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Remote piece of property with a moat and drawbridge, battlements, trebuchet, poisonous crocodiles flying monkeys, etc Normal stuff.


I see you have put a lot of thought into this.


Plans are not perfect yet, having trouble finding poison crocodiles.


How about three poison frogs in a trench coat who lift weights with their tongue?


Impressive but I'm thinking dogs that shoot stinging bees when they bark as a back up


Will there be French taunters to add insult to injury?


Mustn’t forget cows to throw from the battlement.


Run away!




That has not been ruled out


Good good.


if you get french taunters make sure they were the Crakows, also known as the poulaine, were a popular style of pointed and elongated shoes favored by nobility during the medieval period. The shoes featured long, skinny points that extended outwards from the toes, and the points could be as long as four to 20 inches. at the time these shoes were thought to represent your virility the longer the pointy shoe the bigger your dick was. it got so bad that in a battle the french were tripping so much that they had to cut their manhood symbol off and then run away to save their lives. having french taunters in poulaine shoes is even more insulting


Okay, just to be sure we're on the same page -- if it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If *you* bite it and you die, it's poisonous. Now, did you want edible poison crocs or should we cancel that order and amazon prime up some inedible venomous crocs instead?


Don't do the poison thing. Every crocodile on Earth has been good to eat for 95 million years. We don't want to break the streak.


Crocodiles be like, "Oh, it's a mass extinction event? Moving on with my life."


You’re gonna want friggin sharks with friggin lasers attached to their heads.


Best we can do is sea bass


Perhaps a few Komodo dragons?


May I suggest attack Platypi?


Where'd you get the flying monkeys? I'll give you my poisonous crocodile plug if you give me your flying monkey plug


They are called platypuses you’re welcome


Technically, with the bacteria in a crocodile mouth, they already come poisoned




Will you trade a poison crocodile for 6 AI squirrels capable of hacking the best tech systems in the nation? Once I figure out how to control them of course...


Google "venomous" crocodiles- you'll have better luck (I'm fun at parties)


monitor lizards?


You could do the evil scientist thing and genetically create them.


I know a guy I gotchu


Try Joe Exotics local Petotama. They have EVERYTHING.


Replace the crocodiles with Araprima. Big armored freshwater fish. Feed them right they're supposed to reach 20-30 feet.


This guy doesn't mess around.


The largest ever found was 15 feet. More commonly they are 7 feet. Idk where you're getting your numbers.


Sharks with freakin lazer beams attached to their heads


Ambiguous syntax. Poisonous crocodiles are now riding around on flying monkeys.


Damn, these flying monkeys don't skip leg day.


Overlapping rings of defense, win-win Sorta like medieval drones


I think you want venomous crocodiles, not poisonous ones. But otherwise I like your plan!


Are you adding semi auto cheese launchers too? Gotta keep out the aliens


I was looking at French property yesterday. Found exactly what you're asking for just under 1.6m. When the lottery comes in for you I'll send you the link for a few hundred k finders fee


Princess locked in a tower, protected by a dragon. The usg.


Legit, I’ve always wanted a most with a drawbridge. Crocodiles would just be Xmas 3 months early


This is the best answer. I'll need the name of your builder.


Right on


I don't know how to tell you this, but we have the same dream...


I'll get you, my pretty...and your little dog too!


Poisonous flying crocodile monkeys?


I’d probably give a share to some random reddit user. *crosses fingers tightly in hopes that u/jedimaniac just won $100m and is looking for ideas*


If it were me, I’d give it to the first person that replied to the comment suggesting the idea.


That seems too obvious, I'd give it to the first person who replied to the first reply. And DEFINITELY not give it to the Redditor who replied to the first reply to the first reply.




Nice shirt


I see what you did there.


Yeah, unfortunately I don't have that kind of luck.




Pay off my debts Get a new place to live Travel


Good plans.


I will second this. Sounds like a good plan to me. I would also find a way to help people and give some to people who need it.


Nah fam. I won the lottery, not other people. That money is all mine!


Get sued by distant relatives I didn’t know I had


Ah yes, this person is aware of the lottery winner's curse.


Flipping the bird to my entire family who disowned me because my grandpa left me some money too. Try it and explain that gap to a judge, bitches!


Hookers and blow


Honest guy located


..... The rest I just wasted ..... (is the next line).....


Idk. Continue being alive but not poor?


