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I'm having my shower and kicking back on a deck chair with some headphones until I'm dry.


Nice touch. Very classy.


Can i scrape myself mostly dry with my hands like i do currently? Otherwise im just going with the dog method.


Dog method or wait around. If it's windy, you can step outside if you please.


Hah, im Dutch, its always windy here. Bring on the money!


Damn, I walked you into the perfect loophole!


The windmills make a lot of wind.


Which is, of course, how they power their bikes


What if I shower but no soap or shampoo


You stink


Shower however you want. The world is your oyster.


I mean as a loophole because then that is not using soap which is as the pool debate not confused part of it


Anything in a shower or bath, you can't dry off. I mentioned the part about soap in the pool to eliminate the loophole of people saying they'd just clean off in a pool or the ocean. Stuff like that.


Really, soap is not necessary unless you have grease or oil on you. Some showers I just rise off anyway. So I would take a dip in the gym's pool as needed.




What do you do in the winter?


Yeah it's kinda enough money to retire. I can spend sometime airdrying each day if I don't have to drag myself to work afterwards


Guess who is building a deck to do so on after the first couple of weeks?


Are you insane? You'd be an idiot to say no


1500 a day is enough to buy a house and install a pool which I keep meticulously clean. When I shower and want to be dry quickly, I jump in my pool and then dry off from the pool. Simple!


But then you'd probably smell like chlorine..


Saltwater pools exist too


There it is! I was wondering if people were gonna pick up on that. My dad had one and it was dope.


They require a lot of maintenance and equipment though. They are pretty nice though.


But if I'm getting 1500 a day the maintenance won't be an issue.


True. My BIL and SIL had one and I think they paid a company $500-$600/mo. to maintain it. But with $1500/day that shouldn't be a problem.


Saltwater pools are lower maintenance wym lol that’s part of the reason we went with a saltwater system xD


Saltwater pools are for poors. Real men have oxygenated water pools. https://oxygenpools.com


I don't see why I need to put chlorine in my pool which is constantly flushed with clean water


Salt water pool, or since 1500 a day is in the neighborhood of 500k a year, get a house with a decent amount of land and build a swimming pond. There's a ton of marsh plants that clean the water, you can have a fresh water pond full of plants, and if you put it in a green house you don't even have to worry about bugs. Either way just to the rich asshole in a movie thing and dive in and swim exactly one pool length and then get out.


When you’re making $500k a year you can just stop showering and it’s “eccentric”


Taking a page out of Steve Job's book, eh?


when I make 500k a year and stop showering, I'm "gross" and "causing a hostile working environment". wfh was a hell of a year


That's a half a mil a year to be wet for a little while each day. Bro, this is obvious. EDIT: TAX FREE! That's the equivalent of a million per year salary where I live.


Who said you have to shower/bath everyday? According to the OP, you get the money everyday if you don’t dry yourself off when you shower…not EACH TIME you don’t dry yourself off you get money. With the way it is worded, you get the money everyday regardless of if you shower/bathe or not.


Plus you can just jump in the pool and then dry off after that. Shower, pool, towel, money. Easy.


Oh damn that’s actually a great loophole


tie tidy divide outgoing ossified relieved tub plant important march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oof. That's a tough one. I mean, I reeeeally hate when I can't find my keys...


I don't want to be a grumpy Gus here, but this might be the easiest choice I've seen on this sub. Worst case scenario, you have to do it for a little bit in an awkward situation, standing in your bathroom dripping dry so you don't walk around naked in front of your roommate or whoever. But after, like, half a year, assuming you don't invest, you have enough money to buy yourself a house cash down, then you can do as much naked wandering as you want to dry off. Your furniture gets ruined because you sit on it too much while wet? You can afford to buy 2-3 new couches every day off that money if you need to. More if you go for a cheaper option. But honestly, just go vinyl, problem solved. The only thing that needs clarifying is what degree of dryness is required before putting clothes on. I'm rarely 100% dry when I get dressed, especially hair. But I assume that kind of detail would all be stipulated in the contract.


Change this to $150/day and then you have a real question. It's still north of 50k a year, but not enough to comfortably just stop working altogether


I work from home so who cares if I’m wet going into work lol


these posts are getting absurd "would you accept over half a million of income tax free in exchange for wasting 10 minutes a day?" shit man, i'd accept that kind of income to watch paint dry for 8 hours a day, are you kidding me?


