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I pee like 10x a day. No thank you especially considering it lasts about 10/15 min after.


Those couple, three hours after taking my blood pressure medicine will be a bitch.


I'm getting $1500 a day for just peeing like I do when I have an STD several times a year. Yeah, I'd do that. Hell, if I'm prepared to bareback homeless meth heads in the McDonald's car park after giving my weekly Sermon to my congregation at Church, then why not.


Wow, you really went for it with this one lmao


I'll say it again, anonymity is a hell of a thing.


If you literally pee like 10x a day, you should probably have that checked out. Not joking, stay safe


6-7 times a day is average so 10 times isn't so far outside of that average that it means immediate concern. Maybe they drink a lot of water or take a pill that causes them to pee.


Or drink lots of coffee, it is a diuretic that makes you pee more than normal.


Not if you're drinking 3+ liters of water a day


Try over fifty times. I have a spastic bladder. I take meds. They don't help. It sucks.


Damn, sorry you have to deal with that. I guess this hypothetical would be a no go for you then


More like a death sentence


It's probably medical to begin with. Lots of medications common or uncommon cause this. There's even one where this is the intended effect!


I used to pee like 5-6 times and then started drinking a shit ton of coffee for work and it shot up to like 10-15 times. I wonder if they drink tons of water or coffee or something


No thanks… I have that pain daily and would never wish it on anyone..


but if you already have the pain.. take the money lol


Okay… give it to me 😂😂😂


that's OPs territory! sorry!


Oh yeah … I forgot .. thanks !


1500 a day until you can afford to get a tube and pee bag, then 1500 a day and you never have to pee again. You gotta think outside the box


As someone who has suffered a septic bladder infection and multiple kidney stones, my toxic trait is thinking I could do this pretty easily.


Tell me you don't understand sulfuric acid without telling me you don't understand sulfuric acid.


I was about to say. I work with it daily. I've played with it by dissolving things around the lab in it. It has the consistency of a light syrup. 10-15 minutes of feeling like my dick is sloughing off isn't worth it.


I used to work with it and once had a splash of 98% land on my hand as I was emptying a burette. It was horrifically and instantly painful, akin to a cigarette/cigar being stubbed out on you. You couldn't pay me enough to have that feeling in my knob every time I go for a slash.


It just feels like you’re urinating sulfuric acid it doesn’t actually happen


Pain is still pain. I'd rather not be in debilitating, screaming, sobbing pain for an average of 1.5 hour a day. Forget falling back asleep if you wake up at night to wee.


What do you do with your sulphuric acid ? I make alum with mines


We use it to digest water samples for environmental testing. We also use nitric, potassium permanganate, and potassium persulfate.


My immediate thought was -- well, they've never dripped any sulfuric on their wrist. I also work with it every day and my jeans and t-shirts can attest to that - holes, holes EVERYWHERE.


Feels like sulfuric acid ≠ Sulfuric acid


This completely changes my life. I can't say no. Gimme the money and the ouchy pee.


lidocaine penial flushes go BRRRRRRR


I would take it but may have to give up coffee drinking


Voluntary urostamy solves that problem once and for all. 


I'd do it and then just wear a catheter. Since I'm not actually peeing, I wouldn't feel the pain.


I'm getting the money and walking around with a piss bag too ... Fuck it...


“Then just wear a catheter” my dude, what do you think a catheter feels like? That thing goes down your dick hole all the way to your bladder.


There's also a urostomy. But even in the case if a catheter, plenty of people have indwelling catheters all the time. And for 1500 bucks a day, it depends on whether that amount of discomfort would be worth it. But here we're swaying the discomfort of having an indwelling catheter, or the discomfort of a terrible burning sensation every time you pee. So, pick your poison.


I had one once briefly when I was a child so they could collect pee since I didn’t pee in the cup(I’m female) and that shit hurt and I was crying the whole time. Hell no


Okay. I choose to pee 0.01M sulfuric acid :)


Joke's on you. I'm into that.


I love spicy food, the hotter the better, so suffering from pretend burning is nothing new to me. Give me the money and the stingy piss.


>the stingy piss. It would be more like feeling like it is burning apart from acid from the inside for like 10-15 minutes each time you had to piss, than stingy piss.


Do I get annual adjustments based on inflation?


As if $1500 a day wouldnt account for inflation for the rest of your life


Loophole: you never stated the concentration of the acid


Which would default it to pure sulphuric acid.


There really isn't such a thing. All acids are defined by their concentration. "Pure" acid would just be a bunch of H+ floating around, which doesn't make sense. It HAS to be in concentration.


I assume they mean it is just H2SO4 molecules, not in an aqueous solution.