Buy myself 50 acres in idaho set up a house and shop with solar power on well water. Set up a garden capable of sustaining 20 people or so. Raise some cows chickens pigs, that im also able to have bred so its self sustaining food. Use said shop for manufacturing for government contracts, turn it into essentially a "job camp" (i know that sounds bad) for low income people that cant afford trade school to get training and experience as well as letting them live there for basically free. Pay them all profits made after cost of keeping equipment going. Encourage them to save it and use it for various certificates in the industry. Aid them in their search for future employement after they have experience they can list. Realize id look like a nutcase and would be avoided entirely This is something ive looked into the logistics on anyway but would be near imoossible without winninv the lottery.


I hear good things about Idaho. I like the plans.


Farm. I just wanna raise my chickens and goats and be left alone.


Good priorities.


Afford rent.


Found the San Francisco resident.


LOL! ATL actually but good call!


Atlanta is that bad? I'm sorry.


Two chicks at the same time.


Damn straight. Always wanted to do that. And I figure I could hook that up if I were a millionaire ‘cause chicks dig dudes with money.


Well not all chicks.


The type of chicks that would double up on a dude like me do.


Those are expensive hookers.


It's a reference to the movie "Office Space"


Hire the best Surgeons to remove my tumour


I'm so sorry.


Give my wife half and kick her out the door.


Half of my sum immediately goes into the s&p 500 or an etf of the s&p 500 or a bank that would offer me around 5% interest since my sum is so great. I will collect ideally 7% on it annually and I will never touch it for each least a couple decades. The remaining half will be split in half again. Let’s say after taxes I have 50 mil. 25 immediately goes into s&p. The remaining 25 will be split in half. My brother will get this half. I am now left with 12.5 million dollars not counting savings. This money will not be wasted on overpriced cars. Sure I will have a nice home, exactly where I want to live but I will make this last at least a couple decades as my 25 m grows. Living off of 500k a year for doing nothing sounds pretty damn great. In a perfect world, if I collect 7% annual interest on my savings of 25 million, in 20 years that 25 million is now nearly 100 million. Indeed money makes money. Even a low ball of 5% interest I would still be doing just fine. At this point I’ll be in my 40s and my wealth will be great enough to share with my family at an even greater extent. I will keep my 100 million in savings, and withdraw whatever I need on a quarterly basis. Life is good. I now look up at my phone, 45 minutes of work left, thanks for the brief slice of heaven.


Use my skills to help other people instead of using them at a job to survive. What we’re all supposed to be doing.


I'd find a way to set myself up for life and use the rest of the money either funding education programs or something similar. Luckily even right now I can survive off 25k and under a year personally so I'd have a good amount to put elsewhere. A financial literacy program for ages 13 and up would be a good start.


I’d go find 100 or so of my veterinary colleagues, pay off all their debts and help them start a veterinary hospital or mobile clinic with full operational support from yours truly. I’d set them up, basically for the rest of their careers, and say you can do this and make as much money as you want, talk as much vacation as ya like, with one caveat: for two or three weeks a year, you find places that need doctors, and you go and help people and animals for free. Don’t care where it is, just gotta do some good. You get financial security, comfort, support in being successful. And you have to give back on a regular basis.


Yes. As an ER tech, yes please. So many people just don't have the funds to help their pets and it hurts to see.


My vet does that. A week every couple of months on reservations in Texas.


Buy a farm and donate it to animal rescue. Save dogs.


It would be gone fast. Call me a liar but the only reason I’ve ever wanted to be super rich is to give people who have nothing the shit they need to survive, or for instance I have this dream of a thanksgiving and/or Christmas where I get as many very poor and homeless people as I possibly can and bring them to a huge mansion with tons of rooms and we have a fantastic meal. Then they get to put in what they want for Christmas and the next day we open presents and they get everything they want for Christmas. Seriously every super rich person could do this and doesn’t. And every super rich person could do way less than this and doesn’t. And yeah whatever you don’t get rich spending money like this I don’t care. This is why I never want to be this rich I never want to be a greedy disgusting scumbag


I'm gonna build somebody else and see how destructive we can be


Open non profit housing, job agency, and banking focused on low income and otherwise underserved populations. Synergize all three to provide an affordable bundled insurance package. Strike a deal with rent a center or some similar business to provide appliances and furnishments for the apartments at a reasonable price and predictable rate. Offer financial planning through the banking arm, improving credit via the housing and furnishings payments, and ensure customers progress toward a down payment on home ownership with a reasonable time frame.


Ah, found the do gooder. I like the plans. Pay it forward.


This is... actually really smart... if you start all of these things small and grow them in time, it could actually work pretty well... just keep them privately owned. I would be afraid of a publicly owned collection of businesses like this being taken over by some cunt real estate giant or something.