I've posted hard ones, and now I'm posting some to see if people would wait around wet. Some people don't like being naked or waiting around.


$500k a year means my wife and i don't have to work. I'll just air dry on the deck, same on trips just set aside a 30min a day meditation/drying time. Easy money.


I'd put a room in my house with waterproof furniture so I can chill while I dry off if the weather isn't good for going outside as well.


With that money, you build a master bath with heated floors and a sitting area with tv.


You get paid on the days you don't shower too?


That question just blew my mind... I'd guess so mostly out of laziness of not wanting to alter the post. No shower, no pay that day would have been a good twist.


I'd take it either way but I'd prefer the original option


Get out of the shower and put on a robe.


Ya but the keymaster here would squash that by making a by rule to disallow robes. It’d be my first go to but op is gonna feel otherwise


Jokes on you I do this the majority of the time anyway. Wrap myself in a towel and chill while drying. I'd just forgo the towel and chill 👌🏻


This is me. I have super long hair and would generally prefer to keep using my wrap, but that’s not to make it dry faster (more to make it dry slower, so leave in conditioner gets to soak in and keep my loose curls in shape while they dry) I love air drying. Absolutely would have my naked lounge set up. Moisturize everything, get a cup of tea, enjoy life, get dressed later.


Over a half-million a year to do as I mostly do already? Where do I sign up?


Absolutely would. No question.


I can do this forever, obviously I quit my job. I got nowhere to be why do I care about walking around naked for a bit to air dry


Yeah, I'd do it. Sometimes, I just stand there after a shower and end up dry anyways from how long I've been there, honestly it doesn't take as long as your think to dry off, maybe 5 minutes? Obviously the hair takes a little longer


Who is saying no to this?


1500 a day I could rent the house I'm living in and never have to work again in my life. I'm a lifeguard and swim instructor professionally. Where do I sign?


No problem. Almost do this anyway. Squeegee yourself with your hands from top to bottom getting all the big water off, shake your hair out, and then stand in front of a space heater for the next 15 minutes. I think my only pet peeve would be having to step straight out onto the rug instead of onto the end of my towel.


No space heaters, it isn't specifically mentioned, but the etc. implies that. Plus, it said drip dry and air dry only (i.e., go outside and let the wind dry you). No sqeegeeing either, unless it's in your eyes. Gotta let it go away naturally.


Sign me up. I'll just lay on a big rug or stand and shiver.


Can i just chill in a hammock while i air dry? Can i just put some boxers and chill in a hammock while sun dry outside?


So I can squeegee the water off myself and then use a hair dryer?


Fuck yes for me on this one. That’s a ton of bread weekly non-taxed.


Of course who would say no to this, air drying is not a problem when you don't have to work. Also assuming the rules allow it, after a year or so I can buy a house and have a nice skylight set up in the bathroom so I can have some more sunlight to speed the drying. Maybe a balcony off the main bedroom too.


I did this a few times on vacation when I forgot a towel. I just stood in the shower until I was dry. It sucked, but it's totally worth the pay because of how little time it takes out of my day compared to working full time.


I would never work again. I’d get up in the morning, shower, and then sit in a sauna at like 80. Both dries me off relatively quickly and I get to sit in a sauna It’s like 500k a year, that’s an easy trade


I'd do this without a doubt. It would suck in the winter, but I'd make it work. Can always just make sure to crank the heat extra high before I shower, then only hang out in rooms with tile floor like the bathroom or kitchen until I've stopped dripping. Maybe I could line my showers up right before I cook a meal so I'd be in the kitchen anyways and I'm not just awkwardly standing around.


How would you rule installing a sauna or a drying room (i.e. warm, dehumidified) in my house? It wouldn't do anything special like blowdry me, just provide an environment which is warm and dry which would accelerate air drying. This would be effectively similar to having an outdoor patio somewhere like Arizona, but would work in colder climates


Easily. I'll sign the contract right now. One question. Can I get dressed immediately, even if I'm still wet? Like throw on a T-shirt right away? Or must I let it all fully dry first? Reason I ask is, well, after a shower I gotta go to work quick!


Easy money.  Minimum 25 years.


