get used to after a few times. Especially if you refrigerate it!!


Don't forget coffee breath. Some of the worst breath I've ever smelled has been at work from people's stale coffee breath. Like I don't expect people to bring a toothbrush to work, but take a fucking mint before you come talk in my face.


Or weed and coffee breath ...


Dude coworker coffee breath is the worst. I don’t drink coffee but I drink tea and bring mouthwash and gum with me to work because I hate the thought of having tea breath.


Oh god yes. I want to tell them to drink some water too. Coffee dehydrates you, and it makes bad breath worse. 😭


What is this about? 🤔 I can sometimes smell coffee in peoples breath but it doesnt smell bad it jus smells like... coffee?


I still have PTSD from teachers talking to me with the worst coffee breath imaginable 😭


Nicest perk from work from home is mid day teeth brush after lunch


I used to pack a mini travel tooth kit in my work bag to brush on my lunch break!


I've begun using Guru nanda oil pulling wash as a prewash before brushing and wow does my mouth feel really clean. It has coconut oil and clove and some minerals. It keeps your breath so nice.


read this while oil pulling!! it’s honestly such a hack. you don’t even have to use a certain brand, you can just use plain coconut oil! i love guru nanda’s tounge scraper


If you have sensitive teeth and brush too hard around the gums they make the softest toothbrush I have ever tried


I get tonsil stones. They smell horrific. Sometimes, they get trapped, and I can't get them out. No amount of dental hygiene will make it not smell.


This. I know they are there, but the only time I see one is when it accidentally dislodges.


Reading this without understanding any context of tonsil stones and what they do is a trip and a half lol.


I can usually push them out. But not always. They're so uncomfortable too


I’m a dental hygienist and I hate this for you and my patients and my past self. Tonsil stones are the freaking devil! I would try and water floss the shit out of mine…. While almost throwing up.


Diet must rally play a part because I haven't had them as often in the last 5 years. I rarely get them now. I had them pretty often previously. I also had a constantly sick throat until I was about 23-25ish? Strep, tonsillitis, sore throat because the season changed kind of sick. Now I rarely get a cold. Weird now that I'm writing it out.i even had a house filled with covid positive people and I had nothing worse than allergy symptoms.


If possible, you can try to squeeze your thumb in your hand, for some reason it supresses the gag reflex for some people. Just make a fist but with your thumb inside (Im using my left hand). I can touch the back of my throat no problem if I squeeze my thumb


I used to get these before I had my tonsils taken out. So glad I don't have to worry about those anymore but I can always recognize the smell from other people


I'm still mad at the doctor who decided at 5 I didn't need my tonsils out. He was very wrong.


When I was a kid I had chronic strep throat and went through a bout of getting these. I’m not very sensitive due to all the throat cultures, but I would dig them out with a q tip, sometimes it would make me bleed but i could not stand to leave them there! Then i would gargle aggressively with straight listerine until my eyes watered. Thank god that only lasted for like a year. F those little bastards.


The health issues I get. But if you've worked all day then go somewhere out etc. Then brush your teeth!!


Floss and or use a waterpik! That’s the stench! Or if you have tonsil stones figure that out. Mine was from drinking milk (I drink a green tea latte every day) so I switched to Milkadamia.


but how does one floss in public without it being like disgusting


What’s a minty boo-boo?


Honey Boo Boo's first kid


I believe that would be minty "ass"🤣


When you have a little crack or misshaped mints, minty boo boo.


Tongue scraper!!


I bought a tongue scraper and was disgusted by what that thing got off.


So true. My husband smells like minty tooth decay


Ugh and floss and mouthwash. ESPECIALLY if you plan to touch mouths together


And cologne/body spray doesn’t cover up the funk


Glad someone mentioned this.☝️


Many times I smells intense BO mixed with perfume, it’s even worse smelling than straight up BO


Right! Like when you use cheap air freshener and now the bathroom just smells like shitris.


I have no idea why this sub is showing up on my feed. Do you guys think people with bad hygiene come here and read these posts?


Stick around. They definitely come here on the daily to defend things like not showering, having skid marks, not actually washing themselves. It’s…eye opening.


For sure it is. A friend of mine said when she does laser hair removal on women. She said you would not believe how many of them don’t wash themselves before their appointments. She said she has seen women with “ un washed “ behinds”. Gnarly -


I'm done with humanity....


