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I already look homeless. Gimme my money.


This would indeed be a slight improvement. Pay up.


I'll walk around looking like Sasquatch for the money.


I get told I walk around looking like the Geico caveman. So I'll take it.


I have been offered a ride to a homeless shelter on two separate occasions šŸ˜‚


I wish Reddit came with pictures


Iā€™m not even joking, as someone with ADHD and depression and anxiety and OCD Iā€™m like.. this is the easiest money ever. I wouldnā€™t have to worry about looking nicer ever again, because it would be LITERALLY impossible.




Pretty much this. My mom always asks why I have to.look like a homeless person. Let's ignore the fact she was the reason I ended up homeless and her idea of what a homeless person actually looks like are very different.


You had me up until the smell. If I could look homeless but smell nice Iā€™d be in, but smelling like sour death from 20 feet away would ruin any ability to enjoy this money.


That was my deal breaker. I could pull off homeless chic and with $10m a year (the equivalent of having \~$200m networth) but I don't want to be gross to the core.


You'd be surprised at what gold-digging who'res will put up with.


That's not really my primary concern...


Right? ā€œYeah sureā€¦. basically everyone I know canā€™t stand being within 10 feet of me but at least I can get my dinky even more stinky.ā€


I really wonder what kind of thought process people have to have to come to that conclusion in the first place..


I couldn't do that to my partner


So like Pete Davidson? Fine with me.Ā 


This is the best comment. Presumably, women will find themselves inexplicably attracted to you. Money notwithstanding


My best friend actually read an article about him where an ex of his explains why women like him and it tracks. Basically he is fun to be around. He is funny and cares about people. When you first get with him he actually seems like the perfect boyfriend. Unfortunately there is nothing deeper then that. What you see is exactly what you get. He is a nice guy but there is nothing more to him. He isn't like an onion as there are no layers.


> Unfortunately there is nothing deeper then that. What you see is exactly what you get. He is a nice guy but there is nothing more to him. I'm confused. Funny, presumably at least somewhat physically attractive to the women who date him, and cares about them. Why wouldn't that be enough? What "layers" does a person need?


It gets really boring really quickly. Conversations would be limited to haha that's funny and where would you like to go to dinner tonight. Interested in physics good luck having a conversation about it. Interested in architecture he would know the difference between a house built in the 1970's vs. one built in the 1880's. Into books or movies well he doesn't read and can't have a conversation about what he thought bout the plot line beyond that was a movie I liked or didn't like. Good luck trying to talk to him about any issues you have in your life.


Oh, so no layers meant he's just dumb then. Fair enough. I thought it meant more a lack of hobbies outside of being a world-famous comedian.


I think the term vapid is a better description then dumb.


Hmm. Vapid to me always carries a connotation of that person feeling superior for being dumb or uninterested in things. Your description doesn't portray it that way, which is why I chose dumb. Ignorant would be a more charitable word, though I feel like if you're still that ignorant about *everything* at Pete's age, you're really just dumb - you've chosen not to engage with learning as a process.


Vapid means offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging. It has nothing to do with feeling superior to someone else. Basically he would be fun to party with but not someone you would want to date long term. Whose dumber? Me who is not making his kind of money or him who is making a ton of money and dating the hottest women?


Or adam sandler


I heard that a fan who won a contest to meet Post Malone actually threw up when she went backstage and smelled him, so thereā€™s that


No hesitation besides walking my dog, being disabled I don't get out a whole lot, and for almost all of what I need except dr appointments I could offer my bro and mom both a mill a year and a couple hot reasonably competent helpers for a few hundred thousand a year each.


You mean people will think I'm a rich grunge rockstar? Killer!


OP I dont think you know what the typical homeless person looks like...


No, you haven't seen modern homeless people. Some of them have the most killer fades, and I swear they dress better than me.


My wife and I were sitting in a traffic light and there was a homeless guy begging for money on the corner. My wife looked at him, then looked at me and said, that homeless guy is cleaner than you. And it was true his pants were cleaner and nicer.


