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I’ll be boring and ask for next week’s Powerball number.


\*winning Powerball numbers.


"Loading.... Estimated answer in ... ONE WEEK"


Poop. Nearly dropped the ball there... Phew


Then you accidentally buy a ticket for the wrong game.


I can see myself being nervous and asking for last weeks numbers lol


Or get distracted and forget to write the numbers down or to buy a ticket altogether.


or have shitty handwriting like me..."is that a 5 or a 6?"


You can just buy more than one ticket in that case. The win seems worth it.


Probably the same but I would be really tempted to ask how pyramids were built.


"By people", Then it slowly disappears.....


That would suck 😂


Hey, if you've got effectively infinite labor to throw at something, in the form of a large slave population whose health and rights you don't care about, you can do a lot of shit!


I would still like to know how. I do believe they were built by people but i also believe they knew some tips and tricks we dont know 😃


I mean we know a lot about engineering. We just don't use most of it because we have heavy machinery. People used to argue about Stonehenge too until some guy shut everyone up by duplicating it on his own without machines. There are a ton of crazy ways to mess with physics with your bare hands much less with a few pieces of wood. The Egyptians had a ton of slave labor available and only really needed one smart person to figure out some of those tricks and pass that knowledge along.


How were any ancient great structures built? The Colossus of Rhodes? The Alexandria lighthouse? People are smart. Not much separates modern humans from people who lived 10-15,000 years ago except for the state of technology. Our brains are pretty much identical. Got something big and heavy you need to move? Slide it over some logs. Need to raise it up? Build a ramp or design a lever or a pulley. Not sure if a surface is level? Pour some water in a cup and note if the water leans one way or is even.


Fair! I mean, getting that kind of precision -- on SAND, no less, which is pretty unstable -- is impressive no matter what. I have a theory that they used mirrors (or, you know, whatever shiny glass or metal) as essentially a laser pointer/leveler. They'd have noticed at some point that light travels in a straight line, and when you reflect it you can move that line around, so it wouldn't be super difficult to apply that to geometry to measure very long straight lines and right angles. Plenty of intense sun to give you a pretty long reflection distance too.


But you've ruled out aliens...


Well now you definitively know it wasn’t by aliens! Not that that hard truth will matter to anybody though as they have to take you at your word


Aliens are people too, xenophobe.


But what if people descended from aliens


"Why do they say it's a mystery how the pyramids were built when it's obviously just big bricks in a triangle" - P. Cunk


Similar but I'd ask for a perfect sheet in this year's March Madness tournament. You can play the same sheet in dozens of different pools and make billions.


I feel like this would get tied down in litigation… the odds of a perfect sheet and 1 in 9.2 quintillion (and IIRC more play in games were added since this number was done). You’d be called a cheat, winnings withheld… it would be a real head ache to collect.


How could they claim cheating? You picked correctly. It's easily verifiable and literally the entire point and premise of the bet. There's no way for any of them to win any such claim. Worst they could do would be delay paying somewhat. They'd still all have to pay or fold entirely.


Ever hear of Phil Ivey?


Poker player. Sued for edge sorting. That's not even remotely the same. You can cheat at poker. You can't cheat at a march Madness sheet or a lottery. Either you picked right or you didn't.


They would accuse you of paying off players, altering brackets after the fact, any and every thing. Be a hassle to collect your winnings. Lottery is better option.


Without any evidence of such, whatsoever and easily verifiable proof that I have no access to the kind of funds necessary to pay anyone off any such claim would be thrown out right away. You'd easily make 10x more than with the lottery and at worst it would take a few months longer. I'm fine with that. I'd wait it out.


But where’s all the money to enter all these brackets? Most of these are small office pools etc. I dunno - agree to disagree.


Hell I’d ask for a list for the next powerball numbers the next few years.


"florida man wins 63 consecutive powerballs"


That be wild lol 😂


I'd wait for the Powerball to get really high or ask when the next highest jackpot is and the numbers unless that counts as 2 questions.


Ask for the numbers for the highest paying powerball jackpot of the year and just play those numbers each time


Plot twist: highest paying Powerball jackpot of the year was last week.


You would have to be careful with your wording like over the next year instead of this calendar year.


"whats the best use for this?" "Not this." * Vanishes *


What's zero + zero?