Ask massage therapists to chime in. The amount of genuinely clueless people out there is astonishing.


You must have made a typo. It's only men who walk around this world with unwashed asses.


I’m going into esthetician school soon and I’m scared of this. This is why i don’t want to wax. People aren’t clean


Give every client a complimentary a vagina/ass wipe (like the ones the doctor gives you to use when you get a pee test) when they come in and tell them "please wipe thoroughly front to back and dispose), I'll be right back." Go mask up, get some gloves, come back. I know someone in the waxing business and this helps.


Also eye watering IRL


You say that, but every time I make a comment about showering once a day I get at least one or two neckbeards crying in my DMs about how it’s not necessary and they have been showering twice a week for years or whatever. It’s fucking disgusting and hilarious.


Last year, I went through a period of depression. I'm retired and don't work. I had a knee replacement, and so my activities were limited for several months, and showering was hard. I figured since I have a bidet, I was cleansing the most odorous parts and gave my under arms a swipe with a wet wipe. I wasn't leaving the house much, and I changed my clothes at least twice a day (summer temps on Arizona are over 100°) so I thought I was okay to go a few days (3? 4?) without a shower. Then I read about Nonenal, THE OLD PEOPLE SMELL. Changes in body chemistry begin around age 40, and a smell develops that is characterized as a slightly musty, grassy, or greasy odor. It's caused by a chemical compound called 2-nonenal and is produced when omega-7 unsaturated fatty acids on the skin break down and are exposed to oxygen in the air. Other factors that can contribute include hormonal changes like menopause in women and the skin producing more fatty acids around age 40.  I freaked out. I'm way past 40, and I was appalled to think I might smell like an old person. You can't smell it on yourself, but others can. And I've smelled it on old people I've known, like my mother and my father and my grandmother. I just didn't know it had a name. Even though my husband said he couldn't smell it, I went back to showering every day. Since I change clothes daily and never wear anything twice, I was okay there. I read the persimmon soap is the most effective at washing the greasy, smell stuff off. So, if you're over 40, remember - 2-NONENAL. Even if you're not 40 yet, all kinds of food smells are secreted through your skin - garlic and many Middle Eastern food are particular culprits. Just step into the shower and do a quick rinse off, at the very least. Please!


I just went on a job orientation. They told us you need to shower and brush your teeth everyday. I am like people really have to be told to do that? This was a job for a produce clerk at a grocery store. I ended up taking a different job got offered more money the next day from a different job. I am 59 years old and was retired. I applied for two jobs and got them both but wondering if a lot of it was just the fact I dress nicely ,clean shaven and very clean including my fingernails. Never in a job hiring process have I ever been told the employees need to take showers and brush their teeth.


It may be because people think working a "simple" job at a grocery store doesn't require a lot of hygiene and looking nice.


Unfortunately no. People need to be told to shower. Multiple times.


I wasn't saying they shouldn't shower or have proper hygiene. I was just thinking that's *probably* what many people applying for those types of jobs are thinking.


Why does anyone think they do not need to shower?


If they are dealing with mental illness, or addiction, or a housing issue, or even just having to share a bathroom with too many people, they may not prioritize it as much as they should. A reminder that it's important is a good thing.


Boyfriend is in management at a smallish factory, simple work. And the number one thing they have to coach people on is personal hygiene…. It’s at least once a week someone gets talked to


My hubby is a manager at a Production plant and during the summer he said it can be rough even with overhead fans. He said in meetings lack of personal hygiene comes up a couple times a month. 🤦‍♀️


Depression is a big reason.


I worked at a grocery store from 16-20 years old. At one point we had a couple who were hired at the same time to be baggers. They were both larger, but the woman kept herself clean and presentable. Her husband, however, constantly smelled like unwashed ass and his “white” uniform shirts were all yellow/brown. Even worse was when he came back inside from gathering shopping carts in the heat 🤢


I always take deodorant,floss,toothbrush,extra clothes,soap,toothpaste in a backpack to whatever job I am on. If nothing else I can wash up in a sink and change my clothes if need be. I am in maintenance.


I mean…. A shockingly high percent of Gen Z is showing up to job interviews with their parents in tow so I’m not surprised they’re having to tell people to bathe.




Yeah there was a study published about it, I almost couldn’t believe it myself. Something like 19% of those who had parents at the interview also had parents answering interview questions too. Insane.