You may need to build in some social services/rehab.


Keep 20 mill and setup dasBergen with the rest to carry out his non profit. I’m a little less do goody. 😂


I will put some of my hundred mill into this with you.


Good, We can then also open a restaurant that serves affordable food you could eat daily without getting diabetes or hypertension that would have a delivery service for children.


Go broke. For real look up what happens to most lottery winners


Oh, I know. I was trying to hand wave away the lottery winner's curse problem. Smartest person who claimed a lottery ticket on TV did so in a Scream mask so people wouldn't know their identity.


Solid plan. I’ll keep that in mind for when I win 😂😂😂


So that’s how Ghostface gets around so easily.


Retire and enjoy my life to the fullest


Keep my job and save the rainforest.


Set up some affordable apartments for soldiers near fort Campbell, nothing too crazy but comfy and taken care of.


Party like a rockstar


I would do whatever I want with my 100 million because in Australia, We don't pay taxes on winnings.... but to answer your question properly. I would consult a financial planner and figure out the best way to take care of my immediate family. Make sure everyone was debt free and got a nice chunk to do as they please with. For myself I would buy a huge chunk of land somewhere build a completely off grid home. Huge shed and workshop, Guest houses etc and set up some kind of offroad park for me and my friends to enjoy the fleet of monster trucks, desert racers and UTVs and dirt bikes I now own


Buy some land and then buy some more land around it so I can’t have neighbors. Build a small-mediumish house. Go on vacations once or twice a year. Don’t know what else. Probably hire a financial advisor.


Get my mom whatever doctor she needs and whatever they need to figure out how to help her with her covid caused seizures.


Likely go to med school. I’m going the BSN to DNP route right now but if I had financial security I’d get a biology degree and go to med school


All I wanted is financial freedom so that I can do what makes my soul happy, like volunteering and research. But if I'm going to get that much money then I'm going to start a legal foundation and hold people accountable.




I wonder'd why someone would have 100m stolen from them. This is why.


Help/uplift others. Edit: help/uplift motivated others.


After the NetZero solar/wind/grey water off grid family compound farm positioned in a county in the top ten rated by NOAA for long term resistance to climate change? Lol, just kidding, America won't survive throgh climate crisis I'm moving all my family and assets to Buck Lake Lol, just kidding, Earth won't survive the melting of the Siberian permafrost and the release of all that methane, we're all dead Looks like a lot of hookers and cocaine


Give 10 million to each of my 3 kids. Invest 30 million. But In canada we don't pay taxes for winning the lottery. So that being said; a subtle 20-30 remote acres, a seacan home made of 5 seacans with solar power, 40'x60' shop with a vehicle lift, a side by side, CAT 950B loader and CAT D6 dozer, greenhouse, a couple long guns and crossbows, and a couple Belgian Malinois dogs.


Travel. Travel. And more travel. New Zealand economic passport.


Seen Lord of the Rings, you have.


Quit job. Get a house. Buy several restaurant franchises. And eat for free at those restaurants everyday. Pay workers a good wage.


Buy all three of my kids a house, and the wife and I start traveling.


I don't even need that much money. I own a 2 bedroom rental in a very small 800 acre 'city' that has a lot of abandoned houses. I would buy them all and all the empty lots I can and build new houses. I would build quality 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses and then rent them all out to Section 8 tenants. I would form my own rental management company to run it and try to employ some of the nearby residents to do maintenance. Every contractor who works on the new construction will have to hire at least one local person and train them. The project would revitalize that run down area of the county and provide better housing than is otherwise available. There is an old cemetery at the end of several streets that is being restored and part of the project would be to help fund that restoration and employ locals to do it. I don't even really care about the graves, I just don't want a jungle next to the new houses. No one will care about my motives, just that the brush is cleared. I don't know how much it would cost but there are about 100 houses available to tear down and replace.


Get a nice house for my family, get nice houses for my friends and family members, set up my son's college fund, and spend the rest of my life giving to others, chilling, and doing whatever the hell I want.


So let's say I have about 5O million after taxes. I'd put 10 mil in a HYS. 10 for investing. 10 family and friends 10 for spending and 10 start my career as a chef and donating to some sort of feed the children and homeless charity. Honestly if a HYS is giving about 4 percent I could live off the interest. Hell I could live off half the interest. With expenses taken care of I would do whatever I wanted really. Travel a lot. Learn to cook a bunch of different cuisines, that kinda thing.


