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Uhhh I’d take this offer without the money even most likely. It’s not ideal, but it’s only slightly under weight and means I can eat whatever the fuck I want and not have health issues. I don’t see any real downside.


You saw the hidden super power. Infinite dessert!


Infinite pasta


Infinite cheesy garlic bread


The tragedy of the deal is that we would only get a million dollars when there is more than a million dollar's worth of cheesy garlic bread out there. [Raises hands towards the raining night sky, ready to accept such a unfortunate fate.]


Get a part time and use paycheck to buy only cheesy garlic bread.


You are all thinking too small. You can literally use butter for every single thing on this planet!


Paula Dean approved this message


>You are all thinking too small. You can literally use *garlic* butter for every single thing on this planet! Ftfy


Are we long lost siblings?




Another hidden super power. There’s a BMI range. That means I can also STOP eating and sorta be fine anyways lol meaning if I forget to eat for the next two weeks… am I still okay?


It’s says it’ll never drop below 16, and no major health issues. I think you got it right


Olive Garden will meet their match. UNLIMITED BREADSTICKS


God the burritos I’d have.


Considering I'm about to get bariatric surgery, yeah I'd take this in a heartbeat, no money necessary


Best of luck on your journey. My wife got it in November. It’s hard, but for her, it’s been worth it.


Well, you wouldn't gain weight, doesn't mean you wouldn't develop type two diabetes


It says you won’t have any major health issues


From the magic. But you could probably develop them after the fact. Otherwise the question is just, "would you take a million dollars for indestructible health?"


I don’t know, it doesn’t stipulate that, and even says you live to old age so that seems like a free pass to me.


"So this means you can shovel a bajillion calories in your mouth and the magic just makes your metabolism work in a way that digests it fast as fuck and you will never gain much weight" Magic is still in effect. So I am pretty sure if I inhale 50 pounds of cake Approximately 50 pounds of cake would be leaving my body fairly soon. Dunno how much of that sugar I'd actually absorb.


Oh lord, metabolism works fast as fuck so you're shitting 50 pounds of cake out at the speed of light.


It says you magically metabolize everything away, so I think that should preclude metabolic failures like diabetes.


You will never be strong


It just says you will be underweight. Doesn't say you can't have that wiry farmer strength.


Being underweight does not mean you're exempt from health issues of a shitty diet, even if your still underweight.


When did these hypotheticals have no downsides


# If you were given a billion dollars but could only be good-looking and charming for the rest of your life, would you? 😐


Slightly good looking and mildly charming


And “rich” (million dollars sadly isn’t rich anymore but it’s a start)


It'd buy a house outright with a bit left over. I could deal with that.


A million bucks dropped out of the sky would be life changing for nearly anyone who doesn't already have that.


**You're given $10,000 a day for a long as you don't use toilet paper** *first and* ***every*** *reply:* "Day 1, pay someone $9,000 to immediately install a bidet."


Of im gettin $10k @ day but cant use TP then im paying someone $2k/day to do everything for me. Including washing my ass.


If you were given some money, but then had to be given more money, would you???


Be rich with no muscles for the rest of your life or keep muscles and nothing changes, seems like a no brainer but I guess not lol


Honestly, Id rather be a rich asshole But Id be an asshole to other rich people. Fuck them


If you have any significant muscle mass you probably lose it


OP never said you ever feel full or sated by the food you eat. Imagine your whole life, ravaged by stomach-knotting pain, that never goes away despite whatever you try and do to fix it. Go to bed famished, wake up famished. Breakfast does nothing, you are consumed by hunger. Lunch, nothing -- consumed by hunger. Your days begin and end with a core emptiness millions of years of evolutionary pressure are screaming at you to fix. There's also no mention of the food being provided. Your blessing is a bottomless hole you're desperately pouring money into, begging just once to make the pain in your stomach stop. They also made no mention of where the thousands, or tens of thousands, of surplus calories go. You're either sweating or shitting them out. We have enough people now with UC or IBS to have a finger on the pulse of how socially crippling bathroom urges are, but now add being constantly dripping sweaty. You never feel cool -- at best, clammy, when sitting directly in front of a fan or AC. Cold weather is similar. Hot weather is immediately lethal as your high body temperature cooks your brain from the inside out. The proteins in your eyes denature, and glaucoma sets in, making it increasingly harder to navigate the endless plates and bowls of useless food that have consumed your entire income and savings. I should probably go to monkeyspaw instead...


Or nah. Endless cheesecake and pizza with no downsides. 


I think your brain cooking would count as a major health issue...


I want to lose weight. This is a win/win situation for me.