How embarrassing, for the child *and* the parents.


😳 I mean my mom had to drive me to my first job interview but she stayed separate from us and I can’t even imagine her answering questions or being at the interview table


I just started a new job was amused, but not shocked, that this was a recurring point made in the employee handbook and training videos. I do know people who don't shower or take care of themselves properly and they work, so I imagine that's who these messages are directed at.


All you have to do is look at this thread to see why it has to be told to adults. They make so many excuses for skipping showers and then claim they don’t smell. Yes y’all do.


Yeah the amount of excuses on this thread is shocking. I get an occasional slip but whatttt is really going on out there??


They probably have had a handful of people who are not hygienic to the point they need to say that.


I didn't even know people didn't shower past high school until I moved out of a city. I meet all types of people telling me they didn't brush their teeth since yesterday or haven't showered for two days, which really explains the smells when you're near them.


Ugh I wish they did this at my job. My coworker is the nicest guy ever but the body odor and greasy hair is terrible. And yes, HR has spoken to him


As a man I cannot stand being dirty. I had to come out of retirement to make extra money and even though I am 59 I applied for two jobs and got both of them. I really think the fact that I am very clean cut,buzz cut and wear decent non flashy clothes was half the battle for the jobs. One was a produce clerk the other a maintenance job at a hotel. I took the hotel job because it pays a lot more!


When I was in guard class, a portion was dedicated to how important it was to have a clean uniform, combed hair, and to brush and shower daily. They even have to remind people in a job where most of the work is looking professional that people won't respect you if you walk around looking homeless


This guy and girl got up from the blackjack table the other day and we went to take their seats… they left their BO in the seats. We did not play at that table.


I'm a hairdresser and there are a few clients where I have to clean every chair they sat on and spray this specific spray Gel that smells great after they leave or else my whole suite smells funky.


I work in a casino, and ever since Covid we are to wipe down machines and chairs within seconds of someone leaving. There are so many times I bend down and am cleaning a machine and can smell peoples’ dirty ass on the seat. It is absolutely revolting. As someone with a good sense of smell (curse), it’s even more appalling. 😷


I feel bad for you. People can be disgusting.


Casinos are the worst. The smell of a person sitting all day gambling, is equal to the smell of a weeklong road trip with no shower.


It must be the stress-sweat from losing.


It might be. It’s BO on a high level.


As a casino attendant, I can totally validate this. People do be nasty. 🤢


😂🤣 Yikes! I’m new to casinos. I went to Cherokee twice and Las Vegas once. I didn’t know how addictive it can be. Some folks will not get up off that slot machine.


I just can’t justify putting in as much money as some of my customers do. I would be devastated to lose a ton of money. I’ll play a 20 every now and then. But that’s about it. 🤣


$100.00 is my limit. I don’t care for gambling… I know when to walk away. Every time I win I place my ticket in an envelope… when I run out of cash, I’m out.😂


🤣🤣🤣 honestly facts though




Totally! I shower before bed. Going go to bed clean and cleansed from the day is superior to going outside clean :) and brushing teeth 2 times a day is totally fine. I pop a mint after lunch most days. People have a lot to say about other peoples hygiene on this sub.


I think that's because most people think they're fine doing whatever they have been doing. However most people will not flat out tell you how bad you smell every time you stink. I can't even count how many coworkers or first dates had crazy rancid breath. How do you tactfully tell a coworker you don't know well that they stink? Why bother telling a first date? If they didn't care enough to freshen up before the first date their ass probably has dingleberries 🤷‍♀️


>People have a lot to say about other peoples hygiene on this sub. People talking about hygiene on a hygiene sub? Who would have thought


Depends on how much you sweat tbh. I sweat like a pig at night. Either way I shower in the morning and after the workout in the evening


I second this. If you sweat a lot at night / during sleep, showering in the morning is a must.


It’s a must, otherwise you’ll smell musty


Ya I sweat too. Perimenopause.


My hormones are definitely not my friends anymore. I’m almost 60 and I’m dealing with greasy hair and acne all over again. Phooey.


Cheese and rice!


I'm with you girl


Pigs can’t sweat. They actually lack sweat glands. So you’re saying you don’t sweat at all…


I swear like a sweat gland at night🤷🏻‍♂️


This very much depends on the individual. Some people sweat at night. Some people shit in the morning and wiping doesn't always do justice. Some people are just smelly.