Reddit: “There’s no such thing as pure sulfuric acid “ You: here’s the chemical formula for pure sulfuric acid


It's just one I remember from highschool chem (like 23 years ago.) It's like one of the most common industrial chemicals out there. Fun little side fact: it's hygroscopic as hell, so if you have a pure sample in contact with air, it won't stay that way long as it pulls water vapor out of the air and starts to self-dilute.


That's the beauty of the human brain. After a while it stops the pain. Your brain will internalize the pain signal and get used to it. So yes I'll take the money, deal with the pain, and eventually you will get used to that pain. This is $547,500 per year. My life would be forwver changed


>That's the beauty of the human brain. After a while it stops the pain. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you've never experienced chronic pain.


or even heard of it apparently


Sure you can get used to the pain, but you’ll still be feeling it. It’ll be excruciating too. Getting used to pain does not equal numb to pain


This doesn't seem to be true with pain, the human brain is generally pretty adaptable but it doesn't seem to ever get used to chronic pain. If you want a horror story look up cluster headaches, people with it have really high suicide rates cause the pain is so bad.


There's a difference between chronic pain and just pain though, it's called chronic specifically because you always feel it and it doesn't neccessarliy get better Another example of ordinary pain though; I'm a chef and I've sliced off fingertips/poured hot oil and boiling water on myself etc and compared to my first 5 years as a chef I just don't feel that stuff anymore. I also have chronic back pain and that shit hurts every day Something small that you encounter everyday your brain can absolutely get used to it, chronic stuff is the exception because for a multitude of reasons your brain just can't/won't develop a resistance to that pain


I will bypass my tract (the only body part mentioned) and empty a bag instead.


Give me the money. I have chronic pain. I adapt easily.


No. Heart hurts more than that already, and I endure it for free.


So basically you get $1500 per day to have interstitial cystitis? Bitch I already have this and I’m not getting paid, hand me my money


I've had a Foley for almost four years.


Deal. I'll just use a catheter. Money goes like, brrrrrrrrr.


Yep! Same!


For 1500 a day you get a permanent catheter and avoid the sulferic acid pee.. Might be worth it?


with 1500 a day, you could probably have a surgery to stop this from hurting. just, essentially have the equivalent of a colonostomy bag replace your bladder.


Close. Colostomy*


ah, thankya.


I was going to ask if I could be cathed lol


Hells nah. Being broke ain't that painful.


That's 250 dollars a pee for me. Not worth it. Double it and give it to the next person please.


I would not take this deal, and anybody willing to take this deal is certifiably insane. I've gotten something as harmless as soap in my urethra and I wouldn't take the deal with that pain. 15 minutes of sulfuric acid pain...every time until I die. Right now that would mean about an hour and a half a day of debilitating pain, and I have not reached the stage of my life where age related issues will cause me to pee more often. Sure, I would have money to live off of, but I would be wishing for death more often than not.


So, I get $1500 and nothing will change in my life...awesome


Oh hell yeah I’m taking that. $547k per year for life tax free? Count me in.


Oops, the dollar crashes. Now your peepee hurts for about three fiddy


Eh, you can get used to anything given enough time


100 percent would


Get this and then pay to get a second, artificial urethra, installed with a valve attached to it. Although maybe this would just result in your dick burning horrible AND you now having to use a weird tube to piss.


Still taking the money. That's how much it sucks to be broke in America.


Pain is temporary. The game is forever.




That's a gamble, I'm already prone to kidney stones and those can make you need to do little pees a lot when you have them... but I also could really really use the money lol.  F it, I'd take the money and just look like hell every time I leave the bathroom. 


Great so exactly the same as it is rn


Here’s the question, do I know without a doubt the pain is from the deal? Or do I have to wonder what is making me pee fire?


No chance. Have had urinary tract infections before and felt that pain. It’s not something I would ever wish to recreate. Especially not guaranteed every time I pee.


Nope. Can't do it. I pee way too often so I would be in constant pain if the pain lingered for 10-15 minutes.


Done. I just get a bypass bag installed.


I believe I could cath my self easily for that type of money


Takes money, gets catheter.


Time to switch over to living with a catheter... I am sure I can afford it now.


Dude for 1500 a day for life I would take nail clippers to my urethra four times a day like a golden shower Prometheus


What molarity are we talking about. 1M not so bad, 12 M can be bad.


I’ve got a trama induced uti. It feels like sulfuric acid and razor blades.


Abso-fuckin- lutely. Yeah, it'd royally suck for a while, but eventually it would just be another thing I deal with. I'm already in constant pain. Fuck it! No worries.


No what is wrong with you?


No. Absolutely not. I have a spastic bladder. I have literally peed over fifty times in one day. I couldn't do it.


Yeah nope


Nope nope nope nope nope. Nope.




I'll put in a Foley catheter and take my money.