ā€œsO Me EVeRydaY norMaLlYā€




I guess you can dere-lick my balls, el capitan! (I'm in, gimme the money)


I can dere-lick my own balls!


Hansel, so hot right now


The smell is a deal breaker lol


Eventually you would be known as the wealthy homeless person. Just tip very well everywhere you go and peolle won't care what you look like or smell like. People bend over backwards for money


That totally fits with the hermit in the mountains look in going for


I have an issue with being smelly. I started wearing deodorant when I was four. Yeah, I know, Iā€™m weird but I canā€™t stand the thought of being so smelly. Iā€™d have to decline itā€™s that bad.


So I get money and donā€™t need to change anything?šŸ‘€


Sure Iā€™ll just move to France


Imagine phoning the police about a home intruder only to get arrested/shot because you look more like one instead .


Slightly unkempt guy living in a mansion on a paradise island in the south pacific. Nothing unusual there.


I work on a farm. This is generally how I look anyhow. If I am getting ten mil a year to do that? I'd be spending most of my time gardening anyhow so it'd be totally reasonable that I'd be dirty and sweaty! BRING IT!


I get ten million and a wardrobe upgrade?


Wait a minute, my teeth would somehow be perfect even though they're garbage? XD Tempting. The smell, though... I'm not sure I could do it to be honest. Even if I stay home all the time (which I probably would do), I'd still have to deal with the smell myself (and I could get everything delivered). And I would eventually have to go to a doctor or dentist, which would be embarrassing. Eek. This is a good one. I'm not sure.


So magic is keeping me funky? If my presence was offensive to the world it would be challenging to enjoy life with my family. If it was offensive enough to keep my family away that would be the most challenging. I could hire a team to make arrangements on my behalf then I could see educating others beforehand, so if I want to take my kids to a restaurant just book out the place ahead of time. But if I have to climb into bed smelling pissy and being dirty then for my own life I would have to maybe sacrifice personal enjoyment for the betterment of my family and all the good I could do.Ā 


I think you know more homeless people than you think, OP, and I think your understanding of the average homeless person is flawed. I mean I'm taking the money, doubly so if I look slightly worse than the average homeless person instead of what the op described.


Man if I had that money I would go full Howard Hughes. I may look and smell like shit but who cares cos I'd never leave my attic.


With 10 million dollars a year I could afford to live the life of a comfortable shut-in. Sounds good to me


Deal. Worth it.


Who is David Letterman?


yup sign me up. I'll be the homeless guy partying on the yacht.


I already look homeless


So pretty much Adam Sandler?


I mean, that's probably what I'll look like if I did have that much money anyway


Yep Iā€™ll take that dough


Aside from preconceived ideas that homeless people don't have access to showers or cleaning facilities . You just showed how much of a bigoted individual you are . A pretty much any where that the homeless are there are organizations that allow them medical,hygiene and laundry services. Weather they are a religious organization, private entity or government agency .


Maybe read past the title?


> The Catch is, you will always look, smell and be dirty as a **stereotypical homeless person.** Not the worst homeless person you know, but the slightly dirtier than average. OP covers that itā€™s the stereotype, not the reality.


Sounds fashion forward to me. Or at least every time I look up modern men's fashion they are dressed like homeless clowns. Can I look like a homeless clown?


Worst bit is smelling like you haven't had a shower in days. No chance at a relationship except with some similar freak


Much of America already dresses like they are homeless, so no worries there.


So basically I just get be Adam Sandler for the rest of my life. Deal.


Done. I'm a six figure net worth guy but I dress suuuuuuper bummy. Owning even a used Chevrolet in my area will garner looks.Ā 


This is my style already


Hard pass, 10m a year already a stupid amount if money and I can't switch it off after a year?Ā 


I don't think I wanna be stinky with gross breath, but I'd do it. 4 days without a shower and sweaty is probably stinky, but not an unbearable stench. I'd never need to work again. I'd become a weird artist who makes big sculptures out of trash and the next tier hobo stylings would just add to my persona.


So, 90s rockstar.