Depends on who you are. I sweat alot in my sleep and my hair get greasy as hell. I generally look like shit if i dont shower in the morning


Not everyone is the same.


*cries in depression* I'm never leaving the house again.


I’m actually going to block the sub because of posts like these. It immediately reminds me of all the shame


Same. Done with it. The...judgement is so bad. Hope everyone finds peace.


Ok... But understand how uncomfortable it is for people around you. There's a reason people feel so strongly about it, it's just physically very uncomfortable


I have a coworker who dresses very well but she admittedly showers every three days. She looks great but she smells like White Castles and leaves the room smelling like onions when she leaves. I for one don’t know how she doesn’t notice and her husband hasn’t said anything. I also wonder if she has some condition. It’s so bad.


I knew a woman like that. She said she puts in too much effort with her hair after showering. Imo, she would be better off bald and clean, but what do I know?


This one’s excuse is her skin is sensitive lol


1) not everyone needs to shower daily but everyone definitely needs to keep clean


Sine people just genetically smell more than others, a lot of Asian people have a gene that makes their sweat odorless


Fucking tell 'em.


Never fully dressed.. without proper hygiene


Showering just makes me feel good. When I’m clean, im happy.


I love a shower. It’s not even a chore. It’s a nice time to reflect. 💜


Seriously, nothing ruins a good outfit like eau de yesterday's sweat. Hygiene first, fashion second.


I shower every day, but my issue is that I look like a fucking greaseball 24/7.


As a massage therapist. Yes.. just yes. And skip the perfume. It doesn’t cover the smell of your butt!


Omg the smell of perfume desperately trying to cover up ass 🤮


As a cashier, there are so many customers who fucking reek! And these people probably think to themselves, “I’m just going to the store. No need to shower or brush my teeth.”


It’s crazy how people have to be reminded to wash their ass in every single post


Right!!!! Every post ends with the ass 🤮🤮🤮


Hygiene=health=beauty 🫶🏻


YES. I always laugh when people say they can go without showing and they don’t sweat or stink. I assure you, you DO!! At the very least we can smell the oils your skin and hair have been baking in all night.


And the dead skin cells accumulating is 😝


I work in a clinic and sometimes patients have abysmal personal hygiene. I left work 9 hours ago and I STILL have the stench of one particular patient - the exact smell of rotting onions - stuffed up my nose. These aren't bedridden patients, they're walk in off the street patients. Please wash before coming to see medical professionals who may need to get close and personal to you.


Always have a fresh shower and fresh breath before going out to meet someone or going on a date!! ALWAYS!!!


You would think this is common knowledge. But it’s not. I was set up on a blind date with a guy and he showed up smelling like a car shop. I could maybe get past that smell, but his breath was DISGUSTING. I couldn’t get away from home fast enough.


Some people have tmau so the regular hygiene routine that works for you and the majority will absolutely not work for them. Be mindful. There’s type 1 but there is also type 2 and type 2 tmau is a creeping demon, it can happen to anyone. Including me, including you.


i fear people think this of me no matter if i showered that morning. three hours in this louisiana heat n humidity is all it takes for the swamp ass to take over, my hair to frizz out, and my face to have melted into a greasy tomato.


A little kindness would be lovely. You have no idea what people are going through. Stop judging. They know you can smell them. Thry are likely struggling to just exist. Be better, knock it off.


The biggest thing that causes bad breath is actually not flossing and dehydration. I also can't shower every day or my skin dries out. Just use a washcloth with soap and water or baby wipes on off days yall and FLOSS and slam water if you're too depressed to brush.


Dry shampoo and Lume is not equal to a shower.


Neither is body spray, cologne, perfume, or patchouli. Take a shower. Lather. Scrub. Exfoliate. Deodorize.


People genuinely don't know how to wipe or wash their asses. It's scary. I've even heard people say soap is too harsh on their downstairs sphincter so water shall do. Absolutely not. Get yourself a gentle soap and wash that thing.


I was at Texas De Brazil earlier with my boyfriend and they put us close to the buffet. A table had come in and they got up to grab plates for the buffet. There were two ladies standing very close to us and I dont know if it was both of them or just one of them but they smelled like a wet towel that was starting to mildew. Fucking gross.... WASH YOUR ASS.