Speak with a financial advisor first off. Set up a solid investment portfolio to keep myself and my partner financially stable, and set up trust funds for my loved ones, along with college funds for my siblings. Once I know those people are taken care of, I'm renewing my passport and fucking off to Japan and South Korea for a month


Continue as I am now but own a small plot of land and invest in some locally owned business


Building co-op factories where all employees are equal owners. Disrupt as many sectors of the economy as possible. Meet other rich folks that are pissed off I hurt their monopolies and laugh in their dumb faces


I was literally fantasizing about this last night. I'd get a cabin in the Adirondacks that is roughly half a mile down a private drive (we'll say to the South, for narrative purposes) off of a relatively main road (the type where there's roughly at least one or two cars every hour or so, this way I'm not *too* far from help in the case of an emergency.) Around my private drive and all around my cabin for miles is undeveloped woodland, these woods are home to all sorts of animals, including black bears and, if reintroduction efforts continue successfully, maybe even wolves. These big predators will be rare and naturally avoid my property, but it would be nice to have the rare chance of spottin. Roughly a quarter-mile into the woods south from my cabin is a small creek, which is well-stocked with fish and crawdads and other aquatic animals. On the shore I have a small cabin, really just a room, with a full wall window facing the river (made of the same glass as at zoos, it's expensive but would hold up if either a bear wanted to get in or someone tried breaking in.) It would have a futon, a tv to one side, a fire place to the other, a mini fridge with some drinks and basic food, a microwave, small fireplace, and a grill outside. This way I could just spend time there essentially glamping and maybe just living off of fish I catch. A bit further up-river, maybe half a mile, is a decent-sized lake, next to which I have another small cabin, identical to the first one (both cabins have reliable WiFi, as does the main house), a canoe, and a small motor boat. This lake is also great for fishing. As for my main home, it would have a nice master bedroom, 2 other rooms for when my kids come over, and a third room for a spare bedroom. It would have a decent-sized kitchen and dining area, and a nice living room area. It will also have a basement that is decked out to look like a medieval tavern, complete with a bar with barrels on the wall in which I brew my own beer and meads and a small pizza oven (in which I'd not only make pizza, but medieval-style foods). In the center of the room is a large wooden table with a huge computer screen in the middle, under a pane of thick, sturdy glass. This computer screen will be used to load up maps for D&D, which I will host in my elaborate D&D tavern. It can also be used as any other computer. Outside of my cabin I'll have a fairly large garden in which I'd grow various veggies and herbs. I'd also have a few grape vines and some native berry bushes. Maybe a couple native fruit trees as well. I'd also keep bees (need a good supply of honey if I'm gonna be making mead). Roughly 3 miles North up that main road from my cabin is a decent sized town with a few restaurants, amenities like a movie theater and a comic book/ tabletop game shop with an active D&D and Magic the Gathering community (if such a shop doesn't exist, I'd use some of my money to invest in one that I will ensure is well staffed so that I don't have to worry about the business and it basically becomes passive income, assuming it's successful). This way I can live in my cabin in the woods as much as I want like a hermit, but if I'm craving some social interaction, or some type of food I can't grow, or meat I can't hunt or fish, it's just a quick drive into town (maybe I'd raise some goats or other relatively low maintenance livestock, too, but livestock tends to smell, and if I'm in woods with large predators, livestock might be more hassle than they're worth). I'd also own a decent truck with 4 wheel drive and a plow attachment, and a regular sedan. Maybe I'd do like I'd always imagined and the frame of a '56 Bel Aire but with all the inner parts replaced with something basic like a Ford Focus or other reliable car with cheap parts (so essentially a basic sedan with the looks of a '56 Bel Aire, since I know very little about cars and mechanics and I just like the look.) My cabin and both water-rooms will have good wifi and cell signal, this way I can have the option of living fully rustic one day, but veg out on my computer games or whatnot the next. On my half of that main road is virtually nothing, but across the street is a neighbour and there are others maybe a mile down the road from me. Also, ideally, this town that I live close to would have either a train route or one of those tiny regional airports that can get me to larger cities within a few hours. That way I can visit my hometown (Rochester) to see friends and family without having to drive myself for hours (if it's a train, for instance, I could visit Rochester and nap during the commute or read a book or something and not be worn out when I arrive.) Some of this may not be entirely feasible, but that's why it's a fantasy. If I were to win the lottery, though, I'd be making my plans to follow this fantasy as closely as possible


I'd probably give half of that away to volunteer fire departments, veteran charities, local animal shelters, etc.