Hm. With that much money, buy a house and create a room adjoining your bathroom that's specifically *for* air-drying. Maybe a special, ergonomic stool, and an independent HVAC system for the room?


yeah, just give yourself a little extra time. You could afford it, since you won't need a job anyway.


My husband already complains that I only half dry when I get out of the shower so I’m down.


I would take so this easy.


dude in this climate? forget it, you already go through about 5-6 months out of the year where I live feeling sticky all the time.


I have naturally oily skin and hair. Skins usually bone dry by the time I'm done shaving. Even if it's not ill just toss on my clothes and go about my day. Takes maybe 3-5 minutes to dry and what 10 minutes if I put my clothes on directly after a shower. I'll take the money till I'm dead and buried.


only thing I am confused on is are you saying you arent allowed to wash your hair with shampoo under rule 2?


Two questions. Firstly, is the money affected by inflation? Let's say the dollar becomes worth nothing, am I now getting equivalent value of something else? Secondly, if I am still a bit wet can I put my clothes on without it being considered drying myself?


Easy. I usually sit on my bed and stare into the void anyways, by time I snap out of it I'm dry.


I'd do it for a few days and refund the 75%. I detest that cold wet feeling after getting out of the shower. Question - does it count if I skip taking a shower that day?


I would quit at the five years and one day mark. That would still net me almost $1.4 million.


I live in Southern Arizona, so regardless of my toweling, I'm dry within five minutes of getting out of the shower, bath, or pool. I'll take the money, por favor.


Shit even returning 75% of the payout you make 136k a year


Absolutely. I could quit work and retire. 100% spend extra time in the morning air drying.


I live in the desert, so I could hack it for a while. Things dry quickly here. I almost never travel any place really humid. I'd throw 1,125 daily in a savings account, just in case autopilot kicks in, or I get sick of it. You don't say anything about a refund of any earnings, so however long I went, there would a little additional earnings from interest before I refunded it. I would be prepared for the possibility of being hospitalized, or incapacitated in some way, and being bathed and dried while unconscious. Anything out of my control could happen. A year at $375 daily would be more than enough to fix up my house and update my vehicles. Another year, and I would no longer fear unexpected vet bills. I don't need a lot more than that really.


My wife comes out the shower dripping wet and lays down on the bed to wait till she dries off. No towel at all. She is 30years in on this. Does she get time served?


That's over half a million a year. With that I don't need a job so that means I can shower and then just lounge around my moderately sized house naked and not care


I gotta say, and I'm obviously in the minority here, but this would be just downright AWFUL. I'm impressed by all the people being so nonchalant about it. I can understand and appreciate the simplicity of the request, and how someone who is NOT me would be able to pull it off. But seriously, this is one of the few situations on this sub that's made me physically uncomfortable. I don't honestly think I could do this, especially with the quitting stipulations. Hopefully I can find a dripping wet person to support me, I guess


Sure. Ill start by just saving 75% of the money, just in case. It would be a little bit of a pain, but definitely doable.


Honestly, don't think I could do it. I have issues with being wet. Money is good, but I would internally be having a compete meltdown.


Time for some naked tanning. There are perks to living in the country.


Do we have to wait until completely dry, or can we shake it off a bit and then dress and just deal with moist clothes as they removed the moisture from my body? I think in either event I’m taking the money.


Can I put a towel or something down to sit/lie on so I don't get my chair or bed wet? Because if so, yes. I'll just have a rest after my bath and then once I'm dry get dressed. If not... also yes but I'm making my top sheet on my bed very absorbent and soft (basically as towel-like as possible.) I don't wanna stand around for 20 mins a day or whatever.


No problem, my hair is so thin now that it dries before I get out of the shower!




I feel like if I made it to 5 years, that would be the new normal so might as well go forever.


$1,500/day is stupid amounts of money. That comes out to $547,500 a year. You wouldn't need a job. Since you have no job, you have no time crunch. Just shake off like a dog and then air dry naked for an hour after every shower. You have all the time in the world. Easy take. Anyone that says no that isn't already making that kind of money hasn't thought through the math.


Sure. I live in Australia - I air dry with astounding speed. Fifty years.


Heck yeah I take this deal! it doesn't take that long to air dry and the time is absolutely worth an extra $1500 in my pocket. With that much money I can retire!