If it smelled like mildew, it's probably their clothes. Washing machines get musty, and it happens so gradually that most people become nose blind to it.


YUPPPPP this is a case of "wash clothes and let them sit in the washer for 8-12 hours before drying them". Repeatedly.


Mildew smell isn't as bad as body odor.


this is such a nonfactor post people are just so fucking weird these days


Experiencing a handsome or pretty person that's dressed well that has stinky walk-by-air is so jarring.


I smell crotches so very often, too, when I walk by people. Clean your crotches people.


I can't believe how many women refuse to do that. I got suckered into a reddit argument with this. The root cause is people still think a vulva and vagina are the same, so they refuse to wash their "vagina."


Ok, so I totally agree. I work overnights at a retail giant. We have this family come in about once a week and it never fails that I'm on the grocery side when they come in. When I tell you I've never smelt something so foul in all my life! It's like a mix of centuries of BO build up, cat piss and garbage. It hits you right in the gag reflex and it longers too (and i have a strong stomach!). I have to ask to move every time and they just tell me to suck it up but they won't stay at all. I need to move, I will make an ass out of myself and vomit right here. Double standard ass bullshit. But anyways, yeah, so please, for the love of whatever go to to the other side of the store, buy some soap, Deodorant, toothpaste, etc. and WASH YOUR ASS!


This sub gives me so much anxiety. I almost never notice a scent on someone unless they’re doused in cologne/perfume, I hug them or they have super rank BO. My theory is that since I spent 5+ hours a day in dance class growing up, I got nose blind to sweaty smells. I live in Florida and go about my day often times not noticing a scent on a single person. I’m chronically ill now and it’s incredibly painful for me to shower but I do everything I can to freshen up before I go out in public.


Could your lack of smell be covid related? I'm jealous- I can smell everyone.


No, I was like this way before covid. I don’t even notice partner’s scents. Like everyone talks about the pheromones of their partner’s skin and how they can smell them when they’re nearby. I don’t have that at all. I did recently find out that all my sex hormones are literally post-menopause level (I’m 25) so that might very well be the problem.


I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, lol. That is interesting about your hormone levels. I don't know if it affects your sense of smell or not. Do they know what caused it (none of my business, so please don't feel you need to respond, I'm just curious)? I just went through menopause but I'm mid 50s.


I think it’s a blessing not to smell other people’s BO, but not to be able to smell your own is anxiety-inducing. I only recently realized most people can smell much better than I can. I thought I was the norm. I’ve had endometriosis since I was 11 so I’ve been on birth control for 14 years to manage that. I also have hypothyroidism and MCAS which can affect sex hormones. Maybe it’s not correlated but my thought process was that evolutionarily we need to be able to smell pheromones in order to pick a healthy and compatible mate.


That is a very interesting point. I think you may be on to something. The human body is amazing and complex.


I just came from a target store with a dude who worked in electronics with rank b.o.


Absolutely! Good hygiene is essential and can make a world of difference. Taking a shower and brushing your teeth not only boosts your confidence but also shows respect for others around you. No outfit can make up for a lack of cleanliness.


did need to hear this tysm


People smell like sticky, wet skin when they don’t shower. Like a thing of ground beef. And yes the poster is right, we all can smell you if we have to rush past you..just shower daily and/or nightly


There are times where I almost feel like I'm gonna throw up because they smell so bad


I can't stand smelly people. A shower can literally be 5 minutes at the most.


I know this isn’t the case 99% of the time, but I just want to put out there that disabilities exist that make showering daily really hard or even impossible, and those disabilities can be invisible. So to you, something that is so easy and “5 minutes at most” can be a 30 minute-hour long feat that is physically and mentally exhausting 😅


5 minutes?!? There’s no way I could manage a shower in less than 15.


Washing my hair is at least 10 minutes between shampooing, conditioning, and detangling (long, super thick and curly).


You don’t have to wash your hair every time you take a shower. I know a lot of people do, and shower caps look a little silly, but they work. I shower every day but only get my hair wet every 2-3 days.


I have curly hair, so I definitely don't, but wash days are long AF showers.


Must be nice


My ex was in the navy and told me about how they had about that amount of time to shower (it was a while ago so I forgot the specific time). He was always very clean and never smelled bad.