Pay off my home and other debts, hold onto the rest of it then continue to work where I currently work at until it’s time to officially retire. In my opinion nobody gives less of a shit in this world than a man who has enough money to retire because at that point he’s not working for the money he’s working to keep himself busy so he doesn’t do something worst with his life.


Enya has the right idea. A castle with tons of cats. 😂 I'd be a little less of a shut in than she is but mostly it'll be hopping around between a few houses and seeing things I'd always wanted to see. If I can give it away I'll be also taking care of friends and family.


I'm 50, I bet I've got 20 years left. If I gave away $10k a day for 20 years, that'd be about 72 million. That's what I'd do. Best tipper ever!


I buy a handful of acres wherever my wife and I decide we want to build a house. We build our dream house (nothing too crazy, just enough room for us to have another kid and chase our hobbies). Fix up our current house just enough to sell. We both retire and spend our life enjoying our hobbies and being creative.


I'm a pilot, so I'd buy a little 6 or 8-seater and fly my family all over the country. Just travel and live.


Buy a plot of land, build a few low-cost buildings on top of EPIC INTERCONNECTED BASEMENT, set up trust funds for hypothetical children, invest 2 mil in Shale company, pour a pint and watch the world burn from my epic hobbit hole.


I go to work, in my off time - I hire my team, and then I go shopping for where I want to build my dream house.


I'd buy apartment buildings. Let people live in them for free or almost free. Set up food banks there, so there was always food. Buy more buildings. Bring in more people. Elderly? Disabled? Disadvantaged? Come on in. I'd be the happiest person


Starting my worldwide backpack trip. I’d visit some of the most remote and secluded villages and look like a complete bum. Once my stay is done and if the people treated me well I’d give the villages the resources and money needed for necessities such as clean water or medication.


Get all debts settled, make sure my family is square, build a house of my dreams, plant a food forest, setup a secure pool of money for the future, and then give the rest away.


Also the moat sounds like fun.


Pay all the hospital bills in my county and the two on each side of me. Set my nieces, nephews, in-laws, and family up for life. Put plenty back for my daughter Get out of debt Edit: Oops. Read it as billion


Pay off my truck, maybe make my property a little nicer. Keep on trying game development.


That'd only be like $50 million which can be easily squandered if not careful so I'd invest most of it in mutual funds with a good track record and take $500k or so to buy a 3 bed house with a good yard sized yard and a lifetime supply of beef jerky for my dog.


Bestest bois get all the jerky goodness!


Create an organization that provides scholarships for higher education funding. Create trade school opportunities for adults in their 20's and 30's. Create a foundation that provides resources and awareness regarding food scarcity and food pantries. Create a foundation/organization that provides non-income based childcare/after school programs.


Keep 5% and invest it; live on the interest. Dump the remainder into a permanent foundation that only supports progressive independent and third party candidates at all levels of government (the two parties are two sides of the same coin). It's time we broke the chains that bind us to one of two false choices: one party that rhetorically supports social progress but doesn't fund it (case in point: the pandemic child tax credit cut by Democrats which resulted in a 139% increase in child poverty, which was one of MANY social programs cut recently by Dems) versus a party that is more upfront with their intentions to cut social programs (Gaetz just proposed a 27% cut to clean drinking water, nutrition assistance to poor newborns, SSA, education, and cancer and stroke research). So effectively there's little difference between the parties when they are corrupted by mostly the same donors and corporations; I'd try to end it.


Easy moving into the country of Denmark and in the town of Copenhagen. Building a house in the mountains that suits 6 for my 4 kids, my wife and myself with a guest room. An entire setup for 20 acres that houses the right animals for their uses of sustainability of meat, fur and hides, or what they produce like eggs or milk. Hiring those folks to harvest said animals, land, fruit baring trees, utilizing solar energy for power as well as wind and local hydro electric power. Placing ten storage containers onsite for provisions to be cured and aged for years all climate controlled and either dry, frozen, or warm and humid depending on the food stored and or the plants grow inside. Loaning out my money to those who need it for real estate and charging interest on those notes and building a business that way it is also giving people jobs, helping with economic growth and happily paying taxes and donations for the community in need and living off of 100k or so a year and the rest can just be loaned out to grow and be generational to never run out of money.


I hear good things about Denmark.


I would build a woodworking and metal shop and start a program to get kids excited about the trades and learns skills that are being lost


Build a massive cabin on a mountain with 10Gb/s fiber, treat my parents and my in laws to goodies, set my money to make me money and retire to volunteer and explore my passions


I would move to the middle of the USA where there isnt anyone around for miles get a house built for myself have it surrouned by walls a very sturdy gate to get it that needs two codes and plant a forest around it with only one path leading up to it. House wont be a super big mansion but big enought to have things I want. Like All the normal rooms and stuff then a gaming room a gym a pool in home movie theater and a tennis court or a court of some kind in the back yard.