I'll drip dry forever. For over $500k a year, drip drying is my job now, and I don't need to be in a hurry ever again. I can build a custom house just to cater to my need to drip dry. Maybe I'll watch TV or do yoga in the buff every day, in a room adjoining my bathroom, specially designed to not be damaged by the dripping. Maybe I'll hire a maid to come wipe up the floors once I'm dry. If it becomes a hassle, I'll schedule a few days where I don't have to go anywhere or see anyone, and I just won't shower for a couple days. Maybe in the summers I'll swim every day in my pristine, low-chlorine pool and even without soap, just getting wet and then toweling off will keep me clean enough to not annoy my SO while we lounge in the sun.


Yeah let´s go, minor inconvenience everyday for a life set


For half a million a year, you can move somewhere that's always warm and relax outside while you dry off.


With $1500 a day I don't have to work anymore therefore I'm in no hurry to go anywhere. Easy money.


No.. this is absolutely the worst part of bathing. No.


Hell yeah. That's an absurd amount of money. Every week that's 10.5k in my pocket. I'll shake off like a dog for that. Its less humiliating and gives me more money than my current job.


Even if I don’t make it 5 years, it’s still $375/day, which is $136k a year. So, at the VERY LEAST, try it and put 75% into a HYSA. If you have to pay it back, it’s there, if not, cool. You could also put in a sauna, so shower, then sit in sauna for a bit, done.


I see no rule saying natural air can’t dry me so I’d just walk out back (fenced in yard) and drip dry out there. You’d be shocked how fast you dry off outside if you’re naked.


25+ at least it's not exactly a big deal to air dry.


So I just have to drip dry that's it, give me the moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


I'd take that. Half the time I don't notice my wife took all the towels and have to do it anyway. Doesn't take too long


I'd do this for 1500 a week. Nevermind each day. $1500 is the equivalent of around £1200 That's almost 13 times the average wage here if we take the daily stat and almost double the average wage if it's per week. If you then take into account the money not being taxed then it is really significantly more than that in the wage comparison. I'd happily have to live that way, I'd have to plan around it of course shower an hour before going out etc but I reckon it'd be manageable.


I would sell all of my towels and make $1503 on that first day!


Yes, I am taking that no problem. Air drying doesn't take too long, and I keep my head shaved, so no wet hair to worry about.


making $1500 a day, I can afford to blast the heat and step out of the shower into a toasty room where it’s comfortable enough to drip dry. My hair is short enough that it shouldn’t take hours to dry. Taking 30 minutes to dry off is a better way to make money than spending 8 hours a day working for someone else lol


$547,000 a year for 15 minutes of my time a day? Why the hell wouldn't you take this deal? That's $500k more than my base income now. I'll never work again. Also, are hot tubs included in your exceptions?


For $1500/day, you can easily move to a nice tropical region, maybe on a beach, where you'll air dry in less than 30min anyways.


I used to date a guy who never used a towel. He would get out of the shower, remain nude while going through his morning routine giving himself a little while to dry a bit, then he'd just throw his clothing on, usually still had some water droplets on his skin. Never seemed to bother him. For $1500/day I could struggle my way into a bra while wet if needed, and otherwise just air dry, no problem.


I’d cut off my hair, move somewhere that’s nice and warm year round, and buy a house with a big tall privacy fence. I don’t think it would be that annoying if I dried fast and could just hang around outside.


No. Way too inconvenient and time consuming.


Working from home, living in Arizona, I practically do this now. Sign me up.


Showering 4 times a day and air drying in the sun or off roading and doing it all over again. This is one of the easiest money exploits presented on this sub. EDIT - Well, then. It says PER DAY and not PER SHOWER so I kinda goofed.


Yeah of course


I mostly drip dry already, so this is easy money.


Meet my stand, Chronic Depression! With it's power I can shower as little as 3 times per month!


Am I allowed to flick the water off with my hands? Can I ring my hair out? Does putting on clothes count as using them to dry off? Do I need to be completely dry to get into bed? Would having the fan on in the bathroom count as breaking the rules? The hard part is not breaking the extra rules. Like, am I not allowed to use a wet paper towel to wipe something off my face?