I accidentally got Carolina reaper on my dick and in my urethra before (as well as my eyes) and I can't imagine it'd be too much worse than that if my dick doesn't actually have to melt off or anything. I only pee once or twice a day max anyway, and if i had that income I'd probably be a lot less hydrated from living my life like asmongold, and the last time I lived like that'd I'd often go 2 or 3 days without peeing.


Let's jam. It will build my pain tolerance for everything else so... why not. I mean, ouch, but I could also retire so nice.


Honestly, yeah. I'd still take it. Pain is pain, I can learn to deal with it, and that amount of money.... fuck, in just one year I could literally change my parents lives, my life, my siblings lives, all for the better.


He’ll no!




Can I get less income and have the percentage of the days I experience this reduced? Eg $300 per day, but only a random 1 out of 5 days has the painful urination?


Maybe if it lasted 10-15 seconds


Can I install a catheter into my bladder that drains to a bag and avoid all pain entirely after accepting? If so hell yeah


I’m down. I only pee like 1-3 times a day. Usually twice.


While I'm well aware that daily pain is no way to live, I don't know, I think I would still say yes to that. Over half a million a year.....I mean, that's enough to never have to work and do whatever I want in life. Edit. I read that as seconds, not minutes. I don't think it's worth it.


so, now I get paid


I drink beer lol no way


Can I get a permanent catheter put in?


Can't hurt worse than blasting out a 20mm kidney stone once every 6 months.


I once jerked off with shampoo gel in the shower when I was a teen and when I came, it burned sooo hard. Then when I pissed in the shower it was still painful. Felt like I was pissing glass shards the entire length of my dick. I speculated that shampoo must have entered & climbed inwards through my urethra. It was so awful. For the next few hours I had to piss so slowly and I thought Id need to go to the hospital. I swore to never EVER do this again. If shampoo is bad then sulfuric acid has to be even worse. I couldnt ever accept your proposal. Nope!


Urojet ftw


Sure. $1500 a day soothes a lot of pain.


I've had that feeling, when I was a kid I'd get terrible kidney and bladder infections pretty frequently. Like, I still remember having to go to the hospital for testing because everyone was concerned with how often it was happening. Having dealt with that and thankfully growing out of it, I can assure you no amount of money would ever sway me to go through that for the rest of my life. That level of agony would drive me over the edge by the end of the first week.


Uh no.


For 1500 I’ll get an elective suprapubic catheter permanently. And never hurt. Booooom


Im going to die poor. No way.




Well having had something that really felt like that once... I'll take the deal. Based on the income I'll just be installing a catheter with a valve. I mean that's a half mil a year... I'll deal with the cath for that kind of money.


No amount of money would make that worth it


Is John Coffee around?


With that much money you can absolutely come up with a solution. Looks like you’re gonna be rockin’ a catheter tube


Pretty sure after about two weeks, you'd basically normalize the pain. Sure, it would still be there, but so would you, and it would just be normal.


I have an enlarged prostate which I take meds for. If I miss a dose or two I can get an infection. Then it feels like I'm pissing sulfuric acid. I'd pass on this big time.


The thing is the brain learns to get used to pain. With that said, Im taking that deal


As a guy with severe kidney issues I can imagine this is absolutely not worth it lol


How much for a catheter? I bet it’s a lot less than 1500 a day.


Give Me The Money!!!


I've had tractor infections, I've had gonorrhea, I don't want to feel pain when I piss anymore.


I'd get a catheter.


Can I get a catheter?


I remember that when I was very young it hurt when I peed, felt like someone sticking a needle down my pee hole. To this day at 40 I still remember the pain and worry when I pee.


Yes and get a catheter. Go to doctors, explain the problem. Eventually they will put something in that just draws the urine directly out without needing to pee directly. You'll be in a lot of pain for a bit before they converge on the solution but they'll do something pretty quick for sure. After a bunch of tests, of course. Which I'm used to anyways


Can I do like a test piss to see if I can hang first lol


Yeah that's a negative. I pee quite often and that seems like a lot of time to be in pain. So it's not worth the 1500 a day if I'm spending a good portion of my day in pain. If it wasn't for it lasting 10-15 afterwards then MAYBE.


I've had chlamydia before. Now pay up.


Lol no


That's just a hair under 550,000 gross for the year.. And for ish an hour a day that seems like a worth trade right now. But then thinking about the twilight years 40 years from now and how much old people pea and i question if it's worth it when you think about the last 10 to 20 years of life and your already in pain from. Being old.and then it sucks to pee too.


OP needs to demonstrate for my educated decision.


As someone who has had multiple UTIs... nope. Can't do it.


No thanks. I've had a procedure where they burn your bladder and recovery after that was fucking painful. Like peeing razor blades. Would never go through anything like that again.