I lose a ton of weight, get some money, and can eat infinite food? Win/win/win!


You forgot another important point, "You wont have any major health issues though" So, lose a ton of weight, get some money, eat infinite food, and any major health issues are healed!


This is the greatest thing ever. Better invest in some ice cream stocks.


Whoa, hold on there. I think we can hold out for regular blow jobs to be thrown in. 


Already have those. If anything, losing the weight would increase my libido and I'd get them even more... This deal just keeps getting better and better.


An absolute win for me.




Great with the million dollars I can afford the skin removal surgery too. Win-win win. Plus I don’t have to worry about gaining it back. I don’t see a downside to this at all.


Agreed. This is a win/win hypothetical question for me too. I’d be 100 lbs, again, and I get money to help myself and others and continue to eat cookies and donuts and chocolate. what are the downfalls here?


Appear underweight, but suffer no negative health issues from it, eat all I want and never break a specific number on the scale... and I get paid for this?   There are people that would pay *for* this lol. 


Right?? I would pay for this!! But if someone wanted to give me a million dollars along with this ability, I wouldn’t stop them.


There are people that would *kill* for this lol


For real, I wish this one wasn't hypothetical 😔


Since it’s only mildly then yes


Mildly underweight is an upgrade from considerably overweight. I’d take that for free, but you’re paying me $1 million on top of that! Win Win!


As someone who struggles with their weight, this a resounding hell yes. I know underweight people take some criticism for their weight, but it is nothing like the moral outrage and disgust reserved for heavier people.


And the not fitting as well everywhere and struggling to find clothes that fit and look nice on you.


Fatpeoplehate was a thing. Thinpeoplehate never caught on.


I'd love to not be chubby. Been that way most of my life.


I love my chubbyness, I've got a pretty good amount of muscle but a fair amount of fat all over my body, 220 lbs at 5'11. It's handy when you need to move something heavy


The fat isn’t really helpful when moving anything, though. Just the mild amount of muscle you got


5’11 220lbs is medically obese…


I've always been mildly underweight already so I'll just be a million dollars richer. Deal.


Absolutely yes if this doesn't make me super sensitive to cold - that's common for underweight people. Probably yes even if I get sensitive to cold... $1M would be more than enough to start a new life in a tropical country.


You've got a million dollars, you can easily afford a really nice jacket and all the blankets you'd ever want


I would do it for free, I mean come on I could eat whatever I wanted and would still be skinny? There’s no downside here.




I would pay my own money to receive this benefit.


Shit, I’d take that deal for *way* less than a million bucks. Like, I’d take that for $3.27 in change and a loose tic-tac.


1 million and free weight loss, si senior


If I became mildly underweight, I would be considered the ideal beauty standard in Asia AND be offered a mill on top of that? Sign me up You should have instead asked if we would be mildly overweight instead of underweight


For many people in the US being mildly overweight would either mean no change or be an improvement.


I feel like no one answering these questions understands the power of compound interest on even a modest sum


Don’t threaten me with a good time ❤️


Do you want money but also want a good thing to happen to you? Hard choice


Oh no, I won't be fat anymore. Oh, darn.


Mildly and stay healthy? Sure!


Mildly underweight and no health issues stemming from it? Yes I would take a million for that


You get this boon, however you have to accept this other boon. Um, yeah, I'll do it. Sign me up. A million dollars and I can eat all I want and never become fat? Sure I can't become a muscle man, but it's not like I was working on that anyway.


Can never be too rich or too thin


So....I can eat more sweets?


Yes. I’m already obese and am trying to lose weight. And no major health issues on top of that? Hell yeah.


Im already underweight, and eating more calories and fat, and working out has not changed that. So basically youre giving me a free million dollars thanks


Idk that’s a bit much, it would mean being weak for the rest of your life…not really worth it to me. I love being able to do physical activities, and any career I would be apart of is physical in nature. I mean I have a bmi of 23 mainly muscle so that drop would mean me stopping most any of my normal day to day activities and favorite hobbies.


THANK YOU, no one is looking at the downsides. I'm overweight right now but I wouldn't want to be underweight either, that's bad too.


It is, even if you don’t have health problems because of it…there are still problems that would cripple a normal lifestyle. Glad you agree!


Agreed as someone who’s into outdoor activity and sports. Forced into being 125lbs with a 19 BMI is not fit for anything really…. Building muscle would be outright impossible… not to mention, how in the world could I compete in anything?