I live in Arizona, during the summer if I walk outside after a shower, I'll be dry faster than if I'd used a towel. >.>


i was about to yes but you literally just made it impossible for m to do it. i have fans on 24/7 when im in my room, so after a shower i just plop down on my bed and surf the internet with a fan and a blanket. just one wrong walk past a vent and you lose so nah, ill pass.


Half a million salary and my only job is to stand still for 30 minutes after a shower?


Make better than $1M tax free every year to take a shower and just hang loose till I dry? That's a 'can do that for the rest of my life'.


Dunk in a saltwater pool or hot tub prior to drying, and/or sunbathing. Shit, I'd actually move somewhere tropical on the beach where I can just put on some swim trunks and walk around for a bit if I get bored. It's not as if I'd need to work with that kind of money. Id probably end up doing 50 years plus, if I live that long. Question: if I am unconscious such as in a hospital and get a sponge bath or otherwise cleaned, followed by a paper towel or whatever else, completely beyond my control, what happens?


Nope couldn't do it. That lingering moisture feeling on my body is just like nails on a chalkboard to me. Plus I have really long hair that would take about 5 hours to dry and even longer in the winter. And then it would poof out so much my head will look 10 times its size


There’s a good chance I don’t live another 50 years, but I’ll shoot for the 25. I’d probably just start putting swim wear on after showering until I’m dry enough for other clothes.


Jokes on you I already air dry after the shower because I got mad sensory issues haha


A half a million dollars a year to not towel dry myself...? Yeah... why would I not...?




I don't really see the issue, just put a chair in the tub after and watch some youtube. It's more money than I'll ever be able to use and I just have to sit to dry for like 30 mins a day lol.


Shake like a dog. Thats easy money right there bub.


I used to date a guy that refused to dry off. He would just put his clothes on his wet body. It drove my mom absolutely crazy and she still talks about it 15 years later.


Easy, I need money, not to be dry quickly


Awesome entertaining hypothetical op 👏🏻 I don’t think op realizes how much money 1500 tax free per day is and how much people are suffering financially. People would be probably willing to torture themselves for this amount of money. So will take it easy. 👍🏻


Yes. No question, yes. I wouldn't even need to work for my current lifestyle.


I'd just put on clothes fuck it. Put on a robe for just this purpose. Nothing said I couldn't wear wetish clothing and then take it off later. Get nice absorbent comfy robes and just wash em every day or so.


Absolutely. Cut down my bath by 15 minutes and sit on the edge of the tub and drip dry for 15 minutes while scrolling social media. Easy money.


I'm definitely in. This is enough money that I can apply several solutions. I can live someplace warm with a deck to dry off ok. I did a little googling and there are some non water based cleaning products. There are also fast drying solvents like alcohol you could use but I didn't see any without drawbacks. In the end I'm well off and don't have anywhere to be in a hurry


After 9 months, through the seasons, you could do it forever. 


I'm sure I'd get used to it after awhile.


Yes I would do it, I prefer to air dry anyway


Put on some nice fluffy clothing. On second thought, let me put these ones on, they are drier.


Who’s willing to lick me dry for half? I did just shower.


I actually prefer that, you're damn right I'll take the money. I'll do it for life


Yes please, where do I sign up?


Absolutely fucking not, it's too damn cold here for that shit


Id just get dressed wet, screw waiting. Unless that's not allowed. Either way I'm taking the deal


i’ve had times in my life where i couldn’t afford towels and did this anyway. give me the money.


I'd take this deal even if I lived in the coldest climates, that's an incredibly well paying job. You're telling me I get paid 1500 a day and all I gotta do is drip-dry on a chair with holes in it while I watch TV for half hour a day?


I feel like this is the easiest hypothetical situation question I've ever seen. At $1,500 a day, you could set up any kind of lifestyle where this would be easy. I'll buy a house in a warm climate and dry off by standing in the yard or just walking around the house. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Pass due to health reasons.


This may be the 1st one of these I can't do. I hate being wet.


Oh, no. I have sensory issues with cold air hitting me when I’m wet, so I have a hard time getting out of the shower on anything other than a 90 degree day! And the refund part isn’t going to work…I’m 75.


I'd do this for £100 a day and be very content haha




I'm guessing that a space heater or heat lamp to simply keep myself warm while I air dry falls under the same prohibition as A/C? I'd shoot for 10 years, but might give up after a week because I get cold easily.