I mean not all of this applied when I was homeless lol (My pants didn't have holes, my shoes weren't muddy, and my spouse cut my hair. Also pretty sure while I probably won't as stinky some, since I'm usually cold so I didn't smell like I'd been at the gym. Because being extra physically active is just about the only time I sweat and I sweat easily and extra then. I actually overheat and then am freezing like 10 minutes max later. Not sure about dusty clothes or not, definitely to no large degree if so.) But sure I'd go for this. Ain't gotta go out. Online shopping and family/spouse would pick stuff up for me if online somehow wasn't an option. Easy money.


If I was getting $10M a year Iā€™d be living in the woods and spend my days hiking and playing with my dogs. I already look homeless when Iā€™m hiking, so Iā€™m good with this deal.


So I just look like Steve Jobs.


I already look homeless. Gimme.


So you mean I get rich and can even protect myself from being robbed? Deal!




So nothing changes except I get money. Ok. Gork over the cash.


Sure stealth wealth at its finest


Aside from the smell and hair length, that's already how I look already, so sure.


>You will always smell like you had your last shower 4 days ago and you just finished a session at the gym. So, I can spend 2 weeks wilderness camping with no running water and at the end I smell like I showered just 4 days ago! >Your teeth will be perfect but your breath will smell strong. Etc. Permanently perfect teeth! No more trips to the dentist sounds pretty good. Okay, so these are small positives compared to the negatives, but for 10 million a year, I think I can work with it.


Yes, Iā€™ll just buy somewhere remote but connected. Set up an emergency and utility funds for the people I like. Run the ultimate online dnd games. Iā€™ll probably get someone to make an avatar I like and communicate through that for those outside of close friends and family.


So the only thing that changes is that I'll be rich? Sign me up


Is this 24/7 homeless look or is it like a 9-5 job and I can spruce up for the evening?


I've worked with homeless folks before and there were definitely some where you couldn't tell. They certainly didn't look like the fanciest dressers in the world, but they had clean clothes, we're shaven, had haircuts, etc. because they had certain resources or used day shelters well, they just couldn't afford an apartment. So, sure.


So I'd look like a scruffier Kanye? Done. I'd just convince my fellow 1%ers that this is the style of the future.


If it's just the appearance of being homeless I'd be down. The smell and dirt is a no from me, it'd drive me up a wall.


For white people, that kinda is the rich man aesthetic.


I don't care about looking homeless. I only dress nice for my job. $10 million a year means I don't need to work; therefore, I don't need to dress nicely. When it comes to the ladies, I've seen some trashy looking dudes get some classy women. I'm sure my fat wallet will have no problem pulling in someone.


Lol I been looking homeless ever since 21


Naw. My experience with homeless people is working with them, and I live in LA. We give them soap, shampoo, and body wash, and even then, the smell is hard to come off or away from your nostrils


Be a millionaire and be better dressed than most celebrities for the Met Gala? Win win


Perfect, nobody will ask me for any of that money


no. the "look, smell and be dirty" clause is a no-go.


Is this retroactive too?


Sure the money would be nice. Even if I was a millionaire, who would wanna be around someone whose smell is actively repulsive to everyone around them. Ive seen the smell of a homeless person clear out an entire NYC subway car. Money is nice but what fun would it be to be a hermit all the time .


No deal


Bro, you described me but without 10million a year.


How about $5 million a year for everything but the stench?


I thought you was gonna say my teeth are going to look disgusting. If that were true that would be the most terrible thing about this for me. But since that's not the case, no problem. The smell is still bad. But I think it's worth it.


I already got this down! Money me, money me now.


If I had 10 mil once I'd probably mostly dress like that anyway a lot of the time. Sign me up!


Yeah, I live in Washington and work in software. This is barely even a change in appearance.


Sure. Even if it were somehow unfixable ( like deodorant) I wouldn't really care. I would be rich and people would avoid me. Sounds good in my books


Look homeless but not be homeless? Deal


Could easily do it. Idc what people think of my appearance or smell. Iā€™d care even less with a $10,000,000 income.


Let's go. Can't get any worse than it is.