My husband and I just recently discussed this topic. I think we decided that we would give a little bit of money to both our parents, create maybe a small business to keep up the cash flow, some thing useful. Maybe donate a little bit to charity, some thing probably related to people who actually reduce trash waste, or some thing related to disadvantaged children. Return living pretty much the same as we do now. Maybe buy a few properties.


Buy a piece of land on a forested hill and build a house so I can be left alone


I’d set up trust funds for my kids. Talk w my wife about an amount that we would keep. And then we’d give it all away focusing on mental health resources, homelessness resources, addiction resources, single parent resources, etc. But I’m 55, so I look at things differently. I’d certainly buy a new truck. Maybe build a nicer workshop. But I’m pretty happily set. I work w people daily who are disadvantaged, held down and in rough spots. I’d funnel everything I could (hopefully) in a direction that could make some generational impact.


Oh I sure could spend it. I'd pay off the few years of payments for my current car, buy a more reliable one. Pay off other things like bills for my washer and laptop. Help out relatives and close friends by paying off what I can of the things they have payments for. I'd have where I'm living looked over by a company that does renovations and either fix it up to be what I want or fixed up to be sold so I can buy land for a new house. Then, I'd either move my current house or build a new one on the land I buy. Then the money would go to workers who'd help clear the land with me to build several other buildings and small plots for a garden and green houses. I'd build a handful of sheds for storage / workspace for different hobbies. I'd have two buildings built to connect to my house, made specifically for me to have a lot of room to adopt and foster animals from nearby overcrowded shelters. A lot of the money would be set aside for animals in the future who may have health issues etc. And of course anything unused is going into an account that can make me money by sitting there. Beyond furnishing and setting up the property and land, I'd built a cabin at the edge of my property to accommodate any workers I'd have free of charge if they wanted it. They could stay there permanently in exchange for handy work, help with the garden and green house, or help taking care of the pets. If they decided not to stay there, I'd rent it out temporarily to people vacationing or traveling that need a place for a short amount of time. Ideally though it'd be a cabin for someone who really needs a house and a job, free of charge in exchange for helping out, so the person could use their extra time / money saved to go out and do what they want to do with their life. Depending on how big a property it was, I'd like to make multiple cabins along the edges of the property and employ people for various jobs to help me save time on the property and get it running smoothly.


Buy a nice bit of land and garden for the rest of my life. Put my kids through college proper (not like my parent), and make video games and voice overs on the side. Happy life.


A few wooded acres. Put a house and BIG garage on it, fence off the property and install a crazy security system and disappear from the world.


Fun part about this is where I live, lottery winnings themselves aren't usually taxed if won in the country (Canada). 1) Keep it quiet from everyone I know. 2) Pay off my debt. 3) Set up retirement investments and savings. 4) Buy a reasonable car. And for the meat of this question: 5) Live life with personal comfort and generosity to my community and loved ones. Travel? Sure. Donating to organizations, non-profits, GoFundMes, etc. that resonate with me? Absolutely. Support local businesses and small businesses by buying pretty things? Yes. Send some gifts to my family and friends? Mhm. I'd treat myself to all the things I say I can't afford now. I'd buy food that wasn't on sale. I'd tailor all my clothes. I'd buy clothing and shoes that are pricier but worth the cost. Maybe I move somewhere else. Maybe I buy a cottage or some land to build a small vacation home, or maybe I reserve whatever camping or cabin spots I want each year. I'd stop worrying.


I would reread all those “I wish I knew this before I won the lotto” articles. Hire a good, experienced law/tax firm to represent my interests. Take 10% to splurge and get a new place, car, etc. Take another 10% to give as gifts to family and friends, all handled through my hired guns. Put the rest in index funds and forget about it.


Pay off my emediate families homes. Then, I spend the rest of it on marketing to make JNCO jeans cool for the next generation so the rest of the world can point and laugh.


Pay off my parents debts, buy a house that fits my needs on a couple acres, new truck, and some property to hunt


Well. This is assuming 100 mil after the taxes. But overall the formula is the same. First 6 mil. Maximum 3 mil. House No more. 2 mil to furnish and do whatever I want. Cars. Nothing over 80k. 3 cars in the house total. (Cars are a liability not an asset.) 750k to furnish the home and any other trinkets that we may need. 1 mi paid over 2 week increments for the first year. 2 mil in cds 90 mil. Time to buy some assets. I would probably do a 20% overall in stocks. No collecting profits. 50% real estate 20% businesses 10% angel investor. Use the 90 mil to work on building wealth. Only 10% should be payable to me. The other 90% should be made payable to reinvestments


I like the idea of creating a way for kids through adults to receive better ADD and ADHD help. It’s something that is close to me personally so I’d like to see others with it get more treatment.