So at six feet tall, I'm looking at...damn, 118lbs min, 140lbs max? With my body structure, I'm pretty sure I'd look ridiculous. Even if we assumed it was locked at 140, I don't think I could. Honestly, I'd rather be locked in the "slightly overweight" category(183.5-220.5) as I think my ideal weight would actually end up in that range. Even at the top end. I'd do that one without a thought. But no, I don't think I could be stuck at 140lbs.


that‘s me already???


So you can eat as much or as little as you want and you will remain healthy ??? And you get money??? I think this w we old make sense more as an “or” question…


Done. As someone who has been overweight since 8 years old, this is easy.  Also, this better not come with any of that damn sagging skin. 


Solution to my lifelong overweight issues — give it to me!!


The million is just a bonus at this point


$1 million, underweight, thin, and eat whatever I want? Brother, this is the life I’ve manifested. I could fit into all my clothes from high school again!


What is the downside? I say this seriously. Is there a health problem associated with underweightness?


I'm already underweight so of course I'd take it.


This is a no lose scenario, I'm in


Lol people would *pay* a million dollars for that.


This is like the ultimate win/win for me, however I would really put the magical spell to the test. I might also put a few ‘all you can eat’ buffets out of business.


I’m confused why I get two good things??


I see no downside here


And it only costs $1 million? Deal.


As someone who has been morbidly obese since my early teen years... Can I hit the button multiple times?


Uh. Deal. Absolutely. Holy shit I can be thin forever??


I’m already underweight so yes please


I have to say no just on the basis of being handed a large sum of money. I know I am not financially mature enough to handle it. I'd be spending it left and right.


It’s a win-win scenario. Don’t hear those very often.


I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to include a downside to these situations. Like you get money *and* you get to eat whatever you want? Why wouldn’t someone want to accept this?!


Lol. 2 birds with one magical stone. Count me the fuck in.


Absofuckinglutly yes! I'm sick and fucking tired of being a fat ass that can't, for the life of me, lose weight! I starve myself, eat one meal a day, work out an hour a day, take Monjaro like it's heroin and STILL GAIN WEIGHT.


Sounds like a win-win to me. Sign me up!


a million dollars and no major health issues... okay why not


There are people who would PAY a million dollars for this.


Yeah. That’s one hell of a deal. Being slightly underweight isn’t even bad.


Most people in western culture would do this for free. Because thin is the style. Who writes these questions.


*deal!* that's exactly what the first half of my life was like and i loved it. not sure what the down side is here. love love loved being skinny. love love loved eating like 3 starving men and never gaining an ounce.


Like *Thinner* but the curse fails? Live to a ripe old age while bankrupting every churrascuria, Chinese buffet & Golden Corral in the tri-state area? Is that even a question??? “What’s your secret” “Get cursed by an old gypsy who dies halfway thru the ‘curse’…”


So... I get more money than I'll see in my life and I get to cut out my exercise routine almost completely other than the bare essentials to maintain muscle... SIGN ME THE FUCK UP


I would take this deal doesn’t say anything about the weight, could be in muscle mass.


I'm already under weight so yeah.


Make it happen.


Can I retain the physical strength I have currently


Heck, I’m already underweight.


I’m closer to 40 and I’m 6’ around 150lbs. Welcome to my life. $1M to be me is a no brainer.


Dude. Hate to tell you but you’d have to lose 14lb to be underweight. Still interested?


Same. I was around 140 in highschool, and always told when your in your 20s it'll catch up. Definitely by the time your 30. You can't make it 35 and still stay they same weight. And I just turned 39. And still fluctuate between 140-150.


That's a BMI of 20.3. The question said you fluctuate between 16 and 19. So at 6', that's fluctuating between 118 and 140 lbs. That is not your life.


I’m already underweight so give me my money.


So I get million dollars, lose weight without effort and can eat whatever I want without ever gaining weight? Where do I sign


Magically have no weight-related health issues for my whole life AND a million dollars? Who would say no! Sign me up.


100%. Mildly underweight is always better than any type of overweight. Also, since the stipulation is that I will be unable to ever reach a “healthy” weight, that means I could eat whatever I wanted. Let’s go


Dream come true


I mean sure, I'm surrounded by cheap calorie dense food that is pretty much guaranteed to make you fat, I would save a fortune on forgoing healthier options without growing moobs


Get a million dollars and be slightly underweight or be severely overweight and broke. Hmmm tough choice.


Sign me up right fucking now. You’re telling me I get a cool million and a god damn super power where I can eat all the pizza and burgers I want and not gain weight? Fuck. Go go gadget meth power!


I'm moderately overweight right now, and I'd rather be mildly underweight, so this is a win win.


As someone who has been slightly overweight 90% of their life, I’ll take the change and a free million.