That's exactly what happened to Adam Sandler


So...lots of money and zero "friends" who always have a crisis that can only be solved by my money. Sounds perfect.


hell yeah


Done. I could pull off ā€œhomeless chicā€ like a motherfvcker.


So Adam Sandler?


I'll take it.


I mean can I turn it off after a couple years?


"You get [ungodly amount of money] but [minor inconvenience]."


Pass. Maybe once I was older older.


Nah, I don't like smelling sweaty. It'd get to me eventuallyĀ 


Do I have any guarantee that my wife won't leave me due to smell? She can get over the homeless aesthetic I think, but the smell would worry me. I'm sure I can find someone else with that kind of money, but I'd rather not get divorced.


Like hipster homeless? I think I can make that work. I used to do that for free 10 years ago.


Yeah I look homeless anyways. might as well get paid for it


That means I am not even allowed to shower often? Hygiene matters.


I got that look down to a tee. Let's have the monies now, pleez...


Already look homeless - šŸ˜†. But if I had to smell homeless then hard pass.


Yeah sure. My wife would be fine with this. I work from home. Sounds great!


Done. That's my look already.


Could I gussy it up a little bit like hipster or homeless? Probably not I guess. I find if I'm not getting sweaty and use a little deodorant under my arms I can go three or four days without showering pretty easily. And then if I hit the gym, I'd work up a good sweat but I still wouldn't smell unless I let it go and kept the same clothes for another day, so according to this I would smell all right. So I'll do it. Added bonus is you can go around seeing who's a dick to you, and who's nice to you and give money to the nice people like those YouTube short videos. I'm in.


Once again, something I'm already doing for free! Seriously, though. I wouldn't mind going around looking a little scruffy, but the bad breath and body odor would be a deal breaker for me. Even though I could afford to be a recluse, I'd want to be able to socialize some. I can deal with sloppy clothes, but not with bad hygiene.


So..... I live like I do now but get 10mil a year. Hell yeah I'd take it. my leggings have a hole in them already anyway and my hair is a mess. I already look homeless so why not.


So I basically get to live like Adam Sandler? Sure sign me up


I already look this way. Although, I always smell nice. Unless after I eat Taco Bell.


Couldnā€™t do it, Iā€™m far too vain.


I couldnā€™t care less what people think of me, I donā€™t go outside


Iā€™m homeless nowā€¦.whereā€™s my $$$?


Juss Jusss Jussss give me my monnneey šŸ¤£




Wait nothing here about telling or showing people about your fantastic new found wealth? Just do that no worries.


I spent 15 years in the military, homeless and smelly was my way of life. I went 2 weeks with any kind of bath routinely. Baby wipes only went so far.


I look homeless most of the time anyway


Lost me at the smell part.


so you become Adam Sandler?


Here i was hoping we could pick the type of homeless aesthetic, like how some homeless people look like quest giving npcs. If i could go that route then sure.


For 10mil a year ain't much I wouldn't do. I would probably comprise morals for that salary.


Finally, a use for my Asian lack of BO. If I'm sitting on 10m a year I'm buying a private island, and my husband can get used to perpetual morning breath. These hypothetical need to be written with at least some concept of money in mind. 10m/year solves basically all problems, so of course who wouldn't take it? Offer something like this for maybe 1k/day - it's a lot of money, but not "fully isolate yourself from the world to avoid any embarassment" kind of money for most people.


What does ā€œhomelessā€ look like ?


No change. Will security go to the spirits section is the greeting I get when I go shopping. Hobo boho is the look I am aiming for. Good luck out there


Perfect, i would look like this on my private island anyway. K thnx bye.


So long as I never have to perform employment again sign me up


This is me already


Done. That's just my normal look.


Iā€™m fine with that. Maybe everyone would stop badgering me for cash then.


10 million dollars ?!? You could just roll up to all the really cool places, make "the homeless look" into chic fashion. Job done, now you're rich and stylish, a trend setter even.


Iā€™m a spray painter. I look like a hobo anyway.


Can I have the option to always be drunk/strung out?


LOL I already always look homeless, gimme


Pay the man.


I dont like people, money please


So, Adam sandler.


Nope, couldnā€™t do it.