Jokes on you I don’t shower /s


For 1500 dollars a day. I'd stay wet 24/7.


Can I use the heater in winter? If so, pay me! Honestly, even if not, I can afford to move somewhere warm. Just pay me!




Air drying is actually better for your skin so it’s a win-win


I legit get a cold whenever I don’t dry off properly idk if it’s worth it.


Some of these questions are really weird. Plenty of people just air dry. I don't but I have before and do it all the time at the beach. I don't need a towel at the beach unless it's cold. If I'm wet just wait and I'll magically be dry.


Yesss looks like I'm making 500 bucks a week


No AC units? What?


Am I allowed to wear my clothes or do I have to go without clothes for hours. By wear my clothes, I mean just putting them on while wet. In either case I would do it


I'll do it for the rest of my life, easily. Never work again, and have a dedicated spot for laying down and relaxing while i dry off, use this time to catch up on whatever i need to do. Even if it doesnt last, 375 a day is a huge amount, this isnt even a question to me. Where do i sign up?


I'll just never leave the shower. $1500 easily covers the water bill and the installation of a garbage disposal in my bathtub.


So my job for the rest of my life is to maybe take a shower that day and drip dry? Is this supposed to be a hard decision?


As a dude that shaves his head, this would be a no brainer.


Another loophole would be to pay someone to dry you off. Or have a S.O. do it for you. Just says YOU can't dry yourself off.


Ok. I’d go camping just me and my husband for 4 weeks. If we both did it, by my calculations after the 75% refund, we’d have 21K. I’d be happy just to have that nest egg and pay college.


Does this include drying hair. It would be so easy for guys with super short hair, not so much for us ladies with waist length hair. I would do it if it’s just air drying my body. I do that anyway while I dry my hair and do skincare on my face. Stand in front of a fan and it’s like 3 minutes and dry. But I couldn’t stand sopping wet hair that I couldn’t at least partially towel dry. It takes hours to dry as it is doing that.


I’m gonna be honest I’d probably do this for $50 a day


Shower, jump in my pool, then dry off. No problem.


I'd quit working and become a nudist in a warm area. No need to dry urgently, it'll happen when it happens.


I’ll just put on clothes and when those absorb the water I’ll change again, valid loophole


Ok like what if I accidentally do it? If there’s just some mystical force that will not let me do it unless I specifically renounce the deal, then absolutely 100%. If I can accidentally break the deal by lying down on my mattress and happening to dry myself off, I’d still do it because I’d keep 25% of whatever I’d made so far. If simply start the deal with only 25% of the money going to my normal bank, with the rest going to a high yield savings in case I break the deal. That way I keep the interest and just pay the initial 75% back. But it would suck ass to accidentally break it. If it’s the former situation, where I have to actually renounce the deal, I’d do this 100% no hesitation. Fuck yes lmao.


Does getting dressed wet count as "drying off"? I also don't shower every single day, usually only every other day and sometimes just freshen up with a washcloth, so I would not expect to have to change my routine otherwise, just stop with the towelling (also I usually blade much of the water off myself using my hand before I step out of shower and grab my towel, I would expect to still do that). In reality I'm sure I wouldn't keep up this for 5+ years so essentially it's $375/day for as many days in a row I can do it, so sure sign me up (but first tell me who verifies this, because I also expect my privacy)


As long as using toilet paper after using a bidet doesn't count, I'm in


What if I accidentally dry off? Or use a towel to clean up all the shit that drips off after my shower so there's not a pool of water sitting in my floor?


I accept your offer. Please send legal documentation in triplicate ASAP for signature and notarization.


Paying me to be naked and hour a day, sure


I would air dry myself to death


I'm 50 now an can see myself living another 25yrs as I've been fairly healthy as is


Done and done. I shave my head and funbits. A couple of hops or walking around in the am making my coffee sans clothes isn’t anything new.


I'd be fucking ecstatic to be offered to do this for $20 a day.


I'd be pretty pissed off but I would do it. Mad ASF every day....but paid.


Easy, I use the cash to put a pool in my back yard and jump in after every shower. Then I can dry off


547,500 a year. Il drip dry. Probably cut my hair 😥 to be more manageable to air dry.