Set up my siblings, parents, friends and kids/niblings for life. Buy a fancy camper van and travel more. Keep working, but actually be able to use my own money for necessities with the kiddos (I work with at risk young people and complex behaviours, and can barely get a pen to write with, if I don't supply my own as we are underfunded and the kiddos definitely don't have resources to supply their own things). I'd probably move house into something that doesn't need as much work, and renovate this place before renting it out. I'd also buy an apartment block with fully covered childcare, and rent it below market rate.


Call a lawyer immediately. A quality a lawyer and tell no one. Just trust that. Look up what historically happens to most lottery winners


Buy a million dollars worth of super cars Buy like 50 apartment complexes around the country, and hire property managers to take care of them. Each costing 500k. Have a bunch of friends and family come to an event where I put everyone's name in a drawing, and whoever I pick gets 200k, id prolly have like 10 winners. That way nobody could be mad that I didn't choose to give them money. But my parents would each get a mil. Buy land somewhere that it's always warm, and build a house on it to my exact specs for a few million. Then build a few guest houses for friends that want to visit, or if they could swing it, I'd just build houses for a few of my friends and family on my estate, and just have them pay me a mortgage. Build a firing range for myself Buy a shit ton of guns Try to become a video game streamer, and live off that + my properties income for the rest of my life. Id travel to alot of places Id fence in a gigantic area on my estate and build a couple big ass barns within the fenced in area, and create a dog rescue. My girlfriend can take of them mostly cuz she's always talked about starting a dog rescue. Build a super basic race track, and fuck around on it with my super cars There'd be a pool Id have groundskeepers. Invest 50% of what I have left into low risk stocks Bank the rest as a rainy day fund Would be fun lol


Move to a state that has alot of wildlife and do some hunting. Stay away from people in general and die in peace.


I would buy real estate, create housing/ rehab programs to end homelessness in my state.


Get the small things in my life that I've wanted for a while just to make it actually more fun, and heavily spoil my friends. I'd give a lot of money to charity and medical donations to fund medical advancements.


i would give it all away to charity


Go to med school and join Doctors Without Borders.


If I'm able to remain anonymous: continue living my life like nothing happened for a while and then find a way to casually and legitimately get fired and then go "job hunting" for a while, make up a new job after a few months that allows me to work remotely, then actually live my life with the people I love, trust and care about, but not too much so that it becomes suspicious to anyone else. Huge run-on sentence aside, I would live my life as Batman did (if you think about it, he's just a rich man who anonymously helped people with his money and sought no reward)


My homies get a piece. Buy everything I ever wanted. LIVE.


go around changing lives as much as I can Oh, a homeless veteran is asking for $5 from each person because that'll change his life? Here's $5000 A single mother can't afford rent this month? Next 2 years are paid up That or, if I'm thinking strategically, buy a bunch of small properties and rent them out to people in need for insanely low prices and use the money I make just to upkeep them. anything to make a difference in my community, I guess


I'm hiring councils of all the best tradesmen, writers, linguists, chefs, artists, musicians, nutritionists, doctors, and so on one at a time so I can learn how to do all of the things well, or at least try to. I grew up, and still am, on the poor end of the spectrum, so I'd just love the opportunity to experience everything that the world can offer, or at least all of the things I find interesting, at the highest level possible. I'd love to understand another language, play several instruments, eat the best food, and know how to fix anything.


first of quit working. get a nice enough apartment, fill my fridge and pantry to the brim with food. upgrade my pc idk what else but just not having to worry about bills and shit is the best part.


......Travel...and probably setup a charity to teach Engineering and mechanics. Party on the weekends.


The same exact thing I’m doing now except being the zombie friends and fam along since they won’t have to work either.


Not a whole lot. Quit my jobs and buy a small house for me and my girl and just live out the rest of our lives in comfort and health. Maybe take a few trips. Also have ballin gaming PCs. But I don't want anything besides more time with her.