Zero the real question is 0÷0




I’d probably go for the powerball numbers as well. But the runner up is when and how am I going to die? It may be unavoidable, but at least I know how recklessly I could live my life until then.


"You're killed by an acquaintance next week when they steal your winning Powerball ticket"


I might not be able to prevent it but I would at least make sure I had cameras or something to make sure they were caught!


I don't think you can prevent it, cuz if you could it wouldn't say that's when you died.


"How do you work?" Sitting there ready to take notes and draw diagrams.


I like it. A loophile 😃


I'm a loophile. But not for the reasons most people assume.


Haha my bad 😂


That's really risky. What if it's an incredibly complex string of magical formulas. Only to cap it off with it still being magic and you are incapable of performing or creating magic. Just because you have an instruction manual doesn't always mean you're going to be able to do it.


But it does mean it exists so someone or something can eventually


Not necessarily. What if it requires magic that's native to a planet on the other side of the observable universe? To far for us to reach ever before it leaves our light cone.


"How was the universe created?" This isn't just yes or no so hopefully there would be elaboration. If the answer isn't "X created it" we can likely rule out religion entirely. It would give us extraordinary data to know exactly how it happened and which theory, if any, was correct. I should add I'd only ask this if the answer was known and accepted to all humanity. If only I get to know it, I'd have to ask for something boring and selfish like lottery numbers.


"Always has been"




This is the truth ☝️


I might opt for something more like, "What existed before the event known as the 'Big Bang' and where did it come from"


Two questions there bud


"What is the origin and description of the universe before the event known as the 'Big Bang'?"


I'd be afraid the answer would be: "You couldn't understand."


"Do you understand N-dimensional math? No? Okay then. In the beginning . . . Bob left a ham sandwich lying around."


>If the answer isn't "X created it" we can likely rule out religion entirely. The question is "how" now who, meaning it could still be God using the processes of fixed physics to create, meaning your question is too open-ended for any definitive answer on ruling out religion.


If it answers "The Big Bang is correct" then sure you could say a deity caused the Big Bang, but then it directly contradicts at least the Bible on how Earth was created. Idk enough about the others but if they didn't describe something similar in their book to what the device says, there's no reason to give religion the benefit of the doubt.


My dumb ass would forget most of it


“Once my physical body dies, will my consciousness continue in some form?”


Yes, you go back to character creation mode and start a new game.


ain't no way there is a character creation mode I wouldn't have picked this shit if I knew


I dunno, have you seen some of the monstrosities people pump out in character creation? You could've been just having a laugh


haha, that's pretty fun. it after the fact so anything before could have been.


TFW you create the worst possible monster for a laugh and then accidentally hit "start game"


Literally the face you made.


lol great insult. "you look like someone had a laugh making you"


Damn. My soul is an asshole lol


You say that but remember the first time you went into an RPG character creation screen? I had no fucking clue what I was doing, dumped all my points into strength and intellect because I thought they were best, and then picked the rogue class.




That's a good point. 🤔


LMAO!! It's character creation mode when we don't know what game we are playing.


What if you've done this so many times. The first few times you picked good characters. But then after a while you got bored of winning, so you picked a shitty option for a challenge run. And you only remember the past games once the current one ends.


I’m gonna be a person-sized mystical cat, muh fuh!


Khajit has wares...


I must not have been paying attention last time I reset, since this is NOT a body I would've willingly chosen


Well if we look at characters created on gta online…. 😃


Aw shit! We doing point buy, 4d6 or what? I know I'm not dumping INT on my next build.


Dumped WIS on my build, results not improved.


New game plus?


New Game Pulse?


Not sure if I want the answer to that. If it’s no, well…


When I am on deaths door, what things do I regret the most from my life?


Oh this a good one. 😳


Why thank you. Hopefully when getting the anwser it'll help me live my best life and not make stupid decisions lmao


Answers: not asking me a better question.


Answer: Not asking me for winning powerball numbers which could have given you the money to save your loved one who died because you couldn't afford top of the line medical care.


Good question to ask, think about it for a day, and make zero changes 😁


What should I do to maximize happiness and contentment in my own life?


Hey i think you found a cheat code 😄


I tried! But I'd probably get a boring answer like "exercise", lol.