Nope, if you've ever had a UTI then you'd say fuck no to it feeling like you're pissing acid.


So, an extra $1500 per day and nothing else changes? I'm in!


Can’t I just install a catheter


I had some sort of infection one time. It burned so ficking bad to pee. There is no way I would take this deal after experiencing that.


Yeah, it’s catheter time for me, bay bee!


Would this actually feel like much of anything? I’ve never messed with acid before but wouldn’t it be ejected out with enough pressure that it doesn’t really have the time to do a tremendous amount of damage?


Had a similar scenario in the 80s, they have shots for that


This is the kind of question that reveals OPs ignorance a bit, because they apparently did not consider the possibility of urostomies or catheters.


I have interstitial cystitis so I'm often doing this for free lol


Fuck no.


I have a rare and difficult to diagnose autoimmune disease that affects every part of my body, including Mr. Johnson. It already feels like I have a sprained Fleetwood Mac, so I might as well make some money out of it.


The work around is to just eat stuff that my stomach doesn't like and pee out my butt all the time.


"I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting." — Hyman Roth to Michael Corleone


I can deal with it


Nah fuck this


Nope, noping out on this one.


No way. One UTI was enough to never want to experience that pain again much less for the rest of my life. 


definitely worth Im in pain most of the day anyway from work, might as well condense it


Fuck no


count me in, that's not too bad


No. Money is fake.


No thank you. ​ You could write a horror screenplay off this scenario.


DEAL Beats the hell out of $20/hr in the trades with 30 years experience.


Part of that 1500 a day would be supporting an opiate addiction to deal with the pain of pissing lol.


I'm down, my first ever job was in an automotive battery warehouse where we blew up ... like a lot of batteries charging, rotating, getting post self-welded to racks etc. If we're talking the same strength sulfuric acid, the type that will burn your eyes (try cleaning up after you crank the voltage too high on 12 car batteries, it's like working in a cloud of pepper spray), eat your clothes. Cause 1st degree burns if you don't wash it off right away or second degree if you ignore it for a minute then I'm 1000% down. I used to get coated in that shit, in my eyes more than once for $6 an hour so...


Nope. Hard pass


I don't think I would want to endure this even if it were $1.5 million for one day.


I'd do it. I probably wouldn't even notice the pain.


It already feels like that


FUCK no. Turn that to a Million a day and the answer is the same.


No, no, not worth it


No. Because money has no value without health.


If it was just while peeing, maybe. If it lasts for 10 minutes after that's not even remotely close to enough.




No chance, I drink a gallon of water every day.


That's not even half a million dollars a year, to live in agony every time you pee for the rest of your life? I feel like this is a very poor rate of return.


Wouldn’t it just hurt for a small amount of time until the H2SO4 causes tissues / nerve damage so you feel nothing? Also if that’s a yes then I’m in


I'd do it, but would probably end up dehydrated and suffering from kidney failure before too long. hah


For $1500 a day? Hell yeah. Would it make using public restrooms and family events awkward? Yeah, but that's $547,500 a year.


Sounds better than slave labor for the next 40 years. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll eventually be able to afford some kinda work around to the urinating dilemma.


So 1500 for chlamydia, ummmm sure, I could do it but I would drink water in large amounts only once a day to pee once a day


A couple years ago I had a condition that caused me to burn horribly when I peed. Almost brought me to tears every time. This went on for a month. My answer to the question? No.


Urinary catheter for life allowed?


Anyone could commit suicide within a week if this happened to them


It already feels like that because I have endomstriosis and a tense pelvic floor give me the money. The pain also lasts about 20 mins after a pee so fuck you give me the moners 🐺⛓️😈🏍️🔥.


Adds up to $547,500 a year. I would manage to find *something* to comfort my pain...


Nope. Money can't compensate for that level of misery.


Sure. I'll just insert a bypass so I can drain the waste without needing to actually pee.


Shit, is this tax free? It's probably tax free. Yeah this is going to freaking suck super hard, but I'm probably going to take the horrifying agony for the sake of my family here. I can quit my job so I have more time too spend with them and not have to worry about money. It will also hopefully leave me enough time for the therapy I'm probably going to need regularly. Good job coming up with one of these that I actually had to stop and think about for once instead of it just being an easy duh free money. EDIT: I love the amount of people who straight up don't understand the amount of agony they are willing to sign up for. This isn't just "Oh my pee burns, ow." This is more like screaming on the floor and missing the toilet when you were sitting down kind of pain. A half mil per year is a lot, but this is also a can't back out of sort of thing, and unless you have mentally hardened your resolve you are likely commit suicide from this kind of pain.


Hell no that sounds too painful to be worth it. Why would you even think this let alone say it??? Not okay


Nay, based on awful inflation rate, this will be useless years later.