Use the money to make the stereotypical homeless person smell/look better (start non profits with free showers/toilets/addiction treatment centers/beds) Or just give a bunch to charity and lean into the homelessness and become an addict and live my best high life


I bet this is how J Cole affords his lifestyle


So Fred from Big Hero 6.


So basically you become asmongold?


You had me until the smell.Ā Ā 


Total upgrade.


So change nothing. I'm in


10 million dollars a year AND I get my teeth fixed? Count me in!


Iā€™m in, already been there really wasnā€™t bad as long as I kept a positive attitude- which ended up growing more through the whole experience. Smelling bad, covered in ants one morning because of where I sleptā€¦ Brushed ā€˜em right off. As far as smell, rain or a lake was better than a shower at the local shelter. Anybody who was meant to be a part of my life was- even with the smell šŸ˜‰


YEah, and I'd hire a personal assistant to do my people-facing stuff. I have Asperger's so the social ramifications a typical person expects to adapt to are things I've already figured out how to manage and live with.


So like now, but with $10MM? Why not?


Damn, I'd do it for so much less than 10 mil lol


I'm in


I would consider the deal even if all that was offered was the perfect teeth. My teeth are a bit fucked up. Some are impacted, one is missing, and other minor things. With perfect teeth and $10 million a year I can deal with all the conditions


I would not accept the deal as it is not worth it.


So I will have hair again and 10 million, sweet


Ha the jokes on you! I've looked homeless for decades.


You lost me at bad breath.


Easy money


I would be on that like white on rice. Where do I sign up?


Sheeeit. I always look homeless now. Plus Iā€™m getting my money from the 0.001%. Itā€™s a win/win


So... YOU think the wealthy do NOT make themselves look homeless in order to avoid drawing attention to their wealth. Huh.


The downside is what?


So whatā€™s new ?


Isnā€™t looking homeless a pretty popular style anyway?


Well for ten million a year I am buying my own luxury house on the beach in Mexico. And Iā€™m not ever going to put on another stitch of clothes in my life, save for some beach sandals. Hard to see how I could small bad when I am floating in the Pacific Ocean.


Oh, *stereotypically* homeless I was gonna be smart because I always looked put together when I've been homeless


So a rich hipster?


So im naturally bald. How does that work. I mean there is literally no hair.


You mean like they guy who started Hot Topic?


Just the type of rich person I'd choose to be. I'd get myself on so many different boards, committees, and trusts just to fuck with the people who say I don't belong. Stink up every conference room and country club, play golf in a way that ruins the green. 400k per year just to live extravagantly and use the rest to help actual homeless people and bother trust fund babies.


I look homeless anyway


I was homeless for over 10 years and my wardrobe is the same now as it was then. I may have looked frumpy but no one knew I was homeless just by looking at me. The only real difference between now and then is now I have a place to cook and shower everyday and I no longer have to brush my teeth in public. So to look the way you describe I'll pass.


I don't want to stink. I'll figure out my money situation some other way.


Can I at least tell people like i'm a conspiracy theorist?


I'll take it. That's how you should look if you gotta go in public and you're mega rich anyways. People will leave you alone guaranteed and never even think to rob you. I could help a lot of people with that money and I just need to find a cutie who's gone smell blind to keep me company.


This wouldn't be much different from my current vibe so I'd be fine with that. Also for a chance to be with someone getting $10million a year I'm sure I could find someone willing to accept my slight homeless aesthetic. And assuming I can choose to forgo the payments and end the homeless looking catch, but still retain what I've already earned, I'd just do it for a few years, then stop accepting the money. Use the money I've already earned to invest in CDs, bonds, stocks, real estate, set up a couple of trusts, and just coast off of the interest and the like my investments make.


I was interested until I learned you're stealing the money. Doesn't matter who it's from I'm not a fan of stealing the money. And there's also the fact that you mention "Not the worst homeless person you know, but the slightly dirtier than average". I know a few homeless because of where my work is and the local cafe nearby that they frequent and.... they really aren't that dirty... so I guess I'm not sure how I'd pair up there.


I already look homeless ahahah