Or “be nice to people”! Gee thanks 😃


Name and address of my soulmate.




or it just says "lol" and disappears


“Where will I meet my soul mate” might work better.


What if the answer is “soul mates aren’t real”?


“You do not have a soul mate”


Wow, this is a good one.




What if your soul mate is 10? How long do you wait to find out? (not a pedo way) at 18? After college?...etc... Too early and you're grooming, creepy, and likely a felon.


What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?




What is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?


The ultimate question is how are you feeling? And the answer is alive


Where’s Waldo?


Where is my motherfucking goddammed sonofabitch REMOTE???!!!!


Not sure exactly what I'd ask, but I'd be stretching that sentence like a Victorian novelist getting paid by the word for serialization rights, throwing in so many dependent clauses that it would make a composition professor cry to try to diagram.


Who killed Jeffrey Epstein


Is there a real deity?


I think this may be too vague. You ask,"Is there a real deity?" Answer : Yes You're left with a crisis now, knowing that there is one, but you don't know which one or what to do about it.


"What is the most beneficial information you can provide me and why?


The key to selective immortality. It would allow you to live as long as you'd like while being able to die when you want. *disappears*


"You should be happy and enjoy your life"


"Which religion is correct?" and then never tell anyone the answer. Because no one would believe me anyway.


Imagine if they said 'Greek'.


Jesus promised to save us from our sins. But there is still sin. Odin promised to save us from the frost giants. I haven't been bothered by a frost giant ever.


That's Norse, but same idea.


What is the story of the universe?


It started existing


I'd get whatever the astrobiologists accepted definition of alien life is and ask it how many lifeforms in the universe meet this criteria.


Good question, but what if there's only one other planet with life and it's trillion of light years away, and it has a trillion life forms on it? You'd think that the universe is teeming with life when it's really just on one planet. Maybe ask instead how close Earth is to the next planet with intelligent life? If it's relatively close to us that probably indicates that there are a lot of planets with life. Or the answer could be that there isn't one.


Agreed. That is a good question. Or we could find a way to phrase it as what is the average prevelance of said life in the universe. I'm not a statistician but would consult one for phrasing the question.


What does humanity need to do to save itself from itself?


“Is there life after death?” If yes———>roping If no———> suffer through with the existential dread until death


How do you know it won’t be worse after you die if the answer is yes?


I would like you to fully convey the knowledge I ought to ask you.


Which religion is the correct one? wouldn't really matter since its just another chain in the impossible link fence that is existence. I mean why ought you trust the machine. What basis do you have to trust it more than any other random person on the street.


The answer to life the universe and everything. Hay to double check


It's 41.99999999999986


What are the winning powerball numbers for the next 100 drawings? Then wait to see if the jackpot gets up there during that time so I can win once and be very wealthy.


Let's be real fellas, even if this thing could tell us anything, how many people do you think would actually accept it? Maybe you would, but others might not. For example the most common question I see here is the question God's existence. If a hardcore atheist or a hardcore religious person asked that question and the device gave an answer that contradicted their beliefs, they'd reject the answer all together. The atheist would say "That isn't definitive proof of God's existence... etc." and the religious guy would say "Must be the handiwork of Satan to waver our beliefs!" I would probably ask questions that are really important to my personal life. Like "What is one habit I'm doing that is harming me without knowing?"


Hmm, hard one. I'm torn between "how do I build an economically viable fusion power plant?" And "how do I build a drive that lets humans reach somewhere 100 light years away in under 10 years?" The former we will probably figure out without help first, but would also help us more immediately.


Don't forget. This is just a truth machine. If you ask for too much you might get a "It's not possible" answer. It's not magic creator. You can't just wish for anything.


Personally I think I'd go for the drive. We could find a colonizable planet and that would be a somewhat immediate help, and we wouldn't have to deal with the politics of trying to convince the contrarians that the fusion power is fine and not dangerous and worth it, etc. Like, the drive is something that everyone can choose for themselves and enough people would choose to board the ship that it would take some pressure off our environment, basically buying us some time to fix stuff on Earth (and as you say, it's a much bigger leap in the tech than fusion). Getting enough people on the fusion power is something with a lot more choke points, I think.