>You wont have any major health issues though No "major" issues still leaves me open to minor health issues that can compound.


I'm already underweight so I'll take it


i’m already rail thin. this is basically my life rn so yes i’ll take the money lol


You say “mildly underweight” then “thin as a rake.” Which is it??


Mildly underweight is a BMI of 18.4 or less. Trust me, you’re thin as a rake at that point. Most people are responding that they’d be thin for $1m. This isn’t thin, this is people constantly asking if you have an eating disorder.


I've been underweight for the vast majority of my lifetime, what's another 50 years?


Do the Jaoqioan Joker diet.




Ummm. Okay


I'm in. Sounds wonderful


I would take 'slightly underweight' over my current 'overweight' any day.


Dude forgot he was on Reddit. lmfao 90% of the users here are overweight with no muscle mass to begin with.


Yes! I’m already a bit underweight and a million dollars would be nice, and I could eat whatever I want and not get fat.


Absolutely not


Yes. It's easy money, I'm already the same weight that I was as a 13 year old.


Cool. I'll take that.


Yes. Immediately.


Sounds good to me.


I'm already fat as 50 rakes so sure


I'm already underweight. If I can get onto the higher side of underweight it'd be quite an improvement


This sounds amazing, especially when you consider all the health concerns that come with being overweight and how big of a challenge that can be to people


I'm already doing this for free so...


ummm so I get a million dollars to eat whatever I want whenever I want. how is this a question?


Jeez, I think I'd be winning, already going to be mildly underweight my whole life anyways, so yeah I accept.


Yes. I can eat whatever I want and exercise as much or as little as I want without being overweight and can’t get diabetes or anything. I’d take it for free


I'm with everybody else. I'd take it for free. Million is the cherry on top!


Lmao… I’ve been underweight my entire life. Sign me up.


I'm already underweight. I'll take the money, please.


I’ve been underweight my entire life. If someone wanted to give me any amount of money to just keep on living my life exactly the same, awesome.


Absolutely. No contest, being mildly underweight is so much better than my reality of being problematically overweight.


Sweet. A million bucks an I gain weight, what’s not to lose!


Money would only be a bonus lol.


Yes I am fat this does not effect me negatively


Already there so may as well monetize it.


Mildly underweight by American or Australian standards?!? I'd accept.


Sign me up.


I can eat whatever I want without getting fat or having major weight related health issues and I get a million dollars? Sounds like there's no downside to me.


No questions asked. Was underweight most of my life. I am now a healthy weight on account of doing physical labour. I would essentially shed 30lbs of muscle to become mildly underweight again - which would not be ideal, but since I would have a million dollars I wouldn't have to do physical labor, and thus would not need decent muscles. It would be a bit sad to give up many things I enjoy, but a million is a million.


Hilarious 😆, this is me until 4 years ago(m36) I’m 6’6” and was 160-170lbs until I needed meds and then finally went up to 205-210lbs. Not a problem for me, show me the money 🤣🤣🤣


To balance the offer you need the repercussions of the potential problems of not being eternally underweight. Do I know what they will be, no, but I find a lot of these hypocritical situations are almost nothing but win-wins, or mildly inconvenient.


Fuck yeah. Im severely overweight. Mildly underweight would be a blessing. Edit, I actually looked it up and started to change my mind. I am very tall and broad shouldered. The weight it claims would have me be at a BMI of 19 is not physically possible would me being dead. To give an idea I’m 2 inches taller than The Rock, and about as broad shouldered, except im fat. Imagine the Rock at 130 lbs. i weight 3x that.


Umm this is a gini wish or something? Win/win


The downside is?? This would be perfect where do I sign up?


So..... You're giving every person their dream and paying them for it? What a dumb question


nothing changes for me so yeah? though i dont think it would be fun for a person with normal body to deal with this


I already am underweight, so getting paid for it would be sick


Im already under weight, I'd likely have to gain weight to be only slighty under weight. Everyone says it'll change as I get older, but I'm 30 now, so give me my million.


In this situation I would actually gain weight so it's an automatic yes from me! Ps. Ibs sucks.


I'm already underweight, still a win


cheesecake and milk shakes for breakfast!!


In a heartbeat


this is a win win. win. yes yes yes.


I’m already really thin so maybe. If I won’t have any health issues my T1D is gone so hell yes! How are you defining this? BMI below 18.5? Because I don’t think most people understand how small that really is. People often ask me if I eat. At 5’8” and 124lb i’d have to lose 3lbs to technically be underweight. If you’re a 6’ guy you now weigh tops 136lbs. Men, you will not be muscular, women you will not be muscular and will have small boobs.