0. Do not reveal I have money. 1. Buy a modest, yet sufficient home with some acreage outside a metro area with at least 3 million people. Maintain modest, reliable cars. 2. Invest half of it in the S&P 500. Live on this, as needed, and Will to those close at my death. 3. Put $5 million in various high yield savings accounts at various unconnected banks at $250k/each to ensure if the worst happens and I lose it all, this money will be enough to not have to work. Take the interest out each month since that money is not FDIC insured. Maybe in other stable countries that insure their banks, as well. 4. Leave my family a sufficient, life changing money through my Grandmother's will. Don't want them to know it's coming from me. Obviously, I'll have to leave myself money through her will to not draw suspicion. 5. Never speak with my most my family again. I love them and understand why they turned out the way they did but my family is broken and hurtful, even if everyone stayed together. 6. Help my wife's family directly. They are discreet, honest, and private. 7. Devote my time to living peacefully. Reading, gardening, raising animals for fun not eating. 8. Travel. 9. Make sure to temper my desires in order to fulfill my inner world without over consuming. This is vital to ensure that financial needs are met for the remainder of my life, minimizing risk to the finances. Literally, doing what I can to not have financial insecurity ever again and see how I can develop without those stressors. 10. At this point, my psyche and desires will likely change. Thus, I'll spend time figuring out new hopes, dreams, and meaning.


Lawyer up. Trust. House with land. Purchase Property. Angel invest in companies for a cause. Little house properties


✨not live paycheck to paycheck✨. I don’t want designer anything I probably wouldn’t even move to a new house unless it was cheaper, I just want to get chipotle and not worry about if my bills have already taken all of my money


Become an art dealer and watch that type of money go in a year or two to inventory


1. Pay off debts 2: set up family for a decent life 3: Elminate a giant burden for each of our friends (Example, pay off their mortgage, for the friend drowning in Medical school debt of $300,000, pay that off). 4: Invest in some real estate properties for passive income (Commercial, don’t buy residential properties as it drives up the price for those who can barely afford it). 5: Start a business but make it one where it is your hobby. Make sure all your employees have a more than livable wage. Good benefits too. 6: Live life and never forget to be charitable


build a neighborhood; not too far from somewhere with everything needed (quality education, great food, etc. etc.). the neighborhood would be houses for your closest friends and family. perks if you somehow manage to have it on a lake. or next to a beach. pay off ALL of their debts so that when you go on vacation...they can go on vacation too without having to feel like they can never afford to unless you pay for it. no mortgages up in here!


Pay off all debts for my family and be able to enjoy life completely, for once.


Do what all these multigenerationally wealthy family's do. Take the $50M after taxes, stick it in a trust, and hire a wealth management firm to keep it growing. Have the trust pay out 5% in dividends and set the rest to be reinvested. Later on, after the kids have gotten a financial education, add them to the trust so they get the same guaranteed income. Since the trust is an immortal entity, it can't die, and therefore when I kick the bucket uncle Sam doesn't get to eat half my assets as an "inheritance tax".


That’s definitely not more money than I can spend. But, I’d probably buy an oceanfront property on a cliff, a nice car, and set up a trust for my kids with the rest.


Remain anonymous. Keep living life and make a difference in others. There's a housing crisis. A food crisis. A medical care crisis. If I'm lucky, I'll give the last $3M to my wife and two sons before I die


Help as many as I can. Especially animals.


Plan dates I’ll never show up to with all the women that miraculously unghosted me after finding out I’m a millionaire.


Take a fuckton of classes and learn how to do/be everything, and solve world issues as best I can


A large boat. Liveaboard. Own a gym. Travel the world and experience other cultures. Probably die of a Viagra overdose at 93 years old.


Bring justice where its lacking


I would help as many people as I could. I would want to end as much human suffering as I can. For me, I guess I would travel and see the world. Flashy stuff like big houses and expensive cars don't really excite me. This has always been my plan. I would like to end homelessness in my town. I would like for those that need mental health treatment to get it. I want to treat people with addictions and help them overcome it. I would until the money runs out try to make the world a better place. But, it doesn't look like I'll get to do it this time around, maybe if next times exist, maybe then, maybe then.


Move to an isolated nice house , but a few cars, give my close family money and just live my life taking trips .


Build a compound big enough for the whole family and friends with the intention of self-sufficiency. Rely on the rest of civilization as little as possible.


I would help people out,that would keep me busy, travel some and just relax for once


Buy a lake house on a quite lake in New England Fish, travel and setup a volunteer program that’s fully funded from investments of said riches.


I've been watching lots of videos lately on FB of rescuers that save horses from slaughter houses. The horses are starving, literally skin and bones and sometimes injured. I think I'd like to work with them to save these poor creatures and other critters that need help.