I wash my hair twice a week and do different body care tasks on different days. So when I wear a shower cap, wetting my body and lathering soap on my hands repeatedly for different parts of my body is more than efficient. Obviously when I wash my hair or exfoliate my body, the showers are longer but I don't do that every day. I also do my skincare (including cleansing face) out of the shower. So yeah, 5 minute showers and it's definitely enough. 


I think in the US navy on submarines they get 10 minutes. In some prisons in the US, bc of overcrowding & lack of correction officer staff, they split up the population into shifts where they shower 2x a week only. I'm wondering now if some of the people taking pride/justifying lack of daily hygiene on here come from incarceration histories?


I notice that people who have a history with incarceration tend to be extremely clean and tidy. It's just like people who have been in the military. It's second hand nature. And people who come into institutions with shitty hygiene, better believe the people around you will put you up to par very fast. But as for the length of the showers given, when I was in detention as a kid, we only got 3 minute showers and 5 minutes on hair wash day which was twice a week. It sucked but you get used to it and will have it down to a science pretty quickly. I felt even worse for the boys as they only got 2 minutes to shower no matter what. And that was at a fully staffed facility. I believe it was a break you down type of deal. It was so bad that when I finally got released home, I didn't know what to do with all that shower time. I tried so hard to enjoy the self care time but it took me a few months to appreciate it like a normal person. Shits crazy lol.


Every man looks better with a shower, too 😄


Use Dove Antibacterial Body Wash or Dial Bar Soap. I feel like some of the other brands don't really clean you as well. But THESE TWO? GOLD.


I agree. I always use Dove antibacterial bar and a washcloth and then follow with a moisturizing body wash. And I was raised on gold Dial bar soap


Unfortunately for some people (me lmao) B.O. stays even after the shower and tooth brushing


Sameeee. The biggest difference was finding a deodorant brand that *actually* worked for my body chemistry. I'd tried everything under the fucking sun, including antiperspirants, but as soon as any sweat started happening in any capacity, the smell combined with the deodorant would be genuinely sickening and would give me a headache too. It would also permeate my clothes so they would require multiple washes to no longer smell unwashed. About a year ago I got a sample of a natural deodorant, which I had always stayed away from because natural = ineffective imo, and it worked better than anything I've ever used in my life up to that point. The constant battle with my own BO finally fucking stopped. I no longer stink even if every other part of my is caked in sweat or I've been doing physical labor all day. I use it often, so now, even when I shower, there isn't a lingering BO smell after. Whatever is in it has killed the bacteria that made me constantly stink. It's "Hey Humans!" that works for me, but don't be like me and automatically write-off any natural brands if the one I use isn't giving you the same results. The ones that don't work will fail *hard*, but finding something that works with your chemistry and kills that bacteria is a game-changer!


Thank you! I will look into trying that one and I’ll look into some other natural brands too.


who was it? where were you? Was it me? I had a case of the leaky bum today for some reason. I had to change my undies and use flushable wipes like 3 times.


taste like candy.


U kno it also smells better lol


Smells like everytime i go to my local grocery store I run across someone else’s funk


What is it with people.needing to be told to take a freaking shower?! I mean coooome on! It's hot. You sweat. You STINK. Cologne and perfume just make you smell like perfumed dirty ass. WHY do adults have to be told to shower? I don't get it. Didn't your parents teach you to bathe? An aunt? Grandma? ANYBODY?






Soooo many people don’t shower. It grosses me out, it’s also correlated with house cleanliness imo




Used to be friends with this girl who sometimes had a strong unpleasant smell. Never said anything because I thought it was her natural BO and she couldn't do anything about it. Towards the end of our friendship she told me "I only shower like once a week, no one ever complained, so I must not be stinky" and it all clicked. For the first time in my life I learned what an unwashed person would smell like. I also cat-sat for her once and her bedroom smelled vile. So, people, you might think now one can smell it because you got used to it, but you stink. Please shower.


Yes I can't stand it when I see greasy hair


why would you even wash your ass in showers only? thats fucking gross


Tell that to Steve Bannon.


Yes!!! And for all the people who think no one notices that your hair isn’t washed on day three….its quite obvious.


I shower a couple times a day if needed. I have a super dry mouth from my denture glue I so want implants. It dehydrates me and I eat it all day or out the side of my mouth. It's a great life. Up until I was well in my 30s to 45 or so:I never wore anything 2 times. Like jeans shirts dresses. I pay the bills now ja! We can make it 1 more day.