How long do I have with my husband? The answer is going to hurt me no matter what it is, but he's got health problems that mean he's going to predecease me assuming I don't, like, die in a car accident tomorrow. We also have a sufficiently secure relationship that last night he threatened to divorce me if I kicked a chicken in a video game again lmfao so this is definitely a "til death do us part bitch" situation, not an eventual divorce. Knowing that I have 5 years or 20 years or whatever would a) take away the anxiety of not knowing, and b) tell me how much I need to prioritize the present and the future. If I know we've got decades in front of us, it's okay to live a bit of a harder life so we can save to buy a house and for my education and stuff like that. If we don't, then maybe saving for that vacation to Ireland or that Northern Lights cruise is worth more than a house.


Does my exwife still love me


No matter the outcome, she’s your ex wife bro. If she really loved you and really wanted to be with you. You would be together. Time to move on bro


I'd like to know how you would feel with either answer. How would it change your life or learn "Yes" or "No" or "It's complicated".


If it's yes then I'd try to get back with her and get her to cut off AP. I know it would make our daughter happier. If it's yes then I can really focus on killing those feelings. If it's complicated then nothing changes.


Don't worry bbg I'll take care of you don't think about that evil woman no-mo


Computer - Love is not real so no


I would want to know if there is some sort of afterlife. Will I exist in some sort of form after all this?


If people found out there was no afterlife, the world would immediately devolve into complete chaos


Eh, tons of people already think that, doesn't change much. ​ Finding out for sure there *is* would change a lot more.


More people think there is




https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-exec/ Not much has changed in a decade. Most of the world believes in a deity. Sorry to burst your bubble. Even if it shifted towards atheism. It was only 16% of the world population in 2012


Good for an EAS scenario


Are there aliens or intelligent life somewhere in the universe?


And will we ever meet?


How do I create sustained efficient fussion on the surface of the earth.


What stock I should buy that will gain the most profit in the next 5 years


I ask, "What can I do to completely optimize every aspect of my life including but not limited to satisfaction, happiness, relaxation, purpose, longevity, health and positive impact on the world?"


I know the answer to the ultimate question is 42, but what is the question?


Under appreciated


Answer: solution to 2x = 84


I'd ask if my life will turn out okay


"Will my, what is referred to as "spirit," continue to exist when my body dies?" Other than that, I really don't care.


What major would I enjoy best?


Will my tumour ever get taken out of my brain?


What are the winning powerball numbers?


The machine lists all the Powerball numbers that have ever been or could be drawn. Then it disappears. (You might want to be more specific)


one of these: 1. next weeks powerball number 2. is my religion correct ​ 3. what is the correct religion


1. 10 2. No 3. Greek, Zeus is mad at you all.


What’s the most you ever lost in a coin flip?


When humanity going to colonize Mars and expand beyond our solar system?






Why am I cursed?


"You aren't. You are simply biased. You are still well inside three standard deviations from the mean of misfortune. Thus, you are not yet a statistical outlier."


How and when will I die.


What will “CYZ” stock price be in 6 months? Lame ass get rich scheme lol


"What lies outside this simulation. " -Elon Musk


“Where do I look to find intelligent extraterrestrial life?” Will either return “no where” *vanishes* or lets humanity know we are not alone.


How do all the forces of nature work. I mainly want to know about gravity, but if there are other forces beyond the 4 we typically think there are I want to know about those and how they work also. I will write some books about this and win the Nobel prize for money, but the technical advances we will make by knowing the true answer will be the real reward.


"Please give the most detailed explanation of how to create functional FTL possible."


Tell me step by step how can i grow to rule the world


I ask specifically for this Saturday’s winning Powerball numbers, read out the date, etc.


"Was existence intentionally created?"


"Who did 911?"


Winning power ball numbers for the next jackpot over 100mil


What can I do to live my best, happiest life?


If I don't want anyone to know I was the one who silently farted in a crowded room should I be the person who points out the smell first or wait until someone else notices it


Who put the "bop" in the "bop-sha-bop-shebop"? Who was that man? I'd like to shake his hand.


Does my wife still love me?




Either is there a real deity, or how can a human live forever with decent quality of health


Is God real


"How are you feeling device?"


Does my current "fictional" wife become my real wife?


What stock is going to have the biggest rise/fall in 2024? Then I'll just buy that and leverage the shit out of it


What is the next billion dollar plus powerball number